Allow Plugin
The allow plugin is a plugin for micro which allows the services that can be used via the /rpc HTTP endpoint.
Register the plugin before building Micro
package main
import (
func init() {
It can then be applied on the command line like so.
micro --rpc_allow go.micro.srv.greeter,go.micro.srv.example api
Scoped to API
If you like to only apply the plugin for a specific component you can register it with that specifically.
For example, below you'll see the plugin registered with the API.
package main
import (
func init() {
Here's what the help displays when you do that.
$ go run main.go link.go api --help
main api - Run the micro API
main api [command options] [arguments...]
--rpc_allow Comma separated allow of allowed services for RPC calls [$MICRO_RPC_ALLOW]
In this case the usage would be
micro api --rpc_allow go.micro.srv.greeter