
v1.1.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 2, 2024 License: BSD-3-Clause, GooglePatentClause Imports: 7 Imported by: 23






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const (
	AccessControlDisable = 0
	AccessControlEnable  = 1
View Source
const (
	AllowAsyncPointer   = 0
	AllowSyncPointer    = 1
	AllowReplayPointer  = 2
	AllowAsyncKeyboard  = 3
	AllowSyncKeyboard   = 4
	AllowReplayKeyboard = 5
	AllowAsyncBoth      = 6
	AllowSyncBoth       = 7
View Source
const (
	ArcModeChord    = 0
	ArcModePieSlice = 1
View Source
const (
	AtomNone               = 0
	AtomAny                = 0
	AtomPrimary            = 1
	AtomSecondary          = 2
	AtomArc                = 3
	AtomAtom               = 4
	AtomBitmap             = 5
	AtomCardinal           = 6
	AtomColormap           = 7
	AtomCursor             = 8
	AtomCutBuffer0         = 9
	AtomCutBuffer1         = 10
	AtomCutBuffer2         = 11
	AtomCutBuffer3         = 12
	AtomCutBuffer4         = 13
	AtomCutBuffer5         = 14
	AtomCutBuffer6         = 15
	AtomCutBuffer7         = 16
	AtomDrawable           = 17
	AtomFont               = 18
	AtomInteger            = 19
	AtomPixmap             = 20
	AtomPoint              = 21
	AtomRectangle          = 22
	AtomResourceManager    = 23
	AtomRgbColorMap        = 24
	AtomRgbBestMap         = 25
	AtomRgbBlueMap         = 26
	AtomRgbDefaultMap      = 27
	AtomRgbGrayMap         = 28
	AtomRgbGreenMap        = 29
	AtomRgbRedMap          = 30
	AtomString             = 31
	AtomVisualid           = 32
	AtomWindow             = 33
	AtomWmCommand          = 34
	AtomWmHints            = 35
	AtomWmClientMachine    = 36
	AtomWmIconName         = 37
	AtomWmIconSize         = 38
	AtomWmName             = 39
	AtomWmNormalHints      = 40
	AtomWmSizeHints        = 41
	AtomWmZoomHints        = 42
	AtomMinSpace           = 43
	AtomNormSpace          = 44
	AtomMaxSpace           = 45
	AtomEndSpace           = 46
	AtomSuperscriptX       = 47
	AtomSuperscriptY       = 48
	AtomSubscriptX         = 49
	AtomSubscriptY         = 50
	AtomUnderlinePosition  = 51
	AtomUnderlineThickness = 52
	AtomStrikeoutAscent    = 53
	AtomStrikeoutDescent   = 54
	AtomItalicAngle        = 55
	AtomXHeight            = 56
	AtomQuadWidth          = 57
	AtomWeight             = 58
	AtomPointSize          = 59
	AtomResolution         = 60
	AtomCopyright          = 61
	AtomNotice             = 62
	AtomFontName           = 63
	AtomFamilyName         = 64
	AtomFullName           = 65
	AtomCapHeight          = 66
	AtomWmClass            = 67
	AtomWmTransientFor     = 68
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const (
	AutoRepeatModeOff     = 0
	AutoRepeatModeOn      = 1
	AutoRepeatModeDefault = 2
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const (
	BackPixmapNone           = 0
	BackPixmapParentRelative = 1
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const (
	BackingStoreNotUseful  = 0
	BackingStoreWhenMapped = 1
	BackingStoreAlways     = 2
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const (
	BlankingNotPreferred = 0
	BlankingPreferred    = 1
	BlankingDefault      = 2
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const (
	ButtonIndexAny = 0
	ButtonIndex1   = 1
	ButtonIndex2   = 2
	ButtonIndex3   = 3
	ButtonIndex4   = 4
	ButtonIndex5   = 5
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const (
	ButtonMask1   = 256
	ButtonMask2   = 512
	ButtonMask3   = 1024
	ButtonMask4   = 2048
	ButtonMask5   = 4096
	ButtonMaskAny = 32768
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const (
	CapStyleNotLast    = 0
	CapStyleButt       = 1
	CapStyleRound      = 2
	CapStyleProjecting = 3
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const (
	CirculateRaiseLowest  = 0
	CirculateLowerHighest = 1
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const (
	ClipOrderingUnsorted = 0
	ClipOrderingYSorted  = 1
	ClipOrderingYXSorted = 2
	ClipOrderingYXBanded = 3
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const (
	CloseDownDestroyAll      = 0
	CloseDownRetainPermanent = 1
	CloseDownRetainTemporary = 2
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const (
	ColorFlagRed   = 1
	ColorFlagGreen = 2
	ColorFlagBlue  = 4
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const (
	ColormapAllocNone = 0
	ColormapAllocAll  = 1
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const (
	ColormapStateUninstalled = 0
	ColormapStateInstalled   = 1
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const (
	ConfigWindowX           = 1
	ConfigWindowY           = 2
	ConfigWindowWidth       = 4
	ConfigWindowHeight      = 8
	ConfigWindowBorderWidth = 16
	ConfigWindowSibling     = 32
	ConfigWindowStackMode   = 64
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const (
	CoordModeOrigin   = 0
	CoordModePrevious = 1
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const (
	CwBackPixmap       = 1
	CwBackPixel        = 2
	CwBorderPixmap     = 4
	CwBorderPixel      = 8
	CwBitGravity       = 16
	CwWinGravity       = 32
	CwBackingStore     = 64
	CwBackingPlanes    = 128
	CwBackingPixel     = 256
	CwOverrideRedirect = 512
	CwSaveUnder        = 1024
	CwEventMask        = 2048
	CwDontPropagate    = 4096
	CwColormap         = 8192
	CwCursor           = 16384
View Source
const (
	EventMaskNoEvent              = 0
	EventMaskKeyPress             = 1
	EventMaskKeyRelease           = 2
	EventMaskButtonPress          = 4
	EventMaskButtonRelease        = 8
	EventMaskEnterWindow          = 16
	EventMaskLeaveWindow          = 32
	EventMaskPointerMotion        = 64
	EventMaskPointerMotionHint    = 128
	EventMaskButton1Motion        = 256
	EventMaskButton2Motion        = 512
	EventMaskButton3Motion        = 1024
	EventMaskButton4Motion        = 2048
	EventMaskButton5Motion        = 4096
	EventMaskButtonMotion         = 8192
	EventMaskKeymapState          = 16384
	EventMaskExposure             = 32768
	EventMaskVisibilityChange     = 65536
	EventMaskStructureNotify      = 131072
	EventMaskResizeRedirect       = 262144
	EventMaskSubstructureNotify   = 524288
	EventMaskSubstructureRedirect = 1048576
	EventMaskFocusChange          = 2097152
	EventMaskPropertyChange       = 4194304
	EventMaskColorMapChange       = 8388608
	EventMaskOwnerGrabButton      = 16777216
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const (
	ExposuresNotAllowed = 0
	ExposuresAllowed    = 1
	ExposuresDefault    = 2
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const (
	FamilyInternet          = 0
	FamilyDECnet            = 1
	FamilyChaos             = 2
	FamilyServerInterpreted = 5
	FamilyInternet6         = 6
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const (
	FillRuleEvenOdd = 0
	FillRuleWinding = 1
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const (
	FillStyleSolid          = 0
	FillStyleTiled          = 1
	FillStyleStippled       = 2
	FillStyleOpaqueStippled = 3
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const (
	FontDrawLeftToRight = 0
	FontDrawRightToLeft = 1
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const (
	GcFunction           = 1
	GcPlaneMask          = 2
	GcForeground         = 4
	GcBackground         = 8
	GcLineWidth          = 16
	GcLineStyle          = 32
	GcCapStyle           = 64
	GcJoinStyle          = 128
	GcFillStyle          = 256
	GcFillRule           = 512
	GcTile               = 1024
	GcStipple            = 2048
	GcTileStippleOriginX = 4096
	GcTileStippleOriginY = 8192
	GcFont               = 16384
	GcSubwindowMode      = 32768
	GcGraphicsExposures  = 65536
	GcClipOriginX        = 131072
	GcClipOriginY        = 262144
	GcClipMask           = 524288
	GcDashOffset         = 1048576
	GcDashList           = 2097152
	GcArcMode            = 4194304
View Source
const (
	GrabModeSync  = 0
	GrabModeAsync = 1
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const (
	GrabStatusSuccess        = 0
	GrabStatusAlreadyGrabbed = 1
	GrabStatusInvalidTime    = 2
	GrabStatusNotViewable    = 3
	GrabStatusFrozen         = 4
View Source
const (
	GravityBitForget = 0
	GravityWinUnmap  = 0
	GravityNorthWest = 1
	GravityNorth     = 2
	GravityNorthEast = 3
	GravityWest      = 4
	GravityCenter    = 5
	GravityEast      = 6
	GravitySouthWest = 7
	GravitySouth     = 8
	GravitySouthEast = 9
	GravityStatic    = 10
View Source
const (
	GxClear        = 0
	GxAnd          = 1
	GxAndReverse   = 2
	GxCopy         = 3
	GxAndInverted  = 4
	GxNoop         = 5
	GxXor          = 6
	GxOr           = 7
	GxNor          = 8
	GxEquiv        = 9
	GxInvert       = 10
	GxOrReverse    = 11
	GxCopyInverted = 12
	GxOrInverted   = 13
	GxNand         = 14
	GxSet          = 15
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const (
	HostModeInsert = 0
	HostModeDelete = 1
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const (
	ImageFormatXYBitmap = 0
	ImageFormatXYPixmap = 1
	ImageFormatZPixmap  = 2
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const (
	ImageOrderLSBFirst = 0
	ImageOrderMSBFirst = 1
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const (
	InputFocusNone           = 0
	InputFocusPointerRoot    = 1
	InputFocusParent         = 2
	InputFocusFollowKeyboard = 3
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const (
	JoinStyleMiter = 0
	JoinStyleRound = 1
	JoinStyleBevel = 2
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const (
	KbKeyClickPercent = 1
	KbBellPercent     = 2
	KbBellPitch       = 4
	KbBellDuration    = 8
	KbLed             = 16
	KbLedMode         = 32
	KbKey             = 64
	KbAutoRepeatMode  = 128
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const (
	KeyButMaskShift   = 1
	KeyButMaskLock    = 2
	KeyButMaskControl = 4
	KeyButMaskMod1    = 8
	KeyButMaskMod2    = 16
	KeyButMaskMod3    = 32
	KeyButMaskMod4    = 64
	KeyButMaskMod5    = 128
	KeyButMaskButton1 = 256
	KeyButMaskButton2 = 512
	KeyButMaskButton3 = 1024
	KeyButMaskButton4 = 2048
	KeyButMaskButton5 = 4096
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const (
	LedModeOff = 0
	LedModeOn  = 1
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const (
	LineStyleSolid      = 0
	LineStyleOnOffDash  = 1
	LineStyleDoubleDash = 2
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const (
	MapIndexShift   = 0
	MapIndexLock    = 1
	MapIndexControl = 2
	MapIndex1       = 3
	MapIndex2       = 4
	MapIndex3       = 5
	MapIndex4       = 6
	MapIndex5       = 7
View Source
const (
	MapStateUnmapped   = 0
	MapStateUnviewable = 1
	MapStateViewable   = 2
View Source
const (
	MappingModifier = 0
	MappingKeyboard = 1
	MappingPointer  = 2
View Source
const (
	MappingStatusSuccess = 0
	MappingStatusBusy    = 1
	MappingStatusFailure = 2
View Source
const (
	ModMaskShift   = 1
	ModMaskLock    = 2
	ModMaskControl = 4
	ModMask1       = 8
	ModMask2       = 16
	ModMask3       = 32
	ModMask4       = 64
	ModMask5       = 128
	ModMaskAny     = 32768
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const (
	MotionNormal = 0
	MotionHint   = 1
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const (
	NotifyDetailAncestor         = 0
	NotifyDetailVirtual          = 1
	NotifyDetailInferior         = 2
	NotifyDetailNonlinear        = 3
	NotifyDetailNonlinearVirtual = 4
	NotifyDetailPointer          = 5
	NotifyDetailPointerRoot      = 6
	NotifyDetailNone             = 7
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const (
	NotifyModeNormal       = 0
	NotifyModeGrab         = 1
	NotifyModeUngrab       = 2
	NotifyModeWhileGrabbed = 3
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const (
	PlaceOnTop    = 0
	PlaceOnBottom = 1
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const (
	PolyShapeComplex   = 0
	PolyShapeNonconvex = 1
	PolyShapeConvex    = 2
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const (
	PropModeReplace = 0
	PropModePrepend = 1
	PropModeAppend  = 2
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const (
	PropertyNewValue = 0
	PropertyDelete   = 1
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const (
	QueryShapeOfLargestCursor  = 0
	QueryShapeOfFastestTile    = 1
	QueryShapeOfFastestStipple = 2
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const (
	ScreenSaverReset  = 0
	ScreenSaverActive = 1
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const (
	SendEventDestPointerWindow = 0
	SendEventDestItemFocus     = 1
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const (
	SetModeInsert = 0
	SetModeDelete = 1
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const (
	StackModeAbove    = 0
	StackModeBelow    = 1
	StackModeTopIf    = 2
	StackModeBottomIf = 3
	StackModeOpposite = 4
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const (
	SubwindowModeClipByChildren   = 0
	SubwindowModeIncludeInferiors = 1
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const (
	VisibilityUnobscured        = 0
	VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1
	VisibilityFullyObscured     = 2
View Source
const (
	VisualClassStaticGray  = 0
	VisualClassGrayScale   = 1
	VisualClassStaticColor = 2
	VisualClassPseudoColor = 3
	VisualClassTrueColor   = 4
	VisualClassDirectColor = 5
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const (
	WindowClassCopyFromParent = 0
	WindowClassInputOutput    = 1
	WindowClassInputOnly      = 2
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const BadAccess = 10

BadAccess is the error number for a BadAccess.

