Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GoExpressionInit()
- func GoLexerInit()
- func InitEmptyArgumentsContext(p *ArgumentsContext)
- func InitEmptyExpressionContext(p *ExpressionContext)
- func InitEmptyExpressionListContext(p *ExpressionListContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldContext(p *FieldContext)
- func InitEmptyIndexContext(p *IndexContext)
- func InitEmptyIntegerContext(p *IntegerContext)
- func InitEmptyLiteralContext(p *LiteralContext)
- func InitEmptyLiteralFloatContext(p *LiteralFloatContext)
- func InitEmptyLiteralImagContext(p *LiteralImagContext)
- func InitEmptyLiteralNilContext(p *LiteralNilContext)
- func InitEmptyOperandContext(p *OperandContext)
- func InitEmptyOperandNameContext(p *OperandNameContext)
- func InitEmptyPrimaryExprContext(p *PrimaryExprContext)
- func InitEmptySliceContext(p *SliceContext)
- func InitEmptyStringContext(p *StringContext)
- type ArgumentsContext
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) COMMA() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) ELLIPSIS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) ExpressionList() IExpressionListContext
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ArgumentsContext) IsArgumentsContext()
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) L_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) R_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArgumentsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type BaseGoExpressionListener
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterField(ctx *FieldContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterIndex(ctx *IndexContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterInteger(ctx *IntegerContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterOperand(ctx *OperandContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterSlice(ctx *SliceContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterString(ctx *StringContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitField(ctx *FieldContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitIndex(ctx *IndexContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitInteger(ctx *IntegerContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitOperand(ctx *OperandContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitSlice(ctx *SliceContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitString(ctx *StringContext)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
- func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
- type BaseGoExpressionVisitor
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitField(ctx *FieldContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitIndex(ctx *IndexContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitInteger(ctx *IntegerContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitOperand(ctx *OperandContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitSlice(ctx *SliceContext) interface{}
- func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitString(ctx *StringContext) interface{}
- type ExpressionContext
- func (s *ExpressionContext) AMPERSAND() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExpressionContext) AllExpression() []IExpressionContext
- func (s *ExpressionContext) BIT_CLEAR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) CARET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) DIV() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) EXCLAMATION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExpressionContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExpressionContext) Expression(i int) IExpressionContext
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GREATER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GREATER_OR_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GetAdd_op() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GetMul_op() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GetRel_op() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExpressionContext) GetUnary_op() antlr.Token
- func (*ExpressionContext) IsExpressionContext()
- func (s *ExpressionContext) LESS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) LESS_OR_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) LOGICAL_AND() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) LOGICAL_OR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) LSHIFT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) MINUS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) MOD() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) NOT_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) OR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) PLUS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) PrimaryExpr() IPrimaryExprContext
- func (s *ExpressionContext) Question() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) RECEIVE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) RSHIFT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) STAR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionContext) SetAdd_op(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExpressionContext) SetMul_op(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExpressionContext) SetRel_op(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExpressionContext) SetUnary_op(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExpressionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ExpressionListContext
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) AllExpression() []IExpressionContext
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) Expression(i int) IExpressionContext
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ExpressionListContext) IsExpressionListContext()
- func (s *ExpressionListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldContext
- func (s *FieldContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldContext) DOT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FieldContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FieldContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *FieldContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*FieldContext) IsFieldContext()
- func (s *FieldContext) SafeIndex() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type GoExpression
- func (p *GoExpression) Arguments() (localctx IArgumentsContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) Expression() (localctx IExpressionContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) ExpressionList() (localctx IExpressionListContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) Expression_Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, predIndex int) bool
- func (p *GoExpression) Field() (localctx IFieldContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) Index() (localctx IIndexContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) Integer() (localctx IIntegerContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) Literal() (localctx ILiteralContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) LiteralFloat() (localctx ILiteralFloatContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) LiteralImag() (localctx ILiteralImagContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) LiteralNil() (localctx ILiteralNilContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) Operand() (localctx IOperandContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) OperandName() (localctx IOperandNameContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) PrimaryExpr() (localctx IPrimaryExprContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) PrimaryExpr_Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, predIndex int) bool
- func (p *GoExpression) Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, ruleIndex, predIndex int) bool
- func (p *GoExpression) Slice() (localctx ISliceContext)
- func (p *GoExpression) String_() (localctx IStringContext)
- type GoExpressionListener
- type GoExpressionVisitor
- type GoLexer
- type IArgumentsContext
- type IExpressionContext
- type IExpressionListContext
- type IFieldContext
- type IIndexContext
- type IIntegerContext
- type ILiteralContext
- type ILiteralFloatContext
- type ILiteralImagContext
- type ILiteralNilContext
- type IOperandContext
- type IOperandNameContext
- type IPrimaryExprContext
- type ISliceContext
- type IStringContext
- type IndexContext
