Index ¶
- Variables
- func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time
- func IsNil(i interface{}) bool
- func PtrBool(v bool) *bool
- func PtrFloat32(v float32) *float32
- func PtrFloat64(v float64) *float64
- func PtrInt(v int) *int
- func PtrInt32(v int32) *int32
- func PtrInt64(v int64) *int64
- func PtrString(v string) *string
- func PtrTime(v time.Time) *time.Time
- type APIClient
- type APIKey
- type APIResponse
- type AccessTokenErr
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetError() string
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorDescription() string
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorUri() string
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) HasErrorDescription() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) HasErrorUri() bool
- func (o AccessTokenErr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) SetError(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) SetErrorDescription(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) SetErrorUri(v string)
- func (o AccessTokenErr) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *AccessTokenErr) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type AccessTokenReq
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetGrantType() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetGrantTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetHnrfAccessTokenUri() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetHnrfAccessTokenUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfInstanceId() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfType() NFType
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfTypeOk() (*NFType, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterFqdn() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterFqdnOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmn() PlmnId
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnList() []PlmnId
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnListOk() ([]PlmnId, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnOk() (*PlmnId, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnpnList() []PlmnIdNid
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnpnListOk() ([]PlmnIdNid, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnssaiList() []Snssai
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnssaiListOk() ([]Snssai, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetScope() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetScopeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetSourceNfInstanceId() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetSourceNfInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfInstanceId() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfServiceSetId() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfServiceSetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfSetId() string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfSetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfType() NFType
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfTypeOk() (*NFType, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNsiList() []string
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNsiListOk() ([]string, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetPlmn() PlmnId
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetPlmnOk() (*PlmnId, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnpn() PlmnIdNid
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnpnOk() (*PlmnIdNid, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnssaiList() []Snssai
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnssaiListOk() ([]Snssai, bool)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasHnrfAccessTokenUri() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasNfType() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterFqdn() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterPlmn() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterPlmnList() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterSnpnList() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterSnssaiList() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasSourceNfInstanceId() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfInstanceId() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfServiceSetId() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfSetId() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfType() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNsiList() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetPlmn() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetSnpn() bool
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetSnssaiList() bool
- func (o AccessTokenReq) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetGrantType(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetHnrfAccessTokenUri(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetNfInstanceId(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetNfType(v NFType)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterFqdn(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterPlmn(v PlmnId)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterPlmnList(v []PlmnId)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterSnpnList(v []PlmnIdNid)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterSnssaiList(v []Snssai)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetScope(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetSourceNfInstanceId(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfInstanceId(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfServiceSetId(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfSetId(v string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfType(v NFType)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNsiList(v []string)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetPlmn(v PlmnId)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetSnpn(v PlmnIdNid)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetSnssaiList(v []Snssai)
- func (o AccessTokenReq) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *AccessTokenReq) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type AddFecParams
- func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamName() string
- func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamValue() string
- func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamValueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o AddFecParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *AddFecParams) SetParamName(v string)
- func (o *AddFecParams) SetParamValue(v string)
- func (o AddFecParams) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *AddFecParams) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type ApiCreateRequest
- type ApiDestroyRequest
- type ApiRetrieveRequest
- type ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest
- type ApiStatusSubscribeRequest
- type ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest
- type ApiUpdateRequest
- type BasicAuth
- type Configuration
- type CreateReqData
- func (o *CreateReqData) GetDistSession() DistSession
- func (o *CreateReqData) GetDistSessionOk() (*DistSession, bool)
- func (o CreateReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *CreateReqData) SetDistSession(v DistSession)
- func (o CreateReqData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *CreateReqData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type CreateRspData
- func (o *CreateRspData) GetDistSession() DistSession
- func (o *CreateRspData) GetDistSessionOk() (*DistSession, bool)
- func (o CreateRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *CreateRspData) SetDistSession(v DistSession)
- func (o CreateRspData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *CreateRspData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type DistSession
- func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionId() string
- func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionState() DistSessionState
- func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionStateOk() (*DistSessionState, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetDscpMarking() string
- func (o *DistSession) GetDscpMarkingOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetFecInformation() FECConfig
- func (o *DistSession) GetFecInformationOk() (*FECConfig, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetMaxDelay() int32
- func (o *DistSession) GetMaxDelayOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbUpfTunAddr() TunnelAddress
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbUpfTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbmsGwTunAddr() TunnelAddress
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbmsGwTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbr() string
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbrOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbsSecurityContext() MbsSecurityContext
- func (o *DistSession) GetMbsSecurityContextOk() (*MbsSecurityContext, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetObjDistributionData() ObjDistributionData
- func (o *DistSession) GetObjDistributionDataOk() (*ObjDistributionData, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetPktDistributionData() PktDistributionData
- func (o *DistSession) GetPktDistributionDataOk() (*PktDistributionData, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) GetUpTrafficFlowInfo() UpTrafficFlowInfo
- func (o *DistSession) GetUpTrafficFlowInfoOk() (*UpTrafficFlowInfo, bool)
- func (o *DistSession) HasDscpMarking() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasFecInformation() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasMaxDelay() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasMbmsGwTunAddr() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasMbsSecurityContext() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasObjDistributionData() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasPktDistributionData() bool
- func (o *DistSession) HasUpTrafficFlowInfo() bool
- func (o DistSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DistSession) SetDistSessionId(v string)
- func (o *DistSession) SetDistSessionState(v DistSessionState)
- func (o *DistSession) SetDscpMarking(v string)
- func (o *DistSession) SetFecInformation(v FECConfig)
- func (o *DistSession) SetMaxDelay(v int32)
- func (o *DistSession) SetMbUpfTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
- func (o *DistSession) SetMbmsGwTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
- func (o *DistSession) SetMbmsGwTunAddrNil()
- func (o *DistSession) SetMbr(v string)
- func (o *DistSession) SetMbsSecurityContext(v MbsSecurityContext)
- func (o *DistSession) SetObjDistributionData(v ObjDistributionData)
- func (o *DistSession) SetPktDistributionData(v PktDistributionData)
- func (o *DistSession) SetUpTrafficFlowInfo(v UpTrafficFlowInfo)
- func (o DistSession) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *DistSession) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- func (o *DistSession) UnsetMbmsGwTunAddr()
- type DistSessionEventReport
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetEventType() DistSessionEventType
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetEventTypeOk() (*DistSessionEventType, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetMbsSecurityContext() MbsSecurityContext
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetMbsSecurityContextOk() (*MbsSecurityContext, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetTimeStamp() time.Time
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetTimeStampOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) HasMbsSecurityContext() bool
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) HasTimeStamp() bool
- func (o DistSessionEventReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) SetEventType(v DistSessionEventType)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) SetMbsSecurityContext(v MbsSecurityContext)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) SetTimeStamp(v time.Time)
- func (o DistSessionEventReport) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReport) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type DistSessionEventReportList
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetEventReportList() []DistSessionEventReport
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetEventReportListOk() ([]DistSessionEventReport, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetNotifyCorrelationId() string
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) HasNotifyCorrelationId() bool
- func (o DistSessionEventReportList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) SetEventReportList(v []DistSessionEventReport)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) SetNotifyCorrelationId(v string)
- func (o DistSessionEventReportList) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type DistSessionEventType
- type DistSessionState
- type DistSessionSubscription
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetDistSessionSubscUri() string
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetDistSessionSubscUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetEventList() []DistSessionEventType
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetEventListOk() ([]DistSessionEventType, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetExpiryTime() time.Time
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetExpiryTimeOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNfcInstanceId() string
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNfcInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyCorrelationId() string
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyUri() string
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasDistSessionSubscUri() bool
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasExpiryTime() bool
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasNfcInstanceId() bool
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasNotifyCorrelationId() bool
- func (o DistSessionSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetDistSessionSubscUri(v string)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetEventList(v []DistSessionEventType)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetExpiryTime(v time.Time)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetNfcInstanceId(v string)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetNotifyCorrelationId(v string)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetNotifyUri(v string)
- func (o DistSessionSubscription) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *DistSessionSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type ExtSsm
- func (o *ExtSsm) GetPortNumber() int32
- func (o *ExtSsm) GetPortNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ExtSsm) GetSsm() Ssm
- func (o *ExtSsm) GetSsmOk() (*Ssm, bool)
- func (o ExtSsm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ExtSsm) SetPortNumber(v int32)
- func (o *ExtSsm) SetSsm(v Ssm)
- func (o ExtSsm) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *ExtSsm) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type FECConfig
- func (o *FECConfig) GetAdditionalParams() []AddFecParams
- func (o *FECConfig) GetAdditionalParamsOk() ([]AddFecParams, bool)
- func (o *FECConfig) GetFecOverHead() int32
- func (o *FECConfig) GetFecOverHeadOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *FECConfig) GetFecScheme() string
- func (o *FECConfig) GetFecSchemeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *FECConfig) HasAdditionalParams() bool
- func (o FECConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *FECConfig) SetAdditionalParams(v []AddFecParams)
- func (o *FECConfig) SetFecOverHead(v int32)
- func (o *FECConfig) SetFecScheme(v string)
- func (o FECConfig) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *FECConfig) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type GenericOpenAPIError
- type IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService
- func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Destroy(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiDestroyRequest
- func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) DestroyExecute(r ApiDestroyRequest) (*http.Response, error)
- func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Retrieve(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiRetrieveRequest
- func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) RetrieveExecute(r ApiRetrieveRequest) (*DistSession, *http.Response, error)
- func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Update(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiUpdateRequest
- func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) UpdateExecute(r ApiUpdateRequest) (*DistSession, *http.Response, error)
- type IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService
- func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeMod(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, distSessionRef string) ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest
- func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeModExecute(r ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest) (*DistSessionSubscription, *http.Response, error)
- type IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService
- func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService) StatusUnSubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, distSessionRef string) ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest
- func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService) StatusUnSubscribeExecute(r ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest) (*http.Response, error)
- type InvalidParam
- func (o *InvalidParam) GetParam() string
- func (o *InvalidParam) GetParamOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InvalidParam) GetReason() string
- func (o *InvalidParam) GetReasonOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InvalidParam) HasReason() bool
- func (o InvalidParam) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *InvalidParam) SetParam(v string)
- func (o *InvalidParam) SetReason(v string)
- func (o InvalidParam) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *InvalidParam) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type IpAddr
- func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv4Addr() string
- func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv4AddrOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv6Addr() Ipv6Addr
- func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv6AddrOk() (*Ipv6Addr, bool)
- func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv6Prefix() Ipv6Prefix
- func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv6PrefixOk() (*Ipv6Prefix, bool)
- func (o *IpAddr) HasIpv4Addr() bool
- func (o *IpAddr) HasIpv6Addr() bool
- func (o *IpAddr) HasIpv6Prefix() bool
- func (o IpAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *IpAddr) SetIpv4Addr(v string)
- func (o *IpAddr) SetIpv6Addr(v Ipv6Addr)
- func (o *IpAddr) SetIpv6Prefix(v Ipv6Prefix)
- func (o IpAddr) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type Ipv6Addr
- type Ipv6Prefix
- type MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService
- type MappedNullable
- type MbStfIngestAddr
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfEgressTunAddr() TunnelAddress
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfEgressTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfSsm() ExtSsm
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfSsmOk() (*ExtSsm, bool)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfIngressTunAddr() TunnelAddress
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfIngressTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfListenAddr() TunnelAddress
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfListenAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasAfEgressTunAddr() bool
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasAfSsm() bool
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasMbStfIngressTunAddr() bool
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasMbStfListenAddr() bool
- func (o MbStfIngestAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfEgressTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfEgressTunAddrNil()
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfSsm(v ExtSsm)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfIngressTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfIngressTunAddrNil()
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfListenAddr(v TunnelAddress)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfListenAddrNil()
- func (o MbStfIngestAddr) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetAfEgressTunAddr()
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetMbStfIngressTunAddr()
- func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetMbStfListenAddr()
- type MbsKeyInfo
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetKeyDomainId() string
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetKeyDomainIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMsk() string
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskId() string
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskLifetime() time.Time
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskLifetimeOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtk() string
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkId() string
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMsk() bool
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMskLifetime() bool
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMtk() bool
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMtkId() bool
- func (o MbsKeyInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetKeyDomainId(v string)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMsk(v string)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMskId(v string)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMskLifetime(v time.Time)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMtk(v string)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMtkId(v string)
- func (o MbsKeyInfo) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *MbsKeyInfo) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type MbsSecurityContext
- func (o *MbsSecurityContext) GetKeyList() map[string]MbsKeyInfo
- func (o *MbsSecurityContext) GetKeyListOk() (*map[string]MbsKeyInfo, bool)
- func (o MbsSecurityContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *MbsSecurityContext) SetKeyList(v map[string]MbsKeyInfo)
- func (o MbsSecurityContext) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *MbsSecurityContext) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type NFType
- type NullableAccessTokenErr
- func (v NullableAccessTokenErr) Get() *AccessTokenErr
- func (v NullableAccessTokenErr) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableAccessTokenErr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableAccessTokenErr) Set(val *AccessTokenErr)
- func (v *NullableAccessTokenErr) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableAccessTokenErr) Unset()
- type NullableAccessTokenReq
- func (v NullableAccessTokenReq) Get() *AccessTokenReq
- func (v NullableAccessTokenReq) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableAccessTokenReq) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableAccessTokenReq) Set(val *AccessTokenReq)
- func (v *NullableAccessTokenReq) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableAccessTokenReq) Unset()
- type NullableAddFecParams
- func (v NullableAddFecParams) Get() *AddFecParams
- func (v NullableAddFecParams) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableAddFecParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableAddFecParams) Set(val *AddFecParams)
- func (v *NullableAddFecParams) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableAddFecParams) Unset()
- type NullableBool
- type NullableCreateReqData
- func (v NullableCreateReqData) Get() *CreateReqData
- func (v NullableCreateReqData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCreateReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCreateReqData) Set(val *CreateReqData)
- func (v *NullableCreateReqData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCreateReqData) Unset()
- type NullableCreateRspData
- func (v NullableCreateRspData) Get() *CreateRspData
- func (v NullableCreateRspData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCreateRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCreateRspData) Set(val *CreateRspData)
- func (v *NullableCreateRspData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCreateRspData) Unset()
- type NullableDistSession
- func (v NullableDistSession) Get() *DistSession
- func (v NullableDistSession) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDistSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDistSession) Set(val *DistSession)
- func (v *NullableDistSession) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDistSession) Unset()
- type NullableDistSessionEventReport
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventReport) Get() *DistSessionEventReport
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventReport) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReport) Set(val *DistSessionEventReport)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReport) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReport) Unset()
- type NullableDistSessionEventReportList
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Get() *DistSessionEventReportList
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventReportList) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventReportList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Set(val *DistSessionEventReportList)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReportList) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Unset()
- type NullableDistSessionEventType
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventType) Get() *DistSessionEventType
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventType) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDistSessionEventType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventType) Set(val *DistSessionEventType)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventType) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDistSessionEventType) Unset()
- type NullableDistSessionState
- func (v NullableDistSessionState) Get() *DistSessionState
- func (v NullableDistSessionState) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDistSessionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionState) Set(val *DistSessionState)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDistSessionState) Unset()
