
v1.0.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 27, 2025 License: BlueOak-1.0.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 3




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const (
	RPCErrorUnspecified           = iota // 0
	RPCParseError                        // 1
	RPCUnknownRoute                      // 2
	RPCInternal                          // 3
	RPCQuarantineClient                  // 4
	RPCVersionUnsupported                // 5
	RPCUnknownMatch                      // 6
	RPCInternalError                     // 7
	RPCInitError                         // 8
	RPCLoginError                        // 9
	RPCLogoutError                       // 10
	RPCCreateWalletError                 // 11
	RPCOpenWalletError                   // 12
	RPCWalletExistsError                 // 13
	RPCCloseWalletError                  // 14
	RPCGetFeeError                       // 15, obsolete, kept for order
	RPCRegisterError                     // 16
	RPCArgumentsError                    // 17
	RPCTradeError                        // 18
	RPCCancelError                       // 19
	RPCFundTransferError                 // 20
	RPCOrderBookError                    // 21
	SignatureError                       // 22
	SerializationError                   // 23
	TransactionUndiscovered              // 24
	ContractError                        // 25
	SettlementSequenceError              // 26
	ResultLengthError                    // 27
	IDMismatchError                      // 28
	RedemptionError                      // 29
	IDTypeError                          // 30
	AckCountError                        // 31
	UnknownResponseID                    // 32
	OrderParameterError                  // 33
	UnknownMarketError                   // 34
	ClockRangeError                      // 35
	FundingError                         // 36
	CoinAuthError                        // 37
	UnknownMarket                        // 38
	NotSubscribedError                   // 39
	UnauthorizedConnection               // 40
	AuthenticationError                  // 41
	PubKeyParseError                     // 42
	FeeError                             // 43
	InvalidPreimage                      // 44
	PreimageCommitmentMismatch           // 45
	UnknownMessageType                   // 46
	AccountClosedError                   // 47
	MarketNotRunningError                // 48
	TryAgainLaterError                   // 49
	AccountNotFoundError                 // 50
	UnpaidAccountError                   // 51
	InvalidRequestError                  // 52
	OrderQuantityTooHigh                 // 53
	HTTPRouteError                       // 54
	RouteUnavailableError                // 55
	AccountExistsError                   // 56
	AccountSuspendedError                // 57 deprecated, kept for order
	RPCExportSeedError                   // 58
	TooManyRequestsError                 // 59
	RPCGetDEXConfigError                 // 60
	RPCDiscoverAcctError                 // 61
	RPCWalletRescanError                 // 62
	RPCDeleteArchivedRecordsError        // 63
	DuplicateRequestError                // 64
	RPCToggleWalletStatusError           // 65
	BondError                            // 66
	BondAlreadyConfirmingError           // 67
	RPCWalletPeersError                  // 68
	RPCNotificationsError                // 69
	RPCPostBondError                     // 70
	RPCWalletDefinitionError             // 71
	RPCStartMarketMakingError            // 72
	RPCStopMarketMakingError             // 73
	RPCSetVSPError                       // 74
	RPCPurchaseTicketsError              // 75
	RPCStakeStatusError                  // 76
	RPCSetVotingPreferencesError         // 77
	RPCTxHistoryError                    // 78
	RPCMMAvailableBalancesError          // 79
	RPCUpdateRunningBotCfgError          // 80
	RPCUpdateRunningBotInvError          // 81
	RPCMMStatusError                     // 82

