Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BaseBetRuleMap() map[string]BetRule
- func BetFormatMessage() string
- func ListMoneyType() []myenum.ENum[int]
- func MapBetRuleName() map[string]bool
- func MapMoneyType() map[int]string
- func SysSettingKeyMap() map[string]bool
- type AdminUser
- type BetK3
- type BetRule
- type ChatGroup
- type GroupAdmin
- type GroupInviteInfo
- type GroupOtherConfig
- type GroupUser
- type GroupUserMoneyRec
- type HBUserInfo
- type Menu
- type MsgCmd
- type OpenK3
- func (self *OpenK3) FormatLineMsg() string
- func (self *OpenK3) FormatMessage() string
- func (self *OpenK3) IsBig() bool
- func (self *OpenK3) IsEven() bool
- func (self *OpenK3) IsPair() bool
- func (self *OpenK3) IsStraight() bool
- func (self *OpenK3) IsTriplet() bool
- func (self *OpenK3) LongHuHe() string
- func (self *OpenK3) SumValues() int
- func (self *OpenK3) TableName() string
- type RedEnveloper
- type Role
- type SysEventLog
- type SysException
- type SysSetting
- type User
- func (self *User) AddTags(tg uint64) uint64
- func (self *User) DelTags(tg uint64) uint64
- func (self *User) DisplayName() string
- func (self *User) GetNickname() string
- func (self *User) GetTagNames() []string
- func (self *User) GetUsername() string
- func (self *User) IsTags(tg uint64) bool
- func (self *User) TableName() string
- type UserInviteLinkInfo
- type UserWithdraw
- type VerUpgrade
Constants ¶
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const ( TbMenu string = "s_menu" MenuIsButtonYes byte = 1 MenuIsButtonNo byte = 2 )
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const ( TbAdminUser string = "s_admin_user" AdminUserStatusEnable byte = 1 AdminUserStatusDisable byte = 2 )
View Source
const ( BetRuleNameBig string = "大" BetRuleNameSmall string = "小" BetRuleNameSingle string = "单" BetRuleNameDouble string = "双" BetRuleNameTriplet string = "豹子" BetRuleNameLong string = "龙" BetRuleNameHu string = "虎" BetRuleNameHe string = "合" BetRuleNameBigDan string = "大单" BetRuleNameSmallDan string = "小单" BetRuleNameBigDouble string = "大双" BetRuleNameSmallDouble string = "小双" BetRuleNamePair string = "对子(含豹子)" // BetRuleNameStraight string = "顺子" BetRuleNameSpecTriplet string = "指定豹子" BetRuleNameDwd4 string = "定位胆4" BetRuleNameDwd5 string = "定位胆5" BetRuleNameDwd6 string = "定位胆6" BetRuleNameDwd7 string = "定位胆7" BetRuleNameDwd8 string = "定位胆8" BetRuleNameDwd9 string = "定位胆9" BetRuleNameDwd10 string = "定位胆10" BetRuleNameDwd11 string = "定位胆11" BetRuleNameDwd12 string = "定位胆12" BetRuleNameDwd13 string = "定位胆13" BetRuleNameDwd14 string = "定位胆14" BetRuleNameDwd15 string = "定位胆15" BetRuleNameDwd16 string = "定位胆16" BetRuleNameDwd17 string = "定位胆17" )
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const ( BetStatusOrdered int = 1 //已下单 BetStatusSettled int = 2 //已结算 BetStatusOrderCancel int = 3 //已取消 )
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const ( BetFanshuiFlagNo int = 1 //未返水 BetFanshuiFlagYes int = 2 //已返水 )
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const ( TbGroupAdmin string = "t_group_admin" GroupProxyYes int = 1 GroupProxyNo int = 2 )
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const ( TbGroupUser string = "t_group_user" //user是否在组中 GroupUserLeftYes int = 1 GroupUserLeftNo int = 2 )
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const ( ProjectName = "bot-api" GroupCompanyName = "鑫利小钱包" ApiErrBindParam int = 400 // 入参错误检测 ApiErrAuthToken int = 401 // 令牌认证错误 ApiErrParamTamper int = 402 // 参数篡改验证 ApiErrKickedUser int = 403 // 用户在其他地方登录而下线 ApiErrHiddeUser int = 404 // 用户禁止访问 ApiErrPermissionUser int = 405 // 用户访问权限受限 ApiErrServer int = 500 // 服务内部错误 )
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const ( SymbolTronTRX string = "TRX" //主币 SymbolTRCUSDT string = "TRC-USDT" )