- type NullableDistSessionSubscription
- func (v NullableDistSessionSubscription) Get() *DistSessionSubscription
- func (v NullableDistSessionSubscription) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDistSessionSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionSubscription) Set(val *DistSessionSubscription)
- func (v *NullableDistSessionSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDistSessionSubscription) Unset()
- type NullableExtSsm
- type NullableFECConfig
- type NullableFloat32
- type NullableFloat64
- type NullableInt
- type NullableInt32
- type NullableInt64
- type NullableInvalidParam
- func (v NullableInvalidParam) Get() *InvalidParam
- func (v NullableInvalidParam) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableInvalidParam) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableInvalidParam) Set(val *InvalidParam)
- func (v *NullableInvalidParam) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableInvalidParam) Unset()
- type NullableIpAddr
- type NullableIpv6Addr
- type NullableIpv6Prefix
- type NullableMbStfIngestAddr
- func (v NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Get() *MbStfIngestAddr
- func (v NullableMbStfIngestAddr) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableMbStfIngestAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Set(val *MbStfIngestAddr)
- func (v *NullableMbStfIngestAddr) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Unset()
- type NullableMbsKeyInfo
- type NullableMbsSecurityContext
- func (v NullableMbsSecurityContext) Get() *MbsSecurityContext
- func (v NullableMbsSecurityContext) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableMbsSecurityContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableMbsSecurityContext) Set(val *MbsSecurityContext)
- func (v *NullableMbsSecurityContext) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableMbsSecurityContext) Unset()
- type NullableNFType
- type NullableObjAcquisitionMethod
- func (v NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Get() *ObjAcquisitionMethod
- func (v NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Set(val *ObjAcquisitionMethod)
- func (v *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Unset()
- type NullableObjDistributionData
- func (v NullableObjDistributionData) Get() *ObjDistributionData
- func (v NullableObjDistributionData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableObjDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableObjDistributionData) Set(val *ObjDistributionData)
- func (v *NullableObjDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableObjDistributionData) Unset()
- type NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode
- func (v NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Get() *ObjDistributionOperatingMode
- func (v NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Set(val *ObjDistributionOperatingMode)
- func (v *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Unset()
- type NullablePatchItem
- type NullablePatchOperation
- func (v NullablePatchOperation) Get() *PatchOperation
- func (v NullablePatchOperation) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePatchOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePatchOperation) Set(val *PatchOperation)
- func (v *NullablePatchOperation) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePatchOperation) Unset()
- type NullablePktDistributionData
- func (v NullablePktDistributionData) Get() *PktDistributionData
- func (v NullablePktDistributionData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePktDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePktDistributionData) Set(val *PktDistributionData)
- func (v *NullablePktDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePktDistributionData) Unset()
- type NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode
- func (v NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Get() *PktDistributionOperatingMode
- func (v NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Set(val *PktDistributionOperatingMode)
- func (v *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Unset()
- type NullablePktIngestMethod
- func (v NullablePktIngestMethod) Get() *PktIngestMethod
- func (v NullablePktIngestMethod) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePktIngestMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePktIngestMethod) Set(val *PktIngestMethod)
- func (v *NullablePktIngestMethod) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePktIngestMethod) Unset()
- type NullablePlmnId
- type NullablePlmnIdNid
- type NullableProblemDetails
- func (v NullableProblemDetails) Get() *ProblemDetails
- func (v NullableProblemDetails) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableProblemDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableProblemDetails) Set(val *ProblemDetails)
- func (v *NullableProblemDetails) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableProblemDetails) Unset()
- type NullableRedirectResponse
- func (v NullableRedirectResponse) Get() *RedirectResponse
- func (v NullableRedirectResponse) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRedirectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRedirectResponse) Set(val *RedirectResponse)
- func (v *NullableRedirectResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRedirectResponse) Unset()
- type NullableSnssai
- type NullableSsm
- type NullableStatusNotifyReqData
- func (v NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Get() *StatusNotifyReqData
- func (v NullableStatusNotifyReqData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableStatusNotifyReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Set(val *StatusNotifyReqData)
- func (v *NullableStatusNotifyReqData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Unset()
- type NullableStatusSubscribeReqData
- func (v NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Get() *StatusSubscribeReqData
- func (v NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Set(val *StatusSubscribeReqData)
- func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Unset()
- type NullableStatusSubscribeRspData
- func (v NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Get() *StatusSubscribeRspData
- func (v NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Set(val *StatusSubscribeRspData)
- func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Unset()
- type NullableString
- type NullableTime
- type NullableTunnelAddress
- func (v NullableTunnelAddress) Get() *TunnelAddress
- func (v NullableTunnelAddress) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTunnelAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTunnelAddress) Set(val *TunnelAddress)
- func (v *NullableTunnelAddress) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTunnelAddress) Unset()
- type NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo
- func (v NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Get() *UpTrafficFlowInfo
- func (v NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Set(val *UpTrafficFlowInfo)
- func (v *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Unset()
- type ObjAcquisitionMethod
- type ObjDistributionData
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdPush() string
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdPushOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdsPull() []string
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdsPullOk() ([]string, bool)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionMethod() ObjAcquisitionMethod
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionMethodOk() (*ObjAcquisitionMethod, bool)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionBaseUrl() string
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionBaseUrlOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionOperatingMode() ObjDistributionOperatingMode
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionOperatingModeOk() (*ObjDistributionOperatingMode, bool)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjIngestBaseUrl() string
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjIngestBaseUrlOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjAcquisitionIdPush() bool
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjAcquisitionIdsPull() bool
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjDistributionBaseUrl() bool
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjIngestBaseUrl() bool
- func (o ObjDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionIdPush(v string)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionIdsPull(v []string)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionMethod(v ObjAcquisitionMethod)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjDistributionBaseUrl(v string)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjDistributionOperatingMode(v ObjDistributionOperatingMode)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjIngestBaseUrl(v string)
- func (o ObjDistributionData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *ObjDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type ObjDistributionOperatingMode
- type PatchItem
- func (o *PatchItem) GetFrom() string
- func (o *PatchItem) GetFromOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PatchItem) GetOp() PatchOperation
- func (o *PatchItem) GetOpOk() (*PatchOperation, bool)
- func (o *PatchItem) GetPath() string
- func (o *PatchItem) GetPathOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PatchItem) GetValue() interface{}
- func (o *PatchItem) GetValueOk() (*interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PatchItem) HasFrom() bool
- func (o *PatchItem) HasValue() bool
- func (o PatchItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PatchItem) SetFrom(v string)
- func (o *PatchItem) SetOp(v PatchOperation)
- func (o *PatchItem) SetPath(v string)
- func (o *PatchItem) SetValue(v interface{})
- func (o PatchItem) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *PatchItem) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type PatchOperation
- type PktDistributionData
- func (o *PktDistributionData) GetMbStfIngestAddr() MbStfIngestAddr
- func (o *PktDistributionData) GetMbStfIngestAddrOk() (*MbStfIngestAddr, bool)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktDistributionOperatingMode() PktDistributionOperatingMode
- func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktDistributionOperatingModeOk() (*PktDistributionOperatingMode, bool)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktIngestMethod() PktIngestMethod
- func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktIngestMethodOk() (*PktIngestMethod, bool)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) HasPktIngestMethod() bool
- func (o PktDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) SetMbStfIngestAddr(v MbStfIngestAddr)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) SetPktDistributionOperatingMode(v PktDistributionOperatingMode)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) SetPktIngestMethod(v PktIngestMethod)
- func (o PktDistributionData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *PktDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type PktDistributionOperatingMode
- type PktIngestMethod
- type PlmnId
- func (o *PlmnId) GetMcc() string
- func (o *PlmnId) GetMccOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PlmnId) GetMnc() string
- func (o *PlmnId) GetMncOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o PlmnId) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PlmnId) SetMcc(v string)
- func (o *PlmnId) SetMnc(v string)
- func (o PlmnId) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *PlmnId) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type PlmnIdNid
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) GetMcc() string
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) GetMccOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) GetMnc() string
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) GetMncOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) GetNid() string
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) GetNidOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) HasNid() bool
- func (o PlmnIdNid) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) SetMcc(v string)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) SetMnc(v string)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) SetNid(v string)
- func (o PlmnIdNid) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *PlmnIdNid) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type ProblemDetails
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenError() AccessTokenErr
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenErrorOk() (*AccessTokenErr, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenRequest() AccessTokenReq
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenRequestOk() (*AccessTokenReq, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetCause() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetCauseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetDetail() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetDetailOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInstance() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInstanceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInvalidParams() []InvalidParam
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInvalidParamsOk() ([]InvalidParam, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetNrfId() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetNrfIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetStatus() int32
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetStatusOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetSupportedFeatures() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetSupportedFeaturesOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetTitle() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetTitleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetType() string
- func (o *ProblemDetails) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasAccessTokenError() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasAccessTokenRequest() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasCause() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasDetail() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasInstance() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasInvalidParams() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasNrfId() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasStatus() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasSupportedFeatures() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasTitle() bool
- func (o *ProblemDetails) HasType() bool
- func (o ProblemDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetAccessTokenError(v AccessTokenErr)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetAccessTokenRequest(v AccessTokenReq)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetCause(v string)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetDetail(v string)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetInstance(v string)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetInvalidParams(v []InvalidParam)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetNrfId(v string)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetStatus(v int32)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetSupportedFeatures(v string)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetTitle(v string)
- func (o *ProblemDetails) SetType(v string)
- func (o ProblemDetails) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type RedirectResponse
- func (o *RedirectResponse) GetCause() string
- func (o *RedirectResponse) GetCauseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetScp() string
- func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetScpOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetSepp() string
- func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetSeppOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RedirectResponse) HasCause() bool
- func (o *RedirectResponse) HasTargetScp() bool
- func (o *RedirectResponse) HasTargetSepp() bool
- func (o RedirectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *RedirectResponse) SetCause(v string)
- func (o *RedirectResponse) SetTargetScp(v string)
- func (o *RedirectResponse) SetTargetSepp(v string)
- func (o RedirectResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- type ServerConfiguration
- type ServerConfigurations
- type ServerVariable
- type Snssai
- func (o *Snssai) GetSd() string
- func (o *Snssai) GetSdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Snssai) GetSst() int32
- func (o *Snssai) GetSstOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Snssai) HasSd() bool
- func (o Snssai) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Snssai) SetSd(v string)
- func (o *Snssai) SetSst(v int32)
- func (o Snssai) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *Snssai) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type Ssm
- func (o *Ssm) GetDestIpAddr() IpAddr
- func (o *Ssm) GetDestIpAddrOk() (*IpAddr, bool)
- func (o *Ssm) GetSourceIpAddr() IpAddr
- func (o *Ssm) GetSourceIpAddrOk() (*IpAddr, bool)
- func (o Ssm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Ssm) SetDestIpAddr(v IpAddr)
- func (o *Ssm) SetSourceIpAddr(v IpAddr)
- func (o Ssm) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *Ssm) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type StatusNotifyReqData
- func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) GetReportList() DistSessionEventReportList
- func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) GetReportListOk() (*DistSessionEventReportList, bool)
- func (o StatusNotifyReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) SetReportList(v DistSessionEventReportList)
- func (o StatusNotifyReqData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type StatusSubscribeReqData
- func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) GetSubscription() DistSessionSubscription
- func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) GetSubscriptionOk() (*DistSessionSubscription, bool)
- func (o StatusSubscribeReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) SetSubscription(v DistSessionSubscription)
- func (o StatusSubscribeReqData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type StatusSubscribeRspData
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetReportList() DistSessionEventReportList
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetReportListOk() (*DistSessionEventReportList, bool)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetSubscription() DistSessionSubscription
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetSubscriptionOk() (*DistSessionSubscription, bool)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) HasReportList() bool
- func (o StatusSubscribeRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) SetReportList(v DistSessionEventReportList)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) SetSubscription(v DistSessionSubscription)
- func (o StatusSubscribeRspData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService
- func (a *SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribe(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiStatusSubscribeRequest
- func (a *SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeExecute(r ApiStatusSubscribeRequest) (*StatusSubscribeRspData, *http.Response, error)
- type TunnelAddress
- func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv4Addr() string
- func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv4AddrOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv6Addr() Ipv6Addr
- func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv6AddrOk() (*Ipv6Addr, bool)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) GetPortNumber() int32
- func (o *TunnelAddress) GetPortNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) HasIpv4Addr() bool
- func (o *TunnelAddress) HasIpv6Addr() bool
- func (o TunnelAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) SetIpv4Addr(v string)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) SetIpv6Addr(v Ipv6Addr)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) SetPortNumber(v int32)
- func (o TunnelAddress) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *TunnelAddress) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
- type UpTrafficFlowInfo
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetDestIpAddr() IpAddr
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetDestIpAddrOk() (*IpAddr, bool)
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetPortNumber() int32
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetPortNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o UpTrafficFlowInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) SetDestIpAddr(v IpAddr)
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) SetPortNumber(v int32)
- func (o UpTrafficFlowInfo) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( JsonCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:(?:application|text)/(?:[^;]+\+)?json)`) XmlCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:(?:application|text)/(?:[^;]+\+)?xml)`) )
var ( // ContextOAuth2 takes an oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request. ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token") // ContextServerIndex uses a server configuration from the index. ContextServerIndex = contextKey("serverIndex") // ContextOperationServerIndices uses a server configuration from the index mapping. ContextOperationServerIndices = contextKey("serverOperationIndices") // ContextServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables. ContextServerVariables = contextKey("serverVariables") // ContextOperationServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables using operation specific values. ContextOperationServerVariables = contextKey("serverOperationVariables") )
Functions ¶
func CacheExpires ¶
CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.
func PtrFloat32 ¶
PtrFloat32 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
func PtrFloat64 ¶
PtrFloat64 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
Types ¶
type APIClient ¶
type APIClient struct { IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPI *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPI *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPI *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPI *MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPI *SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
APIClient manages communication with the Nmbstf-distsession API v1.0.4 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.
func NewAPIClient ¶
func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient
NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.
func (*APIClient) GetConfig ¶
func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration
Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior
type APIKey ¶
APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey
type APIResponse ¶
type APIResponse struct { *http.Response `json:"-"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Operation is the name of the OpenAPI operation. Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"` // RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the // embedded *http.Response is nil. RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Method is the HTTP method used for the request. This value is always // available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil. Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty). // This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already // been drained. Payload []byte `json:"-"` }
APIResponse stores the API response returned by the server.
func NewAPIResponse ¶
func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse
NewAPIResponse returns a new APIResponse object.
func NewAPIResponseWithError ¶
func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse
NewAPIResponseWithError returns a new APIResponse object with the provided error message.
type AccessTokenErr ¶
type AccessTokenErr struct { Error string `json:"error"` ErrorDescription *string `json:"error_description,omitempty"` ErrorUri *string `json:"error_uri,omitempty"` }
AccessTokenErr Error returned in the access token response message
func NewAccessTokenErr ¶
func NewAccessTokenErr(error_ string) *AccessTokenErr
NewAccessTokenErr instantiates a new AccessTokenErr object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewAccessTokenErrWithDefaults ¶
func NewAccessTokenErrWithDefaults() *AccessTokenErr
NewAccessTokenErrWithDefaults instantiates a new AccessTokenErr object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*AccessTokenErr) GetError ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetError() string
GetError returns the Error field value
func (*AccessTokenErr) GetErrorDescription ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorDescription() string
GetErrorDescription returns the ErrorDescription field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenErr) GetErrorDescriptionOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
GetErrorDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the ErrorDescription field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenErr) GetErrorOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorOk() (*string, bool)
GetErrorOk returns a tuple with the Error field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenErr) GetErrorUri ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorUri() string
GetErrorUri returns the ErrorUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenErr) GetErrorUriOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) GetErrorUriOk() (*string, bool)
GetErrorUriOk returns a tuple with the ErrorUri field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenErr) HasErrorDescription ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) HasErrorDescription() bool
HasErrorDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenErr) HasErrorUri ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) HasErrorUri() bool
HasErrorUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (AccessTokenErr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o AccessTokenErr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AccessTokenErr) SetError ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) SetError(v string)
SetError sets field value
func (*AccessTokenErr) SetErrorDescription ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) SetErrorDescription(v string)
SetErrorDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ErrorDescription field.
func (*AccessTokenErr) SetErrorUri ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) SetErrorUri(v string)
SetErrorUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ErrorUri field.