- func (s *IndexContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *IndexContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IndexContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IndexContext) Expression() IExpressionContext
- func (s *IndexContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *IndexContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*IndexContext) IsIndexContext()
- func (s *IndexContext) L_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IndexContext) R_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IndexContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type IntegerContext
- func (s *IntegerContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *IntegerContext) BINARY_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IntegerContext) DECIMAL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IntegerContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IntegerContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IntegerContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *IntegerContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *IntegerContext) HEX_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*IntegerContext) IsIntegerContext()
- func (s *IntegerContext) OCTAL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IntegerContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type LiteralContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *LiteralContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *LiteralContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) Integer() IIntegerContext
- func (*LiteralContext) IsLiteralContext()
- func (s *LiteralContext) LiteralFloat() ILiteralFloatContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) LiteralImag() ILiteralImagContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) LiteralNil() ILiteralNilContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) String_() IStringContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type LiteralFloatContext
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) FLOAT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*LiteralFloatContext) IsLiteralFloatContext()
- func (s *LiteralFloatContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type LiteralImagContext
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) IMAGINARY_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*LiteralImagContext) IsLiteralImagContext()
- func (s *LiteralImagContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type LiteralNilContext
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*LiteralNilContext) IsLiteralNilContext()
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) NIL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LiteralNilContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type OperandContext
- func (s *OperandContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *OperandContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *OperandContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *OperandContext) Expression() IExpressionContext
- func (s *OperandContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *OperandContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*OperandContext) IsOperandContext()
- func (s *OperandContext) L_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *OperandContext) Literal() ILiteralContext
- func (s *OperandContext) OperandName() IOperandNameContext
- func (s *OperandContext) R_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *OperandContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type OperandNameContext
- func (s *OperandNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *OperandNameContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *OperandNameContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *OperandNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *OperandNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *OperandNameContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*OperandNameContext) IsOperandNameContext()
- func (s *OperandNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type PrimaryExprContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Arguments() IArgumentsContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Field() IFieldContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Index() IIndexContext
- func (*PrimaryExprContext) IsPrimaryExprContext()
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Operand() IOperandContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) PrimaryExpr() IPrimaryExprContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Slice() ISliceContext
- func (s *PrimaryExprContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type SliceContext
- func (s *SliceContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *SliceContext) AllCOLON() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SliceContext) AllExpression() []IExpressionContext
- func (s *SliceContext) COLON(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SliceContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *SliceContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *SliceContext) Expression(i int) IExpressionContext
- func (s *SliceContext) GetCap_() IExpressionContext
- func (s *SliceContext) GetHi() IExpressionContext
- func (s *SliceContext) GetLo() IExpressionContext
- func (s *SliceContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *SliceContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*SliceContext) IsSliceContext()
- func (s *SliceContext) L_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SliceContext) R_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SliceContext) SetCap_(v IExpressionContext)
- func (s *SliceContext) SetHi(v IExpressionContext)
- func (s *SliceContext) SetLo(v IExpressionContext)
- func (s *SliceContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StringContext
- func (s *StringContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StringContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StringContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StringContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StringContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *StringContext) INTERPRETED_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*StringContext) IsStringContext()
- func (s *StringContext) RAW_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StringContext) SINGER_QUOT_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StringContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
Constants ¶
const ( GoLexerBREAK = 1 GoLexerDEFAULT = 2 GoLexerFUNC = 3 GoLexerINTERFACE = 4 GoLexerSELECT = 5 GoLexerCASE = 6 GoLexerDEFER = 7 GoLexerGO = 8 GoLexerMAP = 9 GoLexerSTRUCT = 10 GoLexerCHAN = 11 GoLexerELSE = 12 GoLexerGOTO = 13 GoLexerPACKAGE = 14 GoLexerSWITCH = 15 GoLexerCONST = 16 GoLexerFALLTHROUGH = 17 GoLexerIF = 18 GoLexerRANGE = 19 GoLexerTYPE = 20 GoLexerCONTINUE = 21 GoLexerFOR = 22 GoLexerIMPORT = 23 GoLexerRETURN = 24 GoLexerVAR = 25 GoLexerNIL_LIT = 26 GoLexerIDENTIFIER = 27 GoLexerL_PAREN = 28 GoLexerR_PAREN = 29 GoLexerL_CURLY = 30 GoLexerR_CURLY = 31 GoLexerL_BRACKET = 32 GoLexerR_BRACKET = 33 GoLexerASSIGN = 34 GoLexerCOMMA = 35 GoLexerSEMI = 36 GoLexerCOLON = 37 GoLexerDOT = 38 GoLexerPLUS_PLUS = 39 GoLexerMINUS_MINUS = 40 GoLexerDECLARE_ASSIGN = 41 GoLexerELLIPSIS = 42 GoLexerQuestion = 43 GoLexerSafeIndex = 44 GoLexerLOGICAL_OR = 45 GoLexerLOGICAL_AND = 46 GoLexerEQUALS = 47 GoLexerNOT_EQUALS = 48 GoLexerLESS = 49 GoLexerLESS_OR_EQUALS = 50 GoLexerGREATER = 51 GoLexerGREATER_OR_EQUALS = 52 GoLexerOR = 53 GoLexerDIV = 54 GoLexerMOD = 55 GoLexerLSHIFT = 56 GoLexerRSHIFT = 57 GoLexerBIT_CLEAR = 58 GoLexerUNDERLYING = 59 GoLexerEXCLAMATION = 60 GoLexerPLUS = 61 GoLexerMINUS = 62 GoLexerCARET = 63 GoLexerSTAR = 64 GoLexerAMPERSAND = 65 GoLexerRECEIVE = 66 GoLexerDECIMAL_LIT = 67 GoLexerBINARY_LIT = 68 GoLexerOCTAL_LIT = 69 GoLexerHEX_LIT = 70 GoLexerFLOAT_LIT = 71 GoLexerDECIMAL_FLOAT_LIT = 72 GoLexerHEX_FLOAT_LIT = 73 GoLexerIMAGINARY_LIT = 74 GoLexerBYTE_VALUE = 75 GoLexerOCTAL_BYTE_VALUE = 76 GoLexerHEX_BYTE_VALUE = 77 GoLexerLITTLE_U_VALUE = 78 GoLexerBIG_U_VALUE = 79 GoLexerRAW_STRING_LIT = 80 GoLexerINTERPRETED_STRING_LIT = 81 GoLexerSINGER_QUOT_STRING_LIT = 82 GoLexerWS = 83 GoLexerCOMMENT = 84 GoLexerTERMINATOR = 85 GoLexerLINE_COMMENT = 86 GoLexerWS_NLSEMI = 87 GoLexerCOMMENT_NLSEMI = 88 GoLexerLINE_COMMENT_NLSEMI = 89 GoLexerEOS = 90 GoLexerOTHER = 91 )
GoLexer tokens.
