
v0.30.0-rc.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 21, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 56 Imported by: 0




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const (
	RetryStrategyExponential = "exponential"
	RetryStrategyConstant    = "constant"
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const (
	EventObjectCreated                                = "s3:ObjectCreated:*"
	EventObjectCreatedPut                             = "s3:ObjectCreated:Put"
	EventObjectCreatedPost                            = "s3:ObjectCreated:Post"
	EventObjectCreatedCopy                            = "s3:ObjectCreated:Copy"
	EventReducedRedundancyLostObject                  = "s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject"
	EventObjectCreatedCompleteMultipartUpload         = "s3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload"
	EventObjectRemoved                                = "s3:ObjectRemoved:*"
	EventObjectRemovedDelete                          = "s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete"
	EventObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated             = "s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated"
	EventObjectRestore                                = "s3:ObjectRestore:*"
	EventObjectRestorePost                            = "s3:ObjectRestore:Post"
	EventObjectRestoreCompleted                       = "s3:ObjectRestore:Completed"
	EventReplication                                  = "s3:Replication:*"
	EventReplicationOperationFailedReplication        = "s3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication"
	EventReplicationOperationNotTracked               = "s3:Replication:OperationNotTracked"
	EventReplicationOperationMissedThreshold          = "s3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold"
	EventReplicationOperationReplicatedAfterThreshold = "s3:Replication:OperationReplicatedAfterThreshold"
	EventObjectRestoreDelete                          = "s3:ObjectRestore:Delete"
	EventLifecycleTransition                          = "s3:LifecycleTransition"
	EventIntelligentTiering                           = "s3:IntelligentTiering"
	EventObjectACLPut                                 = "s3:ObjectAcl:Put"
	EventLifecycleExpiration                          = "s3:LifecycleExpiration:*"
	EventLifecycleExpirationDelete                    = "s3:LifecycleExpiration:Delete"
	EventLifecycleExpirationDeleteMarkerCreated       = "s3:LifecycleExpiration:DeleteMarkerCreated"
	EventObjectTagging                                = "s3:ObjectTagging:*"
	EventObjectTaggingPut                             = "s3:ObjectTagging:Put"
	EventObjectTaggingDelete                          = "s3:ObjectTagging:Delete"
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const (
	PolicyStatusIsPublicFalse = "FALSE"
	PolicyStatusIsPublicTrue  = "TRUE"
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const (
	// DefaultMaxAge is a default value of Access-Control-Max-Age if this value is not set in a rule.
	DefaultMaxAge = 600


This section is empty.


func New

func New(log *zap.Logger, obj layer.Client, notificator Notificator, cfg Config, storage APE, ffsid FrostFSID) (api.Handler, error)

New creates new api.Handler using given logger and client.


type APE added in v0.29.0

type APE interface {
	PutBucketPolicy(ns string, cnrID cid.ID, policy []byte, chains []*chain.Chain) error
	DeleteBucketPolicy(ns string, cnrID cid.ID, chainIDs []chain.ID) error
	GetBucketPolicy(ns string, cnrID cid.ID) ([]byte, error)
	SaveACLChains(cid string, chains []*chain.Chain) error

APE is Access Policy Engine that needs to save policy and acl info to different places.


type AWSACL string

AWSACL is aws permission constants.

type AccessControlPolicy

type AccessControlPolicy struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ AccessControlPolicy" json:"-"`
	Owner             Owner
	AccessControlList []*Grant `xml:"AccessControlList>Grant"`

AccessControlPolicy contains ACL.

type Bucket

type Bucket struct {
	Name         string
	CreationDate string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

Bucket container for bucket metadata.

type Checksum

type Checksum struct {
	ChecksumSHA256 string `xml:"ChecksumSHA256,omitempty"`

type CommonPrefix

type CommonPrefix struct {
	Prefix string

CommonPrefix container for prefix response in ListObjects's response.