func (AccessTokenErr) ToMap ¶
func (o AccessTokenErr) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*AccessTokenErr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *AccessTokenErr) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type AccessTokenReq ¶
type AccessTokenReq struct { GrantType string `json:"grant_type"` // String uniquely identifying a NF instance. The format of the NF Instance ID shall be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETF RFC 4122. NfInstanceId string `json:"nfInstanceId"` NfType *NFType `json:"nfType,omitempty"` TargetNfType *NFType `json:"targetNfType,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope"` // String uniquely identifying a NF instance. The format of the NF Instance ID shall be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETF RFC 4122. TargetNfInstanceId *string `json:"targetNfInstanceId,omitempty"` RequesterPlmn *PlmnId `json:"requesterPlmn,omitempty"` RequesterPlmnList []PlmnId `json:"requesterPlmnList,omitempty"` RequesterSnssaiList []Snssai `json:"requesterSnssaiList,omitempty"` // Fully Qualified Domain Name RequesterFqdn *string `json:"requesterFqdn,omitempty"` RequesterSnpnList []PlmnIdNid `json:"requesterSnpnList,omitempty"` TargetPlmn *PlmnId `json:"targetPlmn,omitempty"` TargetSnpn *PlmnIdNid `json:"targetSnpn,omitempty"` TargetSnssaiList []Snssai `json:"targetSnssaiList,omitempty"` TargetNsiList []string `json:"targetNsiList,omitempty"` // NF Set Identifier (see clause 28.12 of 3GPP TS 23.003), formatted as the following string \"set<Set ID>.<nftype>set.5gc.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC>\", or \"set<SetID>.<NFType>set.5gc.nid<NID>.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC>\" with <MCC> encoded as defined in clause 5.4.2 (\"Mcc\" data type definition) <MNC> encoding the Mobile Network Code part of the PLMN, comprising 3 digits. If there are only 2 significant digits in the MNC, one \"0\" digit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 digits coding of MNC. Pattern: '^[0-9]{3}$' <NFType> encoded as a value defined in Table of 3GPP TS 29.510 but with lower case characters <Set ID> encoded as a string of characters consisting of alphabetic characters (A-Z and a-z), digits (0-9) and/or the hyphen (-) and that shall end with either an alphabetic character or a digit. TargetNfSetId *string `json:"targetNfSetId,omitempty"` // NF Service Set Identifier (see clause 28.12 of 3GPP TS 23.003) formatted as the following string \"set<Set ID>.sn<Service Name>.nfi<NF Instance ID>.5gc.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC>\", or \"set<SetID>.sn<ServiceName>.nfi<NFInstanceID>.5gc.nid<NID>.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC>\" with <MCC> encoded as defined in clause 5.4.2 (\"Mcc\" data type definition) <MNC> encoding the Mobile Network Code part of the PLMN, comprising 3 digits. If there are only 2 significant digits in the MNC, one \"0\" digit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 digits coding of MNC. Pattern: '^[0-9]{3}$' <NID> encoded as defined in clause 5.4.2 (\"Nid\" data type definition) <NFInstanceId> encoded as defined in clause 5.3.2 <ServiceName> encoded as defined in 3GPP TS 29.510 <Set ID> encoded as a string of characters consisting of alphabetic characters (A-Z and a-z), digits (0-9) and/or the hyphen (-) and that shall end with either an alphabetic character or a digit. TargetNfServiceSetId *string `json:"targetNfServiceSetId,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. HnrfAccessTokenUri *string `json:"hnrfAccessTokenUri,omitempty"` // String uniquely identifying a NF instance. The format of the NF Instance ID shall be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETF RFC 4122. SourceNfInstanceId *string `json:"sourceNfInstanceId,omitempty"` }
AccessTokenReq Contains information related to the access token request
func NewAccessTokenReq ¶
func NewAccessTokenReq(grantType string, nfInstanceId string, scope string) *AccessTokenReq
NewAccessTokenReq instantiates a new AccessTokenReq object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewAccessTokenReqWithDefaults ¶
func NewAccessTokenReqWithDefaults() *AccessTokenReq
NewAccessTokenReqWithDefaults instantiates a new AccessTokenReq object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetGrantType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetGrantType() string
GetGrantType returns the GrantType field value
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetGrantTypeOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetGrantTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetGrantTypeOk returns a tuple with the GrantType field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetHnrfAccessTokenUri ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetHnrfAccessTokenUri() string
GetHnrfAccessTokenUri returns the HnrfAccessTokenUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetHnrfAccessTokenUriOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetHnrfAccessTokenUriOk() (*string, bool)
GetHnrfAccessTokenUriOk returns a tuple with the HnrfAccessTokenUri field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfInstanceId() string
GetNfInstanceId returns the NfInstanceId field value
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetNfInstanceIdOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetNfInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the NfInstanceId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetNfType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfType() NFType
GetNfType returns the NfType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetNfTypeOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetNfTypeOk() (*NFType, bool)
GetNfTypeOk returns a tuple with the NfType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterFqdn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterFqdn() string
GetRequesterFqdn returns the RequesterFqdn field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterFqdnOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterFqdnOk() (*string, bool)
GetRequesterFqdnOk returns a tuple with the RequesterFqdn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmn() PlmnId
GetRequesterPlmn returns the RequesterPlmn field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnList() []PlmnId
GetRequesterPlmnList returns the RequesterPlmnList field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnListOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnListOk() ([]PlmnId, bool)
GetRequesterPlmnListOk returns a tuple with the RequesterPlmnList field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterPlmnOk() (*PlmnId, bool)
GetRequesterPlmnOk returns a tuple with the RequesterPlmn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnpnList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnpnList() []PlmnIdNid
GetRequesterSnpnList returns the RequesterSnpnList field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnpnListOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnpnListOk() ([]PlmnIdNid, bool)
GetRequesterSnpnListOk returns a tuple with the RequesterSnpnList field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnssaiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnssaiList() []Snssai
GetRequesterSnssaiList returns the RequesterSnssaiList field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnssaiListOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetRequesterSnssaiListOk() ([]Snssai, bool)
GetRequesterSnssaiListOk returns a tuple with the RequesterSnssaiList field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetScope ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetScope() string
GetScope returns the Scope field value
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetScopeOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetScopeOk() (*string, bool)
GetScopeOk returns a tuple with the Scope field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetSourceNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetSourceNfInstanceId() string
GetSourceNfInstanceId returns the SourceNfInstanceId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetSourceNfInstanceIdOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetSourceNfInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetSourceNfInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the SourceNfInstanceId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfInstanceId() string
GetTargetNfInstanceId returns the TargetNfInstanceId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfInstanceIdOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTargetNfInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the TargetNfInstanceId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfServiceSetId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfServiceSetId() string
GetTargetNfServiceSetId returns the TargetNfServiceSetId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfServiceSetIdOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfServiceSetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTargetNfServiceSetIdOk returns a tuple with the TargetNfServiceSetId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfSetId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfSetId() string
GetTargetNfSetId returns the TargetNfSetId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfSetIdOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfSetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTargetNfSetIdOk returns a tuple with the TargetNfSetId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfType() NFType
GetTargetNfType returns the TargetNfType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfTypeOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNfTypeOk() (*NFType, bool)
GetTargetNfTypeOk returns a tuple with the TargetNfType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNsiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNsiList() []string
GetTargetNsiList returns the TargetNsiList field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNsiListOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetNsiListOk() ([]string, bool)
GetTargetNsiListOk returns a tuple with the TargetNsiList field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetPlmn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetPlmn() PlmnId
GetTargetPlmn returns the TargetPlmn field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetPlmnOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetPlmnOk() (*PlmnId, bool)
GetTargetPlmnOk returns a tuple with the TargetPlmn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnpn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnpn() PlmnIdNid
GetTargetSnpn returns the TargetSnpn field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnpnOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnpnOk() (*PlmnIdNid, bool)
GetTargetSnpnOk returns a tuple with the TargetSnpn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnssaiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnssaiList() []Snssai
GetTargetSnssaiList returns the TargetSnssaiList field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnssaiListOk ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) GetTargetSnssaiListOk() ([]Snssai, bool)
GetTargetSnssaiListOk returns a tuple with the TargetSnssaiList field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasHnrfAccessTokenUri ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasHnrfAccessTokenUri() bool
HasHnrfAccessTokenUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasNfType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasNfType() bool
HasNfType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterFqdn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterFqdn() bool
HasRequesterFqdn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterPlmn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterPlmn() bool
HasRequesterPlmn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterPlmnList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterPlmnList() bool
HasRequesterPlmnList returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterSnpnList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterSnpnList() bool
HasRequesterSnpnList returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterSnssaiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasRequesterSnssaiList() bool
HasRequesterSnssaiList returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasSourceNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasSourceNfInstanceId() bool
HasSourceNfInstanceId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfInstanceId() bool
HasTargetNfInstanceId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfServiceSetId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfServiceSetId() bool
HasTargetNfServiceSetId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfSetId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfSetId() bool
HasTargetNfSetId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNfType() bool
HasTargetNfType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNsiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetNsiList() bool
HasTargetNsiList returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetPlmn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetPlmn() bool
HasTargetPlmn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetSnpn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetSnpn() bool
HasTargetSnpn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*AccessTokenReq) HasTargetSnssaiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) HasTargetSnssaiList() bool
HasTargetSnssaiList returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (AccessTokenReq) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o AccessTokenReq) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetGrantType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetGrantType(v string)
SetGrantType sets field value
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetHnrfAccessTokenUri ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetHnrfAccessTokenUri(v string)
SetHnrfAccessTokenUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the HnrfAccessTokenUri field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetNfInstanceId(v string)
SetNfInstanceId sets field value
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetNfType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetNfType(v NFType)
SetNfType gets a reference to the given NFType and assigns it to the NfType field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterFqdn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterFqdn(v string)
SetRequesterFqdn gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RequesterFqdn field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterPlmn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterPlmn(v PlmnId)
SetRequesterPlmn gets a reference to the given PlmnId and assigns it to the RequesterPlmn field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterPlmnList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterPlmnList(v []PlmnId)
SetRequesterPlmnList gets a reference to the given []PlmnId and assigns it to the RequesterPlmnList field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterSnpnList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterSnpnList(v []PlmnIdNid)
SetRequesterSnpnList gets a reference to the given []PlmnIdNid and assigns it to the RequesterSnpnList field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterSnssaiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetRequesterSnssaiList(v []Snssai)
SetRequesterSnssaiList gets a reference to the given []Snssai and assigns it to the RequesterSnssaiList field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetScope ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetScope(v string)
SetScope sets field value
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetSourceNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetSourceNfInstanceId(v string)
SetSourceNfInstanceId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the SourceNfInstanceId field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfInstanceId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfInstanceId(v string)
SetTargetNfInstanceId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TargetNfInstanceId field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfServiceSetId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfServiceSetId(v string)
SetTargetNfServiceSetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TargetNfServiceSetId field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfSetId ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfSetId(v string)
SetTargetNfSetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TargetNfSetId field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfType ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNfType(v NFType)
SetTargetNfType gets a reference to the given NFType and assigns it to the TargetNfType field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNsiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetNsiList(v []string)
SetTargetNsiList gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the TargetNsiList field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetPlmn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetPlmn(v PlmnId)
SetTargetPlmn gets a reference to the given PlmnId and assigns it to the TargetPlmn field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetSnpn ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetSnpn(v PlmnIdNid)
SetTargetSnpn gets a reference to the given PlmnIdNid and assigns it to the TargetSnpn field.
func (*AccessTokenReq) SetTargetSnssaiList ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) SetTargetSnssaiList(v []Snssai)
SetTargetSnssaiList gets a reference to the given []Snssai and assigns it to the TargetSnssaiList field.
func (AccessTokenReq) ToMap ¶
func (o AccessTokenReq) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*AccessTokenReq) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *AccessTokenReq) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type AddFecParams ¶
type AddFecParams struct { ParamName string `json:"paramName"` ParamValue string `json:"paramValue"` }
AddFecParams Represents additional scheme-specific parameters for AL-FEC configuration.
func NewAddFecParams ¶
func NewAddFecParams(paramName string, paramValue string) *AddFecParams
NewAddFecParams instantiates a new AddFecParams object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewAddFecParamsWithDefaults ¶
func NewAddFecParamsWithDefaults() *AddFecParams
NewAddFecParamsWithDefaults instantiates a new AddFecParams object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*AddFecParams) GetParamName ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamName() string
GetParamName returns the ParamName field value
func (*AddFecParams) GetParamNameOk ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetParamNameOk returns a tuple with the ParamName field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*AddFecParams) GetParamValue ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamValue() string
GetParamValue returns the ParamValue field value
func (*AddFecParams) GetParamValueOk ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) GetParamValueOk() (*string, bool)
GetParamValueOk returns a tuple with the ParamValue field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (AddFecParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o AddFecParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AddFecParams) SetParamName ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) SetParamName(v string)
SetParamName sets field value
func (*AddFecParams) SetParamValue ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) SetParamValue(v string)
SetParamValue sets field value
func (AddFecParams) ToMap ¶
func (o AddFecParams) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*AddFecParams) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *AddFecParams) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type ApiCreateRequest ¶
type ApiCreateRequest struct { ApiService *MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiCreateRequest) CreateReqData ¶
func (r ApiCreateRequest) CreateReqData(createReqData CreateReqData) ApiCreateRequest
Representation of the MBS distribution session to be created in the MBSTF Creates an individual MBS distribution session resource in the MBSTF.
func (ApiCreateRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiCreateRequest) Execute() (*CreateRspData, *http.Response, error)
type ApiDestroyRequest ¶
type ApiDestroyRequest struct { ApiService *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ApiRetrieveRequest ¶
type ApiRetrieveRequest struct { ApiService *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiRetrieveRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiRetrieveRequest) Execute() (*DistSession, *http.Response, error)
type ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest ¶
type ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest struct { ApiService *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest) Execute() (*DistSessionSubscription, *http.Response, error)
func (ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest) PatchItem ¶
func (r ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest) PatchItem(patchItem []PatchItem) ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest
Data to be modified in the DistSessionSubscription
type ApiStatusSubscribeRequest ¶
type ApiStatusSubscribeRequest struct { ApiService *SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiStatusSubscribeRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiStatusSubscribeRequest) Execute() (*StatusSubscribeRspData, *http.Response, error)
func (ApiStatusSubscribeRequest) StatusSubscribeReqData ¶
func (r ApiStatusSubscribeRequest) StatusSubscribeReqData(statusSubscribeReqData StatusSubscribeReqData) ApiStatusSubscribeRequest
Data within the StatusSubscribe Request
type ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest ¶
type ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest struct { ApiService *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ApiUpdateRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateRequest struct { ApiService *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiUpdateRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateRequest) Execute() (*DistSession, *http.Response, error)
func (ApiUpdateRequest) PatchItem ¶
func (r ApiUpdateRequest) PatchItem(patchItem []PatchItem) ApiUpdateRequest
Data within the Update Request
type BasicAuth ¶
type BasicAuth struct { UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` Scheme string `json:"scheme,omitempty"` DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"` UserAgent string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"` Servers ServerConfigurations OperationServers map[string]ServerConfigurations HTTPClient *http.Client }
Configuration stores the configuration of the API client
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration
NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object
func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader ¶
func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)
AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request
func (*Configuration) ServerURLWithContext ¶
ServerURLWithContext returns a new server URL given an endpoint
type CreateReqData ¶
type CreateReqData struct {
DistSession NullableDistSession `json:"distSession"`
CreateReqData Data within Create Request
func NewCreateReqData ¶
func NewCreateReqData(distSession NullableDistSession) *CreateReqData
NewCreateReqData instantiates a new CreateReqData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCreateReqDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewCreateReqDataWithDefaults() *CreateReqData
NewCreateReqDataWithDefaults instantiates a new CreateReqData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CreateReqData) GetDistSession ¶
func (o *CreateReqData) GetDistSession() DistSession
GetDistSession returns the DistSession field value If the value is explicit nil, the zero value for DistSession will be returned
func (*CreateReqData) GetDistSessionOk ¶
func (o *CreateReqData) GetDistSessionOk() (*DistSession, bool)
GetDistSessionOk returns a tuple with the DistSession field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (CreateReqData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o CreateReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CreateReqData) SetDistSession ¶
func (o *CreateReqData) SetDistSession(v DistSession)
SetDistSession sets field value
func (CreateReqData) ToMap ¶
func (o CreateReqData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*CreateReqData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *CreateReqData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type CreateRspData ¶
type CreateRspData struct {
DistSession NullableDistSession `json:"distSession"`
CreateRspData Data within Create Response
func NewCreateRspData ¶
func NewCreateRspData(distSession NullableDistSession) *CreateRspData
NewCreateRspData instantiates a new CreateRspData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCreateRspDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewCreateRspDataWithDefaults() *CreateRspData
NewCreateRspDataWithDefaults instantiates a new CreateRspData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CreateRspData) GetDistSession ¶
func (o *CreateRspData) GetDistSession() DistSession
GetDistSession returns the DistSession field value If the value is explicit nil, the zero value for DistSession will be returned
func (*CreateRspData) GetDistSessionOk ¶
func (o *CreateRspData) GetDistSessionOk() (*DistSession, bool)
GetDistSessionOk returns a tuple with the DistSession field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (CreateRspData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o CreateRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CreateRspData) SetDistSession ¶
func (o *CreateRspData) SetDistSession(v DistSession)
SetDistSession sets field value
func (CreateRspData) ToMap ¶
func (o CreateRspData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*CreateRspData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *CreateRspData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type DistSession ¶
type DistSession struct { DistSessionId string `json:"distSessionId"` DistSessionState DistSessionState `json:"distSessionState"` MbUpfTunAddr NullableTunnelAddress `json:"mbUpfTunAddr"` MbmsGwTunAddr NullableTunnelAddress `json:"mbmsGwTunAddr,omitempty"` UpTrafficFlowInfo *UpTrafficFlowInfo `json:"upTrafficFlowInfo,omitempty"` // String representing a bit rate; the prefixes follow the standard symbols from The International System of Units, and represent x1000 multipliers, with the exception that prefix \"K\" is used to represent the standard symbol \"k\". Mbr string `json:"mbr"` // Unsigned integer indicating Packet Delay Budget (see clauses and 5.7.4 of 3GPP TS 23.501), expressed in milliseconds. MaxDelay *int32 `json:"maxDelay,omitempty"` ObjDistributionData *ObjDistributionData `json:"objDistributionData,omitempty"` PktDistributionData *PktDistributionData `json:"pktDistributionData,omitempty"` FecInformation *FECConfig `json:"fecInformation,omitempty"` DscpMarking *string `json:"dscpMarking,omitempty"` MbsSecurityContext *MbsSecurityContext `json:"mbsSecurityContext,omitempty"` }
DistSession Mbs Distribution Session Information
func NewDistSession ¶
func NewDistSession(distSessionId string, distSessionState DistSessionState, mbUpfTunAddr NullableTunnelAddress, mbr string) *DistSession
NewDistSession instantiates a new DistSession object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDistSessionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDistSessionWithDefaults() *DistSession
NewDistSessionWithDefaults instantiates a new DistSession object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DistSession) GetDistSessionId ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionId() string
GetDistSessionId returns the DistSessionId field value
func (*DistSession) GetDistSessionIdOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDistSessionIdOk returns a tuple with the DistSessionId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetDistSessionState ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionState() DistSessionState
GetDistSessionState returns the DistSessionState field value
func (*DistSession) GetDistSessionStateOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetDistSessionStateOk() (*DistSessionState, bool)
GetDistSessionStateOk returns a tuple with the DistSessionState field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetDscpMarking ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetDscpMarking() string
GetDscpMarking returns the DscpMarking field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetDscpMarkingOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetDscpMarkingOk() (*string, bool)
GetDscpMarkingOk returns a tuple with the DscpMarking field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetFecInformation ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetFecInformation() FECConfig
GetFecInformation returns the FecInformation field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetFecInformationOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetFecInformationOk() (*FECConfig, bool)
GetFecInformationOk returns a tuple with the FecInformation field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetMaxDelay ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMaxDelay() int32
GetMaxDelay returns the MaxDelay field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetMaxDelayOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMaxDelayOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMaxDelayOk returns a tuple with the MaxDelay field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetMbUpfTunAddr ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbUpfTunAddr() TunnelAddress
GetMbUpfTunAddr returns the MbUpfTunAddr field value If the value is explicit nil, the zero value for TunnelAddress will be returned
func (*DistSession) GetMbUpfTunAddrOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbUpfTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
GetMbUpfTunAddrOk returns a tuple with the MbUpfTunAddr field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DistSession) GetMbmsGwTunAddr ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbmsGwTunAddr() TunnelAddress
GetMbmsGwTunAddr returns the MbmsGwTunAddr field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DistSession) GetMbmsGwTunAddrOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbmsGwTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
GetMbmsGwTunAddrOk returns a tuple with the MbmsGwTunAddr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DistSession) GetMbr ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbr() string
GetMbr returns the Mbr field value
func (*DistSession) GetMbrOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbrOk() (*string, bool)
GetMbrOk returns a tuple with the Mbr field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetMbsSecurityContext ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbsSecurityContext() MbsSecurityContext
GetMbsSecurityContext returns the MbsSecurityContext field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetMbsSecurityContextOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetMbsSecurityContextOk() (*MbsSecurityContext, bool)
GetMbsSecurityContextOk returns a tuple with the MbsSecurityContext field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetObjDistributionData ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetObjDistributionData() ObjDistributionData
GetObjDistributionData returns the ObjDistributionData field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetObjDistributionDataOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetObjDistributionDataOk() (*ObjDistributionData, bool)
GetObjDistributionDataOk returns a tuple with the ObjDistributionData field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetPktDistributionData ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetPktDistributionData() PktDistributionData
GetPktDistributionData returns the PktDistributionData field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetPktDistributionDataOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetPktDistributionDataOk() (*PktDistributionData, bool)
GetPktDistributionDataOk returns a tuple with the PktDistributionData field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) GetUpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetUpTrafficFlowInfo() UpTrafficFlowInfo
GetUpTrafficFlowInfo returns the UpTrafficFlowInfo field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSession) GetUpTrafficFlowInfoOk ¶
func (o *DistSession) GetUpTrafficFlowInfoOk() (*UpTrafficFlowInfo, bool)
GetUpTrafficFlowInfoOk returns a tuple with the UpTrafficFlowInfo field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasDscpMarking ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasDscpMarking() bool
HasDscpMarking returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasFecInformation ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasFecInformation() bool
HasFecInformation returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasMaxDelay ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasMaxDelay() bool
HasMaxDelay returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasMbmsGwTunAddr ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasMbmsGwTunAddr() bool
HasMbmsGwTunAddr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasMbsSecurityContext ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasMbsSecurityContext() bool
HasMbsSecurityContext returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasObjDistributionData ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasObjDistributionData() bool
HasObjDistributionData returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasPktDistributionData ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasPktDistributionData() bool
HasPktDistributionData returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSession) HasUpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
func (o *DistSession) HasUpTrafficFlowInfo() bool
HasUpTrafficFlowInfo returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DistSession) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DistSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DistSession) SetDistSessionId ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetDistSessionId(v string)
SetDistSessionId sets field value
func (*DistSession) SetDistSessionState ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetDistSessionState(v DistSessionState)
SetDistSessionState sets field value
func (*DistSession) SetDscpMarking ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetDscpMarking(v string)
SetDscpMarking gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DscpMarking field.
