Index ¶
- Constants
- func BCELoss(logits, target *ts.Tensor, opts ...LossFnOption) *ts.Tensor
- func BatchAccuracyForLogits(vs *VarStore, m ts.ModuleT, xs, ys *ts.Tensor, d gotch.Device, batchSize int) (retVal float64)
- func BatchAccuracyForLogitsIdx(vs *VarStore, m ts.ModuleT, xs, ys *ts.Tensor, d gotch.Device, batchSize int) (retVal float64)
- func BatchAccuracyForLogitsOld(vs *VarStore, m ts.ModuleT, xs, ys *ts.Tensor, d gotch.Device, batchSize int) (retVal float64)
- func CalculateFans(shape []int64) (fanIn, fanOut int64, err error)
- func CrossEntropyLoss(logits, target *ts.Tensor, opts ...LossFnOption) *ts.Tensor
- func MSELoss(logits, labels *ts.Tensor, reductionOpt ...int64) *ts.Tensor
- func NewBuffer(path *Path, name string, x *ts.Tensor, persistentOpt ...bool) *ts.Tensor
- func NewConstInit(v float64) constInit
- func NewGlorotNInit() glorotNInit
- func NewKaimingUniformInit(opts ...KaimingOption) *kaimingUniformInit
- func NewParameter(path *Path, name string, x *ts.Tensor, requireGradOpt ...bool) *ts.Tensor
- func NewRandnInit(mean, stdev float64) randnInit
- func NewUniformInit(lo, up float64) uniformInit
- func WithUint8(n uint8) func() uint8
- func XavierUniform_(x *ts.Tensor, gainOpt ...float64)
- type AdamConfig
- type AdamWConfig
- type AddOpt
- type AddOpts
- type BatchNorm
- func BatchNorm1D(vs *Path, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
- func BatchNorm2D(vs *Path, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
- func BatchNorm3D(vs *Path, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
- func NewBatchNorm(vs *Path, nd uint, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
- type BatchNormConfig
- type ClipOpt
- type ClipOpts
- type Conv
- type Conv1D
- type Conv1DConfig
- type Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithBias1D(val bool) Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithBsInit1D(val Init) Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithDilation1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithGroup1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithPadding1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithStride1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
- func WithWsInit1D(val Init) Conv1DConfigOpt
- type Conv2D
- type Conv2DConfig
- type Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithBias2D(val bool) Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithBsInit2D(val Init) Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithDilation2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithGroup2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithPadding2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithStride2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
- func WithWsInit2D(val Init) Conv2DConfigOpt
- type Conv3D
- type Conv3DConfig
- type Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithBias3D(val bool) Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithBsInit3D(val Init) Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithDilation3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithGroup3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithPadding3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithStride3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
- func WithWsInit3D(val Init) Conv3DConfigOpt
- type ConvTranspose1D
- type ConvTranspose1DConfig
- type ConvTranspose2D
- type ConvTranspose2DConfig
- type ConvTranspose3D
- type ConvTranspose3DConfig
- type CosineAnnealingLR
- type CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts
- type CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption
- type CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions
- type CyclicLR
- type CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicBaseMomentum(v float64) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicCycleMomentum(v bool) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicGamma(v float64) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicLastEpoch(v int) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicMaxMomentum(v float64) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicMode(v string) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicScaleFn(v func(x float64) float64) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicScaleMode(v string) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicStepSizeDown(v int) CyclicOption
- func WithCyclicStepSizeUp(v int) CyclicOption
- type CyclicOptions
- type Dropout
- type Embedding
- type EmbeddingConfig
- type Entry
- func (e *Entry) MustOrKaimingUniform(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrOnes(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrOnesNoTrain(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrRandn(dims []int64, mean, stdev float64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrRandnStandard(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrUniform(dims []int64, lo, up float64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrVar(dims []int64, init Init, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrVarCopy(tensor *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrZeros(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) MustOrZerosNoTrain(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (e *Entry) OrKaimingUniform(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrOnes(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrOnesNoTrain(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrRandn(dims []int64, mean, stdev float64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrRandnStandard(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrUniform(dims []int64, lo, up float64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrVar(dims []int64, init Init, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrVarCopy(tensor *ts.Tensor) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrZeros(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (e *Entry) OrZerosNoTrain(dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- type ExponentialLR
- type ForwardTWith
- type ForwardWith
- type Func
- type FuncT
- type GRU
- type GRUState
- type Identity
- type Init
- type KaimingOption
- type KaimingOptions
- type LRScheduler
- type LSTM
- type LSTMState
- type LambdaFn
- type LambdaLR
- type LayerNorm
- type LayerNormConfig
- type Linear
- type LinearConfig
- type LossFnOption
- type MaxPool2D
- type MaxPool2DOpt
- type MaxPool2DOpts
- type MultiStepLR
- type MultiplicativeLR
- type OneCycleLR
- type OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleAnnealStrategy(v string) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleBaseMomentum(v float64) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleCycleMomentum(v bool) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleDivFactor(v float64) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleEpochs(v int) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleFinalDivFactor(v float64) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleLastEpoch(v int) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleMaxMomentum(v float64) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCyclePctStart(v float64) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleStepsPerEpoch(v int) OneCycleOption
- func WithOneCycleTotalSteps(v int) OneCycleOption
- type OneCycleOptions
- type Optimizer
- func (opt *Optimizer) AddParamGroup(tensors []*ts.Tensor)
- func (opt *Optimizer) BackwardStep(loss *ts.Tensor) error
- func (opt *Optimizer) BackwardStepClip(loss *ts.Tensor, max float64) error
- func (opt *Optimizer) BackwardStepClipNorm(loss *ts.Tensor, max float64, opts ...ClipOpt) error
- func (opt *Optimizer) ClipGradNorm(max float64, opts ...ClipOpt) error
- func (opt *Optimizer) ClipGradValue(max float64)
- func (opt *Optimizer) GetLRs() []float64
- func (opt *Optimizer) MustBackwardStep(loss *ts.Tensor)
- func (opt *Optimizer) MustBackwardStepClip(loss *ts.Tensor, max float64)
- func (opt *Optimizer) MustBackwardStepClipNorm(loss *ts.Tensor, max float64, opts ...ClipOpt)
- func (opt *Optimizer) MustStep()
- func (opt *Optimizer) MustZeroGrad()
