Command dhcp6d
is an example DHCPv6 server. It can only assign a
single IPv6 address, and is not a complete DHCPv6 server implementation
by any means. It is meant to demonstrate usage of package dhcp6
This example makes use of two machines (a client, "dhcp6c", and server,
"dhcp6d") and the dhclient(8)
and dhcp6d
Use server to begin serving a single IPv6 address using DHCPv6:
matt@dhcp6d:~$ sudo ./dhcp6d -h
Usage of ./dhcp6d:
-i string
interface to serve DHCPv6 (default "eth0")
-ip string
IPv6 address to serve over DHCPv6
matt@dhcp6d:~$ sudo ./dhcp6d -i eth0 -ip dead:beef:d34d:b33f::10
2015/09/02 14:50:31 binding DHCPv6 server to interface eth0...
Use client to request an IPv6 address using DHCPv6:
matt@dhcp6c:~$ ifconfig eth0 | grep ::10
matt@dhcp6c:~$ sudo dhclient -6 eth0
matt@dhcp6c:~$ ifconfig eth0 | grep ::10
inet6 addr: dead:beef:d34d:b33f::10/64 Scope:Global