A CLI for managing prosefiles.
is a command line interface for updating and managing a "prosefile" - a
file which stores written word entries with a timestamp, ID and optional title
and author.
A prosefile looks like:
"filetype": "prosefile",
"version": "0.0.1",
"entries": [
"title": "My entry",
"body": "Hello, prose! This is an entry in my prosefile.\n\nI will later publish this somewhere!",
"id": "f0abfc1e-5fb8-40b7-b78b-0b756ba0d509",
"author": "Michael",
"time": "2020-05-12T15:45:19.621931532-04:00",
"metadata": {}
By default, prose
assumes your prosefile exists at ~/prosefile.json
, but you
can configure it to work with a different location, or with multiple files by
using the --file
flag, or configuring file
in your configuration.
The prose
configuration file lives at ~/.prose.yaml
and can also be
configured using the --config
flag when using prose
Example Config
author: Michael
file: /home/michael/snippets.json
pretty: true
The main purpose of a prosefile is to store your written entries for other
programs to consume, modify and render. Consider a program called prose-to-md
which reads a prosefile from stdin and outputs each entry rendered as markdown,
with the entry title as the first level header:
$ prose send | prose-to-md
# My Entry
Hello, prose! This is an entry in my prosefile.
I will later publish this somewhere!
$ ...
is referred to as a "prose renderer", as it takes a prosefile
shaped input and creates a rendered output.
Now, consider a program called prose-add-date
which reads a prosefile from
stdin, modifies each entry's body
by prepending a human readable date, then
outputs back to stdout. We could then pipe that into prose-to-md
for greater
$ prose send | prose-add-date | prose-to-md
# My Entry
May 12th, 2020
Hello, prose! This is an entry in my prosefile.
I will later publish this somewhere!
is referred to as a "prose modifier", as it takes a prosefile
shaped input, modifies it, then outputs a prosefile.
As you can imagine, you can continue to chain modifiers to greater benefit
before ultimately piping to a renderer. Perhaps you want to inject author
bylines before rendering to static html, or you want to modify all pronouns to
be ungendered before automating a publish to a web service:
$ prose send | prose-inject-byline | prose-to-html > my-website.html
$ prose send | prose-degender | prose-writeas-submit