- func (opt *Optimizer) ParamGroupNum() int
- func (opt *Optimizer) ResetStepCount()
- func (opt *Optimizer) SetLR(lr float64)
- func (opt *Optimizer) SetLRs(lrs []float64)
- func (opt *Optimizer) SetMomentum(m float64)
- func (opt *Optimizer) Step() error
- func (opt *Optimizer) StepCount() int
- func (opt *Optimizer) ZeroGrad() error
- type OptimizerConfig
- type Path
- func (p *Path) Add(name string, x *ts.Tensor, trainable bool, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) Device() gotch.Device
- func (p *Path) Entry(name string) *Entry
- func (p *Path) Get(name string) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) KaimingUniform(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) MustAdd(name string, x *ts.Tensor, trainable bool, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustGet(name string) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustKaimingUniform(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustNewVar(name string, dims []int64, ini Init, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustOnes(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustOnesNoTrain(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustRandn(name string, dims []int64, mean float64, stdev float64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustRandnStandard(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustRemove(name string)
- func (p *Path) MustUniform(name string, dims []int64, lo, up float64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustVarCopy(name string, t *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustZeros(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) MustZerosNoTrain(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
- func (p *Path) NewVar(name string, dims []int64, ini Init, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) Ones(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) OnesNoTrain(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) Paths() []string
- func (p *Path) Randn(name string, dims []int64, mean float64, stdev float64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) RandnStandard(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) Remove(name string) error
- func (p *Path) SetGroup(g uint)
- func (p *Path) Sub(str string) *Path
- func (p *Path) ToBFloat16()
- func (p *Path) ToDType(dtype gotch.DType)
- func (p *Path) ToDevice(device gotch.Device)
- func (p *Path) ToDouble()
- func (p *Path) ToFloat(floatDTypeOpt ...gotch.DType)
- func (p *Path) ToHalf()
- func (p *Path) Uniform(name string, dims []int64, lo, up float64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) VarCopy(name string, t *ts.Tensor) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) Zeros(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- func (p *Path) ZerosNoTrain(name string, dims []int64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
- type RMSPropConfig
- type RNN
- type RNNConfig
- type ReduceLROnPlateau
- type ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauCooldown(cooldown int) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauEps(eps float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauFactor(factor float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauMinLRs(minLRs []float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauMode(mode string) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauPatience(patience int) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauThreshold(threshold float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauThresholdMode(thresholdMode string) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- func WithReduceOnPlateauVerbose(verbose bool) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
- type ReduceLROnPlateauOptions
- type SGDConfig
- type SchedulerOption
- type SchedulerOptions
- type Sequential
- func (s *Sequential) Add(l ts.Module)
- func (s *Sequential) AddFn(fn ts.Module)
- func (s *Sequential) Forward(xs *ts.Tensor) (retVal *ts.Tensor)
- func (s *Sequential) ForwardAll(xs *ts.Tensor, opts ...uint8) (retVal []*ts.Tensor)
- func (s *Sequential) IsEmpty() (retVal bool)
- func (s *Sequential) Len() (retVal int64)
- type SequentialT
- func (s *SequentialT) Add(l ts.ModuleT)
- func (s *SequentialT) AddFn(fn ts.ModuleT)
- func (s *SequentialT) AddFnT(fn ts.ModuleT)
- func (s *SequentialT) ForwardAllT(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool, opts ...uint8) (retVal []*ts.Tensor)
- func (s *SequentialT) ForwardT(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor
- func (s *SequentialT) IsEmpty() (retVal bool)
- func (s *SequentialT) Len() (retVal int64)
- type State
- type StepLR
- type TrainableCModule
- type Var
- type VarStore
- func (vs *VarStore) Copy(src *VarStore) error
- func (vs *VarStore) Destroy()
- func (vs *VarStore) Device() gotch.Device
- func (vs *VarStore) Freeze() error
- func (vs *VarStore) IsEmpty() bool
- func (vs *VarStore) Len() int
- func (vs *VarStore) Load(filepath string) error
- func (vs *VarStore) LoadPartial(filepath string) ([]string, error)
- func (vs *VarStore) LoadWeights(namedTensors []ts.NamedTensor) error
- func (vs *VarStore) LoadWeightsPartial(namedTensors []ts.NamedTensor) ([]string, error)
- func (vs *VarStore) Root() *Path
- func (vs *VarStore) Save(filepath string) error
- func (vs *VarStore) Summary()
- func (vs *VarStore) ToBFloat16()
- func (vs *VarStore) ToDType(dtype gotch.DType)
- func (vs *VarStore) ToDevice(device gotch.Device)
- func (vs *VarStore) ToDouble()
- func (vs *VarStore) ToFloat()
- func (vs *VarStore) ToHalf()
- func (vs *VarStore) TrainableVariables() []*ts.Tensor
- func (vs *VarStore) Unfreeze() error
- func (vs *VarStore) Variables() map[string]ts.Tensor
Constants ¶
const SEP = "."
SEP is a separator to separate path elements in the tensor names.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func BCELoss ¶
func BCELoss(logits, target *ts.Tensor, opts ...LossFnOption) *ts.Tensor
BCELoss calculates a binary cross entropy loss.
- logits: tensor of shape [B, C, H, W] corresponding the raw output of the model. - target: ground truth tensor of shape [B, 1, H, W] - posWeight: scalar representing the weight attributed to positive class. This is especially useful for an imbalanced dataset
func BatchAccuracyForLogits ¶
func BatchAccuracyForLogits(vs *VarStore, m ts.ModuleT, xs, ys *ts.Tensor, d gotch.Device, batchSize int) (retVal float64)
BatchAccuracyForLogits calculates average accuracy of test batches.
NOTE: Pytorch uses `NoGradGuard` which is a thread local scope and it sets a global flag that is checked by the backend whenever an op is done on a variable. The guard itself saved the current status and set it to false in the constructor. And restore the saved status in it’s destructor. That way it is similar to a with torch.no_grad(): block in python. This seems not working in Go. There 2 ways to get around. One is freeze VarStore, the other is set manually set AutoGrad at `loss` tensor. I.e., `loss = loss.MustSetRequiresGrad(true)`
func BatchAccuracyForLogitsIdx ¶
func BatchAccuracyForLogitsIdx(vs *VarStore, m ts.ModuleT, xs, ys *ts.Tensor, d gotch.Device, batchSize int) (retVal float64)
BatchAccuracyForLogitIdx is an alternative of BatchAccuracyForLogits to calculate accuracy for specified batch on module weight. It uses tensor indexing instead of Iter2
func CalculateFans ¶
CalculateFans calculates fan-in and fan-out based on tensor shape.
func CrossEntropyLoss ¶
func CrossEntropyLoss(logits, target *ts.Tensor, opts ...LossFnOption) *ts.Tensor
CrossEntropyLoss calculates cross entropy loss. Ref. - logits: tensor of shape [B, C, H, W] corresponding the raw output of the model. - target: ground truth tensor of shape [B, 1, H, W] - posWeight: scalar representing the weight attributed to positive class. This is especially useful for an imbalanced dataset
func MSELoss ¶
MSELoss calculates Mean-Square Loss.
- reductionOpt: either 0 ("none"); 1 ("mean"); 2 ("sum"). Default=mean
func NewBuffer ¶
NewBuffer creates new buffer.
Buffer is different from Parameter as its requiredGrad always false. - `o.Persistent` param. Default=true. If `true` buffer variable will be saved when `nn.VarStore.Save()` is called.