func (*DistSession) SetFecInformation ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetFecInformation(v FECConfig)
SetFecInformation gets a reference to the given FECConfig and assigns it to the FecInformation field.
func (*DistSession) SetMaxDelay ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetMaxDelay(v int32)
SetMaxDelay gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the MaxDelay field.
func (*DistSession) SetMbUpfTunAddr ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetMbUpfTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
SetMbUpfTunAddr sets field value
func (*DistSession) SetMbmsGwTunAddr ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetMbmsGwTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
SetMbmsGwTunAddr gets a reference to the given NullableTunnelAddress and assigns it to the MbmsGwTunAddr field.
func (*DistSession) SetMbmsGwTunAddrNil ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetMbmsGwTunAddrNil()
SetMbmsGwTunAddrNil sets the value for MbmsGwTunAddr to be an explicit nil
func (*DistSession) SetMbsSecurityContext ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetMbsSecurityContext(v MbsSecurityContext)
SetMbsSecurityContext gets a reference to the given MbsSecurityContext and assigns it to the MbsSecurityContext field.
func (*DistSession) SetObjDistributionData ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetObjDistributionData(v ObjDistributionData)
SetObjDistributionData gets a reference to the given ObjDistributionData and assigns it to the ObjDistributionData field.
func (*DistSession) SetPktDistributionData ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetPktDistributionData(v PktDistributionData)
SetPktDistributionData gets a reference to the given PktDistributionData and assigns it to the PktDistributionData field.
func (*DistSession) SetUpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
func (o *DistSession) SetUpTrafficFlowInfo(v UpTrafficFlowInfo)
SetUpTrafficFlowInfo gets a reference to the given UpTrafficFlowInfo and assigns it to the UpTrafficFlowInfo field.
func (DistSession) ToMap ¶
func (o DistSession) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DistSession) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *DistSession) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
func (*DistSession) UnsetMbmsGwTunAddr ¶
func (o *DistSession) UnsetMbmsGwTunAddr()
UnsetMbmsGwTunAddr ensures that no value is present for MbmsGwTunAddr, not even an explicit nil
type DistSessionEventReport ¶
type DistSessionEventReport struct { EventType DistSessionEventType `json:"eventType"` // string with format 'date-time' as defined in OpenAPI. TimeStamp *time.Time `json:"timeStamp,omitempty"` MbsSecurityContext *MbsSecurityContext `json:"mbsSecurityContext,omitempty"` }
DistSessionEventReport Data related to a specific event
func NewDistSessionEventReport ¶
func NewDistSessionEventReport(eventType DistSessionEventType) *DistSessionEventReport
NewDistSessionEventReport instantiates a new DistSessionEventReport object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDistSessionEventReportWithDefaults ¶
func NewDistSessionEventReportWithDefaults() *DistSessionEventReport
NewDistSessionEventReportWithDefaults instantiates a new DistSessionEventReport object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DistSessionEventReport) GetEventType ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetEventType() DistSessionEventType
GetEventType returns the EventType field value
func (*DistSessionEventReport) GetEventTypeOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetEventTypeOk() (*DistSessionEventType, bool)
GetEventTypeOk returns a tuple with the EventType field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) GetMbsSecurityContext ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetMbsSecurityContext() MbsSecurityContext
GetMbsSecurityContext returns the MbsSecurityContext field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) GetMbsSecurityContextOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetMbsSecurityContextOk() (*MbsSecurityContext, bool)
GetMbsSecurityContextOk returns a tuple with the MbsSecurityContext field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) GetTimeStamp ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetTimeStamp() time.Time
GetTimeStamp returns the TimeStamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) GetTimeStampOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) GetTimeStampOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetTimeStampOk returns a tuple with the TimeStamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) HasMbsSecurityContext ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) HasMbsSecurityContext() bool
HasMbsSecurityContext returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) HasTimeStamp ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) HasTimeStamp() bool
HasTimeStamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DistSessionEventReport) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DistSessionEventReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DistSessionEventReport) SetEventType ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) SetEventType(v DistSessionEventType)
SetEventType sets field value
func (*DistSessionEventReport) SetMbsSecurityContext ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) SetMbsSecurityContext(v MbsSecurityContext)
SetMbsSecurityContext gets a reference to the given MbsSecurityContext and assigns it to the MbsSecurityContext field.
func (*DistSessionEventReport) SetTimeStamp ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) SetTimeStamp(v time.Time)
SetTimeStamp gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the TimeStamp field.
func (DistSessionEventReport) ToMap ¶
func (o DistSessionEventReport) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DistSessionEventReport) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReport) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type DistSessionEventReportList ¶
type DistSessionEventReportList struct { EventReportList []DistSessionEventReport `json:"eventReportList"` NotifyCorrelationId *string `json:"notifyCorrelationId,omitempty"` }
DistSessionEventReportList List of Event Reports
func NewDistSessionEventReportList ¶
func NewDistSessionEventReportList(eventReportList []DistSessionEventReport) *DistSessionEventReportList
NewDistSessionEventReportList instantiates a new DistSessionEventReportList object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDistSessionEventReportListWithDefaults ¶
func NewDistSessionEventReportListWithDefaults() *DistSessionEventReportList
NewDistSessionEventReportListWithDefaults instantiates a new DistSessionEventReportList object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) GetEventReportList ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetEventReportList() []DistSessionEventReport
GetEventReportList returns the EventReportList field value
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) GetEventReportListOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetEventReportListOk() ([]DistSessionEventReport, bool)
GetEventReportListOk returns a tuple with the EventReportList field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) GetNotifyCorrelationId ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetNotifyCorrelationId() string
GetNotifyCorrelationId returns the NotifyCorrelationId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk returns a tuple with the NotifyCorrelationId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) HasNotifyCorrelationId ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) HasNotifyCorrelationId() bool
HasNotifyCorrelationId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DistSessionEventReportList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DistSessionEventReportList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) SetEventReportList ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) SetEventReportList(v []DistSessionEventReport)
SetEventReportList sets field value
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) SetNotifyCorrelationId ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) SetNotifyCorrelationId(v string)
SetNotifyCorrelationId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NotifyCorrelationId field.
func (DistSessionEventReportList) ToMap ¶
func (o DistSessionEventReportList) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DistSessionEventReportList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *DistSessionEventReportList) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type DistSessionEventType ¶
type DistSessionEventType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DistSessionEventType Status Event Type
func (*DistSessionEventType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *DistSessionEventType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*DistSessionEventType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *DistSessionEventType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type DistSessionState ¶
type DistSessionState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DistSessionState Current State of MBS distribution session
func (*DistSessionState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *DistSessionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*DistSessionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *DistSessionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type DistSessionSubscription ¶
type DistSessionSubscription struct { // String uniquely identifying a NF instance. The format of the NF Instance ID shall be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETF RFC 4122. NfcInstanceId *string `json:"nfcInstanceId,omitempty"` EventList []DistSessionEventType `json:"eventList"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. NotifyUri string `json:"notifyUri"` NotifyCorrelationId *string `json:"notifyCorrelationId,omitempty"` // string with format 'date-time' as defined in OpenAPI. ExpiryTime *time.Time `json:"expiryTime,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. DistSessionSubscUri *string `json:"distSessionSubscUri,omitempty"` }
DistSessionSubscription Data within the Status Subscription
func NewDistSessionSubscription ¶
func NewDistSessionSubscription(eventList []DistSessionEventType, notifyUri string) *DistSessionSubscription
NewDistSessionSubscription instantiates a new DistSessionSubscription object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDistSessionSubscriptionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDistSessionSubscriptionWithDefaults() *DistSessionSubscription
NewDistSessionSubscriptionWithDefaults instantiates a new DistSessionSubscription object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetDistSessionSubscUri ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetDistSessionSubscUri() string
GetDistSessionSubscUri returns the DistSessionSubscUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetDistSessionSubscUriOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetDistSessionSubscUriOk() (*string, bool)
GetDistSessionSubscUriOk returns a tuple with the DistSessionSubscUri field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetEventList ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetEventList() []DistSessionEventType
GetEventList returns the EventList field value
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetEventListOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetEventListOk() ([]DistSessionEventType, bool)
GetEventListOk returns a tuple with the EventList field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetExpiryTime ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetExpiryTime() time.Time
GetExpiryTime returns the ExpiryTime field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetExpiryTimeOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetExpiryTimeOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetExpiryTimeOk returns a tuple with the ExpiryTime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetNfcInstanceId ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNfcInstanceId() string
GetNfcInstanceId returns the NfcInstanceId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetNfcInstanceIdOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNfcInstanceIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetNfcInstanceIdOk returns a tuple with the NfcInstanceId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyCorrelationId ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyCorrelationId() string
GetNotifyCorrelationId returns the NotifyCorrelationId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetNotifyCorrelationIdOk returns a tuple with the NotifyCorrelationId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyUri ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyUri() string
GetNotifyUri returns the NotifyUri field value
func (*DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyUriOk ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) GetNotifyUriOk() (*string, bool)
GetNotifyUriOk returns a tuple with the NotifyUri field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) HasDistSessionSubscUri ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasDistSessionSubscUri() bool
HasDistSessionSubscUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) HasExpiryTime ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasExpiryTime() bool
HasExpiryTime returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) HasNfcInstanceId ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasNfcInstanceId() bool
HasNfcInstanceId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) HasNotifyCorrelationId ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) HasNotifyCorrelationId() bool
HasNotifyCorrelationId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DistSessionSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DistSessionSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DistSessionSubscription) SetDistSessionSubscUri ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetDistSessionSubscUri(v string)
SetDistSessionSubscUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DistSessionSubscUri field.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) SetEventList ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetEventList(v []DistSessionEventType)
SetEventList sets field value
func (*DistSessionSubscription) SetExpiryTime ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetExpiryTime(v time.Time)
SetExpiryTime gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the ExpiryTime field.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) SetNfcInstanceId ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetNfcInstanceId(v string)
SetNfcInstanceId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NfcInstanceId field.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) SetNotifyCorrelationId ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetNotifyCorrelationId(v string)
SetNotifyCorrelationId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NotifyCorrelationId field.
func (*DistSessionSubscription) SetNotifyUri ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) SetNotifyUri(v string)
SetNotifyUri sets field value
func (DistSessionSubscription) ToMap ¶
func (o DistSessionSubscription) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DistSessionSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *DistSessionSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type ExtSsm ¶
type ExtSsm struct { Ssm Ssm `json:"ssm"` // Unsigned Integer, i.e. only value 0 and integers above 0 are permissible. PortNumber int32 `json:"portNumber"` }
ExtSsm SSM and Port Number
func NewExtSsm ¶
NewExtSsm instantiates a new ExtSsm object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewExtSsmWithDefaults ¶
func NewExtSsmWithDefaults() *ExtSsm
NewExtSsmWithDefaults instantiates a new ExtSsm object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ExtSsm) GetPortNumber ¶
GetPortNumber returns the PortNumber field value
func (*ExtSsm) GetPortNumberOk ¶
GetPortNumberOk returns a tuple with the PortNumber field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ExtSsm) GetSsmOk ¶
GetSsmOk returns a tuple with the Ssm field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (ExtSsm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*ExtSsm) SetPortNumber ¶
SetPortNumber sets field value
func (*ExtSsm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FECConfig ¶
type FECConfig struct { // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. FecScheme string `json:"fecScheme"` FecOverHead int32 `json:"fecOverHead"` AdditionalParams []AddFecParams `json:"additionalParams,omitempty"` }
FECConfig Represents FEC configuration information.
func NewFECConfig ¶
NewFECConfig instantiates a new FECConfig object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewFECConfigWithDefaults ¶
func NewFECConfigWithDefaults() *FECConfig
NewFECConfigWithDefaults instantiates a new FECConfig object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*FECConfig) GetAdditionalParams ¶
func (o *FECConfig) GetAdditionalParams() []AddFecParams
GetAdditionalParams returns the AdditionalParams field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*FECConfig) GetAdditionalParamsOk ¶
func (o *FECConfig) GetAdditionalParamsOk() ([]AddFecParams, bool)
GetAdditionalParamsOk returns a tuple with the AdditionalParams field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*FECConfig) GetFecOverHead ¶
GetFecOverHead returns the FecOverHead field value
func (*FECConfig) GetFecOverHeadOk ¶
GetFecOverHeadOk returns a tuple with the FecOverHead field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*FECConfig) GetFecScheme ¶
GetFecScheme returns the FecScheme field value
func (*FECConfig) GetFecSchemeOk ¶
GetFecSchemeOk returns a tuple with the FecScheme field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*FECConfig) HasAdditionalParams ¶
HasAdditionalParams returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (FECConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*FECConfig) SetAdditionalParams ¶
func (o *FECConfig) SetAdditionalParams(v []AddFecParams)
SetAdditionalParams gets a reference to the given []AddFecParams and assigns it to the AdditionalParams field.
func (*FECConfig) SetFecOverHead ¶
SetFecOverHead sets field value
func (*FECConfig) SetFecScheme ¶
SetFecScheme sets field value
func (*FECConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type GenericOpenAPIError ¶
type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Body ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte
Body returns the raw bytes of the response
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Error ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string
Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Model ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{}
Model returns the unpacked model of the error
type IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService ¶
type IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService service
IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPI service
func (*IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Destroy ¶
func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Destroy(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiDestroyRequest
Destroy Deletes an individual MBS distribution session resource in the MBSTF.
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param distSessionRef Unique ID of the MBS distribution session @return ApiDestroyRequest
func (*IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) DestroyExecute ¶
func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) DestroyExecute(r ApiDestroyRequest) (*http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Retrieve ¶
func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Retrieve(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiRetrieveRequest
Retrieve Retrieves an individual MBS distribution session resource in the MBSTF.
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param distSessionRef Unique ID of the MBS distribution session @return ApiRetrieveRequest
func (*IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) RetrieveExecute ¶
func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) RetrieveExecute(r ApiRetrieveRequest) (*DistSession, *http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DistSession
func (*IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Update ¶
func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) Update(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiUpdateRequest
Update Updates an individual MBS distribution session resource in the MBSTF.
