
v1.11.0-dev Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 14, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 36 Imported by: 2,373




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const (
	LevelQueueType   = "levelqueue"
	ChannelQueueType = "channel"
	RedisQueueType   = "redis"

enumerates all the indexer queue types

View Source
const (
	RepoCreatingLastUserVisibility = "last"
	RepoCreatingPrivate            = "private"
	RepoCreatingPublic             = "public"

enumerates all the policy repository creating

View Source
const (
	ImageCaptcha = "image"
	ReCaptcha    = "recaptcha"

enumerates all the types of captchas


View Source
var (
	// CORSConfig defines CORS settings
	CORSConfig cors.Options
	// EnableCORS defines whether CORS settings is enabled or not
	EnableCORS bool
View Source
var (
	// SupportedDatabases includes all supported databases type
	SupportedDatabases = []string{"MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "MSSQL"}

	// EnableSQLite3 use SQLite3, set by build flag
	EnableSQLite3 bool

	// Database holds the database settings
	Database = struct {
		Type              string
		Host              string
		Name              string
		User              string
		Passwd            string
		SSLMode           string
		Path              string
		LogSQL            bool
		Charset           string
		Timeout           int // seconds
		UseSQLite3        bool
		UseMySQL          bool
		UseMSSQL          bool
		UsePostgreSQL     bool
		DBConnectRetries  int
		DBConnectBackoff  time.Duration
		MaxIdleConns      int
		ConnMaxLifetime   time.Duration
		IterateBufferSize int
		Timeout:         500,
		MaxIdleConns:    0,
		ConnMaxLifetime: 3 * time.Second,
View Source
var (
	Repository = struct {
		AnsiCharset                             string
		ForcePrivate                            bool
		DefaultPrivate                          string
		MaxCreationLimit                        int
		MirrorQueueLength                       int
		PullRequestQueueLength                  int
		PreferredLicenses                       []string
		DisableHTTPGit                          bool
		AccessControlAllowOrigin                string
		UseCompatSSHURI                         bool
		DefaultCloseIssuesViaCommitsInAnyBranch bool

		// Repository editor settings
		Editor struct {
			LineWrapExtensions   []string
			PreviewableFileModes []string
		} `ini:"-"`

		// Repository upload settings
		Upload struct {
			Enabled      bool
			TempPath     string
			AllowedTypes []string `delim:"|"`
			FileMaxSize  int64
			MaxFiles     int
		} `ini:"-"`

		// Repository local settings
		Local struct {
			LocalCopyPath string
		} `ini:"-"`

		// Pull request settings
		PullRequest struct {
			WorkInProgressPrefixes []string
		} `ini:"repository.pull-request"`

		// Issue Setting
		Issue struct {
			LockReasons []string
		} `ini:"repository.issue"`
		AnsiCharset:                             "",
		ForcePrivate:                            false,
		DefaultPrivate:                          RepoCreatingLastUserVisibility,
		MaxCreationLimit:                        -1,
		MirrorQueueLength:                       1000,
		PullRequestQueueLength:                  1000,
		PreferredLicenses:                       []string{"Apache License 2.0,MIT License"},
		DisableHTTPGit:                          false,
		AccessControlAllowOrigin:                "",
		UseCompatSSHURI:                         false,
		DefaultCloseIssuesViaCommitsInAnyBranch: false,

		Editor: struct {
			LineWrapExtensions   []string
			PreviewableFileModes []string
			LineWrapExtensions:   strings.Split(".txt,.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd,", ","),
			PreviewableFileModes: []string{"markdown"},

		Upload: struct {
			Enabled      bool
			TempPath     string
			AllowedTypes []string `delim:"|"`
			FileMaxSize  int64
			MaxFiles     int
			Enabled:      true,
			TempPath:     "data/tmp/uploads",
			AllowedTypes: []string{},
			FileMaxSize:  3,
			MaxFiles:     5,