Error codes

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const (
	// MatchRoute is the route of a DEX-originating request-type message notifying
	// the client of a match and initiating swap negotiation.
	MatchRoute = "match"
	// NoMatchRoute is the route of a DEX-originating notification-type message
	// notifying the client that an order did not match during its match cycle.
	NoMatchRoute = "nomatch"
	// MatchStatusRoute is the route of a client-originating request-type
	// message to retrieve match data from the DEX.
	MatchStatusRoute = "match_status"
	// OrderStatusRoute is the route of a client-originating request-type
	// message to retrieve order data from the DEX.
	OrderStatusRoute = "order_status"
	// InitRoute is the route of a client-originating request-type message
	// notifying the DEX, and subsequently the match counter-party, of the details
	// of a swap contract.
	InitRoute = "init"
	// AuditRoute is the route of a DEX-originating request-type message relaying
	// swap contract details (from InitRoute) from one client to the other.
	AuditRoute = "audit"
	// RedeemRoute is the route of a client-originating request-type message
	// notifying the DEX, and subsequently the match counter-party, of the details
	// of a redemption transaction.
	RedeemRoute = "redeem"
	// RedemptionRoute is the route of a DEX-originating request-type message
	// relaying redemption transaction (from RedeemRoute) details from one client
	// to the other.
	RedemptionRoute = "redemption"
	// RevokeMatchRoute is a DEX-originating notification-type message informing
	// a client that a match has been revoked.
	RevokeMatchRoute = "revoke_match"
	// RevokeOrderRoute is a DEX-originating notification-type message informing
	// a client that an order has been revoked.
	RevokeOrderRoute = "revoke_order"
	// LimitRoute is the client-originating request-type message placing a limit
	// order.
	LimitRoute = "limit"
	// MarketRoute is the client-originating request-type message placing a market
	// order.
	MarketRoute = "market"
	// CancelRoute is the client-originating request-type message placing a cancel
	// order.
	CancelRoute = "cancel"
	// OrderBookRoute is the client-originating request-type message subscribing
	// to an order book update notification feed.
	OrderBookRoute = "orderbook"
	// UnsubOrderBookRoute is client-originating request-type message cancelling
	// an order book subscription.
	UnsubOrderBookRoute = "unsub_orderbook"
	// BookOrderRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message informing
	// the client to add the order to the order book.
	BookOrderRoute = "book_order"
	// UnbookOrderRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message informing
	// the client to remove an order from the order book.
	UnbookOrderRoute = "unbook_order"
	// EpochOrderRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message informing
	// the client about an order added to the epoch queue.
	EpochOrderRoute = "epoch_order"
	// UpdateRemainingRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message that
	// updates the remaining amount of unfilled quantity on a standing limit order.
	UpdateRemainingRoute = "update_remaining"
	// EpochReportRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message that
	// indicates the end of an epoch's book updates and provides stats for
	// maintaining a candlestick cache.
	EpochReportRoute = "epoch_report"
	// ConnectRoute is a client-originating request-type message seeking
	// authentication so that the connection can be used for trading.
	ConnectRoute = "connect"
	// PostBondRoute is the client-originating request used to post a new
	// fidelity bond. This can create a new account or it can add bond to an
	// existing account.
	PostBondRoute = "postbond"
	// PreValidateBondRoute is the client-originating request used to
	// pre-validate a fidelity bond transaction before broadcasting it (and
	// locking funds for months).
	PreValidateBondRoute = "prevalidatebond"
	// BondExpiredRoute is a server-originating notification when a bond expires
	// according to the configure bond expiry duration and the bond's lock time.
	BondExpiredRoute = "bondexpired"
	// TierChangeRoute is a server-originating notification sent to a connected
	// user whose tier changes for any reason.
	TierChangeRoute = "tierchange" // (TODO: use in many auth mgr events)
	// ScoreChangeRoute is a server-originating notificdation sent to a
	// connected user when their score changes.
	ScoreChangeRoute = "scorechanged"
	// ConfigRoute is the client-originating request-type message requesting the
	// DEX configuration information.
	ConfigRoute = "config"
	// HealthRoute is the client-originating request-type message requesting the
	// DEX's health status.
	HealthRoute = "healthy"
	// MatchProofRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message
	// delivering match cycle results to the client.
	MatchProofRoute = "match_proof"
	// PreimageRoute is the DEX-originating request-type message requesting the
	// preimages for the client's epoch orders.
	PreimageRoute = "preimage"
	// SuspensionRoute is the DEX-originating request-type message informing the
	// client of an upcoming trade suspension. This is part of the
	// subscription-based orderbook notification feed.
	SuspensionRoute = "suspension"
	// ResumptionRoute is the DEX-originating request-type message informing the
	// client of an upcoming trade resumption. This is part of the
	// subscription-based orderbook notification feed.
	ResumptionRoute = "resumption"
	// NotifyRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message
	// delivering text messages from the operator.
	NotifyRoute = "notify"
	// PenaltyRoute is the DEX-originating notification-type message
	// informing of a broken rule and the resulting penalty.
	PenaltyRoute = "penalty"
	// SpotsRoute is the client-originating HTTP or WebSocket request to get the
	// spot price and volume for the DEX's markets.
	SpotsRoute = "spots"
	// FeeRateRoute is the client-originating request asking for the most
	// recently recorded transaction fee estimate for an asset.
	FeeRateRoute = "fee_rate"
	// PriceFeedRoute is the client-originating request subscribing to the
	// market overview feed.
	PriceFeedRoute = "price_feed"
	// PriceUpdateRoute is a dex-originating notification updating the current
	// spot price for a market.
	PriceUpdateRoute = "price_update"
	// CandlesRoute is the HTTP request to get the set of candlesticks
	// representing market activity history.
	CandlesRoute = "candles"

Routes are destinations for a "payload" of data. The type of data being delivered, and what kind of action is expected from the receiving party, is completely dependent on the route. The route designation is a string sent as the "route" parameter of a JSON-encoded Message.

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const (
	BuyOrderNum       = 1
	SellOrderNum      = 2
	StandingOrderNum  = 1
	ImmediateOrderNum = 2
	LimitOrderNum     = 1
	MarketOrderNum    = 2
	CancelOrderNum    = 3

Certain order properties are specified with the following constants. These properties include buy/sell (side), standing/immediate (force), limit/market/cancel (order type).


