actl - Access Control

A CLI tool for OAuth and OpenID Connect based access control.
Aims to become a swiss army knife for Open ID Connect on the command line.
The actl releases can be found at
There are different options to install a release of actl:
- Using a pre build
, rpm
or apk
package for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Alpine and others. This is the recommended option for users of a supported linux distribution because it does not only install the actl binary but also man pages and shell autocompletion scripts in a sane way.
- Grab a pre compiled binary for your system architecture from the releases page and install it yourself. Copy the
binary to ~/.local/bin/actl
and give it executable permission with chmod +x ~/.local/bin/actl
- Compile it from source:
git clone ssh://
go install
- make sure
is set and $GOPATH/bin
(usally ~/go/bin
) is present in your $PATH
- Foolproof
curl [url] | sudo bash
variant: to be done
See: actl help
actl - Access Control
A CLI tool for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect based access control.
actl [command]
Available Commands:
certs Fetch and print OIDC issuer public keys as JWKS and PEM.
completion Generate actl shell completion for bash, zsh, fish and powershell.
decode Decode a JWT and print it to stdout.
decrypt Decrypt a JWE cipher and print the plaintext payload.
discover Discover OpenID Connect provider configurations.
docs Generate the actl documentation as .man, .md, .rst or .yaml.
encrypt Encrypt a JSON payload as a JWE (JSON Web Encryption) cipher.
help Help about any command
keygen Generate keys for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE).
login Perform an OpenID Connect Auth Flow and retrieve a JWT token set.
logout Perform an OpenID Connect Logout
sign Sign a JSON payload as a JWS (JSON Web Signature).
status Print state information.
userinfo Fetch the OpenID Connect userinfo endpoint and print it to stdout
verify Verifies the signature of a JWT.
version Print the version number of actl.
--config string config file (default is ${HOME}/.config/actl.toml)
-h, --help help for actl
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "actl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This software is MIT licensed by Simon Schürg.