Web UI application for use by data users to create an environment for running their indicated workload with the requested data sets, for the declared purpose. Using this application, a data user can create a new environment, or manage an existing one, while monitoring the progress of the environment's construction. As a prerequisite to environment creation, the user must provide credentials to allow the environment to access the requested data asset.
The APIs and examples of their use are as follows:
Create FybrikApplication (to be used by the specific workload):
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:8080/v1/dma/fybrikapplication --data '{"apiVersion": "","kind": "FybrikApplication","metadata": {"name": "unittest-notebook1", "namespace": "default"},"spec": {"selector": {"clusterName": "thegreendragon","workloadSelector": {"matchLabels": {"app": "unittest-notebook1"}}}, "appInfo": {"intent": "fraud-detection"}, "data": [{ "dataSetID": "whatever", "requirements": {"interface": {"protocol": "s3","dataformat": "parquet"}}}]}}'
Create FybrikApplication (to copy data and register in the public catalog):
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:8080/v1/dma/fybrikapplication --data '{"apiVersion": "","kind": "FybrikApplication","metadata": {"name": "unittest-copy", "namespace": "default"},"spec": {"selector": {"workloadSelector": {}, "appInfo": {"intent": "copy data"}, "data": [{ "dataSetID": "whatever", "requirements": {"copy": {"required": true, catalog: {catalogID: "Enterprise Catalog"}}, "interface": {"protocol": "s3","dataformat": "parquet"}}}]}}}'
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:8080/v1/dma/fybrikapplication --data '{"apiVersion": "","kind": "FybrikApplication", }'
Get list of FybrikApplications
curl -X GET -i http://localhost:8080/v1/dma/fybrikapplication
Get specific FybrikApplication:
curl -X GET -i http://localhost:8080/v1/dma/fybrikapplication/unittest-notebook1
Delete FybrikApplication:
curl -X DELETE -i http://localhost:8080/v1/dma/fybrikapplication/unittest-notebook1
Create Credentials
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:8080/v1/creds/usercredentials --data '{"SecretName": "user-creds","System": "Egeria", "Credentials": {"username": "admin"}}'
Get Credentials
curl -X GET -i http://localhost:8080/v1/creds/usercredentials/user-creds
==> returns: "{\"Egeria_username\":\"admin\"}"
Delete Credentials
curl -X DELETE -i http://localhost:8080/v1/creds/usercredentials/user-creds
Get Environment Info
curl -X GET -i http://localhost:8080/v1/env/datauserenv
Run server locally - run vault as well as REST API server
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
export GEOGRAPHY=theshire
make build
Test locally (assuming datauserserver is not running)
From within samples/rest-server
make test
Working in a cluster
Rest-server is deployed in the namespace the workload is running in. This should also be your current namespace.
Creating docker images
Provide your docker variables
export DOCKER_TAGNAME=latest
# A docker password or a GitHub PAT
Build and push the docker image
make docker-build
make docker-push
Before the deployment, the pushed docker image should be publicly available.
kubectl port-forward service/datauserserver 8080:8080&