
v0.28.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 10, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 12



nolint:nilaway - the infiniteBuffer function causes issues with static analysis because it is very unidomatic.



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const (
	StatusRequest        = Type("StatusRequest")
	ProtocolEngineStatus = Type("ProtocolEngineStatus")

	// Attempt to outbound peer with a given remote peer
	// attributes:
	// RemotePeer: [eg "chpr7qm6op5vfcg2pi4vllco3h6aa7exexc4rqwnlupqhoogx2zgd6qd"
	PeerRequest = Type("PeerRequest")

	// QueuePeerRequest
	// When peer has too many peers to try and wants to ease off Tor throttling, use this to notify ContactRetry plugin to schedule a peer for later try
	// LastSeen: last seen time of the contact
	// And one of
	//		RemotePeer
	//		GroupServer
	QueuePeerRequest = Type("QueuePeerRequest")

	// Disconnect*Request
	// Close active connections and prevent new connections
	DisconnectPeerRequest   = Type("DisconnectPeerRequest")
	DisconnectServerRequest = Type("DisconnectServerRequest")

	// Events to Manage Retry Contacts
	PurgeRetries  = Type("PurgeRetries")
	ResumeRetries = Type("ResumeRetries")

	// RetryServerRequest
	// Asks CwtchPeer to retry a server connection...
	// GroupServer: [eg "chpr7qm6op5vfcg2pi4vllco3h6aa7exexc4rqwnlupqhoogx2zgd6qd"
	RetryServerRequest = Type("RetryServerRequest")

	// RemotePeer
	// ConversationID
	// Accepted
	// Blocked
	UpdateConversationAuthorization = Type("UpdateConversationAuthorization")

	// Turn on/off blocking of unknown peers (if peers aren't in the contact list then they will be autoblocked
	BlockUnknownPeers = Type("BlockUnknownPeers")
	AllowUnknownPeers = Type("AllowUnknownPeers")

	// GroupServer
	QueueJoinServer = Type("QueueJoinServer")
	JoinServer      = Type("JoinServer")

	// attributes GroupServer - the onion of the server to leave
	LeaveServer = Type("LeaveServer")

	ProtocolEngineCreated     = Type("ProtocolEngineCreated")
	ProtocolEngineShutdown    = Type("ProtocolEngineShutdown")
	ProtocolEngineStartListen = Type("ProtocolEngineStartListen")
	ProtocolEngineStopped     = Type("ProtocolEngineStopped")

	InvitePeerToGroup = Type("InvitePeerToGroup")

	// a group invite has been received from a remote peer
	// attributes:
	// TimestampReceived [eg time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)]
	// RemotePeer: [eg "chpr7qm6op5vfcg2pi4vllco3h6aa7exexc4rqwnlupqhoogx2zgd6qd"]
	// GroupInvite: [eg "torv3....."]
	// Imported
	NewGroupInvite = Type("NewGroupInvite")

	// Inform the UI about a new group
	// GroupID: groupID (allows them to fetch from the peer)
	NewGroup = Type("NewGroup")

	SendMessageToGroup = Type("SendMessagetoGroup")

	//Ciphertext, Signature:
	EncryptedGroupMessage = Type("EncryptedGroupMessage")
	//TimestampReceived, TimestampSent, Data(Message), GroupID, Signature, PreviousSignature, RemotePeer
	NewMessageFromGroup = Type("NewMessageFromGroup")

	// Sent if a Group Key is detected as being used outside of expected parameters (e.g. with tampered signatures)
	// GroupID: The ID of the Group that is presumed compromised
	GroupCompromised = Type("GroupCompromised")

	// an error was encountered trying to send a particular Message to a group
	// attributes:
	// GroupServer: The server the Message was sent to
	// Signature: The signature of the Message that failed to send
	// Error: string describing the error
	SendMessageToGroupError = Type("SendMessageToGroupError")

	SendMessageToPeer        = Type("SendMessageToPeer")
	NewMessageFromPeer       = Type("NewMessageFromPeer")
	NewMessageFromPeerEngine = Type("NewMessageFromPeerEngine")

	// RemotePeer, scope, path
	NewGetValMessageFromPeer = Type("NewGetValMessageFromPeer")

	// RemotePeer, val, exists
	SendRetValMessageToPeer = Type("SendRetValMessageToPeer")

	// RemotePeer, scope, val
	SendGetValMessageToPeer = Type("SendGetValMessageToPeer")

	// RemotePeer, scope, path, data, exists
	NewRetValMessageFromPeer = Type("NewRetValMessageFromPeer")

	// Peer acknowledges a previously sent message
	// attributes
	// EventID: The original event id that the peer is responding too.
	// RemotePeer: The peer associated with the acknowledgement
	PeerAcknowledgement = Type("PeerAcknowledgement")

	// Like PeerAcknowledgement but with message index instead of event ID
	// attributes
	// Index: The original index of the message that the peer is responding too.
	// RemotePeer: The peer associated with the acknowledgement
	IndexedAcknowledgement = Type("IndexedAcknowledgement")