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const ( SysCfgShakeBaseBetDef int = 10 //手摇最低下注额 SysCfgGroupStraightFeeDef float32 = 0.1 //集团针对顺子扣点比例 SysCfgGroupTripleFeeDef float32 = 0.05 //集团针对豹子扣点比例 SysCfgOwnerFeeDef float32 = 0.04 //群主扣点比例 SysCfgUserFanshuiPercent float32 = 0.01 //用户返水比例 SysCfgUserFanshuiBase int = 100 //用户返水基数 )
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const ( //定义游戏的类别 GameIDK3 int = 11 //经典快三 GameID5D int = 21 //5D GameIDWinGo int = 31 //游戏状态定义 GameStatusON int = 1 //已开启 GameStatusOFF int = 2 //已关闭 )
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const ( OpenCanShakeNo int = 1 //不能手摇开号 OpenCanShakeYes int = 2 //可以手摇开号 )
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const ( RedStatusValid int = 1 //有效 ,未过期 RedStatusExpired int = 2 //无效 ,已过期 )
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const ( TagBlack uint64 = 1 << 0 // 第 0 位:黑名单 TagVIP uint64 = 1 << 1 // 第 1 位:VIP //暂不用 )
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const ( InviteLinkJoinReqYes int = 1 //需求手动批准才可加入 InviteLinkJoinReqNo int = 2 //不需求批准 )
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const ( TbUserWithdraw = "t_user_withdraw" //提现状态定义 WithdrawStatusRequest int = 1 //审核中 WithdrawStatusPassPendingPay int = 2 //审核通过-待支付 WithdrawStatusPassOfflinePay int = 31 //审核通过-线下支付 WithdrawStatusPayOnlineSuccess int = 32 ////线上支付成功 WithdrawStatusPayOnlineFail int = 33 ////线上支付失败 WithdrawStatusReject int = 3 //审核不通过 )
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const ( OSTypeWindows string = "windows" OSTypeMac string = "darwin" )
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const ( VerStatusEnable int = 1 VerStatusDisable int = 2 )
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const (
TbBetK3 = "b_bet_k3"
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const (
TbGroupInviteInfo = "t_group_invite_info"
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const (
TbGroupUserMoneyRec = "t_group_user_money_rec"
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const (
TbOpenK3 string = "b_open_k3"
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const (
TbRedEnveloper string = "b_red_enveloper"
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const (
TbRole string = "s_role"
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const (
TbSysEventLog = "s_event_log"
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const (
TbSysException = "s_exception"
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const (
TbSysSetting = "s_setting"
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const (
TbUser = "t_user"
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const (
TbUserInviteLinkInfo = "t_user_invite"
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const (
TbVerUpgrade = "b_version_upgrade"
Variables ¶
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var ( MSGCmdFanshui = MsgCmd{Name: "反水", Demo: "反水 或 fs", CommandPattern: "^(反水|fs)$"} MSGCmdCancelOrder = MsgCmd{Name: "取消下注", Demo: "取消 或 qx", CommandPattern: "^(取消|qx)$"} MSGCmdGKHB = MsgCmd{Name: "公开红包", Demo: "gkhb 888u 88", CommandPattern: "^(gkhb)\\s+(\\d+)u\\s+(\\d+)$"} MSGCmdGKHBAvg = MsgCmd{Name: "公开平均红包", Demo: "gkhb1 4u 1000", CommandPattern: "^(gkhb1)\\s+(\\d+)u\\s+(\\d+)$"} MSGCmdGBHBAvg = MsgCmd{Name: "公开挂逼平均红包", Demo: "gbhb1 30d 500 4u 1000", CommandPattern: "^(gbhb1)\\s+(\\d+)d\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)u\\s+(\\d+)$"} MSGCmdGKHBLimit = MsgCmd{Name: "公开限流水红包", Demo: "gkhb 50 222u 222", CommandPattern: "^(gkhb)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)u\\s+(\\d+)$"} MSGCmd1V1HB = MsgCmd{Name: "一对一红包", Demo: "hb 888u @用户名", CommandPattern: "^(hb)\\s+(\\d+)u\\s+@(\\w+)$"} MSGCmdPrivateHB = MsgCmd{Name: "私聊红包", Demo: "@yqsqbBot hb 888u", CommandPattern: "^(hb)\\s+(\\d+)u$"} MSGCmdReplyHB = MsgCmd{Name: "回复红包", Demo: "hb 888u", CommandPattern: "^(hb)\\s+(\\d+)u$"} //玩家查询指令 MSGCmdGroupAndChatWinLos = MsgCmd{Name: "查询今天在集团与本群输赢", Demo: "slsy", CommandPattern: "^(slsy)$"} MSGCmdGroupUserBalance = MsgCmd{Name: "查询余额", Demo: "ye 或 余额", CommandPattern: "^(ye|余额)$"} MSGCmdGroupSearch = MsgCmd{Name: "查询公群", Demo: "查666", CommandPattern: "^(查)(\\w+)$"} MSGCmdCreateInviteLink = MsgCmd{Name: "创建自已私人链接", Demo: "生成自已私人链接", CommandPattern: "^(生成自已私人链接)$"} MSGCmdListInviteLink = MsgCmd{Name: "查看自已私人链接", Demo: "查看自已私人链接", CommandPattern: "^(查看自已私人链接)$"} //管理员指令 MSGCmdGroupWinLoss = MsgCmd{Name: "查看昨天本群输赢【管理员指令】", Demo: "本群输赢 或 bqsy", CommandPattern: "^(本群输赢|bqsy)$"} MSGCmdTop10LossYesterday = MsgCmd{Name: "查询昨天亏损前10名单", Demo: "plzs", CommandPattern: "^(plzs)$"} MSGCmdTop10WinYesterday = MsgCmd{Name: "查询昨天赢利前10名单", Demo: "slphb", CommandPattern: "^(slphb)$"} MSGCmdQZSY = MsgCmd{Name: "查询群主输赢【管理员指令】", Demo: "qzsy", CommandPattern: "^(qzsy)$"} )
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var ( TbChatGroup string = "t_chat_group" //群状态定义 ChatGroupStatusNormal int = 1 //正常 ChatGroupStatusKicked int = 2 //踢出 ChatGroupStatusDelete int = 3 //解散 )
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var ( MoneyTypeBet = myenum.NewENum("会员下注", 3) MoneyTypeBetWin = myenum.NewENum("下注盈利", 31) //包括了本金 MoneyTypeRecharge = myenum.NewENum("充值款", 4) MoneyTypeWithdraw = myenum.NewENum("提现款", 5) MoneyTypeWithdrawFee = myenum.NewENum("提现手续费", 51) MoneyTypeTransferIn = myenum.NewENum("代充转入款", 6) MoneyTypeTransferOut = myenum.NewENum("代充转出款", 61) MoneyTypePlayerFanShui = myenum.NewENum("玩家返水", 7) MoneyTypeBankerOutFanShui = myenum.NewENum("庄家出返水", 71) MoneyTypeCreditIn = myenum.NewENum("总台上分", 8) MoneyTypeCreditOut = myenum.NewENum("总台下分", 81) MoneyTypeGroupFee = myenum.NewENum("集团扣点赢利", 9) MoneyTypeBankerFee = myenum.NewENum("庄家扣点赢利", 91) MoneyTypeBankerWin = myenum.NewENum("庄家赌赢", 92) MoneyTypeBankerLoss = myenum.NewENum("庄家赌输", 93) MoneyTypeHBOut = myenum.NewENum("红包支出", 10) MoneyTypeHBIn = myenum.NewENum("红包收入", 101) MoneyTypeHBExpiredBack = myenum.NewENum("红包逾期未领", 102) )
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var ( OpenStatusBet = myenum.NewENum("待开盘,可以下注", 1) OpenStatusClose = myenum.NewENum("封盘,待开奖", 2) OpenStatusOpened = myenum.NewENum("已开盘", 3) )
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var ( RedHBTypeGK = myenum.NewENum("群公开红包", 1) RedHBType1V1 = myenum.NewENum("群里一对一红包", 2) RedHBTypeGKAvg = myenum.NewENum("群里公开平均红包", 3) RedHBTypeGKLimit = myenum.NewENum("群里公司限流水红包", 4) RedHBTypeGBAvg = myenum.NewENum("公开挂逼平均红包", 5) RedHBTypePrivate = myenum.NewENum("私聊红包", 6) )
Functions ¶
func BaseBetRuleMap ¶ added in v1.0.10
func BetFormatMessage ¶ added in v1.1.17
func BetFormatMessage() string
func ListMoneyType ¶ added in v1.1.19
func MapBetRuleName ¶ added in v1.0.10
func MapMoneyType ¶
func SysSettingKeyMap ¶ added in v1.1.29
Types ¶
type AdminUser ¶
type AdminUser struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);uniqueIndex:name;comment:用户名" json:"name"` LoginPwd string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"login_pwd" ` //是否可空:NO Enable byte `gorm:"type:tinyint;not null;default:1;comment:启用禁用:1启用 2禁用" json:"enable"` RoleID int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:角色ID" json:"role_id"` BelongToGroup int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:归属公群ID,0表示集团号" json:"belong_to_group"` LoginIP string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"login_ip"` LoginTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"login_time"` Remark string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"remark"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
