gokrazy kernel repository
This repository holds a pre-built Linux kernel image for the Raspberry
Pi 3, used by the gokrazy
The files in this repository are picked up automatically by
, so you don’t need to interact with this repository
unless you want to update the kernel to a custom version.
Updating the kernel
First, follow the gokrazy installation instructions.
We’re using docker to get a reproducible build environment for our
kernel images, so install docker if you haven’t already:
sudo apt install docker.io
sudo addgroup $USER docker
newgrp docker
Install the kernel-related gokrazy tools:
go install development.thatwebsite.xyz/gokrazy/kernel/cmd/...
And build a new kernel (takes about 5 minutes):
The new kernel is stored in $GOPATH/src/development.thatwebsite.xyz/gokrazy/kernel
that it will be picked up by gokr-packer