
v0.33.0-rc.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 27, 2025 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 41 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ListBucketsOperation = "ListBuckets"

	OptionsBucketOperation             = "OptionsBucket"
	HeadBucketOperation                = "HeadBucket"
	ListMultipartUploadsOperation      = "ListMultipartUploads"
	GetBucketLocationOperation         = "GetBucketLocation"
	GetBucketPolicyStatusOperation     = "GetBucketPolicyStatus"
	GetBucketPolicyOperation           = "GetBucketPolicy"
	GetBucketLifecycleOperation        = "GetBucketLifecycle"
	GetBucketEncryptionOperation       = "GetBucketEncryption"
	GetBucketCorsOperation             = "GetBucketCors"
	GetBucketACLOperation              = "GetBucketACL"
	GetBucketWebsiteOperation          = "GetBucketWebsite"
	GetBucketAccelerateOperation       = "GetBucketAccelerate"
	GetBucketRequestPaymentOperation   = "GetBucketRequestPayment"
	GetBucketLoggingOperation          = "GetBucketLogging"
	GetBucketReplicationOperation      = "GetBucketReplication"
	GetBucketTaggingOperation          = "GetBucketTagging"
	GetBucketObjectLockConfigOperation = "GetBucketObjectLockConfig"
	GetBucketVersioningOperation       = "GetBucketVersioning"
	GetBucketNotificationOperation     = "GetBucketNotification"
	ListenBucketNotificationOperation  = "ListenBucketNotification"
	ListBucketObjectVersionsOperation  = "ListBucketObjectVersions"
	ListObjectsV2MOperation            = "ListObjectsV2M"
	ListObjectsV2Operation             = "ListObjectsV2"
	ListObjectsV1Operation             = "ListObjectsV1"
	PutBucketCorsOperation             = "PutBucketCors"
	PutBucketACLOperation              = "PutBucketACL"
	PutBucketLifecycleOperation        = "PutBucketLifecycle"
	PutBucketEncryptionOperation       = "PutBucketEncryption"
	PutBucketPolicyOperation           = "PutBucketPolicy"
	PutBucketObjectLockConfigOperation = "PutBucketObjectLockConfig"
	PutBucketTaggingOperation          = "PutBucketTagging"
	PutBucketVersioningOperation       = "PutBucketVersioning"
	PutBucketNotificationOperation     = "PutBucketNotification"
	CreateBucketOperation              = "CreateBucket"
	DeleteMultipleObjectsOperation     = "DeleteMultipleObjects"
	PostObjectOperation                = "PostObject"
	DeleteBucketCorsOperation          = "DeleteBucketCors"
	DeleteBucketWebsiteOperation       = "DeleteBucketWebsite"
	DeleteBucketTaggingOperation       = "DeleteBucketTagging"
	DeleteBucketPolicyOperation        = "DeleteBucketPolicy"
	DeleteBucketLifecycleOperation     = "DeleteBucketLifecycle"
	DeleteBucketEncryptionOperation    = "DeleteBucketEncryption"
	DeleteBucketOperation              = "DeleteBucket"

