Index ¶
- Constants
- func Module() fx.Option
- type Account
- func (r *Account) CreateAccountWithRandomPenguinId(ctx context.Context) (*model.Account, error)
- func (r *Account) GetAccountById(ctx context.Context, accountId string) (*model.Account, error)
- func (r *Account) GetAccountByPenguinId(ctx context.Context, penguinId string) (*model.Account, error)
- func (r *Account) IsAccountExistWithId(ctx context.Context, accountId int) bool
- type Activity
- type Admin
- func (r *Admin) SaveActivities(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, activities *[]*model.Activity) error
- func (r *Admin) SaveDropInfos(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, dropInfos *[]*model.DropInfo) error
- func (r *Admin) SaveStages(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, stages *[]*model.Stage) error
- func (r *Admin) SaveTimeRanges(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, timeRanges *[]*model.TimeRange) error
- func (r *Admin) SaveZones(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, zones *[]*model.Zone) error
- type DropInfo
- func (s *DropInfo) CloneDropInfosFromCN(ctx context.Context, originRangeId int, destRangeId int, server string) error
- func (r *DropInfo) GetDropInfo(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropInfo, error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetDropInfosByServer(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*model.DropInfo, error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetDropInfosByServerAndRangeId(ctx context.Context, server string, rangeId int) ([]*model.DropInfo, error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetDropInfosByServerAndStageId(ctx context.Context, server string, stageId int) ([]*model.DropInfo, error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetDropInfosWithFilters(ctx context.Context, server string, timeRanges []*model.TimeRange, ...) ([]*model.DropInfo, error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetForCurrentTimeRange(ctx context.Context, query *DropInfoQuery) ([]*model.DropInfo, error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetForCurrentTimeRangeWithDropTypes(ctx context.Context, query *DropInfoQuery) (itemDropInfos, typeDropInfos []*model.DropInfo, err error)
- func (r *DropInfo) GetItemDropSetByStageIdAndRangeId(ctx context.Context, server string, stageId int, rangeId int) ([]int, error)
- type DropInfoQuery
- type DropMatrixElement
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) BatchSaveElements(ctx context.Context, elements []*model.DropMatrixElement, server string) error
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalItemQuantityForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*modelv2.TotalItemQuantity, error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalSanityCostForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string) (sanity int, err error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalStageQuantityForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*modelv2.TotalStageTime, error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) DeleteByServerAndDayNum(ctx context.Context, server string, dayNum int) error
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) GetAllQuantitiesForGlobalDropMatrix(ctx context.Context, server string, timeRange *model.TimeRange, stageIds []int, ...) ([]*model.AllQuantitiesResultForGlobalDropMatrix, error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) GetAllQuantityBucketsForGlobalDropMatrix(ctx context.Context, server string, timeRange *model.TimeRange, stageIds []int, ...) ([]*model.AllQuantityBucketsResultForGlobalDropMatrix, error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) GetAllTimesForGlobalDropMatrix(ctx context.Context, server string, timeRange *model.TimeRange, stageIds []int, ...) ([]*model.AllTimesResultForGlobalDropMatrix, error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) GetElementsByServerAndSourceCategoryAndDayNumRange(ctx context.Context, server string, sourceCategory string, startDayNum int, ...) ([]*model.DropMatrixElement, error)
- func (s *DropMatrixElement) IsExistByServerAndDayNum(ctx context.Context, server string, dayNum int) (bool, error)
- type DropPattern
- func (r *DropPattern) GetDropPatternByHash(ctx context.Context, hash string) (*model.DropPattern, error)
- func (r *DropPattern) GetDropPatternById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropPattern, error)
- func (r *DropPattern) GetDropPatterns(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.DropPattern, error)
- func (r *DropPattern) GetOrCreateDropPatternFromDrops(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, drops []*types.Drop) (*model.DropPattern, bool, error)
