Product Module
- Provides product domain models and the related secondary ports
- Provides controller for product detail view, including variant logic
- Provides template functions for:
- get a (filtered) list of products (e.g. for product teasers)
- get product urls
- get a specific product
Domain Layer
- A product is identified by a "MarketplaceCode"
- There are different product types, each of them need to implement the
The product model

Details about Price fields

The product has one main price (see PriceInfo Property) that stands for the value of that product.
The product has a maintained price in a certain currency - eventually different by channel or locale.
The price is either maintained as gross (B2C use cases) or net price (B2B use cases). How to interpret the price is up to the cart and view logic.
- Any logic depending on the gross/net knowledge should use the configuration under
the product might be currently discounted and has a discounted price (the discounted price is also either gross or net like the normal price)
About Charges:
- A Charge is a price that needs to be paid for that product. This is normally the product price.
- But this concept allows to control "in what currency and type" a customer needs to pay the price of the product (See loyalty below)
Loyalty prices:
- The product might also have loyalty prices that allows to set a price in points, but also a minimum amount of points that need to be spent.
- In cases where the customer needs to spend a certain amount of points, the Method "GetCharges()" will return the different charges. Again it is up for other modules to interpret if this is gross or net.
Secondary Ports
The module defines two secondary ports:
- ProductService interface to receive products
- SearchService interface, to search for product by any passed filter
Product Types
Simple Products
Represents a simple product that can be purchased directly.
ConfigurableProduct and ConfigurableProductWithActiveVariant
Represents a product, that has several Variants. The configurable product cannot be sold directly.
But from a "Configurable Product" you can get the Saleable Variants - this is a product with Type "ConfigurableProductWithActiveVariant"
Here is an example illustrating this:
// ...
// productService is the injected implementation of interface "ProductService"
product, err := c.productService.Get(ctx, "id_of_a_configurable_product")
if product.Type() == TYPECONFIGURABLE {
// type assert ConfigurableProduct
if configurableProduct, ok := product.(ConfigurableProduct); ok {
variantProduct, err := configurableProduct.GetConfigurableWithActiveVariant("id_of_an_variant")
Product Detail View
The view gets the following Data passed:
// productViewData is used for product rendering
productViewData struct {
// simple / configurable / configurable_with_variant
RenderContext string
Product domain.BasicProduct
VariantSelected bool
VariantSelection variantSelection
BackURL string
Template functions
Returns the product or nil:
- var product = getProduct("marketplacecode")
Returns the correct url to the product:
The returned products urls slug will be
- generated if the confuration
is set to true
- use the configured attribute to fetch the utlSlug from the product data.
findProducts is a template function that returns a search result to show products:
See the following example:
var searchResult1 = findProducts("list1",
{"query":"","pageSize": "10","sortDirection":"A","sortBy":'name'},
{"brand":"Hello Kitty"},
each product in searchResult1.products
li Title: #{product.baseData.title} Retailer: #{product.baseData.retailerCode} Brand: #{product.baseData.attributes["brandCode"].value}
var searchResult2 = findProducts("list2",
{"query":"","pageSize": "10","sortDirection":"A","sortBy":'name'},
{"brand":"Hello Kitty"},
each product in searchResult2.products
li Title: #{product.baseData.title} Retailer: #{product.baseData.retailerCode} Brand: #{product.baseData.attributes["brandCode"].value}
It will show in the list1 10 products that match the brand "Hello Kitty".
If you call the page that contains the call to that template function with urlparameters, the response can be dynamically modified.
For example:
will modify the result of the two lists accordingly - while
will not.
With enabled fake services domain.ProductService
and domain.SearchService
are responding with preconfigured fake products on invocation.
enabled: true # boolean: enables fake services
currency: "EUR" # string: currency for the fake services
jsonTestDataFolder: "testdata/products"
jsonTestDataLiveSearch: "testdata/livesearch/livesearch.json"
jsonTestDataCategoryFacetItems: "testdata/facets/categoryFacetItems.json"
defaultProducts: true
The configuration option jsonTestDataFolder
tells fakeservices to look for json files with product data in the defined folder.
Json files represent MarketPlaceCodes with their filename and domain.BasicProduct
within the contents.
You can find an example product under: test/integrationtest/projecttest/tests/graphql/testdata/products/json_simple.json
The configuration option jsonTestDataLiveSearch
provides a possibility to fake live search results separately. When you leave it
empty, livesearch will just be redirected to normal search (without promotions and suggestions). The contents of the json file is a map
of search query => fake results
. The fake results must match the fake.liveSearchData
struct and all mentioned marketplace codes must be available in the jsonTestDataFolder
The configuration option jsonTestDataCategoryFacetItems
provides a possibility to fake the contents of the category facet individually. When you leave it
empty, the default category facet items will be used. These can be found in product/infrastructure/fake/testdata/categoryFacetItems.json
which can be used as a reference for building your own file.
The configuration option defaultProducts
toggles the delivery of default test products. Json files will be still delivered.
The fake service returns specific products if the query matches their marketplace code. This corresponds to the file name of the products in your project. There are also available default products with the marketplace codes:
- fake_configurable
- fake_configurable_with_active_variant
- fake_simple
- fake_simple_with_fixed_price
- fake_simple_out_of_stock
- fake_fixed_simple_without_discounts
If you query the fake service with no-results
no products are returned.
In case no product with the given query is found and no-results
is not used all preconfigured fake products are returned.
- search package: the product.SearchService uses the search Result and Filter objects.