		Local: struct {
			LocalCopyPath string
			LocalCopyPath: "tmp/local-repo",

		PullRequest: struct {
			WorkInProgressPrefixes []string
			WorkInProgressPrefixes: []string{"WIP:", "[WIP]"},

		Issue: struct {
			LockReasons []string
			LockReasons: strings.Split("Too heated,Off-topic,Spam,Resolved", ","),
	RepoRootPath string
	ScriptType   = "bash"

Repository settings

View Source
var (
	// AppVer settings
	AppVer         string
	AppBuiltWith   string
	AppName        string
	AppURL         string
	AppSubURL      string
	AppSubURLDepth int // Number of slashes
	AppPath        string
	AppDataPath    string
	AppWorkPath    string

	// Server settings
	Protocol             Scheme
	Domain               string
	HTTPAddr             string
	HTTPPort             string
	LocalURL             string
	RedirectOtherPort    bool
	PortToRedirect       string
	OfflineMode          bool
	CertFile             string
	KeyFile              string
	StaticRootPath       string
	EnableGzip           bool
	LandingPageURL       LandingPage
	UnixSocketPermission uint32
	EnablePprof          bool
	PprofDataPath        string
	EnableLetsEncrypt    bool
	LetsEncryptTOS       bool
	LetsEncryptDirectory string
	LetsEncryptEmail     string

	SSH = struct {
		Disabled                 bool           `ini:"DISABLE_SSH"`
		StartBuiltinServer       bool           `ini:"START_SSH_SERVER"`
		BuiltinServerUser        string         `ini:"BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER"`
		Domain                   string         `ini:"SSH_DOMAIN"`
		Port                     int            `ini:"SSH_PORT"`
		ListenHost               string         `ini:"SSH_LISTEN_HOST"`
		ListenPort               int            `ini:"SSH_LISTEN_PORT"`
		RootPath                 string         `ini:"SSH_ROOT_PATH"`
		ServerCiphers            []string       `ini:"SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS"`
		ServerKeyExchanges       []string       `ini:"SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES"`
		ServerMACs               []string       `ini:"SSH_SERVER_MACS"`
		KeyTestPath              string         `ini:"SSH_KEY_TEST_PATH"`
		KeygenPath               string         `ini:"SSH_KEYGEN_PATH"`
		AuthorizedKeysBackup     bool           `ini:"SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_BACKUP"`
		MinimumKeySizeCheck      bool           `ini:"-"`
		MinimumKeySizes          map[string]int `ini:"-"`
		CreateAuthorizedKeysFile bool           `ini:"SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE"`
		ExposeAnonymous          bool           `ini:"SSH_EXPOSE_ANONYMOUS"`
		Disabled:           false,
		StartBuiltinServer: false,
		Domain:             "",
		Port:               22,
		ServerCiphers:      []string{"aes128-ctr", "aes192-ctr", "aes256-ctr", "", "arcfour256", "arcfour128"},
		ServerKeyExchanges: []string{"diffie-hellman-group1-sha1", "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", "ecdh-sha2-nistp256", "ecdh-sha2-nistp384", "ecdh-sha2-nistp521", ""},
		ServerMACs:         []string{"", "hmac-sha2-256", "hmac-sha1", "hmac-sha1-96"},
		KeygenPath:         "ssh-keygen",

	LFS struct {
		StartServer     bool          `ini:"LFS_START_SERVER"`
		ContentPath     string        `ini:"LFS_CONTENT_PATH"`
		JWTSecretBase64 string        `ini:"LFS_JWT_SECRET"`
		JWTSecretBytes  []byte        `ini:"-"`
		HTTPAuthExpiry  time.Duration `ini:"LFS_HTTP_AUTH_EXPIRY"`

	// Security settings
	InstallLock           bool
	SecretKey             string
	LogInRememberDays     int
	CookieUserName        string
	CookieRememberName    string
	ReverseProxyAuthUser  string
	ReverseProxyAuthEmail string
	MinPasswordLength     int
	ImportLocalPaths      bool
	DisableGitHooks       bool
	PasswordComplexity    map[string]string
	PasswordHashAlgo      string