- type DropPatternElement
- func (r *DropPatternElement) CreateDropPatternElements(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, patternId int, drops []*types.Drop) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
- func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementByHash(ctx context.Context, hash string) (*model.DropPatternElement, error)
- func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropPatternElement, error)
- func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElements(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
- func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementsByPatternId(ctx context.Context, patternId int) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
- func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementsByPatternIds(ctx context.Context, patternIds []int) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
- type DropReport
- func (r *DropReport) CalcQuantityUniqCount(ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext) ([]*model.QuantityUniqCountResultForDropMatrix, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CalcRecentUniqueUserCountBySource(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) ([]*modelv2.UniqueUserCountBySource, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalQuantityForPatternMatrix(ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext) ([]*model.TotalQuantityResultForPatternMatrix, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalQuantityForTrend(ctx context.Context, server string, startTime *time.Time, ...) ([]*model.TotalQuantityResultForTrend, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalStageQuantityForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string, isRecent24h bool) ([]*modelv2.TotalStageTime, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalTimes(ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext) ([]*model.TotalTimesResult, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalTimesForTrend(ctx context.Context, server string, startTime *time.Time, ...) ([]*model.TotalTimesResultForTrend, error)
- func (r *DropReport) CreateDropReport(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, dropReport *model.DropReport) error
- func (r *DropReport) DeleteDropReport(ctx context.Context, reportId int) error
- func (r *DropReport) DeleteDropReportsForArchive(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, date time.Time) (int64, error)
- func (r *DropReport) GetDropReports(ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext) ([]*model.DropReport, error)
- func (r *DropReport) GetDropReportsForArchive(ctx context.Context, cursor *model.Cursor, date time.Time, limit int) ([]*model.DropReport, model.Cursor, error)
- func (r *DropReport) UpdateDropReportReliability(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, reportId int, reliability int) error
- type DropReportExtra
- func (r *DropReportExtra) CreateDropReportExtra(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, report *model.DropReportExtra) error
- func (c *DropReportExtra) DeleteDropReportExtrasForArchive(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, idInclusiveStart int, idInclusiveEnd int) (int64, error)
- func (r *DropReportExtra) GetDropReportExtraById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropReportExtra, error)
- func (c *DropReportExtra) GetDropReportExtraForArchive(ctx context.Context, cursor *model.Cursor, idInclusiveStart int, ...) ([]*model.DropReportExtra, model.Cursor, error)
- func (c *DropReportExtra) IsDropReportExtraMD5Exist(ctx context.Context, md5 string) bool
- type Item
- func (r *Item) GetItemByArkId(ctx context.Context, arkItemId string) (*model.Item, error)
- func (r *Item) GetItemById(ctx context.Context, itemId int) (*model.Item, error)
- func (r *Item) GetItems(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Item, error)
- func (r *Item) GetRecruitTagItems(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Item, error)
- func (r *Item) GetShimItemByArkId(ctx context.Context, itemId string) (*modelv2.Item, error)
- func (r *Item) GetShimItems(ctx context.Context) ([]*modelv2.Item, error)
- func (r *Item) SearchItemByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*model.Item, error)
- type Notice
- type PatternMatrixElement
- func (s *PatternMatrixElement) BatchSaveElements(ctx context.Context, elements []*model.PatternMatrixElement, server string) error
- func (s *PatternMatrixElement) DeleteByServerAndDayNum(ctx context.Context, server string, dayNum int) error