	OptionsObjectOperation           = "OptionsObject"
	HeadObjectOperation              = "HeadObject"
	ListPartsOperation               = "ListParts"
	GetObjectACLOperation            = "GetObjectACL"
	GetObjectTaggingOperation        = "GetObjectTagging"
	GetObjectRetentionOperation      = "GetObjectRetention"
	GetObjectLegalHoldOperation      = "GetObjectLegalHold"
	GetObjectAttributesOperation     = "GetObjectAttributes"
	GetObjectOperation               = "GetObject"
	UploadPartCopyOperation          = "UploadPartCopy"
	UploadPartOperation              = "UploadPart"
	PutObjectACLOperation            = "PutObjectACL"
	PutObjectTaggingOperation        = "PutObjectTagging"
	CopyObjectOperation              = "CopyObject"
	PutObjectRetentionOperation      = "PutObjectRetention"
	PutObjectLegalHoldOperation      = "PutObjectLegalHold"
	PutObjectOperation               = "PutObject"
	CompleteMultipartUploadOperation = "CompleteMultipartUpload"
	CreateMultipartUploadOperation   = "CreateMultipartUpload"
	SelectObjectContentOperation     = "SelectObjectContent"
	AbortMultipartUploadOperation    = "AbortMultipartUpload"
	DeleteObjectTaggingOperation     = "DeleteObjectTagging"
	DeleteObjectOperation            = "DeleteObject"
	PatchObjectOperation             = "PatchObject"
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const (
	UploadsQuery        = "uploads"
	LocationQuery       = "location"
	PolicyStatusQuery   = "policyStatus"
	PolicyQuery         = "policy"
	LifecycleQuery      = "lifecycle"
	EncryptionQuery     = "encryption"
	CorsQuery           = "cors"
	ACLQuery            = "acl"
	WebsiteQuery        = "website"
	AccelerateQuery     = "accelerate"
	RequestPaymentQuery = "requestPayment"
	LoggingQuery        = "logging"
	ReplicationQuery    = "replication"
	TaggingQuery        = "tagging"
	ObjectLockQuery     = "object-lock"
	VersioningQuery     = "versioning"
	NotificationQuery   = "notification"
	EventsQuery         = "events"
	VersionsQuery       = "versions"
	ListTypeQuery       = "list-type"
	MetadataQuery       = "metadata"
	DeleteQuery         = "delete"
	UploadIDQuery       = "uploadId"
	RetentionQuery      = "retention"
	LegalQuery          = "legal"
	AttributesQuery     = "attributes"
	PartNumberQuery     = "partNumber"
	LegalHoldQuery      = "legal-hold"
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const (
	StdoutPath = "stdout"
	StderrPath = "stderr"
	SinkName   = "lumberjack"
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const (
	QueryVersionID         = "versionId"
	QueryPrefix            = "prefix"
	QueryDelimiter         = "delimiter"
	QueryMaxKeys           = "max-keys"
	QueryMarker            = "marker"
	QueryEncodingType      = "encoding-type"
	QueryMaxBuckets        = "max-buckets"
	QueryContinuationToken = "continuation-token"
	QueryBucketRegion      = "bucket-region"
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const (

	// MimeNone means no response type.
	MimeNone mimeType = ""

	// MimeXML means response type is XML.
	MimeXML mimeType = "application/xml"
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const HdrAmzRequestID = "x-amz-request-id"


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var ErrNoAuthorizationHeader = errors.New("no authorization header")

ErrNoAuthorizationHeader is returned for unauthenticated requests.


func EncodeResponse

func EncodeResponse(response interface{}) ([]byte, error)

EncodeResponse encodes the response headers into XML format.

func EncodeResponseNoHeader

func EncodeResponseNoHeader(response interface{}) ([]byte, error)

EncodeResponseNoHeader encodes response without setting xml.Header. Should be used with periodicXMLWriter which sends xml.Header to the client with whitespaces to keep connection alive.

func EncodeToResponse

func EncodeToResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, response interface{}) error

EncodeToResponse encodes the response into ResponseWriter.

func EncodeToResponseNoHeader

func EncodeToResponseNoHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, response interface{}) error

EncodeToResponseNoHeader encodes the response into ResponseWriter without header status.

func GetAccessBoxAttrs added in v0.30.0

func GetAccessBoxAttrs(ctx context.Context) ([]object.Attribute, error)

GetAccessBoxAttrs extracts []object.Attribute from context.

func GetBoxData

func GetBoxData(ctx context.Context) (*accessbox.Box, error)

GetBoxData extracts accessbox.Box from context.

func GetClientTime

func GetClientTime(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error)

GetClientTime extracts time.Time from context.

func GetReqLog

func GetReqLog(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger

GetReqLog returns log if set. If zap.Logger isn't set returns nil.

func GetRequestID

func GetRequestID(v interface{}) string

GetRequestID returns the request ID from the response writer or the context.

func GetSourceScheme added in v0.31.0

func GetSourceScheme(r *http.Request) string

GetSourceScheme retrieves the scheme from the X-Forwarded-Proto and RFC7239 Forwarded headers (in that order).

func SetBox added in v0.30.0

func SetBox(ctx context.Context, box *Box) context.Context

SetBox sets Box in the context.

