Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddRepoArchiver(ctx context.Context, archiver *RepoArchiver) error
- func AttachmentRelativePath(uuid string) string
- func ChangeRepositoryName(doer *user_model.User, repo *Repository, newRepoName string) (err error)
- func CheckCreateRepository(doer, u *user_model.User, name string, overwriteOrAdopt bool) error
- func ComposeHTTPSCloneURL(owner, repo string) string
- func CopyLanguageStat(originalRepo, destRepo *Repository) error
- func CountOrphanedAttachments() (int64, error)
- func CountRepositories(private bool) int64
- func CountTopics(opts *FindTopicOptions) (int64, error)
- func CountUserRepositories(userID int64, private bool) int64
- func DeleteAllRepoArchives() error
- func DeleteAttachment(a *Attachment, remove bool) error
- func DeleteAttachments(ctx context.Context, attachments []*Attachment, remove bool) (int, error)
- func DeleteAttachmentsByComment(commentID int64, remove bool) (int, error)
- func DeleteAttachmentsByIssue(issueID int64, remove bool) (int, error)
- func DeleteAttachmentsByRelease(releaseID int64) error
- func DeleteMirrorByRepoID(repoID int64) error
- func DeleteOrphanedAttachments() error
- func DeletePushMirrorByID(ID int64) error
- func DeletePushMirrorsByRepoID(repoID int64) error
- func DeleteRedirect(ctx context.Context, ownerID int64, repoName string) error
- func DeleteRepoArchiver(ctx context.Context, archiver *RepoArchiver) error
- func ExistAttachmentsByUUID(uuid string) (bool, error)
- func FindReposMapByIDs(repoIDs []int64, res map[int64]*Repository) error
- func GenerateTopics(ctx context.Context, templateRepo, generateRepo *Repository) error
- func GetPrivateRepositoryCount(u *user_model.User) (int64, error)
- func GetPublicRepositoryCount(u *user_model.User) (int64, error)
- func GetRepoWatchers(repoID int64, opts db.ListOptions) ([]*user_model.User, error)
- func GetRepoWatchersIDs(ctx context.Context, repoID int64) ([]int64, error)
- func GetRepositoriesMapByIDs(ids []int64) (map[int64]*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoryCount(ctx context.Context, ownerID int64) (int64, error)
- func GetStargazers(repo *Repository, opts db.ListOptions) ([]*user_model.User, error)
- func GetUnindexedRepos(indexerType RepoIndexerType, maxRepoID int64, page, pageSize int) ([]int64, error)
- func GitConfigPath(repoPath string) string
- func HasForkedRepo(ownerID, repoID int64) bool
- func InsertMirror(mirror *Mirror) error
- func InsertPushMirror(m *PushMirror) error
- func IsErrAttachmentNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrReachLimitOfRepo(err error) bool
- func IsErrRedirectNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrRepoAlreadyExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrRepoNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrTopicNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrUnitTypeNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsRepositoryExist(u *user_model.User, repoName string) (bool, error)
- func IsRepositoryExistCtx(ctx context.Context, u *user_model.User, repoName string) (bool, error)
- func IsStaring(userID, repoID int64) bool
- func IsUsableRepoName(name string) error
- func IsWatchMode(mode WatchMode) bool
- func IsWatching(userID, repoID int64) bool
- func IterateAttachment(f func(attach *Attachment) error) error
- func IterateRepository(f func(repo *Repository) error) error
- func LookupRedirect(ownerID int64, repoName string) (int64, error)
- func MirrorsIterate(f func(idx int, bean interface{}) error) error
- func NewRedirect(ctx context.Context, ownerID, repoID int64, oldRepoName, newRepoName string) error
- func PushMirrorsIterate(f func(idx int, bean interface{}) error) error
- func RemoveTopicsFromRepo(ctx context.Context, repoID int64) error
- func RepoPath(userName, repoName string) string
- func SanitizeAndValidateTopics(topics []string) (validTopics, invalidTopics []string)
- func SaveTopics(repoID int64, topicNames ...string) error
- func SetArchiveRepoState(repo *Repository, isArchived bool) (err error)
- func StarRepo(userID, repoID int64, star bool) error
- func UpdateAttachment(atta *Attachment) error
- func UpdateAttachmentByUUID(ctx context.Context, attach *Attachment, cols ...string) error
- func UpdateAttachmentCtx(ctx context.Context, atta *Attachment) error
- func UpdateDefaultBranch(repo *Repository) error
- func UpdateIndexerStatus(repo *Repository, indexerType RepoIndexerType, sha string) error
- func UpdateLanguageStats(repo *Repository, commitID string, stats map[string]int64) error
- func UpdateMirror(m *Mirror) error
- func UpdatePushMirror(m *PushMirror) error
- func UpdateRepoArchiverStatus(ctx context.Context, archiver *RepoArchiver) error
- func UpdateRepoUnit(unit *RepoUnit) error
- func UpdateRepositoryCols(repo *Repository, cols ...string) error
- func UpdateRepositoryColsCtx(ctx context.Context, repo *Repository, cols ...string) error
- func UpdateRepositoryOwnerNames(ownerID int64, ownerName string) error
- func UpdateRepositoryUnits(repo *Repository, units []RepoUnit, deleteUnitTypes []unit.Type) (err error)
- func UpdateRepositoryUpdatedTime(repoID int64, updateTime time.Time) error
- func ValidateTopic(topic string) bool
- func WatchIfAuto(userID, repoID int64, isWrite bool) error
- func WatchRepo(userID, repoID int64, watch bool) (err error)
- func WatchRepoCtx(ctx context.Context, userID, repoID int64, doWatch bool) (err error)
- func WatchRepoMode(userID, repoID int64, mode WatchMode) (err error)
- func WikiPath(userName, repoName string) string
- type ArchiverStatus
- type Attachment
- func GetAttachmentByID(id int64) (*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentByReleaseIDFileName(releaseID int64, fileName string) (*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentByUUID(uuid string) (*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentsByCommentID(commentID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentsByCommentIDCtx(ctx context.Context, commentID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentsByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentsByIssueIDCtx(ctx context.Context, issueID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
- func GetAttachmentsByUUIDs(ctx context.Context, uuids []string) ([]*Attachment, error)
- type CloneLink
- type ErrAttachmentNotExist
- type ErrReachLimitOfRepo
- type ErrRedirectNotExist
- type ErrRepoAlreadyExist
- type ErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist
- type ErrRepoNotExist
- type ErrTopicNotExist
- type ErrUnitTypeNotExist
- type ExternalTrackerConfig
- type ExternalWikiConfig