- func (s *PatternMatrixElement) GetAllQuantitiesForGlobalPatternMatrix(ctx context.Context, server string, timeRange *model.TimeRange, stageIds []int, ...) ([]*model.AllQuantitiesResultForGlobalPatternMatrix, error)
- func (s *PatternMatrixElement) GetAllTimesForGlobalPatternMatrix(ctx context.Context, server string, timeRange *model.TimeRange, stageIds []int, ...) ([]*model.AllTimesResultForGlobalPatternMatrix, error)
- func (s *PatternMatrixElement) IsExistByServerAndDayNum(ctx context.Context, server string, dayNum int) (bool, error)
- type Property
- type RecognitionDefect
- func (r *RecognitionDefect) CreateDefectReportDraft(ctx context.Context, defectReport *model.RecognitionDefect) error
- func (r *RecognitionDefect) FinalizeDefectReport(ctx context.Context, defectId, imageUri string) error
- func (r *RecognitionDefect) GetDefectReport(ctx context.Context, defectId string) (*model.RecognitionDefect, error)
- func (r *RecognitionDefect) GetDefectReports(ctx context.Context, limit int, page int) ([]*model.RecognitionDefect, error)
- type RejectRule
- type Snapshot
- func (r *Snapshot) GetLatestSnapshotByKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (*model.Snapshot, error)
- func (r *Snapshot) GetSnapshotById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.Snapshot, error)
- func (r *Snapshot) GetSnapshotsByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]*model.Snapshot, error)
- func (r *Snapshot) GetSnapshotsByVersions(ctx context.Context, key string, versions []string) ([]*model.Snapshot, error)
- func (r *Snapshot) SaveSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshot *model.Snapshot) (*model.Snapshot, error)
- type Stage
- func (r *Stage) GetGachaBoxStages(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetShimStageByArkId(ctx context.Context, arkStageId string, server string) (*modelv2.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetShimStages(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*modelv2.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetShimStagesForFakeTime(ctx context.Context, server string, fakeTime time.Time) ([]*modelv2.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetStageByArkId(ctx context.Context, arkStageId string) (*model.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetStageById(ctx context.Context, stageId int) (*model.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetStageExtraProcessTypeByArkId(ctx context.Context, arkStageId string) (null.String, error)
- func (r *Stage) GetStages(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Stage, error)
- func (c *Stage) GetStagesByZoneId(ctx context.Context, zoneId int) ([]*model.Stage, error)
- func (r *Stage) SearchStageByCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (*model.Stage, error)
- type TimeRange
- func (r *TimeRange) GetTimeRangeById(ctx context.Context, rangeId int) (*model.TimeRange, error)
- func (c *TimeRange) GetTimeRangeByServerAndName(ctx context.Context, server string, name string) (*model.TimeRange, error)
- func (r *TimeRange) GetTimeRangesByServer(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*model.TimeRange, error)
- type Zone
- func (r *Zone) GetShimZoneByArkId(ctx context.Context, arkZoneId string) (*modelv2.Zone, error)
- func (r *Zone) GetShimZones(ctx context.Context) ([]*modelv2.Zone, error)
- func (c *Zone) GetZoneByArkId(ctx context.Context, arkZoneId string) (*model.Zone, error)
- func (r *Zone) GetZoneById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.Zone, error)
- func (r *Zone) GetZones(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Zone, error)
Constants ¶
View Source
const AccountMaxRetries = 100
View Source
const (
RejectRuleActiveStatus = 1
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAccount ¶
func (*Account) CreateAccountWithRandomPenguinId ¶
func (*Account) GetAccountById ¶
func (*Account) GetAccountByPenguinId ¶
type Activity ¶
type Activity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewActivity ¶
func (*Activity) GetActivities ¶
type Admin ¶
type Admin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Admin) SaveActivities ¶
func (*Admin) SaveDropInfos ¶
func (*Admin) SaveStages ¶
func (*Admin) SaveTimeRanges ¶
type DropInfo ¶
type DropInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropInfo ¶
func (*DropInfo) CloneDropInfosFromCN ¶
func (*DropInfo) GetDropInfo ¶
func (*DropInfo) GetDropInfosByServer ¶
func (*DropInfo) GetDropInfosByServerAndRangeId ¶
func (*DropInfo) GetDropInfosByServerAndStageId ¶
func (*DropInfo) GetDropInfosWithFilters ¶
func (*DropInfo) GetForCurrentTimeRange ¶
func (r *DropInfo) GetForCurrentTimeRange(ctx context.Context, query *DropInfoQuery) ([]*model.DropInfo, error)
GetDropInfoByArkId returns a drop info by its ark id.