	// Like PeerAcknowledgement but with message index instead of event ID
	// attributes
	// Index: The original index of the message that the peer is responding too.
	// RemotePeer: The peer associated with the acknowledgement
	IndexedFailure = Type("IndexedFailure")

	// attributes:
	// RemotePeer: [eg "chpr7qm6op5vfcg2pi4vllco3h6aa7exexc4rqwnlupqhoogx2zgd6qd"]
	// Error: string describing the error
	SendMessageToPeerError = Type("SendMessageToPeerError")

	// a peer contact has been added
	// attributes:
	// RemotePeer [eg ""]
	ContactCreated = Type("ContactCreated")

	// Password, NewPassword
	ChangePassword = Type("ChangePassword")

	// a group has been successfully added or newly created
	// attributes:
	// Data [serialized *model.Group]
	GroupCreated = Type("GroupCreated")

	// RemotePeer
	DeleteContact = Type("DeleteContact")

	// PeerStateChange servers as a new incoming connection message as well, and can/is consumed by frontends to alert of new p2p connections
	// RemotePeer
	// ConnectionState
	PeerStateChange = Type("PeerStateChange")

	// GroupServer
	// ConnectionState
	ServerStateChange = Type("ServerStateChange")

	// app: Identity(onion), Created(bool)
	// service -> client: Identity(localId), Password, [Status(new/default=blank || from reload='running')], Created(bool)
	NewPeer = Type("NewPeer")

	// Identity(onion)
	DeletePeer = Type("DeletePeer")
	// Identity(onion)
	PeerDeleted = Type("PeerDeleted")

	// Identity(onion)
	ShutdownPeer = Type("ShutdownPeer")

	Shutdown = Type("Shutdown")

	// Error(err)
	// Error creating peer
	PeerError = Type("PeerError")

	// Error(err)
	AppError = Type("AppError")

	// Progress, Status
	ACNStatus = Type("ACNStatus")

	// ID, Key, Data
	ACNInfo = Type("ACNInfo")

	// Data
	ACNVersion = Type("ACNVersion")

	// Network Status
	// Status: Success || Error
	// Error: Description of the Error
	// Onion: the local onion we attempt to check
	NetworkStatus = Type("NetworkError")

	// For debugging. Allows test to emit a Syn and get a response Ack(eventID) when the subsystem is done processing a queue
	Syn = Type("Syn")
	Ack = Type("Ack")

	// File Handling Events
	StopFileShare              = Type("StopFileShare")
	StopAllFileShares          = Type("StopAllFileShares")
	ShareManifest              = Type("ShareManifest")
	ManifestSizeReceived       = Type("ManifestSizeReceived")
	ManifestError              = Type("ManifestError")
	ManifestReceived           = Type("ManifestReceived")
	ManifestSaved              = Type("ManifestSaved")
	FileDownloadProgressUpdate = Type("FileDownloadProgressUpdate")
	FileDownloaded             = Type("FileDownloaded")
	FileVerificationFailed     = Type("FileVerificationFailed")

	// Profile Attribute Event
	UpdatedProfileAttribute = Type("UpdatedProfileAttribute")
	// Conversation Attribute Update...
	UpdatedConversationAttribute = Type("UpdatedConversationAttribute")
	StartingStorageMiragtion     = Type("StartingStorageMigration")
	DoneStorageMigration         = Type("DoneStorageMigration")

	TokenManagerInfo     = Type("TokenManagerInfo")
	TriggerAntispamCheck = Type("TriggerAntispamCheck")
	MakeAntispamPayment  = Type("MakeAntispamPayment")

	// Heartbeat is used to trigger actions that need to happen every so often...
	Heartbeat = Type("Heartbeat")

	// Conversation Search
	SearchResult    = Type("SearchResult")
	SearchCancelled = Type("SearchCancelled")

Defining Common Event Types

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const (

	// A peers local onion address
	Onion        = Field("Onion")
	ProfileOnion = Field("ProfileOnion")

	RemotePeer        = Field("RemotePeer")
	LastSeen          = Field("LastSeen")
	Ciphertext        = Field("Ciphertext")
	Signature         = Field("Signature")
	CachedTokens      = Field("CachedTokens")
	PreviousSignature = Field("PreviousSignature")
	TimestampSent     = Field("TimestampSent")
	TimestampReceived = Field("TimestampReceived")

	Identity = Field("Identity")

	ConversationID   = Field("ConversationID")
	GroupID          = Field("GroupID")
	GroupServer      = Field("GroupServer")
	GroupName        = Field("GroupName")
	ServerTokenY     = Field("ServerTokenY")
	ServerTokenOnion = Field("ServerTokenOnion")
	GroupInvite      = Field("GroupInvite")
	ServerTokenCount = Field("ServerTokenCount")

