Index ¶
- type AssignStat
- type BinopExp
- type Block
- type BreakStat
- type ConcatExp
- type DoStat
- type EmptyStat
- type Exp
- type FalseExp
- type FloatExp
- type ForInStat
- type ForNumStat
- type FuncCallExp
- type FuncCallStat
- type FuncDefExp
- type GotoStat
- type IfStat
- type IntegerExp
- type LabelStat
- type LocalFuncDefStat
- type LocalVarDeclStat
- type NameExp
- type NilExp
- type ParensExp
- type RepeatStat
- type Stat
- type StringExp
- type TableAccessExp
- type TableConstructorExp
- type TrueExp
- type UnopExp
- type VarargExp
- type WhileStat
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AssignStat ¶
varlist ‘=’ explist varlist ::= var {‘,’ var} var ::= Name | prefixexp ‘[’ exp ‘]’ | prefixexp ‘.’ Name
type Block ¶
block ::= {stat} [retstat] retstat ::= return [explist] [‘;’] explist ::= exp {‘,’ exp}
type ForInStat ¶
for namelist in explist do block end namelist ::= Name {‘,’ Name} explist ::= exp {‘,’ exp}
type ForNumStat ¶
type ForNumStat struct { LineOfFor int LineOfDo int VarName string InitExp Exp LimitExp Exp StepExp Exp Block *Block }
for Name ‘=’ exp ‘,’ exp [‘,’ exp] do block end
type FuncCallExp ¶
type FuncCallStat ¶
type FuncCallStat = FuncCallExp // functioncall
type FuncDefExp ¶
type FuncDefExp struct { Line int LastLine int // line of `end` ParList []string IsVararg bool Block *Block }
functiondef ::= function funcbody funcbody ::= ‘(’ [parlist] ‘)’ block end parlist ::= namelist [‘,’ ‘...’] | ‘...’ namelist ::= Name {‘,’ Name}
type LocalFuncDefStat ¶
type LocalFuncDefStat struct { Name string Exp *FuncDefExp }
local function Name funcbody
type LocalVarDeclStat ¶
local namelist [‘=’ explist] namelist ::= Name {‘,’ Name} explist ::= exp {‘,’ exp}
type Stat ¶
type Stat interface{}
stat ::= ‘;’ |
varlist ‘=’ explist | functioncall | label | break | goto Name | do block end | while exp do block end | repeat block until exp | if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end | for Name ‘=’ exp ‘,’ exp [‘,’ exp] do block end | for namelist in explist do block end | function funcname funcbody | local function Name funcbody | local namelist [‘=’ explist]
type TableAccessExp ¶
type TableConstructorExp ¶
type TableConstructorExp struct { Line int // line of `{` ? LastLine int // line of `}` KeyExps []Exp ValExps []Exp }
tableconstructor ::= ‘{’ [fieldlist] ‘}’ fieldlist ::= field {fieldsep field} [fieldsep] field ::= ‘[’ exp ‘]’ ‘=’ exp | Name ‘=’ exp | exp fieldsep ::= ‘,’ | ‘;’