Understands the concepts of an origin vs remote repository.
By default, uses remotes origin and upstream.
If no upstream repository is found, upstream becomes synonymous with origin for the sake of defaults.
Configuration sip config
Change the default origin remote name sip config origin
Change the default upstream remote name sip config upstrea
Tokens sip tokens
List current available access tokens
Generate a new token from CLI sip token create <token>
If <token> is present, add new access token, otherwise...
Authenticate with username/password to get a new token without leaving the terminal
Remove access tokens sip tokens remove
Repository status sip repo
Get basic information about the upstream repository
Issue search sip issues
Search issues based on keyword(s)
Create a new issue sip issues create
Pull request search sip pulls
Search pull requests based on keyword(s)
Create a new pull request sip pulls create
Check pull request status (default based on current branch) sip pulls status
Checkout a pull request to test locally sip pulls checkout
Release search sip release
Create a new release sip release create
Attach files to an existing release sip release attach
Open item in a web browser
Repository sip open or sip open owner/repo
Issue or PR sip open 1234 or sip open owner/repo/1234
Search filters
Sip supports certain search filters for issues/PRs.
Anything in the query that doesn't match one of the below filters will be sent as a keyword
State is:open is:closed is:merged - only the last state in the query will be applied
Author author:jolheiser - only the last author in the query will be applied
Labels label:bug label:feature - all labels must apply to return results
Milestone mileston:v1.0.0 - only the last milestone in the query will be applied
e.g. test is:open query author:jolheiser milestone:0.2.0 will search for issues/PRs with keywords test query that are open, authored by jolheiser, and in the 0.2.0 milestone.