type BetK3 ¶
type BetK3 struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;primaryKey;autoIncrease" json:"id" ` TgGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_group_id;default:0;comment:Tg群Id" json:"tg_group_id"` TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_user_id;default:0;comment:tg用户名ID" json:"tg_user_id"` DisplayName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);comment:群用户显示名称" json:"display_name"` ExpectNo string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);index:expect_no;comment:期号" json:"expect_no"` BetType string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);index:bet_type;comment:下注类型" json:"bet_type"` BetAmount float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0;comment:下注金额" json:"bet_amount"` Odds float64 `gorm:"type:double;comment:赔率" json:"odds"` Status int `gorm:"type:int;comment:下单状态" json:"status" ` WinMoney float64 `gorm:"type:double;comment:赢钱数量,0表示没有中" json:"win_money"` BetTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:下单时间" json:"bet_time"` OpenTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:开盘时间" json:"open_time"` OpenNum myjson.JsonObject[[]int] `gorm:"type:json;comment:开奖号码" json:"open_num"` FanShuiFlag int `gorm:"type:int;default:1;index:fan_shui_flag;comment:'1:未反水,2:已反水'" json:"fan_shui_flag"` MessageID int `gorm:"type:int(12);default:0;comment:telegram message ID" json:"message_id"` }
func (*BetK3) FormatLineMsg ¶
func (*BetK3) MathWinMoneyBy ¶
type BetRule ¶ added in v1.0.10
type BetRule struct { Name string `json:"name"` // 玩法名称 BetDemo string `json:"bet_demo"` // 下注例子 CommandPattern string `json:"command_pattern"` // 命令匹配的正则表达式 MinBet int `json:"min_bet"` //最低下注额 MaxBet int `json:"max_bet"` // 最高下注金额 Odds float64 `json:"odds"` // 赔率 }
玩法相关定义 玩法,下单格式,赔率,最低下注额,最高下注额,
type ChatGroup ¶
type ChatGroup struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;primaryKey;not null;comment:群组ID" json:"id"` Title string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);comment:群组标题" json:"title"` GameId int `gorm:"type:int;comment:游戏ID" json:"game_id"` GameStatus int `gorm:"type:int;comment:群游戏状态" json:"game_status"` GameFrequency int `gorm:"type:int;default:1;comment:游戏频率,单位分钟" json:"game_frequency"` Status int `gorm:"type:tinyint(5);comment:群的状态" json:"status"` ConfigOdds myjson.JsonObject[map[string]BetRule] `gorm:"type:json;comment:玩法及配率" json:"config_odds"` ConfigOther myjson.JsonObject[GroupOtherConfig] `gorm:"type:json;comment:群其它相关配制" json:"config_other"` CommissionRate float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0.03;comment:群主抽每局客损的的3%-5%" json:"commission_rate" ` // ExpectedNum int `gorm:"type:int(10);default:0;comment:游戏开盘的期数总计" json:"expected_num" ` //记录游戏的总期数 InviteUrl string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:'';comment:公群邀请链接" json:"invite_url"` AssistantBotToken string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);default:'';comment:助手bot token" json:"assistant_bot_token"` AssistantPrivateInviteUrl string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);default:'';comment:助手bot 私有链接" json:"assistant_private_invite_url"` Remark string `gorm:"type:varchar(1000);default:'';comment:群组介绍" json:"remark"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
func (*ChatGroup) CreateNewExpectNo ¶ added in v1.1.18
type GroupAdmin ¶
type GroupAdmin struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO ChatGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:chat group id" json:"chat_group_id"` TgAdminId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_admin_id;comment:telegram user id" json:"tg_admin_id"` IsProxy int `gorm:"type:tinyint(2);default:2;comment:是否代理" json:"is_proxy"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
