Note: This repository should be imported as
Note: The tps listener has been removed, its functionality is in cloud_controller_ng
the process status reporter

Running Unit Tests
Running TPS specs locally requires postgres running with the correct configuration.
- Install Postgres (version 9.4 or higher is required):
$ brew install postgresql
By default, brew installs Postgres to use /usr/local/var/postgres as its data directory, and the instructions below assume that.
- Run postgres in daemon mode:
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
- Create the
database with a specific user
Enter locket_pw
when prompted for the user's password.
$ createdb locket
$ createuser -d -P -r -s locket
The specs also require that the locket binary is on the $PATH
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