const ( GoExpressionEOF = antlr.TokenEOF GoExpressionBREAK = 1 GoExpressionDEFAULT = 2 GoExpressionFUNC = 3 GoExpressionINTERFACE = 4 GoExpressionSELECT = 5 GoExpressionCASE = 6 GoExpressionDEFER = 7 GoExpressionGO = 8 GoExpressionMAP = 9 GoExpressionSTRUCT = 10 GoExpressionCHAN = 11 GoExpressionELSE = 12 GoExpressionGOTO = 13 GoExpressionPACKAGE = 14 GoExpressionSWITCH = 15 GoExpressionCONST = 16 GoExpressionFALLTHROUGH = 17 GoExpressionIF = 18 GoExpressionRANGE = 19 GoExpressionTYPE = 20 GoExpressionCONTINUE = 21 GoExpressionFOR = 22 GoExpressionIMPORT = 23 GoExpressionRETURN = 24 GoExpressionVAR = 25 GoExpressionNIL_LIT = 26 GoExpressionIDENTIFIER = 27 GoExpressionL_PAREN = 28 GoExpressionR_PAREN = 29 GoExpressionL_CURLY = 30 GoExpressionR_CURLY = 31 GoExpressionL_BRACKET = 32 GoExpressionR_BRACKET = 33 GoExpressionASSIGN = 34 GoExpressionCOMMA = 35 GoExpressionSEMI = 36 GoExpressionCOLON = 37 GoExpressionDOT = 38 GoExpressionPLUS_PLUS = 39 GoExpressionMINUS_MINUS = 40 GoExpressionDECLARE_ASSIGN = 41 GoExpressionELLIPSIS = 42 GoExpressionQuestion = 43 GoExpressionSafeIndex = 44 GoExpressionLOGICAL_OR = 45 GoExpressionLOGICAL_AND = 46 GoExpressionEQUALS = 47 GoExpressionNOT_EQUALS = 48 GoExpressionLESS = 49 GoExpressionLESS_OR_EQUALS = 50 GoExpressionGREATER = 51 GoExpressionGREATER_OR_EQUALS = 52 GoExpressionOR = 53 GoExpressionDIV = 54 GoExpressionMOD = 55 GoExpressionLSHIFT = 56 GoExpressionRSHIFT = 57 GoExpressionBIT_CLEAR = 58 GoExpressionUNDERLYING = 59 GoExpressionEXCLAMATION = 60 GoExpressionPLUS = 61 GoExpressionMINUS = 62 GoExpressionCARET = 63 GoExpressionSTAR = 64 GoExpressionAMPERSAND = 65 GoExpressionRECEIVE = 66 GoExpressionDECIMAL_LIT = 67 GoExpressionBINARY_LIT = 68 GoExpressionOCTAL_LIT = 69 GoExpressionHEX_LIT = 70 GoExpressionFLOAT_LIT = 71 GoExpressionDECIMAL_FLOAT_LIT = 72 GoExpressionHEX_FLOAT_LIT = 73 GoExpressionIMAGINARY_LIT = 74 GoExpressionBYTE_VALUE = 75 GoExpressionOCTAL_BYTE_VALUE = 76 GoExpressionHEX_BYTE_VALUE = 77 GoExpressionLITTLE_U_VALUE = 78 GoExpressionBIG_U_VALUE = 79 GoExpressionRAW_STRING_LIT = 80 GoExpressionINTERPRETED_STRING_LIT = 81 GoExpressionSINGER_QUOT_STRING_LIT = 82 GoExpressionWS = 83 GoExpressionCOMMENT = 84 GoExpressionTERMINATOR = 85 GoExpressionLINE_COMMENT = 86 GoExpressionWS_NLSEMI = 87 GoExpressionCOMMENT_NLSEMI = 88 GoExpressionLINE_COMMENT_NLSEMI = 89 GoExpressionEOS = 90 GoExpressionOTHER = 91 )
GoExpression tokens.
const ( GoExpressionRULE_expression = 0 GoExpressionRULE_primaryExpr = 1 GoExpressionRULE_operand = 2 GoExpressionRULE_literal = 3 GoExpressionRULE_literalNil = 4 GoExpressionRULE_integer = 5 GoExpressionRULE_string = 6 GoExpressionRULE_literalFloat = 7 GoExpressionRULE_literalImag = 8 GoExpressionRULE_operandName = 9 GoExpressionRULE_field = 10 GoExpressionRULE_index = 11 GoExpressionRULE_slice = 12 GoExpressionRULE_arguments = 13 GoExpressionRULE_expressionList = 14 )
GoExpression rules.
const GoLexerNLSEMI = 1
GoLexerNLSEMI is the GoLexer mode.
Variables ¶
var GoExpressionParserStaticData struct { LiteralNames []string SymbolicNames []string RuleNames []string PredictionContextCache *antlr.PredictionContextCache // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Functions ¶
func GoExpressionInit ¶
func GoExpressionInit()
GoExpressionInit initializes any static state used to implement GoExpression. By default the static state used to implement the parser is lazily initialized during the first call to NewGoExpression(). You can call this function if you wish to initialize the static state ahead of time.
func GoLexerInit ¶
func GoLexerInit()
GoLexerInit initializes any static state used to implement GoLexer. By default the static state used to implement the lexer is lazily initialized during the first call to NewGoLexer(). You can call this function if you wish to initialize the static state ahead of time.