func (*GroupAdmin) TableName ¶
func (self *GroupAdmin) TableName() string
type GroupInviteInfo ¶ added in v1.1.26
type GroupInviteInfo struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO InviteLink string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);default:''" json:"invite_link"` //表示这个user 从哪个邀请链接进入的 ChatGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:chat_group_id;comment:chat group id" json:"chat_group_id"` TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_user_id;comment:telegram user id" json:"tg_user_id"` UserName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"user_name"` FirstName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"first_name"` LastName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"last_name"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
func (*GroupInviteInfo) TableName ¶ added in v1.1.26
func (self *GroupInviteInfo) TableName() string
type GroupOtherConfig ¶ added in v1.1.15
type GroupOtherConfig struct { ShakeBaseBet int `form:"shake_base_bet" json:"shake_base_bet"` // 手摇最低下注额 GroupStraightFee float32 `form:"group_straight_fee" json:"group_straight_fee"` //集团针对顺子扣点比例 GroupTripleFee float32 `form:"group_triple_fee" json:"group_triple_fee"` //集团针对豹子扣点比例 OwnerFee float32 `form:"owner_fee" json:"owner_fee"` //群主扣点比例 BetOpenImage string `form:"bet_open_image" json:"bet_open_image"` //开盘图 BetCloseImage string `form:"bet_close_image" json:"bet_close_image"` //封盘图 UserFanshuiPercent float32 `form:"user_fanshui_percent" json:"user_fanshui_percent"` //用户返水比例 UserFanshuiBase int `form:"user_fanshui_base" json:"user_fanshui_base"` //用户返水的流水基数 }
func BaseOtherConfig ¶ added in v1.1.16
func BaseOtherConfig() GroupOtherConfig
type GroupUser ¶
type GroupUser struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_user_id;comment:telegram user id" json:"tg_user_id"` ChatGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:chat group id" json:"chat_group_id"` UserName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"user_name"` FirstName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"first_name"` LastName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"last_name"` IsLeft int `gorm:"type:int;comment:是否离开群" json:"is_left"` CommissionRate float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0.01;comment:个人返水1%" json:"commission_rate"` SignTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:签到时间" json:"sign_time" ` //是否可空:NO InviteLink string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);default:''" json:"invite_link"` //表示这个user 从哪个邀请链接进入的 CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
func (*GroupUser) DisplayName ¶
func (*GroupUser) GetNickname ¶ added in v1.1.42
type GroupUserMoneyRec ¶
type GroupUserMoneyRec struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id"` //是否可空:NO ChatGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:群主ID" json:"chat_group_id"` TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:user id" json:"tg_user_id"` TxID string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);index:tx_id;comment:交易ID" json:"tx_id"` AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:增加时间" json:"add_time"` Symbol string `gorm:"type:varchar(20);comment:代币类型" json:"symbol"` //是否可空:NO MoneyType int `gorm:"type:tinyint;comment:资金类型" json:"money_type" ` Money float64 `gorm:"type:double;comment:金额 column:money" json:"money"` PreviousBalance float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0.0;comment:变化前余额 column:previous_balance" json:"previous_balance"` Remark string `gorm:"type:varchar(150);comment:说明信息" json:"remark"` }