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const BadAlloc = 11

BadAlloc is the error number for a BadAlloc.

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const BadAtom = 5

BadAtom is the error number for a BadAtom.

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const BadColormap = 12

BadColormap is the error number for a BadColormap.

View Source
const BadCursor = 6

BadCursor is the error number for a BadCursor.

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const BadDrawable = 9

BadDrawable is the error number for a BadDrawable.

View Source
const BadFont = 7

BadFont is the error number for a BadFont.

View Source
const BadGContext = 13

BadGContext is the error number for a BadGContext.

View Source
const BadIDChoice = 14

BadIDChoice is the error number for a BadIDChoice.

View Source
const BadImplementation = 17

BadImplementation is the error number for a BadImplementation.

View Source
const BadLength = 16

BadLength is the error number for a BadLength.

View Source
const BadMatch = 8

BadMatch is the error number for a BadMatch.

View Source
const BadName = 15

BadName is the error number for a BadName.

View Source
const BadPixmap = 4

BadPixmap is the error number for a BadPixmap.

View Source
const BadRequest = 1

BadRequest is the error number for a BadRequest.

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const BadValue = 2

BadValue is the error number for a BadValue.

View Source
const BadWindow = 3

BadWindow is the error number for a BadWindow.

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const ButtonPress = 4

ButtonPress is the event number for a ButtonPressEvent.

View Source
const ButtonRelease = 5

ButtonRelease is the event number for a ButtonReleaseEvent.

View Source
const CirculateNotify = 26

CirculateNotify is the event number for a CirculateNotifyEvent.

View Source
const CirculateRequest = 27

CirculateRequest is the event number for a CirculateRequestEvent.

View Source
const ClientMessage = 33

ClientMessage is the event number for a ClientMessageEvent.

View Source
const (
	ColormapNone = 0
View Source
const ColormapNotify = 32

ColormapNotify is the event number for a ColormapNotifyEvent.

View Source
const ConfigureNotify = 22

ConfigureNotify is the event number for a ConfigureNotifyEvent.

View Source
const ConfigureRequest = 23

ConfigureRequest is the event number for a ConfigureRequestEvent.

View Source
const CreateNotify = 16

CreateNotify is the event number for a CreateNotifyEvent.

View Source
const (
	CursorNone = 0
View Source
const DestroyNotify = 17

DestroyNotify is the event number for a DestroyNotifyEvent.

View Source
const EnterNotify = 7

EnterNotify is the event number for a EnterNotifyEvent.

View Source
const Expose = 12

Expose is the event number for a ExposeEvent.

View Source
const FocusIn = 9

FocusIn is the event number for a FocusInEvent.

View Source
const FocusOut = 10

FocusOut is the event number for a FocusOutEvent.

View Source
const (
	FontNone = 0
View Source
const GeGeneric = 35

GeGeneric is the event number for a GeGenericEvent.

View Source
const (
	GetPropertyTypeAny = 0
View Source
const (
	GrabAny = 0
View Source
const GraphicsExposure = 13

GraphicsExposure is the event number for a GraphicsExposureEvent.

View Source
const GravityNotify = 24

GravityNotify is the event number for a GravityNotifyEvent.

View Source
const KeyPress = 2

KeyPress is the event number for a KeyPressEvent.

View Source
const KeyRelease = 3

KeyRelease is the event number for a KeyReleaseEvent.

View Source
const KeymapNotify = 11

KeymapNotify is the event number for a KeymapNotifyEvent.

View Source
const (
	KillAllTemporary = 0
View Source
const LeaveNotify = 8

LeaveNotify is the event number for a LeaveNotifyEvent.

View Source
const MapNotify = 19

MapNotify is the event number for a MapNotifyEvent.

View Source
const MapRequest = 20

MapRequest is the event number for a MapRequestEvent.

View Source
const MappingNotify = 34

MappingNotify is the event number for a MappingNotifyEvent.

View Source
const MotionNotify = 6

MotionNotify is the event number for a MotionNotifyEvent.

View Source
const NoExposure = 14

NoExposure is the event number for a NoExposureEvent.

View Source
const (
	PixmapNone = 0
View Source
const PropertyNotify = 28

PropertyNotify is the event number for a PropertyNotifyEvent.

View Source
const ReparentNotify = 21

ReparentNotify is the event number for a ReparentNotifyEvent.

View Source
const ResizeRequest = 25

ResizeRequest is the event number for a ResizeRequestEvent.

View Source
const SelectionClear = 29

SelectionClear is the event number for a SelectionClearEvent.

View Source
const SelectionNotify = 31

SelectionNotify is the event number for a SelectionNotifyEvent.

View Source
const SelectionRequest = 30

SelectionRequest is the event number for a SelectionRequestEvent.

View Source
const (
	TimeCurrentTime = 0
View Source
const UnmapNotify = 18

UnmapNotify is the event number for a UnmapNotifyEvent.

View Source
const VisibilityNotify = 15

VisibilityNotify is the event number for a VisibilityNotifyEvent.

View Source
const (
	WindowNone = 0


This section is empty.


func AllocColorCellsUnchecked

func AllocColorCellsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Contiguous bool, Cmap Colormap, Colors uint16, Planes uint16) error

AllocColorCellsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func AllocColorPlanesUnchecked

func AllocColorPlanesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Contiguous bool, Cmap Colormap, Colors uint16, Reds uint16, Greens uint16, Blues uint16) error

AllocColorPlanesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func AllocColorUnchecked

func AllocColorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, Red uint16, Green uint16, Blue uint16) error

AllocColorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func AllocNamedColorUnchecked

func AllocNamedColorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

AllocNamedColorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func AllowEvents

func AllowEvents(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Time Timestamp) error

AllowEvents sends a checked request.

func AllowEventsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func AllowEventsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Time Timestamp) error

AllowEventsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ArcListBytes

func ArcListBytes(buf []byte, list []Arc) int

ArcListBytes writes a list of Arc values to a byte slice.

func ArcRead

func ArcRead(buf []byte, v *Arc) int

ArcRead reads a byte slice into a Arc value.

func ArcReadList

func ArcReadList(buf []byte, dest []Arc) int

ArcReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Arc values.

func Bell

func Bell(c *xgb.XConn, Percent int8) error

Bell sends a checked request.

func BellUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func BellUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Percent int8) error

BellUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeActivePointerGrab

func ChangeActivePointerGrab(c *xgb.XConn, Cursor Cursor, Time Timestamp, EventMask uint16) error

ChangeActivePointerGrab sends a checked request.

func ChangeActivePointerGrabUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeActivePointerGrabUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cursor Cursor, Time Timestamp, EventMask uint16) error

ChangeActivePointerGrabUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeGC

func ChangeGC(c *xgb.XConn, Gc Gcontext, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

ChangeGC sends a checked request.

func ChangeGCUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeGCUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Gc Gcontext, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

ChangeGCUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeHosts

func ChangeHosts(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Family byte, AddressLen uint16, Address []byte) error

ChangeHosts sends a checked request.

func ChangeHostsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeHostsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Family byte, AddressLen uint16, Address []byte) error

ChangeHostsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeKeyboardControl

func ChangeKeyboardControl(c *xgb.XConn, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

ChangeKeyboardControl sends a checked request.

func ChangeKeyboardControlUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeKeyboardControlUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

ChangeKeyboardControlUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeKeyboardMapping

func ChangeKeyboardMapping(c *xgb.XConn, KeycodeCount byte, FirstKeycode Keycode, KeysymsPerKeycode byte, Keysyms []Keysym) error

ChangeKeyboardMapping sends a checked request.

func ChangeKeyboardMappingUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeKeyboardMappingUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, KeycodeCount byte, FirstKeycode Keycode, KeysymsPerKeycode byte, Keysyms []Keysym) error

ChangeKeyboardMappingUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangePointerControl

func ChangePointerControl(c *xgb.XConn, AccelerationNumerator int16, AccelerationDenominator int16, Threshold int16, DoAcceleration bool, DoThreshold bool) error

ChangePointerControl sends a checked request.

func ChangePointerControlUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangePointerControlUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, AccelerationNumerator int16, AccelerationDenominator int16, Threshold int16, DoAcceleration bool, DoThreshold bool) error

ChangePointerControlUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeProperty

func ChangeProperty(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Window Window, Property Atom, Type Atom, Format byte, DataLen uint32, Data []byte) error

ChangeProperty sends a checked request.

func ChangePropertyUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangePropertyUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Window Window, Property Atom, Type Atom, Format byte, DataLen uint32, Data []byte) error

ChangePropertyUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeSaveSet

func ChangeSaveSet(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Window Window) error

ChangeSaveSet sends a checked request.

func ChangeSaveSetUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeSaveSetUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte, Window Window) error

ChangeSaveSetUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ChangeWindowAttributes

func ChangeWindowAttributes(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

ChangeWindowAttributes sends a checked request.

func ChangeWindowAttributesUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ChangeWindowAttributesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

ChangeWindowAttributesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func Char2bListBytes

func Char2bListBytes(buf []byte, list []Char2b) int

Char2bListBytes writes a list of Char2b values to a byte slice.

func Char2bRead

func Char2bRead(buf []byte, v *Char2b) int

Char2bRead reads a byte slice into a Char2b value.

func Char2bReadList

func Char2bReadList(buf []byte, dest []Char2b) int

Char2bReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Char2b values.

func CharinfoListBytes

func CharinfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []Charinfo) int

CharinfoListBytes writes a list of Charinfo values to a byte slice.

func CharinfoRead

func CharinfoRead(buf []byte, v *Charinfo) int

CharinfoRead reads a byte slice into a Charinfo value.

func CharinfoReadList

func CharinfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []Charinfo) int

CharinfoReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Charinfo values.

func CirculateWindow

func CirculateWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Direction byte, Window Window) error

CirculateWindow sends a checked request.

func CirculateWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CirculateWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Direction byte, Window Window) error

CirculateWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ClearArea

func ClearArea(c *xgb.XConn, Exposures bool, Window Window, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

ClearArea sends a checked request.

func ClearAreaUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ClearAreaUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Exposures bool, Window Window, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

ClearAreaUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ClientMessageDataUnionListBytes

func ClientMessageDataUnionListBytes(buf []byte, list []ClientMessageDataUnion) int

ClientMessageDataUnionListBytes writes a list of ClientMessageDataUnion values to a byte slice.

func ClientMessageDataUnionRead

func ClientMessageDataUnionRead(buf []byte, v *ClientMessageDataUnion) int

ClientMessageDataUnionRead reads a byte slice into a ClientMessageDataUnion value.

func ClientMessageDataUnionReadList

func ClientMessageDataUnionReadList(buf []byte, dest []ClientMessageDataUnion) int

ClientMessageDataUnionReadList reads a byte slice into a list of ClientMessageDataUnion values.

func CloseFont

func CloseFont(c *xgb.XConn, Font Font) error

CloseFont sends a checked request.

func CloseFontUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CloseFontUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Font Font) error

CloseFontUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ColoritemListBytes

func ColoritemListBytes(buf []byte, list []Coloritem) int

ColoritemListBytes writes a list of Coloritem values to a byte slice.

func ColoritemRead

func ColoritemRead(buf []byte, v *Coloritem) int

ColoritemRead reads a byte slice into a Coloritem value.

func ColoritemReadList

func ColoritemReadList(buf []byte, dest []Coloritem) int

ColoritemReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Coloritem values.

func ConfigureWindow

func ConfigureWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, ValueMask uint16, ValueList []uint32) error