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Acknowledgement

type Acknowledgement struct {
	MatchID Bytes `json:"matchid"`
	Sig     Bytes `json:"sig"`

Acknowledgement is the 'result' field in a response to a request that requires an acknowledgement. It is typically a signature of some serialized data associated with the request.

type Asset

type Asset struct {
	Symbol     string       `json:"symbol"`
	ID         uint32       `json:"id"`
	Version    uint32       `json:"version"`
	MaxFeeRate uint64       `json:"maxfeerate"`
	SwapConf   uint16       `json:"swapconf"`
	UnitInfo   dex.UnitInfo `json:"unitinfo"`

Asset describes an asset and its variables, and is returned as part of a ConfigResult.

type Audit

type Audit struct {
	OrderID  Bytes  `json:"orderid"`
	MatchID  Bytes  `json:"matchid"`
	Time     uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
	CoinID   Bytes  `json:"coinid"`
	Contract Bytes  `json:"contract"`
	TxData   Bytes  `json:"txdata"`

Audit is the payload for a DEX-originating AuditRoute request.

func (*Audit) Serialize

func (audit *Audit) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Audit data.

type Bond added in v0.6.0

type Bond struct {
	Version  uint16 `json:"version"`
	Amount   uint64 `json:"amount"`
	Expiry   uint64 `json:"expiry"` // when it expires, not the lock time
	CoinID   Bytes  `json:"coinID"` // NOTE: ID capitalization not consistent with other payloads, but internally consistent with assetID
	AssetID  uint32 `json:"assetID"`
	Strength uint32 `json:"strength"`

Bond is information on a fidelity bond. This is part of the ConnectResult and PostBondResult payloads.

type BondAsset added in v0.6.0

type BondAsset struct {
	Version uint16 `json:"version"` // latest version supported
	ID      uint32 `json:"id"`
	Confs   uint32 `json:"confs"`
	Amt     uint64 `json:"amount"` // to be implied by bond version?

BondAsset describes an asset for which fidelity bonds are supported.

type BondExpiredNotification added in v0.6.0

type BondExpiredNotification struct {
	AccountID  Bytes               `json:"accountID"`
	AssetID    uint32              `json:"assetid"`
	BondCoinID Bytes               `json:"coinid"`
	Tier       int64               `json:"tier"`
	Reputation *account.Reputation `json:"reputation"`

BondExpiredNotification is a notification from a server when a bond tx expires.

func (*BondExpiredNotification) Serialize added in v0.6.0

func (bc *BondExpiredNotification) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the BondExpiredNotification data.

type BookOrderNote

type BookOrderNote struct {

BookOrderNote is the payload for a DEX-originating notification-type message informing the client to add the order to the order book.

type Bytes

type Bytes = dex.Bytes

type CancelOrder

type CancelOrder struct {
	TargetID Bytes `json:"targetid"`

CancelOrder is the payload for the CancelRoute, which places a cancel order.

func (*CancelOrder) Serialize

func (c *CancelOrder) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the CancelOrder data.

type Candle added in v0.2.0

type Candle struct {
	StartStamp  uint64 `json:"startStamp"`
	EndStamp    uint64 `json:"endStamp"`
	MatchVolume uint64 `json:"matchVolume"`
	QuoteVolume uint64 `json:"quoteVolume"`
	HighRate    uint64 `json:"highRate"`
	LowRate     uint64 `json:"lowRate"`
	StartRate   uint64 `json:"startRate"`
	EndRate     uint64 `json:"endRate"`

Candle is a statistical history of a specified period of market activity.

type CandlesRequest added in v0.2.0

type CandlesRequest struct {
	BaseID     uint32 `json:"baseID"`
	QuoteID    uint32 `json:"quoteID"`
	BinSize    string `json:"binSize"`
	NumCandles int    `json:"numCandles,omitempty"` // default and max defined in apidata.

CandlesRequest is a data API request for market history.

type Coin

type Coin struct {
	ID      Bytes   `json:"coinid"`
	PubKeys []Bytes `json:"pubkeys"`
	Sigs    []Bytes `json:"sigs"`
	Redeem  Bytes   `json:"redeem"`

Coin is information for validating funding coins. Some number of Coins must be included with both Limit and Market payloads.

type ConfigResult

type ConfigResult struct {
	// APIVersion is the server's communications API version, but we may
	// consider APIVersions []uint16, with versioned routes e.g. "initV2".
	// APIVersions []uint16 `json:"apivers"`
	APIVersion       uint16    `json:"apiver"`
	DEXPubKey        dex.Bytes `json:"pubkey"`
	CancelMax        float64   `json:"cancelmax"`
	BroadcastTimeout uint64    `json:"btimeout"`
	Assets           []*Asset  `json:"assets"`
	Markets          []*Market `json:"markets"`
	BinSizes         []string  `json:"binSizes"` // Just apidata.BinSizes for now.

