
v1.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 30, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 1



Package parser contains a ECAL parser.

Lexer for Source Text

Lex() is a lexer function to convert a given search query into a list of tokens.

Based on a talk by Rob Pike: Lexical Scanning in Go

The lexer's output is pushed into a channel which is consumed by the parser. This design enables the concurrent processing of the input text by lexer and parser.


Parse() is a parser which produces a parse tree from a given set of lexer tokens.

Based on an article by Douglas Crockford: Top Down Operator Precedence

which is based on the ideas of Vaughan Pratt and his paper: Top Down Operator Precedence

ParseWithRuntime() parses a given input and decorates the resulting parse tree with runtime components which can be used to interpret the parsed query.



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const (
	MetaDataPreComment  = "MetaDataPreComment"
	MetaDataPostComment = "MetaDataPostComment"
	MetaDataGeneral     = "MetaDataGeneral"

Available meta data types

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const (
	NodeEOF = "EOF"

	NodeSTRING     = "string"     // String constant
	NodeNUMBER     = "number"     // Number constant
	NodeIDENTIFIER = "identifier" // Idendifier

	NodeSTATEMENTS = "statements" // List of statements
	NodeFUNCCALL   = "funccall"   // Function call
	NodeCOMPACCESS = "compaccess" // Composition structure access
	NodeLIST       = "list"       // List value
	NodeMAP        = "map"        // Map value
	NodePARAMS     = "params"     // Function parameters
	NodeGUARD      = "guard"      // Guard expressions for conditional statements

	NodeGEQ = ">="
	NodeLEQ = "<="
	NodeNEQ = "!="
	NodeEQ  = "=="
	NodeGT  = ">"
	NodeLT  = "<"

	NodeKVP    = "kvp"    // Key-value pair
	NodePRESET = "preset" // Preset value

	NodePLUS   = "plus"
	NodeMINUS  = "minus"
	NodeTIMES  = "times"
	NodeDIV    = "div"
	NodeMODINT = "modint"
	NodeDIVINT = "divint"

	NodeASSIGN = ":="
	NodeLET    = "let"

	NodeIMPORT = "import"

	NodeSINK       = "sink"
	NodeKINDMATCH  = "kindmatch"
	NodeSCOPEMATCH = "scopematch"
	NodeSTATEMATCH = "statematch"
	NodePRIORITY   = "priority"
	NodeSUPPRESSES = "suppresses"

	NodeFUNC   = "function"
	NodeRETURN = "return"

	NodeAND = "and"
	NodeOR  = "or"
	NodeNOT = "not"

	NodeLIKE      = "like"
	NodeIN        = "in"
	NodeHASPREFIX = "hasprefix"
	NodeHASSUFFIX = "hassuffix"
	NodeNOTIN     = "notin"

	NodeTRUE  = "true"
	NodeFALSE = "false"
	NodeNULL  = "null"

	NodeIF = "if"

	NodeLOOP     = "loop"
	NodeBREAK    = "break"
	NodeCONTINUE = "continue"

	NodeTRY     = "try"
	NodeEXCEPT  = "except"
	NodeAS      = "as"
	NodeFINALLY = "finally"

Available parser AST node types

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const RuneEOF = -1

RuneEOF is a special rune which represents the end of the input


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var (
	ErrUnexpectedEnd            = errors.New("Unexpected end")
	ErrLexicalError             = errors.New("Lexical error")
	ErrUnknownToken             = errors.New("Unknown term")
	ErrImpossibleNullDenotation = errors.New("Term cannot start an expression")
	ErrImpossibleLeftDenotation = errors.New("Term can only start an expression")
	ErrUnexpectedToken          = errors.New("Unexpected term")

Parser related error types

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var KeywordMap = map[string]LexTokenID{

	"let": TokenLET,

	"import": TokenIMPORT,
	"as":     TokenAS,

	"sink":       TokenSINK,
	"kindmatch":  TokenKINDMATCH,
	"scopematch": TokenSCOPEMATCH,
	"statematch": TokenSTATEMATCH,
	"priority":   TokenPRIORITY,
	"suppresses": TokenSUPPRESSES,

	"func":   TokenFUNC,
	"return": TokenRETURN,

	"and": TokenAND,
	"or":  TokenOR,
	"not": TokenNOT,

	"like":      TokenLIKE,
	"hasprefix": TokenHASPREFIX,
	"hassuffix": TokenHASSUFFIX,