Ref. - -
func NewConstInit ¶
func NewConstInit(v float64) constInit
func NewGlorotNInit ¶
func NewGlorotNInit() glorotNInit
func NewKaimingUniformInit ¶
func NewKaimingUniformInit(opts ...KaimingOption) *kaimingUniformInit
func NewParameter ¶
NewParameter creates a kind of tensor that is considered as a module parameter. Ref.
func NewRandnInit ¶
func NewRandnInit(mean, stdev float64) randnInit
func NewUniformInit ¶
func NewUniformInit(lo, up float64) uniformInit
func XavierUniform_ ¶
XavierUniform fills the input tensor with values according to the method described in the paper `Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks` using a uniform distribution
Also known as Glorot initialization.
Paper: Pytorch implementation:
Types ¶
type AdamConfig ¶
func DefaultAdamConfig ¶
func DefaultAdamConfig() *AdamConfig
DefaultAdamConfig creates AdamConfig with default values
func NewAdamConfig ¶
func NewAdamConfig(beta1, beta2, wd float64) *AdamConfig
NewAdamConfig creates AdamConfig with specified values
type AdamWConfig ¶
func DefaultAdamWConfig ¶
func DefaultAdamWConfig() *AdamWConfig
DefaultAdamWConfig creates AdamWConfig with default values
func NewAdamWConfig ¶
func NewAdamWConfig(beta1, beta2, wd float64) *AdamWConfig
NewAdamWConfig creates AdamWConfig with specified values
type BatchNorm ¶
type BatchNorm struct { RunningMean *ts.Tensor RunningVar *ts.Tensor Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor Nd uint // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A batch-normalization layer.
func BatchNorm1D ¶
func BatchNorm1D(vs *Path, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
Applies Batch Normalization over a three dimension input.
The input shape is assumed to be (N, C, L). Normalization is performed over the first batch dimension N.
func BatchNorm2D ¶
func BatchNorm2D(vs *Path, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
Applies Batch Normalization over a four dimension input.
The input shape is assumed to be (N, C, H, W). Normalization is performed over the first batch dimension N.
func BatchNorm3D ¶
func BatchNorm3D(vs *Path, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
Applies Batch Normalization over a five dimension input.
The input shape is assumed to be (N, C, D, H, W). Normalization is performed over the first batch dimension N.
func NewBatchNorm ¶
func NewBatchNorm(vs *Path, nd uint, outDim int64, config *BatchNormConfig) *BatchNorm
NewBatchNorm creates a new BatchNorm layer
type BatchNormConfig ¶
type BatchNormConfig struct { CudnnEnable bool Eps float64 Momentum float64 WsInit Init BsInit Init }
Batch-normalization config.
func DefaultBatchNormConfig ¶
func DefaultBatchNormConfig() *BatchNormConfig
type Conv1D ¶
type Conv1D struct { Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor // optional Config *Conv1DConfig }
Conv1D is convolution 1D struct.
type Conv1DConfig ¶
type Conv1DConfig struct { Stride []int64 Padding []int64 Dilation []int64 Groups int64 Bias bool WsInit Init BsInit Init }
Conv1DConfig is configuration struct for convolution 1D.
func DefaultConv1DConfig ¶
func DefaultConv1DConfig() *Conv1DConfig
DefaultConvConfig create a default 1D ConvConfig
func NewConv1DConfig ¶
func NewConv1DConfig(opts ...Conv1DConfigOpt) *Conv1DConfig
NewConv1DConfig creates Conv1DConfig.
type Conv1DConfigOpt ¶
type Conv1DConfigOpt func(*Conv1DConfig)
Conv1DConfigOpt is option for Conv1DConfig.
func WithDilation1D ¶
func WithDilation1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
WithDilation1D adds dilation 1D option.
func WithGroup1D ¶
func WithGroup1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
func WithPadding1D ¶
func WithPadding1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
WithPadding1D adds padding 1D option.
func WithStride1D ¶
func WithStride1D(val int64) Conv1DConfigOpt
withStride1D adds stride 1D option.
type Conv2D ¶
type Conv2D struct { Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor // optional Config *Conv2DConfig }
Conv2D is convolution 2D struct.
type Conv2DConfig ¶
type Conv2DConfig struct { Stride []int64 Padding []int64 Dilation []int64 Groups int64 Bias bool WsInit Init BsInit Init }
Conv2DConfig is configuration for convolution 2D.
func DefaultConv2DConfig ¶
func DefaultConv2DConfig() *Conv2DConfig
DefaultConvConfig2D creates a default 2D ConvConfig
func NewConv2DConfig ¶
func NewConv2DConfig(opts ...Conv2DConfigOpt) *Conv2DConfig
NewConv2DConfig creates Conv2DConfig.
type Conv2DConfigOpt ¶
type Conv2DConfigOpt func(*Conv2DConfig)
Conv2DConfigOpt is option type for Conv2DConfig.
func WithDilation2D ¶
func WithDilation2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
WithDilation2D adds dilation 2D option.
func WithPadding2D ¶
func WithPadding2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
WithPadding2D adds padding 2D option.
func WithStride2D ¶
func WithStride2D(val int64) Conv2DConfigOpt
WithStride2D adds stride 2D option.
type Conv3D ¶
type Conv3D struct { Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor // optional Config *Conv3DConfig }
Conv3D is convolution 3D struct.
type Conv3DConfig ¶
type Conv3DConfig struct { Stride []int64 Padding []int64 Dilation []int64 Groups int64 Bias bool WsInit Init BsInit Init }
Conv3DConfig is configuration struct for convolution 3D.
func DefaultConv3DConfig ¶
func DefaultConv3DConfig() *Conv3DConfig
DefaultConvConfig3D creates a default 3D ConvConfig
func NewConv3DConfig ¶
func NewConv3DConfig(opts ...Conv3DConfigOpt) *Conv3DConfig
NewConv3DConfig creates Conv3DConfig.
type Conv3DConfigOpt ¶
type Conv3DConfigOpt func(*Conv3DConfig)
Conv3DConfigOpt is option type for Conv3DConfig.
func WithDilation3D ¶
func WithDilation3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
WithDilation3D adds dilation 3D option.
func WithPadding3D ¶
func WithPadding3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
WithPadding3D adds padding 3D option.
func WithStride3D ¶
func WithStride3D(val int64) Conv3DConfigOpt
WithStride3D adds stride 3D option.
type ConvTranspose1D ¶
type ConvTranspose1D struct { Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor // optional Config *ConvTranspose1DConfig }
func NewConvTranspose1D ¶
func NewConvTranspose1D(vs *Path, inDim, outDim int64, ksizes []int64, cfg *ConvTranspose1DConfig) *ConvTranspose1D
type ConvTranspose1DConfig ¶
type ConvTranspose1DConfig struct { Stride []int64 Padding []int64 OutputPadding []int64 Dilation []int64 Groups int64 Bias bool WsInit Init BsInit Init }
func DefaultConvTranspose1DConfig ¶
func DefaultConvTranspose1DConfig() *ConvTranspose1DConfig
DefaultConvConfig create a default 1D ConvConfig
type ConvTranspose2D ¶
type ConvTranspose2D struct { Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor // optional Config *ConvTranspose2DConfig }
func NewConvTranspose2D ¶
func NewConvTranspose2D(vs *Path, inDim, outDim int64, ksizes []int64, cfg *ConvTranspose2DConfig) *ConvTranspose2D
type ConvTranspose2DConfig ¶
type ConvTranspose3D ¶
type ConvTranspose3D struct { Ws *ts.Tensor Bs *ts.Tensor // optional Config *ConvTranspose3DConfig }
func NewConvTranspose3D ¶
func NewConvTranspose3D(vs *Path, inDim, outDim int64, ksizes []int64, cfg *ConvTranspose3DConfig) *ConvTranspose3D
type ConvTranspose3DConfig ¶
type CosineAnnealingLR ¶
type CosineAnnealingLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CosineAnnealingLR set the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by using a cosine annealing schedule where eta max is set to initial learning rate and Tcur is the number of epochs since the last restart in SGDR (Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts).
