
v0.10.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 7, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 24 Imported by: 0




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type BanInput added in v0.9.0

type BanInput struct {
	Reason    string    `json:"reason" db:"reason" validate:"required" example:"spam"`
	Ends      time.Time `json:"ends" db:"ends" validate:"required" example:"2038-01-16T00:00:00Z"`
	CanAppeal bool      `json:"canAppeal" db:"can_appeal" validate:"required" example:"true"`
	// usage:
	Mask     *net.IPNet `json:"mask" db:"mask"`
	BannedBy string     `json:"bannedBy" db:"banned_by"`

BanInput is used to ban a member

type BanStatus added in v0.7.0

type BanStatus struct {
	MemberUUID uuid.UUID `json:"memberUUID" db:"member_uuid"`
	// Occurrence is the n-th time a ban has been issued
	Occurrence int16     `json:"occurrence" db:"occurrence"`
	Started    time.Time `json:"started" db:"started"`

BanStatus is used to retrieve the ban details

type Checker added in v0.9.13

type Checker interface {
	HasRole(ctx context.Context, name, role string, exact bool) bool
	// VerifyViewability checks if the viewer can view the viewee's profile (e.g. if some info is visible to followers only)
	VerifyViewability(ctx context.Context, viewer, viewee string) (bool, error)
	// Check checks if a member with the given email or nickname already exists
	Check(ctx context.Context, email, nickname string) (bool, error)
	IsBlocked(ctx context.Context, fr *FollowBlockRequest) (blocked bool, err error)

Member holds the core information about a member

type Device added in v0.7.0

type Device struct {
	FriendlyName sql.NullString `json:"friendlyName,omitempty" db:"friendly_name"`
	// KnownIPs is used to improve the security in case of logging in from unknown locations
	KnownIPs  []net.IP  `json:"knownIPs,omitempty" db:"known_ips"`
	LastLogin time.Time `json:"lastLogin,omitempty" db:"last_login"`
	BanStatus BanStatus `json:"banStatus,omitempty" db:"ban_status"`
	ID        uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id,unique,notnull"`

Member holds the core information about a member

type Exporter added in v0.9.9

type Exporter interface {
	Export(ctx context.Context, memberName, format string) ([]byte, []byte, error)

Member holds the core information about a member

type FollowBlockRequest added in v0.9.0

type FollowBlockRequest struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id,omitempty" db:"id"`
	Requester string    `json:"requester,omitempty" db:"requester_webfinger"`
	Target    string    `json:"target" db:"target_webfinger"`
	Reblogs   bool      `json:"reblogs" db:"reblogs" default:"true" sql:"-"` // only used for follow requests
	Notify    bool      `json:"notify" db:"notify" default:"true" sql:"-"`
	Created   time.Time `json:"created,omitempty" db:"created"`

Member holds the core information about a member

type FollowRequestGroup added in v0.9.0

type FollowRequestGroup struct {
	Sent     []FollowResponse  `json:"sent" db:"sent"`
	Received []FollowRequestIn `json:"received" db:"received"`

Member holds the core information about a member

type FollowRequestIn added in v0.9.0

type FollowRequestIn struct {
	ID        int64      `json:"id" db:"id"`
	Requester string     `json:"requester" db:"requester_webfinger"`
	Created   *time.Time `json:"created" db:"created"`

received follow request

type FollowResponse added in v0.9.0

type FollowResponse struct {
	// when checking status, we treat not_found as not following
	// but when creating a request, we treat not_found as target account not existing
	Status     string     `json:"status" db:"status" validate:"required,oneof=accepted failed pending blocked already_following not_found"`
	ID         int64      `json:"id,omitempty" db:"id"`
	Reblogs    bool       `json:"reblogs,omitempty" db:"reblogs" default:"true" sql:"-"`
	Notify     bool       `json:"notify,omitempty" db:"notify" default:"true" sql:"-"`
	Error      error      `json:"-"`
	AcceptTime *time.Time `json:"acceptTime" db:"created"`

Member holds the core information about a member

type FollowStorer added in v0.9.0

type FollowStorer interface {
	RequestFollow(ctx context.Context, fr *FollowBlockRequest) FollowResponse
	//	UpdateFollow(ctx context.Context, fr *FollowBlockRequest) error
	AcceptFollow(ctx context.Context, accepter string, requestID int64) error
	CancelFollow(ctx context.Context, canceler string, requestID int64) error
	RejectFollow(ctx context.Context, rejecter string, requestID int64) error
	GetFollowStatus(ctx context.Context, follower, followee string) FollowResponse
	GetFollowRequests(ctx context.Context, member string, reqType string) (any, error)
	RemoveFollower(ctx context.Context, follower, followee string) error