func (*DropInfo) GetForCurrentTimeRangeWithDropTypes ¶
type DropInfoQuery ¶
type DropMatrixElement ¶
type DropMatrixElement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropMatrixElement ¶
func NewDropMatrixElement(db *bun.DB) *DropMatrixElement
func (*DropMatrixElement) BatchSaveElements ¶
func (s *DropMatrixElement) BatchSaveElements(ctx context.Context, elements []*model.DropMatrixElement, server string) error
func (*DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalItemQuantityForShimSiteStats ¶
func (s *DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalItemQuantityForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*modelv2.TotalItemQuantity, error)
func (*DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalSanityCostForShimSiteStats ¶
func (*DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalStageQuantityForShimSiteStats ¶
func (s *DropMatrixElement) CalcTotalStageQuantityForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string) ([]*modelv2.TotalStageTime, error)
func (*DropMatrixElement) DeleteByServerAndDayNum ¶
func (*DropMatrixElement) GetAllQuantitiesForGlobalDropMatrix ¶
func (*DropMatrixElement) GetAllQuantityBucketsForGlobalDropMatrix ¶
func (*DropMatrixElement) GetAllTimesForGlobalDropMatrix ¶
func (*DropMatrixElement) GetElementsByServerAndSourceCategoryAndDayNumRange ¶
func (s *DropMatrixElement) GetElementsByServerAndSourceCategoryAndDayNumRange( ctx context.Context, server string, sourceCategory string, startDayNum int, endDayNum int, ) ([]*model.DropMatrixElement, error)
- startDayNum inclusive
- endDayNum inclusive
func (*DropMatrixElement) IsExistByServerAndDayNum ¶
type DropPattern ¶
type DropPattern struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropPattern ¶
func NewDropPattern(db *bun.DB) *DropPattern
func (*DropPattern) GetDropPatternByHash ¶
func (r *DropPattern) GetDropPatternByHash(ctx context.Context, hash string) (*model.DropPattern, error)
func (*DropPattern) GetDropPatternById ¶
func (r *DropPattern) GetDropPatternById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropPattern, error)
func (*DropPattern) GetDropPatterns ¶
func (r *DropPattern) GetDropPatterns(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.DropPattern, error)
func (*DropPattern) GetOrCreateDropPatternFromDrops ¶
type DropPatternElement ¶
type DropPatternElement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropPatternElement ¶
func NewDropPatternElement(db *bun.DB) *DropPatternElement
func (*DropPatternElement) CreateDropPatternElements ¶
func (*DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementByHash ¶
func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementByHash(ctx context.Context, hash string) (*model.DropPatternElement, error)
func (*DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementById ¶
func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropPatternElement, error)
func (*DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElements ¶
func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElements(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
func (*DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementsByPatternId ¶
func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementsByPatternId(ctx context.Context, patternId int) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
func (*DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementsByPatternIds ¶
func (r *DropPatternElement) GetDropPatternElementsByPatternIds(ctx context.Context, patternIds []int) ([]*model.DropPatternElement, error)
type DropReport ¶
type DropReport struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropReport ¶
func NewDropReport(db *bun.DB) *DropReport
func (*DropReport) CalcQuantityUniqCount ¶
func (r *DropReport) CalcQuantityUniqCount( ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext, ) ([]*model.QuantityUniqCountResultForDropMatrix, error)
only filtered by stage_id, not item_id, needs post-filtering
func (*DropReport) CalcRecentUniqueUserCountBySource ¶
func (r *DropReport) CalcRecentUniqueUserCountBySource(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) ([]*modelv2.UniqueUserCountBySource, error)
func (*DropReport) CalcTotalQuantityForPatternMatrix ¶
func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalQuantityForPatternMatrix( ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext, ) ([]*model.TotalQuantityResultForPatternMatrix, error)
func (*DropReport) CalcTotalQuantityForTrend ¶
func (*DropReport) CalcTotalStageQuantityForShimSiteStats ¶
func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalStageQuantityForShimSiteStats(ctx context.Context, server string, isRecent24h bool) ([]*modelv2.TotalStageTime, error)
func (*DropReport) CalcTotalTimes ¶
func (r *DropReport) CalcTotalTimes( ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext, ) ([]*model.TotalTimesResult, error)
func (*DropReport) CalcTotalTimesForTrend ¶
func (*DropReport) CreateDropReport ¶
func (r *DropReport) CreateDropReport(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, dropReport *model.DropReport) error
func (*DropReport) DeleteDropReport ¶
func (r *DropReport) DeleteDropReport(ctx context.Context, reportId int) error
func (*DropReport) DeleteDropReportsForArchive ¶
func (r *DropReport) DeleteDropReportsForArchive(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, date time.Time) (int64, error)
DeleteDropReportsForArchive deletes drop reports for archive. returns number of rows affected and error
func (*DropReport) GetDropReports ¶
func (r *DropReport) GetDropReports(ctx context.Context, queryCtx *model.DropReportQueryContext) ([]*model.DropReport, error)
- Only return drop reports under one stage.
func (*DropReport) GetDropReportsForArchive ¶
func (*DropReport) UpdateDropReportReliability ¶
type DropReportExtra ¶
type DropReportExtra struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropReportExtra ¶
func NewDropReportExtra(db *bun.DB) *DropReportExtra
func (*DropReportExtra) CreateDropReportExtra ¶
func (r *DropReportExtra) CreateDropReportExtra(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, report *model.DropReportExtra) error
func (*DropReportExtra) DeleteDropReportExtrasForArchive ¶
func (c *DropReportExtra) DeleteDropReportExtrasForArchive(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx, idInclusiveStart int, idInclusiveEnd int) (int64, error)
DeleteDropReportExtrasForArchive deletes all drop report extras with report_id between idInclusiveStart and idInclusiveEnd. Returns the number of rows affected and an error if any.