	"in":    TokenIN,
	"notin": TokenNOTIN,

	"false": TokenFALSE,
	"true":  TokenTRUE,
	"null":  TokenNULL,

	"if":   TokenIF,
	"elif": TokenELIF,
	"else": TokenELSE,

	"for":      TokenFOR,
	"break":    TokenBREAK,
	"continue": TokenCONTINUE,

	"try":     TokenTRY,
	"except":  TokenEXCEPT,
	"finally": TokenFINALLY,

KeywordMap is a map of keywords - these require spaces between them

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var NamePattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$")
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var NumberPattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9].*$")
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var SymbolMap = map[string]LexTokenID{

	">=": TokenGEQ,
	"<=": TokenLEQ,
	"!=": TokenNEQ,
	"==": TokenEQ,
	">":  TokenGT,
	"<":  TokenLT,

	"(": TokenLPAREN,
	")": TokenRPAREN,
	"[": TokenLBRACK,
	"]": TokenRBRACK,
	"{": TokenLBRACE,
	"}": TokenRBRACE,

	".": TokenDOT,
	",": TokenCOMMA,
	";": TokenSEMICOLON,

	":": TokenCOLON,
	"=": TokenEQUAL,

	"+":  TokenPLUS,
	"-":  TokenMINUS,
	"*":  TokenTIMES,
	"/":  TokenDIV,
	"//": TokenDIVINT,
	"%":  TokenMODINT,

	":=": TokenASSIGN,

SymbolMap is a map of special symbols which will always be unique - these will separate unquoted strings Symbols can be maximal 2 characters long.


func IsNotEndAndNotToken

func IsNotEndAndNotToken(p *parser, i LexTokenID) bool

IsNotEndAndNotToken checks if the next token is not of a specific type or the end has been reached.

func IsNotEndAndToken

func IsNotEndAndToken(p *parser, i LexTokenID) bool

IsNotEndAndToken checks if the next token is of a specific type or the end has been reached.

func IsValidTokenID

func IsValidTokenID(value int) bool

IsValidTokenID check if a given token ID is valid.

func Lex

func Lex(name string, input string) chan LexToken

Lex lexes a given input. Returns a channel which contains tokens.

func PrettyPrint

func PrettyPrint(ast *ASTNode) (string, error)

PrettyPrint produces pretty printed code from a given AST.


type ASTNode

type ASTNode struct {
	Name     string     // Name of the node
	Token    *LexToken  // Lexer token of this ASTNode
	Meta     []MetaData // Meta data for this ASTNode (e.g. comments)
	Children []*ASTNode // Child nodes
	Runtime  Runtime    // Runtime component for this ASTNode
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ASTNode models a node in the AST

func ASTFromJSONObject

func ASTFromJSONObject(jsonAST map[string]interface{}) (*ASTNode, error)

ASTFromJSONObject creates an AST from a JSON Object. The following nested map structure is expected:

	name     : <name of node>

	// Optional node information
	value    : <value of node>
	children : [ <child nodes> ]

	// Optional token information
	id       : <token id>

func Parse

func Parse(name string, input string) (*ASTNode, error)

Parse parses a given input string and returns an AST.

func ParseWithRuntime

func ParseWithRuntime(name string, input string, rp RuntimeProvider) (*ASTNode, error)

ParseWithRuntime parses a given input string and returns an AST decorated with runtime components.

func (*ASTNode) Equals

func (n *ASTNode) Equals(other *ASTNode, ignoreTokenPosition bool) (bool, string)

Equals checks if this AST data equals another AST data. Returns also a message describing what is the found difference.

func (*ASTNode) String

func (n *ASTNode) String() string

String returns a string representation of this token.

func (*ASTNode) ToJSONObject

func (n *ASTNode) ToJSONObject() map[string]interface{}

ToJSONObject returns this ASTNode and all its children as a JSON object.

type Error

type Error struct {
	Source string // Name of the source which was given to the parser
	Type   error  // Error type (to be used for equal checks)
	Detail string // Details of this error
	Line   int    // Line of the error
	Pos    int    // Position of the error

Error models a parser related error.

func (*Error) Error

func (pe *Error) Error() string

Error returns a human-readable string representation of this error.

type LABuffer

type LABuffer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LABuffer models a look-ahead buffer.

func NewLABuffer

func NewLABuffer(c chan LexToken, size int) *LABuffer

NewLABuffer creates a new NewLABuffer instance.

