Heim is the backend and frontend of euphoria, a
real-time community platform. The backend is a Go server that speaks JSON over
WebSockets, persisting data to PostgreSQL. Our web client is built in
Currently, heim is released in a pre-alpha state. Please be advised that
new development is currently being prioritized over stability. We're releasing
in this form because we want to open up our codebase and development progress.
We will make breaking changes to the protocol, and will be slow to merge
complex pull requests while we get our core building blocks in place.

Getting started
Install git
, docker
, and
Ensure dependencies are fetched: run git submodule update --init
in this repo directory.
Running a server
Build the client static files: docker-compose run frontend
Init your db: docker-compose run upgradedb sql-migrate up
Start the server: docker-compose up backend
Heim is now running on port 8080. \o/
Developing the client (connected to euphoria.io)
Launch the standalone static server and build watcher:
docker-compose run --service-ports frontend gulp develop
To connect to &test on euphoria.io
using your local client, open:
Running tests
docker-compose run backend go test -v euphoria.io/heim/...
Note: some tests require a database. See the CI automation script for more context.
docker-compose run frontend npm test
Questions? Feedback? Ideas? Come join us in
&heim or email hi@euphoria.io.
Software code is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
Art and documentation are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 license.
See LICENSE.md for licensing details.