func (*DropReportExtra) GetDropReportExtraById ¶
func (r *DropReportExtra) GetDropReportExtraById(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.DropReportExtra, error)
func (*DropReportExtra) GetDropReportExtraForArchive ¶
func (*DropReportExtra) IsDropReportExtraMD5Exist ¶
func (c *DropReportExtra) IsDropReportExtraMD5Exist(ctx context.Context, md5 string) bool
type Item ¶
type Item struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Item) GetItemByArkId ¶
func (*Item) GetItemById ¶
func (*Item) GetRecruitTagItems ¶
func (*Item) GetShimItemByArkId ¶
func (*Item) GetShimItems ¶
type PatternMatrixElement ¶
type PatternMatrixElement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPatternMatrixElement ¶
func NewPatternMatrixElement(db *bun.DB) *PatternMatrixElement
func (*PatternMatrixElement) BatchSaveElements ¶
func (s *PatternMatrixElement) BatchSaveElements(ctx context.Context, elements []*model.PatternMatrixElement, server string) error
func (*PatternMatrixElement) DeleteByServerAndDayNum ¶
func (*PatternMatrixElement) GetAllQuantitiesForGlobalPatternMatrix ¶
func (*PatternMatrixElement) GetAllTimesForGlobalPatternMatrix ¶
func (*PatternMatrixElement) IsExistByServerAndDayNum ¶
type Property ¶
type Property struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProperty ¶
func (*Property) GetProperties ¶
func (*Property) GetPropertyByKey ¶
type RecognitionDefect ¶
type RecognitionDefect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRecognitionDefect ¶
func NewRecognitionDefect(db *bun.DB) *RecognitionDefect
func (*RecognitionDefect) CreateDefectReportDraft ¶
func (r *RecognitionDefect) CreateDefectReportDraft(ctx context.Context, defectReport *model.RecognitionDefect) error
func (*RecognitionDefect) FinalizeDefectReport ¶
func (r *RecognitionDefect) FinalizeDefectReport(ctx context.Context, defectId, imageUri string) error
func (*RecognitionDefect) GetDefectReport ¶
func (r *RecognitionDefect) GetDefectReport(ctx context.Context, defectId string) (*model.RecognitionDefect, error)
func (*RecognitionDefect) GetDefectReports ¶
func (r *RecognitionDefect) GetDefectReports(ctx context.Context, limit int, page int) ([]*model.RecognitionDefect, error)
type RejectRule ¶
type RejectRule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRejectRule ¶
func NewRejectRule(db *bun.DB) *RejectRule
func (*RejectRule) GetAllActiveRejectRules ¶
func (r *RejectRule) GetAllActiveRejectRules(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.RejectRule, error)
func (*RejectRule) GetRejectRule ¶
func (r *RejectRule) GetRejectRule(ctx context.Context, id int) (*model.RejectRule, error)
type Snapshot ¶
type Snapshot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSnapshot ¶
func (*Snapshot) GetLatestSnapshotByKey ¶
func (*Snapshot) GetSnapshotById ¶
func (*Snapshot) GetSnapshotsByIds ¶
func (*Snapshot) GetSnapshotsByVersions ¶
type Stage ¶
type Stage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Stage) GetGachaBoxStages ¶
func (*Stage) GetShimStageByArkId ¶
func (*Stage) GetShimStages ¶
func (*Stage) GetShimStagesForFakeTime ¶
func (*Stage) GetStageByArkId ¶
func (*Stage) GetStageById ¶
func (*Stage) GetStageExtraProcessTypeByArkId ¶
func (*Stage) GetStagesByZoneId ¶
type TimeRange ¶
type TimeRange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTimeRange ¶
func (*TimeRange) GetTimeRangeById ¶
func (*TimeRange) GetTimeRangeByServerAndName ¶
type Zone ¶
type Zone struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Zone) GetShimZoneByArkId ¶
func (*Zone) GetShimZones ¶
func (*Zone) GetZoneByArkId ¶
func (*Zone) GetZoneById ¶
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