Member holds the core information about a member

type Follower

type Follower struct {
	ID       uint32    `json:"id" db:"id"`
	Created  time.Time `json:"created" db:"created"`
	Follower string    `json:"follower" db:"follower"`
	Followee string    `json:"followee" db:"followee"`

Follower represents a follower-followee relationship

type Getter added in v0.9.13

type Getter interface {
	Read(ctx context.Context, key string, keyNames ...string) (*Member, error)
	GetID(ctx context.Context, key string) (int, error)
	GetPassHash(ctx context.Context, email, login string) (string, error)

Member holds the core information about a member

type Input

type Input struct {
	MemberName string `json:"membername"`
	Email      string `json:"email"`
	Password   string `json:"password"`

Input holds the information required to create a new member account

type Member

type Member struct {
	ID   int       `json:"-" db:"id_numeric"`
	UUID uuid.UUID `json:"uuid,omitempty" db:"id"`
	// argon2id hash
	PassHash string `json:"-" db:"passhash" validate:"required" example:"$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=3,p=2$..."`
	// MemberName != webfinger
	MemberName string `json:"memberName" db:"nick,unique" validate:"required,alphanumunicode,min=3,max=30" example:"lain"`
	// email like
	Webfinger        string         `json:"webfinger" db:"webfinger,unique" validate:"required,email" example:""`
	DisplayName      sql.NullString `json:"displayName,omitempty" db:"display_name" example:"Lain Iwakura"`
	Email            string         `json:"email" db:"email" validate:"required,email" example:""`
	Bio              sql.NullString `json:"bio,omitempty" db:"bio" example:"Wherever you go, everyone is connected."`
	Active           bool           `json:"active" db:"active" example:"true"`
	Roles            pq.StringArray `json:"roles,omitempty" db:"roles" example:"[\"admin\", \"moderator\"]"`
	RegTimestamp     time.Time      `json:"regdate" db:"reg_timestamp" example:"2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"`
	ProfilePicID     sql.NullInt64  `json:"-" db:"profilepic_id"`
	ProfilePicSource string         `json:"profile_pic,omitempty" db:"-" example:"/static/img/profile/lain.jpg"`
	Visibility       string         `json:"visibility" db:"visibility" example:"followers_only"`
	FollowingURI     string         `json:"following_uri" db:"following_uri"` // URI for getting the following list of this account
	FollowersURI     string         `json:"followers_uri" db:"followers_uri"` // URI for getting the followers list of this account
	SessionTimeout   sql.NullInt64  `json:"-" db:"session_timeout"`
	PublicKeyPem     string         `jsonld:"publicKeyPem,omitempty" json:"publicKeyPem" db:"public_key_pem"`
	CustomFields     pgtype.JSONB   `json:"customFields,omitempty" db:"custom_fields"`
	Modified         sql.NullInt64  `json:"modified,omitempty" db:"modified"`
	Added            sql.NullInt64  `json:"added,omitempty" db:"added"`
	Doc              pgtype.JSONB   `json:"-,omitempty" db:"doc"`
	DocID            sql.NullString `json:"-,omitempty" db:"doc_id"`

Member holds the core information about a member

type PgMemberStorage

type PgMemberStorage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Member holds the core information about a member

func NewSQLStorage

func NewSQLStorage(newClient *pgxpool.Pool, log *zerolog.Logger, conf *cfg.Config,
	vp *validator.Validate) *PgMemberStorage

func (*PgMemberStorage) AcceptFollow added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) AcceptFollow(ctx context.Context, accepter string, requestID int64) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) Ban added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Ban(ctx context.Context, member *Member, input *BanInput) (err error)

func (*PgMemberStorage) CancelFollow added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) CancelFollow(ctx context.Context, requester string, requestID int64) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) Check added in v0.7.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Check(c context.Context, email, nickname string) (bool, error)

Check checks if a member with the given email or nickname already exists

func (*PgMemberStorage) CreateSession

func (s *PgMemberStorage) CreateSession(ctx context.Context, m *Member) (t string, err error)

CreateSession creates a JWT token for the member

func (*PgMemberStorage) Delete

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Delete(ctx context.Context, memberName string) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) Export added in v0.9.9

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Export(ctx context.Context, memberName, format string) (baseInfo []byte, otherData []byte, err error)

func (*PgMemberStorage) GetFollowRequests added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) GetFollowRequests(
	ctx context.Context,
	member string,
	kind string,
) (any, error)

func (*PgMemberStorage) GetFollowStatus added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) GetFollowStatus(ctx context.Context, follower, followee string) FollowResponse

func (*PgMemberStorage) GetID

func (s *PgMemberStorage) GetID(ctx context.Context, credential string) (id int, err error)