	// UI settings
	UI = struct {
		ExplorePagingNum      int
		IssuePagingNum        int
		RepoSearchPagingNum   int
		FeedMaxCommitNum      int
		GraphMaxCommitNum     int
		CodeCommentLines      int
		ReactionMaxUserNum    int
		ThemeColorMetaTag     string
		MaxDisplayFileSize    int64
		ShowUserEmail         bool
		DefaultShowFullName   bool
		DefaultTheme          string
		Themes                []string
		SearchRepoDescription bool

		Admin struct {
			UserPagingNum   int
			RepoPagingNum   int
			NoticePagingNum int
			OrgPagingNum    int
		} `ini:"ui.admin"`
		User struct {
			RepoPagingNum int
		} `ini:"ui.user"`
		Meta struct {
			Author      string
			Description string
			Keywords    string
		} `ini:"ui.meta"`
		ExplorePagingNum:    20,
		IssuePagingNum:      10,
		RepoSearchPagingNum: 10,
		FeedMaxCommitNum:    5,
		GraphMaxCommitNum:   100,
		CodeCommentLines:    4,
		ReactionMaxUserNum:  10,
		ThemeColorMetaTag:   `#6cc644`,
		MaxDisplayFileSize:  8388608,
		DefaultTheme:        `gitea`,
		Themes:              []string{`gitea`, `arc-green`},
		Admin: struct {
			UserPagingNum   int
			RepoPagingNum   int
			NoticePagingNum int
			OrgPagingNum    int
			UserPagingNum:   50,
			RepoPagingNum:   50,
			NoticePagingNum: 25,
			OrgPagingNum:    50,
		User: struct {
			RepoPagingNum int
			RepoPagingNum: 15,
		Meta: struct {
			Author      string
			Description string
			Keywords    string
			Author:      "Gitea - Git with a cup of tea",
			Description: "Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go",
			Keywords:    "go,git,self-hosted,gitea",

	// Markdown settings
	Markdown = struct {
		EnableHardLineBreak bool
		CustomURLSchemes    []string `ini:"CUSTOM_URL_SCHEMES"`
		FileExtensions      []string
		EnableHardLineBreak: false,
		FileExtensions:      strings.Split(".md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd", ","),

	// Admin settings
	Admin struct {
		DisableRegularOrgCreation bool
		DefaultEmailNotification  string

	// Picture settings
	AvatarUploadPath              string
	AvatarMaxWidth                int
	AvatarMaxHeight               int
	GravatarSource                string
	GravatarSourceURL             *url.URL
	DisableGravatar               bool
	EnableFederatedAvatar         bool
	LibravatarService             *libravatar.Libravatar
	AvatarMaxFileSize             int64
	RepositoryAvatarUploadPath    string
	RepositoryAvatarFallback      string
	RepositoryAvatarFallbackImage string

	// Log settings
	LogLevel           string
	StacktraceLogLevel string
	LogRootPath        string
	LogDescriptions    = make(map[string]*LogDescription)
	RedirectMacaronLog bool
	DisableRouterLog   bool
	RouterLogLevel     log.Level
	RouterLogMode      string
	EnableAccessLog    bool
	AccessLogTemplate  string
	EnableXORMLog      bool

	// Attachment settings
	AttachmentPath         string
	AttachmentAllowedTypes string
	AttachmentMaxSize      int64
	AttachmentMaxFiles     int
	AttachmentEnabled      bool

	// Time settings
	TimeFormat string
	// UILocation is the location on the UI, so that we can display the time on UI.
	DefaultUILocation = time.Local

	CSRFCookieName     = "_csrf"
	CSRFCookieHTTPOnly = true

	// Mirror settings
	Mirror struct {
		DefaultInterval time.Duration
		MinInterval     time.Duration