ConfigureWindow sends a checked request.

func ConfigureWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ConfigureWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, ValueMask uint16, ValueList []uint32) error

ConfigureWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ConvertSelection

func ConvertSelection(c *xgb.XConn, Requestor Window, Selection Atom, Target Atom, Property Atom, Time Timestamp) error

ConvertSelection sends a checked request.

func ConvertSelectionUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ConvertSelectionUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Requestor Window, Selection Atom, Target Atom, Property Atom, Time Timestamp) error

ConvertSelectionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CopyArea

func CopyArea(c *xgb.XConn, SrcDrawable Drawable, DstDrawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

CopyArea sends a checked request.

func CopyAreaUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CopyAreaUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, SrcDrawable Drawable, DstDrawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

CopyAreaUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CopyColormapAndFree

func CopyColormapAndFree(c *xgb.XConn, Mid Colormap, SrcCmap Colormap) error

CopyColormapAndFree sends a checked request.

func CopyColormapAndFreeUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CopyColormapAndFreeUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mid Colormap, SrcCmap Colormap) error

CopyColormapAndFreeUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CopyGC

func CopyGC(c *xgb.XConn, SrcGc Gcontext, DstGc Gcontext, ValueMask uint32) error

CopyGC sends a checked request.

func CopyGCUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CopyGCUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, SrcGc Gcontext, DstGc Gcontext, ValueMask uint32) error

CopyGCUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CopyPlane

func CopyPlane(c *xgb.XConn, SrcDrawable Drawable, DstDrawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BitPlane uint32) error

CopyPlane sends a checked request.

func CopyPlaneUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CopyPlaneUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, SrcDrawable Drawable, DstDrawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BitPlane uint32) error

CopyPlaneUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CreateColormap

func CreateColormap(c *xgb.XConn, Alloc byte, Mid Colormap, Window Window, Visual Visualid) error

CreateColormap sends a checked request.

func CreateColormapUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CreateColormapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Alloc byte, Mid Colormap, Window Window, Visual Visualid) error

CreateColormapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CreateCursor

func CreateCursor(c *xgb.XConn, Cid Cursor, Source Pixmap, Mask Pixmap, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16, X uint16, Y uint16) error

CreateCursor sends a checked request.

func CreateCursorUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CreateCursorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cid Cursor, Source Pixmap, Mask Pixmap, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16, X uint16, Y uint16) error

CreateCursorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CreateGC

func CreateGC(c *xgb.XConn, Cid Gcontext, Drawable Drawable, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

CreateGC sends a checked request.

func CreateGCUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CreateGCUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cid Gcontext, Drawable Drawable, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

CreateGCUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CreateGlyphCursor

func CreateGlyphCursor(c *xgb.XConn, Cid Cursor, SourceFont Font, MaskFont Font, SourceChar uint16, MaskChar uint16, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16) error

CreateGlyphCursor sends a checked request.

func CreateGlyphCursorUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CreateGlyphCursorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cid Cursor, SourceFont Font, MaskFont Font, SourceChar uint16, MaskChar uint16, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16) error

CreateGlyphCursorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CreatePixmap

func CreatePixmap(c *xgb.XConn, Depth byte, Pid Pixmap, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

CreatePixmap sends a checked request.

func CreatePixmapUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CreatePixmapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Depth byte, Pid Pixmap, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

CreatePixmapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func CreateWindow

func CreateWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Depth byte, Wid Window, Parent Window, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class uint16, Visual Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

CreateWindow sends a checked request.

func CreateWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func CreateWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Depth byte, Wid Window, Parent Window, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class uint16, Visual Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) error

CreateWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func DeleteProperty

func DeleteProperty(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, Property Atom) error

DeleteProperty sends a checked request.

func DeletePropertyUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func DeletePropertyUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, Property Atom) error

DeletePropertyUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func DepthInfoListBytes

func DepthInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []DepthInfo) int

DepthInfoListBytes writes a list of DepthInfo values to a byte slice.

func DepthInfoListSize

func DepthInfoListSize(list []DepthInfo) int

DepthInfoListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of DepthInfo values.

func DepthInfoRead

func DepthInfoRead(buf []byte, v *DepthInfo) int

DepthInfoRead reads a byte slice into a DepthInfo value.

func DepthInfoReadList

func DepthInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []DepthInfo) int

DepthInfoReadList reads a byte slice into a list of DepthInfo values.

func DestroySubwindows

func DestroySubwindows(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

DestroySubwindows sends a checked request.

func DestroySubwindowsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func DestroySubwindowsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

DestroySubwindowsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func DestroyWindow

func DestroyWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

DestroyWindow sends a checked request.

func DestroyWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func DestroyWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

DestroyWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FillPoly

func FillPoly(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Shape byte, CoordinateMode byte, Points []Point) error

FillPoly sends a checked request.

func FillPolyUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func FillPolyUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Shape byte, CoordinateMode byte, Points []Point) error

FillPolyUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FontpropListBytes

func FontpropListBytes(buf []byte, list []Fontprop) int

FontpropListBytes writes a list of Fontprop values to a byte slice.

func FontpropRead

func FontpropRead(buf []byte, v *Fontprop) int

FontpropRead reads a byte slice into a Fontprop value.

func FontpropReadList

func FontpropReadList(buf []byte, dest []Fontprop) int

FontpropReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Fontprop values.

func ForceScreenSaver

func ForceScreenSaver(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte) error

ForceScreenSaver sends a checked request.

func ForceScreenSaverUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ForceScreenSaverUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte) error

ForceScreenSaverUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FormatListBytes

func FormatListBytes(buf []byte, list []Format) int

FormatListBytes writes a list of Format values to a byte slice.

func FormatRead

func FormatRead(buf []byte, v *Format) int

FormatRead reads a byte slice into a Format value.

func FormatReadList

func FormatReadList(buf []byte, dest []Format) int

FormatReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Format values.

func FreeColormap

func FreeColormap(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap) error

FreeColormap sends a checked request.

func FreeColormapUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func FreeColormapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap) error

FreeColormapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FreeColors

func FreeColors(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, PlaneMask uint32, Pixels []uint32) error

FreeColors sends a checked request.

func FreeColorsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func FreeColorsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, PlaneMask uint32, Pixels []uint32) error

FreeColorsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FreeCursor

func FreeCursor(c *xgb.XConn, Cursor Cursor) error

FreeCursor sends a checked request.

func FreeCursorUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func FreeCursorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cursor Cursor) error

FreeCursorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FreeGC

func FreeGC(c *xgb.XConn, Gc Gcontext) error

FreeGC sends a checked request.

func FreeGCUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func FreeGCUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Gc Gcontext) error

FreeGCUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func FreePixmap

func FreePixmap(c *xgb.XConn, Pixmap Pixmap) error

FreePixmap sends a checked request.

func FreePixmapUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func FreePixmapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Pixmap Pixmap) error

FreePixmapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetAtomNameUnchecked

func GetAtomNameUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Atom Atom) error

GetAtomNameUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetFontPathUnchecked

func GetFontPathUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetFontPathUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetGeometryUnchecked

func GetGeometryUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable) error

GetGeometryUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetImageUnchecked

func GetImageUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Format byte, Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32) error

GetImageUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetInputFocusUnchecked

func GetInputFocusUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetInputFocusUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetKeyboardControlUnchecked

func GetKeyboardControlUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetKeyboardControlUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetKeyboardMappingUnchecked

func GetKeyboardMappingUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, FirstKeycode Keycode, Count byte) error

GetKeyboardMappingUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetModifierMappingUnchecked

func GetModifierMappingUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetModifierMappingUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetMotionEventsUnchecked

func GetMotionEventsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, Start Timestamp, Stop Timestamp) error

GetMotionEventsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetPointerControlUnchecked

func GetPointerControlUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetPointerControlUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetPointerMappingUnchecked

func GetPointerMappingUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetPointerMappingUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetPropertyUnchecked

func GetPropertyUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Delete bool, Window Window, Property Atom, Type Atom, LongOffset uint32, LongLength uint32) error

GetPropertyUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetScreenSaverUnchecked

func GetScreenSaverUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GetScreenSaverUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetSelectionOwnerUnchecked

func GetSelectionOwnerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Selection Atom) error

GetSelectionOwnerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GetWindowAttributesUnchecked

func GetWindowAttributesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

GetWindowAttributesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GrabButton

func GrabButton(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Window, Cursor Cursor, Button byte, Modifiers uint16) error

GrabButton sends a checked request.

func GrabButtonUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func GrabButtonUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Window, Cursor Cursor, Button byte, Modifiers uint16) error

GrabButtonUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GrabKey

func GrabKey(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, Modifiers uint16, Key Keycode, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) error

GrabKey sends a checked request.

func GrabKeyUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func GrabKeyUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, Modifiers uint16, Key Keycode, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) error

GrabKeyUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GrabKeyboardUnchecked

func GrabKeyboardUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, Time Timestamp, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) error

GrabKeyboardUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GrabPointerUnchecked

func GrabPointerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Window, Cursor Cursor, Time Timestamp) error

GrabPointerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func GrabServer

func GrabServer(c *xgb.XConn) error

GrabServer sends a checked request.

func GrabServerUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func GrabServerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

GrabServerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func HostListBytes

func HostListBytes(buf []byte, list []Host) int

HostListBytes writes a list of Host values to a byte slice.

func HostListSize

func HostListSize(list []Host) int

HostListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of Host values.

func HostRead

func HostRead(buf []byte, v *Host) int

HostRead reads a byte slice into a Host value.

func HostReadList

func HostReadList(buf []byte, dest []Host) int

HostReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Host values.

func ImageText16

func ImageText16(c *xgb.XConn, StringLen byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, String []Char2b) error

ImageText16 sends a checked request.

func ImageText16Unchecked added in v1.1.0

func ImageText16Unchecked(c *xgb.XConn, StringLen byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, String []Char2b) error

ImageText16Unchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ImageText8

func ImageText8(c *xgb.XConn, StringLen byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, String string) error

ImageText8 sends a checked request.

func ImageText8Unchecked added in v1.1.0

func ImageText8Unchecked(c *xgb.XConn, StringLen byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, String string) error

ImageText8Unchecked sends an unchecked request.

func InstallColormap

func InstallColormap(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap) error

InstallColormap sends a checked request.

func InstallColormapUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func InstallColormapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap) error

InstallColormapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func InternAtomUnchecked

func InternAtomUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, OnlyIfExists bool, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

InternAtomUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func KillClient

func KillClient(c *xgb.XConn, Resource uint32) error

KillClient sends a checked request.

func KillClientUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func KillClientUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Resource uint32) error

KillClientUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ListExtensionsUnchecked

func ListExtensionsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

ListExtensionsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ListFontsUnchecked

func ListFontsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, MaxNames uint16, PatternLen uint16, Pattern string) error

ListFontsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ListFontsWithInfoUnchecked

func ListFontsWithInfoUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, MaxNames uint16, PatternLen uint16, Pattern string) error

ListFontsWithInfoUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ListHostsUnchecked

func ListHostsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

ListHostsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ListInstalledColormapsUnchecked

func ListInstalledColormapsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

ListInstalledColormapsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ListPropertiesUnchecked

func ListPropertiesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

ListPropertiesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func LookupColorUnchecked

func LookupColorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

LookupColorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func MapSubwindows

func MapSubwindows(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

MapSubwindows sends a checked request.

func MapSubwindowsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func MapSubwindowsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

MapSubwindowsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func MapWindow

func MapWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

MapWindow sends a checked request.

func MapWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func MapWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

MapWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func NoOperation

func NoOperation(c *xgb.XConn) error

NoOperation sends a checked request.

func NoOperationUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func NoOperationUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

NoOperationUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func OpenFont

func OpenFont(c *xgb.XConn, Fid Font, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

OpenFont sends a checked request.

func OpenFontUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func OpenFontUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Fid Font, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

OpenFontUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PointListBytes

func PointListBytes(buf []byte, list []Point) int

PointListBytes writes a list of Point values to a byte slice.

func PointRead

func PointRead(buf []byte, v *Point) int

PointRead reads a byte slice into a Point value.

func PointReadList

func PointReadList(buf []byte, dest []Point) int

PointReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Point values.

func PolyArc

func PolyArc(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Arcs []Arc) error

PolyArc sends a checked request.

func PolyArcUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyArcUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Arcs []Arc) error

PolyArcUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyFillArc

func PolyFillArc(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Arcs []Arc) error

PolyFillArc sends a checked request.

func PolyFillArcUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyFillArcUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Arcs []Arc) error

PolyFillArcUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyFillRectangle

func PolyFillRectangle(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Rectangles []Rectangle) error

PolyFillRectangle sends a checked request.

func PolyFillRectangleUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyFillRectangleUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Rectangles []Rectangle) error

PolyFillRectangleUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyLine

func PolyLine(c *xgb.XConn, CoordinateMode byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Points []Point) error

PolyLine sends a checked request.

func PolyLineUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyLineUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, CoordinateMode byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Points []Point) error

PolyLineUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyPoint

func PolyPoint(c *xgb.XConn, CoordinateMode byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Points []Point) error

PolyPoint sends a checked request.

func PolyPointUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyPointUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, CoordinateMode byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Points []Point) error

PolyPointUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyRectangle

func PolyRectangle(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Rectangles []Rectangle) error

PolyRectangle sends a checked request.

func PolyRectangleUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyRectangleUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Rectangles []Rectangle) error

PolyRectangleUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolySegment

func PolySegment(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Segments []Segment) error

PolySegment sends a checked request.

func PolySegmentUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolySegmentUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Segments []Segment) error

PolySegmentUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyText16

func PolyText16(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, Items []byte) error

PolyText16 sends a checked request.

func PolyText16Unchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyText16Unchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, Items []byte) error

PolyText16Unchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PolyText8

func PolyText8(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, Items []byte) error

PolyText8 sends a checked request.

func PolyText8Unchecked added in v1.1.0

func PolyText8Unchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, X int16, Y int16, Items []byte) error

PolyText8Unchecked sends an unchecked request.

func PutImage

func PutImage(c *xgb.XConn, Format byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Width uint16, Height uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, LeftPad byte, Depth byte, Data []byte) error

PutImage sends a checked request.

func PutImageUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func PutImageUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Format byte, Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, Width uint16, Height uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, LeftPad byte, Depth byte, Data []byte) error

PutImageUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryBestSizeUnchecked

func QueryBestSizeUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Class byte, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16) error

QueryBestSizeUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryColorsUnchecked

func QueryColorsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, Pixels []uint32) error

QueryColorsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryExtensionUnchecked

func QueryExtensionUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

QueryExtensionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryFontUnchecked

func QueryFontUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Font Fontable) error

QueryFontUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryKeymapUnchecked

func QueryKeymapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

QueryKeymapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryPointerUnchecked

func QueryPointerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

QueryPointerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryTextExtentsUnchecked

func QueryTextExtentsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Font Fontable, String []Char2b, StringLen uint16) error

QueryTextExtentsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func QueryTreeUnchecked

func QueryTreeUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

QueryTreeUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func RecolorCursor

func RecolorCursor(c *xgb.XConn, Cursor Cursor, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16) error

RecolorCursor sends a checked request.

func RecolorCursorUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func RecolorCursorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cursor Cursor, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16) error

RecolorCursorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func RectangleListBytes

func RectangleListBytes(buf []byte, list []Rectangle) int

RectangleListBytes writes a list of Rectangle values to a byte slice.

func RectangleRead

func RectangleRead(buf []byte, v *Rectangle) int

RectangleRead reads a byte slice into a Rectangle value.

func RectangleReadList

func RectangleReadList(buf []byte, dest []Rectangle) int

RectangleReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Rectangle values.

func ReparentWindow

func ReparentWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, Parent Window, X int16, Y int16) error

ReparentWindow sends a checked request.

func ReparentWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func ReparentWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, Parent Window, X int16, Y int16) error

ReparentWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func RgbListBytes

func RgbListBytes(buf []byte, list []Rgb) int

RgbListBytes writes a list of Rgb values to a byte slice.

func RgbRead

func RgbRead(buf []byte, v *Rgb) int

RgbRead reads a byte slice into a Rgb value.

func RgbReadList

func RgbReadList(buf []byte, dest []Rgb) int

RgbReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Rgb values.

func RotateProperties

func RotateProperties(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, AtomsLen uint16, Delta int16, Atoms []Atom) error

RotateProperties sends a checked request.

func RotatePropertiesUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func RotatePropertiesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, AtomsLen uint16, Delta int16, Atoms []Atom) error

RotatePropertiesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func ScreenInfoListBytes

func ScreenInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoListBytes writes a list of ScreenInfo values to a byte slice.

func ScreenInfoListSize

func ScreenInfoListSize(list []ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of ScreenInfo values.

func ScreenInfoRead

func ScreenInfoRead(buf []byte, v *ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoRead reads a byte slice into a ScreenInfo value.

func ScreenInfoReadList

func ScreenInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoReadList reads a byte slice into a list of ScreenInfo values.

func SegmentListBytes

func SegmentListBytes(buf []byte, list []Segment) int

SegmentListBytes writes a list of Segment values to a byte slice.

func SegmentRead

func SegmentRead(buf []byte, v *Segment) int

SegmentRead reads a byte slice into a Segment value.

func SegmentReadList

func SegmentReadList(buf []byte, dest []Segment) int

SegmentReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Segment values.

func SendEvent

func SendEvent(c *xgb.XConn, Propagate bool, Destination Window, EventMask uint32, Event string) error

SendEvent sends a checked request.

func SendEventUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SendEventUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Propagate bool, Destination Window, EventMask uint32, Event string) error

SendEventUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetAccessControl

func SetAccessControl(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte) error

SetAccessControl sends a checked request.

func SetAccessControlUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetAccessControlUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte) error

SetAccessControlUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetClipRectangles

func SetClipRectangles(c *xgb.XConn, Ordering byte, Gc Gcontext, ClipXOrigin int16, ClipYOrigin int16, Rectangles []Rectangle) error

SetClipRectangles sends a checked request.

func SetClipRectanglesUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetClipRectanglesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Ordering byte, Gc Gcontext, ClipXOrigin int16, ClipYOrigin int16, Rectangles []Rectangle) error

SetClipRectanglesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetCloseDownMode

func SetCloseDownMode(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte) error

SetCloseDownMode sends a checked request.

func SetCloseDownModeUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetCloseDownModeUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Mode byte) error

SetCloseDownModeUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetDashes

func SetDashes(c *xgb.XConn, Gc Gcontext, DashOffset uint16, DashesLen uint16, Dashes []byte) error

SetDashes sends a checked request.

func SetDashesUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetDashesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Gc Gcontext, DashOffset uint16, DashesLen uint16, Dashes []byte) error

SetDashesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetFontPath

func SetFontPath(c *xgb.XConn, FontQty uint16, Font []Str) error

SetFontPath sends a checked request.

func SetFontPathUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetFontPathUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, FontQty uint16, Font []Str) error

SetFontPathUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetInputFocus

func SetInputFocus(c *xgb.XConn, RevertTo byte, Focus Window, Time Timestamp) error

SetInputFocus sends a checked request.

func SetInputFocusUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetInputFocusUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, RevertTo byte, Focus Window, Time Timestamp) error

SetInputFocusUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetModifierMappingUnchecked

func SetModifierMappingUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, KeycodesPerModifier byte, Keycodes []Keycode) error

SetModifierMappingUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetPointerMappingUnchecked

func SetPointerMappingUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, MapLen byte, Map []byte) error

SetPointerMappingUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetScreenSaver

func SetScreenSaver(c *xgb.XConn, Timeout int16, Interval int16, PreferBlanking byte, AllowExposures byte) error

SetScreenSaver sends a checked request.

func SetScreenSaverUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetScreenSaverUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Timeout int16, Interval int16, PreferBlanking byte, AllowExposures byte) error

SetScreenSaverUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetSelectionOwner

func SetSelectionOwner(c *xgb.XConn, Owner Window, Selection Atom, Time Timestamp) error

SetSelectionOwner sends a checked request.

func SetSelectionOwnerUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func SetSelectionOwnerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Owner Window, Selection Atom, Time Timestamp) error

SetSelectionOwnerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func SetupAuthenticateListBytes

func SetupAuthenticateListBytes(buf []byte, list []SetupAuthenticate) int

SetupAuthenticateListBytes writes a list of SetupAuthenticate values to a byte slice.

func SetupAuthenticateListSize

func SetupAuthenticateListSize(list []SetupAuthenticate) int

SetupAuthenticateListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of SetupAuthenticate values.

func SetupAuthenticateRead

func SetupAuthenticateRead(buf []byte, v *SetupAuthenticate) int

SetupAuthenticateRead reads a byte slice into a SetupAuthenticate value.

func SetupAuthenticateReadList

func SetupAuthenticateReadList(buf []byte, dest []SetupAuthenticate) int

SetupAuthenticateReadList reads a byte slice into a list of SetupAuthenticate values.

func SetupFailedListBytes

func SetupFailedListBytes(buf []byte, list []SetupFailed) int

SetupFailedListBytes writes a list of SetupFailed values to a byte slice.

func SetupFailedListSize

func SetupFailedListSize(list []SetupFailed) int

SetupFailedListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of SetupFailed values.

func SetupFailedRead

func SetupFailedRead(buf []byte, v *SetupFailed) int

SetupFailedRead reads a byte slice into a SetupFailed value.

func SetupFailedReadList

func SetupFailedReadList(buf []byte, dest []SetupFailed) int

SetupFailedReadList reads a byte slice into a list of SetupFailed values.

func SetupInfoListBytes

func SetupInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []SetupInfo) int

SetupInfoListBytes writes a list of SetupInfo values to a byte slice.

func SetupInfoListSize

func SetupInfoListSize(list []SetupInfo) int

SetupInfoListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of SetupInfo values.

func SetupInfoRead

func SetupInfoRead(buf []byte, v *SetupInfo) int

SetupInfoRead reads a byte slice into a SetupInfo value.

func SetupInfoReadList

func SetupInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []SetupInfo) int

SetupInfoReadList reads a byte slice into a list of SetupInfo values.

func SetupRequestListBytes

func SetupRequestListBytes(buf []byte, list []SetupRequest) int

SetupRequestListBytes writes a list of SetupRequest values to a byte slice.

func SetupRequestListSize

func SetupRequestListSize(list []SetupRequest) int

SetupRequestListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of SetupRequest values.

func SetupRequestRead

func SetupRequestRead(buf []byte, v *SetupRequest) int

SetupRequestRead reads a byte slice into a SetupRequest value.

func SetupRequestReadList

func SetupRequestReadList(buf []byte, dest []SetupRequest) int

SetupRequestReadList reads a byte slice into a list of SetupRequest values.

func StoreColors

func StoreColors(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, Items []Coloritem) error

StoreColors sends a checked request.

func StoreColorsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func StoreColorsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, Items []Coloritem) error

StoreColorsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func StoreNamedColor

func StoreNamedColor(c *xgb.XConn, Flags byte, Cmap Colormap, Pixel uint32, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

StoreNamedColor sends a checked request.

func StoreNamedColorUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func StoreNamedColorUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Flags byte, Cmap Colormap, Pixel uint32, NameLen uint16, Name string) error

StoreNamedColorUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func StrListBytes

func StrListBytes(buf []byte, list []Str) int

StrListBytes writes a list of Str values to a byte slice.

func StrListSize

func StrListSize(list []Str) int

StrListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of Str values.

func StrRead

func StrRead(buf []byte, v *Str) int

StrRead reads a byte slice into a Str value.

func StrReadList

func StrReadList(buf []byte, dest []Str) int

StrReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Str values.

func TimecoordListBytes

func TimecoordListBytes(buf []byte, list []Timecoord) int

TimecoordListBytes writes a list of Timecoord values to a byte slice.

func TimecoordRead

func TimecoordRead(buf []byte, v *Timecoord) int

TimecoordRead reads a byte slice into a Timecoord value.

func TimecoordReadList

func TimecoordReadList(buf []byte, dest []Timecoord) int

TimecoordReadList reads a byte slice into a list of Timecoord values.

func TranslateCoordinatesUnchecked

func TranslateCoordinatesUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, SrcWindow Window, DstWindow Window, SrcX int16, SrcY int16) error

TranslateCoordinatesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UngrabButton

func UngrabButton(c *xgb.XConn, Button byte, GrabWindow Window, Modifiers uint16) error

UngrabButton sends a checked request.

func UngrabButtonUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UngrabButtonUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Button byte, GrabWindow Window, Modifiers uint16) error

UngrabButtonUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UngrabKey

func UngrabKey(c *xgb.XConn, Key Keycode, GrabWindow Window, Modifiers uint16) error

UngrabKey sends a checked request.

func UngrabKeyUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UngrabKeyUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Key Keycode, GrabWindow Window, Modifiers uint16) error

UngrabKeyUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UngrabKeyboard

func UngrabKeyboard(c *xgb.XConn, Time Timestamp) error

UngrabKeyboard sends a checked request.

func UngrabKeyboardUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UngrabKeyboardUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Time Timestamp) error

UngrabKeyboardUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UngrabPointer

func UngrabPointer(c *xgb.XConn, Time Timestamp) error

UngrabPointer sends a checked request.

func UngrabPointerUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UngrabPointerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Time Timestamp) error

UngrabPointerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UngrabServer

func UngrabServer(c *xgb.XConn) error

UngrabServer sends a checked request.

func UngrabServerUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UngrabServerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn) error

UngrabServerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UninstallColormap

func UninstallColormap(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap) error

UninstallColormap sends a checked request.

func UninstallColormapUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UninstallColormapUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap) error

UninstallColormapUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UnmapSubwindows

func UnmapSubwindows(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

UnmapSubwindows sends a checked request.

func UnmapSubwindowsUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UnmapSubwindowsUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

UnmapSubwindowsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UnmapWindow

func UnmapWindow(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

UnmapWindow sends a checked request.

func UnmapWindowUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func UnmapWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) error

UnmapWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.

func UnmarshalAccessError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalAccessError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

AccessErrorNew constructs a AccessError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalAllocError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalAllocError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

AllocErrorNew constructs a AllocError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalAtomError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalAtomError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

AtomErrorNew constructs a AtomError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalButtonPressEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalButtonPressEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalButtonPressEvent constructs a ButtonPressEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalButtonReleaseEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalButtonReleaseEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

ButtonReleaseEventNew constructs a ButtonReleaseEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalCirculateNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalCirculateNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalCirculateNotifyEvent constructs a CirculateNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalCirculateRequestEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalCirculateRequestEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

CirculateRequestEventNew constructs a CirculateRequestEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalClientMessageEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalClientMessageEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalClientMessageEvent constructs a ClientMessageEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalColormapError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalColormapError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

ColormapErrorNew constructs a ColormapError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalColormapNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalColormapNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalColormapNotifyEvent constructs a ColormapNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalConfigureNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalConfigureNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalConfigureNotifyEvent constructs a ConfigureNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalConfigureRequestEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalConfigureRequestEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalConfigureRequestEvent constructs a ConfigureRequestEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalCreateNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalCreateNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalCreateNotifyEvent constructs a CreateNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalCursorError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalCursorError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

CursorErrorNew constructs a CursorError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalDestroyNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalDestroyNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalDestroyNotifyEvent constructs a DestroyNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalDrawableError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalDrawableError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

DrawableErrorNew constructs a DrawableError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalEnterNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalEnterNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalEnterNotifyEvent constructs a EnterNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalExposeEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalExposeEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalExposeEvent constructs a ExposeEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalFocusInEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalFocusInEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalFocusInEvent constructs a FocusInEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalFocusOutEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalFocusOutEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

FocusOutEventNew constructs a FocusOutEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalFontError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalFontError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

FontErrorNew constructs a FontError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalGContextError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalGContextError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

GContextErrorNew constructs a GContextError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalGeGenericEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalGeGenericEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalGeGenericEvent constructs a GeGenericEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalGraphicsExposureEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalGraphicsExposureEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalGraphicsExposureEvent constructs a GraphicsExposureEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalGravityNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalGravityNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalGravityNotifyEvent constructs a GravityNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalIDChoiceError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalIDChoiceError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

IDChoiceErrorNew constructs a IDChoiceError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalImplementationError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalImplementationError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

ImplementationErrorNew constructs a ImplementationError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalKeyPressEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalKeyPressEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalKeyPressEvent constructs a KeyPressEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalKeyReleaseEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalKeyReleaseEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

KeyReleaseEventNew constructs a KeyReleaseEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalKeymapNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalKeymapNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalKeymapNotifyEvent constructs a KeymapNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalLeaveNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalLeaveNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

LeaveNotifyEventNew constructs a LeaveNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalLengthError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalLengthError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

LengthErrorNew constructs a LengthError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalMapNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalMapNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalMapNotifyEvent constructs a MapNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalMapRequestEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalMapRequestEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalMapRequestEvent constructs a MapRequestEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalMappingNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalMappingNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalMappingNotifyEvent constructs a MappingNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalMatchError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalMatchError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

MatchErrorNew constructs a MatchError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalMotionNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalMotionNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalMotionNotifyEvent constructs a MotionNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalNameError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalNameError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

NameErrorNew constructs a NameError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalNoExposureEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalNoExposureEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalNoExposureEvent constructs a NoExposureEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalPixmapError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalPixmapError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

PixmapErrorNew constructs a PixmapError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalPropertyNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalPropertyNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalPropertyNotifyEvent constructs a PropertyNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalReparentNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalReparentNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalReparentNotifyEvent constructs a ReparentNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalRequestError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalRequestError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

UnmarshalRequestError constructs a RequestError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalResizeRequestEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalResizeRequestEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalResizeRequestEvent constructs a ResizeRequestEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalSelectionClearEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalSelectionClearEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalSelectionClearEvent constructs a SelectionClearEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalSelectionNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalSelectionNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalSelectionNotifyEvent constructs a SelectionNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalSelectionRequestEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalSelectionRequestEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalSelectionRequestEvent constructs a SelectionRequestEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalUnmapNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalUnmapNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalUnmapNotifyEvent constructs a UnmapNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalValueError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalValueError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

UnmarshalValueError constructs a ValueError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalVisibilityNotifyEvent added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalVisibilityNotifyEvent(buf []byte) (xgb.XEvent, error)

UnmarshalVisibilityNotifyEvent constructs a VisibilityNotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.

func UnmarshalWindowError added in v1.1.0

func UnmarshalWindowError(buf []byte) (xgb.XError, error)

WindowErrorNew constructs a WindowError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.

func VisualInfoListBytes

func VisualInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []VisualInfo) int

VisualInfoListBytes writes a list of VisualInfo values to a byte slice.

func VisualInfoRead

func VisualInfoRead(buf []byte, v *VisualInfo) int

VisualInfoRead reads a byte slice into a VisualInfo value.

func VisualInfoReadList

func VisualInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []VisualInfo) int

VisualInfoReadList reads a byte slice into a list of VisualInfo values.

func WarpPointer

func WarpPointer(c *xgb.XConn, SrcWindow Window, DstWindow Window, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16) error

WarpPointer sends a checked request.

func WarpPointerUnchecked added in v1.1.0

func WarpPointerUnchecked(c *xgb.XConn, SrcWindow Window, DstWindow Window, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16) error

WarpPointerUnchecked sends an unchecked request.


type AccessError

type AccessError RequestError

func (*AccessError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *AccessError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadAccess error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*AccessError) Error

func (err *AccessError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadAccess error.

func (*AccessError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *AccessError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadAccess error. This is mostly used internally.

type AllocColorCellsReply

type AllocColorCellsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	PixelsLen uint16
	MasksLen  uint16
	// padding: 20 bytes
	Pixels []uint32 // size: internal.Pad4((int(PixelsLen) * 4))
	// alignment gap to multiple of 4
	Masks []uint32 // size: internal.Pad4((int(MasksLen) * 4))

AllocColorCellsReply represents the data returned from a AllocColorCells request.

func AllocColorCells

func AllocColorCells(c *xgb.XConn, Contiguous bool, Cmap Colormap, Colors uint16, Planes uint16) (AllocColorCellsReply, error)

AllocColorCells sends a checked request.

func (*AllocColorCellsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *AllocColorCellsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a AllocColorCellsReply value.

type AllocColorPlanesReply

type AllocColorPlanesReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	PixelsLen uint16
	// padding: 2 bytes
	RedMask   uint32
	GreenMask uint32
	BlueMask  uint32
	// padding: 8 bytes
	Pixels []uint32 // size: internal.Pad4((int(PixelsLen) * 4))

AllocColorPlanesReply represents the data returned from a AllocColorPlanes request.

func AllocColorPlanes

func AllocColorPlanes(c *xgb.XConn, Contiguous bool, Cmap Colormap, Colors uint16, Reds uint16, Greens uint16, Blues uint16) (AllocColorPlanesReply, error)

AllocColorPlanes sends a checked request.

func (*AllocColorPlanesReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *AllocColorPlanesReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a AllocColorPlanesReply value.

type AllocColorReply

type AllocColorReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Red   uint16
	Green uint16
	Blue  uint16
	// padding: 2 bytes
	Pixel uint32

AllocColorReply represents the data returned from a AllocColor request.

func AllocColor

func AllocColor(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, Red uint16, Green uint16, Blue uint16) (AllocColorReply, error)

AllocColor sends a checked request.

func (*AllocColorReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *AllocColorReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a AllocColorReply value.

type AllocError

type AllocError RequestError

func (*AllocError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *AllocError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadAlloc error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*AllocError) Error

func (err *AllocError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadAlloc error.

func (*AllocError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *AllocError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadAlloc error. This is mostly used internally.

type AllocNamedColorReply

type AllocNamedColorReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Pixel       uint32
	ExactRed    uint16
	ExactGreen  uint16
	ExactBlue   uint16
	VisualRed   uint16
	VisualGreen uint16
	VisualBlue  uint16

AllocNamedColorReply represents the data returned from a AllocNamedColor request.

func AllocNamedColor

func AllocNamedColor(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, NameLen uint16, Name string) (AllocNamedColorReply, error)

AllocNamedColor sends a checked request.

func (*AllocNamedColorReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *AllocNamedColorReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a AllocNamedColorReply value.

type Arc

type Arc struct {
	X      int16
	Y      int16
	Width  uint16
	Height uint16
	Angle1 int16
	Angle2 int16

func (Arc) Bytes

func (v Arc) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Arc value to a byte slice.

type Atom

type Atom uint32

func NewAtomID added in v1.1.0

func NewAtomID(c *xgb.XConn) Atom

type AtomError

type AtomError ValueError

func (*AtomError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *AtomError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadAtom error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*AtomError) Error

func (err *AtomError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadAtom error.

func (*AtomError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *AtomError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadAtom error. This is mostly used internally.

type Bool32 added in v1.1.0

type Bool32 uint32

type Button

type Button byte

type ButtonPressEvent

type ButtonPressEvent struct {
	Sequence   uint16
	Detail     Button
	Time       Timestamp
	Root       Window
	Event      Window
	Child      Window
	RootX      int16
	RootY      int16
	EventX     int16
	EventY     int16
	State      uint16
	SameScreen bool

func (*ButtonPressEvent) Bytes

func (v *ButtonPressEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ButtonPressEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ButtonPressEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ButtonPressEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ButtonPress event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type ButtonReleaseEvent

type ButtonReleaseEvent ButtonPressEvent

func (*ButtonReleaseEvent) Bytes

func (v *ButtonReleaseEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ButtonReleaseEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ButtonReleaseEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ButtonReleaseEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ButtonRelease event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Char2b

type Char2b struct {
	Byte1 byte
	Byte2 byte

func (Char2b) Bytes

func (v Char2b) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Char2b value to a byte slice.

type Charinfo

type Charinfo struct {
	LeftSideBearing  int16
	RightSideBearing int16
	CharacterWidth   int16
	Ascent           int16
	Descent          int16
	Attributes       uint16

func (Charinfo) Bytes

func (v Charinfo) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Charinfo value to a byte slice.

type CirculateNotifyEvent

type CirculateNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event  Window
	Window Window
	// padding: 4 bytes
	Place byte

func (*CirculateNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *CirculateNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a CirculateNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*CirculateNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *CirculateNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the CirculateNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type CirculateRequestEvent

type CirculateRequestEvent CirculateNotifyEvent

func (*CirculateRequestEvent) Bytes

func (v *CirculateRequestEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a CirculateRequestEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*CirculateRequestEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *CirculateRequestEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the CirculateRequest event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type ClientMessageDataUnion

type ClientMessageDataUnion struct {
	Data8  []byte   // size: 20
	Data16 []uint16 // size: 20
	Data32 []uint32 // size: 20

ClientMessageDataUnion is a representation of the ClientMessageDataUnion union type. Note that to *create* a Union, you should *never* create this struct directly (unless you know what you're doing). Instead use one of the following constructors for 'ClientMessageDataUnion':

ClientMessageDataUnionData8New(Data8 []byte) ClientMessageDataUnion
ClientMessageDataUnionData16New(Data16 []uint16) ClientMessageDataUnion
ClientMessageDataUnionData32New(Data32 []uint32) ClientMessageDataUnion

func ClientMessageDataUnionData16New

func ClientMessageDataUnionData16New(Data16 []uint16) ClientMessageDataUnion

ClientMessageDataUnionData16New constructs a new ClientMessageDataUnion union type with the Data16 field.

func ClientMessageDataUnionData32New

func ClientMessageDataUnionData32New(Data32 []uint32) ClientMessageDataUnion

ClientMessageDataUnionData32New constructs a new ClientMessageDataUnion union type with the Data32 field.

func ClientMessageDataUnionData8New

func ClientMessageDataUnionData8New(Data8 []byte) ClientMessageDataUnion

ClientMessageDataUnionData8New constructs a new ClientMessageDataUnion union type with the Data8 field.