func (*GroupUserMoneyRec) TableName ¶
func (self *GroupUserMoneyRec) TableName() string
type HBUserInfo ¶ added in v1.1.18
type HBUserInfo struct { TgUserID int64 `json:"tg_user_id"` DisplayName string `json:"display_name"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` }
type Menu ¶
type Menu struct { ID int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;primaryKey;auto_increment;comment:菜单ID" json:"id"` // 权限ID Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);not null;comment:菜单名称" json:"name"` // 权限名称 RouteName string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);not null;comment:路由名称" json:"route_name"` // 权限路由 Route string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);not null;comment:菜单路由路径" json:"route"` // 权限路由 ParentID int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:上级菜单ID;index" json:"parent_id"` // 上级权限ID IsButton byte `gorm:"type:tinyint;not null;default:2;comment:是否按钮 1是 2否" json:"is_button"` // 是否按钮 1是 2否 ListPermission myjson.JsonObject[[]string] `gorm:"type:json;comment:路由权限清单(%s:%s, method, path)" json:"list_permission"` }
type OpenK3 ¶
type OpenK3 struct { Id int64 `gorm:"bigint;primaryKey;autoIncrement" json:"id"` ChatGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:chat_group_id;comment:群组ID" json:"chat_group_id"` GameId int `gorm:"type:int;comment:游戏ID" json:"game_id"` ExpectNo string `gorm:"type:varchar(64);index:issue_number;comment:期号" json:"expect_no"` Status int `gorm:"type:int;comment:1待开奖,2已开奖" json:"status"` ValueA int `gorm:"type:int(11);not null" json:"value_a"` ValueB int `gorm:"type:int(11);not null" json:"value_b"` ValueC int `gorm:"type:int(11);not null" json:"value_c"` CanShake int `gorm:"type:tinyint(2);default:1;comment:'是否可以手摇开号:1:否 2:可以'" json:"can_shake"` ShakeUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:'记录可以手摇的用户ID'" json:"shake_user_id"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"create_time"` CloseTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"close_time"` }
func (*OpenK3) FormatLineMsg ¶
func (*OpenK3) FormatMessage ¶
func (*OpenK3) IsStraight ¶ added in v1.1.0
type RedEnveloper ¶ added in v1.1.18
type RedEnveloper struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint(20) auto_increment;primary_key;comment:" json:"id"` Type int `gorm:"type:tinyint(4);default:0;comment:红包类型:公开红包,一对一红包" json:"type"` TgGroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_group_id;default:0;comment:Tg群Id" json:"tg_group_id"` TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_user_id;default:0;comment:tg用户名ID" json:"tg_user_id"` DisplayName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);comment:群用户显示名称" json:"display_name"` HBAmount float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0;comment:红包金额" json:"hb_amount"` RemainingAmount float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0;comment:剩余金额" json:"remaining_amount"` HBCount int `gorm:"type:int(10);default:0;comment:红包个数" json:"hb_count"` RemainingCount int `gorm:"type:int(10);default:0;comment:剩余个数" json:"remaining_count"` SpecUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:一对一红包用户ID" json:"spec_user_id"` SpecUserName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:'';comment:一对一用户名称" json:"spec_user_name"` LimitFlower int `gorm:"type:int(10);default:0;comment:邻取限制流水" json:"limit_flower"` LimitFlowerDays int `gorm:"type:int(10);default:0;comment:邻取限制流水的天数" json:"limit_flower_days"` HBDetail myjson.JsonObject[[]HBUserInfo] `gorm:"type:json;comment:红包领取详情" json:"hb_detail"` MessageID int `gorm:"type:int(12);default:0;comment:telegram message ID" json:"message_id"` Status int `gorm:"type:tinyint(5);default:1;comment:红包状态" json:"status"` AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"add_time" ` }