	BondAssets map[string]*BondAsset `json:"bondAssets"`
	// BondExpiry defines the duration of time remaining until lockTime below
	// which a bond is considered expired. As such, bonds should be created with
	// a considerably longer lockTime. NOTE: BondExpiry in the config response
	// is temporary, removed when APIVersion reaches BondAPIVersion and we have
	// codified the expiries for each network (main,test,sim). Until then, the
	// value will be considered variable, and we will communicate to the clients
	// what we expect at any given time. BondAsset.Amt may also become implied
	// by bond version.
	BondExpiry uint64 `json:"DEV_bondExpiry"`

	PenaltyThreshold uint32 `json:"penaltyThreshold"`
	MaxScore         uint32 `json:"maxScore"`

ConfigResult is the successful result for the ConfigRoute.

type Connect

type Connect struct {
	AccountID  Bytes  `json:"accountid"`
	APIVersion uint16 `json:"apiver"`
	Time       uint64 `json:"timestamp"`

Connect is the payload for a client-originating ConnectRoute request.

func (*Connect) Serialize

func (c *Connect) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Connect data.

type ConnectResult

type ConnectResult struct {
	Sig                 Bytes               `json:"sig"`
	ActiveOrderStatuses []*OrderStatus      `json:"activeorderstatuses"`
	ActiveMatches       []*Match            `json:"activematches"`
	Score               int32               `json:"score"`
	ActiveBonds         []*Bond             `json:"activeBonds"`
	Reputation          *account.Reputation `json:"reputation"`

ConnectResult is the result for the ConnectRoute request.

TODO: Include penalty data as specified in the spec.

type EpochOrderNote

type EpochOrderNote struct {
	Commit    Bytes  `json:"com"`
	OrderType uint8  `json:"otype"`
	Epoch     uint64 `json:"epoch"`
	TargetID  Bytes  `json:"target,omitempty"` // omit for cancel orders

EpochOrderNote is the DEX-originating notification-type message informing the client about an order added to the epoch queue.

type EpochReportNote added in v0.2.0

type EpochReportNote struct {
	MarketID     string `json:"marketid"`
	Epoch        uint64 `json:"epoch"`
	BaseFeeRate  uint64 `json:"baseFeeRate"`
	QuoteFeeRate uint64 `json:"quoteFeeRate"`
	// MatchSummary: [rate, quantity]. Quantity is signed. Negative means that
	// the maker was a sell order.
	MatchSummary [][2]int64 `json:"matchSummary"`

EpochReportNote is a report about an epoch sent after all of the epoch's book updates. Like TradeResumption, and TradeSuspension when Persist is true, Seq is omitted since it doesn't modify the book.

type Error

type Error struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

Error is returned as part of the Response to indicate that an error occurred during method execution.

func NewError

func NewError(code int, format string, a ...any) *Error

NewError is a constructor for an Error.

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error returns the error message. Satisfies the error interface.

func (Error) String

func (e Error) String() string

String satisfies the Stringer interface for pretty printing.

type Init

type Init struct {
	OrderID  Bytes `json:"orderid"`
	MatchID  Bytes `json:"matchid"`
	CoinID   Bytes `json:"coinid"`
	Contract Bytes `json:"contract"`

Init is the payload for a client-originating InitRoute request.

func (*Init) Serialize

func (init *Init) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Init data.

type LimitOrder

type LimitOrder struct {
	Rate uint64 `json:"rate"`
	TiF  uint8  `json:"timeinforce"`

LimitOrder is the payload for the LimitRoute, which places a limit order.

func (*LimitOrder) Serialize

func (l *LimitOrder) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Limit data.

type Market

type Market struct {
	Name            string  `json:"name"`
	Base            uint32  `json:"base"`
	Quote           uint32  `json:"quote"`
	EpochLen        uint64  `json:"epochlen"`
	LotSize         uint64  `json:"lotsize"`
	RateStep        uint64  `json:"ratestep"`
	MarketBuyBuffer float64 `json:"buybuffer"`
	ParcelSize      uint32  `json:"parcelSize"`
	MarketStatus    `json:"status"`

Market describes a market and its variables, and is returned as part of a ConfigResult. The market's status (running, start epoch, and any planned final epoch before suspend) are also provided.

func (*Market) Running

func (m *Market) Running() bool

Running indicates if the market should be running given the known StartEpoch, EpochLen, and FinalEpoch (if set).

type MarketOrder

type MarketOrder struct {

MarketOrder is the payload for the MarketRoute, which places a market order.

func (*MarketOrder) Serialize

func (m *MarketOrder) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the MarketOrder data.

type MarketStatus

type MarketStatus struct {
	StartEpoch uint64 `json:"startepoch"`
	FinalEpoch uint64 `json:"finalepoch,omitempty"`
	Persist    *bool  `json:"persistbook,omitempty"` // nil and omitted when finalepoch is omitted

MarketStatus describes the status of the market, where StartEpoch is when the market started or will start. FinalEpoch is a when the market will suspend if it is running, or when the market suspended if it is presently stopped.

