swayrandr and lswayrandr are programs to configure your screen-layouts in the Sway tiling window manager on Wayland. They are drop in replacements of xrandr and lxrandr respectively. They are intended to be used with the Sway tiling window manager on Wayland. They will not work under any other desktop environment (Pull Requests welcome!) nor will they work on X11.
This repository contains two programs: swayrandr and lswayrandr.
For both programs to work, you will need your screen-configuration in a separate file, like so:
# in ~/.config/sway/config:
include monitor.swayconfig
The default file to be modified is ~/.config/sway/monitor.swayconfig
. swayrandr will overwrite, whatever you hand to it!
Uses swayrandr to replace lxrandr. It allows choosing the screen configuration via a GTK3-based GUI.

lswayrandr allows to set the resolution, placement and scale of each monitor. Fractional scaling is a feature of sway, that some applications implement well and others don't.

To set the positioning of a monitor it's best to think about it as a cross of monitors. You can set the left, middle and right monitor on the x-axis, and the above, middle and below monitor on the y-axis. This is where lswayrandr differs from lxrandr, as lswayrandr does not allow to set relations between monitors, but rather place them on a grid. This also means, working with more than 3 monitors on any axis is not supported.
Replaces xrandr and works in a similar way. Without any parameters its output is similar -- listing the monitors and their available modes.
Print version Information
Print this help text
-config-file string
Configuration file to write to (default "~/.config/sway/monitor.swayconfig")
Don't write any configuration files, just dry-run and throw any occurring errors
Persist the configuration into a cofnig-file
List all active monitors
List all connected monitors
-output string
The output to manipulate
-same-as string
Place <output> on top of the provided monitor and use the same resolution if available
-below string
Place <output> below the provided monitor
-above string
Place <output> above the provided monitor
-left-of string
Place <output> left of the provided monitor
-right-of string
Place <output> right of the provided monitor
Disable <output>
Enable <output>
-mode string
Set the provided mode: <Width>x<Height>@<RefreshRate>
-position string
Set the top-left corner of <ouput> to the coordinates <X>x<Y> (or <X>+<Y>)
Set <output> as the primary one (focused)
-refresh float
Set the refresh rate (in KHz; float) (default -Inf)
-scale float
Set the scaling-factor of <output>; floats > 0 (default -Inf)
Arch Linux
Install from AUR.
Other Distributions
- Everyone else (
contains the checked out Repository):
git clone https://codeberg.org/snaums/swayrandr.git
# builds both the CLI and GUI app
make dist
# Install the two applications onto your system (or don't)
sudo make install