- type FindRepoArchiversOption
- type FindTopicOptions
- type IssuesConfig
- type LanguageStat
- type LanguageStatList
- type MergeStyle
- type Mirror
- type MirrorRepositoryList
- type PullRequestsConfig
- func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) AllowedMergeStyleCount() int
- func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) FromDB(bs []byte) error
- func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) GetDefaultMergeStyle() MergeStyle
- func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) IsMergeStyleAllowed(mergeStyle MergeStyle) bool
- func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
- type PushMirror
- type Redirect
- type RemoteMirrorer
- type RepoArchiver
- type RepoIndexerStatus
- type RepoIndexerType
- type RepoTopic
- type RepoUnit
- func (r *RepoUnit) BeforeSet(colName string, val xorm.Cell)
- func (r *RepoUnit) CodeConfig() *UnitConfig
- func (r *RepoUnit) ExternalTrackerConfig() *ExternalTrackerConfig
- func (r *RepoUnit) ExternalWikiConfig() *ExternalWikiConfig
- func (r *RepoUnit) IssuesConfig() *IssuesConfig
- func (r *RepoUnit) PullRequestsConfig() *PullRequestsConfig
- func (r *RepoUnit) ReleasesConfig() *UnitConfig
- func (r *RepoUnit) Unit() unit.Unit
- type Repository
- func GetForkedRepo(ownerID, repoID int64) *Repository
- func GetForks(repo *Repository, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoriesByForkID(ctx context.Context, forkID int64) ([]*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoryByID(id int64) (*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoryByIDCtx(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoryByName(ownerID int64, name string) (*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName string) (*Repository, error)
- func GetRepositoryByOwnerAndNameCtx(ctx context.Context, ownerName, repoName string) (*Repository, error)
- func GetTemplateRepo(repo *Repository) (*Repository, error)
- func GetUserFork(repoID, userID int64) (*Repository, error)
- func GetUserMirrorRepositories(userID int64) ([]*Repository, error)
- func (repo *Repository) APIURL() string
- func (repo *Repository) AfterLoad()
- func (repo *Repository) AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime() bool
- func (repo *Repository) AllowsPulls() bool
- func (repo *Repository) AvatarLink() string
- func (repo *Repository) CanCreateBranch() bool
- func (repo *Repository) CanEnableEditor() bool
- func (repo *Repository) CanEnablePulls() bool
- func (repo *Repository) CanEnableTimetracker() bool
- func (repo *Repository) CloneLink() (cl *CloneLink)
- func (repo *Repository) ColorFormat(s fmt.State)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitLink(commitID string) (result string)
- func (repo *Repository) ComposeCompareURL(oldCommitID, newCommitID string) string
- func (repo *Repository) ComposeDocumentMetas() map[string]string
- func (repo *Repository) ComposeMetas() map[string]string
- func (repo *Repository) CustomAvatarRelativePath() string
- func (repo *Repository) DescriptionHTML() template.HTML
- func (repo *Repository) FullName() string
- func (repo *Repository) GetBaseRepo() (err error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetCommitsCountCacheKey(contextName string, isRef bool) string
- func (repo *Repository) GetOriginalURLHostname() string
- func (repo *Repository) GetOwner(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTrustModel() TrustModelType
- func (repo *Repository) GetUnit(tp unit.Type) (*RepoUnit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetUnitCtx(ctx context.Context, tp unit.Type) (*RepoUnit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GitConfigPath() string
- func (repo *Repository) HTMLURL() string
- func (repo *Repository) HasWiki() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsBeingCreated() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsBeingMigrated() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsBroken() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsDependenciesEnabled() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsDependenciesEnabledCtx(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsGenerated() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsOwnedBy(userID int64) bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsTimetrackerEnabled() bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsTimetrackerEnabledCtx(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (repo *Repository) Link() string
- func (repo *Repository) LoadUnits(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (repo *Repository) MustGetUnit(tp unit.Type) *RepoUnit
- func (repo *Repository) MustOwner() *user_model.User
- func (repo *Repository) RelAvatarLink() string
- func (repo *Repository) RepoPath() string
- func (repo *Repository) SanitizedOriginalURL() string
- func (repo *Repository) TemplateRepo() *Repository
- func (repo *Repository) UnitEnabled(tp unit.Type) bool
- func (repo *Repository) WikiCloneLink() *CloneLink
- func (repo *Repository) WikiPath() string
- type RepositoryStatus
- type Star
- type Topic
- func AddTopic(repoID int64, topicName string) (*Topic, error)
- func DeleteTopic(repoID int64, topicName string) (*Topic, error)
- func FindTopics(opts *FindTopicOptions) ([]*Topic, int64, error)
- func GetRepoTopicByName(repoID int64, topicName string) (*Topic, error)
- func GetTopicByName(name string) (*Topic, error)
- type TrustModelType
- type UnitConfig
- type Watch
- type WatchMode
Constants ¶
const ( ArchiverGenerating = iota // the archiver is generating ArchiverReady // it's ready )
enumerate all repo archive statuses
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrMirrorNotExist mirror does not exist error ErrMirrorNotExist = errors.New("Mirror does not exist") )
var ( // ErrPushMirrorNotExist mirror does not exist error ErrPushMirrorNotExist = errors.New("PushMirror does not exist") )
Functions ¶
func AddRepoArchiver ¶
func AddRepoArchiver(ctx context.Context, archiver *RepoArchiver) error
AddRepoArchiver adds an archiver
func AttachmentRelativePath ¶
AttachmentRelativePath returns the relative path
func ChangeRepositoryName ¶
func ChangeRepositoryName(doer *user_model.User, repo *Repository, newRepoName string) (err error)
ChangeRepositoryName changes all corresponding setting from old repository name to new one.
func CheckCreateRepository ¶
func CheckCreateRepository(doer, u *user_model.User, name string, overwriteOrAdopt bool) error
CheckCreateRepository check if could created a repository
func ComposeHTTPSCloneURL ¶
ComposeHTTPSCloneURL returns HTTPS clone URL based on given owner and repository name.