func (*RedEnveloper) FormatMessage ¶ added in v1.1.18
func (self *RedEnveloper) FormatMessage(req mygin.PageReq) (currPage, totalPage int, ret string)
func (*RedEnveloper) TableName ¶ added in v1.1.18
func (self *RedEnveloper) TableName() string
type Role ¶
type Role struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);uniqueIndex:name;comment:角色名称" json:"name"` Description string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);not null;default:'';comment:角色描述" json:"description"` // 角色描述 ListMenus myjson.JsonObject[map[int64]bool] `gorm:"type:json" json:"list_menus"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
type SysEventLog ¶
type SysEventLog struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint(20) auto_increment;primary_key;comment:" json:"id"` Module string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"module" ` SubModule string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"sub_module" ` JobNo string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"job_no" ` Description string `gorm:"type:varchar(10000)" json:"description" ` AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"add_time" ` ActionBy string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)" json:"action_by" ` }
func (*SysEventLog) TableName ¶
func (self *SysEventLog) TableName() string
type SysException ¶
type SysException struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint(20) auto_increment;primary_key;comment:" json:"id"` ExcTitle string `gorm:"type:varchar(500)" json:"exc_title" ` ExcDesc string `gorm:"type:varchar(2000)" json:"exc_desc" ` ExcMethod string `gorm:"type:varchar(200)" json:"exc_method" ` ExcModule string `gorm:"type:varchar(200)" json:"exc_module" ` AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"add_time" ` }
func (*SysException) TableName ¶
func (self *SysException) TableName() string
type SysSetting ¶ added in v1.1.27
type SysSetting struct { KeyName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);primary_key;comment:配制Key说明" json:"key_name"` KeyValue myjson.JSON `gorm:"type:json;comment:配制的值" json:"key_value"` Remark string `gorm:"type:varchar(1000);comment:备注" json:"remark"` AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint" json:"add_time" ` }
func (*SysSetting) TableName ¶ added in v1.1.27
func (self *SysSetting) TableName() string
type User ¶ added in v1.0.7
type User struct { TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;primary_key:tg_user_id;autoIncrement:false" json:"tg_user_id"` UserName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"user_name"` FirstName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"first_name"` LastName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"last_name"` TradePassword string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);default:''" json:"trade_password"` RechargeTrcUsdt string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);uniqueIndex:recharge_trc_usdt;comment:充值TRC 地址;not null" json:"recharge_trc_usdt"` Money float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0;comment:充入的余额,单位U" json:"money"` //是否可空:NO TRXMoney float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0;comment:充入的trx" json:"trx_money"` //是否可空:NO FrozenMoney float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0" json:"frozen_money"` //是否可空:NO DailyWithdrawLimit float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:100" json:"daily_withdraw_limit" ` //是否可空:NO Tags uint64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:用户标签,位标记" json:"tags"` LockedTradePasswordUtil int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;comment:三次输入错误的交易密码,锁定结束时间" json:"locked_trade_password_util" ` //是否可空:NO CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