type CompleteMultipartUpload

type CompleteMultipartUpload struct {
	XMLName xml.Name               `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ CompleteMultipartUpload"`
	Parts   []*layer.CompletedPart `xml:"Part"`

type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse

type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ CompleteMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"`
	Bucket  string   `xml:"Bucket"`
	Key     string   `xml:"Key"`
	ETag    string   `xml:"ETag"`

type Config

type Config interface {
	DefaultPlacementPolicy(namespace string) netmap.PlacementPolicy
	PlacementPolicy(namespace, constraint string) (netmap.PlacementPolicy, bool)
	CopiesNumbers(namespace, constraint string) ([]uint32, bool)
	DefaultCopiesNumbers(namespace string) []uint32
	NewXMLDecoder(io.Reader) *xml.Decoder
	DefaultMaxAge() int
	NotificatorEnabled() bool
	ResolveZoneList() []string
	IsResolveListAllow() bool
	BypassContentEncodingInChunks() bool
	MD5Enabled() bool
	ACLEnabled() bool
	RetryMaxAttempts() int
	RetryMaxBackoff() time.Duration
	RetryStrategy() RetryStrategy

Config contains data which handler needs to keep.

type CopyObjectResponse

type CopyObjectResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ CopyObjectResult" json:"-"`
	LastModified string   // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string   // md5sum of the copied object.

CopyObjectResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object.

type DeleteError

type DeleteError struct {
	Code      string `xml:"Code,omitempty"`
	Message   string `xml:"Message,omitempty"`
	Key       string `xml:"Key,omitempty"`
	VersionID string `xml:"VersionId,omitempty"`

DeleteError structure.

type DeleteMarkerEntry

type DeleteMarkerEntry struct {
	IsLatest     bool   `xml:"IsLatest"`
	Key          string `xml:"Key"`
	LastModified string `xml:"LastModified"`
	Owner        Owner  `xml:"Owner"`
	VersionID    string `xml:"VersionId"`

DeleteMarkerEntry container for deleted object's version in the response of ListBucketObjectVersionsHandler.

type DeleteObjectsRequest

type DeleteObjectsRequest struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ Delete" json:"-"`
	// Element to enable quiet mode for the request
	Quiet bool `xml:"Quiet,omitempty"`
	// List of objects to be deleted
	Objects []ObjectIdentifier `xml:"Object"`

DeleteObjectsRequest -- xml carrying the object key names which should be deleted.

type DeleteObjectsResponse

type DeleteObjectsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ DeleteResult" json:"-"`

	// Collection of all deleted objects
	DeletedObjects []DeletedObject `xml:"Deleted,omitempty"`

	// Collection of errors deleting certain objects.
	Errors []DeleteError `xml:"Error,omitempty"`

DeleteObjectsResponse container for multiple object deletes.

type DeletedObject

type DeletedObject struct {
	DeleteMarker          bool   `xml:"DeleteMarker,omitempty"`
	DeleteMarkerVersionID string `xml:"DeleteMarkerVersionId,omitempty"`

DeletedObject carries the key name for the object to delete.

type FrostFSID added in v0.29.0

type FrostFSID interface {
	GetUserAddress(account, user string) (string, error)
	GetUserKey(account, name string) (string, error)

type GetObjectAttributesArgs

type GetObjectAttributesArgs struct {
	MaxParts         int
	PartNumberMarker int
	Attributes       []string
	VersionID        string
	Conditional      *conditionalArgs

type GetObjectAttributesResponse

type GetObjectAttributesResponse struct {
	ETag         string       `xml:"ETag,omitempty"`
	Checksum     *Checksum    `xml:"Checksum,omitempty"`
	ObjectSize   uint64       `xml:"ObjectSize,omitempty"`
	StorageClass string       `xml:"StorageClass,omitempty"`
	ObjectParts  *ObjectParts `xml:"ObjectParts,omitempty"`

type Grant

type Grant struct {
	Grantee    *Grantee
	Permission AWSACL

Grant is container for Grantee data.

type Grantee

type Grantee struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name    `xml:"Grantee"`
	XMLNS        string      `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
	ID           string      `xml:"ID,omitempty"`
	DisplayName  string      `xml:"DisplayName,omitempty"`
	EmailAddress string      `xml:"EmailAddress,omitempty"`
	URI          string      `xml:"URI,omitempty"`
	Type         GranteeType `xml:"xsi:type,attr"`

Grantee is info about access rights of some actor.

func NewGrantee

func NewGrantee(t GranteeType) *Grantee

NewGrantee creates new grantee using workaround https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9519#issuecomment-252196382

type GranteeType

type GranteeType string

GranteeType is aws grantee permission type constants.

type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse

type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ InitiateMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"`
	Bucket   string   `xml:"Bucket"`
	Key      string   `xml:"Key"`
	UploadID string   `xml:"UploadId"`

type Initiator

type Initiator struct {
	ID          string `xml:"ID"`
	DisplayName string `xml:"DisplayName"`

type ListBucketsResponse

type ListBucketsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListAllMyBucketsResult" json:"-"`