func (ClientMessageDataUnion) Bytes

func (v ClientMessageDataUnion) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ClientMessageDataUnion value to a byte slice. Each field in a union must contain the same data. So simply pick the first field and write that to the wire.

type ClientMessageEvent

type ClientMessageEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	Format   byte
	Window   Window
	Type     Atom
	Data     ClientMessageDataUnion

func (*ClientMessageEvent) Bytes

func (v *ClientMessageEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ClientMessageEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ClientMessageEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ClientMessageEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ClientMessage event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Coloritem

type Coloritem struct {
	Pixel uint32
	Red   uint16
	Green uint16
	Blue  uint16
	Flags byte

func (Coloritem) Bytes

func (v Coloritem) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Coloritem value to a byte slice.

type Colormap

type Colormap uint32

func NewColormapID added in v1.1.0

func NewColormapID(c *xgb.XConn) Colormap

type ColormapError

type ColormapError ValueError

func (*ColormapError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *ColormapError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadColormap error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*ColormapError) Error

func (err *ColormapError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadColormap error.

func (*ColormapError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *ColormapError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadColormap error. This is mostly used internally.

type ColormapNotifyEvent

type ColormapNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Window   Window
	Colormap Colormap
	New      bool
	State    byte

func (*ColormapNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *ColormapNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ColormapNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ColormapNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ColormapNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ColormapNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type ConfigureNotifyEvent

type ConfigureNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event            Window
	Window           Window
	AboveSibling     Window
	X                int16
	Y                int16
	Width            uint16
	Height           uint16
	BorderWidth      uint16
	OverrideRedirect bool

func (*ConfigureNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *ConfigureNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ConfigureNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ConfigureNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ConfigureNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ConfigureNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type ConfigureRequestEvent

type ConfigureRequestEvent struct {
	Sequence    uint16
	StackMode   byte
	Parent      Window
	Window      Window
	Sibling     Window
	X           int16
	Y           int16
	Width       uint16
	Height      uint16
	BorderWidth uint16
	ValueMask   uint16

func (*ConfigureRequestEvent) Bytes

func (v *ConfigureRequestEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ConfigureRequestEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ConfigureRequestEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ConfigureRequestEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ConfigureRequest event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type CreateNotifyEvent

type CreateNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Parent           Window
	Window           Window
	X                int16
	Y                int16
	Width            uint16
	Height           uint16
	BorderWidth      uint16
	OverrideRedirect bool

func (*CreateNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *CreateNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a CreateNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*CreateNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *CreateNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the CreateNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Cursor

type Cursor uint32

func NewCursorID added in v1.1.0

func NewCursorID(c *xgb.XConn) Cursor

type CursorError

type CursorError ValueError

func (*CursorError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *CursorError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadCursor error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*CursorError) Error

func (err *CursorError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadCursor error.

func (*CursorError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *CursorError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadCursor error. This is mostly used internally.

type DepthInfo

type DepthInfo struct {
	Depth byte
	// padding: 1 bytes
	VisualsLen uint16
	// padding: 4 bytes
	Visuals []VisualInfo // size: internal.Pad4((int(VisualsLen) * 24))

func (DepthInfo) Bytes

func (v DepthInfo) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a DepthInfo value to a byte slice.

type DestroyNotifyEvent

type DestroyNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event  Window
	Window Window

func (*DestroyNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *DestroyNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a DestroyNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*DestroyNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *DestroyNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the DestroyNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Drawable

type Drawable uint32

func NewDrawableID added in v1.1.0

func NewDrawableID(c *xgb.XConn) Drawable

type DrawableError

type DrawableError ValueError

func (*DrawableError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *DrawableError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadDrawable error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*DrawableError) Error

func (err *DrawableError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadDrawable error.

func (*DrawableError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *DrawableError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadDrawable error. This is mostly used internally.

type EnterNotifyEvent

type EnterNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence        uint16
	Detail          byte
	Time            Timestamp
	Root            Window
	Event           Window
	Child           Window
	RootX           int16
	RootY           int16
	EventX          int16
	EventY          int16
	State           uint16
	Mode            byte
	SameScreenFocus byte

func (*EnterNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *EnterNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a EnterNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*EnterNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *EnterNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the EnterNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type ExposeEvent

type ExposeEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Window Window
	X      uint16
	Y      uint16
	Width  uint16
	Height uint16
	Count  uint16

func (*ExposeEvent) Bytes

func (v *ExposeEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ExposeEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ExposeEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ExposeEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the Expose event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type FocusInEvent

type FocusInEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	Detail   byte
	Event    Window
	Mode     byte

func (*FocusInEvent) Bytes

func (v *FocusInEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a FocusInEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*FocusInEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *FocusInEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the FocusIn event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type FocusOutEvent

type FocusOutEvent FocusInEvent

func (*FocusOutEvent) Bytes

func (v *FocusOutEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a FocusOutEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*FocusOutEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *FocusOutEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the FocusOut event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Font

type Font uint32

func NewFontID added in v1.1.0

func NewFontID(c *xgb.XConn) Font

type FontError

type FontError ValueError

func (*FontError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *FontError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadFont error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*FontError) Error

func (err *FontError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadFont error.

func (*FontError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *FontError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadFont error. This is mostly used internally.

type Fontable

type Fontable uint32

func NewFontableID added in v1.1.0

func NewFontableID(c *xgb.XConn) Fontable

type Fontprop

type Fontprop struct {
	Name  Atom
	Value uint32

func (Fontprop) Bytes

func (v Fontprop) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Fontprop value to a byte slice.

type Format

type Format struct {
	Depth        byte
	BitsPerPixel byte
	ScanlinePad  byte

func (Format) Bytes

func (v Format) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Format value to a byte slice.

type GContextError

type GContextError ValueError

func (*GContextError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *GContextError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadGContext error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*GContextError) Error

func (err *GContextError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadGContext error.

func (*GContextError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *GContextError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadGContext error. This is mostly used internally.

type Gcontext

type Gcontext uint32

func NewGcontextID added in v1.1.0

func NewGcontextID(c *xgb.XConn) Gcontext

type GeGenericEvent

type GeGenericEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16

func (*GeGenericEvent) Bytes

func (v *GeGenericEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a GeGenericEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*GeGenericEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *GeGenericEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the GeGeneric event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type GetAtomNameReply

type GetAtomNameReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	NameLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Name string // size: internal.Pad4((int(NameLen) * 1))

GetAtomNameReply represents the data returned from a GetAtomName request.

func GetAtomName

func GetAtomName(c *xgb.XConn, Atom Atom) (GetAtomNameReply, error)

GetAtomName sends a checked request.

func (*GetAtomNameReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetAtomNameReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetAtomNameReply value.

type GetFontPathReply

type GetFontPathReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	PathLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Path []Str // size: StrListSize(Path)

GetFontPathReply represents the data returned from a GetFontPath request.

func GetFontPath

func GetFontPath(c *xgb.XConn) (GetFontPathReply, error)

GetFontPath sends a checked request.

func (*GetFontPathReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetFontPathReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetFontPathReply value.

type GetGeometryReply

type GetGeometryReply struct {
	Sequence    uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length      uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Depth       byte
	Root        Window
	X           int16
	Y           int16
	Width       uint16
	Height      uint16
	BorderWidth uint16

GetGeometryReply represents the data returned from a GetGeometry request.

func GetGeometry

func GetGeometry(c *xgb.XConn, Drawable Drawable) (GetGeometryReply, error)

GetGeometry sends a checked request.

func (*GetGeometryReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetGeometryReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetGeometryReply value.

type GetImageReply

type GetImageReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Depth    byte
	Visual   Visualid
	// padding: 20 bytes
	Data []byte // size: internal.Pad4(((int(Length) * 4) * 1))

GetImageReply represents the data returned from a GetImage request.

func GetImage

func GetImage(c *xgb.XConn, Format byte, Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32) (GetImageReply, error)

GetImage sends a checked request.

func (*GetImageReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetImageReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetImageReply value.

type GetInputFocusReply

type GetInputFocusReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	RevertTo byte
	Focus    Window

GetInputFocusReply represents the data returned from a GetInputFocus request.

func GetInputFocus

func GetInputFocus(c *xgb.XConn) (GetInputFocusReply, error)

GetInputFocus sends a checked request.

func (*GetInputFocusReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetInputFocusReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetInputFocusReply value.

type GetKeyboardControlReply

type GetKeyboardControlReply struct {
	Sequence         uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length           uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	GlobalAutoRepeat byte
	LedMask          uint32
	KeyClickPercent  byte
	BellPercent      byte
	BellPitch        uint16
	BellDuration     uint16
	// padding: 2 bytes
	AutoRepeats []byte // size: 32

GetKeyboardControlReply represents the data returned from a GetKeyboardControl request.

func GetKeyboardControl

func GetKeyboardControl(c *xgb.XConn) (GetKeyboardControlReply, error)

GetKeyboardControl sends a checked request.

func (*GetKeyboardControlReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetKeyboardControlReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetKeyboardControlReply value.

type GetKeyboardMappingReply

type GetKeyboardMappingReply struct {
	Sequence          uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length            uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	KeysymsPerKeycode byte
	// padding: 24 bytes
	Keysyms []Keysym // size: internal.Pad4((int(Length) * 4))

GetKeyboardMappingReply represents the data returned from a GetKeyboardMapping request.

func GetKeyboardMapping

func GetKeyboardMapping(c *xgb.XConn, FirstKeycode Keycode, Count byte) (GetKeyboardMappingReply, error)

GetKeyboardMapping sends a checked request.

func (*GetKeyboardMappingReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetKeyboardMappingReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetKeyboardMappingReply value.

type GetModifierMappingReply

type GetModifierMappingReply struct {
	Sequence            uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length              uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	KeycodesPerModifier byte
	// padding: 24 bytes
	Keycodes []Keycode // size: internal.Pad4(((int(KeycodesPerModifier) * 8) * 1))

GetModifierMappingReply represents the data returned from a GetModifierMapping request.

func GetModifierMapping

func GetModifierMapping(c *xgb.XConn) (GetModifierMappingReply, error)

GetModifierMapping sends a checked request.

func (*GetModifierMappingReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetModifierMappingReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetModifierMappingReply value.

type GetMotionEventsReply

type GetMotionEventsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	EventsLen uint32
	// padding: 20 bytes
	Events []Timecoord // size: internal.Pad4((int(EventsLen) * 8))

GetMotionEventsReply represents the data returned from a GetMotionEvents request.

func GetMotionEvents

func GetMotionEvents(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window, Start Timestamp, Stop Timestamp) (GetMotionEventsReply, error)

GetMotionEvents sends a checked request.

func (*GetMotionEventsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetMotionEventsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetMotionEventsReply value.

type GetPointerControlReply

type GetPointerControlReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	AccelerationNumerator   uint16
	AccelerationDenominator uint16
	Threshold               uint16

GetPointerControlReply represents the data returned from a GetPointerControl request.

func GetPointerControl

func GetPointerControl(c *xgb.XConn) (GetPointerControlReply, error)

GetPointerControl sends a checked request.

func (*GetPointerControlReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetPointerControlReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetPointerControlReply value.

type GetPointerMappingReply

type GetPointerMappingReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	MapLen   byte
	// padding: 24 bytes
	Map []byte // size: internal.Pad4((int(MapLen) * 1))

GetPointerMappingReply represents the data returned from a GetPointerMapping request.

func GetPointerMapping

func GetPointerMapping(c *xgb.XConn) (GetPointerMappingReply, error)

GetPointerMapping sends a checked request.

func (*GetPointerMappingReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetPointerMappingReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetPointerMappingReply value.

type GetPropertyReply

type GetPropertyReply struct {
	Sequence   uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length     uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Format     byte
	Type       Atom
	BytesAfter uint32
	ValueLen   uint32
	// padding: 12 bytes
	Value []byte // size: internal.Pad4(((int(ValueLen) * (int(Format) / 8)) * 1))

GetPropertyReply represents the data returned from a GetProperty request.

func GetProperty

func GetProperty(c *xgb.XConn, Delete bool, Window Window, Property Atom, Type Atom, LongOffset uint32, LongLength uint32) (GetPropertyReply, error)

GetProperty sends a checked request.

func (*GetPropertyReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetPropertyReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetPropertyReply value.

type GetScreenSaverReply

type GetScreenSaverReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Timeout        uint16
	Interval       uint16
	PreferBlanking byte
	AllowExposures byte

GetScreenSaverReply represents the data returned from a GetScreenSaver request.

func GetScreenSaver

func GetScreenSaver(c *xgb.XConn) (GetScreenSaverReply, error)

GetScreenSaver sends a checked request.

func (*GetScreenSaverReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetScreenSaverReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetScreenSaverReply value.