func (*LABuffer) Next

func (b *LABuffer) Next() (LexToken, bool)

Next returns the next item.

func (*LABuffer) Peek

func (b *LABuffer) Peek(pos int) (LexToken, bool)

Peek looks inside the buffer starting with 0 as the next item.

type LexToken

type LexToken struct {
	ID           LexTokenID // Token kind
	Pos          int        // Starting position (in bytes)
	Val          string     // Token value
	Identifier   bool       // Flag if the value is an identifier (not quoted and not a number)
	AllowEscapes bool       // Flag if the value did interpret escape charaters
	Lsource      string     // Input source label (e.g. filename)
	Lline        int        // Line in the input this token appears
	Lpos         int        // Position in the input line this token appears

LexToken represents a token which is returned by the lexer.

func LexToList

func LexToList(name string, input string) []LexToken

LexToList lexes a given input. Returns a list of tokens.

func NewLexTokenInstance

func NewLexTokenInstance(t LexToken) *LexToken

NewLexTokenInstance creates a new LexToken object instance from given LexToken values.

func (LexToken) Equals

func (t LexToken) Equals(other LexToken, ignorePosition bool) (bool, string)

Equals checks if this LexToken equals another LexToken. Returns also a message describing what is the found difference.

func (LexToken) PosString

func (t LexToken) PosString() string

PosString returns the position of this token in the origianl input as a string.

func (LexToken) String

func (t LexToken) String() string

String returns a string representation of a token.

func (LexToken) Type

func (t LexToken) Type() string

Type returns the meta data type.

func (LexToken) Value

func (t LexToken) Value() string

Value returns the meta data value.

type LexTokenID

type LexTokenID int

LexTokenID represents a unique lexer token ID

const (
	TokenError LexTokenID = iota // Lexing error token with a message as val
	TokenEOF                     // End-of-file token
	TokenANY                     // Unspecified token (used when building an AST from a Go map structure)

	TokenPRECOMMENT  // Comment /* ... */
	TokenPOSTCOMMENT // Comment # ...

	TokenSTRING     // String constant
	TokenNUMBER     // Number constant
	TokenIDENTIFIER // Idendifier

	TokenSTATEMENTS // A code block
	TokenFUNCCALL   // A function call
	TokenCOMPACCESS // Access to a composition structure
	TokenLIST       // List value
	TokenMAP        // MAP value
	TokenPARAMS     // Function parameters
	TokenGUARD      // Conditional statements

	TOKENodeSYMBOLS // Used to separate symbols from other tokens in this list







	TOKENodeKEYWORDS // Used to separate keywords from other tokens in this list











Available lexer token types

type MetaData

type MetaData interface {

		Type returns the type of the meta data.
	Type() string

		Value returns the value of the meta data.
	Value() string

MetaData is auxiliary data which can be attached to ASTs.

type Runtime

type Runtime interface {

	   Validate this runtime component and all its child components.
	Validate() error

		Eval evaluate this runtime component. It gets passed the current variable
		scope an instance state and a thread ID.

		The instance state is created per execution instance and can be used
		for generator functions to store their current state. It gets replaced
		by a new object in certain situations (e.g. a function call).

		The thread ID can be used to identify a running process.
	Eval(Scope, map[string]interface{}, uint64) (interface{}, error)

Runtime provides the runtime for an ASTNode.

type RuntimeProvider

type RuntimeProvider interface {

	   Runtime returns a runtime component for a given ASTNode.
	Runtime(node *ASTNode) Runtime

RuntimeProvider provides runtime components for a parse tree.

type Scope

type Scope interface {

	   Name returns the name of this scope.
	Name() string

	   NewChild creates a new child scope.
	NewChild(name string) Scope

		Clear clears this scope of all stored values. This will clear children scopes
		but not remove parent scopes.

	   Parent returns the parent scope or nil.
	Parent() Scope

	   SetValue sets a new value for a variable.
	SetValue(varName string, varValue interface{}) error

	   SetLocalValue sets a new value for a local variable.
	SetLocalValue(varName string, varValue interface{}) error

	   GetValue gets the current value of a variable.
	GetValue(varName string) (interface{}, bool, error)

	   String returns a string representation of this scope.
	String() string

	   ToJSONObject returns this ASTNode and all its children as a JSON object.
	ToJSONObject() map[string]interface{}

Scope models an environment which stores data.

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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
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