func CopyLanguageStat ¶
func CopyLanguageStat(originalRepo, destRepo *Repository) error
CopyLanguageStat Copy originalRepo language stat information to destRepo (use for forked repo)
func CountOrphanedAttachments ¶
CountOrphanedAttachments returns the number of bad attachments
func CountRepositories ¶
CountRepositories returns number of repositories. Argument private only takes effect when it is false, set it true to count all repositories.
func CountTopics ¶
func CountTopics(opts *FindTopicOptions) (int64, error)
CountTopics counts the number of topics matching the FindTopicOptions
func CountUserRepositories ¶
CountUserRepositories returns number of repositories user owns. Argument private only takes effect when it is false, set it true to count all repositories.
func DeleteAllRepoArchives ¶
func DeleteAllRepoArchives() error
DeleteAllRepoArchives deletes all repo archives records
func DeleteAttachment ¶
func DeleteAttachment(a *Attachment, remove bool) error
DeleteAttachment deletes the given attachment and optionally the associated file.
func DeleteAttachments ¶
DeleteAttachments deletes the given attachments and optionally the associated files.
func DeleteAttachmentsByComment ¶
DeleteAttachmentsByComment deletes all attachments associated with the given comment.
func DeleteAttachmentsByIssue ¶
DeleteAttachmentsByIssue deletes all attachments associated with the given issue.
func DeleteAttachmentsByRelease ¶
DeleteAttachmentsByRelease deletes all attachments associated with the given release.
func DeleteMirrorByRepoID ¶
DeleteMirrorByRepoID deletes a mirror by repoID
func DeleteOrphanedAttachments ¶
func DeleteOrphanedAttachments() error
DeleteOrphanedAttachments delete all bad attachments
func DeletePushMirrorByID ¶
DeletePushMirrorByID deletes a push-mirrors by ID
func DeletePushMirrorsByRepoID ¶
DeletePushMirrorsByRepoID deletes all push-mirrors by repoID
func DeleteRedirect ¶
DeleteRedirect delete any redirect from the specified repo name to anything else
func DeleteRepoArchiver ¶
func DeleteRepoArchiver(ctx context.Context, archiver *RepoArchiver) error
DeleteRepoArchiver delete archiver
func ExistAttachmentsByUUID ¶
ExistAttachmentsByUUID returns true if attachment is exist by given UUID
func FindReposMapByIDs ¶
func FindReposMapByIDs(repoIDs []int64, res map[int64]*Repository) error
FindReposMapByIDs find repos as map
func GenerateTopics ¶
func GenerateTopics(ctx context.Context, templateRepo, generateRepo *Repository) error
GenerateTopics generates topics from a template repository
func GetPrivateRepositoryCount ¶
func GetPrivateRepositoryCount(u *user_model.User) (int64, error)
GetPrivateRepositoryCount returns the total number of private repositories of user.
func GetPublicRepositoryCount ¶
func GetPublicRepositoryCount(u *user_model.User) (int64, error)
GetPublicRepositoryCount returns the total number of public repositories of user.
func GetRepoWatchers ¶
func GetRepoWatchers(repoID int64, opts db.ListOptions) ([]*user_model.User, error)
GetRepoWatchers returns range of users watching given repository.
func GetRepoWatchersIDs ¶
GetRepoWatchersIDs returns IDs of watchers for a given repo ID but avoids joining with `user` for performance reasons User permissions must be verified elsewhere if required
func GetRepositoriesMapByIDs ¶
func GetRepositoriesMapByIDs(ids []int64) (map[int64]*Repository, error)
GetRepositoriesMapByIDs returns the repositories by given id slice.
func GetRepositoryCount ¶
GetRepositoryCount returns the total number of repositories of user.
func GetStargazers ¶
func GetStargazers(repo *Repository, opts db.ListOptions) ([]*user_model.User, error)
GetStargazers returns the users that starred the repo.
func GetUnindexedRepos ¶
func GetUnindexedRepos(indexerType RepoIndexerType, maxRepoID int64, page, pageSize int) ([]int64, error)
GetUnindexedRepos returns repos which do not have an indexer status
func GitConfigPath ¶
GitConfigPath returns the path to a repository's git config/ directory
func HasForkedRepo ¶
HasForkedRepo checks if given user has already forked a repository with given ID.
func InsertMirror ¶
InsertMirror inserts a mirror to database
func InsertPushMirror ¶
func InsertPushMirror(m *PushMirror) error
InsertPushMirror inserts a push-mirror to database
func IsErrAttachmentNotExist ¶
IsErrAttachmentNotExist checks if an error is a ErrAttachmentNotExist.
func IsErrReachLimitOfRepo ¶
IsErrReachLimitOfRepo checks if an error is a ErrReachLimitOfRepo.
func IsErrRedirectNotExist ¶
IsErrRedirectNotExist check if an error is an ErrRepoRedirectNotExist.
func IsErrRepoAlreadyExist ¶
IsErrRepoAlreadyExist checks if an error is a ErrRepoAlreadyExist.
func IsErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist ¶
IsErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist checks if an error is a ErrRepoAlreadyExist.
func IsErrRepoNotExist ¶
IsErrRepoNotExist checks if an error is a ErrRepoNotExist.
func IsErrTopicNotExist ¶
IsErrTopicNotExist checks if an error is an ErrTopicNotExist.
func IsErrUnitTypeNotExist ¶
IsErrUnitTypeNotExist checks if an error is a ErrUnitNotExist.
func IsRepositoryExist ¶
func IsRepositoryExist(u *user_model.User, repoName string) (bool, error)
IsRepositoryExist returns true if the repository with given name under user has already existed.
func IsRepositoryExistCtx ¶
IsRepositoryExistCtx returns true if the repository with given name under user has already existed.
func IsUsableRepoName ¶
IsUsableRepoName returns true when repository is usable
func IsWatchMode ¶
IsWatchMode Decodes watchability of WatchMode
func IsWatching ¶
IsWatching checks if user has watched given repository.
func IterateAttachment ¶
func IterateAttachment(f func(attach *Attachment) error) error
IterateAttachment iterates attachments; it should not be used when Gitea is servicing users.
