Security module
Used to handle permissions for handlers defined in controllers.
Security Middleware
To add security middleware, simply inject it into routes struct and use it
as a wrapper for any handler.
There are three possibilities:
- HandleIfLoggedOut - will forward to handler only if user is not logged in. Otherwise,
it will return redirect response either to homepage for authenticated users, either to
http referrer, depending on configuration (see bellow).
- HandleIfLoggedIn - will forward to handler only if user is logged in. Otherwise,
it will return redirect response to login page with redirect url either to specific path,
either to requested path, depending on configuration (see bellow).
- HandleIfGranted - will forward to handler only if specific permission is granted to user.
Otherwise, it will return 403 page.
type routes struct {
someController *controller.SomeController
securityMiddleware *middleware.SecurityMiddleware
func (r *routes) Routes(registry *router.Registry) {
registry.HandleGet("register", r.securityMiddleware.HandleIfLoggedOut(r.someController.Register))
registry.HandleGet("my.account", r.securityMiddleware.HandleIfLoggedIn(r.someController.MyAccount))
registry.HandleGet("users.list", r.securityMiddleware.HandleIfGranted(r.someController.Users, "PermissionAdmin"))
registry.HandleGet("users.list", r.securityMiddleware.HandleIfNotGranted(r.someController.Users, "PermissionSuperAdmin"))
Security Service
Security service provides more detailed security checks. Beside checking if user is
logged in or not, it's possible to check for permission.
If IsGranted method is called with no object, it will check only permissions added to
user in session. Otherwise, if item implements security domain.PermissionSet interface, it will
check if permission is attached to item itself.
type SomeController struct {
securityService application.SecurityService
repository *SomeRepository
func (c *SomeController) Handle(ctx context.Context, r *web.Request) web.Response {
if c.securityService.IsLoggedIn(ctx, r.Session().G()) {
if c.securityService.IsLoggedOut(ctx, r.Session().G()) {
item := c.repository.Get(1)
if c.securityService.IsGranted(ctx, r.Session().G(), "PermissionEdit", item) {
if c.securityService.IsGranted(ctx, r.Session().G(), "PermissionSave", nil) {
PermissionSet interface:
type PermissionSet interface {
Permissions() []Role
Security Voters
Security voters are used inside Security Service to decide on final access permissions for user
and on object. By default, there are three Security Voters: IsLoggedInVoter, IsLoggedOutVoter, RoleVoter.
Voters can return three different statuses (defined as constants):
- AccessAbstained - vote is not relevant
- AccessDeny - voter declares permission for resource as denied
- AccessGranted - voter declares permission for resource as granted
After all voters vote, final decision is made on voters strategy (see configuration bellow):
- affirmative - grants access if there is at least one voter which grants access
- consensus - grants access if there is at more voters which grant access then ones which deny
- unanimous - grants access if there is at least one voter which grants access and none which denies
If there is no clear decision between voters, final mediator is defined by configuration
parameter "allowIfAllAbstain"
To add new voter simply provide struct which implements SecurityVoter interface and inject
it into list of Security Voters:
func (m *Module) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {
SecurityVoter interface:
type SecurityVoter interface {
Vote(allPermissions []string, desiredPermisssion string, forObject interface{}) int
Roles Providers
Role providers are used to fetch all roles granted for user in session.
To provide more roles it's possible to define additional Role Provider:
func (m *Module) Configure(injector *dingo.Injector) {
Role Provider interface:
type Provider interface {
All(context.Context, *sessions.Session) []domain.Role
Configuration example
Permissions hierarchy provides automatic inclusion of child permissions into list of permissions if
their parent is fetched via Role Providers.
handler: "auth.log"
redirectStrategy: "path" # possible referrer|path
redirectPath: "/" #only if strategy is "path"
strategy: "path" # possible referrer|path
path: "/" #only if strategy is "path"
- PermissionView
- PermissionView
- PermissionEdit
- PermissionView
- PermissionEdit
- PermissionDelete
strategy: "unanimous" # possible unanimous|affirmative|consensus
allowIfAllAbstain: false