Index ¶
- Variables
- type NFS
- func (nfs *NFS) Auto(what []rune, trigger string, index int) (change bool, frame map[string]interface{}, table []map[string]string, ...)
- func (nfs *NFS) Begin(m *ctx.Message, arg ...string) ctx.Server
- func (nfs *NFS) Close(m *ctx.Message, arg ...string) bool
- func (nfs *NFS) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (nfs *NFS) Recv(line string) (field string, value string)
- func (nfs *NFS) Send(meta string, arg ...interface{}) *NFS
- func (nfs *NFS) Show(arg ...interface{}) bool
- func (nfs *NFS) Spawn(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, arg ...string) ctx.Server
- func (nfs *NFS) Start(m *ctx.Message, arg ...string) bool
- func (nfs *NFS) Term(msg *ctx.Message, action string, args ...interface{}) *NFS
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var Index = &ctx.Context{Name: "nfs", Help: "存储中心", Caches: map[string]*ctx.Cache{ "nfile": &ctx.Cache{Name: "nfile", Value: "0", Help: "已经打开的文件数量"}, }, Configs: map[string]*ctx.Config{ "term": &ctx.Config{Name: "term", Value: map[string]interface{}{ "use": "false", "mouse": map[string]interface{}{ "resize": false, }, "width": 80, "height": "24", "left": 0, "top": 0, "right": 80, "bottom": 24, "cursor_x": 0, "cursor_y": 0, "fgcolor": -1, "bgcolor": -1, "prompt": "", "wrap": "false", "scroll_count": "5", "scroll_lines": "5", "begin_row": 0, "begin_col": 0, "shadow": "hello", "show_shadow": "false", "rest_fg": "0", "rest_bg": "7", "pick_fg": "0", "pick_bg": "7", "pick": "", "help_index": 0, "help_state": "command", "help_next_auto": "=", "help_stack": []interface{}{}, "help_table": map[string]interface{}{}, }, Help: "二维码的默认大小"}, "auto": &ctx.Config{Name: "auto", Value: map[string]interface{}{ "!": map[string]interface{}{ "state": "message", "next_auto": ":", "color": 2, "cmd": "message", "table": "message", "field": "code", "format": "%s(%s) %s->%s %s %s", "fields": []interface{}{"code", "time", "source", "target", "details", "options"}, }, "~": map[string]interface{}{ "state": "context", "next_auto": ":", "color": 2, "cmd": "context", "table": "context", "field": "name", "format": "%s(%s) %s %s", "fields": []interface{}{"name", "status", "stream", "help"}, }, "": map[string]interface{}{ "state": "command", "next_auto": "=", "color": 3, "cmd": "command", "table": "command", "field": "key", "format": "%s %s", "fields": []interface{}{"key", "name"}, }, ":": map[string]interface{}{ "state": "command", "next_auto": "=", "color": 3, "cmd": "command", "table": "command", "field": "key", "format": "%s %s", "fields": []interface{}{"key", "name"}, }, "=": map[string]interface{}{ "cmd": "help", "format": "%s %s %s ", "fields": []interface{}{"value", "name", "help"}, "color": 3, "table": "command", "field": "value", "state": "argument", "next_auto": "=", }, "@": map[string]interface{}{ "state": "config", "next_auto": "@", "color": 4, "cmd": "config", "table": "config", "field": "key", "format": "%s(%s) %s", "fields": []interface{}{"key", "value", "name"}, }, "$": map[string]interface{}{ "state": "cache", "next_auto": "$", "color": 7, "cmd": "cache", "table": "cache", "field": "key", "format": "%s(%s) %s", "fields": []interface{}{"key", "value", "name"}, }, }, Help: "读取文件的缓存区的大小"}, "buf_size": &ctx.Config{Name: "buf_size", Value: "81920", Help: "读取文件的缓存区的大小"}, "dir_type": &ctx.Config{Name: "dir_type(file/dir/both/all)", Value: "both", Help: "dir命令输出的文件类型, file: 只输出普通文件, dir: 只输出目录文件, 否则输出所有文件"}, "dir_fields": &ctx.Config{Name: "dir_fields(time/type/name/size/line/hash)", Value: "time size line filename", Help: "dir命令输出文件名的类型, name: 文件名, tree: 带缩进的文件名, path: 相对路径, full: 绝对路径"}, "grep": &ctx.Config{Name: "grep", Value: map[string]interface{}{ "list": []interface{}{}, }, Help: "dir命令输出文件名的类型, name: 文件名, tree: 带缩进的文件名, path: 相对路径, full: 绝对路径"}, "git": &ctx.Config{Name: "git", Value: map[string]interface{}{ "args": []interface{}{"-C", "@git_dir"}, "info": map[string]interface{}{"cmds": []interface{}{"log", "status", "branch"}}, "update": map[string]interface{}{"cmds": []interface{}{"stash", "pull", "pop"}}, "pop": map[string]interface{}{"args": []interface{}{"stash", "pop"}}, "commit": map[string]interface{}{"args": []interface{}{"commit", "-am"}}, "branch": map[string]interface{}{"args": []interface{}{"branch", "-v"}}, "status": map[string]interface{}{"args": []interface{}{"status", "-sb"}}, "log": map[string]interface{}{"args": []interface{}{"log", "-n", "@page.limit", "--skip", "@page.offset", "pretty", "date"}}, "trans": map[string]interface{}{ "date": "--date=format:%m/%d %H:%M", "pretty": "--pretty=format:%h %ad %an %s", }, }, Help: "命令集合"}, "paths": &ctx.Config{Name: "paths", Value: []interface{}{"var", "usr", "etc", "bin", ""}, Help: "文件路径"}, }, Commands: map[string]*ctx.Command{ "_init": &ctx.Command{Name: "_init", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { m.Conf("paths", -2, m.Conf("runtime", "boot.ctx_home")) m.Conf("paths", -2, m.Conf("runtime", "boot.ctx_root")) return }}, "_exit": &ctx.Command{Name: "_init", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if m.Confs("term", "use") { termbox.Close() } return }}, "pwd": &ctx.Command{Name: "pwd [all] | [[index] path] ", Help: "工作目录,all: 查看所有, index path: 设置路径, path: 设置当前路径", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == "all" { m.Cmdy("nfs.config", "paths") return } index := 0 if len(arg) > 1 { index, arg = kit.Int(arg[0]), arg[1:] } for i, v := range arg { m.Log("info", "paths %s %s", index+i, v) m.Confv("paths", index+i, v) } if p := m.Conf("paths", index); path.IsAbs(p) { m.Echo("%s", p) } else if wd, e := os.Getwd(); m.Assert(e) { m.Echo("%s", path.Join(wd, p)) } return }}, "dir": &ctx.Command{Name: "dir [path [fields...]]", Help: []string{"查看目录, path: 路径, fields...: 查询字段, time|type|full|path|tree|filename|size|line|hash", "dir_deep: 递归查询", "dir_type both|file|dir|all: 文件类型", "dir_reg reg: 正则表达式", "dir_sort field order: 排序"}, Form: map[string]int{"dir_deep": 0, "dir_type": 1, "dir_reg": 1, "dir_sort": 2}, Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) == 0 { arg = append(arg, "") } wd, e := os.Getwd() m.Assert(e) trip := len(wd) + 1 rg, e := regexp.Compile(m.Option("dir_reg")) m.Confm("paths", func(index int, value string) bool { p := path.Join(value, arg[0]) if s, e := os.Stat(p); e == nil { if s.IsDir() { dir(m, p, 0, kit.Right(m.Has("dir_deep")), m.Confx("dir_type"), trip, rg, strings.Split(m.Confx("dir_fields", strings.Join(arg[1:], " ")), " "), m.Conf("time_format")) } else { m.Append("directory", p) } return true } return false }) if m.Has("dir_sort") { m.Sort(m.Meta["dir_sort"][0], m.Meta["dir_sort"][1:]...) } if len(m.Meta["append"]) == 1 { for _, v := range m.Meta[m.Meta["append"][0]] { m.Echo(v).Echo(" ") } } else { m.Table() } return }}, "git": &ctx.Command{Name: "git sum", Help: "版本控制", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == "sum" { if out, e := exec.Command("git", "log", "--shortstat", "--pretty=commit: %ad", "--date=format:%Y-%m-%d").CombinedOutput(); m.Assert(e) { for _, v := range strings.Split(string(out), "commit: ") { if l := strings.Split(v, "\n"); len(l) > 2 { fs := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(l[2]), ", ") m.Add("append", "date", l[0]) if adds := strings.Split(fs[1], " "); len(fs) > 2 { dels := strings.Split(fs[2], " ") m.Add("append", "adds", adds[0]) m.Add("append", "dels", dels[0]) } else if adds[1] == "insertions(+)" { m.Add("append", "adds", adds[0]) m.Add("append", "dels", "0") } else { m.Add("append", "adds", "0") m.Add("append", "dels", adds[0]) } } } m.Table() } return } if len(arg) == 0 { m.Cmdy("nfs.config", "git") return } if p := m.Cmdx("nfs.path", arg[0]); p != "" && !m.Confs("git", arg[0]) { m.Option("git_dir", p) arg = arg[1:] } else { wd, e := os.Getwd() m.Assert(e) m.Option("git_dir", wd) } cmds := []string{} if v := m.Confv("git", []string{arg[0], "cmds"}); v != nil { cmds = append(cmds, kit.Trans(v)...) } else { cmds = append(cmds, arg[0]) } for _, cmd := range cmds { args := append([]string{}, kit.Trans(m.Confv("git", "args"))...) if v := m.Confv("git", []string{cmd, "args"}); v != nil { args = append(args, kit.Trans(v)...) } else { args = append(args, cmd) } args = append(args, arg[1:]...) for i, _ := range args { v := m.Parse(args[i]) if v == args[i] || v == "" { args[i] = kit.Select(args[i], m.Conf("git", []string{"trans", args[i]})) } else { args[i] = v } } m.Cmd("cli.system", "git", args).Echo("\n\n").CopyTo(m) } return }}, "grep": &ctx.Command{Name: "grep", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) > 0 { switch arg[0] { case "add": m.Confv("grep", "list.-2", map[string]interface{}{ "pos": 0, "offset": 0, "file": arg[1], }) return case "head": m.Confm("grep", "list", func(index int, value map[string]interface{}) { if len(arg) == 1 { value["offset"] = 0 value["pos"] = 0 } }) return case "tail": m.Confm("grep", "list", func(index int, value map[string]interface{}) { if len(arg) == 1 { value["pos"] = -1 value["offset"] = 0 } }) return } } m.Confm("grep", "list", func(index int, value map[string]interface{}) { f, e := os.Open(kit.Format(value["file"])) if e != nil { m.Log("warn", "%v", e) return } defer f.Close() begin, e := f.Seek(int64(kit.Int(value["pos"])), 0) if kit.Int(value["pos"]) == -1 { begin, e = f.Seek(0, 2) } m.Assert(e) n := 0 bio := bufio.NewScanner(f) for i := 0; i < m.Optioni("page.limit") && bio.Scan(); i++ { text := bio.Text() if len(arg) == 0 || strings.Contains(text, arg[0]) { m.Add("append", "index", index) m.Add("append", "file", path.Base(kit.Format(value["file"]))) m.Add("append", "line", kit.Int(value["offset"])) m.Add("append", "text", text) } else { i-- } n += len(text) + 1 value["offset"] = kit.Int(value["offset"]) + 1 } value["pos"] = begin + int64(n) }) m.Table() return }}, "draw": &ctx.Command{Name: "draw", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) == 0 { m.Cmdy("nfs.dir", "src", "filename", "line", "size", "dir_deep", "dir_type", "file", "dir_sort", "line", "int_r") return } m.Append("text", m.Time()) m.Append("style", map[int]string{ 0: "black", 1: "red", 2: "green", 3: "yellow", 4: "blue", 5: "purple", 6: "cyan", 7: "white", }[rand.Intn(8)]) switch arg[2] { case "drawText": x, y := rand.Intn(400), rand.Intn(300) m.Append("ps", kit.Format([]interface{}{ map[string]int{"x": x, "y": y}, map[string]int{"x": x + 200, "y": y}, })) case "drawRect": x, y, l := rand.Intn(400), rand.Intn(300), rand.Intn(100) m.Append("ps", kit.Format([]interface{}{ map[string]int{"x": x, "y": y}, map[string]int{"x": x + l + l, "y": y + l}, })) case "drawCircle": x, y, l := rand.Intn(400), rand.Intn(300), rand.Intn(100) m.Append("ps", kit.Format([]interface{}{ map[string]int{"x": x, "y": y}, map[string]int{"x": x + l, "y": y}, })) } return }}, "hash": &ctx.Command{Name: "hash filename", Help: "查找文件路径", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { dir, name := path.Split(arg[0]) m.Append("dir", dir) m.Append("name", name) m.Append("type", strings.TrimPrefix(path.Ext(arg[0]), ".")) if s, e := os.Stat(arg[0]); e == nil && !s.IsDir() { m.Append("size", s.Size()) if f, e := os.Open(arg[0]); e == nil { defer f.Close() md := md5.New() io.Copy(md, f) h := md.Sum(nil) m.Echo(hex.EncodeToString(h[:])) } } return }}, "path": &ctx.Command{Name: "path filename", Help: "查找文件路径", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) == 0 { return } m.Confm("paths", func(index int, value string) bool { p := path.Join(value, arg[0]) if _, e := os.Stat(p); e == nil { m.Echo(p) return true } return false }) return }}, "copy": &ctx.Command{Name: "copy to from", Help: "查找文件路径", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { dir, _ := path.Split(arg[0]) m.Assert(os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777)) to, e := os.Create(arg[0]) m.Assert(e) defer to.Close() for _, from := range arg[1:] { f, e := os.Open(from) if e != nil { continue } defer f.Close() n, e := io.Copy(to, f) m.Assert(e) m.Log("info", "copy %d from %s to %s", n, from, arg[0]) } m.Echo(arg[0]) return }}, "temp": &ctx.Command{Name: "temp data", Help: "查找文件路径", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { h, _ := kit.Hash("uniq") name := fmt.Sprintf("var/tmp/file/%s", h) m.Assert(os.MkdirAll("var/tmp/file/", 0777)) f, e := os.Create(name) m.Assert(e) defer f.Close() f.Write([]byte(arg[0])) m.Echo(name) return }}, "trash": &ctx.Command{Name: "trash file", Help: "查找文件路径", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { os.Remove(arg[0]) return }}, "load": &ctx.Command{Name: "load file [buf_size [pos]]", Help: "加载文件, buf_size: 加载大小, pos: 加载位置", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if p, f, e := open(m, arg[0]); e == nil { defer f.Close() pos := kit.Int(kit.Select("0", arg, 2)) size := kit.Int(m.Confx("buf_size", arg, 1)) if size == -1 { s, e := f.Stat() m.Assert(e) size = int(s.Size()) } buf := make([]byte, size) if l, e := f.ReadAt(buf, int64(pos)); e == io.EOF || m.Assert(e) { m.Log("info", "load %s %d %d", p, l, pos) m.Echo(string(buf[:l])) } } return }}, "save": &ctx.Command{Name: "save file string...", Help: "保存文件, file: 保存的文件, string: 保存的内容", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if len(arg) == 1 && m.Has("data") { arg = append(arg, m.Option("data")) } dir := path.Dir(arg[0]) if _, e = os.Stat(dir); e != nil { m.Assert(os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777)) } if f, e := os.Create(arg[0]); m.Assert(e) { defer f.Close() for _, v := range arg[1:] { n, e := fmt.Fprint(f, v) m.Assert(e) m.Log("info", "save %s %d", arg[0], n) } m.Append("directory", arg[0]) m.Echo(arg[0]) } return }}, "import": &ctx.Command{Name: "import filename [index]", Help: "导入数据", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { p, f, e := open(m, arg[0]) m.Assert(e) defer f.Close() s, e := f.Stat() m.Option("filepath", p) m.Option("filename", s.Name()) m.Option("filesize", s.Size()) m.Option("filetime", s.ModTime().Format(m.Conf("time_format"))) switch { case strings.HasSuffix(arg[0], ".json"): var data interface{} de := json.NewDecoder(f) de.Decode(&data) m.Put("option", "filedata", data).Cmdy("ctx.trans", "filedata", arg[1:]).CopyTo(m) case strings.HasSuffix(arg[0], ".csv"): r := csv.NewReader(f) l, e := r.Read() m.Assert(e) m.Meta["append"] = l for l, e = r.Read(); e != nil; l, e = r.Read() { for i, v := range l { m.Add("append", m.Meta["append"][i], v) } } m.Table() default: b, e := ioutil.ReadAll(f) m.Assert(e) m.Echo(string(b)) } return }}, "export": &ctx.Command{Name: "export filename", Help: "导出数据", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { tp := false if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == "time" { tp, arg = true, arg[1:] } p, f, e := open(m, kit.Select(arg[0], m.Format(arg[0]), tp), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC) m.Assert(e) defer f.Close() data := m.Optionv(kit.Select("data", arg, 1)) if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == "all" { data, arg = m.Meta, arg[1:] } switch { case strings.HasSuffix(arg[0], ".json"): if data == nil && len(m.Meta["append"]) > 0 { lines := []interface{}{} nrow := len(m.Meta[m.Meta["append"][0]]) for i := 0; i < nrow; i++ { line := map[string]interface{}{} for _, k := range m.Meta["append"] { line[k] = m.Meta[k][i] } lines = append(lines, line) data = lines } } en := json.NewEncoder(f) en.SetIndent("", " ") en.Encode(data) case strings.HasSuffix(arg[0], ".csv"): fields := m.Meta["append"] if m.Options("fields") { fields = m.Meta["fields"] } if data == nil && len(m.Meta["append"]) > 0 { lines := []interface{}{} nrow := len(m.Meta[m.Meta["append"][0]]) for i := 0; i < nrow; i++ { line := []string{} for _, k := range fields { line = append(line, m.Meta[k][i]) } lines = append(lines, line) data = lines } } if data, ok := data.