func InitEmptyArgumentsContext ¶
func InitEmptyArgumentsContext(p *ArgumentsContext)
func InitEmptyExpressionContext ¶
func InitEmptyExpressionContext(p *ExpressionContext)
func InitEmptyExpressionListContext ¶
func InitEmptyExpressionListContext(p *ExpressionListContext)
func InitEmptyFieldContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldContext(p *FieldContext)
func InitEmptyIndexContext ¶
func InitEmptyIndexContext(p *IndexContext)
func InitEmptyIntegerContext ¶
func InitEmptyIntegerContext(p *IntegerContext)
func InitEmptyLiteralContext ¶
func InitEmptyLiteralContext(p *LiteralContext)
func InitEmptyLiteralFloatContext ¶
func InitEmptyLiteralFloatContext(p *LiteralFloatContext)
func InitEmptyLiteralImagContext ¶
func InitEmptyLiteralImagContext(p *LiteralImagContext)
func InitEmptyLiteralNilContext ¶
func InitEmptyLiteralNilContext(p *LiteralNilContext)
func InitEmptyOperandContext ¶
func InitEmptyOperandContext(p *OperandContext)
func InitEmptyOperandNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyOperandNameContext(p *OperandNameContext)
func InitEmptyPrimaryExprContext ¶
func InitEmptyPrimaryExprContext(p *PrimaryExprContext)
func InitEmptySliceContext ¶
func InitEmptySliceContext(p *SliceContext)
func InitEmptyStringContext ¶
func InitEmptyStringContext(p *StringContext)
Types ¶
type ArgumentsContext ¶
type ArgumentsContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewArgumentsContext ¶
func NewArgumentsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ArgumentsContext
func NewEmptyArgumentsContext ¶
func NewEmptyArgumentsContext() *ArgumentsContext
func (*ArgumentsContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ArgumentsContext) COMMA ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) COMMA() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArgumentsContext) ELLIPSIS ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) ELLIPSIS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArgumentsContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ArgumentsContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ArgumentsContext) ExpressionList ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) ExpressionList() IExpressionListContext
func (*ArgumentsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ArgumentsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ArgumentsContext) IsArgumentsContext ¶
func (*ArgumentsContext) IsArgumentsContext()
func (*ArgumentsContext) L_PAREN ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) L_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArgumentsContext) R_PAREN ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) R_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArgumentsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ArgumentsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type BaseGoExpressionListener ¶
type BaseGoExpressionListener struct{}
BaseGoExpressionListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by GoExpression.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterArguments ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext)
EnterArguments is called when production arguments is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterEveryRule ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
EnterEveryRule is called when any rule is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterExpression ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext)
EnterExpression is called when production expression is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterExpressionList ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext)
EnterExpressionList is called when production expressionList is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterField ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterField(ctx *FieldContext)
EnterField is called when production field is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterIndex ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterIndex(ctx *IndexContext)
EnterIndex is called when production index is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterInteger ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterInteger(ctx *IntegerContext)
EnterInteger is called when production integer is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteral ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
EnterLiteral is called when production literal is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralFloat ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext)
EnterLiteralFloat is called when production literalFloat is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralImag ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext)
EnterLiteralImag is called when production literalImag is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralNil ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext)
EnterLiteralNil is called when production literalNil is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterOperand ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterOperand(ctx *OperandContext)
EnterOperand is called when production operand is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterOperandName ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext)
EnterOperandName is called when production operandName is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterPrimaryExpr ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext)
EnterPrimaryExpr is called when production primaryExpr is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterSlice ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterSlice(ctx *SliceContext)
EnterSlice is called when production slice is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterString ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) EnterString(ctx *StringContext)
EnterString is called when production string is entered.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitArguments ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext)
ExitArguments is called when production arguments is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitEveryRule ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
ExitEveryRule is called when any rule is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitExpression ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext)
ExitExpression is called when production expression is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitExpressionList ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext)
ExitExpressionList is called when production expressionList is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitField ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitField(ctx *FieldContext)
ExitField is called when production field is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitIndex ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitIndex(ctx *IndexContext)
ExitIndex is called when production index is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitInteger ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitInteger(ctx *IntegerContext)
ExitInteger is called when production integer is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteral ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
ExitLiteral is called when production literal is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralFloat ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext)
ExitLiteralFloat is called when production literalFloat is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralImag ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext)
ExitLiteralImag is called when production literalImag is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralNil ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext)
ExitLiteralNil is called when production literalNil is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitOperand ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitOperand(ctx *OperandContext)
ExitOperand is called when production operand is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitOperandName ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext)
ExitOperandName is called when production operandName is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitPrimaryExpr ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext)
ExitPrimaryExpr is called when production primaryExpr is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitSlice ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitSlice(ctx *SliceContext)
ExitSlice is called when production slice is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitString ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) ExitString(ctx *StringContext)
ExitString is called when production string is exited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) VisitErrorNode ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
VisitErrorNode is called when an error node is visited.
func (*BaseGoExpressionListener) VisitTerminal ¶
func (s *BaseGoExpressionListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
VisitTerminal is called when a terminal node is visited.
