Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Jul 31, 2024
License: GPL-2.0
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 1
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
func GetByte(data []byte, offset int) byte
func GetBytes(data []byte, offset, length int) []byte
func GetBytesCopy(data []byte, offset, length int) []byte
func GetUint16(data []byte, offset int) uint16
func GetUint24(data []byte, offset int) uint32
func GetUint32(data []byte, offset int) uint32
func SetBytes(data []byte, offset, length int, val []byte)
func SetUint16(data []byte, offset int, val uint16)
func SetUint24(data []byte, offset int, val uint32)
func SetUint32(data []byte, offset int, val uint32)
func UInt32ToBytesSlice(i uint32) []byte
GetBytes 获取从offset开始的length个byte
func GetBytesCopy(data []byte, offset, length int) []byte
GetBytesCopy 获取从offset开始的length个byte的拷贝
GetUint16 从offset位置获取2个byte的uint16
GetUint24 从offset位置获取3个byte的uint16
GetUint32 从offset位置获取4个byte的uint32
func SetBytes(data []byte, offset, length int, val []byte)
SetBytes 将val存放在offset开始的length个byte中
SetUint16 将val放在offset起始的2个byte中
SetUint24 将val放在offset起始的3个byte中
SetUint32 将val放在offset起始的4个byte中
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