Draws a chart for unread and total articles in your wallabag instance.
Chart is only created when there at least two data sets, in which unread and total are both different compared with their previous value. Otherwise, if the delta is zero, the go-chart lib does not print a chart.
![Example chart](https://codeberg.org/strubbl/wallabag-stats/raw/commit/8f692d86e4c4/example/example.png)
Copy example/config.json
along with your wallabag-stats binary and change it according to your wallabag instance.
Updates via Cron
You can install a cronjob to fetch the stats data from your wallabag and let the graph being printed on changes. E.g. a user cronjob line by editing your cronjob file via cronjob -e
* * * * * cd /home/$USER/opt/wallabag-stats/ && ./wallabag-stats && cp -r output/ /var/www
wallabag-stats -h
Usage of ./wallabag-stats:
-article-stats-start-date string
date when the article stats shall start, it has to be provided as string with the RFC3339 format 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00 (default "2020-12-10T21:00:00+01:00")
-config string
file name of config JSON file (default "config.json")
-d debug mode
-data string
file name of data JSON file (default "data.json")
collect data only, do not generate any charts
more debug mode
even more debug mode
-f force regeneration of charts and html even if no new data is present
-v print version
get through every data item and sort invalid data entries out
Go Report Card
![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/codeberg.org/strubbl/wallabag-stats)
How to release
git tag x.y.z
git push --tags
goreleaser r --rm-dist