func IterateRepository ¶
func IterateRepository(f func(repo *Repository) error) error
IterateRepository iterate repositories
func LookupRedirect ¶
LookupRedirect look up if a repository has a redirect name
func MirrorsIterate ¶
MirrorsIterate iterates all mirror repositories.
func NewRedirect ¶
NewRedirect create a new repo redirect
func PushMirrorsIterate ¶
PushMirrorsIterate iterates all push-mirror repositories.
func RemoveTopicsFromRepo ¶
RemoveTopicsFromRepo remove all topics from the repo and decrements respective topics repo count
func SanitizeAndValidateTopics ¶
SanitizeAndValidateTopics sanitizes and checks an array or topics
func SaveTopics ¶
SaveTopics save topics to a repository
func SetArchiveRepoState ¶
func SetArchiveRepoState(repo *Repository, isArchived bool) (err error)
SetArchiveRepoState sets if a repo is archived
func UpdateAttachment ¶
func UpdateAttachment(atta *Attachment) error
UpdateAttachment updates the given attachment in database
func UpdateAttachmentByUUID ¶
func UpdateAttachmentByUUID(ctx context.Context, attach *Attachment, cols ...string) error
UpdateAttachmentByUUID Updates attachment via uuid
func UpdateAttachmentCtx ¶
func UpdateAttachmentCtx(ctx context.Context, atta *Attachment) error
UpdateAttachmentCtx updates the given attachment in database
func UpdateDefaultBranch ¶
func UpdateDefaultBranch(repo *Repository) error
UpdateDefaultBranch updates the default branch
func UpdateIndexerStatus ¶
func UpdateIndexerStatus(repo *Repository, indexerType RepoIndexerType, sha string) error
UpdateIndexerStatus updates indexer status
func UpdateLanguageStats ¶
func UpdateLanguageStats(repo *Repository, commitID string, stats map[string]int64) error
UpdateLanguageStats updates the language statistics for repository
func UpdatePushMirror ¶
func UpdatePushMirror(m *PushMirror) error
UpdatePushMirror updates the push-mirror
func UpdateRepoArchiverStatus ¶
func UpdateRepoArchiverStatus(ctx context.Context, archiver *RepoArchiver) error
UpdateRepoArchiverStatus updates archiver's status
func UpdateRepoUnit ¶
UpdateRepoUnit updates the provided repo unit
func UpdateRepositoryCols ¶
func UpdateRepositoryCols(repo *Repository, cols ...string) error
UpdateRepositoryCols updates repository's columns
func UpdateRepositoryColsCtx ¶
func UpdateRepositoryColsCtx(ctx context.Context, repo *Repository, cols ...string) error
UpdateRepositoryColsCtx updates repository's columns
func UpdateRepositoryOwnerNames ¶
UpdateRepositoryOwnerNames updates repository owner_names (this should only be used when the ownerName has changed case)
func UpdateRepositoryUnits ¶
func UpdateRepositoryUnits(repo *Repository, units []RepoUnit, deleteUnitTypes []unit.Type) (err error)
UpdateRepositoryUnits updates a repository's units
func UpdateRepositoryUpdatedTime ¶
UpdateRepositoryUpdatedTime updates a repository's updated time
func ValidateTopic ¶
ValidateTopic checks a topic by length and match pattern rules
func WatchIfAuto ¶
WatchIfAuto subscribes to repo if AutoWatchOnChanges is set
func WatchRepoCtx ¶
WatchRepoCtx watch or unwatch repository.
func WatchRepoMode ¶
WatchRepoMode watch repository in specific mode.
Types ¶
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UUID string `xorm:"uuid UNIQUE"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` // this should not be zero IssueID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` // maybe zero when creating ReleaseID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` // maybe zero when creating UploaderID int64 `xorm:"INDEX DEFAULT 0"` // Notice: will be zero before this column added CommentID int64 Name string DownloadCount int64 `xorm:"DEFAULT 0"` Size int64 `xorm:"DEFAULT 0"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"created"` }
Attachment represent a attachment of issue/comment/release.
func GetAttachmentByID ¶
func GetAttachmentByID(id int64) (*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentByID returns attachment by given id
func GetAttachmentByReleaseIDFileName ¶
func GetAttachmentByReleaseIDFileName(releaseID int64, fileName string) (*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentByReleaseIDFileName returns attachment by given releaseId and fileName.
func GetAttachmentByUUID ¶
func GetAttachmentByUUID(uuid string) (*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentByUUID returns attachment by given UUID.
func GetAttachmentsByCommentID ¶
func GetAttachmentsByCommentID(commentID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentsByCommentID returns all attachments if comment by given ID.
func GetAttachmentsByCommentIDCtx ¶
func GetAttachmentsByCommentIDCtx(ctx context.Context, commentID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentsByCommentIDCtx returns all attachments if comment by given ID.
func GetAttachmentsByIssueID ¶
func GetAttachmentsByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentsByIssueID returns all attachments of an issue.
func GetAttachmentsByIssueIDCtx ¶
func GetAttachmentsByIssueIDCtx(ctx context.Context, issueID int64) ([]*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentsByIssueIDCtx returns all attachments of an issue.
func GetAttachmentsByUUIDs ¶
func GetAttachmentsByUUIDs(ctx context.Context, uuids []string) ([]*Attachment, error)
GetAttachmentsByUUIDs returns attachment by given UUID list.
func (*Attachment) DownloadURL ¶
func (a *Attachment) DownloadURL() string
DownloadURL returns the download url of the attached file
func (*Attachment) IncreaseDownloadCount ¶
func (a *Attachment) IncreaseDownloadCount() error
IncreaseDownloadCount is update download count + 1
func (*Attachment) RelativePath ¶
func (a *Attachment) RelativePath() string
RelativePath returns the relative path of the attachment
type ErrAttachmentNotExist ¶
ErrAttachmentNotExist represents a "AttachmentNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrAttachmentNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrAttachmentNotExist) Error() string
type ErrReachLimitOfRepo ¶
type ErrReachLimitOfRepo struct {
Limit int
ErrReachLimitOfRepo represents a "ReachLimitOfRepo" kind of error.
func (ErrReachLimitOfRepo) Error ¶
func (err ErrReachLimitOfRepo) Error() string
type ErrRedirectNotExist ¶
ErrRedirectNotExist represents a "RedirectNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrRedirectNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrRedirectNotExist) Error() string
type ErrRepoAlreadyExist ¶
ErrRepoAlreadyExist represents a "RepoAlreadyExist" kind of error.
