pretty system info printer with a focus on configurability

you need:
- a terminal
- nerd font for icons
- golang to build from source, or a pre-compiled binary (which contains everything it needs) to run
mewfetch is designed to be highly customizable using a configuration file. it has nice defaults, and they can be overridden with a YAML config file using the flag -c/--config <filename>
, otherwise it will check $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mewfetch.yml
see the example, defaults, or the following for how to configure it:
hide: bool
- whether to hide the artwork
os: string
- manually choose which artwork is used (or auto
, the default)
custom: string
- or set your own (yaml multi-line strings are a bit iffy)
color: int
- 0-15 index from the terminal's color palette
art: int
- vertical gap (number of spaces) between artwork and modules
icon: int
- width of the module icon column
array of any of the following module definitions with their own optional settings:
type: "blank"
- newline
type: "colors"
- color palette
block: string
- characters used to represent a swatch (single color)
rows: int
- number of rows, each with 8 colors (1 or 2)
type: "cpu"
- CPU model
type: "custom"
- print output of shell command (be careful with it!)
command: string
- shell command
icon: rune
- custom icon
type: "hostname"
- computer's hostname
type: "memory"
- total memory
type: "os"
- shows OS version, uses major OS type (windows, linux, etc.) for icon
type: "uptime"
- how long your computer has been running
type: "user"
- current username
mewfetch is early in development. some options are subject to change.
take a look at CONTRIBUTING.md if you would like to aid in development!