Cwtch Autobindings
Automatically generate Cwtch C-Bindings from a high-level specification.
Note for the Flutter-based Cwtch UI Application see:
go mod download
go run generate/generate_bindings.go
make linux // alternatively windows, android, macos
Autobindings allow for comile time selection of experiments. Default selections for each target platform are supplied in Makefile but can be overridden with:
env EXPERIMENTS="serverExperiment otherExperiment" make android
The current Cwtch Bindings Specification is defined in spec
Supported function prototypes:
app <Function Name> <Args>
- an application-level function, called on global Application
profile <Function Name> <Args>
- a profile-level function, takes profile
as an implicit first argument
json(profile) <Function Name> <Args>
- a profile-level function, takes profile
as an implicit first argument and returns a json blob that must be freed by the calling library (see MEMORY)
@profile-experiment <Function Name> <Experiment> <Args>
- an experimental profile-level function, takes profile
as an implicit first argument, experiment must implement cwtch Functionality interface
@(json)profile-experiment <Function Name> <Experiment> <Args>
- am experimental profile-level function, takes profile
as an implicit first argument and returns a json blob that must be freed by the calling (see MEMORY) library, , experiment must implement cwtch Functionality interface
Supported argument prototypes:
- a cwtch profile identifier
- a cwtch conversation identifier
- a cwtch message identifier
- a generic integer argument (with optional name)
- a generic boolean argument (with optional name)
- a generic string argument (with optional name)
All arguments must be defined in the order they are specified by the underlying Cwtch library function.
Other directives:
import <go pkg>
- includes an additional go importin the compiled lib.go (needed for experiments)
- Functions that start with
are automatically stripped of that prefix for their binding names e.g. EnhancedGetMessage
generated a binding c_GetMessage
- for certain functions Cwtch has two potential calling options <Function>
and Enhanced<Function>
. "Enhanced" in this case means that the response is optimised for calling by a user-facing application by e.g. directly making a number of calls under the hood and returning a json blob of the results.
General Environment Variables
if defined will mean all go logging will go to a file instead of stdout
if set to debug
will cause debug logging to be included in log output
if set to 1
will cause a memory profile to be written to
and all active goroutines
written to stdout
when DebugInfo()
is called.
if set to true
will override the Tor configuration to allow Cwtch to work in a Tail-like environment.
Linux Desktop:
set to point to
- or drop a symlink into
Cross compile arm 64
Needs sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
- copy
into flutter_app/android/cwtch
- copy libCwtch.dll into the directory of the
using it
- copy libCwtch.x64.dylib and libCwtch.arm.dylib into the directory you are executing from
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