	// API settings
	API = struct {
		EnableSwagger          bool
		SwaggerURL             string
		MaxResponseItems       int
		DefaultPagingNum       int
		DefaultGitTreesPerPage int
		DefaultMaxBlobSize     int64
		EnableSwagger:          true,
		SwaggerURL:             "",
		MaxResponseItems:       50,
		DefaultPagingNum:       30,
		DefaultGitTreesPerPage: 1000,
		DefaultMaxBlobSize:     10485760,

	OAuth2 = struct {
		Enable                     bool
		AccessTokenExpirationTime  int64
		RefreshTokenExpirationTime int64
		InvalidateRefreshTokens    bool
		JWTSecretBytes             []byte `ini:"-"`
		JWTSecretBase64            string `ini:"JWT_SECRET"`
		Enable:                     true,
		AccessTokenExpirationTime:  3600,
		RefreshTokenExpirationTime: 730,
		InvalidateRefreshTokens:    false,

	U2F = struct {
		AppID         string
		TrustedFacets []string

	// Metrics settings
	Metrics = struct {
		Enabled bool
		Token   string
		Enabled: false,
		Token:   "",

	// I18n settings
	Langs []string
	Names []string

	// Other settings
	ShowFooterBranding         bool
	ShowFooterVersion          bool
	ShowFooterTemplateLoadTime bool

	// Global setting objects
	Cfg           *ini.File
	CustomPath    string // Custom directory path
	CustomConf    string
	CustomPID     string
	ProdMode      bool
	RunUser       string
	IsWindows     bool
	HasRobotsTxt  bool
	InternalToken string // internal access token

	// UILocation is the location on the UI, so that we can display the time on UI.
	// Currently only show the default time.Local, it could be added to app.ini after UI is ready
	UILocation = time.Local


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var (

	// Cron tasks
	Cron = struct {
		UpdateMirror struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
		} `ini:"cron.update_mirrors"`
		RepoHealthCheck struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			Timeout    time.Duration
			Args       []string `delim:" "`
		} `ini:"cron.repo_health_check"`
		CheckRepoStats struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
		} `ini:"cron.check_repo_stats"`
		ArchiveCleanup struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			OlderThan  time.Duration
		} `ini:"cron.archive_cleanup"`
		SyncExternalUsers struct {
			Enabled        bool
			RunAtStart     bool
			Schedule       string
			UpdateExisting bool
		} `ini:"cron.sync_external_users"`
		DeletedBranchesCleanup struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			OlderThan  time.Duration
		} `ini:"cron.deleted_branches_cleanup"`
		UpdateMigrationPosterID struct {
			Schedule string
		} `ini:"cron.update_migration_poster_id"`
		UpdateMirror: struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			Enabled:    true,
			RunAtStart: false,
			Schedule:   "@every 10m",
		RepoHealthCheck: struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			Timeout    time.Duration
			Args       []string `delim:" "`
			Enabled:    true,
			RunAtStart: false,
			Schedule:   "@every 24h",
			Timeout:    60 * time.Second,
			Args:       []string{},
		CheckRepoStats: struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			Enabled:    true,
			RunAtStart: true,
			Schedule:   "@every 24h",
		ArchiveCleanup: struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			OlderThan  time.Duration
			Enabled:    true,
			RunAtStart: true,
			Schedule:   "@every 24h",
			OlderThan:  24 * time.Hour,
		SyncExternalUsers: struct {
			Enabled        bool
			RunAtStart     bool
			Schedule       string
			UpdateExisting bool
			Enabled:        true,
			RunAtStart:     false,
			Schedule:       "@every 24h",
			UpdateExisting: true,
		DeletedBranchesCleanup: struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			OlderThan  time.Duration
			Enabled:    true,
			RunAtStart: true,
			Schedule:   "@every 24h",
			OlderThan:  24 * time.Hour,
		UpdateMigrationPosterID: struct {
			Schedule string
			Schedule: "@every 24h",
View Source
var (
	ExternalMarkupParsers []MarkupParser