func SetReqInfo

func SetReqInfo(ctx context.Context, req *ReqInfo) context.Context

SetReqInfo sets ReqInfo in the context.

func SetReqLogger

func SetReqLogger(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger) context.Context

SetReqLogger sets child zap.Logger in the context.

func StartHTTPServerSpan

func StartHTTPServerSpan(r *http.Request, operationName string, opts ...trace.SpanStartOption) (context.Context, trace.Span)

StartHTTPServerSpan starts root HTTP server span.

func WriteErrorResponse

func WriteErrorResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, reqInfo *ReqInfo, err error) (int, error)

WriteErrorResponse writes error headers. returns http error code and error in case of failure of response writing.

func WriteErrorResponseNoHeader

func WriteErrorResponseNoHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, reqInfo *ReqInfo, err error) error

WriteErrorResponseNoHeader writes XML encoded error to the response body.

func WriteResponse

func WriteResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, statusCode int, response []byte, mType mimeType) error

WriteResponse writes given statusCode and response into w (with mType header if set).

func WriteResponseBody

func WriteResponseBody(w http.ResponseWriter, response []byte) error

WriteResponseBody writes response into w.

func WriteSuccessResponseHeadersOnly

func WriteSuccessResponseHeadersOnly(w http.ResponseWriter) error

WriteSuccessResponseHeadersOnly writes HTTP (200) OK response with no data to the client.


type AuthHeader added in v0.29.0

type AuthHeader struct {
	AccessKeyID string
	Region      string
	SignatureV4 string

func GetAuthHeaders

func GetAuthHeaders(ctx context.Context) (*AuthHeader, error)

GetAuthHeaders extracts auth.AuthHeader from context.

type Box added in v0.29.0

type Box struct {
	AccessBox   *accessbox.Box
	ClientTime  time.Time
	AuthHeaders *AuthHeader
	Attributes  []object.Attribute

Box contains access box and additional info.

type BucketResolveFunc

type BucketResolveFunc func(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*data.BucketInfo, error)

BucketResolveFunc is a func to resolve bucket info by name.

type Center added in v0.29.0

type Center interface {
	// Authenticate validate and authenticate request.
	// Must return ErrNoAuthorizationHeader if auth header is missed.
	// Authenticate uses a separate context so that the authorization
	// span middleware does not contain all subsequent spans.
	Authenticate(ctx context.Context, request *http.Request) (*Box, error)

Center is a user authentication interface.

type ContainerIDResolveFunc added in v0.29.0

type ContainerIDResolveFunc func(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (cid.ID, error)

ContainerIDResolveFunc is a func to resolve container id by name.

type ErrorResponse

type ErrorResponse struct {
	XMLName    xml.Name `xml:"Error" json:"-"`
	Code       string
	Message    string
	Key        string `xml:"Key,omitempty" json:"Key,omitempty"`
	BucketName string `xml:"BucketName,omitempty" json:"BucketName,omitempty"`
	Resource   string
	RequestID  string `xml:"RequestId" json:"RequestId"`
	HostID     string `xml:"HostId" json:"HostId"`

	// The region where the bucket is located. This header is returned
	// only in HEAD bucket and ListObjects response.
	Region string `xml:"Region,omitempty" json:"Region,omitempty"`

	// Captures the server string returned in response header.
	Server string `xml:"-" json:"-"`

	// Underlying HTTP status code for the returned error.
	StatusCode int `xml:"-" json:"-"`

ErrorResponse -- error response format.

func (ErrorResponse) Error

func (e ErrorResponse) Error() string

Error -- Returns S3 error string.

type FrostFSIDInformer added in v0.29.0

type FrostFSIDInformer interface {
	GetUserGroupIDsAndClaims(userHash util.Uint160) ([]string, map[string]string, error)

type FrostFSIDValidator added in v0.29.0

type FrostFSIDValidator interface {
	ValidatePublicKey(key *keys.PublicKey) error

type Func

type Func func(h http.Handler) http.Handler

func Auth

func Auth(center Center, log *zap.Logger) Func

func FrostfsIDValidation added in v0.29.0

func FrostfsIDValidation(frostfsID FrostFSIDValidator, log *zap.Logger) Func

func LogHTTP added in v0.31.0

func LogHTTP(l *zap.Logger, _ LogHTTPSettings) Func

func LogSuccessResponse

func LogSuccessResponse(l *zap.Logger) Func

func Metrics

func Metrics(log *zap.Logger, resolveBucket ContainerIDResolveFunc, appMetrics *metrics.AppMetrics, settings MetricsSettings) Func