	Owner Owner

	// Container for one or more buckets.
	Buckets struct {
		Buckets []Bucket `xml:"Bucket"`
	} // Buckets are nested

ListBucketsResponse -- format for list buckets response.

type ListMultipartUploadsResponse

type ListMultipartUploadsResponse struct {
	XMLName            xml.Name          `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListMultipartUploadsResult" json:"-"`
	Bucket             string            `xml:"Bucket"`
	CommonPrefixes     []CommonPrefix    `xml:"CommonPrefixes"`
	Delimiter          string            `xml:"Delimiter,omitempty"`
	EncodingType       string            `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
	IsTruncated        bool              `xml:"IsTruncated"`
	KeyMarker          string            `xml:"KeyMarker"`
	MaxUploads         int               `xml:"MaxUploads"`
	NextKeyMarker      string            `xml:"NextKeyMarker,omitempty"`
	NextUploadIDMarker string            `xml:"NextUploadIdMarker,omitempty"`
	Prefix             string            `xml:"Prefix"`
	Uploads            []MultipartUpload `xml:"Upload"`
	UploadIDMarker     string            `xml:"UploadIdMarker,omitempty"`

type ListObjectsV1Response

type ListObjectsV1Response struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name       `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListBucketResult" json:"-"`
	CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix `xml:"CommonPrefixes"`
	Contents       []Object       `xml:"Contents"`
	Delimiter      string         `xml:"Delimiter,omitempty"`
	EncodingType   string         `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
	IsTruncated    bool           `xml:"IsTruncated"`
	Marker         string         `xml:"Marker"`
	MaxKeys        int            `xml:"MaxKeys"`
	Name           string         `xml:"Name"`
	NextMarker     string         `xml:"NextMarker,omitempty"`
	Prefix         string         `xml:"Prefix"`

ListObjectsV1Response -- format for ListObjectsV1 response.

type ListObjectsV2Response

type ListObjectsV2Response struct {
	XMLName               xml.Name       `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListBucketResult" json:"-"`
	CommonPrefixes        []CommonPrefix `xml:"CommonPrefixes"`
	Contents              []Object       `xml:"Contents"`
	ContinuationToken     string         `xml:"ContinuationToken,omitempty"`
	Delimiter             string         `xml:"Delimiter,omitempty"`
	EncodingType          string         `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
	IsTruncated           bool           `xml:"IsTruncated"`
	KeyCount              int            `xml:"KeyCount"`
	MaxKeys               int            `xml:"MaxKeys"`
	Name                  string         `xml:"Name"`
	NextContinuationToken string         `xml:"NextContinuationToken,omitempty"`
	Prefix                string         `xml:"Prefix"`
	StartAfter            string         `xml:"StartAfter,omitempty"`

ListObjectsV2Response -- format for ListObjectsV2 response.

type ListObjectsVersionsResponse

type ListObjectsVersionsResponse struct {
	XMLName             xml.Name                `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListVersionsResult" json:"-"`
	EncodingType        string                  `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
	Name                string                  `xml:"Name"`
	IsTruncated         bool                    `xml:"IsTruncated"`
	KeyMarker           string                  `xml:"KeyMarker"`
	NextKeyMarker       string                  `xml:"NextKeyMarker,omitempty"`
	NextVersionIDMarker string                  `xml:"NextVersionIdMarker,omitempty"`
	VersionIDMarker     string                  `xml:"VersionIdMarker"`
	DeleteMarker        []DeleteMarkerEntry     `xml:"DeleteMarker"`
	Version             []ObjectVersionResponse `xml:"Version"`
	CommonPrefixes      []CommonPrefix          `xml:"CommonPrefixes"`

ListObjectsVersionsResponse is a response of ListBucketObjectVersionsHandler.

type ListPartsResponse

type ListPartsResponse struct {
	XMLName              xml.Name      `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListPartsResult" json:"-"`
	Bucket               string        `xml:"Bucket"`
	Initiator            Initiator     `xml:"Initiator"`
	IsTruncated          bool          `xml:"IsTruncated"`
	Key                  string        `xml:"Key"`
	MaxParts             int           `xml:"MaxParts,omitempty"`
	NextPartNumberMarker int           `xml:"NextPartNumberMarker,omitempty"`
	Owner                Owner         `xml:"Owner"`
	Parts                []*layer.Part `xml:"Part"`
	PartNumberMarker     int           `xml:"PartNumberMarker,omitempty"`
	StorageClass         string        `xml:"StorageClass"`
	UploadID             string        `xml:"UploadId"`

type LocationResponse

type LocationResponse struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ LocationConstraint" json:"-"`
	Location string   `xml:",chardata"`