type GetSelectionOwnerReply

type GetSelectionOwnerReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Owner Window

GetSelectionOwnerReply represents the data returned from a GetSelectionOwner request.

func GetSelectionOwner

func GetSelectionOwner(c *xgb.XConn, Selection Atom) (GetSelectionOwnerReply, error)

GetSelectionOwner sends a checked request.

func (*GetSelectionOwnerReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetSelectionOwnerReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetSelectionOwnerReply value.

type GetWindowAttributesReply

type GetWindowAttributesReply struct {
	Sequence           uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length             uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	BackingStore       byte
	Visual             Visualid
	Class              uint16
	BitGravity         byte
	WinGravity         byte
	BackingPlanes      uint32
	BackingPixel       uint32
	SaveUnder          bool
	MapIsInstalled     bool
	MapState           byte
	OverrideRedirect   bool
	Colormap           Colormap
	AllEventMasks      uint32
	YourEventMask      uint32
	DoNotPropagateMask uint16

GetWindowAttributesReply represents the data returned from a GetWindowAttributes request.

func GetWindowAttributes

func GetWindowAttributes(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) (GetWindowAttributesReply, error)

GetWindowAttributes sends a checked request.

func (*GetWindowAttributesReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GetWindowAttributesReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GetWindowAttributesReply value.

type GrabKeyboardReply

type GrabKeyboardReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Status   byte

GrabKeyboardReply represents the data returned from a GrabKeyboard request.

func GrabKeyboard

func GrabKeyboard(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, Time Timestamp, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) (GrabKeyboardReply, error)

GrabKeyboard sends a checked request.

func (*GrabKeyboardReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GrabKeyboardReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GrabKeyboardReply value.

type GrabPointerReply

type GrabPointerReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Status   byte

GrabPointerReply represents the data returned from a GrabPointer request.

func GrabPointer

func GrabPointer(c *xgb.XConn, OwnerEvents bool, GrabWindow Window, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Window, Cursor Cursor, Time Timestamp) (GrabPointerReply, error)

GrabPointer sends a checked request.

func (*GrabPointerReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *GrabPointerReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a GrabPointerReply value.

type GraphicsExposureEvent

type GraphicsExposureEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Drawable    Drawable
	X           uint16
	Y           uint16
	Width       uint16
	Height      uint16
	MinorOpcode uint16
	Count       uint16
	MajorOpcode byte

func (*GraphicsExposureEvent) Bytes

func (v *GraphicsExposureEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a GraphicsExposureEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*GraphicsExposureEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *GraphicsExposureEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the GraphicsExposure event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type GravityNotifyEvent

type GravityNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event  Window
	Window Window
	X      int16
	Y      int16

func (*GravityNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *GravityNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a GravityNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*GravityNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *GravityNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the GravityNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Host

type Host struct {
	Family byte
	// padding: 1 bytes
	AddressLen uint16
	Address    []byte // size: internal.Pad4((int(AddressLen) * 1))


func (Host) Bytes

func (v Host) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Host value to a byte slice.

type IDChoiceError

type IDChoiceError ValueError

func (*IDChoiceError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *IDChoiceError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadIDChoice error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*IDChoiceError) Error

func (err *IDChoiceError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadIDChoice error.

func (*IDChoiceError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *IDChoiceError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadIDChoice error. This is mostly used internally.

type ImplementationError

type ImplementationError RequestError

func (*ImplementationError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *ImplementationError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadImplementation error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*ImplementationError) Error

func (err *ImplementationError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadImplementation error.

func (*ImplementationError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *ImplementationError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadImplementation error. This is mostly used internally.

type InternAtomReply

type InternAtomReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Atom Atom

InternAtomReply represents the data returned from a InternAtom request.

func InternAtom

func InternAtom(c *xgb.XConn, OnlyIfExists bool, NameLen uint16, Name string) (InternAtomReply, error)

InternAtom sends a checked request.

func (*InternAtomReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *InternAtomReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a InternAtomReply value.

type KeyPressEvent

type KeyPressEvent struct {
	Sequence   uint16
	Detail     Keycode
	Time       Timestamp
	Root       Window
	Event      Window
	Child      Window
	RootX      int16
	RootY      int16
	EventX     int16
	EventY     int16
	State      uint16
	SameScreen bool

func (*KeyPressEvent) Bytes

func (v *KeyPressEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a KeyPressEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*KeyPressEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *KeyPressEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the KeyPress event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type KeyReleaseEvent

type KeyReleaseEvent KeyPressEvent

func (*KeyReleaseEvent) Bytes

func (v *KeyReleaseEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a KeyReleaseEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*KeyReleaseEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *KeyReleaseEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the KeyRelease event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Keycode

type Keycode byte

type Keycode32 added in v1.1.0

type Keycode32 uint32

type KeymapNotifyEvent

type KeymapNotifyEvent struct {
	Keys []byte // size: 32

func (*KeymapNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *KeymapNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a KeymapNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*KeymapNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *KeymapNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the KeymapNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Keysym

type Keysym uint32

type LeaveNotifyEvent

type LeaveNotifyEvent EnterNotifyEvent

func (*LeaveNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *LeaveNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a LeaveNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*LeaveNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *LeaveNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the LeaveNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type LengthError

type LengthError RequestError

func (*LengthError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *LengthError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadLength error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*LengthError) Error

func (err *LengthError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadLength error.

func (*LengthError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *LengthError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadLength error. This is mostly used internally.

type ListExtensionsReply

type ListExtensionsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	NamesLen byte
	// padding: 24 bytes
	Names []Str // size: StrListSize(Names)

ListExtensionsReply represents the data returned from a ListExtensions request.

func ListExtensions

func ListExtensions(c *xgb.XConn) (ListExtensionsReply, error)

ListExtensions sends a checked request.

func (*ListExtensionsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *ListExtensionsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a ListExtensionsReply value.

type ListFontsReply

type ListFontsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	NamesLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Names []Str // size: StrListSize(Names)

ListFontsReply represents the data returned from a ListFonts request.

func ListFonts

func ListFonts(c *xgb.XConn, MaxNames uint16, PatternLen uint16, Pattern string) (ListFontsReply, error)

ListFonts sends a checked request.

func (*ListFontsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *ListFontsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a ListFontsReply value.

type ListFontsWithInfoReply

type ListFontsWithInfoReply struct {
	Sequence  uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length    uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	NameLen   byte
	MinBounds Charinfo
	// padding: 4 bytes
	MaxBounds Charinfo
	// padding: 4 bytes
	MinCharOrByte2 uint16
	MaxCharOrByte2 uint16
	DefaultChar    uint16
	PropertiesLen  uint16
	DrawDirection  byte
	MinByte1       byte
	MaxByte1       byte
	AllCharsExist  bool
	FontAscent     int16
	FontDescent    int16
	RepliesHint    uint32
	Properties     []Fontprop // size: internal.Pad4((int(PropertiesLen) * 8))
	Name           string     // size: internal.Pad4((int(NameLen) * 1))

ListFontsWithInfoReply represents the data returned from a ListFontsWithInfo request.

func ListFontsWithInfo

func ListFontsWithInfo(c *xgb.XConn, MaxNames uint16, PatternLen uint16, Pattern string) (ListFontsWithInfoReply, error)

ListFontsWithInfo sends a checked request.

func (*ListFontsWithInfoReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *ListFontsWithInfoReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a ListFontsWithInfoReply value.

type ListHostsReply

type ListHostsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Mode     byte
	HostsLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Hosts []Host // size: HostListSize(Hosts)

ListHostsReply represents the data returned from a ListHosts request.

func ListHosts

func ListHosts(c *xgb.XConn) (ListHostsReply, error)

ListHosts sends a checked request.

func (*ListHostsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *ListHostsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a ListHostsReply value.

type ListInstalledColormapsReply

type ListInstalledColormapsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	CmapsLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Cmaps []Colormap // size: internal.Pad4((int(CmapsLen) * 4))

ListInstalledColormapsReply represents the data returned from a ListInstalledColormaps request.

func ListInstalledColormaps

func ListInstalledColormaps(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) (ListInstalledColormapsReply, error)

ListInstalledColormaps sends a checked request.

func (*ListInstalledColormapsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *ListInstalledColormapsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a ListInstalledColormapsReply value.

type ListPropertiesReply

type ListPropertiesReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	AtomsLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Atoms []Atom // size: internal.Pad4((int(AtomsLen) * 4))

ListPropertiesReply represents the data returned from a ListProperties request.

func ListProperties

func ListProperties(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) (ListPropertiesReply, error)

ListProperties sends a checked request.

func (*ListPropertiesReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *ListPropertiesReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a ListPropertiesReply value.

type LookupColorReply

type LookupColorReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	ExactRed    uint16
	ExactGreen  uint16
	ExactBlue   uint16
	VisualRed   uint16
	VisualGreen uint16
	VisualBlue  uint16

LookupColorReply represents the data returned from a LookupColor request.

func LookupColor

func LookupColor(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, NameLen uint16, Name string) (LookupColorReply, error)

LookupColor sends a checked request.

func (*LookupColorReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *LookupColorReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a LookupColorReply value.

type MapNotifyEvent

type MapNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event            Window
	Window           Window
	OverrideRedirect bool

func (*MapNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *MapNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a MapNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*MapNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *MapNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the MapNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type MapRequestEvent

type MapRequestEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Parent Window
	Window Window

func (*MapRequestEvent) Bytes

func (v *MapRequestEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a MapRequestEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*MapRequestEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *MapRequestEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the MapRequest event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type MappingNotifyEvent

type MappingNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Request      byte
	FirstKeycode Keycode
	Count        byte

func (*MappingNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *MappingNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a MappingNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*MappingNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *MappingNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the MappingNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type MatchError

type MatchError RequestError

func (*MatchError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *MatchError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadMatch error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*MatchError) Error

func (err *MatchError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadMatch error.

func (*MatchError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *MatchError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadMatch error. This is mostly used internally.

type MotionNotifyEvent

type MotionNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence   uint16
	Detail     byte
	Time       Timestamp
	Root       Window
	Event      Window
	Child      Window
	RootX      int16
	RootY      int16
	EventX     int16
	EventY     int16
	State      uint16
	SameScreen bool

func (*MotionNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *MotionNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a MotionNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*MotionNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *MotionNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the MotionNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type NameError

type NameError RequestError

func (*NameError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *NameError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadName error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*NameError) Error

func (err *NameError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadName error.

func (*NameError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *NameError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadName error. This is mostly used internally.

type NoExposureEvent

type NoExposureEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Drawable    Drawable
	MinorOpcode uint16
	MajorOpcode byte

func (*NoExposureEvent) Bytes

func (v *NoExposureEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a NoExposureEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*NoExposureEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *NoExposureEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the NoExposure event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Pixmap

type Pixmap uint32

func NewPixmapID added in v1.1.0

func NewPixmapID(c *xgb.XConn) Pixmap

type PixmapError

type PixmapError ValueError

func (*PixmapError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *PixmapError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadPixmap error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*PixmapError) Error

func (err *PixmapError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadPixmap error.

func (*PixmapError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *PixmapError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadPixmap error. This is mostly used internally.

type Point

type Point struct {
	X int16
	Y int16

func (Point) Bytes

func (v Point) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Point value to a byte slice.

type PropertyNotifyEvent

type PropertyNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Window Window
	Atom   Atom
	Time   Timestamp
	State  byte

func (*PropertyNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *PropertyNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a PropertyNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*PropertyNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *PropertyNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the PropertyNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type QueryBestSizeReply

type QueryBestSizeReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Width  uint16
	Height uint16

QueryBestSizeReply represents the data returned from a QueryBestSize request.

func QueryBestSize

func QueryBestSize(c *xgb.XConn, Class byte, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16) (QueryBestSizeReply, error)

QueryBestSize sends a checked request.

func (*QueryBestSizeReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryBestSizeReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryBestSizeReply value.

type QueryColorsReply

type QueryColorsReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	ColorsLen uint16
	// padding: 22 bytes
	Colors []Rgb // size: internal.Pad4((int(ColorsLen) * 8))

QueryColorsReply represents the data returned from a QueryColors request.

func QueryColors

func QueryColors(c *xgb.XConn, Cmap Colormap, Pixels []uint32) (QueryColorsReply, error)

QueryColors sends a checked request.

func (*QueryColorsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryColorsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryColorsReply value.

type QueryExtensionReply

type QueryExtensionReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Present     bool
	MajorOpcode byte
	FirstEvent  byte
	FirstError  byte

QueryExtensionReply represents the data returned from a QueryExtension request.

func QueryExtension

func QueryExtension(c *xgb.XConn, NameLen uint16, Name string) (QueryExtensionReply, error)

QueryExtension sends a checked request.