Metrics wraps http handler for api with basic statistics collection.

func PolicyCheck added in v0.29.0

func PolicyCheck(cfg PolicyConfig) Func

func PrepareAddressStyle added in v0.31.0

func PrepareAddressStyle(settings VHSSettings, log *zap.Logger) Func

func Request

func Request(log *zap.Logger, settings RequestSettings) Func

func WrapHandler

func WrapHandler(handler http.HandlerFunc) Func

type KeyVal

type KeyVal struct {
	Key string
	Val string

KeyVal -- appended to ReqInfo.Tags.

type LogHTTPConfig added in v0.31.0

type LogHTTPConfig struct {
	Enabled    bool
	MaxBody    int64
	MaxLogSize int
	OutputPath string
	UseGzip    bool

func (*LogHTTPConfig) InitHTTPLogger added in v0.31.0

func (*LogHTTPConfig) InitHTTPLogger(*zap.Logger)

type LogHTTPSettings added in v0.31.0

type LogHTTPSettings interface {
	LogHTTPConfig() LogHTTPConfig

type MetricsSettings added in v0.29.0

type MetricsSettings interface {
	ResolveNamespaceAlias(namespace string) string

type ObjectRequest

type ObjectRequest struct {
	Bucket string
	Object string
	Method string

ObjectRequest represents object request data.

type PolicyConfig added in v0.29.0

type PolicyConfig struct {
	Storage        engine.ChainRouter
	FrostfsID      FrostFSIDInformer
	Settings       PolicySettings
	Log            *zap.Logger
	BucketResolver BucketResolveFunc
	Decoder        XMLDecoder
	Tagging        ResourceTagging

type PolicySettings added in v0.29.0

type PolicySettings interface {
	PolicyDenyByDefault() bool

type ReqInfo

type ReqInfo struct {
	RemoteHost        string   // Client Host/IP
	Host              string   // Node Host/IP
	UserAgent         string   // User Agent
	DeploymentID      string   // random generated s3-deployment-id
	RequestID         string   // x-amz-request-id
	API               string   // API name -- GetObject PutObject NewMultipartUpload etc.
	BucketName        string   // Bucket name
	ObjectName        string   // Object name
	TraceID           string   // Trace ID
	URL               *url.URL // Request url
	Namespace         string
	User              string // User owner id
	Tagging           *data.Tagging
	RequestVHSEnabled bool
	RequestType       ReqType

ReqInfo stores the request info.

func GetReqInfo

func GetReqInfo(ctx context.Context) *ReqInfo

GetReqInfo returns ReqInfo if set. If ReqInfo isn't set returns new empty ReqInfo.

func NewReqInfo

func NewReqInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, req ObjectRequest, sourceIPHeader string) *ReqInfo

NewReqInfo returns new ReqInfo based on parameters.

type ReqType added in v0.29.0

type ReqType int

type RequestSettings added in v0.29.0

type RequestSettings interface {
	NamespaceHeader() string
	ResolveNamespaceAlias(string) string
	SourceIPHeader() string

type ResourceTagging added in v0.30.0

type ResourceTagging interface {
	GetBucketTagging(ctx context.Context, bktInfo *data.BucketInfo) (map[string]string, error)
	GetObjectTagging(ctx context.Context, p *data.GetObjectTaggingParams) (string, map[string]string, error)

type VHSSettings added in v0.31.0

type VHSSettings interface {
	Domains() []string
	GlobalVHS() bool
	VHSHeader() string
	ServernameHeader() string
	VHSNamespacesEnabled() map[string]bool

type XMLDecoder added in v0.30.0

type XMLDecoder interface {
	NewXMLDecoder(io.Reader, string) *xml.Decoder

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