type Match

type Match struct {
	OrderID      Bytes  `json:"orderid"`
	MatchID      Bytes  `json:"matchid"`
	Quantity     uint64 `json:"qty"`
	Rate         uint64 `json:"rate"`
	ServerTime   uint64 `json:"tserver"`
	Address      string `json:"address"`
	FeeRateBase  uint64 `json:"feeratebase"`
	FeeRateQuote uint64 `json:"feeratequote"`
	// Status and Side are provided for convenience and are not part of the
	// match serialization.
	Status uint8 `json:"status"`
	Side   uint8 `json:"side"`

Match is the params for a DEX-originating MatchRoute request.

func (*Match) Serialize

func (m *Match) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Match data.

type MatchProofNote

type MatchProofNote struct {
	MarketID  string  `json:"marketid"`
	Epoch     uint64  `json:"epoch"`
	Preimages []Bytes `json:"preimages"`
	Misses    []Bytes `json:"misses"`
	CSum      Bytes   `json:"csum"`
	Seed      Bytes   `json:"seed"`

MatchProofNote is the match_proof notification payload.

type MatchRequest

type MatchRequest struct {
	Base    uint32 `json:"base"`
	Quote   uint32 `json:"quote"`
	MatchID Bytes  `json:"matchid"`

MatchRequest details a match for the MatchStatusRoute request. The actual payload is a []MatchRequest.

type MatchStatusResult

type MatchStatusResult struct {
	MatchID       Bytes `json:"matchid"`
	Status        uint8 `json:"status"`
	MakerContract Bytes `json:"makercontract,omitempty"`
	TakerContract Bytes `json:"takercontract,omitempty"`
	MakerSwap     Bytes `json:"makerswap,omitempty"`
	TakerSwap     Bytes `json:"takerswap,omitempty"`
	MakerRedeem   Bytes `json:"makerredeem,omitempty"`
	TakerRedeem   Bytes `json:"takerredeem,omitempty"`
	Secret        Bytes `json:"secret,omitempty"`
	Active        bool  `json:"active"`
	// MakerTxData and TakerTxData will only be populated by the server when the
	// match status is MakerSwapCast and TakerSwapCast, respectively.
	MakerTxData Bytes `json:"makertx,omitempty"`
	TakerTxData Bytes `json:"takertx,omitempty"`

MatchStatusResult is the successful result for the MatchStatusRoute request.

type Message

type Message struct {
	// Type is the message type.
	Type MessageType `json:"type"`
	// Route is used for requests and notifications, and specifies a handler for
	// the message.
	Route string `json:"route,omitempty"`
	// ID is a unique number that is used to link a response to a request.
	ID uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Payload is any data attached to the message. How Payload is decoded
	// depends on the Route.
	Payload json.RawMessage `json:"payload,omitempty"`
	// Sig is a signature of the message. This is the new-style signature
	// scheme. The old way was to sign individual payloads. Which is used
	// depends on the route.
	Sig dex.Bytes `json:"sig"`

Message is the primary messaging type for websocket communications.

func DecodeMessage

func DecodeMessage(b []byte) (msg *Message, _ error)

DecodeMessage decodes a *Message from JSON-formatted bytes. Note that *Message may be nil even if error is nil, when the message is JSON null, []byte("null").

func NewNotification

func NewNotification(route string, payload any) (*Message, error)

NewNotification encodes the payload and creates a Notification-type *Message.

func NewRequest

func NewRequest(id uint64, route string, payload any) (*Message, error)

NewRequest is the constructor for a Request-type *Message.

func NewResponse

func NewResponse(id uint64, result any, rpcErr *Error) (*Message, error)

NewResponse encodes the result and creates a Response-type *Message.

func (*Message) Response

func (msg *Message) Response() (*ResponsePayload, error)

Response attempts to decode the payload to a *ResponsePayload. Response will return an error if the Type is not Response. It is an error if the Message's Payload is []byte("null").

func (*Message) String

func (msg *Message) String() string

String prints the message as a JSON-encoded string.

func (*Message) Unmarshal

func (msg *Message) Unmarshal(payload any) error

Unmarshal unmarshals the Payload field into the provided interface. Note that the payload interface must contain a pointer. If it is a pointer to a pointer, it may become nil for a Message.Payload of []byte("null").

func (*Message) UnmarshalResult

func (msg *Message) UnmarshalResult(result any) error

UnmarshalResult is a convenience method for decoding the Result field of a ResponsePayload.

type MessageType

type MessageType uint8

MessageType indicates the type of message. MessageType is typically the first switch checked when examining a message, and how the rest of the message is decoded depends on its MessageType.

const (
	InvalidMessageType MessageType = iota // 0
	Request                               // 1
	Response                              // 2
	Notification                          // 3

There are presently three recognized message types: request, response, and notification.

func (MessageType) String

func (mt MessageType) String() string

String satisfies the Stringer interface for translating the MessageType code into a description, primarily for logging.