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param distSessionRef Unique ID of the MBS distribution session @return ApiUpdateRequest
func (*IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) UpdateExecute ¶
func (a *IndividualMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) UpdateExecute(r ApiUpdateRequest) (*DistSession, *http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DistSession
type IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService ¶
type IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService service
IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPI service
func (*IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeMod ¶
func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeMod(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, distSessionRef string) ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest
StatusSubscribeMod StatusSubscribe to modify (update or renew) an individual subscription
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param subscriptionId Unique ID of the individual subscription to be modified @param distSessionRef Unique ID of the MBS distribution session @return ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest
func (*IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeModExecute ¶
func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeModExecute(r ApiStatusSubscribeModRequest) (*DistSessionSubscription, *http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DistSessionSubscription
type IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService ¶
type IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService service
IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPI service
func (*IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService) StatusUnSubscribe ¶
func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService) StatusUnSubscribe(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, distSessionRef string) ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest
StatusUnSubscribe StatusUnSubscribe to unsubscribe from the Status Subscription
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param subscriptionId Unique ID of the subscription @param distSessionRef Unique ID of the MBS distribution session @return ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest
func (*IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService) StatusUnSubscribeExecute ¶
func (a *IndividualSubscriptionForAnMBSSessionAPIService) StatusUnSubscribeExecute(r ApiStatusUnSubscribeRequest) (*http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
type InvalidParam ¶
type InvalidParam struct { // If the invalid parameter is an attribute in a JSON body, this IE shall contain the attribute's name and shall be encoded as a JSON Pointer. If the invalid parameter is an HTTP header, this IE shall be formatted as the concatenation of the string \"header \" plus the name of such header. If the invalid parameter is a query parameter, this IE shall be formatted as the concatenation of the string \"query \" plus the name of such query parameter. If the invalid parameter is a variable part in the path of a resource URI, this IE shall contain the name of the variable, including the symbols \"{\" and \"}\" used in OpenAPI specification as the notation to represent variable path segments. Param string `json:"param"` // A human-readable reason, e.g. \"must be a positive integer\". In cases involving failed operations in a PATCH request, the reason string should identify the operation that failed using the operation's array index to assist in correlation of the invalid parameter with the failed operation, e.g.\" Replacement value invalid for attribute (failed operation index= 4)\" Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` }
InvalidParam It contains an invalid parameter and a related description.
func NewInvalidParam ¶
func NewInvalidParam(param string) *InvalidParam
NewInvalidParam instantiates a new InvalidParam object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInvalidParamWithDefaults ¶
func NewInvalidParamWithDefaults() *InvalidParam
NewInvalidParamWithDefaults instantiates a new InvalidParam object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*InvalidParam) GetParam ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) GetParam() string
GetParam returns the Param field value
func (*InvalidParam) GetParamOk ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) GetParamOk() (*string, bool)
GetParamOk returns a tuple with the Param field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InvalidParam) GetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) GetReason() string
GetReason returns the Reason field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InvalidParam) GetReasonOk ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) GetReasonOk() (*string, bool)
GetReasonOk returns a tuple with the Reason field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InvalidParam) HasReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) HasReason() bool
HasReason returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (InvalidParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o InvalidParam) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*InvalidParam) SetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) SetReason(v string)
SetReason gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Reason field.
func (InvalidParam) ToMap ¶
func (o InvalidParam) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*InvalidParam) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *InvalidParam) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type IpAddr ¶
type IpAddr struct { // String identifying a IPv4 address formatted in the 'dotted decimal' notation as defined in RFC 1166. Ipv4Addr *string `json:"ipv4Addr,omitempty"` Ipv6Addr *Ipv6Addr `json:"ipv6Addr,omitempty"` Ipv6Prefix *Ipv6Prefix `json:"ipv6Prefix,omitempty"` }
IpAddr Contains an IP adresse.
func NewIpAddr ¶
func NewIpAddr() *IpAddr
NewIpAddr instantiates a new IpAddr object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewIpAddrWithDefaults ¶
func NewIpAddrWithDefaults() *IpAddr
NewIpAddrWithDefaults instantiates a new IpAddr object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*IpAddr) GetIpv4Addr ¶
GetIpv4Addr returns the Ipv4Addr field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*IpAddr) GetIpv4AddrOk ¶
GetIpv4AddrOk returns a tuple with the Ipv4Addr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*IpAddr) GetIpv6Addr ¶
GetIpv6Addr returns the Ipv6Addr field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*IpAddr) GetIpv6AddrOk ¶
GetIpv6AddrOk returns a tuple with the Ipv6Addr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*IpAddr) GetIpv6Prefix ¶
func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv6Prefix() Ipv6Prefix
GetIpv6Prefix returns the Ipv6Prefix field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*IpAddr) GetIpv6PrefixOk ¶
func (o *IpAddr) GetIpv6PrefixOk() (*Ipv6Prefix, bool)
GetIpv6PrefixOk returns a tuple with the Ipv6Prefix field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*IpAddr) HasIpv4Addr ¶
HasIpv4Addr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*IpAddr) HasIpv6Addr ¶
HasIpv6Addr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*IpAddr) HasIpv6Prefix ¶
HasIpv6Prefix returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (IpAddr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*IpAddr) SetIpv4Addr ¶
SetIpv4Addr gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Ipv4Addr field.
func (*IpAddr) SetIpv6Addr ¶
SetIpv6Addr gets a reference to the given Ipv6Addr and assigns it to the Ipv6Addr field.
func (*IpAddr) SetIpv6Prefix ¶
func (o *IpAddr) SetIpv6Prefix(v Ipv6Prefix)
SetIpv6Prefix gets a reference to the given Ipv6Prefix and assigns it to the Ipv6Prefix field.
type Ipv6Addr ¶
type Ipv6Addr struct { }
Ipv6Addr String identifying an IPv6 address formatted according to clause 4 of RFC5952. The mixed IPv4 IPv6 notation according to clause 5 of RFC5952 shall not be used.
func NewIpv6Addr ¶
func NewIpv6Addr() *Ipv6Addr
NewIpv6Addr instantiates a new Ipv6Addr object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewIpv6AddrWithDefaults ¶
func NewIpv6AddrWithDefaults() *Ipv6Addr
NewIpv6AddrWithDefaults instantiates a new Ipv6Addr object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (Ipv6Addr) MarshalJSON ¶
type Ipv6Prefix ¶
type Ipv6Prefix struct { }
Ipv6Prefix String identifying an IPv6 address prefix formatted according to clause 4 of RFC 5952. IPv6Prefix data type may contain an individual /128 IPv6 address.
func NewIpv6Prefix ¶
func NewIpv6Prefix() *Ipv6Prefix
NewIpv6Prefix instantiates a new Ipv6Prefix object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewIpv6PrefixWithDefaults ¶
func NewIpv6PrefixWithDefaults() *Ipv6Prefix
NewIpv6PrefixWithDefaults instantiates a new Ipv6Prefix object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (Ipv6Prefix) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o Ipv6Prefix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (Ipv6Prefix) ToMap ¶
func (o Ipv6Prefix) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService ¶
type MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService service
MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPI service
func (*MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService) Create ¶
func (a *MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService) Create(ctx context.Context) ApiCreateRequest
Create Create
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ApiCreateRequest
func (*MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService) CreateExecute ¶
func (a *MBSDistributionSessionsCollectionAPIService) CreateExecute(r ApiCreateRequest) (*CreateRspData, *http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return CreateRspData
type MappedNullable ¶
type MbStfIngestAddr ¶
type MbStfIngestAddr struct { AfEgressTunAddr NullableTunnelAddress `json:"afEgressTunAddr,omitempty"` MbStfIngressTunAddr NullableTunnelAddress `json:"mbStfIngressTunAddr,omitempty"` AfSsm *ExtSsm `json:"afSsm,omitempty"` MbStfListenAddr NullableTunnelAddress `json:"mbStfListenAddr,omitempty"` }
MbStfIngestAddr MBSTF Ingest Addresses
func NewMbStfIngestAddr ¶
func NewMbStfIngestAddr() *MbStfIngestAddr
NewMbStfIngestAddr instantiates a new MbStfIngestAddr object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMbStfIngestAddrWithDefaults ¶
func NewMbStfIngestAddrWithDefaults() *MbStfIngestAddr
NewMbStfIngestAddrWithDefaults instantiates a new MbStfIngestAddr object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfEgressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfEgressTunAddr() TunnelAddress
GetAfEgressTunAddr returns the AfEgressTunAddr field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfEgressTunAddrOk ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfEgressTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
GetAfEgressTunAddrOk returns a tuple with the AfEgressTunAddr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfSsm ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfSsm() ExtSsm
GetAfSsm returns the AfSsm field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfSsmOk ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetAfSsmOk() (*ExtSsm, bool)
GetAfSsmOk returns a tuple with the AfSsm field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfIngressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfIngressTunAddr() TunnelAddress
GetMbStfIngressTunAddr returns the MbStfIngressTunAddr field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfIngressTunAddrOk ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfIngressTunAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
GetMbStfIngressTunAddrOk returns a tuple with the MbStfIngressTunAddr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfListenAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfListenAddr() TunnelAddress
GetMbStfListenAddr returns the MbStfListenAddr field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfListenAddrOk ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) GetMbStfListenAddrOk() (*TunnelAddress, bool)
GetMbStfListenAddrOk returns a tuple with the MbStfListenAddr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) HasAfEgressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasAfEgressTunAddr() bool
HasAfEgressTunAddr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) HasAfSsm ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasAfSsm() bool
HasAfSsm returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) HasMbStfIngressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasMbStfIngressTunAddr() bool
HasMbStfIngressTunAddr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) HasMbStfListenAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) HasMbStfListenAddr() bool
HasMbStfListenAddr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (MbStfIngestAddr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o MbStfIngestAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfEgressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfEgressTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
SetAfEgressTunAddr gets a reference to the given NullableTunnelAddress and assigns it to the AfEgressTunAddr field.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfEgressTunAddrNil ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfEgressTunAddrNil()
SetAfEgressTunAddrNil sets the value for AfEgressTunAddr to be an explicit nil
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfSsm ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetAfSsm(v ExtSsm)
SetAfSsm gets a reference to the given ExtSsm and assigns it to the AfSsm field.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfIngressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfIngressTunAddr(v TunnelAddress)
SetMbStfIngressTunAddr gets a reference to the given NullableTunnelAddress and assigns it to the MbStfIngressTunAddr field.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfIngressTunAddrNil ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfIngressTunAddrNil()
SetMbStfIngressTunAddrNil sets the value for MbStfIngressTunAddr to be an explicit nil
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfListenAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfListenAddr(v TunnelAddress)
SetMbStfListenAddr gets a reference to the given NullableTunnelAddress and assigns it to the MbStfListenAddr field.
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfListenAddrNil ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) SetMbStfListenAddrNil()
SetMbStfListenAddrNil sets the value for MbStfListenAddr to be an explicit nil
func (MbStfIngestAddr) ToMap ¶
func (o MbStfIngestAddr) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetAfEgressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetAfEgressTunAddr()
UnsetAfEgressTunAddr ensures that no value is present for AfEgressTunAddr, not even an explicit nil
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetMbStfIngressTunAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetMbStfIngressTunAddr()
UnsetMbStfIngressTunAddr ensures that no value is present for MbStfIngressTunAddr, not even an explicit nil
func (*MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetMbStfListenAddr ¶
func (o *MbStfIngestAddr) UnsetMbStfListenAddr()
UnsetMbStfListenAddr ensures that no value is present for MbStfListenAddr, not even an explicit nil
type MbsKeyInfo ¶
type MbsKeyInfo struct { // string with format 'bytes' as defined in OpenAPI KeyDomainId string `json:"keyDomainId"` // string with format 'bytes' as defined in OpenAPI MskId string `json:"mskId"` // string with format 'bytes' as defined in OpenAPI Msk *string `json:"msk,omitempty"` // string with format 'date-time' as defined in OpenAPI. MskLifetime *time.Time `json:"mskLifetime,omitempty"` // string with format 'bytes' as defined in OpenAPI MtkId *string `json:"mtkId,omitempty"` // string with format 'bytes' as defined in OpenAPI Mtk *string `json:"mtk,omitempty"` }
MbsKeyInfo MBS Security Key Data Structure
func NewMbsKeyInfo ¶
func NewMbsKeyInfo(keyDomainId string, mskId string) *MbsKeyInfo
NewMbsKeyInfo instantiates a new MbsKeyInfo object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMbsKeyInfoWithDefaults ¶
func NewMbsKeyInfoWithDefaults() *MbsKeyInfo
NewMbsKeyInfoWithDefaults instantiates a new MbsKeyInfo object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetKeyDomainId ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetKeyDomainId() string
GetKeyDomainId returns the KeyDomainId field value
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetKeyDomainIdOk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetKeyDomainIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyDomainIdOk returns a tuple with the KeyDomainId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMsk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMsk() string
GetMsk returns the Msk field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMskId ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskId() string
GetMskId returns the MskId field value
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMskIdOk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetMskIdOk returns a tuple with the MskId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMskLifetime ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskLifetime() time.Time
GetMskLifetime returns the MskLifetime field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMskLifetimeOk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskLifetimeOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetMskLifetimeOk returns a tuple with the MskLifetime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMskOk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMskOk() (*string, bool)
GetMskOk returns a tuple with the Msk field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMtk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtk() string
GetMtk returns the Mtk field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkId ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkId() string
GetMtkId returns the MtkId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkIdOk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetMtkIdOk returns a tuple with the MtkId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkOk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) GetMtkOk() (*string, bool)
GetMtkOk returns a tuple with the Mtk field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) HasMsk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMsk() bool
HasMsk returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) HasMskLifetime ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMskLifetime() bool
HasMskLifetime returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) HasMtk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMtk() bool
HasMtk returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) HasMtkId ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) HasMtkId() bool
HasMtkId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (MbsKeyInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o MbsKeyInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MbsKeyInfo) SetKeyDomainId ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetKeyDomainId(v string)
SetKeyDomainId sets field value
func (*MbsKeyInfo) SetMsk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMsk(v string)
SetMsk gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Msk field.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) SetMskLifetime ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMskLifetime(v time.Time)
SetMskLifetime gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the MskLifetime field.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) SetMtk ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMtk(v string)
SetMtk gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Mtk field.
func (*MbsKeyInfo) SetMtkId ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) SetMtkId(v string)
SetMtkId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the MtkId field.
func (MbsKeyInfo) ToMap ¶
func (o MbsKeyInfo) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*MbsKeyInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *MbsKeyInfo) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type MbsSecurityContext ¶
type MbsSecurityContext struct { // A map (list of key-value pairs) where a (unique) valid JSON string serves as key of MbsSecurityContext KeyList map[string]MbsKeyInfo `json:"keyList"` }
MbsSecurityContext struct for MbsSecurityContext
func NewMbsSecurityContext ¶
func NewMbsSecurityContext(keyList map[string]MbsKeyInfo) *MbsSecurityContext
NewMbsSecurityContext instantiates a new MbsSecurityContext object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMbsSecurityContextWithDefaults ¶
func NewMbsSecurityContextWithDefaults() *MbsSecurityContext
NewMbsSecurityContextWithDefaults instantiates a new MbsSecurityContext object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MbsSecurityContext) GetKeyList ¶
func (o *MbsSecurityContext) GetKeyList() map[string]MbsKeyInfo
GetKeyList returns the KeyList field value
func (*MbsSecurityContext) GetKeyListOk ¶
func (o *MbsSecurityContext) GetKeyListOk() (*map[string]MbsKeyInfo, bool)
GetKeyListOk returns a tuple with the KeyList field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (MbsSecurityContext) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o MbsSecurityContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MbsSecurityContext) SetKeyList ¶
func (o *MbsSecurityContext) SetKeyList(v map[string]MbsKeyInfo)
SetKeyList sets field value
func (MbsSecurityContext) ToMap ¶
func (o MbsSecurityContext) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*MbsSecurityContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *MbsSecurityContext) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type NFType ¶
type NFType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NFType NF types known to NRF
func (*NFType) MarshalJSON ¶
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*NFType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type NullableAccessTokenErr ¶
type NullableAccessTokenErr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableAccessTokenErr ¶
func NewNullableAccessTokenErr(val *AccessTokenErr) *NullableAccessTokenErr
func (NullableAccessTokenErr) Get ¶
func (v NullableAccessTokenErr) Get() *AccessTokenErr
func (NullableAccessTokenErr) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableAccessTokenErr) IsSet() bool
func (NullableAccessTokenErr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableAccessTokenErr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableAccessTokenErr) Set ¶
func (v *NullableAccessTokenErr) Set(val *AccessTokenErr)
func (*NullableAccessTokenErr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableAccessTokenErr) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableAccessTokenErr) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableAccessTokenErr) Unset()
type NullableAccessTokenReq ¶
type NullableAccessTokenReq struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableAccessTokenReq ¶
func NewNullableAccessTokenReq(val *AccessTokenReq) *NullableAccessTokenReq
func (NullableAccessTokenReq) Get ¶
func (v NullableAccessTokenReq) Get() *AccessTokenReq
func (NullableAccessTokenReq) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableAccessTokenReq) IsSet() bool
func (NullableAccessTokenReq) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableAccessTokenReq) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableAccessTokenReq) Set ¶
func (v *NullableAccessTokenReq) Set(val *AccessTokenReq)
func (*NullableAccessTokenReq) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableAccessTokenReq) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableAccessTokenReq) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableAccessTokenReq) Unset()
type NullableAddFecParams ¶
type NullableAddFecParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableAddFecParams ¶
func NewNullableAddFecParams(val *AddFecParams) *NullableAddFecParams
func (NullableAddFecParams) Get ¶
func (v NullableAddFecParams) Get() *AddFecParams
func (NullableAddFecParams) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableAddFecParams) IsSet() bool
func (NullableAddFecParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableAddFecParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableAddFecParams) Set ¶
func (v *NullableAddFecParams) Set(val *AddFecParams)
func (*NullableAddFecParams) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableAddFecParams) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableAddFecParams) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableAddFecParams) Unset()
type NullableBool ¶
type NullableBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBool ¶
func NewNullableBool(val *bool) *NullableBool
func (NullableBool) Get ¶
func (v NullableBool) Get() *bool
func (NullableBool) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableBool) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBool) Set ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Set(val *bool)
func (*NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBool) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Unset()
type NullableCreateReqData ¶
type NullableCreateReqData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCreateReqData ¶
func NewNullableCreateReqData(val *CreateReqData) *NullableCreateReqData
func (NullableCreateReqData) Get ¶
func (v NullableCreateReqData) Get() *CreateReqData
func (NullableCreateReqData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableCreateReqData) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCreateReqData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableCreateReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCreateReqData) Set ¶
func (v *NullableCreateReqData) Set(val *CreateReqData)