type BaseGoExpressionVisitor ¶
type BaseGoExpressionVisitor struct {
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitArguments ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitExpression ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitExpressionList ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitField ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitField(ctx *FieldContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitIndex ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitIndex(ctx *IndexContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitInteger ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitInteger(ctx *IntegerContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteral ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralFloat ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralImag ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralNil ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitOperand ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitOperand(ctx *OperandContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitOperandName ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitPrimaryExpr ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitSlice ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitSlice(ctx *SliceContext) interface{}
func (*BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitString ¶
func (v *BaseGoExpressionVisitor) VisitString(ctx *StringContext) interface{}
type ExpressionContext ¶
type ExpressionContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExpressionContext ¶
func NewEmptyExpressionContext() *ExpressionContext
func NewExpressionContext ¶
func NewExpressionContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExpressionContext
func (*ExpressionContext) AMPERSAND ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) AMPERSAND() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExpressionContext) AllExpression ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) AllExpression() []IExpressionContext
func (*ExpressionContext) BIT_CLEAR ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) BIT_CLEAR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) CARET ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) CARET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) COLON ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) DIV ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) DIV() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) EQUALS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) EXCLAMATION ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) EXCLAMATION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExpressionContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExpressionContext) Expression ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) Expression(i int) IExpressionContext
func (*ExpressionContext) GREATER ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GREATER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) GREATER_OR_EQUALS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GREATER_OR_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) GetAdd_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GetAdd_op() antlr.Token
func (*ExpressionContext) GetMul_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GetMul_op() antlr.Token
func (*ExpressionContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExpressionContext) GetRel_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GetRel_op() antlr.Token
func (*ExpressionContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExpressionContext) GetUnary_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) GetUnary_op() antlr.Token
func (*ExpressionContext) IsExpressionContext ¶
func (*ExpressionContext) IsExpressionContext()
func (*ExpressionContext) LESS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) LESS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) LESS_OR_EQUALS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) LESS_OR_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) LOGICAL_AND ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) LOGICAL_AND() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) LOGICAL_OR ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) LOGICAL_OR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) LSHIFT ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) LSHIFT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) MINUS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) MINUS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) MOD ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) MOD() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) NOT_EQUALS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) NOT_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) OR ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) OR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) PLUS ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) PLUS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) PrimaryExpr ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) PrimaryExpr() IPrimaryExprContext
func (*ExpressionContext) Question ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) Question() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) RECEIVE ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) RECEIVE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) RSHIFT ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) RSHIFT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) STAR ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) STAR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionContext) SetAdd_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) SetAdd_op(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExpressionContext) SetMul_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) SetMul_op(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExpressionContext) SetRel_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) SetRel_op(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExpressionContext) SetUnary_op ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) SetUnary_op(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExpressionContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExpressionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExpressionListContext ¶
type ExpressionListContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExpressionListContext ¶
func NewEmptyExpressionListContext() *ExpressionListContext
func NewExpressionListContext ¶
func NewExpressionListContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExpressionListContext
func (*ExpressionListContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExpressionListContext) AllCOMMA ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionListContext) AllExpression ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) AllExpression() []IExpressionContext
func (*ExpressionListContext) COMMA ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpressionListContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExpressionListContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExpressionListContext) Expression ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) Expression(i int) IExpressionContext
func (*ExpressionListContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExpressionListContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExpressionListContext) IsExpressionListContext ¶
func (*ExpressionListContext) IsExpressionListContext()
func (*ExpressionListContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExpressionListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldContext ¶
type FieldContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldContext() *FieldContext
func NewFieldContext ¶
func NewFieldContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldContext
func (*FieldContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldContext) DOT ¶
func (s *FieldContext) DOT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *FieldContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FieldContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *FieldContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FieldContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *FieldContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldContext) IsFieldContext ¶
func (*FieldContext) IsFieldContext()
func (*FieldContext) SafeIndex ¶
func (s *FieldContext) SafeIndex() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type GoExpression ¶
type GoExpression struct {
func NewGoExpression ¶
func NewGoExpression(input antlr.TokenStream) *GoExpression
NewGoExpression produces a new parser instance for the optional input antlr.TokenStream.
func (*GoExpression) Arguments ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Arguments() (localctx IArgumentsContext)
func (*GoExpression) Expression ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Expression() (localctx IExpressionContext)
func (*GoExpression) ExpressionList ¶
func (p *GoExpression) ExpressionList() (localctx IExpressionListContext)
func (*GoExpression) Expression_Sempred ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Expression_Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, predIndex int) bool
func (*GoExpression) Field ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Field() (localctx IFieldContext)
func (*GoExpression) Index ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Index() (localctx IIndexContext)