GetID retrieves the ID required for JWT on the basis of one of the credentials, i.e. email or login

func (*PgMemberStorage) GetPassHash

func (s *PgMemberStorage) GetPassHash(ctx context.Context, email, login string) (string, error)

GetPassHash retrieves the password hash required for JWT on the basis of one of the credentials, i.e. email or login

func (*PgMemberStorage) HasRole added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) HasRole(ctx context.Context, name, role string, exact bool) bool

if exact is true, the role must match exactly otherwise we can match moderators with admins on tasks that can be performed by both

func (*PgMemberStorage) IsBlocked added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) IsBlocked(ctx context.Context, fr *FollowBlockRequest) (blocked bool, err error)

func (*PgMemberStorage) Read

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Read(ctx context.Context, value string, keyNames ...string) (*Member, error)

func (*PgMemberStorage) RejectFollow added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) RejectFollow(ctx context.Context, rejecter string, requestID int64) error

TODO: add option to send a note to the requester stating the reason for rejection

func (*PgMemberStorage) RemoveFollower added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) RemoveFollower(ctx context.Context, follower, followee string) error

RemoveFollower handles both the followee and follower initiated removal of a follower due to the reciprocal nature of the relationship It can also deal with cancelling pending follow requests

func (*PgMemberStorage) RequestFollow

RequestFollow creates a follow request in the local database upon the reception of a request into the inbox

func (*PgMemberStorage) Save

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Save(ctx context.Context, member *Member) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) Unban added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Unban(ctx context.Context, member *Member) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) Update

func (s *PgMemberStorage) Update(ctx context.Context, member *Member) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) UpdatePassword added in v0.9.10

func (s *PgMemberStorage) UpdatePassword(ctx context.Context, nick, pass string) error

func (*PgMemberStorage) VerifyViewability added in v0.9.0

func (s *PgMemberStorage) VerifyViewability(ctx context.Context, viewer, viewee string) (bool, error)

viewer and viewee are both identified by webfinger

type Preferences added in v0.9.0

type Preferences struct {
	// NOTE:not using DB tags since the structure for this is actually flat in the DB
	UX              UXPreferences              `json:"ux,omitempty"`
	PrivacySecurity PrivacySecurityPreferences `json:"privsec,omitempty"`

TODO: move the password here

type PrivacySecurityPreferences added in v0.9.0

type PrivacySecurityPreferences struct {
	MessageAutohideWords pq.StringArray `json:"message_autohide_words,omitempty" db:"message_autohide_words"`
	// domain names alone, without protocol etc.
	MutedInstances      pq.StringArray `json:"muted_instances,omitempty" db:"muted_instances"`
	AutoAcceptFollow    bool           `json:"auto_accept_follow,omitempty" db:"auto_accept_follow" default:"true"`
	LocallySearchable   bool           `json:"locally_searchable,omitempty" db:"locally_searchable" default:"true"`
	FederatedSearchable bool           `json:"searchable_to_federated,omitempty" db:"searchable_to_federated" default:"true"`
	RobotsSearchable    bool           `json:"robots_searchable,omitempty" db:"robots_searchable" default:"false"`

Member holds the core information about a member

type Storer added in v0.9.0

type Storer interface {

Member holds the core information about a member

type UXPreferences added in v0.9.0

type UXPreferences struct {
	Locale language.Tag `json:"locale,omitempty" db:"locale"`
	// everything is calculated relative to the maximum scale of 0-100
	// nolint: revive // we'd need to configure validation inside function calls otherwise. That can harm consistency.
	RatingScaleLower int16 `json:"rating_scale_lower,omitempty" db:"rating_scale_lower" validate:"ltfield=RatingScaleUpper,min=0,max=1" default:"1"`
	RatingScaleUpper int16 `json:"rating_scale_upper,omitempty" db:"rating_scale_upper" validate:"min=2,max=100" default:"10"`

Theme is stored in localStorage since some people might prefer to have a different theme on different devices

type Writer added in v0.9.13

type Writer interface {
	Save(ctx context.Context, member *Member) error
	Ban(ctx context.Context, member *Member, input *BanInput) error
	Unban(ctx context.Context, member *Member) error
	Update(ctx context.Context, member *Member) error
	UpdatePassword(ctx context.Context, nick, pass string) error
	Delete(ctx context.Context, memberName string) error
	CreateSession(ctx context.Context, member *Member) (string, error)

Member holds the core information about a member

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