type NoMatch

type NoMatch struct {
	OrderID Bytes `json:"orderid"`

NoMatch is the payload for a server-originating NoMatchRoute notification.

type NotifyFee

type NotifyFee struct {
	AccountID Bytes  `json:"accountid"`
	CoinID    Bytes  `json:"coinid"`
	Time      uint64 `json:"timestamp"`

NotifyFee is the payload for a client-originating NotifyFeeRoute request.

func (*NotifyFee) Serialize

func (n *NotifyFee) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the NotifyFee data.

func (*NotifyFee) Stamp

func (n *NotifyFee) Stamp(t uint64)

Stamp satisfies the Stampable interface.

type NotifyFeeResult

type NotifyFeeResult struct {

NotifyFeeResult is the result for the response to NotifyFee. Though it embeds Signature, it does not satisfy the Signable interface, as it has no need for serialization.

type OrderBook

type OrderBook struct {
	MarketID string `json:"marketid"`
	Seq      uint64 `json:"seq"`
	Epoch    uint64 `json:"epoch"`
	// MarketStatus `json:"status"`// maybe
	// DRAFT NOTE: We might want to use a different structure for bulk updates.
	// Sending a struct of arrays rather than an array of structs could
	// potentially cut the encoding effort and encoded size substantially.
	Orders       []*BookOrderNote `json:"orders"`
	BaseFeeRate  uint64           `json:"baseFeeRate"`
	QuoteFeeRate uint64           `json:"quoteFeeRate"`
	// RecentMatches is [rate, qty, timestamp]. Quantity is signed.
	// Negative means that the maker was a sell order.
	RecentMatches [][3]int64 `json:"recentMatches"`

OrderBook is the response to a successful OrderBookSubscription.

type OrderBookSubscription

type OrderBookSubscription struct {
	Base  uint32 `json:"base"`
	Quote uint32 `json:"quote"`

OrderBookSubscription is the payload for a client-originating request to the OrderBookRoute, intializing an order book feed.

type OrderNote

type OrderNote struct {
	Seq      uint64 `json:"seq,omitempty"`      // May be empty when part of an OrderBook.
	MarketID string `json:"marketid,omitempty"` // May be empty when part of an OrderBook.
	OrderID  Bytes  `json:"oid"`

OrderNote is part of a notification about any type of order.

type OrderResult

type OrderResult struct {
	Sig        Bytes  `json:"sig"`
	OrderID    Bytes  `json:"orderid"`
	ServerTime uint64 `json:"tserver"`

OrderResult is returned from the order-placing routes.

type OrderStatus

type OrderStatus struct {
	ID     Bytes  `json:"id"`
	Status uint16 `json:"status"`

OrderStatus is the current status of an order.

type OrderStatusRequest

type OrderStatusRequest struct {
	Base    uint32 `json:"base"`
	Quote   uint32 `json:"quote"`
	OrderID Bytes  `json:"orderid"`

OrderStatusRequest details an order for the OrderStatusRoute request. The actual payload is a []OrderStatusRequest.

type Penalty

type Penalty struct {
	Rule    account.Rule `json:"rule"`
	Time    uint64       `json:"timestamp"`
	Details string       `json:"details"`

Penalty is part of the payload for a dex-originating Penalty notification and part of the connect response.

type PenaltyNote

type PenaltyNote struct {
	Penalty *Penalty `json:"penalty"`

PenaltyNote is the payload of a Penalty notification.

func (*PenaltyNote) Serialize

func (n *PenaltyNote) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the PenaltyNote data.

type PostBond added in v0.6.0

type PostBond struct {
	AcctPubKey Bytes  `json:"acctPubKey"` // acctID = blake256(blake256(acctPubKey))
	AssetID    uint32 `json:"assetID"`
	Version    uint16 `json:"version"`
	CoinID     Bytes  `json:"coinid"`

PostBond requests that server accept a confirmed bond payment, specified by the provided CoinID, for a certain account.

func (*PostBond) Serialize added in v0.6.0

func (pb *PostBond) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the PostBond data for the signature.

type PostBondResult added in v0.6.0

type PostBondResult struct {
	Signature                      // message is BondID | AccountID
	AccountID  Bytes               `json:"accountID"`
	AssetID    uint32              `json:"assetID"`
	Amount     uint64              `json:"amount"`
	Expiry     uint64              `json:"expiry"` // not locktime, but time when bond expires for dex
	Strength   uint32              `json:"strength"`
	BondID     Bytes               `json:"bondID"`
	Reputation *account.Reputation `json:"reputation"`

PostBondResult is the response to the client's PostBond request. If Active is true, the bond was applied to the account; if false it is not confirmed, but was otherwise validated.

func (*PostBondResult) Serialize added in v0.6.0

func (pbr *PostBondResult) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the PostBondResult data for the signature.