func (ErrRepoAlreadyExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrRepoAlreadyExist) Error() string
type ErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist ¶
ErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist represents a "RepoFilesAlreadyExist" kind of error.
func (ErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrRepoFilesAlreadyExist) Error() string
type ErrRepoNotExist ¶
ErrRepoNotExist represents a "RepoNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrRepoNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrRepoNotExist) Error() string
type ErrTopicNotExist ¶
type ErrTopicNotExist struct {
Name string
ErrTopicNotExist represents an error that a topic is not exist
func (ErrTopicNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrTopicNotExist) Error() string
Error implements error interface
type ErrUnitTypeNotExist ¶
ErrUnitTypeNotExist represents a "UnitTypeNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrUnitTypeNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrUnitTypeNotExist) Error() string
type ExternalTrackerConfig ¶
type ExternalTrackerConfig struct { ExternalTrackerURL string ExternalTrackerFormat string ExternalTrackerStyle string }
ExternalTrackerConfig describes external tracker config
func (*ExternalTrackerConfig) FromDB ¶
func (cfg *ExternalTrackerConfig) FromDB(bs []byte) error
FromDB fills up a ExternalTrackerConfig from serialized format.
func (*ExternalTrackerConfig) ToDB ¶
func (cfg *ExternalTrackerConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
ToDB exports a ExternalTrackerConfig to a serialized format.
type ExternalWikiConfig ¶
type ExternalWikiConfig struct {
ExternalWikiURL string
ExternalWikiConfig describes external wiki config
func (*ExternalWikiConfig) FromDB ¶
func (cfg *ExternalWikiConfig) FromDB(bs []byte) error
FromDB fills up a ExternalWikiConfig from serialized format.
func (*ExternalWikiConfig) ToDB ¶
func (cfg *ExternalWikiConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
ToDB exports a ExternalWikiConfig to a serialized format.
type FindRepoArchiversOption ¶
type FindRepoArchiversOption struct { db.ListOptions OlderThan time.Duration }
FindRepoArchiversOption represents an archiver options
type FindTopicOptions ¶
type FindTopicOptions struct { db.ListOptions RepoID int64 Keyword string }
FindTopicOptions represents the options when fdin topics
type IssuesConfig ¶
type IssuesConfig struct { EnableTimetracker bool AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime bool EnableDependencies bool }
IssuesConfig describes issues config
func (*IssuesConfig) FromDB ¶
func (cfg *IssuesConfig) FromDB(bs []byte) error
FromDB fills up a IssuesConfig from serialized format.
func (*IssuesConfig) ToDB ¶
func (cfg *IssuesConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
ToDB exports a IssuesConfig to a serialized format.
type LanguageStat ¶
type LanguageStat struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s) INDEX NOT NULL"` CommitID string IsPrimary bool Language string `xorm:"VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE(s) INDEX NOT NULL"` Percentage float32 `xorm:"-"` Size int64 `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` Color string `xorm:"-"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX CREATED"` }
LanguageStat describes language statistics of a repository
type LanguageStatList ¶
type LanguageStatList []*LanguageStat
LanguageStatList defines a list of language statistics
func GetLanguageStats ¶
func GetLanguageStats(repo *Repository) (LanguageStatList, error)
GetLanguageStats returns the language statistics for a repository
func GetTopLanguageStats ¶
func GetTopLanguageStats(repo *Repository, limit int) (LanguageStatList, error)
GetTopLanguageStats returns the top language statistics for a repository
func (LanguageStatList) LoadAttributes ¶
func (stats LanguageStatList) LoadAttributes()
LoadAttributes loads attributes
type MergeStyle ¶
type MergeStyle string
MergeStyle represents the approach to merge commits into base branch.
const ( // MergeStyleMerge create merge commit MergeStyleMerge MergeStyle = "merge" // MergeStyleRebase rebase before merging MergeStyleRebase MergeStyle = "rebase" // MergeStyleRebaseMerge rebase before merging with merge commit (--no-ff) MergeStyleRebaseMerge MergeStyle = "rebase-merge" // MergeStyleSquash squash commits into single commit before merging MergeStyleSquash MergeStyle = "squash" // MergeStyleManuallyMerged pr has been merged manually, just mark it as merged directly MergeStyleManuallyMerged MergeStyle = "manually-merged" // MergeStyleRebaseUpdate not a merge style, used to update pull head by rebase MergeStyleRebaseUpdate MergeStyle = "rebase-update-only" )
type Mirror ¶
type Mirror struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` Repo *Repository `xorm:"-"` Interval time.Duration EnablePrune bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT true"` UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX"` NextUpdateUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX"` LFS bool `xorm:"lfs_enabled NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` LFSEndpoint string `xorm:"lfs_endpoint TEXT"` Address string `xorm:"-"` }
Mirror represents mirror information of a repository.
func GetMirrorByRepoID ¶
GetMirrorByRepoID returns mirror information of a repository.
func (*Mirror) AfterLoad ¶
AfterLoad is invoked from XORM after setting the values of all fields of this object.
func (*Mirror) BeforeInsert ¶
func (m *Mirror) BeforeInsert()
BeforeInsert will be invoked by XORM before inserting a record
func (*Mirror) GetRemoteName ¶
GetRemoteName returns the name of the remote.
func (*Mirror) GetRepository ¶
func (m *Mirror) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the repository.
func (*Mirror) ScheduleNextUpdate ¶
func (m *Mirror) ScheduleNextUpdate()
ScheduleNextUpdate calculates and sets next update time.
type MirrorRepositoryList ¶
type MirrorRepositoryList []*Repository
MirrorRepositoryList contains the mirror repositories
func (MirrorRepositoryList) LoadAttributes ¶
func (repos MirrorRepositoryList) LoadAttributes() error
LoadAttributes loads the attributes for the given MirrorRepositoryList
type PullRequestsConfig ¶
type PullRequestsConfig struct { IgnoreWhitespaceConflicts bool AllowMerge bool AllowRebase bool AllowRebaseMerge bool AllowSquash bool AllowManualMerge bool AutodetectManualMerge bool DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge bool DefaultMergeStyle MergeStyle }
PullRequestsConfig describes pull requests config
func (*PullRequestsConfig) AllowedMergeStyleCount ¶
func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) AllowedMergeStyleCount() int
AllowedMergeStyleCount returns the total count of allowed merge styles for the PullRequestsConfig
func (*PullRequestsConfig) FromDB ¶
func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) FromDB(bs []byte) error
FromDB fills up a PullRequestsConfig from serialized format.