NOTE. this implements only the cosine annealing part of SGDR, and not the starts. Ref. - -
func NewCosineAnnealingLR ¶
func NewCosineAnnealingLR(opt *Optimizer, tmax int, etaMin float64) *CosineAnnealingLR
NewConsineAnnealingLR creates a new ConsineAnnealingLR.
func (*CosineAnnealingLR) Build ¶
func (ca *CosineAnnealingLR) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*CosineAnnealingLR) SetLRs ¶
func (ca *CosineAnnealingLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts ¶
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CosineAnnealingWarmRestart sets the learning rate of each parameter group / using a cosine annealing schedule.
Source: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts:
func NewCosineAnnealingWarmRestarts ¶
func NewCosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(opt *Optimizer, t0 int, opts ...CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption) *CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts
func (*CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts) Build ¶
func (s *CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implement scheduler interface
func (*CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts) SetLRs ¶
func (s *CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
NOTE. scheduler.Step(epoch) could be called after every batch update
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption ¶
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption func(*CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions)
func WithCosineAnnealingLastEpoch ¶
func WithCosineAnnealingLastEpoch(v int) CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption
func WithEtaMin ¶
func WithEtaMin(v float64) CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption
func WithTMult ¶
func WithTMult(v int) CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption
type CyclicLR ¶
type CyclicLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CyclicLR sets the learning rate of each parameter group according to cyclical learning rate policy (CLR). The policy cycles the learning rate between two boundaries with a constant frequency, as detailed in the paper `Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks`_. The distance between the two boundaries can be scaled on a per-iteration or per-cycle basis.
Cyclical learning rate policy changes the learning rate after every batch. `Step()` should be called after a batch has been used for training. This class has three built-in policies, as put forth in the paper: - "triangular": A basic triangular cycle without amplitude scaling. - "triangular2": A basic triangular cycle that scales initial amplitude by half each cycle. - "exp_range": A cycle that scales initial amplitude by :math:`\text{gamma}^{\text{cycle iterations}}` at each cycle iteration.
Source: - Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks: - bckenstler/CLR:
func NewCyclicLR ¶
func NewCyclicLR(opt *Optimizer, baseLRs, maxLRs []float64, opts ...CyclicOption) *CyclicLR
func (*CyclicLR) Build ¶
func (cyc *CyclicLR) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*CyclicLR) SetLRs ¶
func (cyc *CyclicLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
It calculates the learning rate at batch index. This function treats `lastEpoch` as the last batch index. NOTE. If `cycleMomentum` is “true“, this function has a side effect of updating the optimizer's momentum.
type CyclicOption ¶
type CyclicOption func(*CyclicOptions)
func WithCyclicBaseMomentum ¶
func WithCyclicBaseMomentum(v float64) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicCycleMomentum ¶
func WithCyclicCycleMomentum(v bool) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicGamma ¶
func WithCyclicGamma(v float64) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicLastEpoch ¶
func WithCyclicLastEpoch(v int) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicMaxMomentum ¶
func WithCyclicMaxMomentum(v float64) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicMode ¶
func WithCyclicMode(v string) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicScaleFn ¶
func WithCyclicScaleFn(v func(x float64) float64) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicScaleMode ¶
func WithCyclicScaleMode(v string) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicStepSizeDown ¶
func WithCyclicStepSizeDown(v int) CyclicOption
func WithCyclicStepSizeUp ¶
func WithCyclicStepSizeUp(v int) CyclicOption
type CyclicOptions ¶
type Dropout ¶
type Dropout struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Dropout represents a neural network dropout layer.
type Embedding ¶
An embedding layer.
An embedding layer acts as a simple lookup table that stores embeddings. This is commonly used to store word embeddings.
func NewEmbedding ¶
func NewEmbedding(vs *Path, numEmbeddings int64, embeddingDim int64, config *EmbeddingConfig) *Embedding
NewEmbedding creates a new Embedding
type EmbeddingConfig ¶
Configuration option for an embedding layer.
func DefaultEmbeddingConfig ¶
func DefaultEmbeddingConfig() *EmbeddingConfig
type Entry ¶
type Entry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Entry holds an entry corresponding to a given name in Path.
func (*Entry) MustOrKaimingUniform ¶
MustOrKaimingUniform returns the existing entry if, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrOnes ¶
MustOrOnes returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrOnesNoTrain ¶
MustOrOnesNoTrain returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrRandn ¶
MustOrRandn returns the existing entry if, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrRandnStandard ¶
MustOrRandnStandard returns the existing entry if, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrUniform ¶
MustOrUniform returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrVar ¶
MustOrVar returns the existing entry if found, otherwise creates a new variable. It panics if error.
func (*Entry) MustOrVarCopy ¶
MustOrVarCopy returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrZeros ¶
MustOrZeros returns the exising entry if found, otherwise creates a new variable.
func (*Entry) MustOrZerosNoTrain ¶
MustOrZerosNoTrain returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) OrKaimingUniform ¶
OrKaimingUniform returns the existing entry if, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) OrOnesNoTrain ¶
OrOnesNoTrain returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) OrRandn ¶
OrRandn returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) OrRandnStandard ¶
OrRandnStandard returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) OrUniform ¶
OrUniform returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
func (*Entry) OrVar ¶
OrVar returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
If this entry name matches the name of a variables stored in the var store, the corresponding tensor is returned. Otherwise a new variable is added to the var-store with the entry name and is initialized according to the init parameter.
func (*Entry) OrVarCopy ¶
OrVarCopy returns the existing entry if found, otherwise create a new variable.
type ExponentialLR ¶
type ExponentialLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExponentialLR decays the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by gamma every epochs.
func NewExponentialLR ¶
func NewExponentialLR(opt *Optimizer, gamma float64) *ExponentialLR
NewExponentialLR creates a new ExponentialLR.
func (*ExponentialLR) Build ¶
func (e *ExponentialLR) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*ExponentialLR) SetLRs ¶
func (e *ExponentialLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type ForwardTWith ¶
type ForwardWith ¶
ForwardWith is a handler function to implement Module interface for any (anonymous) function it wraps.
Ref. NOTE: Specifically, `ForwardWith` is used to wrap anonymous function as input parameter of `AddFn` Sequential method.
type Func ¶
type Func struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GRU ¶
type GRU struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) layer.
type KaimingOption ¶
type KaimingOption func(*KaimingOptions)
func WithKaimingMode ¶
func WithKaimingMode(v string) KaimingOption
func WithKaimingNegativeSlope ¶
func WithKaimingNegativeSlope(v float64) KaimingOption
func WithKaimingNonLinearity ¶
func WithKaimingNonLinearity(v string) KaimingOption
type KaimingOptions ¶
kaiminguniformInit : ====================
func DefaultKaimingOptions ¶
func DefaultKaimingOptions() *KaimingOptions
func NewKaimingOptions ¶
func NewKaimingOptions(opts ...KaimingOption) *KaimingOptions
type LRScheduler ¶
type LRScheduler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LRScheduler is a scheduler to update optimizer learning rates.
func NewLRScheduler ¶
func NewLRScheduler(s scheduler) *LRScheduler
func (*LRScheduler) Step ¶
func (s *LRScheduler) Step(opts ...SchedulerOption)
Step updates optimizer learning rate.
type LSTM ¶
type LSTM struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layer.
type LambdaLR ¶
type LambdaLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LamdaLR calculates new learning rate for each parameter group by applying Lambda function to the corresponding INITIAL learning rate.
func NewLambdaLR ¶
NewLambdaLRS creates a new LambdaLRS.
func (*LambdaLR) Build ¶
func (l *LambdaLR) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*LambdaLR) SetLRs ¶
func (l *LambdaLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type LayerNorm ¶
type LayerNorm struct { Config *LayerNormConfig Ws *ts.Tensor // optional Bs *ts.Tensor // optional NormalizedShape []int64 }
A layer-normalization layer.
func NewLayerNorm ¶
func NewLayerNorm(vs *Path, normalizedShape []int64, config *LayerNormConfig) *LayerNorm
type LayerNormConfig ¶
type LayerNormConfig struct { CudnnEnable bool Eps float64 ElementwiseAffine bool WsInit Init BsInit Init WsName string // Default="weight", can change to e.g., "gamma" BsName string // Default="bias", can change to e.g., "beta" }
Layer-normalization config.
func DefaultLayerNormConfig ¶
func DefaultLayerNormConfig() *LayerNormConfig
type Linear ¶
Linear is a linear fully-connected layer
func NewLinear ¶
func NewLinear(vs *Path, inDim, outDim int64, c *LinearConfig) *Linear
NewLinear creates a new linear layer y = x*wT + b inDim - input dimension (x) [input features - columns] outDim - output dimension (y) [output features - columns] NOTE: w will have shape{outDim, inDim}; b will have shape{outDim}
func (*Linear) Forward ¶
Forward proceeds input node through linear layer. NOTE: - It assumes that node has dimensions of 2 (matrix). To make it work for matrix multiplication, input node should has same number of **column** as number of **column** in `LinearLayer` `Ws` property as weights matrix will be transposed before multiplied to input node. (They are all used `inDim`) - Input node should have shape of `shape{batch size, input features}`. (shape{batchSize, inDim}). The input features is `inDim` while the output feature is `outDim` in `LinearConfig` struct.
inDim := 3 outDim := 2 batchSize := 4 weights: 2x3 [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] input node: 3x4 [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ]
type LinearConfig ¶
type LinearConfig struct { WsInit Init // iniital weights BsInit Init // optional initial bias Bias bool }
LinearConfig is a configuration for a linear layer
func DefaultLinearConfig ¶
func DefaultLinearConfig() *LinearConfig
DefaultLinearConfig creates default LinearConfig with weights initiated using KaimingUniform and Bias is set to true
type LossFnOption ¶
type LossFnOption func(*lossFnOptions)
func WithLossFnIgnoreIndex ¶
func WithLossFnIgnoreIndex(val int64) LossFnOption
func WithLossFnPosWeight ¶
func WithLossFnPosWeight(val int64) LossFnOption
func WithLossFnReduction ¶
func WithLossFnReduction(val int64) LossFnOption
func WithLossFnWeights ¶
func WithLossFnWeights(vals []float64) LossFnOption
type MaxPool2D ¶
type MaxPool2D struct { Kernel []int64 Stride []int64 Padding []int64 Dilation []int64 CeilMode bool }
func NewMaxPool2D ¶
func NewMaxPool2D(kernelSize []int64, opts ...MaxPool2DOpt) *MaxPool2D
type MaxPool2DOpt ¶
type MaxPool2DOpt func(*MaxPool2DOpts)
func OptCeilModeMp2D ¶
func OptCeilModeMp2D(v bool) MaxPool2DOpt
func OptDilationMp2D ¶
func OptDilationMp2D(v []int64) MaxPool2DOpt
func OptPaddingMp2D ¶
func OptPaddingMp2D(v []int64) MaxPool2DOpt
func OptStrideMp2D ¶
func OptStrideMp2D(v []int64) MaxPool2DOpt
type MaxPool2DOpts ¶
func DefaultMaxPool2DOpts ¶
func DefaultMaxPool2DOpts() *MaxPool2DOpts
type MultiStepLR ¶
type MultiStepLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StepLR decays the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by gamm once the number of epochs reaches one of the milestones.
NOTE. Such decay can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate from outside this scheduler.
func NewMultiStepLR ¶
func NewMultiStepLR(opt *Optimizer, milestones []int, gamma float64) *MultiStepLR
NewStepLR creates a new StepLR.
func (*MultiStepLR) Build ¶
func (ms *MultiStepLR) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*MultiStepLR) SetLRs ¶
func (ms *MultiStepLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type MultiplicativeLR ¶
type MultiplicativeLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MultiplicativeLR calculates new learning rates for each optimizer para groups by applying corresponding Lambda function to the CURRENT learning rate.
func NewMultiplicativeLR ¶
func NewMultiplicativeLR(opt *Optimizer, ldFns []LambdaFn) *MultiplicativeLR
NewMultiplicativeLR creates a new MultiplicativeLR.
func (*MultiplicativeLR) Build ¶
func (m *MultiplicativeLR) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*MultiplicativeLR) SetLRs ¶
func (m *MultiplicativeLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type OneCycleLR ¶
type OneCycleLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OneCycleLR sets the learning rate of each parameter group according to the 1cycle learning rate policy. The 1cycle policy anneals the learning rate from an initial learning rate to some maximum learning rate and then from that maximum learning rate to some minimum learning rate much lower than the initial learning rate.
This policy was initially described in the paper `Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates`_. The 1cycle learning rate policy changes the learning rate after every batch. `step` should be called after a batch has been used for training. This scheduler is not chainable.
Note also that the total number of steps in the cycle can be determined in one of two ways (listed in order of precedence): - A value for total_steps is explicitly provided. - A number of epochs (epochs) and a number of steps per epoch (steps_per_epoch) are provided. In this case, the number of total steps is inferred by total_steps = epochs * steps_per_epoch You must either provide a value for total_steps or provide a value for both epochs and steps_per_epoch.
Source: Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates
func NewOneCycleLR ¶
func NewOneCycleLR(opt *Optimizer, maxLR float64, opts ...OneCycleOption) *OneCycleLR
func (*OneCycleLR) Build ¶
func (oc *OneCycleLR) Build() *LRScheduler
func (*OneCycleLR) SetLRs ¶
func (oc *OneCycleLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
type OneCycleOption ¶
type OneCycleOption func(*OneCycleOptions)
func WithOneCycleAnnealStrategy ¶
func WithOneCycleAnnealStrategy(v string) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleBaseMomentum ¶
func WithOneCycleBaseMomentum(v float64) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleCycleMomentum ¶
func WithOneCycleCycleMomentum(v bool) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleDivFactor ¶
func WithOneCycleDivFactor(v float64) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleEpochs ¶
func WithOneCycleEpochs(v int) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleFinalDivFactor ¶
func WithOneCycleFinalDivFactor(v float64) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleLastEpoch ¶
func WithOneCycleLastEpoch(v int) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleMaxMomentum ¶
func WithOneCycleMaxMomentum(v float64) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCyclePctStart ¶
func WithOneCyclePctStart(v float64) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleStepsPerEpoch ¶
func WithOneCycleStepsPerEpoch(v int) OneCycleOption
func WithOneCycleTotalSteps ¶
func WithOneCycleTotalSteps(v int) OneCycleOption
type OneCycleOptions ¶
type Optimizer ¶
type Optimizer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Optimizer is a struct object to run gradient descent.
func (*Optimizer) AddParamGroup ¶
func (*Optimizer) BackwardStep ¶
BackwardStep applies a backward step pass, update the gradients, and performs an optimization step.
func (*Optimizer) BackwardStepClip ¶
BackwardStepClip applies a backward step pass, update the gradients, and performs an optimization step.
The gradients are clipped based on `max` before being applied.
func (*Optimizer) BackwardStepClipNorm ¶
BackwardStepClipNorm applies a backward step pass, update the gradients, and performs an optimization step.
The gradients L2 norm is clipped based on `max`.
func (*Optimizer) ClipGradNorm ¶
/ Clips gradient L2 norm over all trainable parameters.
The norm is computed over all gradients together, as if they were concatenated into a single vector.
/ Args: - max: max norm of the gradient - o.NormType. Type of the used p-norm, can be "inf" for infinity norm. Default= 2.0 - o.ErrorIfNonFinite bool. If true, throw error if total norm of the gradients from paramters is "nan", "inf" or "-inf". Default=false Returns: total norm of the parameters (viewed as a single vector) ref.
func (*Optimizer) ClipGradValue ¶
Clips gradient value at some specified maximum value.
func (*Optimizer) MustBackwardStep ¶
MustBackwardStep applies a backward step pass, update the gradients, and performs an optimization step.
func (*Optimizer) MustBackwardStepClip ¶
MustBackwardStepClip applies a backward step pass, update the gradients, and performs an optimization step.
The gradients are clipped based on `max` before being applied.
func (*Optimizer) MustBackwardStepClipNorm ¶
MustBackwardStepClipNorm applies a backward step pass, update the gradients, and performs an optimization step.
The gradients L2 norm is clipped based on `max`.
func (*Optimizer) MustStep ¶
func (opt *Optimizer) MustStep()
MustStep performs an optimization step, updating the tracked tensors based on their gradients.
func (*Optimizer) MustZeroGrad ¶
func (opt *Optimizer) MustZeroGrad()
MustZeroGrad zeroes the gradient for the tensors tracked by this optimizer.
func (*Optimizer) ParamGroupNum ¶
func (*Optimizer) ResetStepCount ¶
func (opt *Optimizer) ResetStepCount()
ResetStepCount set step count to zero.
func (*Optimizer) SetLR ¶
SetLR sets the optimizer learning rate.
NOTE. it sets a SINGLE value of learning rate for all parameter groups. Most of the time, there's one parameter group.
func (*Optimizer) SetMomentum ¶
SetMomentum sets the optimizer momentum.
func (*Optimizer) Step ¶
Step performs an optimization step, updating the tracked tensors based on their gradients.
type OptimizerConfig ¶
type OptimizerConfig interface { // Build builds an optimizer with the specified learning rate handling variables stored in `vs`. // // NOTE: Build is a 'default' method. It can be called by wrapping // 'DefaultBuild' function // E.g. AdamOptimizerConfig struct have a method to fullfil `Build` method of // OptimizerConfig by wrapping `DefaultBuild` like // (config AdamOptimizerConfig) Build(vs VarStore, lr float64) (retVal Optimizer, err error){ // return defaultBuild(config, vs, lr) // } Build(vs *VarStore, lr float64) (*Optimizer, error) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
OptimizerConfig defines Optimizer configurations. These configs can be used to build optimizer.
type Path ¶
type Path struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Path is variable store with an associated path for variables naming.
func (*Path) Add ¶
Add adds a tensor to a given path.
Args - name: intention name of variable in VarStore (if duplicated, it will be added a suffix number) - x: tensor holding values to keep in VarStore - trainable: marked whether tensor is trainable. - o.VarType: variable type, i.e., either "parameter" or "buffer" - o.Persistent: whether to save this variables when `VarStore.Save()` is called. Only applied to `buffer` type. Returns a reference to a tensor stored in VarStore and error if occurred.
func (*Path) KaimingUniform ¶
KaimingUniform creates a new variable initialized randomly with kaiming uniform.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized randomly using a uniform distribution which bounds follow Kaiming initialization.
func (*Path) MustAdd ¶
MustAdd adds a tensor to a given path.
Args - name: intention name of variable in VarStore (if duplicated, it will be added a suffix number) - x: tensor holding values to keep in VarStore - trainable: marked whether tensor is trainable. - o.VarType: variable type, i.e., either "parameter" or "buffer" - o.Persistent: whether to save this variables when `VarStore.Save()` is called. Only applied to `buffer` type. Returns a reference to a tensor stored in VarStore.
func (*Path) MustGet ¶
MustGet gets a reference to a tensor corresponding to a given name if present. It panics if error occurred.
func (*Path) MustKaimingUniform ¶
MustKaimingUniform creates a new variable initialized randomly with kaiming uniforms. It panics if error occurred.
func (*Path) MustNewVar ¶
MustNewVar create a new variable. It panics if error.
func (*Path) MustOnes ¶
MustOnes creates a new variable initialized with ones. It panics if error occurred.
func (*Path) MustOnesNoTrain ¶
MustOnesNoTrain creates a new variable initialized with ones.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable will not be trainable so gradients will not be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized with ones.
func (*Path) MustRandn ¶
func (p *Path) MustRandn(name string, dims []int64, mean float64, stdev float64, opts ...AddOpt) *ts.Tensor
MustRandn creates a new variable initialized randomly with normal distribution. It panics if error occurred.
func (*Path) MustRandnStandard ¶
MustRandnStandard creates a new variable initialized randomly with normal distribution. It panics if error occurred.
func (*Path) MustRemove ¶
MustRemove removes a variable from `VarStore`
func (*Path) MustUniform ¶
MustUniform creates a new variable initialized randomly with uniform distribution. It panics if error occurred.
func (*Path) MustVarCopy ¶
VarCopy creates a new variable initialized by copying an existing tensor.
func (*Path) MustZerosNoTrain ¶
MustZerosNoTrain creates a new variable initialized with zeros.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable will not be trainable so gradients will not be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized with zeros.
func (*Path) NewVar ¶
NewVar creates a new variable.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized as per the related argument.
func (*Path) Ones ¶
Ones creates a new variable initialized with ones.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized with ones.
func (*Path) OnesNoTrain ¶
OnesNoTrain creates a new variable initialized with ones.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable will not be trainable so gradients will not be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized with ones.
func (*Path) Randn ¶
func (p *Path) Randn(name string, dims []int64, mean float64, stdev float64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
Randn creates a new variable initialized randomly with normal distribution.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized randomly using a normal distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation.
func (*Path) RandnStandard ¶
RandnStandard creates a new variable initialized randomly with normal distribution.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized randomly using a standard normal distribution.
func (*Path) ToBFloat16 ¶
func (p *Path) ToBFloat16()
ToBFloat16() converts all variables in current path and subpaths to `BFloat16` dtype.
func (*Path) ToDType ¶
ToDType casts all variables in this path and its sub-paths to the specified dtype.
NOTE. this method should be used for floating-point conversion, i.e., "gotch.Float", "gotch.Half", "gotch.BFloat16", "gotch.Double".
func (*Path) ToDouble ¶
func (p *Path) ToDouble()
ToDouble casts all variables in current path and subpaths to `Double` precision dtype.
func (*Path) ToFloat ¶
ToFloat casts all variables in current path and subpaths to `Float` precision.
func (*Path) ToHalf ¶
func (p *Path) ToHalf()
ToHalf casts all variables in current path and subpaths to `Half` precision dtype.
func (*Path) Uniform ¶
func (p *Path) Uniform(name string, dims []int64, lo, up float64, opts ...AddOpt) (*ts.Tensor, error)
Uniform creates a new variable initialized randomly with uniform distribution.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized randomly using a uniform distribution between the specified bounds.
func (*Path) VarCopy ¶
VarCopy creates a new variable initialized by copying an existing tensor.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized by copying some given tensor.
func (*Path) Zeros ¶
Zeros creates a new variable initialized with zeros.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable is trainable, its gradient will be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized with zeros.
func (*Path) ZerosNoTrain ¶
ZerosNoTrain creates a new variable initialized with zeros.
The new variable is named according to the name parameter and has the specified shape. The variable will not be trainable so gradients will not be tracked. The variable uses a float tensor initialized with zeros.
type RMSPropConfig ¶
func DefaultRMSPropConfig ¶
func DefaultRMSPropConfig() *RMSPropConfig
DefaultAdamConfig creates AdamConfig with default values
func NewRMSPropConfig ¶
func NewRMSPropConfig(alpha, eps, wd, momentum float64, centered bool) *RMSPropConfig
NewRMSPropConfig creates RMSPropConfig with specified values
type RNN ¶
type RNN interface { // A zero state from which the recurrent network is usually initialized. ZeroState(batchDim int64) State // Applies a single step of the recurrent network. // // The input should have dimensions [batch_size, features]. Step(input *ts.Tensor, inState State) State // Applies multiple steps of the recurrent network. // // The input should have dimensions [batch_size, seq_len, features]. // The initial state is the result of applying zero_state. Seq(input *ts.Tensor) (*ts.Tensor, State) // Applies multiple steps of the recurrent network. // // The input should have dimensions [batch_size, seq_len, features]. SeqInit(input *ts.Tensor, inState State) (*ts.Tensor, State) }
type RNNConfig ¶
type RNNConfig struct { HasBiases bool NumLayers int64 Dropout float64 Train bool Bidirectional bool BatchFirst bool }
The GRU and LSTM layers share the same config. Configuration for the GRU and LSTM layers.
func DefaultRNNConfig ¶
func DefaultRNNConfig() *RNNConfig
Default creates default RNN configuration
type ReduceLROnPlateau ¶
type ReduceLROnPlateau struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReduceLROnPlateau reduces learning rate when a metric has stopped improving. Models often benefit from reducing the learning rate by a factor of 2-10 once learning stagnates. This scheduler reads a metrics quantity and if no improvement is seen for a 'patience' number of epochs, the learning rate is reduced.
func NewReduceLROnPlateau ¶
func NewReduceLROnPlateau(opt *Optimizer, opts ...ReduceLROnPlateauOption) *ReduceLROnPlateau
func (*ReduceLROnPlateau) Build ¶
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) Build() *LRScheduler
Build implements scheduler interface.
func (*ReduceLROnPlateau) SetLRs ¶
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type ReduceLROnPlateauOption ¶
type ReduceLROnPlateauOption func(*ReduceLROnPlateauOptions)
func WithReduceOnPlateauCooldown ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauCooldown(cooldown int) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauEps ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauEps(eps float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauFactor ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauFactor(factor float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauMinLRs ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauMinLRs(minLRs []float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauMode ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauMode(mode string) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauPatience ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauPatience(patience int) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauThreshold ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauThreshold(threshold float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauThresholdMode ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauThresholdMode(thresholdMode string) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
func WithReduceOnPlateauVerbose ¶
func WithReduceOnPlateauVerbose(verbose bool) ReduceLROnPlateauOption
type SGDConfig ¶
SGDConfig holds parameters for building the SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) optimizer.
func DefaultSGDConfig ¶
func DefaultSGDConfig() *SGDConfig
DefaultSGDConfig creates SGDConfig with default values.
func NewSGDConfig ¶
NewSGD creates the configuration for a SGD optimizer with specified values
type SchedulerOption ¶
type SchedulerOption func(*SchedulerOptions)
func WithLastEpoch ¶
func WithLastEpoch(epoch int) SchedulerOption
func WithLoss ¶
func WithLoss(loss float64) SchedulerOption
type SchedulerOptions ¶
type SchedulerOptions struct { // Metrics map[string]interface{} Loss float64 // Usually metrics is loss value LastEpoch int }
func DefaultSchedulerOptions ¶
func DefaultSchedulerOptions() *SchedulerOptions
type Sequential ¶
type Sequential struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Sequential is a layer (container) that combines multiple other layers.
func (*Sequential) Add ¶
func (s *Sequential) Add(l ts.Module)
Add appends a layer after all the current layers.
func (*Sequential) AddFn ¶
func (s *Sequential) AddFn(fn ts.Module)
AddFn appends a closure after all the current layers.