func (*NullableCreateReqData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableCreateReqData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCreateReqData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableCreateReqData) Unset()
type NullableCreateRspData ¶
type NullableCreateRspData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCreateRspData ¶
func NewNullableCreateRspData(val *CreateRspData) *NullableCreateRspData
func (NullableCreateRspData) Get ¶
func (v NullableCreateRspData) Get() *CreateRspData
func (NullableCreateRspData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableCreateRspData) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCreateRspData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableCreateRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCreateRspData) Set ¶
func (v *NullableCreateRspData) Set(val *CreateRspData)
func (*NullableCreateRspData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableCreateRspData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCreateRspData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableCreateRspData) Unset()
type NullableDistSession ¶
type NullableDistSession struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDistSession ¶
func NewNullableDistSession(val *DistSession) *NullableDistSession
func (NullableDistSession) Get ¶
func (v NullableDistSession) Get() *DistSession
func (NullableDistSession) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDistSession) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDistSession) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDistSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDistSession) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDistSession) Set(val *DistSession)
func (*NullableDistSession) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDistSession) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDistSession) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDistSession) Unset()
type NullableDistSessionEventReport ¶
type NullableDistSessionEventReport struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDistSessionEventReport ¶
func NewNullableDistSessionEventReport(val *DistSessionEventReport) *NullableDistSessionEventReport
func (NullableDistSessionEventReport) Get ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventReport) Get() *DistSessionEventReport
func (NullableDistSessionEventReport) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventReport) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDistSessionEventReport) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDistSessionEventReport) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReport) Set(val *DistSessionEventReport)
func (*NullableDistSessionEventReport) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReport) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDistSessionEventReport) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReport) Unset()
type NullableDistSessionEventReportList ¶
type NullableDistSessionEventReportList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDistSessionEventReportList ¶
func NewNullableDistSessionEventReportList(val *DistSessionEventReportList) *NullableDistSessionEventReportList
func (NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Get ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Get() *DistSessionEventReportList
func (NullableDistSessionEventReportList) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventReportList) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDistSessionEventReportList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventReportList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Set(val *DistSessionEventReportList)
func (*NullableDistSessionEventReportList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReportList) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventReportList) Unset()
type NullableDistSessionEventType ¶
type NullableDistSessionEventType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDistSessionEventType ¶
func NewNullableDistSessionEventType(val *DistSessionEventType) *NullableDistSessionEventType
func (NullableDistSessionEventType) Get ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventType) Get() *DistSessionEventType
func (NullableDistSessionEventType) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventType) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDistSessionEventType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionEventType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDistSessionEventType) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventType) Set(val *DistSessionEventType)
func (*NullableDistSessionEventType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventType) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDistSessionEventType) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionEventType) Unset()
type NullableDistSessionState ¶
type NullableDistSessionState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDistSessionState ¶
func NewNullableDistSessionState(val *DistSessionState) *NullableDistSessionState
func (NullableDistSessionState) Get ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionState) Get() *DistSessionState
func (NullableDistSessionState) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionState) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDistSessionState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDistSessionState) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionState) Set(val *DistSessionState)
func (*NullableDistSessionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDistSessionState) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionState) Unset()
type NullableDistSessionSubscription ¶
type NullableDistSessionSubscription struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDistSessionSubscription ¶
func NewNullableDistSessionSubscription(val *DistSessionSubscription) *NullableDistSessionSubscription
func (NullableDistSessionSubscription) Get ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionSubscription) Get() *DistSessionSubscription
func (NullableDistSessionSubscription) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionSubscription) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDistSessionSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDistSessionSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDistSessionSubscription) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionSubscription) Set(val *DistSessionSubscription)
func (*NullableDistSessionSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDistSessionSubscription) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDistSessionSubscription) Unset()
type NullableExtSsm ¶
type NullableExtSsm struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableExtSsm ¶
func NewNullableExtSsm(val *ExtSsm) *NullableExtSsm
func (NullableExtSsm) Get ¶
func (v NullableExtSsm) Get() *ExtSsm
func (NullableExtSsm) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableExtSsm) IsSet() bool
func (NullableExtSsm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableExtSsm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableExtSsm) Set ¶
func (v *NullableExtSsm) Set(val *ExtSsm)
func (*NullableExtSsm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableExtSsm) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableExtSsm) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableExtSsm) Unset()
type NullableFECConfig ¶
type NullableFECConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFECConfig ¶
func NewNullableFECConfig(val *FECConfig) *NullableFECConfig
func (NullableFECConfig) Get ¶
func (v NullableFECConfig) Get() *FECConfig
func (NullableFECConfig) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFECConfig) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFECConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFECConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFECConfig) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFECConfig) Set(val *FECConfig)
func (*NullableFECConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFECConfig) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFECConfig) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFECConfig) Unset()
type NullableFloat32 ¶
type NullableFloat32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat32 ¶
func NewNullableFloat32(val *float32) *NullableFloat32
func (NullableFloat32) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) Get() *float32
func (NullableFloat32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Set(val *float32)
func (*NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Unset()
type NullableFloat64 ¶
type NullableFloat64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat64 ¶
func NewNullableFloat64(val *float64) *NullableFloat64
func (NullableFloat64) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) Get() *float64
func (NullableFloat64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Set(val *float64)
func (*NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Unset()
type NullableInt ¶
type NullableInt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt ¶
func NewNullableInt(val *int) *NullableInt
func (NullableInt) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt) Get() *int
func (NullableInt) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Set(val *int)
func (*NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Unset()
type NullableInt32 ¶
type NullableInt32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt32 ¶
func NewNullableInt32(val *int32) *NullableInt32
func (NullableInt32) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt32) Get() *int32
func (NullableInt32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Set(val *int32)
func (*NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Unset()
type NullableInt64 ¶
type NullableInt64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt64 ¶
func NewNullableInt64(val *int64) *NullableInt64
func (NullableInt64) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt64) Get() *int64
func (NullableInt64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Set(val *int64)
func (*NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Unset()
type NullableInvalidParam ¶
type NullableInvalidParam struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInvalidParam ¶
func NewNullableInvalidParam(val *InvalidParam) *NullableInvalidParam
func (NullableInvalidParam) Get ¶
func (v NullableInvalidParam) Get() *InvalidParam
func (NullableInvalidParam) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInvalidParam) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInvalidParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInvalidParam) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInvalidParam) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInvalidParam) Set(val *InvalidParam)
func (*NullableInvalidParam) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInvalidParam) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInvalidParam) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInvalidParam) Unset()
type NullableIpAddr ¶
type NullableIpAddr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableIpAddr ¶
func NewNullableIpAddr(val *IpAddr) *NullableIpAddr
func (NullableIpAddr) Get ¶
func (v NullableIpAddr) Get() *IpAddr
func (NullableIpAddr) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableIpAddr) IsSet() bool
func (NullableIpAddr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableIpAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableIpAddr) Set ¶
func (v *NullableIpAddr) Set(val *IpAddr)
func (*NullableIpAddr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableIpAddr) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableIpAddr) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableIpAddr) Unset()
type NullableIpv6Addr ¶
type NullableIpv6Addr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableIpv6Addr ¶
func NewNullableIpv6Addr(val *Ipv6Addr) *NullableIpv6Addr
func (NullableIpv6Addr) Get ¶
func (v NullableIpv6Addr) Get() *Ipv6Addr
func (NullableIpv6Addr) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableIpv6Addr) IsSet() bool
func (NullableIpv6Addr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableIpv6Addr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableIpv6Addr) Set ¶
func (v *NullableIpv6Addr) Set(val *Ipv6Addr)
func (*NullableIpv6Addr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableIpv6Addr) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableIpv6Addr) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableIpv6Addr) Unset()
type NullableIpv6Prefix ¶
type NullableIpv6Prefix struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableIpv6Prefix ¶
func NewNullableIpv6Prefix(val *Ipv6Prefix) *NullableIpv6Prefix
func (NullableIpv6Prefix) Get ¶
func (v NullableIpv6Prefix) Get() *Ipv6Prefix
func (NullableIpv6Prefix) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableIpv6Prefix) IsSet() bool
func (NullableIpv6Prefix) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableIpv6Prefix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableIpv6Prefix) Set ¶
func (v *NullableIpv6Prefix) Set(val *Ipv6Prefix)
func (*NullableIpv6Prefix) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableIpv6Prefix) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableIpv6Prefix) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableIpv6Prefix) Unset()
type NullableMbStfIngestAddr ¶
type NullableMbStfIngestAddr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMbStfIngestAddr ¶
func NewNullableMbStfIngestAddr(val *MbStfIngestAddr) *NullableMbStfIngestAddr
func (NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Get ¶
func (v NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Get() *MbStfIngestAddr
func (NullableMbStfIngestAddr) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableMbStfIngestAddr) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMbStfIngestAddr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableMbStfIngestAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Set ¶
func (v *NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Set(val *MbStfIngestAddr)
func (*NullableMbStfIngestAddr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableMbStfIngestAddr) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableMbStfIngestAddr) Unset()
type NullableMbsKeyInfo ¶
type NullableMbsKeyInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMbsKeyInfo ¶
func NewNullableMbsKeyInfo(val *MbsKeyInfo) *NullableMbsKeyInfo
func (NullableMbsKeyInfo) Get ¶
func (v NullableMbsKeyInfo) Get() *MbsKeyInfo
func (NullableMbsKeyInfo) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableMbsKeyInfo) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMbsKeyInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableMbsKeyInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMbsKeyInfo) Set ¶
func (v *NullableMbsKeyInfo) Set(val *MbsKeyInfo)
func (*NullableMbsKeyInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableMbsKeyInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMbsKeyInfo) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableMbsKeyInfo) Unset()
type NullableMbsSecurityContext ¶
type NullableMbsSecurityContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMbsSecurityContext ¶
func NewNullableMbsSecurityContext(val *MbsSecurityContext) *NullableMbsSecurityContext
func (NullableMbsSecurityContext) Get ¶
func (v NullableMbsSecurityContext) Get() *MbsSecurityContext
func (NullableMbsSecurityContext) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableMbsSecurityContext) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMbsSecurityContext) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableMbsSecurityContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMbsSecurityContext) Set ¶
func (v *NullableMbsSecurityContext) Set(val *MbsSecurityContext)
func (*NullableMbsSecurityContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableMbsSecurityContext) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMbsSecurityContext) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableMbsSecurityContext) Unset()
type NullableNFType ¶
type NullableNFType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableNFType ¶
func NewNullableNFType(val *NFType) *NullableNFType
func (NullableNFType) Get ¶
func (v NullableNFType) Get() *NFType
func (NullableNFType) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableNFType) IsSet() bool
func (NullableNFType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableNFType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableNFType) Set ¶
func (v *NullableNFType) Set(val *NFType)
func (*NullableNFType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableNFType) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableNFType) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableNFType) Unset()
type NullableObjAcquisitionMethod ¶
type NullableObjAcquisitionMethod struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableObjAcquisitionMethod ¶
func NewNullableObjAcquisitionMethod(val *ObjAcquisitionMethod) *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod
func (NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Get ¶
func (v NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Get() *ObjAcquisitionMethod
func (NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) IsSet() bool
func (NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Set ¶
func (v *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Set(val *ObjAcquisitionMethod)
func (*NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableObjAcquisitionMethod) Unset()
type NullableObjDistributionData ¶
type NullableObjDistributionData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableObjDistributionData ¶
func NewNullableObjDistributionData(val *ObjDistributionData) *NullableObjDistributionData
func (NullableObjDistributionData) Get ¶
func (v NullableObjDistributionData) Get() *ObjDistributionData
func (NullableObjDistributionData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableObjDistributionData) IsSet() bool
func (NullableObjDistributionData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableObjDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableObjDistributionData) Set ¶
func (v *NullableObjDistributionData) Set(val *ObjDistributionData)
func (*NullableObjDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableObjDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableObjDistributionData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableObjDistributionData) Unset()
type NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode ¶
type NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableObjDistributionOperatingMode ¶
func NewNullableObjDistributionOperatingMode(val *ObjDistributionOperatingMode) *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode
func (NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Get ¶
func (v NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Get() *ObjDistributionOperatingMode
func (NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) IsSet() bool
func (NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Set ¶
func (v *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Set(val *ObjDistributionOperatingMode)
func (*NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableObjDistributionOperatingMode) Unset()
type NullablePatchItem ¶
type NullablePatchItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePatchItem ¶
func NewNullablePatchItem(val *PatchItem) *NullablePatchItem
func (NullablePatchItem) Get ¶
func (v NullablePatchItem) Get() *PatchItem
func (NullablePatchItem) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePatchItem) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePatchItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePatchItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePatchItem) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePatchItem) Set(val *PatchItem)
func (*NullablePatchItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePatchItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePatchItem) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePatchItem) Unset()
type NullablePatchOperation ¶
type NullablePatchOperation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePatchOperation ¶
func NewNullablePatchOperation(val *PatchOperation) *NullablePatchOperation
func (NullablePatchOperation) Get ¶
func (v NullablePatchOperation) Get() *PatchOperation
func (NullablePatchOperation) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePatchOperation) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePatchOperation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePatchOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePatchOperation) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePatchOperation) Set(val *PatchOperation)
func (*NullablePatchOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePatchOperation) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePatchOperation) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePatchOperation) Unset()
type NullablePktDistributionData ¶
type NullablePktDistributionData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePktDistributionData ¶
func NewNullablePktDistributionData(val *PktDistributionData) *NullablePktDistributionData
func (NullablePktDistributionData) Get ¶
func (v NullablePktDistributionData) Get() *PktDistributionData
func (NullablePktDistributionData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePktDistributionData) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePktDistributionData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePktDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePktDistributionData) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePktDistributionData) Set(val *PktDistributionData)
func (*NullablePktDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePktDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePktDistributionData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePktDistributionData) Unset()
type NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode ¶
type NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePktDistributionOperatingMode ¶
func NewNullablePktDistributionOperatingMode(val *PktDistributionOperatingMode) *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode
func (NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Get ¶
func (v NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Get() *PktDistributionOperatingMode
func (NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Set(val *PktDistributionOperatingMode)
func (*NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePktDistributionOperatingMode) Unset()
type NullablePktIngestMethod ¶
type NullablePktIngestMethod struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePktIngestMethod ¶
func NewNullablePktIngestMethod(val *PktIngestMethod) *NullablePktIngestMethod
func (NullablePktIngestMethod) Get ¶
func (v NullablePktIngestMethod) Get() *PktIngestMethod
func (NullablePktIngestMethod) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePktIngestMethod) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePktIngestMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePktIngestMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePktIngestMethod) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePktIngestMethod) Set(val *PktIngestMethod)
func (*NullablePktIngestMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePktIngestMethod) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePktIngestMethod) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePktIngestMethod) Unset()
type NullablePlmnId ¶
type NullablePlmnId struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePlmnId ¶
func NewNullablePlmnId(val *PlmnId) *NullablePlmnId
func (NullablePlmnId) Get ¶
func (v NullablePlmnId) Get() *PlmnId
func (NullablePlmnId) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePlmnId) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePlmnId) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePlmnId) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePlmnId) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePlmnId) Set(val *PlmnId)
func (*NullablePlmnId) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePlmnId) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePlmnId) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePlmnId) Unset()
type NullablePlmnIdNid ¶
type NullablePlmnIdNid struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePlmnIdNid ¶
func NewNullablePlmnIdNid(val *PlmnIdNid) *NullablePlmnIdNid
func (NullablePlmnIdNid) Get ¶
func (v NullablePlmnIdNid) Get() *PlmnIdNid
func (NullablePlmnIdNid) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePlmnIdNid) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePlmnIdNid) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePlmnIdNid) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePlmnIdNid) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePlmnIdNid) Set(val *PlmnIdNid)
func (*NullablePlmnIdNid) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePlmnIdNid) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePlmnIdNid) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePlmnIdNid) Unset()
type NullableProblemDetails ¶
type NullableProblemDetails struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableProblemDetails ¶
func NewNullableProblemDetails(val *ProblemDetails) *NullableProblemDetails
func (NullableProblemDetails) Get ¶
func (v NullableProblemDetails) Get() *ProblemDetails
func (NullableProblemDetails) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableProblemDetails) IsSet() bool
func (NullableProblemDetails) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableProblemDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableProblemDetails) Set ¶
func (v *NullableProblemDetails) Set(val *ProblemDetails)
func (*NullableProblemDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableProblemDetails) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableProblemDetails) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableProblemDetails) Unset()