func (*PullRequestsConfig) GetDefaultMergeStyle ¶
func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) GetDefaultMergeStyle() MergeStyle
GetDefaultMergeStyle returns the default merge style for this pull request
func (*PullRequestsConfig) IsMergeStyleAllowed ¶
func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) IsMergeStyleAllowed(mergeStyle MergeStyle) bool
IsMergeStyleAllowed returns if merge style is allowed
func (*PullRequestsConfig) ToDB ¶
func (cfg *PullRequestsConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
ToDB exports a PullRequestsConfig to a serialized format.
type PushMirror ¶
type PushMirror struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` Repo *Repository `xorm:"-"` RemoteName string Interval time.Duration CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"created"` LastUpdateUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX last_update"` LastError string `xorm:"text"` }
PushMirror represents mirror information of a repository.
func GetPushMirrorByID ¶
func GetPushMirrorByID(ID int64) (*PushMirror, error)
GetPushMirrorByID returns push-mirror information.
func GetPushMirrorsByRepoID ¶
func GetPushMirrorsByRepoID(repoID int64) ([]*PushMirror, error)
GetPushMirrorsByRepoID returns push-mirror information of a repository.
func (*PushMirror) AfterLoad ¶
func (m *PushMirror) AfterLoad(session *xorm.Session)
AfterLoad is invoked from XORM after setting the values of all fields of this object.
func (*PushMirror) GetRemoteName ¶
func (m *PushMirror) GetRemoteName() string
GetRemoteName returns the name of the remote.
func (*PushMirror) GetRepository ¶
func (m *PushMirror) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the path of the repository.
type Redirect ¶
type Redirect struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` OwnerID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s)"` LowerName string `xorm:"UNIQUE(s) INDEX NOT NULL"` RedirectRepoID int64 // repoID to redirect to }
Redirect represents that a repo name should be redirected to another
type RemoteMirrorer ¶
type RemoteMirrorer interface { GetRepository() *Repository GetRemoteName() string }
RemoteMirrorer defines base methods for pull/push mirrors.
type RepoArchiver ¶
type RepoArchiver struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"index unique(s)"` Type git.ArchiveType `xorm:"unique(s)"` Status ArchiverStatus CommitID string `xorm:"VARCHAR(40) unique(s)"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL created"` }
RepoArchiver represents all archivers
func FindRepoArchives ¶
func FindRepoArchives(opts FindRepoArchiversOption) ([]*RepoArchiver, error)
FindRepoArchives find repo archivers
func GetRepoArchiver ¶
func GetRepoArchiver(ctx context.Context, repoID int64, tp git.ArchiveType, commitID string) (*RepoArchiver, error)
GetRepoArchiver get an archiver
func (*RepoArchiver) RelativePath ¶
func (archiver *RepoArchiver) RelativePath() (string, error)
RelativePath returns relative path
type RepoIndexerStatus ¶
type RepoIndexerStatus struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX(s)"` CommitSha string `xorm:"VARCHAR(40)"` IndexerType RepoIndexerType `xorm:"INDEX(s) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` }
RepoIndexerStatus status of a repo's entry in the repo indexer For now, implicitly refers to default branch
func GetIndexerStatus ¶
func GetIndexerStatus(repo *Repository, indexerType RepoIndexerType) (*RepoIndexerStatus, error)
GetIndexerStatus loads repo codes indxer status
type RepoIndexerType ¶
type RepoIndexerType int //revive:disable-line:exported
RepoIndexerType specifies the repository indexer type
const ( // RepoIndexerTypeCode code indexer RepoIndexerTypeCode RepoIndexerType = iota // 0 // RepoIndexerTypeStats repository stats indexer RepoIndexerTypeStats // 1 )
type RepoUnit ¶
type RepoUnit struct { ID int64 RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX(s)"` Type unit.Type `xorm:"INDEX(s)"` Config convert.Conversion `xorm:"TEXT"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX CREATED"` }
RepoUnit describes all units of a repository
func (*RepoUnit) BeforeSet ¶
BeforeSet is invoked from XORM before setting the value of a field of this object.
func (*RepoUnit) CodeConfig ¶
func (r *RepoUnit) CodeConfig() *UnitConfig
CodeConfig returns config for unit.TypeCode
func (*RepoUnit) ExternalTrackerConfig ¶
func (r *RepoUnit) ExternalTrackerConfig() *ExternalTrackerConfig
ExternalTrackerConfig returns config for unit.TypeExternalTracker
func (*RepoUnit) ExternalWikiConfig ¶
func (r *RepoUnit) ExternalWikiConfig() *ExternalWikiConfig
ExternalWikiConfig returns config for unit.TypeExternalWiki
func (*RepoUnit) IssuesConfig ¶
func (r *RepoUnit) IssuesConfig() *IssuesConfig
IssuesConfig returns config for unit.TypeIssues
func (*RepoUnit) PullRequestsConfig ¶
func (r *RepoUnit) PullRequestsConfig() *PullRequestsConfig
PullRequestsConfig returns config for unit.TypePullRequests
func (*RepoUnit) ReleasesConfig ¶
func (r *RepoUnit) ReleasesConfig() *UnitConfig
ReleasesConfig returns config for unit.TypeReleases
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` OwnerID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s) index"` OwnerName string Owner *user_model.User `xorm:"-"` LowerName string `xorm:"UNIQUE(s) INDEX NOT NULL"` Name string `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL"` Description string `xorm:"TEXT"` Website string `xorm:"VARCHAR(2048)"` OriginalServiceType api.GitServiceType `xorm:"index"` OriginalURL string `xorm:"VARCHAR(2048)"` DefaultBranch string NumWatches int NumStars int NumForks int NumIssues int NumClosedIssues int NumOpenIssues int `xorm:"-"` NumPulls int NumClosedPulls int NumOpenPulls int `xorm:"-"` NumMilestones int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` NumClosedMilestones int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` NumOpenMilestones int `xorm:"-"` NumProjects int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` NumClosedProjects int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` NumOpenProjects int `xorm:"-"` IsPrivate bool `xorm:"INDEX"` IsEmpty bool `xorm:"INDEX"` IsArchived bool `xorm:"INDEX"` IsMirror bool `xorm:"INDEX"` *Mirror `xorm:"-"` Status RepositoryStatus `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RenderingMetas map[string]string `xorm:"-"` DocumentRenderingMetas map[string]string `xorm:"-"` Units []*RepoUnit `xorm:"-"` PrimaryLanguage *LanguageStat `xorm:"-"` IsFork bool `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` ForkID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` BaseRepo *Repository `xorm:"-"` IsTemplate bool `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` TemplateID int64 `xorm:"INDEX"` Size int64 `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CodeIndexerStatus *RepoIndexerStatus `xorm:"-"` StatsIndexerStatus *RepoIndexerStatus `xorm:"-"` IsFsckEnabled bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT true"` CloseIssuesViaCommitInAnyBranch bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` Topics []string `xorm:"TEXT JSON"` TrustModel TrustModelType // Avatar: ID(10-20)-md5(32) - must fit into 64 symbols Avatar string `xorm:"VARCHAR(64)"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX updated"` }
Repository represents a git repository.