LocationResponse -- format for location response.

type MultipartUpload

type MultipartUpload struct {
	Initiated    string    `xml:"Initiated"`
	Initiator    Initiator `xml:"Initiator"`
	Key          string    `xml:"Key"`
	Owner        Owner     `xml:"Owner"`
	StorageClass string    `xml:"StorageClass"`
	UploadID     string    `xml:"UploadId"`

type Notificator

type Notificator interface {
	SendNotifications(topics map[string]string, p *SendNotificationParams) error
	SendTestNotification(topic, bucketName, requestID, HostID string, now time.Time) error

type Object

type Object struct {
	Key          string
	LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string `xml:"ETag,omitempty"`
	Size         uint64

	// Owner of the object.
	Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"`

	// Class of storage used to store the object.
	StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"`

Object container for object metadata.

type ObjectIdentifier

type ObjectIdentifier struct {
	ObjectName string `xml:"Key"`
	VersionID  string `xml:"VersionId,omitempty"`

ObjectIdentifier carries the key name for the object to delete.

type ObjectParts

type ObjectParts struct {
	IsTruncated          bool   `xml:"IsTruncated,omitempty"`
	MaxParts             int    `xml:"MaxParts,omitempty"`
	NextPartNumberMarker int    `xml:"NextPartNumberMarker,omitempty"`
	PartNumberMarker     int    `xml:"PartNumberMarker,omitempty"`
	Parts                []Part `xml:"Part,omitempty"`
	PartsCount           int    `xml:"PartsCount,omitempty"`

type ObjectVersionResponse

type ObjectVersionResponse struct {
	ETag         string `xml:"ETag"`
	IsLatest     bool   `xml:"IsLatest"`
	Key          string `xml:"Key"`
	LastModified string `xml:"LastModified"`
	Owner        Owner  `xml:"Owner"`
	Size         uint64 `xml:"Size"`
	StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"`
	VersionID    string `xml:"VersionId"`

ObjectVersionResponse container for object version in the response of ListBucketObjectVersionsHandler.

type Owner

type Owner struct {
	ID          string
	DisplayName string

Owner -- bucket owner/principal.

type Part

type Part struct {
	ChecksumSHA256 string `xml:"ChecksumSHA256,omitempty"`
	PartNumber     int    `xml:"PartNumber,omitempty"`
	Size           int    `xml:"Size,omitempty"`

type PolicyStatus added in v0.30.0

type PolicyStatus struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name             `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ PolicyStatus" json:"-"`
	IsPublic PolicyStatusIsPublic `xml:"IsPublic"`

PolicyStatus contains status of bucket policy.

type PolicyStatusIsPublic added in v0.30.0

type PolicyStatusIsPublic string

type PostResponse

type PostResponse struct {
	Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"`
	Key    string `xml:"Key"`
	ETag   string `xml:"Etag"`

PostResponse contains result of posting object.

type RetryStrategy added in v0.29.1

type RetryStrategy string

type SendNotificationParams

type SendNotificationParams struct {
	Event            string
	NotificationInfo *data.NotificationInfo
	BktInfo          *data.BucketInfo
	ReqInfo          *middleware.ReqInfo
	User             string
	Time             time.Time

type ServiceRecord

type ServiceRecord struct {
	Resource           string
	GroupRecordsLength int

func (ServiceRecord) ToEACLRecord

func (s ServiceRecord) ToEACLRecord() *eacl.Record

type StringMap

type StringMap map[string]string

StringMap is a map[string]string.

func (StringMap) MarshalXML

func (s StringMap) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error

MarshalXML -- StringMap marshals into XML.

type UploadPartCopyResponse

type UploadPartCopyResponse struct {
	ETag         string `xml:"ETag"`
	LastModified string `xml:"LastModified"`

type VersioningConfiguration

type VersioningConfiguration struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ VersioningConfiguration"`
	Status    string   `xml:"Status,omitempty"`
	MfaDelete string   `xml:"MfaDelete,omitempty"`

VersioningConfiguration contains VersioningConfiguration XML representation.

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