type NullableRedirectResponse ¶
type NullableRedirectResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRedirectResponse ¶
func NewNullableRedirectResponse(val *RedirectResponse) *NullableRedirectResponse
func (NullableRedirectResponse) Get ¶
func (v NullableRedirectResponse) Get() *RedirectResponse
func (NullableRedirectResponse) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRedirectResponse) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRedirectResponse) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRedirectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRedirectResponse) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRedirectResponse) Set(val *RedirectResponse)
func (*NullableRedirectResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRedirectResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRedirectResponse) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRedirectResponse) Unset()
type NullableSnssai ¶
type NullableSnssai struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSnssai ¶
func NewNullableSnssai(val *Snssai) *NullableSnssai
func (NullableSnssai) Get ¶
func (v NullableSnssai) Get() *Snssai
func (NullableSnssai) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableSnssai) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSnssai) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableSnssai) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSnssai) Set ¶
func (v *NullableSnssai) Set(val *Snssai)
func (*NullableSnssai) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableSnssai) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSnssai) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableSnssai) Unset()
type NullableSsm ¶
type NullableSsm struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSsm ¶
func NewNullableSsm(val *Ssm) *NullableSsm
func (NullableSsm) Get ¶
func (v NullableSsm) Get() *Ssm
func (NullableSsm) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableSsm) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSsm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableSsm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSsm) Set ¶
func (v *NullableSsm) Set(val *Ssm)
func (*NullableSsm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableSsm) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSsm) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableSsm) Unset()
type NullableStatusNotifyReqData ¶
type NullableStatusNotifyReqData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableStatusNotifyReqData ¶
func NewNullableStatusNotifyReqData(val *StatusNotifyReqData) *NullableStatusNotifyReqData
func (NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Get ¶
func (v NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Get() *StatusNotifyReqData
func (NullableStatusNotifyReqData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableStatusNotifyReqData) IsSet() bool
func (NullableStatusNotifyReqData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableStatusNotifyReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Set ¶
func (v *NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Set(val *StatusNotifyReqData)
func (*NullableStatusNotifyReqData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableStatusNotifyReqData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableStatusNotifyReqData) Unset()
type NullableStatusSubscribeReqData ¶
type NullableStatusSubscribeReqData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableStatusSubscribeReqData ¶
func NewNullableStatusSubscribeReqData(val *StatusSubscribeReqData) *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData
func (NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Get ¶
func (v NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Get() *StatusSubscribeReqData
func (NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) IsSet() bool
func (NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Set ¶
func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Set(val *StatusSubscribeReqData)
func (*NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeReqData) Unset()
type NullableStatusSubscribeRspData ¶
type NullableStatusSubscribeRspData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableStatusSubscribeRspData ¶
func NewNullableStatusSubscribeRspData(val *StatusSubscribeRspData) *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData
func (NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Get ¶
func (v NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Get() *StatusSubscribeRspData
func (NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) IsSet() bool
func (NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Set ¶
func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Set(val *StatusSubscribeRspData)
func (*NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableStatusSubscribeRspData) Unset()
type NullableString ¶
type NullableString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableString ¶
func NewNullableString(val *string) *NullableString
func (NullableString) Get ¶
func (v NullableString) Get() *string
func (NullableString) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableString) IsSet() bool
func (NullableString) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableString) Set ¶
func (v *NullableString) Set(val *string)
func (*NullableString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableString) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableString) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableString) Unset()
type NullableTime ¶
type NullableTime struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTime ¶
func NewNullableTime(val *time.Time) *NullableTime
func (NullableTime) Get ¶
func (v NullableTime) Get() *time.Time
func (NullableTime) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTime) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTime) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTime) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Set(val *time.Time)
func (*NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTime) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Unset()
type NullableTunnelAddress ¶
type NullableTunnelAddress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTunnelAddress ¶
func NewNullableTunnelAddress(val *TunnelAddress) *NullableTunnelAddress
func (NullableTunnelAddress) Get ¶
func (v NullableTunnelAddress) Get() *TunnelAddress
func (NullableTunnelAddress) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTunnelAddress) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTunnelAddress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTunnelAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTunnelAddress) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTunnelAddress) Set(val *TunnelAddress)
func (*NullableTunnelAddress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTunnelAddress) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTunnelAddress) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTunnelAddress) Unset()
type NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
type NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
func NewNullableUpTrafficFlowInfo(val *UpTrafficFlowInfo) *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo
func (NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Get() *UpTrafficFlowInfo
func (NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Set(val *UpTrafficFlowInfo)
func (*NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpTrafficFlowInfo) Unset()
type ObjAcquisitionMethod ¶
type ObjAcquisitionMethod struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ObjAcquisitionMethod Object Acquisition Method
func (*ObjAcquisitionMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *ObjAcquisitionMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*ObjAcquisitionMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *ObjAcquisitionMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type ObjDistributionData ¶
type ObjDistributionData struct { ObjDistributionOperatingMode ObjDistributionOperatingMode `json:"objDistributionOperatingMode"` ObjAcquisitionMethod ObjAcquisitionMethod `json:"objAcquisitionMethod"` ObjAcquisitionIdsPull []string `json:"objAcquisitionIdsPull,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. ObjAcquisitionIdPush *string `json:"objAcquisitionIdPush,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. ObjIngestBaseUrl *string `json:"objIngestBaseUrl,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. ObjDistributionBaseUrl *string `json:"objDistributionBaseUrl,omitempty"` }
ObjDistributionData Info for Object Distribution Method
func NewObjDistributionData ¶
func NewObjDistributionData(objDistributionOperatingMode ObjDistributionOperatingMode, objAcquisitionMethod ObjAcquisitionMethod) *ObjDistributionData
NewObjDistributionData instantiates a new ObjDistributionData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewObjDistributionDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewObjDistributionDataWithDefaults() *ObjDistributionData
NewObjDistributionDataWithDefaults instantiates a new ObjDistributionData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdPush ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdPush() string
GetObjAcquisitionIdPush returns the ObjAcquisitionIdPush field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdPushOk ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdPushOk() (*string, bool)
GetObjAcquisitionIdPushOk returns a tuple with the ObjAcquisitionIdPush field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdsPull ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdsPull() []string
GetObjAcquisitionIdsPull returns the ObjAcquisitionIdsPull field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdsPullOk ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionIdsPullOk() ([]string, bool)
GetObjAcquisitionIdsPullOk returns a tuple with the ObjAcquisitionIdsPull field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionMethod ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionMethod() ObjAcquisitionMethod
GetObjAcquisitionMethod returns the ObjAcquisitionMethod field value
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionMethodOk ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjAcquisitionMethodOk() (*ObjAcquisitionMethod, bool)
GetObjAcquisitionMethodOk returns a tuple with the ObjAcquisitionMethod field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionBaseUrl ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionBaseUrl() string
GetObjDistributionBaseUrl returns the ObjDistributionBaseUrl field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionBaseUrlOk ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionBaseUrlOk() (*string, bool)
GetObjDistributionBaseUrlOk returns a tuple with the ObjDistributionBaseUrl field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionOperatingMode ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionOperatingMode() ObjDistributionOperatingMode
GetObjDistributionOperatingMode returns the ObjDistributionOperatingMode field value
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionOperatingModeOk ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjDistributionOperatingModeOk() (*ObjDistributionOperatingMode, bool)
GetObjDistributionOperatingModeOk returns a tuple with the ObjDistributionOperatingMode field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjIngestBaseUrl ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjIngestBaseUrl() string
GetObjIngestBaseUrl returns the ObjIngestBaseUrl field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ObjDistributionData) GetObjIngestBaseUrlOk ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) GetObjIngestBaseUrlOk() (*string, bool)
GetObjIngestBaseUrlOk returns a tuple with the ObjIngestBaseUrl field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) HasObjAcquisitionIdPush ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjAcquisitionIdPush() bool
HasObjAcquisitionIdPush returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) HasObjAcquisitionIdsPull ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjAcquisitionIdsPull() bool
HasObjAcquisitionIdsPull returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) HasObjDistributionBaseUrl ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjDistributionBaseUrl() bool
HasObjDistributionBaseUrl returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ObjDistributionData) HasObjIngestBaseUrl ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) HasObjIngestBaseUrl() bool
HasObjIngestBaseUrl returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ObjDistributionData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ObjDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionIdPush ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionIdPush(v string)
SetObjAcquisitionIdPush gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ObjAcquisitionIdPush field.
func (*ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionIdsPull ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionIdsPull(v []string)
SetObjAcquisitionIdsPull gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the ObjAcquisitionIdsPull field.
func (*ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionMethod ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjAcquisitionMethod(v ObjAcquisitionMethod)
SetObjAcquisitionMethod sets field value
func (*ObjDistributionData) SetObjDistributionBaseUrl ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjDistributionBaseUrl(v string)
SetObjDistributionBaseUrl gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ObjDistributionBaseUrl field.
func (*ObjDistributionData) SetObjDistributionOperatingMode ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjDistributionOperatingMode(v ObjDistributionOperatingMode)
SetObjDistributionOperatingMode sets field value
func (*ObjDistributionData) SetObjIngestBaseUrl ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) SetObjIngestBaseUrl(v string)
SetObjIngestBaseUrl gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ObjIngestBaseUrl field.
func (ObjDistributionData) ToMap ¶
func (o ObjDistributionData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ObjDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *ObjDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type ObjDistributionOperatingMode ¶
type ObjDistributionOperatingMode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ObjDistributionOperatingMode Mode of data ingestion for Object distribution method
func (*ObjDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *ObjDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*ObjDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *ObjDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type PatchItem ¶
type PatchItem struct { Op PatchOperation `json:"op"` // contains a JSON pointer value (as defined in IETF RFC 6901) that references a location of a resource on which the patch operation shall be performed. Path string `json:"path"` // indicates the path of the source JSON element (according to JSON Pointer syntax) being moved or copied to the location indicated by the \"path\" attribute. From *string `json:"from,omitempty"` Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
PatchItem it contains information on data to be changed.
func NewPatchItem ¶
func NewPatchItem(op PatchOperation, path string) *PatchItem
NewPatchItem instantiates a new PatchItem object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPatchItemWithDefaults ¶
func NewPatchItemWithDefaults() *PatchItem
NewPatchItemWithDefaults instantiates a new PatchItem object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PatchItem) GetFromOk ¶
GetFromOk returns a tuple with the From field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PatchItem) GetOp ¶
func (o *PatchItem) GetOp() PatchOperation
GetOp returns the Op field value
func (*PatchItem) GetOpOk ¶
func (o *PatchItem) GetOpOk() (*PatchOperation, bool)
GetOpOk returns a tuple with the Op field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PatchItem) GetPathOk ¶
GetPathOk returns a tuple with the Path field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PatchItem) GetValue ¶
func (o *PatchItem) GetValue() interface{}
GetValue returns the Value field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*PatchItem) GetValueOk ¶
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (PatchItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*PatchItem) SetFrom ¶
SetFrom gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the From field.
func (*PatchItem) SetValue ¶
func (o *PatchItem) SetValue(v interface{})
SetValue gets a reference to the given interface{} and assigns it to the Value field.
func (*PatchItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PatchOperation ¶
type PatchOperation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PatchOperation Operations as defined in IETF RFC 6902.
func (*PatchOperation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *PatchOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*PatchOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *PatchOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type PktDistributionData ¶
type PktDistributionData struct { PktDistributionOperatingMode PktDistributionOperatingMode `json:"pktDistributionOperatingMode"` PktIngestMethod *PktIngestMethod `json:"pktIngestMethod,omitempty"` MbStfIngestAddr MbStfIngestAddr `json:"mbStfIngestAddr"` }
PktDistributionData Info for Packet Distribution Method
func NewPktDistributionData ¶
func NewPktDistributionData(pktDistributionOperatingMode PktDistributionOperatingMode, mbStfIngestAddr MbStfIngestAddr) *PktDistributionData
NewPktDistributionData instantiates a new PktDistributionData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPktDistributionDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewPktDistributionDataWithDefaults() *PktDistributionData
NewPktDistributionDataWithDefaults instantiates a new PktDistributionData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PktDistributionData) GetMbStfIngestAddr ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) GetMbStfIngestAddr() MbStfIngestAddr
GetMbStfIngestAddr returns the MbStfIngestAddr field value
func (*PktDistributionData) GetMbStfIngestAddrOk ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) GetMbStfIngestAddrOk() (*MbStfIngestAddr, bool)
GetMbStfIngestAddrOk returns a tuple with the MbStfIngestAddr field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PktDistributionData) GetPktDistributionOperatingMode ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktDistributionOperatingMode() PktDistributionOperatingMode
GetPktDistributionOperatingMode returns the PktDistributionOperatingMode field value
func (*PktDistributionData) GetPktDistributionOperatingModeOk ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktDistributionOperatingModeOk() (*PktDistributionOperatingMode, bool)
GetPktDistributionOperatingModeOk returns a tuple with the PktDistributionOperatingMode field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PktDistributionData) GetPktIngestMethod ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktIngestMethod() PktIngestMethod
GetPktIngestMethod returns the PktIngestMethod field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PktDistributionData) GetPktIngestMethodOk ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) GetPktIngestMethodOk() (*PktIngestMethod, bool)
GetPktIngestMethodOk returns a tuple with the PktIngestMethod field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PktDistributionData) HasPktIngestMethod ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) HasPktIngestMethod() bool
HasPktIngestMethod returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (PktDistributionData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o PktDistributionData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PktDistributionData) SetMbStfIngestAddr ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) SetMbStfIngestAddr(v MbStfIngestAddr)
SetMbStfIngestAddr sets field value
func (*PktDistributionData) SetPktDistributionOperatingMode ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) SetPktDistributionOperatingMode(v PktDistributionOperatingMode)
SetPktDistributionOperatingMode sets field value
func (*PktDistributionData) SetPktIngestMethod ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) SetPktIngestMethod(v PktIngestMethod)
SetPktIngestMethod gets a reference to the given PktIngestMethod and assigns it to the PktIngestMethod field.
func (PktDistributionData) ToMap ¶
func (o PktDistributionData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*PktDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *PktDistributionData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type PktDistributionOperatingMode ¶
type PktDistributionOperatingMode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PktDistributionOperatingMode Mode of data ingestion for Packet distribution method
func (*PktDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *PktDistributionOperatingMode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*PktDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *PktDistributionOperatingMode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type PktIngestMethod ¶
type PktIngestMethod struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PktIngestMethod Packet Ingest Method
func (*PktIngestMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *PktIngestMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*PktIngestMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *PktIngestMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type PlmnId ¶
type PlmnId struct { // Mobile Country Code part of the PLMN, comprising 3 digits, as defined in clause of 3GPP TS 38.413. Mcc string `json:"mcc"` // Mobile Network Code part of the PLMN, comprising 2 or 3 digits, as defined in clause of 3GPP TS 38.413. Mnc string `json:"mnc"` }
PlmnId When PlmnId needs to be converted to string (e.g. when used in maps as key), the string shall be composed of three digits \"mcc\" followed by \"-\" and two or three digits \"mnc\".
func NewPlmnId ¶
NewPlmnId instantiates a new PlmnId object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPlmnIdWithDefaults ¶
func NewPlmnIdWithDefaults() *PlmnId
NewPlmnIdWithDefaults instantiates a new PlmnId object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PlmnId) GetMccOk ¶
GetMccOk returns a tuple with the Mcc field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PlmnId) GetMncOk ¶
GetMncOk returns a tuple with the Mnc field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (PlmnId) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*PlmnId) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PlmnIdNid ¶
type PlmnIdNid struct { // Mobile Country Code part of the PLMN, comprising 3 digits, as defined in clause of 3GPP TS 38.413. Mcc string `json:"mcc"` // Mobile Network Code part of the PLMN, comprising 2 or 3 digits, as defined in clause of 3GPP TS 38.413. Mnc string `json:"mnc"` // This represents the Network Identifier, which together with a PLMN ID is used to identify an SNPN (see 3GPP TS 23.003 and 3GPP TS 23.501 clause Nid *string `json:"nid,omitempty"` }
PlmnIdNid Contains the serving core network operator PLMN ID and, for an SNPN, the NID that together with the PLMN ID identifies the SNPN.
func NewPlmnIdNid ¶
NewPlmnIdNid instantiates a new PlmnIdNid object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPlmnIdNidWithDefaults ¶
func NewPlmnIdNidWithDefaults() *PlmnIdNid
NewPlmnIdNidWithDefaults instantiates a new PlmnIdNid object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PlmnIdNid) GetMccOk ¶
GetMccOk returns a tuple with the Mcc field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PlmnIdNid) GetMncOk ¶
GetMncOk returns a tuple with the Mnc field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PlmnIdNid) GetNidOk ¶
GetNidOk returns a tuple with the Nid field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (PlmnIdNid) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*PlmnIdNid) SetNid ¶
SetNid gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Nid field.
func (*PlmnIdNid) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ProblemDetails ¶
type ProblemDetails struct { // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` Status *int32 `json:"status,omitempty"` // A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. Detail *string `json:"detail,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. Instance *string `json:"instance,omitempty"` // A machine-readable application error cause specific to this occurrence of the problem. This IE should be present and provide application-related error information, if available. Cause *string `json:"cause,omitempty"` InvalidParams []InvalidParam `json:"invalidParams,omitempty"` // A string used to indicate the features supported by an API that is used as defined in clause 6.6 in 3GPP TS 29.500. The string shall contain a bitmask indicating supported features in hexadecimal representation Each character in the string shall take a value of \"0\" to \"9\", \"a\" to \"f\" or \"A\" to \"F\" and shall represent the support of 4 features as described in table 5.2.2-3. The most significant character representing the highest-numbered features shall appear first in the string, and the character representing features 1 to 4 shall appear last in the string. The list of features and their numbering (starting with 1) are defined separately for each API. If the string contains a lower number of characters than there are defined features for an API, all features that would be represented by characters that are not present in the string are not supported. SupportedFeatures *string `json:"supportedFeatures,omitempty"` AccessTokenError *AccessTokenErr `json:"accessTokenError,omitempty"` AccessTokenRequest *AccessTokenReq `json:"accessTokenRequest,omitempty"` // Fully Qualified Domain Name NrfId *string `json:"nrfId,omitempty"` }
ProblemDetails Provides additional information in an error response.