ExternalMarkupParsers represents the external markup parsers

View Source
var (
	// Git settings
	Git = struct {
		Path                      string
		DisableDiffHighlight      bool
		MaxGitDiffLines           int
		MaxGitDiffLineCharacters  int
		MaxGitDiffFiles           int
		GCArgs                    []string `ini:"GC_ARGS" delim:" "`
		EnableAutoGitWireProtocol bool
		Timeout                   struct {
			Default int
			Migrate int
			Mirror  int
			Clone   int
			Pull    int
			GC      int `ini:"GC"`
		} `ini:"git.timeout"`
		DisableDiffHighlight:      false,
		MaxGitDiffLines:           1000,
		MaxGitDiffLineCharacters:  5000,
		MaxGitDiffFiles:           100,
		GCArgs:                    []string{},
		EnableAutoGitWireProtocol: true,
		Timeout: struct {
			Default int
			Migrate int
			Mirror  int
			Clone   int
			Pull    int
			GC      int `ini:"GC"`
			Default: int(git.DefaultCommandExecutionTimeout / time.Second),
			Migrate: 600,
			Mirror:  300,
			Clone:   300,
			Pull:    300,
			GC:      60,
View Source
var (
	// Indexer settings
	Indexer = struct {
		IssueType             string
		IssuePath             string
		RepoIndexerEnabled    bool
		RepoPath              string
		UpdateQueueLength     int
		MaxIndexerFileSize    int64
		IssueQueueType        string
		IssueQueueDir         string
		IssueQueueConnStr     string
		IssueQueueBatchNumber int
		IncludePatterns       []glob.Glob
		ExcludePatterns       []glob.Glob
		IssueType:             "bleve",
		IssuePath:             "indexers/issues.bleve",
		IssueQueueType:        LevelQueueType,
		IssueQueueDir:         "indexers/issues.queue",
		IssueQueueConnStr:     "",
		IssueQueueBatchNumber: 20,
View Source
var Service struct {
	DefaultOrgVisibility                    string
	DefaultOrgVisibilityMode                structs.VisibleType
	ActiveCodeLives                         int
	ResetPwdCodeLives                       int
	RegisterEmailConfirm                    bool
	EmailDomainWhitelist                    []string
	DisableRegistration                     bool
	AllowOnlyExternalRegistration           bool
	ShowRegistrationButton                  bool
	RequireSignInView                       bool
	EnableNotifyMail                        bool
	EnableReverseProxyAuth                  bool
	EnableReverseProxyAutoRegister          bool
	EnableReverseProxyEmail                 bool
	EnableCaptcha                           bool
	RequireExternalRegistrationCaptcha      bool
	RequireExternalRegistrationPassword     bool
	CaptchaType                             string
	RecaptchaSecret                         string
	RecaptchaSitekey                        string
	RecaptchaURL                            string
	DefaultKeepEmailPrivate                 bool
	DefaultAllowCreateOrganization          bool
	EnableTimetracking                      bool
	DefaultEnableTimetracking               bool
	DefaultEnableDependencies               bool
	DefaultAllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime bool
	NoReplyAddress                          string
	EnableUserHeatmap                       bool
	AutoWatchNewRepos                       bool
	DefaultOrgMemberVisible                 bool

	// OpenID settings
	EnableOpenIDSignIn bool
	EnableOpenIDSignUp bool
	OpenIDWhitelist    []*regexp.Regexp
	OpenIDBlacklist    []*regexp.Regexp

Service settings

View Source
var (
	// SessionConfig difines Session settings
	SessionConfig session.Options
View Source
var (
	// Task settings
	Task = struct {
		QueueType    string
		QueueLength  int
		QueueConnStr string
		QueueType:    ChannelQueueType,
		QueueLength:  1000,
		QueueConnStr: "addrs= db=0",
View Source
var (
	// Webhook settings
	Webhook = struct {
		QueueLength    int
		DeliverTimeout int
		SkipTLSVerify  bool
		Types          []string
		PagingNum      int
		QueueLength:    1000,
		DeliverTimeout: 5,
		SkipTLSVerify:  false,
		PagingNum:      10,


func CheckLFSVersion added in v1.7.0

func CheckLFSVersion()