tg user info
func (*User) DisplayName ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (*User) GetNickname ¶ added in v1.1.12
func (*User) GetTagNames ¶ added in v1.1.33
func (*User) GetUsername ¶ added in v1.1.12
type UserInviteLinkInfo ¶ added in v1.1.26
type UserInviteLinkInfo struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint(20) auto_increment;primary_key;comment:" json:"id"` TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:tg_user_id;default:0" json:"tg_user_id"` GroupId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;index:group_id;default:0" json:"group_id"` InviteLink string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);default:''" json:"invite_link"` Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);default:''" json:"name"` ExpireDate int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0" json:"expire_date"` MemberLimit int `gorm:"type:int(10);default:0" json:"member_limit"` CreatesJoinRequest int `gorm:"type:tinyint(4);default:2;comment:'加入时是否需求管理员审核'" json:"creates_join_request"` CreateTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0" json:"create_time" ` //是否可空:NO }
func (*UserInviteLinkInfo) IsExpireDate ¶ added in v1.1.26
func (self *UserInviteLinkInfo) IsExpireDate() bool
func (*UserInviteLinkInfo) TableName ¶ added in v1.1.26
func (self *UserInviteLinkInfo) TableName() string
type UserWithdraw ¶ added in v1.0.7
type UserWithdraw struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO RelatedPayId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;default:0;index;comment:对应的支付平台提现ID" json:"related_pay_id" ` //是否可空:NO TgUserId int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:user id" json:"tg_user_id" ` //是否可空:NO TrcUsdt string `gorm:"type:varchar(60);comment:提现地址" json:"trc_usdt"` WithdrawMoney float64 `gorm:"type:double;comment:提现金额" json:"withdraw_money"` //是否可空:NO HandlingFee float64 `gorm:"type:double;comment:提现手续费用" json:"handling_fee"` //是否可空:NO Status int `gorm:"type:tinyint(4);comment:提现状态" json:"status" ` //是否可空:NO 1 request 2 finished 3 rejected AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:提现时间" json:"add_time" ` //是否可空:NO ConfirmTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:到帐时间" json:"confirm_time" ` //是否可空:NO Balance float64 `gorm:"type:double;default:0;comment:用户余额" json:"balance" ` //是否可空:NO withdraw request money will not be same with confirm money Remark string `gorm:"type:varchar(1000);comment:审核说明" json:"remark"` }
func (*UserWithdraw) TableName ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (self *UserWithdraw) TableName() string
type VerUpgrade ¶ added in v1.1.23
type VerUpgrade struct { Id int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;auto_increment;primary_key;not null" json:"id" ` //是否可空:NO OsType string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);comment:os 类别" json:"os_type"` Status int `gorm:"type:tinyint(4);default:2;comment:1:启用 2:停用" json:"status" ` // AddTime int64 `gorm:"type:bigint;comment:发布时间" json:"add_time" ` //是否可空:NO Version string `gorm:"type:varchar(20);default:'';comment:版本号" json:"version"` URL string `gorm:"type:varchar(1000);default:'';comment:下载地址" json:"url"` Remark string `gorm:"type:varchar(1000);comment:审核说明" json:"remark"` }
func (*VerUpgrade) TableName ¶ added in v1.1.23
func (self *VerUpgrade) TableName() string
Source Files
- admin.role.go
- admin.user.go
- base.msg.cmd.go
- bet.k3.go
- const.go
- open.k3.go
- red.enveloper.go
- sys.event.log.go
- sys.exception.go
- sys.setting.go
- user.go
- user.withdraw.go
- version.upgrade.go
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