	ProfileName = Field("ProfileName")
	Password    = Field("Password")
	NewPassword = Field("NewPassword")

	Created = Field("Created")

	ConnectionState = Field("ConnectionState")

	Key    = Field("Key")
	Data   = Field("Data")
	Scope  = Field("Scope")
	Path   = Field("Path")
	Exists = Field("Exists")

	Salt = Field("Salt")

	Error = Field("Error")

	Progress     = Field("Progress")
	Status       = Field("Status")
	EventID      = Field("EventID")
	EventContext = Field("EventContext")
	Channel      = Field("Channel")
	Index        = Field("Index")
	RowIndex     = Field("RowIndex")
	ContentHash  = Field("ContentHash")

	// Handle denotes a contact handle of any type.
	Handle = Field("Handle")

	// Flags denotes a set of message flags
	Flags = Field("Flags")

	Accepted = Field("Accepted")
	Blocked  = Field("Blocked")

	KeyBundle = Field("KeyBundle")

	// Indicate whether an event was triggered by a user import
	Imported = Field("Imported")

	Source = Field("Source")

	FileKey              = Field("FileKey")
	FileSizeInChunks     = Field("FileSizeInChunks")
	ManifestSize         = Field("ManifestSize")
	SerializedManifest   = Field("SerializedManifest")
	TempFile             = Field("TempFile")
	FilePath             = Field("FilePath")
	FileDownloadFinished = Field("FileDownloadFinished")
	NameSuggestion       = Field("NameSuggestion")

	SearchID = Field("SearchID")

Defining Common Field Types

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const (
	AppErrLoaded0      = "Loaded 0 profiles"
	PasswordMatchError = "Password did not match"

Defining Common errors

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const (
	ContextAck             = "im.cwtch.acknowledgement"
	ContextInvite          = "im.cwtch.invite"
	ContextRaw             = "im.cwtch.raw"
	ContextGetVal          = "im.cwtch.getVal"
	ContextVersion         = "im.cwtch.version"
	ContextRetVal          = "im.cwtch.retVal"
	ContextRequestManifest = "im.cwtch.file.request.manifest"
	ContextSendManifest    = "im.cwtch.file.send.manifest"
	ContextRequestFile     = "im.cwtch.file.request.chunk"
	ContextSendFile        = "im.cwtch.file.send.chunk"

Defining Protocol Contexts

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const (
	PreserveHistoryDefaultSettingKey = "SaveHistoryDefault" // profile level default
	SaveHistoryKey                   = "SavePeerHistory"    // peer level setting

Define Attribute Keys related to history preservation

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const (
	// Save History has 3 distinct states. By default we refer to the profile level
	//  attribute PreserveHistoryDefaultSettingKey ( default: false i.e. DefaultDeleteHistory),
	// For each contact, if the profile owner confirms deletion we change to DeleteHistoryConfirmed,
	// if the profile owner confirms they want to save history then this becomes SaveHistoryConfirmed
	// These settings are set at the UI level using Get/SetScopeZoneAttribute with scoped zone: local.profile.*
	SaveHistoryConfirmed   = "SaveHistory"
	DeleteHistoryConfirmed = "DeleteHistoryConfirmed"

	// NOTE: While this says "[DeleteHistory]Default", The actual behaviour will now depend on the
	// global app/profile value of PreserveHistoryDefaultSettingKey
	DeleteHistoryDefault = "DefaultDeleteHistory"

Define Default Attribute Values

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const (
	True  = "true"
	False = "false"

Bool strings


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var CwtchEpoch = time.Date(2020, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)


func GetRandNumber added in v0.4.0

func GetRandNumber() *big.Int

GetRandNumber is a helper function which returns a random integer, this is currently mostly used to generate message IDs


type Event

type Event struct {
	EventType Type
	EventID   string
	Data      map[Field]string

Event is the core struct type passed around between various subsystems. Events consist of a type which can be filtered on, an event ID for tracing and a map of Fields to string values.

func NewEvent

func NewEvent(eventType Type, data map[Field]string) Event

NewEvent creates a new event object with a unique ID and the given type and data.

func NewEventList

func NewEventList(eventType Type, args ...interface{}) Event

NewEventList creates a new event object with a unique ID and the given type and data supplied in a list format and composed into a map of Type:string

type Field

type Field string

Field defines common event attributes

type Manager

type Manager interface {
	Subscribe(Type, Queue)

Manager is an interface for an event bus

func NewEventManager

func NewEventManager() Manager

NewEventManager returns an initialized EventManager

type Queue

type Queue interface {
	Publish(event Event)
	Next() Event
	OutChan() <-chan Event
	Len() int

Queue is a wrapper around a channel for handling Events in a consistent way across subsystems. The expectation is that each subsystem in Cwtch will manage a given an event.Queue fed from the event.Manager.

func NewQueue

func NewQueue() Queue

NewQueue initializes an event.Queue

type Type

type Type string

Type captures the definition of many common Cwtch application events

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