([]interface{}); ok { w := csv.NewWriter(f) w.Write(fields) for _, v := range data { w.Write(kit.Trans(v)) } w.Flush() } case strings.HasSuffix(arg[0], ".png"): if data == nil { data = kit.Format(arg[1:]) } qr, e := qrcode.New(kit.Format(data), qrcode.Medium) m.Assert(e) m.Assert(qr.Write(256, f)) default: f.WriteString(kit.Format(m.Meta["result"])) } m.Set("append").Add("append", "directory", p) m.Set("result").Echo(p) return }}, "json": &ctx.Command{Name: "json str", Help: "导入数据", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { var data interface{} m.Assert(json.Unmarshal([]byte(arg[0]), &data)) b, e := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ") m.Assert(e) m.Echo(string(b)) return }}, "open": &ctx.Command{Name: "open file", Help: "打开文件, file: 文件名", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if m.Has("io") { } else if p, f, e := open(m, arg[0], os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE); e == nil { m.Put("option", "in", f).Put("option", "out", f) arg[0] = p } else { return nil } m.Start(fmt.Sprintf("file%d", m.Capi("nfile")), fmt.Sprintf("file %s", arg[0]), "open", arg[0]) m.Append("ps_target1", m.Cap("module")) m.Echo(m.Cap("module")) return }}, "read": &ctx.Command{Name: "read [buf_size [pos]]", Help: "读取文件, buf_size: 读取大小, pos: 读取位置", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) && != nil { if len(arg) > 1 { m.Cap("pos", arg[1]) } buf := make([]byte, kit.Int(m.Confx("buf_size", arg, 0))) if n, e :=, int64(m.Capi("pos"))); e == io.EOF || m.Assert(e) { m.Capi("nread", n) if m.Capi("pos", n); n == 0 { m.Cap("pos", "0") } } m.Echo(string(buf)) } return }}, "write": &ctx.Command{Name: "write string [pos]", Help: "写入文件, string: 写入内容, pos: 写入位置", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) && nfs.out != nil { if len(arg) > 1 { m.Cap("pos", arg[1]) } if len(arg[0]) == 0 { m.Assert(nfs.out.Truncate(int64(m.Capi("pos")))) m.Cap("size", m.Cap("pos")) m.Cap("pos", "0") } else { n, e := nfs.out.WriteAt([]byte(arg[0]), int64(m.Capi("pos"))) if m.Capi("nwrite", n); m.Assert(e) && m.Capi("pos", n) > m.Capi("size") { m.Cap("size", m.Cap("pos")) } nfs.out.Sync() } m.Echo(m.Cap("pos")) } return }}, "scan": &ctx.Command{Name: "scan file name", Help: "扫描文件, file: 文件名, name: 模块名", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if _, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) { if help := fmt.Sprintf("scan %s", arg[0]); arg[0] == "stdio" { m.Put("option", "in", os.Stdin).Put("option", "out", os.Stdout).Start(arg[0], help, key, arg[0]) } else if p, f, e := open(m, arg[0]); m.Assert(e) { m.Put("option", "in", f).Start(fmt.Sprintf("file%d", m.Capi("nfile", 1)), help, key, p) } } return }}, "printf": &ctx.Command{Name: "printf arg", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) { nfs.printf(arg) } return }}, "prompt": &ctx.Command{Name: "prompt arg", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) { nfs.prompt(arg) } return }}, "term": &ctx.Command{Name: "term action args...", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) { nfs.Term(m, arg[0], arg[1:]) } return }}, "action": &ctx.Command{Name: "action cmd", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) { msg := m.Cmd("cli.source", arg) nfs.printf(msg.Conf("prompt"), arg, "\n") nfs.printf(msg.Meta["result"]) } return }}, "remote": &ctx.Command{Name: "remote listen|dial args...", Help: "启动文件服务, args: 参考tcp模块, listen命令的参数", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if _, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) { m.Sess("tcp").Call(func(sub *ctx.Message) *ctx.Message { if sub.Has("node.port") { return sub } sub.Sess("ms_source", sub) sub.Sess("ms_target", m.Source()) sub.Start(fmt.Sprintf("file%d", m.Capi("nfile", 1)), "远程文件") return sub }, arg) } return }}, "send": &ctx.Command{Name: "send [file] args...", Help: "连接文件服务, args: 参考tcp模块, dial命令的参数", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) { if nfs, ok := m.Target().Server.(*NFS); m.Assert(ok) && != nil { nfs.send <- m.Set("detail", arg) } return }}, }, }
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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