func (*QueryExtensionReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryExtensionReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryExtensionReply value.

type QueryFontReply

type QueryFontReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	MinBounds Charinfo
	// padding: 4 bytes
	MaxBounds Charinfo
	// padding: 4 bytes
	MinCharOrByte2 uint16
	MaxCharOrByte2 uint16
	DefaultChar    uint16
	PropertiesLen  uint16
	DrawDirection  byte
	MinByte1       byte
	MaxByte1       byte
	AllCharsExist  bool
	FontAscent     int16
	FontDescent    int16
	CharInfosLen   uint32
	Properties     []Fontprop // size: internal.Pad4((int(PropertiesLen) * 8))
	// alignment gap to multiple of 4
	CharInfos []Charinfo // size: internal.Pad4((int(CharInfosLen) * 12))

QueryFontReply represents the data returned from a QueryFont request.

func QueryFont

func QueryFont(c *xgb.XConn, Font Fontable) (QueryFontReply, error)

QueryFont sends a checked request.

func (*QueryFontReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryFontReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryFontReply value.

type QueryKeymapReply

type QueryKeymapReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Keys []byte // size: 32

QueryKeymapReply represents the data returned from a QueryKeymap request.

func QueryKeymap

func QueryKeymap(c *xgb.XConn) (QueryKeymapReply, error)

QueryKeymap sends a checked request.

func (*QueryKeymapReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryKeymapReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryKeymapReply value.

type QueryPointerReply

type QueryPointerReply struct {
	Sequence   uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length     uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	SameScreen bool
	Root       Window
	Child      Window
	RootX      int16
	RootY      int16
	WinX       int16
	WinY       int16
	Mask       uint16

QueryPointerReply represents the data returned from a QueryPointer request.

func QueryPointer

func QueryPointer(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) (QueryPointerReply, error)

QueryPointer sends a checked request.

func (*QueryPointerReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryPointerReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryPointerReply value.

type QueryTextExtentsReply

type QueryTextExtentsReply struct {
	Sequence       uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length         uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	DrawDirection  byte
	FontAscent     int16
	FontDescent    int16
	OverallAscent  int16
	OverallDescent int16
	OverallWidth   int32
	OverallLeft    int32
	OverallRight   int32

QueryTextExtentsReply represents the data returned from a QueryTextExtents request.

func QueryTextExtents

func QueryTextExtents(c *xgb.XConn, Font Fontable, String []Char2b, StringLen uint16) (QueryTextExtentsReply, error)

QueryTextExtents sends a checked request.

func (*QueryTextExtentsReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryTextExtentsReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryTextExtentsReply value.

type QueryTreeReply

type QueryTreeReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Root        Window
	Parent      Window
	ChildrenLen uint16
	// padding: 14 bytes
	Children []Window // size: internal.Pad4((int(ChildrenLen) * 4))

QueryTreeReply represents the data returned from a QueryTree request.

func QueryTree

func QueryTree(c *xgb.XConn, Window Window) (QueryTreeReply, error)

QueryTree sends a checked request.

func (*QueryTreeReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *QueryTreeReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a QueryTreeReply value.

type Rectangle

type Rectangle struct {
	X      int16
	Y      int16
	Width  uint16
	Height uint16

func (Rectangle) Bytes

func (v Rectangle) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Rectangle value to a byte slice.

type ReparentNotifyEvent

type ReparentNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event            Window
	Window           Window
	Parent           Window
	X                int16
	Y                int16
	OverrideRedirect bool

func (*ReparentNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *ReparentNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ReparentNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ReparentNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ReparentNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ReparentNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type RequestError

type RequestError struct {
	Sequence    uint16
	NiceName    string
	BadValue    uint32
	MinorOpcode uint16
	MajorOpcode byte

func (*RequestError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *RequestError) BadID() uint32

BadID returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadRequest error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*RequestError) Error

func (err *RequestError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadRequest error.

func (*RequestError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *RequestError) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the BadRequest error. This is mostly used internally.

type ResizeRequestEvent

type ResizeRequestEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Window Window
	Width  uint16
	Height uint16

func (*ResizeRequestEvent) Bytes

func (v *ResizeRequestEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ResizeRequestEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*ResizeRequestEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *ResizeRequestEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the ResizeRequest event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type Rgb

type Rgb struct {
	Red   uint16
	Green uint16
	Blue  uint16

func (Rgb) Bytes

func (v Rgb) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Rgb value to a byte slice.

type ScreenInfo

type ScreenInfo struct {
	Root                Window
	DefaultColormap     Colormap
	WhitePixel          uint32
	BlackPixel          uint32
	CurrentInputMasks   uint32
	WidthInPixels       uint16
	HeightInPixels      uint16
	WidthInMillimeters  uint16
	HeightInMillimeters uint16
	MinInstalledMaps    uint16
	MaxInstalledMaps    uint16
	RootVisual          Visualid
	BackingStores       byte
	SaveUnders          bool
	RootDepth           byte
	AllowedDepthsLen    byte
	AllowedDepths       []DepthInfo // size: DepthInfoListSize(AllowedDepths)

func (ScreenInfo) Bytes

func (v ScreenInfo) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ScreenInfo value to a byte slice.

type Segment

type Segment struct {
	X1 int16
	Y1 int16
	X2 int16
	Y2 int16

func (Segment) Bytes

func (v Segment) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Segment value to a byte slice.

type SelectionClearEvent

type SelectionClearEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Time      Timestamp
	Owner     Window
	Selection Atom

func (*SelectionClearEvent) Bytes

func (v *SelectionClearEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SelectionClearEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*SelectionClearEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *SelectionClearEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the SelectionClear event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type SelectionNotifyEvent

type SelectionNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Time      Timestamp
	Requestor Window
	Selection Atom
	Target    Atom
	Property  Atom

func (*SelectionNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *SelectionNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SelectionNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*SelectionNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *SelectionNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the SelectionNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type SelectionRequestEvent

type SelectionRequestEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Time      Timestamp
	Owner     Window
	Requestor Window
	Selection Atom
	Target    Atom
	Property  Atom

func (*SelectionRequestEvent) Bytes

func (v *SelectionRequestEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SelectionRequestEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*SelectionRequestEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *SelectionRequestEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the SelectionRequest event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type SetModifierMappingReply

type SetModifierMappingReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Status   byte

SetModifierMappingReply represents the data returned from a SetModifierMapping request.

func SetModifierMapping

func SetModifierMapping(c *xgb.XConn, KeycodesPerModifier byte, Keycodes []Keycode) (SetModifierMappingReply, error)

SetModifierMapping sends a checked request.

func (*SetModifierMappingReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *SetModifierMappingReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a SetModifierMappingReply value.

type SetPointerMappingReply

type SetPointerMappingReply struct {
	Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	Status   byte

SetPointerMappingReply represents the data returned from a SetPointerMapping request.

func SetPointerMapping

func SetPointerMapping(c *xgb.XConn, MapLen byte, Map []byte) (SetPointerMappingReply, error)

SetPointerMapping sends a checked request.

func (*SetPointerMappingReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *SetPointerMappingReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a SetPointerMappingReply value.

type SetupAuthenticate

type SetupAuthenticate struct {
	Status byte
	// padding: 5 bytes
	Length uint16
	Reason string // size: internal.Pad4(((int(Length) * 4) * 1))

func (SetupAuthenticate) Bytes

func (v SetupAuthenticate) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SetupAuthenticate value to a byte slice.

type SetupFailed

type SetupFailed struct {
	Status               byte
	ReasonLen            byte
	ProtocolMajorVersion uint16
	ProtocolMinorVersion uint16
	Length               uint16
	Reason               string // size: internal.Pad4((int(ReasonLen) * 1))

func (SetupFailed) Bytes

func (v SetupFailed) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SetupFailed value to a byte slice.

type SetupInfo

type SetupInfo struct {
	Status byte
	// padding: 1 bytes
	ProtocolMajorVersion     uint16
	ProtocolMinorVersion     uint16
	Length                   uint16
	ReleaseNumber            uint32
	ResourceIdBase           uint32
	ResourceIdMask           uint32
	MotionBufferSize         uint32
	VendorLen                uint16
	MaximumRequestLength     uint16
	RootsLen                 byte
	PixmapFormatsLen         byte
	ImageByteOrder           byte
	BitmapFormatBitOrder     byte
	BitmapFormatScanlineUnit byte
	BitmapFormatScanlinePad  byte
	MinKeycode               Keycode
	MaxKeycode               Keycode
	// padding: 4 bytes
	Vendor string // size: internal.Pad4((int(VendorLen) * 1))
	// padding: 0 bytes
	PixmapFormats []Format     // size: internal.Pad4((int(PixmapFormatsLen) * 8))
	Roots         []ScreenInfo // size: ScreenInfoListSize(Roots)

func Setup

func Setup(xconn *xgb.XConn, buf []byte) (*SetupInfo, error)

Setup ...

func (SetupInfo) Bytes

func (v SetupInfo) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SetupInfo value to a byte slice.

type SetupRequest

type SetupRequest struct {
	ByteOrder byte
	// padding: 1 bytes
	ProtocolMajorVersion         uint16
	ProtocolMinorVersion         uint16
	AuthorizationProtocolNameLen uint16
	AuthorizationProtocolDataLen uint16
	// padding: 2 bytes
	AuthorizationProtocolName string // size: internal.Pad4((int(AuthorizationProtocolNameLen) * 1))
	// padding: 0 bytes
	AuthorizationProtocolData string // size: internal.Pad4((int(AuthorizationProtocolDataLen) * 1))


func (SetupRequest) Bytes

func (v SetupRequest) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a SetupRequest value to a byte slice.

type Str

type Str struct {
	NameLen byte
	Name    string // size: internal.Pad4((int(NameLen) * 1))

func (Str) Bytes

func (v Str) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Str value to a byte slice.

type Timecoord

type Timecoord struct {
	Time Timestamp
	X    int16
	Y    int16

func (Timecoord) Bytes

func (v Timecoord) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a Timecoord value to a byte slice.

type Timestamp

type Timestamp uint32

type TranslateCoordinatesReply

type TranslateCoordinatesReply struct {
	Sequence   uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
	Length     uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
	SameScreen bool
	Child      Window
	DstX       int16
	DstY       int16

TranslateCoordinatesReply represents the data returned from a TranslateCoordinates request.

func TranslateCoordinates

func TranslateCoordinates(c *xgb.XConn, SrcWindow Window, DstWindow Window, SrcX int16, SrcY int16) (TranslateCoordinatesReply, error)

TranslateCoordinates sends a checked request.

func (*TranslateCoordinatesReply) Unmarshal added in v1.1.0

func (v *TranslateCoordinatesReply) Unmarshal(buf []byte) error

Unmarshal reads a byte slice into a TranslateCoordinatesReply value.

type UnmapNotifyEvent

type UnmapNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Event         Window
	Window        Window
	FromConfigure bool

func (*UnmapNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *UnmapNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a UnmapNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*UnmapNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *UnmapNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the UnmapNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type ValueError

type ValueError struct {
	Sequence    uint16
	NiceName    string
	BadValue    uint32
	MinorOpcode uint16
	MajorOpcode byte

func (*ValueError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *ValueError) BadID() uint32

BadID returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadValue error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*ValueError) Error

func (err *ValueError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadValue error.

func (*ValueError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *ValueError) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the BadValue error. This is mostly used internally.

type VisibilityNotifyEvent

type VisibilityNotifyEvent struct {
	Sequence uint16
	// padding: 1 bytes
	Window Window
	State  byte

func (*VisibilityNotifyEvent) Bytes

func (v *VisibilityNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a VisibilityNotifyEvent value to a byte slice.

func (*VisibilityNotifyEvent) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (v *VisibilityNotifyEvent) SeqID() uint16

SeqID returns the sequence id attached to the VisibilityNotify event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.

type VisualInfo

type VisualInfo struct {
	VisualId        Visualid
	Class           byte
	BitsPerRgbValue byte
	ColormapEntries uint16
	RedMask         uint32
	GreenMask       uint32
	BlueMask        uint32

func (VisualInfo) Bytes

func (v VisualInfo) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a VisualInfo value to a byte slice.

type Visualid

type Visualid uint32

type Window

type Window uint32

func NewWindowID added in v1.1.0

func NewWindowID(c *xgb.XConn) Window

type WindowError

type WindowError ValueError

func (*WindowError) BadID added in v1.1.0

func (err *WindowError) BadID() uint32

BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadWindow error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.

func (*WindowError) Error

func (err *WindowError) Error() string

Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadWindow error.

func (*WindowError) SeqID added in v1.1.0

func (err *WindowError) SeqID() uint16

SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadWindow error. This is mostly used internally.

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