CheckLFSVersion will check lfs version, if not satisfied, then disable it.

func DBConnStr added in v1.10.0

func DBConnStr() (string, error)

DBConnStr returns database connection string

func DateLang

func DateLang(lang string) string

DateLang transforms standard language locale name to corresponding value in datetime plugin.

func GetDBTypeByName added in v1.10.0

func GetDBTypeByName(name string) string

GetDBTypeByName returns the dataase type as it defined on XORM according the given name

func IndexerGlobFromString added in v1.10.0

func IndexerGlobFromString(globstr string) []glob.Glob

IndexerGlobFromString parses a comma separated list of patterns and returns a glob.Glob slice suited for repo indexing

func InitDBConfig added in v1.10.0

func InitDBConfig()

InitDBConfig loads the database settings

func IsRunUserMatchCurrentUser

func IsRunUserMatchCurrentUser(runUser string) (string, bool)

IsRunUserMatchCurrentUser returns false if configured run user does not match actual user that runs the app. The first return value is the actual user name. This check is ignored under Windows since SSH remote login is not the main method to login on Windows.

func NewContext

func NewContext()

NewContext initializes configuration context. NOTE: do not print any log except error.

func NewLogServices added in v1.9.0

func NewLogServices(disableConsole bool)

NewLogServices creates all the log services

func NewServices

func NewServices()

NewServices initializes the services

func NewXORMLogService added in v1.1.0

func NewXORMLogService(disableConsole bool)

NewXORMLogService initializes xorm logger service

func ParseMSSQLHostPort added in v1.10.0

func ParseMSSQLHostPort(info string) (string, string)

ParseMSSQLHostPort splits the host into host and port

func SetCustomPathAndConf added in v1.9.0

func SetCustomPathAndConf(providedCustom, providedConf, providedWorkPath string)

SetCustomPathAndConf will set CustomPath and CustomConf with reference to the GITEA_CUSTOM environment variable and with provided overrides before stepping back to the default


type Cache added in v1.3.0

type Cache struct {
	Adapter  string
	Interval int
	Conn     string
	TTL      time.Duration

Cache represents cache settings

var (
	// CacheService the global cache
	CacheService *Cache

type LandingPage

type LandingPage string

LandingPage describes the default page

const (
	LandingPageHome          LandingPage = "/"
	LandingPageExplore       LandingPage = "/explore"
	LandingPageOrganizations LandingPage = "/explore/organizations"

enumerates all the landing page types

type LogDescription added in v1.9.0

type LogDescription struct {
	Name               string
	SubLogDescriptions []SubLogDescription

LogDescription describes a named logger

type Mailer

type Mailer struct {
	// Mailer
	QueueLength     int
	Name            string
	From            string
	FromName        string
	FromEmail       string
	SendAsPlainText bool
	MailerType      string
	SubjectPrefix   string

	// SMTP sender
	Host              string
	User, Passwd      string
	DisableHelo       bool
	HeloHostname      string
	SkipVerify        bool
	UseCertificate    bool
	CertFile, KeyFile string
	IsTLSEnabled      bool

	// Sendmail sender
	SendmailPath string
	SendmailArgs []string

Mailer represents mail service.

var (
	// MailService the global mailer
	MailService *Mailer

type MarkupParser added in v1.3.0

type MarkupParser struct {
	Enabled        bool
	MarkupName     string
	Command        string
	FileExtensions []string
	IsInputFile    bool

MarkupParser defines the external parser configured in ini

type Scheme

type Scheme string

Scheme describes protocol types

const (
	HTTP       Scheme = "http"
	HTTPS      Scheme = "https"
	FCGI       Scheme = "fcgi"
	UnixSocket Scheme = "unix"

enumerates all the scheme types

type SubLogDescription added in v1.9.0

type SubLogDescription struct {
	Name     string
	Provider string
	Config   string

SubLogDescription describes a sublogger

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL