Ahenk Go
tamamlanmamış değişiklikler için goloader-changes branch'ına ve dökümantasyona bakınız !!!
Liderahenk is an open source project which provides solutions to manage, monitor and audit unlimited number of different systems and users on a network.
Ahenk-go is a Linux agent written in Go which enables Lider to manage & monitor clients remotely.
- Install necessary packages (You dont need this step if you are using docker file godeb)
sudo apt install sudo dpkg-dev debhelper golang-any
- Clone the repository and move to main directory
git clone https://git.aliberksandikci.com.tr/Liderahenk/ahenk-go/
cd ahenk-go/
- Build program and create binary/source packages
Refer to Makefile for more info
4. optional, look for package errors and warnings
Documentation & Changelog
Other Liderahenk Projects
Liderahenk and its sub projects are licensed under the LGPL v3.