Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type ALInsn
- type Base
- type BaseReg
- type CCInsn
- type D12
- type D2d
- type Db
- type Dd
- type Index
- type Ipush
- type M
- type MI
- func (ops MI) RegImm(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, val int32)
- func (op MI) RegImm32(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, val int32)
- func (op MI) RegImm8(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, val int8)
- func (op MI) StackDispImm32(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, disp, val int32)
- func (op MI) StackImm8(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, val int8)
- type MI16
- type MI32
- type MI8
- type Mex2
- type Mod
- type ModRM
- type ModRO
- type NP
- type NPprefix
- type O
- type OI
- type RM
- func (op RM) RegMemDisp(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, base BaseReg, disp int32)
- func (op RM) RegMemIndexDisp(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, base BaseReg, index reg.R, s Scale, ...)
- func (op RM) RegReg(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r, r2 reg.R)
- func (op RM) RegStackDisp(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, disp int32)
- func (op RM) RegStackDisp8(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, disp int8)
- func (op RM) RegStackStub32(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R) int32
- type RM2
- type RMI
- type RMIscalar
- type RMdata16
- type RMdata8
- type RMpacked
- type RMprefix
- func (op RMprefix) RegMemDisp(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, base BaseReg, disp int32)
- func (op RMprefix) RegReg(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r, r2 reg.R)
- func (op RMprefix) RegStack(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R)
- func (op RMprefix) RegStackDisp(text *code.Buf, t wa.Type, r reg.R, disp int32)
- type RMscalar
- type Scale
- type ShiftInsn
Constants ¶
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const ( RegResult = reg.Result RegScratch = reg.ScratchISA RegZero = reg.R(2) RegStackLimit = reg.R(3) RegStack = reg.R(4) RegMemoryBase = reg.R(14) RegTextBase = reg.R(15) )
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const ( BaseScratch = BaseReg(RegScratch) BaseZero = BaseReg(RegZero) BaseMemory = BaseReg(RegMemoryBase) BaseText = BaseReg(RegTextBase) )
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const ( // GP opcodes ADD = RM(0x03) OR = RM(0x0b) AND = RM(0x23) SUB = RM(0x2b) XOR = RM(0x33) CMP = RM(0x3b) CMOVB = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x42) CMOVAE = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x43) CMOVE = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x44) CMOVNE = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x45) CMOVBE = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x46) CMOVA = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x47) CMOVS = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x48) CMOVP = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x4a) CMOVL = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x4c) CMOVGE = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x4d) CMOVLE = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x4e) CMOVG = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0x4f) PUSHo = O(0x50) POPo = O(0x58) MOVSXD = RM(0x63) // I64 only PUSHi = Ipush(0x6a) IMULi = RMI(0x6b) JNOcb = Db(0x71) JBcb = Db(0x72) JAEcb = Db(0x73) JEcb = Db(0x74) JNEcb = Db(0x75) JBEcb = Db(0x76) JAcb = Db(0x77) JScb = Db(0x78) JPcb = Db(0x7a) JLcb = Db(0x7c) JGEcb = Db(0x7d) JLEcb = Db(0x7e) JGcb = Db(0x7f) ADDi = MI(0x81<<16 | 0x83<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) ORi = MI(0x81<<16 | 0x83<<8 | 1<<opcodeBase) ANDi = MI(0x81<<16 | 0x83<<8 | 4<<opcodeBase) SUBi = MI(0x81<<16 | 0x83<<8 | 5<<opcodeBase) XORi = MI(0x81<<16 | 0x83<<8 | 6<<opcodeBase) CMPi = MI(0x81<<16 | 0x83<<8 | 7<<opcodeBase) TEST8 = RMdata8(0x84) // MR opcode TEST = RM(0x85) // MR opcode MOV8mr = RMdata8(0x88) MOV16mr = RMdata16(0x89) MOVmr = RM(0x89) // RegReg is untested MOV = RM(0x8b) LEA = RM(0x8d) POP = M(0x8f<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) JBcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x82) JAEcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x83) JEcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x84) JNEcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x85) JBEcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x86) JAcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x87) JScd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x88) JPcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x8a) JLcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x8c) JGEcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x8d) JLEcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x8e) JGcd = D2d(0x0f<<8 | 0x8f) PAUSE = NPprefix(0x90) SETB = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x92) SETAE = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x93) SETE = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x94) SETNE = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x95) SETBE = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x96) SETA = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x97) SETS = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x98) SETP = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x9a) SETL = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x9c) SETGE = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x9d) SETLE = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x9e) SETG = Mex2(0x0f<<8 | 0x9f) CDQ = NP(0x99) IMUL = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xaf) MOVZX8 = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xb6) // RegReg is untested MOVZX16 = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xb7) // RegReg is untested MOV64i = OI(0xb8) POPCNT = RMprefix(0xf3<<8 | 0xb8) TZCNT = RMprefix(0xf3<<8 | 0xbc) LZCNT = RMprefix(0xf3<<8 | 0xbd) BSF = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xbc) BSR = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xbd) MOVSX8 = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xbe) // RegReg is untested MOVSX16 = RM2(0x0f<<8 | 0xbf) // RegReg is untested ROLi = MI(0xc1<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) RORi = MI(0xc1<<8 | 1<<opcodeBase) SHLi = MI(0xc1<<8 | 4<<opcodeBase) SHRi = MI(0xc1<<8 | 5<<opcodeBase) SARi = MI(0xc1<<8 | 7<<opcodeBase) RET = NP(0xc3) MOV8i = MI8(0xc6<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) MOV16i = MI16(0xc7<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) MOV32i = MI32(0xc7<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) MOVi = MI(0xc7<<16 | 0<<opcodeBase) ROL = M(0xd3<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) ROR = M(0xd3<<8 | 1<<opcodeBase) SHL = M(0xd3<<8 | 4<<opcodeBase) SHR = M(0xd3<<8 | 5<<opcodeBase) SAR = M(0xd3<<8 | 7<<opcodeBase) LOOPcb = Db(0xe2) CALLcd = Dd(0xe8) JMPcd = Dd(0xe9) JMPcb = Db(0xeb) NEG = M(0xf7<<8 | 3<<opcodeBase) DIV = M(0xf7<<8 | 6<<opcodeBase) IDIV = M(0xf7<<8 | 7<<opcodeBase) INC = M(0xff<<8 | 0<<opcodeBase) DEC = M(0xff<<8 | 1<<opcodeBase) PUSH = M(0xff<<8 | 6<<opcodeBase) // GP opcode pairs JEc = D12(JEcd)<<16 | D12(JEcb) JPc = D12(JPcd)<<16 | D12(JPcb) JLEc = D12(JLEcd)<<16 | D12(JLEcb) // GP/SSE opcodes CVTSI2Sx = RMscalar(0x2a) // CVTSI2SS or CVTSI2SD CVTTSx2SI = RMscalar(0x2c) // CVTTSS2SI or CVTTSD2SI MOVx = RMprefix(0x66<<8 | 0x6e) // MOVD or MOVQ MOVxmr = RMprefix(0x66<<8 | 0x7e) // register parameters reversed // SSE opcodes MOVSx = RMscalar(0x10) // MOVSS or MOVSD MOVSxmr = RMscalar(0x11) // RegReg is redundant MOVAPx = RMpacked(0x28) // MOVAPS or MOVAPD UCOMISx = RMpacked(0x2e) // UCOMISS or UCOMISD ROUNDSx = RMIscalar(0x3a) // ROUNDSS or ROUNDSD SQRTSx = RMscalar(0x51) // SQRTSS or SQRTSD ANDPx = RMpacked(0x54) // ANDPS or ANDPD ORPx = RMpacked(0x56) // ORPS or ORPD XORPx = RMpacked(0x57) // XORPS or XORPD ADDSx = RMscalar(0x58) // ADDSS or ADDSD MULSx = RMscalar(0x59) // MULSS or MULSD CVTS2Sx = RMscalar(0x5a) // CVTS2SS or CVTS2SD SUBSx = RMscalar(0x5c) // SUBSS or SUBSD MINSx = RMscalar(0x5d) // MINSS or MINSD DIVSx = RMscalar(0x5e) // DIVSS or DIVSD MAXSx = RMscalar(0x5f) // MAXSS or MAXSD PXOR = RMprefix(0x66<<8 | 0xef) )
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const ( InsnAdd = ALInsn(0 << opcodeBase) InsnOr = ALInsn(1 << opcodeBase) InsnAnd = ALInsn(4 << opcodeBase) InsnSub = ALInsn(5 << opcodeBase) InsnXor = ALInsn(6 << opcodeBase) )
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const ( InsnRotl = ShiftInsn(0 << opcodeBase) InsnRotr = ShiftInsn(1 << opcodeBase) InsnShl = ShiftInsn(4 << opcodeBase) InsnShrU = ShiftInsn(5 << opcodeBase) InsnShrS = ShiftInsn(7 << opcodeBase) )
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const ( InsnLtU = CCInsn(0x2) InsnGeU = CCInsn(0x3) InsnEq = CCInsn(0x4) InsnNe = CCInsn(0x5) InsnLeU = CCInsn(0x6) InsnGtU = CCInsn(0x7) InsnLtS = CCInsn(0xc) InsnGeS = CCInsn(0xd) InsnLeS = CCInsn(0xe) InsnGtS = CCInsn(0xf) )
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const ( ModMem = Mod(0) ModMemDisp8 = Mod(64) ModMemDisp32 = Mod(128) ModReg = Mod(192) )
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const ( Rex = byte(64) RexW = rexWRXB(8) // 64-bit operand size RexR = rexWRXB(4) // extension of the ModR/M reg field RexX = rexWRXB(2) // extension of the SIB index field RexB = rexWRXB(1) // extension of the ModR/M r/m field, SIB base field, or Opcode reg field )
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const ( // Immediate values for ROUNDSSD RoundModeNearest = 0x0 RoundModeFloor = 0x1 RoundModeCeil = 0x2 RoundModeTrunc = 0x3 )
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const ( Scale0 = Scale(0 << 6) Scale1 = Scale(1 << 6) Scale2 = Scale(2 << 6) Scale3 = Scale(3 << 6) )
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const (
ModRMSIB = ModRM(4)
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const (
OneSize = wa.Type(0) // for instructions which don't use RexW
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const (
RexMemory = RexB // RegMemoryBase >= 8
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CCInsn ¶
type CCInsn byte
func (CCInsn) CmovccOpcode ¶
func (CCInsn) JccOpcodeC ¶
func (CCInsn) JccOpcodeCb ¶
func (CCInsn) JccOpcodeCd ¶
func (CCInsn) SetccOpcode ¶
type RMIscalar ¶
type RMIscalar byte // opcode of 8-bit variant, transformed to 32-bit variant automatically
type RMdata8 ¶
type RMdata8 byte // opcode byte
func (RMdata8) RegMemDisp ¶
func (RMdata8) RegRegStackLimit ¶
type RMpacked ¶
type RMpacked byte // second opcode byte; type-dependent variable-length prefix
func (RMpacked) RegMemDisp ¶
type RMprefix ¶
type RMprefix uint16 // fixed-length prefix and second opcode byte
func (RMprefix) RegMemDisp ¶
type RMscalar ¶
type RMscalar byte // second opcode byte; type-dependent fixed-length prefix
func (RMscalar) RegMemDisp ¶
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