NOTE: fn should have signature `func(t ts.Tensor) ts.Tensor` and it implements Module interface
func (*Sequential) Forward ¶
func (s *Sequential) Forward(xs *ts.Tensor) (retVal *ts.Tensor)
Forward implements Module interface for Sequential
func (*Sequential) ForwardAll ¶
ForwardAll applies the forward pass and returns the output for each layer.
func (*Sequential) IsEmpty ¶
func (s *Sequential) IsEmpty() (retVal bool)
IsEmpty returns true if this layer does not have any sub-layers.
func (*Sequential) Len ¶
func (s *Sequential) Len() (retVal int64)
Len returns number of sub-layers embedded in this layer
type SequentialT ¶
type SequentialT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SequentialT is a sequential layer combining new layers with support for a training mode.
func (*SequentialT) Add ¶
func (s *SequentialT) Add(l ts.ModuleT)
Add appends a layer after all the current layers.
func (*SequentialT) AddFn ¶
func (s *SequentialT) AddFn(fn ts.ModuleT)
AddFn appends a closure after all the current layers.
NOTE: fn should have signature `func(t ts.Tensor) ts.Tensor` and it implements Module interface
func (*SequentialT) AddFnT ¶
func (s *SequentialT) AddFnT(fn ts.ModuleT)
AddFn appends a closure after all the current layers.
NOTE: fn should have signature `func(t ts.Tensor, train bool) ts.Tensor` and it implements Module interface
func (*SequentialT) ForwardAllT ¶
ForwardAll applies the forward pass and returns the output for each layer.
func (*SequentialT) IsEmpty ¶
func (s *SequentialT) IsEmpty() (retVal bool)
IsEmpty returns true if this layer does not have any sub-layers.
func (*SequentialT) Len ¶
func (s *SequentialT) Len() (retVal int64)
Len returns number of sub-layers embedded in this layer
type StepLR ¶
type StepLR struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StepLR decays the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by gamma every step size epochs.
NOTE. Such decay can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate from outside this scheduler.
func (*StepLR) SetLRs ¶
func (s *StepLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
type TrainableCModule ¶
TrainableCModule is a trainable version of JIT Pytorch module
These modules can be created via TorchScript python API. See:
func TrainableCModuleLoad ¶
func TrainableCModuleLoad(p *Path, file string) (*TrainableCModule, error)
TrainableCModuleLoad loads a PyTorch saved JIT module from a file and adds tensors (weights) to `varstore` so that module can be trained.
func TrainableCModuleLoadData ¶
func TrainableCModuleLoadData(p *Path, stream io.Reader) (*TrainableCModule, error)
func (*TrainableCModule) ForwardT ¶
ForwardT implements ModuleT for TrainableCModule. NOTE: train parameter will not be used.
func (*TrainableCModule) Save ¶
func (m *TrainableCModule) Save(file string) error
Save saves TrainableCModule to specified file.
func (*TrainableCModule) SetEval ¶
func (m *TrainableCModule) SetEval()
SetEval set TrainableCModule to inference mode
func (*TrainableCModule) SetTrain ¶
func (m *TrainableCModule) SetTrain()
SetTrain set TrainableCModule to train mode
type Var ¶
type Var struct { Tensor *ts.Tensor Group uint // optimizer parameter group Type string // can be "parameter" or "buffer" Trainable bool // marked this variable is either trainable or not.For "buffer" type, it's always `false` Persitent bool // only applied to "buffer" type. All parameters are persistent (when do VarStore.Save()). }
type VarStore ¶
VarStore is used to store variables used by one or multiple layers. It specifies a SINGLE device where all variables are stored.
func NewVarStore ¶
NewVarStore creates a new variable store located on the specified device
func (*VarStore) Copy ¶
Copy copies variable values from a source VarStore to this VarStore.
All the variables in this var store have to exist with the same name in the source var store, otherwise an error is returned.
func (*VarStore) Destroy ¶
func (vs *VarStore) Destroy()
Destroy deletes all tensors in varstore and set it to nil.
func (*VarStore) Freeze ¶
Freeze freezes this VarStore.
Gradients for the variables in this store are not tracked anymore.
func (*VarStore) Load ¶
Load loads VarStore variable values from a file.
NOTE: Weight values for all the tensors currently stored in the VarStore gets loaded from the given file. Note that the set of variables stored in the VarStore is not changed, only the values for these tensors are modified. It will throw error if name of the loaded tensors can not find in the current VarStore named tensors set.
func (*VarStore) LoadPartial ¶
LoadPartial loads the VarStore variable values from a file if it exists.
Weight values for the tensors currently stored in the var-store and the given file get loaded from the given file. If a variable in the var store is not present in the given file, it is skipped and its values are not updated. This method should be used if pre-trained weight for only parts of the model are available. Note that the set of variables stored in the var-store is not changed, only the values for these tensors are modified.
Returns a String Vector containing the names of missing variables.
func (*VarStore) LoadWeights ¶
func (vs *VarStore) LoadWeights(namedTensors []ts.NamedTensor) error
LoadWeights loads pretrained weights to VarStore.
func (*VarStore) LoadWeightsPartial ¶
func (vs *VarStore) LoadWeightsPartial(namedTensors []ts.NamedTensor) ([]string, error)
LoadWeightsPartial loads the VarStore variable values from a file if it exists.
Weight values for the tensors currently stored in the var-store and the given file get loaded from the given file. If a variable in the var store is not present in the given file, it is skipped and its values are not updated. This method should be used if pre-trained weight for only parts of the model are available. Note that the set of variables stored in the var-store is not changed, only the values for these tensors are modified.
Returns a String Vector containing the names of missing variables.
func (*VarStore) Root ¶
Root gets the root path for this VarStore.
NOTE: Variables are named and organized using paths. This function returns the top level path for the var store and can be combined with '/' to create sub-paths.
func (*VarStore) Save ¶
Save saves the VarStore variable values to a file.
NOTE: Weight values for all the tensors currently stored in the var-store gets saved in the given file.
func (*VarStore) Summary ¶
func (vs *VarStore) Summary()
Summary prints a simple list of all named variables with their shapes.
func (*VarStore) ToBFloat16 ¶
func (vs *VarStore) ToBFloat16()
ToBFloat16 casts all float-like variables in VarStore to `BFloat16` dtype.
NOTE. float-like includes `Half`, `Float` and `Double` dtype.
func (*VarStore) ToDType ¶
ToDType casts all variables in VarStore to specified DType.
NOTE. only float-like types (Half, BFloat16, Float, Double) can ensure convertible.
func (*VarStore) ToDouble ¶
func (vs *VarStore) ToDouble()
ToDouble casts all float-like variables in VarStore to `Double` dtype.
NOTE. float-like includes `Half`, `Float` and `Double` dtype.
func (*VarStore) ToFloat ¶
func (vs *VarStore) ToFloat()
ToFloat casts all float-like variables in VarStore to `Float` dtype.
NOTE. float-like includes `Half`,`BFloat16`, `Float` and `Double` dtype.
func (*VarStore) ToHalf ¶
func (vs *VarStore) ToHalf()
ToHalf casts all float-like variables in VarStore to `Half` dtype.
NOTE. float-like includes `Half`, `Float` and `Double` dtype.
func (*VarStore) TrainableVariables ¶
TrainableVariabless returns reference to all trainable variables kept in VarStore.