type PreValidateBond added in v0.6.0

type PreValidateBond struct {
	AcctPubKey Bytes  `json:"acctPubKey"` // acctID = blake256(blake256(acctPubKey))
	AssetID    uint32 `json:"assetID"`
	Version    uint16 `json:"version"`
	RawTx      Bytes  `json:"tx"`

PreValidateBond may provide the unsigned bond transaction for validation prior to broadcasting the signed transaction. If they skip pre-validation, and the broadcasted transaction is rejected, the client would have needlessly locked funds.

func (*PreValidateBond) Serialize added in v0.6.0

func (pb *PreValidateBond) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the PreValidateBond data for the signature.

type PreValidateBondResult added in v0.6.0

type PreValidateBondResult struct {
	// Signature is the result of signing the serialized PreValidateBondResult
	// concatenated with the RawTx.
	AccountID Bytes  `json:"accountID"`
	AssetID   uint32 `json:"assetID"`
	Amount    uint64 `json:"amount"`
	Expiry    uint64 `json:"expiry"` // not locktime, but time when bond expires for dex

PreValidateBondResult is the response to the client's PreValidateBond request.

func (*PreValidateBondResult) Serialize added in v0.6.0

func (pbr *PreValidateBondResult) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the PreValidateBondResult data for the signature.

type Prefix

type Prefix struct {
	AccountID  Bytes  `json:"accountid"`
	Base       uint32 `json:"base"`
	Quote      uint32 `json:"quote"`
	OrderType  uint8  `json:"ordertype"`
	ClientTime uint64 `json:"tclient"`
	ServerTime uint64 `json:"tserver"`
	Commit     Bytes  `json:"com"`

Prefix is a common structure shared among order type payloads.

func (*Prefix) Serialize

func (p *Prefix) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Prefix data.

func (*Prefix) Stamp

func (p *Prefix) Stamp(t uint64)

Stamp sets the server timestamp and epoch ID. Partially satisfies the Stampable interface.

type PreimageRequest

type PreimageRequest struct {
	OrderID        Bytes `json:"orderid"`
	Commitment     Bytes `json:"commit"`
	CommitChecksum Bytes `json:"csum"`

PreimageRequest is the server-originating preimage request payload.

type PreimageResponse

type PreimageResponse struct {
	Preimage Bytes `json:"pimg"`

PreimageResponse is the client-originating preimage response payload.

type Redeem

type Redeem struct {
	OrderID Bytes `json:"orderid"`
	MatchID Bytes `json:"matchid"`
	CoinID  Bytes `json:"coinid"`
	Secret  Bytes `json:"secret"`

Redeem are the params for a client-originating RedeemRoute request.

func (*Redeem) Serialize

func (redeem *Redeem) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Redeem data.

type RedeemSig added in v0.5.0

type RedeemSig struct {
	PubKey dex.Bytes `json:"pubkey"`
	Sig    dex.Bytes `json:"sig"`

RedeemSig is a signature proving ownership of the redeeming address. This is only necessary as part of a Trade if the asset received is account-based.

type Redemption

type Redemption struct {
	Time uint64 `json:"timestamp"`

Redemption is the payload for a DEX-originating RedemptionRoute request.

func (*Redemption) Serialize

func (r *Redemption) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Redemption data.

type Register

type Register struct {
	PubKey Bytes   `json:"pubkey"`
	Time   uint64  `json:"timestamp"`
	Asset  *uint32 `json:"feeAsset,omitempty"` // default to 42 if not set by client

Register is the payload for the RegisterRoute request.

func (*Register) Serialize

func (r *Register) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Register data.

type ResponsePayload

type ResponsePayload struct {
	// Result is the payload, if successful, else nil.
	Result json.RawMessage `json:"result,omitempty"`
	// Error is the error, or nil if none was encountered.
	Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`

ResponsePayload is the payload for a Response-type Message.

type RevokeMatch

type RevokeMatch struct {
	OrderID Bytes `json:"orderid"`
	MatchID Bytes `json:"matchid"`

RevokeMatch are the params for a DEX-originating RevokeMatchRoute request.

func (*RevokeMatch) Serialize

func (rev *RevokeMatch) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the RevokeMatch data.

type RevokeOrder

type RevokeOrder struct {
	OrderID Bytes `json:"orderid"`

RevokeOrder are the params for a DEX-originating RevokeOrderRoute notification.

func (*RevokeOrder) Serialize

func (rev *RevokeOrder) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the RevokeOrder data.

type ScoreChangedNotification added in v1.0.0

type ScoreChangedNotification struct {
	Reputation account.Reputation `json:"reputation"`

ScoreChangedNotification is the dex-originating notification sent when the user's score changes.

func (*ScoreChangedNotification) Serialize added in v1.0.0

func (tc *ScoreChangedNotification) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the ScoreChangedNotification data.

type Signable

type Signable interface {
	Serialize() []byte
	SigBytes() []byte

Signable allows for serialization and signing.

type Signature

type Signature struct {
	Sig Bytes `json:"sig"`

Signature partially implements Signable, and can be embedded by types intended to satisfy Signable, which must themselves implement the Serialize method.

func (*Signature) SetSig

func (s *Signature) SetSig(b []byte)

SetSig sets the Sig field.

func (*Signature) SigBytes

func (s *Signature) SigBytes() []byte

SigBytes returns the signature as a []byte.

type Spot added in v0.2.0

type Spot struct {
	Stamp      uint64  `json:"stamp"`
	BaseID     uint32  `json:"baseID"`
	QuoteID    uint32  `json:"quoteID"`
	Rate       uint64  `json:"rate"`
	BookVolume uint64  `json:"bookVolume"`
	Change24   float64 `json:"change24"`
	Vol24      uint64  `json:"vol24"`
	High24     uint64  `json:"high24"`
	Low24      uint64  `json:"low24"`

Spot is a snapshot of a market at the end of a match cycle. A slice of Spot are sent as the response to the SpotsRoute request.

type Stampable

type Stampable interface {
	Stamp(serverTime uint64)

Stampable is an interface that supports timestamping and signing.

type TierChangedNotification added in v0.6.0

type TierChangedNotification struct {
	// AccountID Bytes  `json:"accountID"`
	Tier       int64               `json:"tier"`
	Reputation *account.Reputation `json:"reputation"` // replaces Tier field
	Reason     string              `json:"reason"`

TierChangedNotification is the dex-originating notification sent when the user's tier changes as a result of account conduct violations. Tier change due to bond expiry is communicated with a BondExpiredNotification.

func (*TierChangedNotification) Serialize added in v0.6.0

func (tc *TierChangedNotification) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the TierChangedNotification data.

type Trade

type Trade struct {
	Side      uint8      `json:"side"`
	Quantity  uint64     `json:"ordersize"`
	Coins     []*Coin    `json:"coins"`
	Address   string     `json:"address"`
	RedeemSig *RedeemSig `json:"redeemsig,omitempty"` // account-based assets only. not serialized.

Trade is common to Limit and Market Payloads.

func (*Trade) Serialize

func (t *Trade) Serialize() []byte

Serialize serializes the Trade data.

type TradeNote

type TradeNote struct {
	Side     uint8  `json:"side,omitempty"`
	Quantity uint64 `json:"qty,omitempty"`
	Rate     uint64 `json:"rate,omitempty"`
	TiF      uint8  `json:"tif,omitempty"`
	Time     uint64 `json:"time,omitempty"`

TradeNote is part of a notification that includes information about a limit or market order.

type TradeResumption

type TradeResumption struct {
	MarketID   string `json:"marketid"`
	ResumeTime uint64 `json:"resumetime,omitempty"` // only set in advance of resume
	StartEpoch uint64 `json:"startepoch"`

TradeResumption is the ResumptionRoute notification payload. It is part of the orderbook subscription.

type TradeSuspension

type TradeSuspension struct {
	MarketID    string `json:"marketid"`
	Seq         uint64 `json:"seq,omitempty"`         // only set at suspend time and if Persist==false
	SuspendTime uint64 `json:"suspendtime,omitempty"` // only set in advance of suspend
	FinalEpoch  uint64 `json:"finalepoch"`
	Persist     bool   `json:"persistbook"`

TradeSuspension is the SuspensionRoute notification payload. It is part of the orderbook subscription.

type UnbookOrderNote

type UnbookOrderNote OrderNote

UnbookOrderNote is the DEX-originating notification-type message informing the client to remove an order from the order book.

type UnsubOrderBook

type UnsubOrderBook struct {
	MarketID string `json:"marketid"`

UnsubOrderBook is the payload for a client-originating request to the UnsubOrderBookRoute, terminating an order book subscription.

type UpdateRemainingNote

type UpdateRemainingNote struct {
	Remaining uint64 `json:"remaining"`

UpdateRemainingNote is the DEX-originating notification-type message informing the client about an update to a booked order's remaining quantity.

type WireCandles added in v0.2.0

type WireCandles struct {
	StartStamps  []uint64 `json:"startStamps"`
	EndStamps    []uint64 `json:"endStamps"`
	MatchVolumes []uint64 `json:"matchVolumes"`
	QuoteVolumes []uint64 `json:"quoteVolumes"`
	HighRates    []uint64 `json:"highRates"`
	LowRates     []uint64 `json:"lowRates"`
	StartRates   []uint64 `json:"startRates"`
	EndRates     []uint64 `json:"endRates"`

WireCandles are Candles encoded as a series of integer arrays, as opposed to an array of candles. WireCandles encode smaller than []Candle, since the property names are not repeated for each candle.

func NewWireCandles added in v0.2.0

func NewWireCandles(n int) *WireCandles

NewWireCandles prepares a *WireCandles with slices of capacity n.

func (*WireCandles) Candles added in v0.2.0

func (wc *WireCandles) Candles() []*Candle

Candles converts the WireCandles to []*Candle.

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