func GetForkedRepo ¶
func GetForkedRepo(ownerID, repoID int64) *Repository
GetForkedRepo checks if given user has already forked a repository with given ID.
func GetForks ¶
func GetForks(repo *Repository, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*Repository, error)
GetForks returns all the forks of the repository
func GetRepositoriesByForkID ¶
func GetRepositoriesByForkID(ctx context.Context, forkID int64) ([]*Repository, error)
GetRepositoriesByForkID returns all repositories with given fork ID.
func GetRepositoryByID ¶
func GetRepositoryByID(id int64) (*Repository, error)
GetRepositoryByID returns the repository by given id if exists.
func GetRepositoryByIDCtx ¶
func GetRepositoryByIDCtx(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*Repository, error)
GetRepositoryByIDCtx returns the repository by given id if exists.
func GetRepositoryByName ¶
func GetRepositoryByName(ownerID int64, name string) (*Repository, error)
GetRepositoryByName returns the repository by given name under user if exists.
func GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName ¶
func GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName string) (*Repository, error)
GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName returns the repository by given ownername and reponame.
func GetRepositoryByOwnerAndNameCtx ¶
func GetRepositoryByOwnerAndNameCtx(ctx context.Context, ownerName, repoName string) (*Repository, error)
GetRepositoryByOwnerAndNameCtx returns the repository by given owner name and repo name
func GetTemplateRepo ¶
func GetTemplateRepo(repo *Repository) (*Repository, error)
GetTemplateRepo populates repo.TemplateRepo for a generated repository and returns an error on failure (NOTE: no error is returned for non-generated repositories, and TemplateRepo will be left untouched)
func GetUserFork ¶
func GetUserFork(repoID, userID int64) (*Repository, error)
GetUserFork return user forked repository from this repository, if not forked return nil
func GetUserMirrorRepositories ¶
func GetUserMirrorRepositories(userID int64) ([]*Repository, error)
GetUserMirrorRepositories returns a list of mirror repositories of given user.
func (*Repository) APIURL ¶
func (repo *Repository) APIURL() string
APIURL returns the repository API URL
func (*Repository) AfterLoad ¶
func (repo *Repository) AfterLoad()
AfterLoad is invoked from XORM after setting the values of all fields of this object.
func (*Repository) AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime ¶
func (repo *Repository) AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime() bool
AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime returns value of IssuesConfig or the default value
func (*Repository) AllowsPulls ¶
func (repo *Repository) AllowsPulls() bool
AllowsPulls returns true if repository meets the requirements of accepting pulls and has them enabled.
func (*Repository) AvatarLink ¶
func (repo *Repository) AvatarLink() string
AvatarLink returns a link to the repository's avatar.
func (*Repository) CanCreateBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) CanCreateBranch() bool
CanCreateBranch returns true if repository meets the requirements for creating new branches.
func (*Repository) CanEnableEditor ¶
func (repo *Repository) CanEnableEditor() bool
CanEnableEditor returns true if repository meets the requirements of web editor.
func (*Repository) CanEnablePulls ¶
func (repo *Repository) CanEnablePulls() bool
CanEnablePulls returns true if repository meets the requirements of accepting pulls.
func (*Repository) CanEnableTimetracker ¶
func (repo *Repository) CanEnableTimetracker() bool
CanEnableTimetracker returns true when the server admin enabled time tracking This overrules IsTimetrackerEnabled
func (*Repository) CloneLink ¶
func (repo *Repository) CloneLink() (cl *CloneLink)
CloneLink returns clone URLs of repository.
func (*Repository) ColorFormat ¶
func (repo *Repository) ColorFormat(s fmt.State)
ColorFormat returns a colored string to represent this repo
func (*Repository) CommitLink ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitLink(commitID string) (result string)
CommitLink make link to by commit full ID note: won't check whether it's an right id
func (*Repository) ComposeCompareURL ¶
func (repo *Repository) ComposeCompareURL(oldCommitID, newCommitID string) string
ComposeCompareURL returns the repository comparison URL
func (*Repository) ComposeDocumentMetas ¶
func (repo *Repository) ComposeDocumentMetas() map[string]string
ComposeDocumentMetas composes a map of metas for properly rendering documents
func (*Repository) ComposeMetas ¶
func (repo *Repository) ComposeMetas() map[string]string
ComposeMetas composes a map of metas for properly rendering issue links and external issue trackers.
func (*Repository) CustomAvatarRelativePath ¶
func (repo *Repository) CustomAvatarRelativePath() string
CustomAvatarRelativePath returns repository custom avatar file path.
func (*Repository) DescriptionHTML ¶
func (repo *Repository) DescriptionHTML() template.HTML
DescriptionHTML does special handles to description and return HTML string.
func (*Repository) FullName ¶
func (repo *Repository) FullName() string
FullName returns the repository full name
func (*Repository) GetBaseRepo ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBaseRepo() (err error)
GetBaseRepo populates repo.BaseRepo for a fork repository and returns an error on failure (NOTE: no error is returned for non-fork repositories, and BaseRepo will be left untouched)
func (*Repository) GetCommitsCountCacheKey ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetCommitsCountCacheKey(contextName string, isRef bool) string
GetCommitsCountCacheKey returns cache key used for commits count caching.
