aptproxy is a simple minimal HTTP cache for APT package repositories.
It has almost no features:
- supports the standard HTTP proxy protocol
- supports the CONNECT protocol to avoid breaking misconfigured
clients that might try to connect to https sites through it, though
it won't cache anything in that case
- it can send conditional GET requests for Release files and such
- it won't do conditional requests for .deb packages because it
assumes those to be immutable
- it is not a real HTTP caching proxy because it does not understand
the Vary header
- it will prevent connections to localhost or to private network
ranges, including domains that resolve to those addresses
- multiple concurrent requests for the same URL will result in a
single upstream request
All installation methods involve building aptproxy from source, so
you're going to need a Go environment installed on your computer. On a
Debian system:
sudo apt install golang
From the source repo
To build the package you can clone this repository and run
go build .
Then install the resulting aptproxy binary wherever you want.
From source via go install
You don't even need to clone this repository by installing the tool
go install git.autistici.org/pipelines/tools/aptproxy@latest
This will result in an aptproxy binary likely appearing in
Debian package
The above methods aren't really enough for a system daemon, which is
why we recommend installing aptproxy as a Debian package. You can
build the package, after having cloned this repository, with the
standard Debian developer tools:
sudo apt install dpkg-dev debhelper dh-golang fakeroot
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -b
sudo dpkg -i ../aptproxy*.deb