func (*GoExpression) Integer ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Integer() (localctx IIntegerContext)
func (*GoExpression) Literal ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Literal() (localctx ILiteralContext)
func (*GoExpression) LiteralFloat ¶
func (p *GoExpression) LiteralFloat() (localctx ILiteralFloatContext)
func (*GoExpression) LiteralImag ¶
func (p *GoExpression) LiteralImag() (localctx ILiteralImagContext)
func (*GoExpression) LiteralNil ¶
func (p *GoExpression) LiteralNil() (localctx ILiteralNilContext)
func (*GoExpression) Operand ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Operand() (localctx IOperandContext)
func (*GoExpression) OperandName ¶
func (p *GoExpression) OperandName() (localctx IOperandNameContext)
func (*GoExpression) PrimaryExpr ¶
func (p *GoExpression) PrimaryExpr() (localctx IPrimaryExprContext)
func (*GoExpression) PrimaryExpr_Sempred ¶
func (p *GoExpression) PrimaryExpr_Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, predIndex int) bool
func (*GoExpression) Sempred ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, ruleIndex, predIndex int) bool
func (*GoExpression) Slice ¶
func (p *GoExpression) Slice() (localctx ISliceContext)
func (*GoExpression) String_ ¶
func (p *GoExpression) String_() (localctx IStringContext)
type GoExpressionListener ¶
type GoExpressionListener interface { antlr.ParseTreeListener // EnterExpression is called when entering the expression production. EnterExpression(c *ExpressionContext) // EnterPrimaryExpr is called when entering the primaryExpr production. EnterPrimaryExpr(c *PrimaryExprContext) // EnterOperand is called when entering the operand production. EnterOperand(c *OperandContext) // EnterLiteral is called when entering the literal production. EnterLiteral(c *LiteralContext) // EnterLiteralNil is called when entering the literalNil production. EnterLiteralNil(c *LiteralNilContext) // EnterInteger is called when entering the integer production. EnterInteger(c *IntegerContext) // EnterString is called when entering the string production. EnterString(c *StringContext) // EnterLiteralFloat is called when entering the literalFloat production. EnterLiteralFloat(c *LiteralFloatContext) // EnterLiteralImag is called when entering the literalImag production. EnterLiteralImag(c *LiteralImagContext) // EnterOperandName is called when entering the operandName production. EnterOperandName(c *OperandNameContext) // EnterField is called when entering the field production. EnterField(c *FieldContext) // EnterIndex is called when entering the index production. EnterIndex(c *IndexContext) // EnterSlice is called when entering the slice production. EnterSlice(c *SliceContext) // EnterArguments is called when entering the arguments production. EnterArguments(c *ArgumentsContext) // EnterExpressionList is called when entering the expressionList production. EnterExpressionList(c *ExpressionListContext) // ExitExpression is called when exiting the expression production. ExitExpression(c *ExpressionContext) // ExitPrimaryExpr is called when exiting the primaryExpr production. ExitPrimaryExpr(c *PrimaryExprContext) // ExitOperand is called when exiting the operand production. ExitOperand(c *OperandContext) // ExitLiteral is called when exiting the literal production. ExitLiteral(c *LiteralContext) // ExitLiteralNil is called when exiting the literalNil production. ExitLiteralNil(c *LiteralNilContext) // ExitInteger is called when exiting the integer production. ExitInteger(c *IntegerContext) // ExitString is called when exiting the string production. ExitString(c *StringContext) // ExitLiteralFloat is called when exiting the literalFloat production. ExitLiteralFloat(c *LiteralFloatContext) // ExitLiteralImag is called when exiting the literalImag production. ExitLiteralImag(c *LiteralImagContext) // ExitOperandName is called when exiting the operandName production. ExitOperandName(c *OperandNameContext) // ExitField is called when exiting the field production. ExitField(c *FieldContext) // ExitIndex is called when exiting the index production. ExitIndex(c *IndexContext) // ExitSlice is called when exiting the slice production. ExitSlice(c *SliceContext) // ExitArguments is called when exiting the arguments production. ExitArguments(c *ArgumentsContext) // ExitExpressionList is called when exiting the expressionList production. ExitExpressionList(c *ExpressionListContext) }
GoExpressionListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by GoExpression.
type GoExpressionVisitor ¶
type GoExpressionVisitor interface { antlr.ParseTreeVisitor // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#expression. VisitExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#primaryExpr. VisitPrimaryExpr(ctx *PrimaryExprContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#operand. VisitOperand(ctx *OperandContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#literal. VisitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#literalNil. VisitLiteralNil(ctx *LiteralNilContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#integer. VisitInteger(ctx *IntegerContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#string. VisitString(ctx *StringContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#literalFloat. VisitLiteralFloat(ctx *LiteralFloatContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#literalImag. VisitLiteralImag(ctx *LiteralImagContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#operandName. VisitOperandName(ctx *OperandNameContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#field. VisitField(ctx *FieldContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#index. VisitIndex(ctx *IndexContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#slice. VisitSlice(ctx *SliceContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#arguments. VisitArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext) interface{} // Visit a parse tree produced by GoExpression#expressionList. VisitExpressionList(ctx *ExpressionListContext) interface{} }
A complete Visitor for a parse tree produced by GoExpression.
type GoLexer ¶
type GoLexer struct { *antlr.BaseLexer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGoLexer ¶
func NewGoLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *GoLexer
NewGoLexer produces a new lexer instance for the optional input antlr.CharStream.
type IArgumentsContext ¶
type IArgumentsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures L_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode R_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode ExpressionList() IExpressionListContext ELLIPSIS() antlr.TerminalNode COMMA() antlr.TerminalNode // IsArgumentsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsArgumentsContext() }
IArgumentsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExpressionContext ¶
type IExpressionContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetUnary_op returns the unary_op token. GetUnary_op() antlr.Token // GetMul_op returns the mul_op token. GetMul_op() antlr.Token // GetAdd_op returns the add_op token. GetAdd_op() antlr.Token // GetRel_op returns the rel_op token. GetRel_op() antlr.Token // SetUnary_op sets the unary_op token. SetUnary_op(antlr.Token) // SetMul_op sets the mul_op token. SetMul_op(antlr.Token) // SetAdd_op sets the add_op token. SetAdd_op(antlr.Token) // SetRel_op sets the rel_op token. SetRel_op(antlr.Token) // Getter signatures PrimaryExpr() IPrimaryExprContext AllExpression() []IExpressionContext Expression(i int) IExpressionContext PLUS() antlr.TerminalNode MINUS() antlr.TerminalNode EXCLAMATION() antlr.TerminalNode CARET() antlr.TerminalNode STAR() antlr.TerminalNode AMPERSAND() antlr.TerminalNode RECEIVE() antlr.TerminalNode DIV() antlr.TerminalNode MOD() antlr.TerminalNode LSHIFT() antlr.TerminalNode RSHIFT() antlr.TerminalNode BIT_CLEAR() antlr.TerminalNode OR() antlr.TerminalNode EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode NOT_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode LESS() antlr.TerminalNode LESS_OR_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode GREATER() antlr.TerminalNode GREATER_OR_EQUALS() antlr.TerminalNode LOGICAL_AND() antlr.TerminalNode LOGICAL_OR() antlr.TerminalNode Question() antlr.TerminalNode COLON() antlr.TerminalNode // IsExpressionContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExpressionContext() }
IExpressionContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExpressionListContext ¶
type IExpressionListContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures AllExpression() []IExpressionContext Expression(i int) IExpressionContext AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode // IsExpressionListContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExpressionListContext() }
IExpressionListContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldContext ¶
type IFieldContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures SafeIndex() antlr.TerminalNode IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode DOT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsFieldContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldContext() }
IFieldContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IIndexContext ¶
type IIndexContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures L_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode Expression() IExpressionContext R_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode // IsIndexContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsIndexContext() }
IIndexContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IIntegerContext ¶
type IIntegerContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures DECIMAL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode BINARY_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode OCTAL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode HEX_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsIntegerContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsIntegerContext() }
IIntegerContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ILiteralContext ¶
type ILiteralContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LiteralNil() ILiteralNilContext Integer() IIntegerContext String_() IStringContext LiteralFloat() ILiteralFloatContext LiteralImag() ILiteralImagContext // IsLiteralContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsLiteralContext() }
ILiteralContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ILiteralFloatContext ¶
type ILiteralFloatContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures FLOAT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsLiteralFloatContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsLiteralFloatContext() }
ILiteralFloatContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ILiteralImagContext ¶
type ILiteralImagContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IMAGINARY_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsLiteralImagContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsLiteralImagContext() }
ILiteralImagContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ILiteralNilContext ¶
type ILiteralNilContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures NIL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsLiteralNilContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsLiteralNilContext() }
ILiteralNilContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IOperandContext ¶
type IOperandContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Literal() ILiteralContext OperandName() IOperandNameContext L_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode Expression() IExpressionContext R_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode // IsOperandContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsOperandContext() }
IOperandContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IOperandNameContext ¶
type IOperandNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode // IsOperandNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsOperandNameContext() }
IOperandNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IPrimaryExprContext ¶
type IPrimaryExprContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Operand() IOperandContext PrimaryExpr() IPrimaryExprContext Field() IFieldContext Index() IIndexContext Slice() ISliceContext Arguments() IArgumentsContext // IsPrimaryExprContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsPrimaryExprContext() }
IPrimaryExprContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ISliceContext ¶
type ISliceContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetLo returns the lo rule contexts. GetLo() IExpressionContext // GetHi returns the hi rule contexts. GetHi() IExpressionContext // GetCap_ returns the cap_ rule contexts. GetCap_() IExpressionContext // SetLo sets the lo rule contexts. SetLo(IExpressionContext) // SetHi sets the hi rule contexts. SetHi(IExpressionContext) // SetCap_ sets the cap_ rule contexts. SetCap_(IExpressionContext) // Getter signatures L_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode R_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode AllCOLON() []antlr.TerminalNode COLON(i int) antlr.TerminalNode AllExpression() []IExpressionContext Expression(i int) IExpressionContext // IsSliceContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsSliceContext() }
ISliceContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStringContext ¶
type IStringContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures RAW_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode INTERPRETED_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode SINGER_QUOT_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsStringContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStringContext() }
IStringContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IndexContext ¶
type IndexContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyIndexContext ¶
func NewEmptyIndexContext() *IndexContext
func NewIndexContext ¶
func NewIndexContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *IndexContext
func (*IndexContext) Accept ¶
func (s *IndexContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*IndexContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *IndexContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IndexContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *IndexContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IndexContext) Expression ¶
func (s *IndexContext) Expression() IExpressionContext
func (*IndexContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *IndexContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*IndexContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *IndexContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*IndexContext) IsIndexContext ¶
func (*IndexContext) IsIndexContext()
func (*IndexContext) L_BRACKET ¶
func (s *IndexContext) L_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IndexContext) R_BRACKET ¶
func (s *IndexContext) R_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IndexContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *IndexContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type IntegerContext ¶
type IntegerContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyIntegerContext ¶
func NewEmptyIntegerContext() *IntegerContext
func NewIntegerContext ¶
func NewIntegerContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *IntegerContext
func (*IntegerContext) Accept ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*IntegerContext) BINARY_LIT ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) BINARY_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IntegerContext) DECIMAL_LIT ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) DECIMAL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IntegerContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IntegerContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IntegerContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*IntegerContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*IntegerContext) HEX_LIT ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) HEX_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IntegerContext) IsIntegerContext ¶
func (*IntegerContext) IsIntegerContext()
func (*IntegerContext) OCTAL_LIT ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) OCTAL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IntegerContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *IntegerContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type LiteralContext ¶
type LiteralContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyLiteralContext ¶
func NewEmptyLiteralContext() *LiteralContext
func NewLiteralContext ¶
func NewLiteralContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *LiteralContext
func (*LiteralContext) Accept ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*LiteralContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*LiteralContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*LiteralContext) Integer ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) Integer() IIntegerContext
func (*LiteralContext) IsLiteralContext ¶
func (*LiteralContext) IsLiteralContext()
func (*LiteralContext) LiteralFloat ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) LiteralFloat() ILiteralFloatContext
func (*LiteralContext) LiteralImag ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) LiteralImag() ILiteralImagContext
func (*LiteralContext) LiteralNil ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) LiteralNil() ILiteralNilContext
func (*LiteralContext) String_ ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) String_() IStringContext
func (*LiteralContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type LiteralFloatContext ¶
type LiteralFloatContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyLiteralFloatContext ¶
func NewEmptyLiteralFloatContext() *LiteralFloatContext
func NewLiteralFloatContext ¶
func NewLiteralFloatContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *LiteralFloatContext
func (*LiteralFloatContext) Accept ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*LiteralFloatContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralFloatContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralFloatContext) FLOAT_LIT ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) FLOAT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralFloatContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*LiteralFloatContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*LiteralFloatContext) IsLiteralFloatContext ¶
func (*LiteralFloatContext) IsLiteralFloatContext()
func (*LiteralFloatContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *LiteralFloatContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type LiteralImagContext ¶
type LiteralImagContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyLiteralImagContext ¶
func NewEmptyLiteralImagContext() *LiteralImagContext
func NewLiteralImagContext ¶
func NewLiteralImagContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *LiteralImagContext
func (*LiteralImagContext) Accept ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*LiteralImagContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralImagContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralImagContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*LiteralImagContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*LiteralImagContext) IMAGINARY_LIT ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) IMAGINARY_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralImagContext) IsLiteralImagContext ¶
func (*LiteralImagContext) IsLiteralImagContext()
func (*LiteralImagContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *LiteralImagContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type LiteralNilContext ¶
type LiteralNilContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyLiteralNilContext ¶
func NewEmptyLiteralNilContext() *LiteralNilContext
func NewLiteralNilContext ¶
func NewLiteralNilContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *LiteralNilContext
func (*LiteralNilContext) Accept ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*LiteralNilContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralNilContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralNilContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*LiteralNilContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*LiteralNilContext) IsLiteralNilContext ¶
func (*LiteralNilContext) IsLiteralNilContext()
func (*LiteralNilContext) NIL_LIT ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) NIL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralNilContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *LiteralNilContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type OperandContext ¶
type OperandContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyOperandContext ¶
func NewEmptyOperandContext() *OperandContext
func NewOperandContext ¶
func NewOperandContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *OperandContext
func (*OperandContext) Accept ¶
func (s *OperandContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*OperandContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *OperandContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*OperandContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *OperandContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*OperandContext) Expression ¶
func (s *OperandContext) Expression() IExpressionContext
func (*OperandContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *OperandContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*OperandContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *OperandContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*OperandContext) IsOperandContext ¶
func (*OperandContext) IsOperandContext()
func (*OperandContext) L_PAREN ¶
func (s *OperandContext) L_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*OperandContext) Literal ¶
func (s *OperandContext) Literal() ILiteralContext
func (*OperandContext) OperandName ¶
func (s *OperandContext) OperandName() IOperandNameContext
func (*OperandContext) R_PAREN ¶
func (s *OperandContext) R_PAREN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*OperandContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *OperandContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type OperandNameContext ¶
type OperandNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyOperandNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyOperandNameContext() *OperandNameContext
func NewOperandNameContext ¶
func NewOperandNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *OperandNameContext
func (*OperandNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*OperandNameContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*OperandNameContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*OperandNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*OperandNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*OperandNameContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*OperandNameContext) IsOperandNameContext ¶
func (*OperandNameContext) IsOperandNameContext()
func (*OperandNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *OperandNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type PrimaryExprContext ¶
type PrimaryExprContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyPrimaryExprContext ¶
func NewEmptyPrimaryExprContext() *PrimaryExprContext
func NewPrimaryExprContext ¶
func NewPrimaryExprContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *PrimaryExprContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) Accept ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*PrimaryExprContext) Arguments ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Arguments() IArgumentsContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*PrimaryExprContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*PrimaryExprContext) Field ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Field() IFieldContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*PrimaryExprContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) Index ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Index() IIndexContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) IsPrimaryExprContext ¶
func (*PrimaryExprContext) IsPrimaryExprContext()
func (*PrimaryExprContext) Operand ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Operand() IOperandContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) PrimaryExpr ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) PrimaryExpr() IPrimaryExprContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) Slice ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) Slice() ISliceContext
func (*PrimaryExprContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *PrimaryExprContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type SliceContext ¶
type SliceContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptySliceContext ¶
func NewEmptySliceContext() *SliceContext
func NewSliceContext ¶
func NewSliceContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *SliceContext
func (*SliceContext) Accept ¶
func (s *SliceContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*SliceContext) AllCOLON ¶
func (s *SliceContext) AllCOLON() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SliceContext) AllExpression ¶
func (s *SliceContext) AllExpression() []IExpressionContext
func (*SliceContext) COLON ¶
func (s *SliceContext) COLON(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SliceContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *SliceContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*SliceContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *SliceContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*SliceContext) Expression ¶
func (s *SliceContext) Expression(i int) IExpressionContext
func (*SliceContext) GetCap_ ¶
func (s *SliceContext) GetCap_() IExpressionContext
func (*SliceContext) GetHi ¶
func (s *SliceContext) GetHi() IExpressionContext
func (*SliceContext) GetLo ¶
func (s *SliceContext) GetLo() IExpressionContext
func (*SliceContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *SliceContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*SliceContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *SliceContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*SliceContext) IsSliceContext ¶
func (*SliceContext) IsSliceContext()
func (*SliceContext) L_BRACKET ¶
func (s *SliceContext) L_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SliceContext) R_BRACKET ¶
func (s *SliceContext) R_BRACKET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SliceContext) SetCap_ ¶
func (s *SliceContext) SetCap_(v IExpressionContext)
func (*SliceContext) SetHi ¶
func (s *SliceContext) SetHi(v IExpressionContext)
func (*SliceContext) SetLo ¶
func (s *SliceContext) SetLo(v IExpressionContext)
func (*SliceContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *SliceContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StringContext ¶
type StringContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStringContext ¶
func NewEmptyStringContext() *StringContext
func NewStringContext ¶
func NewStringContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StringContext
func (*StringContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StringContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StringContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StringContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StringContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StringContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StringContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StringContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StringContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StringContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StringContext) INTERPRETED_STRING_LIT ¶
func (s *StringContext) INTERPRETED_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StringContext) IsStringContext ¶
func (*StringContext) IsStringContext()
func (*StringContext) RAW_STRING_LIT ¶
func (s *StringContext) RAW_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StringContext) SINGER_QUOT_STRING_LIT ¶
func (s *StringContext) SINGER_QUOT_STRING_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StringContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StringContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string