func (*Repository) GetOriginalURLHostname ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetOriginalURLHostname() string
GetOriginalURLHostname returns the hostname of a URL or the URL
func (*Repository) GetOwner ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetOwner(ctx context.Context) (err error)
GetOwner returns the repository owner
func (*Repository) GetTrustModel ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTrustModel() TrustModelType
GetTrustModel will get the TrustModel for the repo or the default trust model
func (*Repository) GetUnit ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetUnit(tp unit.Type) (*RepoUnit, error)
GetUnit returns a RepoUnit object
func (*Repository) GetUnitCtx ¶
GetUnitCtx returns a RepoUnit object
func (*Repository) GitConfigPath ¶
func (repo *Repository) GitConfigPath() string
GitConfigPath returns the repository git config path
func (*Repository) HTMLURL ¶
func (repo *Repository) HTMLURL() string
HTMLURL returns the repository HTML URL
func (*Repository) HasWiki ¶
func (repo *Repository) HasWiki() bool
HasWiki returns true if repository has wiki.
func (*Repository) IsBeingCreated ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsBeingCreated() bool
IsBeingCreated indicates that repository is being migrated or forked
func (*Repository) IsBeingMigrated ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsBeingMigrated() bool
IsBeingMigrated indicates that repository is being migrated
func (*Repository) IsBroken ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsBroken() bool
IsBroken indicates that repository is broken
func (*Repository) IsDependenciesEnabled ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsDependenciesEnabled() bool
IsDependenciesEnabled returns if dependencies are enabled and returns the default setting if not set.
func (*Repository) IsDependenciesEnabledCtx ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsDependenciesEnabledCtx(ctx context.Context) bool
IsDependenciesEnabledCtx returns if dependencies are enabled and returns the default setting if not set.
func (*Repository) IsGenerated ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsGenerated() bool
IsGenerated returns whether _this_ repository was generated from a template
func (*Repository) IsOwnedBy ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsOwnedBy(userID int64) bool
IsOwnedBy returns true when user owns this repository
func (*Repository) IsTimetrackerEnabled ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsTimetrackerEnabled() bool
IsTimetrackerEnabled returns whether or not the timetracker is enabled. It returns the default value from config if an error occurs.
func (*Repository) IsTimetrackerEnabledCtx ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsTimetrackerEnabledCtx(ctx context.Context) bool
IsTimetrackerEnabledCtx returns whether or not the timetracker is enabled. It returns the default value from config if an error occurs.
func (*Repository) LoadUnits ¶
func (repo *Repository) LoadUnits(ctx context.Context) (err error)
LoadUnits loads repo units into repo.Units
func (*Repository) MustGetUnit ¶
func (repo *Repository) MustGetUnit(tp unit.Type) *RepoUnit
MustGetUnit always returns a RepoUnit object
func (*Repository) MustOwner ¶
func (repo *Repository) MustOwner() *user_model.User
MustOwner always returns a valid *user_model.User object to avoid conceptually impossible error handling. It creates a fake object that contains error details when error occurs.
func (*Repository) RelAvatarLink ¶
func (repo *Repository) RelAvatarLink() string
RelAvatarLink returns a relative link to the repository's avatar.
func (*Repository) RepoPath ¶
func (repo *Repository) RepoPath() string
RepoPath returns the repository path
func (*Repository) SanitizedOriginalURL ¶
func (repo *Repository) SanitizedOriginalURL() string
SanitizedOriginalURL returns a sanitized OriginalURL
func (*Repository) TemplateRepo ¶
func (repo *Repository) TemplateRepo() *Repository
TemplateRepo returns the repository, which is template of this repository
func (*Repository) UnitEnabled ¶
func (repo *Repository) UnitEnabled(tp unit.Type) bool
UnitEnabled if this repository has the given unit enabled
func (*Repository) WikiCloneLink ¶
func (repo *Repository) WikiCloneLink() *CloneLink
WikiCloneLink returns clone URLs of repository wiki.
func (*Repository) WikiPath ¶
func (repo *Repository) WikiPath() string
WikiPath returns wiki data path for given repository.
type RepositoryStatus ¶
type RepositoryStatus int
RepositoryStatus defines the status of repository
const ( RepositoryReady RepositoryStatus = iota // a normal repository RepositoryBeingMigrated // repository is migrating RepositoryPendingTransfer // repository pending in ownership transfer state RepositoryBroken // repository is in a permanently broken state )
all kinds of RepositoryStatus
type Star ¶
type Star struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s)"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(s)"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` }
Star represents a starred repo by an user.
type Topic ¶
type Topic struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` Name string `xorm:"UNIQUE VARCHAR(50)"` RepoCount int CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX updated"` }
Topic represents a topic of repositories
func DeleteTopic ¶
DeleteTopic removes a topic name from a repository (if it has it)
func FindTopics ¶
func FindTopics(opts *FindTopicOptions) ([]*Topic, int64, error)
FindTopics retrieves the topics via FindTopicOptions
func GetRepoTopicByName ¶
GetRepoTopicByName retrieves topic from name for a repo if it exist
func GetTopicByName ¶
GetTopicByName retrieves topic by name
type TrustModelType ¶
type TrustModelType int
TrustModelType defines the types of trust model for this repository
const ( DefaultTrustModel TrustModelType = iota // default trust model CommitterTrustModel CollaboratorTrustModel CollaboratorCommitterTrustModel )
kinds of TrustModel
func ToTrustModel ¶
func ToTrustModel(model string) TrustModelType
ToTrustModel converts a string to a TrustModelType
func (TrustModelType) String ¶
func (t TrustModelType) String() string
String converts a TrustModelType to a string
type UnitConfig ¶
type UnitConfig struct{}
UnitConfig describes common unit config
func (*UnitConfig) FromDB ¶
func (cfg *UnitConfig) FromDB(bs []byte) error
FromDB fills up a UnitConfig from serialized format.
func (*UnitConfig) ToDB ¶
func (cfg *UnitConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
ToDB exports a UnitConfig to a serialized format.
type Watch ¶
type Watch struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UserID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"` RepoID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"` Mode WatchMode `xorm:"SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX updated"` }
Watch is connection request for receiving repository notification.