func NewProblemDetails ¶
func NewProblemDetails() *ProblemDetails
NewProblemDetails instantiates a new ProblemDetails object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewProblemDetailsWithDefaults ¶
func NewProblemDetailsWithDefaults() *ProblemDetails
NewProblemDetailsWithDefaults instantiates a new ProblemDetails object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenError ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenError() AccessTokenErr
GetAccessTokenError returns the AccessTokenError field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenErrorOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenErrorOk() (*AccessTokenErr, bool)
GetAccessTokenErrorOk returns a tuple with the AccessTokenError field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenRequest ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenRequest() AccessTokenReq
GetAccessTokenRequest returns the AccessTokenRequest field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenRequestOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetAccessTokenRequestOk() (*AccessTokenReq, bool)
GetAccessTokenRequestOk returns a tuple with the AccessTokenRequest field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetCause ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetCause() string
GetCause returns the Cause field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetCauseOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetCauseOk() (*string, bool)
GetCauseOk returns a tuple with the Cause field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetDetail ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetDetail() string
GetDetail returns the Detail field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetDetailOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetDetailOk() (*string, bool)
GetDetailOk returns a tuple with the Detail field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetInstance ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInstance() string
GetInstance returns the Instance field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetInstanceOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInstanceOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstanceOk returns a tuple with the Instance field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetInvalidParams ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInvalidParams() []InvalidParam
GetInvalidParams returns the InvalidParams field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetInvalidParamsOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetInvalidParamsOk() ([]InvalidParam, bool)
GetInvalidParamsOk returns a tuple with the InvalidParams field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetNrfId ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetNrfId() string
GetNrfId returns the NrfId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetNrfIdOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetNrfIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetNrfIdOk returns a tuple with the NrfId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetStatus ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetStatus() int32
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetStatusOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetStatusOk() (*int32, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetSupportedFeatures ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetSupportedFeatures() string
GetSupportedFeatures returns the SupportedFeatures field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetSupportedFeaturesOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetSupportedFeaturesOk() (*string, bool)
GetSupportedFeaturesOk returns a tuple with the SupportedFeatures field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetTitle ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetTitle() string
GetTitle returns the Title field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetTitleOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetTitleOk() (*string, bool)
GetTitleOk returns a tuple with the Title field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetType ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProblemDetails) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasAccessTokenError ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasAccessTokenError() bool
HasAccessTokenError returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasAccessTokenRequest ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasAccessTokenRequest() bool
HasAccessTokenRequest returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasCause ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasCause() bool
HasCause returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasDetail ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasDetail() bool
HasDetail returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasInstance ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasInstance() bool
HasInstance returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasInvalidParams ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasInvalidParams() bool
HasInvalidParams returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasNrfId ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasNrfId() bool
HasNrfId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasStatus ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasSupportedFeatures ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasSupportedFeatures() bool
HasSupportedFeatures returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasTitle ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasTitle() bool
HasTitle returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ProblemDetails) HasType ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) HasType() bool
HasType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ProblemDetails) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ProblemDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ProblemDetails) SetAccessTokenError ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetAccessTokenError(v AccessTokenErr)
SetAccessTokenError gets a reference to the given AccessTokenErr and assigns it to the AccessTokenError field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetAccessTokenRequest ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetAccessTokenRequest(v AccessTokenReq)
SetAccessTokenRequest gets a reference to the given AccessTokenReq and assigns it to the AccessTokenRequest field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetCause ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetCause(v string)
SetCause gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Cause field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetDetail ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetDetail(v string)
SetDetail gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Detail field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetInstance ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetInstance(v string)
SetInstance gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Instance field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetInvalidParams ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetInvalidParams(v []InvalidParam)
SetInvalidParams gets a reference to the given []InvalidParam and assigns it to the InvalidParams field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetNrfId ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetNrfId(v string)
SetNrfId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NrfId field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetStatus ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetStatus(v int32)
SetStatus gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Status field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetSupportedFeatures ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetSupportedFeatures(v string)
SetSupportedFeatures gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the SupportedFeatures field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetTitle ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetTitle(v string)
SetTitle gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Title field.
func (*ProblemDetails) SetType ¶
func (o *ProblemDetails) SetType(v string)
SetType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Type field.
func (ProblemDetails) ToMap ¶
func (o ProblemDetails) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type RedirectResponse ¶
type RedirectResponse struct { Cause *string `json:"cause,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. TargetScp *string `json:"targetScp,omitempty"` // String providing an URI formatted according to RFC 3986. TargetSepp *string `json:"targetSepp,omitempty"` }
RedirectResponse The response shall include a Location header field containing a different URI (pointing to a different URI of an other service instance), or the same URI if a request is redirected to the same target resource via a different SCP.
func NewRedirectResponse ¶
func NewRedirectResponse() *RedirectResponse
NewRedirectResponse instantiates a new RedirectResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRedirectResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewRedirectResponseWithDefaults() *RedirectResponse
NewRedirectResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new RedirectResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RedirectResponse) GetCause ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) GetCause() string
GetCause returns the Cause field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RedirectResponse) GetCauseOk ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) GetCauseOk() (*string, bool)
GetCauseOk returns a tuple with the Cause field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RedirectResponse) GetTargetScp ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetScp() string
GetTargetScp returns the TargetScp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RedirectResponse) GetTargetScpOk ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetScpOk() (*string, bool)
GetTargetScpOk returns a tuple with the TargetScp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RedirectResponse) GetTargetSepp ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetSepp() string
GetTargetSepp returns the TargetSepp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RedirectResponse) GetTargetSeppOk ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) GetTargetSeppOk() (*string, bool)
GetTargetSeppOk returns a tuple with the TargetSepp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RedirectResponse) HasCause ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) HasCause() bool
HasCause returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RedirectResponse) HasTargetScp ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) HasTargetScp() bool
HasTargetScp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RedirectResponse) HasTargetSepp ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) HasTargetSepp() bool
HasTargetSepp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (RedirectResponse) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o RedirectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RedirectResponse) SetCause ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) SetCause(v string)
SetCause gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Cause field.
func (*RedirectResponse) SetTargetScp ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) SetTargetScp(v string)
SetTargetScp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TargetScp field.
func (*RedirectResponse) SetTargetSepp ¶
func (o *RedirectResponse) SetTargetSepp(v string)
SetTargetSepp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TargetSepp field.
func (RedirectResponse) ToMap ¶
func (o RedirectResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type ServerConfiguration ¶
type ServerConfiguration struct { URL string Description string Variables map[string]ServerVariable }
ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server
type ServerConfigurations ¶
type ServerConfigurations []ServerConfiguration
ServerConfigurations stores multiple ServerConfiguration items
type ServerVariable ¶
ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable
type Snssai ¶
type Snssai struct { // Unsigned integer, within the range 0 to 255, representing the Slice/Service Type. It indicates the expected Network Slice behaviour in terms of features and services. Values 0 to 127 correspond to the standardized SST range. Values 128 to 255 correspond to the Operator-specific range. See clause 28.4.2 of 3GPP TS 23.003. Standardized values are defined in clause of 3GPP TS 23.501. Sst int32 `json:"sst"` // 3-octet string, representing the Slice Differentiator, in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of \"0\" to \"9\", \"a\" to \"f\" or \"A\" to \"F\" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the SD shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bit of the SD shall appear last in the string. This is an optional parameter that complements the Slice/Service type(s) to allow to differentiate amongst multiple Network Slices of the same Slice/Service type. This IE shall be absent if no SD value is associated with the SST. Sd *string `json:"sd,omitempty"` }
Snssai When Snssai needs to be converted to string (e.g. when used in maps as key), the string shall be composed of one to three digits \"sst\" optionally followed by \"-\" and 6 hexadecimal digits \"sd\".
func NewSnssai ¶
NewSnssai instantiates a new Snssai object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSnssaiWithDefaults ¶
func NewSnssaiWithDefaults() *Snssai
NewSnssaiWithDefaults instantiates a new Snssai object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Snssai) GetSdOk ¶
GetSdOk returns a tuple with the Sd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Snssai) GetSstOk ¶
GetSstOk returns a tuple with the Sst field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (Snssai) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Snssai) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Ssm ¶
type Ssm struct { SourceIpAddr NullableIpAddr `json:"sourceIpAddr"` DestIpAddr NullableIpAddr `json:"destIpAddr"` }
Ssm Source specific IP multicast address
func NewSsm ¶
func NewSsm(sourceIpAddr NullableIpAddr, destIpAddr NullableIpAddr) *Ssm
NewSsm instantiates a new Ssm object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSsmWithDefaults ¶
func NewSsmWithDefaults() *Ssm
NewSsmWithDefaults instantiates a new Ssm object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Ssm) GetDestIpAddr ¶
GetDestIpAddr returns the DestIpAddr field value If the value is explicit nil, the zero value for IpAddr will be returned
func (*Ssm) GetDestIpAddrOk ¶
GetDestIpAddrOk returns a tuple with the DestIpAddr field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Ssm) GetSourceIpAddr ¶
GetSourceIpAddr returns the SourceIpAddr field value If the value is explicit nil, the zero value for IpAddr will be returned
func (*Ssm) GetSourceIpAddrOk ¶
GetSourceIpAddrOk returns a tuple with the SourceIpAddr field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (Ssm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Ssm) SetSourceIpAddr ¶
SetSourceIpAddr sets field value
func (*Ssm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StatusNotifyReqData ¶
type StatusNotifyReqData struct {
ReportList DistSessionEventReportList `json:"reportList"`
StatusNotifyReqData Status Notification
func NewStatusNotifyReqData ¶
func NewStatusNotifyReqData(reportList DistSessionEventReportList) *StatusNotifyReqData
NewStatusNotifyReqData instantiates a new StatusNotifyReqData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStatusNotifyReqDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewStatusNotifyReqDataWithDefaults() *StatusNotifyReqData
NewStatusNotifyReqDataWithDefaults instantiates a new StatusNotifyReqData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*StatusNotifyReqData) GetReportList ¶
func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) GetReportList() DistSessionEventReportList
GetReportList returns the ReportList field value
func (*StatusNotifyReqData) GetReportListOk ¶
func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) GetReportListOk() (*DistSessionEventReportList, bool)
GetReportListOk returns a tuple with the ReportList field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (StatusNotifyReqData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o StatusNotifyReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*StatusNotifyReqData) SetReportList ¶
func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) SetReportList(v DistSessionEventReportList)
SetReportList sets field value
func (StatusNotifyReqData) ToMap ¶
func (o StatusNotifyReqData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*StatusNotifyReqData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *StatusNotifyReqData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type StatusSubscribeReqData ¶
type StatusSubscribeReqData struct {
Subscription DistSessionSubscription `json:"subscription"`
StatusSubscribeReqData Data within the StatusSubscribe Request
func NewStatusSubscribeReqData ¶
func NewStatusSubscribeReqData(subscription DistSessionSubscription) *StatusSubscribeReqData
NewStatusSubscribeReqData instantiates a new StatusSubscribeReqData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStatusSubscribeReqDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewStatusSubscribeReqDataWithDefaults() *StatusSubscribeReqData
NewStatusSubscribeReqDataWithDefaults instantiates a new StatusSubscribeReqData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*StatusSubscribeReqData) GetSubscription ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) GetSubscription() DistSessionSubscription
GetSubscription returns the Subscription field value
func (*StatusSubscribeReqData) GetSubscriptionOk ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) GetSubscriptionOk() (*DistSessionSubscription, bool)
GetSubscriptionOk returns a tuple with the Subscription field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (StatusSubscribeReqData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o StatusSubscribeReqData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*StatusSubscribeReqData) SetSubscription ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) SetSubscription(v DistSessionSubscription)
SetSubscription sets field value
func (StatusSubscribeReqData) ToMap ¶
func (o StatusSubscribeReqData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*StatusSubscribeReqData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeReqData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type StatusSubscribeRspData ¶
type StatusSubscribeRspData struct { Subscription DistSessionSubscription `json:"subscription"` ReportList *DistSessionEventReportList `json:"reportList,omitempty"` }
StatusSubscribeRspData Data within StatusSubscribe Response
func NewStatusSubscribeRspData ¶
func NewStatusSubscribeRspData(subscription DistSessionSubscription) *StatusSubscribeRspData
NewStatusSubscribeRspData instantiates a new StatusSubscribeRspData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStatusSubscribeRspDataWithDefaults ¶
func NewStatusSubscribeRspDataWithDefaults() *StatusSubscribeRspData
NewStatusSubscribeRspDataWithDefaults instantiates a new StatusSubscribeRspData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) GetReportList ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetReportList() DistSessionEventReportList
GetReportList returns the ReportList field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) GetReportListOk ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetReportListOk() (*DistSessionEventReportList, bool)
GetReportListOk returns a tuple with the ReportList field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) GetSubscription ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetSubscription() DistSessionSubscription
GetSubscription returns the Subscription field value
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) GetSubscriptionOk ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) GetSubscriptionOk() (*DistSessionSubscription, bool)
GetSubscriptionOk returns a tuple with the Subscription field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) HasReportList ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) HasReportList() bool
HasReportList returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (StatusSubscribeRspData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o StatusSubscribeRspData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) SetReportList ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) SetReportList(v DistSessionEventReportList)
SetReportList gets a reference to the given DistSessionEventReportList and assigns it to the ReportList field.
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) SetSubscription ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) SetSubscription(v DistSessionSubscription)
SetSubscription sets field value
func (StatusSubscribeRspData) ToMap ¶
func (o StatusSubscribeRspData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*StatusSubscribeRspData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *StatusSubscribeRspData) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService ¶
type SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService service
SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPI service
func (*SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribe ¶
func (a *SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribe(ctx context.Context, distSessionRef string) ApiStatusSubscribeRequest
StatusSubscribe StatusSubscribe creating a subscription
@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param distSessionRef Unique ID of the MBS distribution session @return ApiStatusSubscribeRequest
func (*SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeExecute ¶
func (a *SubscriptionsCollectionForMBSDistributionSessionAPIService) StatusSubscribeExecute(r ApiStatusSubscribeRequest) (*StatusSubscribeRspData, *http.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return StatusSubscribeRspData
type TunnelAddress ¶
type TunnelAddress struct { // String identifying a IPv4 address formatted in the 'dotted decimal' notation as defined in RFC 1166. Ipv4Addr *string `json:"ipv4Addr,omitempty"` Ipv6Addr *Ipv6Addr `json:"ipv6Addr,omitempty"` // Unsigned Integer, i.e. only value 0 and integers above 0 are permissible. PortNumber int32 `json:"portNumber"` }
TunnelAddress Tunnel address
func NewTunnelAddress ¶
func NewTunnelAddress(portNumber int32) *TunnelAddress
NewTunnelAddress instantiates a new TunnelAddress object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTunnelAddressWithDefaults ¶
func NewTunnelAddressWithDefaults() *TunnelAddress
NewTunnelAddressWithDefaults instantiates a new TunnelAddress object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TunnelAddress) GetIpv4Addr ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv4Addr() string
GetIpv4Addr returns the Ipv4Addr field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TunnelAddress) GetIpv4AddrOk ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv4AddrOk() (*string, bool)
GetIpv4AddrOk returns a tuple with the Ipv4Addr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TunnelAddress) GetIpv6Addr ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv6Addr() Ipv6Addr
GetIpv6Addr returns the Ipv6Addr field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TunnelAddress) GetIpv6AddrOk ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) GetIpv6AddrOk() (*Ipv6Addr, bool)
GetIpv6AddrOk returns a tuple with the Ipv6Addr field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TunnelAddress) GetPortNumber ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) GetPortNumber() int32
GetPortNumber returns the PortNumber field value
func (*TunnelAddress) GetPortNumberOk ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) GetPortNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPortNumberOk returns a tuple with the PortNumber field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TunnelAddress) HasIpv4Addr ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) HasIpv4Addr() bool
HasIpv4Addr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TunnelAddress) HasIpv6Addr ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) HasIpv6Addr() bool
HasIpv6Addr returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TunnelAddress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TunnelAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TunnelAddress) SetIpv4Addr ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) SetIpv4Addr(v string)
SetIpv4Addr gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Ipv4Addr field.
func (*TunnelAddress) SetIpv6Addr ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) SetIpv6Addr(v Ipv6Addr)
SetIpv6Addr gets a reference to the given Ipv6Addr and assigns it to the Ipv6Addr field.
func (*TunnelAddress) SetPortNumber ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) SetPortNumber(v int32)
SetPortNumber sets field value
func (TunnelAddress) ToMap ¶
func (o TunnelAddress) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*TunnelAddress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *TunnelAddress) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
type UpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
type UpTrafficFlowInfo struct { DestIpAddr NullableIpAddr `json:"destIpAddr"` // Unsigned Integer, i.e. only value 0 and integers above 0 are permissible. PortNumber int32 `json:"portNumber"` }
UpTrafficFlowInfo IP Multicast Address and Port Number
func NewUpTrafficFlowInfo ¶
func NewUpTrafficFlowInfo(destIpAddr NullableIpAddr, portNumber int32) *UpTrafficFlowInfo
NewUpTrafficFlowInfo instantiates a new UpTrafficFlowInfo object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpTrafficFlowInfoWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpTrafficFlowInfoWithDefaults() *UpTrafficFlowInfo
NewUpTrafficFlowInfoWithDefaults instantiates a new UpTrafficFlowInfo object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetDestIpAddr ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetDestIpAddr() IpAddr
GetDestIpAddr returns the DestIpAddr field value If the value is explicit nil, the zero value for IpAddr will be returned
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetDestIpAddrOk ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetDestIpAddrOk() (*IpAddr, bool)
GetDestIpAddrOk returns a tuple with the DestIpAddr field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetPortNumber ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetPortNumber() int32
GetPortNumber returns the PortNumber field value
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetPortNumberOk ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) GetPortNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPortNumberOk returns a tuple with the PortNumber field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (UpTrafficFlowInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpTrafficFlowInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) SetDestIpAddr ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) SetDestIpAddr(v IpAddr)
SetDestIpAddr sets field value
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) SetPortNumber ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) SetPortNumber(v int32)
SetPortNumber sets field value
func (UpTrafficFlowInfo) ToMap ¶
func (o UpTrafficFlowInfo) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*UpTrafficFlowInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *UpTrafficFlowInfo) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)
Source Files
- api_individual_mbs_distribution_session.go
- api_individual_subscription_for_an_mbs_distribution_session.go
- api_individual_subscription_for_an_mbs_session.go
- api_mbs_distribution_sessions_collection.go
- api_subscriptions_collection_for_mbs_distribution_session.go
- client.go
- configuration.go
- model_access_token_err.go
- model_access_token_req.go
- model_add_fec_params.go
- model_create_req_data.go
- model_create_rsp_data.go
- model_dist_session.go
- model_dist_session_event_report.go
- model_dist_session_event_report_list.go
- model_dist_session_event_type.go
- model_dist_session_state.go
- model_dist_session_subscription.go
- model_ext_ssm.go
- model_fec_config.go
- model_invalid_param.go
- model_ip_addr.go
- model_ipv6_addr.go
- model_ipv6_prefix.go
- model_mb_stf_ingest_addr.go
- model_mbs_key_info.go
- model_mbs_security_context.go
- model_nf_type.go
- model_obj_acquisition_method.go
- model_obj_distribution_data.go
- model_obj_distribution_operating_mode.go
- model_patch_item.go
- model_patch_operation.go
- model_pkt_distribution_data.go
- model_pkt_distribution_operating_mode.go
- model_pkt_ingest_method.go
- model_plmn_id.go
- model_plmn_id_nid.go
- model_problem_details.go
- model_redirect_response.go
- model_snssai.go
- model_ssm.go
- model_status_notify_req_data.go
- model_status_subscribe_req_data.go
- model_status_subscribe_rsp_data.go
- model_tunnel_address.go
- model_up_traffic_flow_info.go
- response.go
- utils.go