
v0.12.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jun 5, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	JobGUIDDelimiter = "~"

	StateComplete   = "COMPLETE"
	StateFailed     = "FAILED"
	StateProcessing = "PROCESSING"

	AppDeleteOperation          = "app.delete"
	OrgDeleteOperation          = "org.delete"
	RouteDeleteOperation        = "route.delete"
	SpaceApplyManifestOperation = "space.apply_manifest"
	SpaceDeleteOperation        = "space.delete"
	DomainDeleteOperation       = "domain.delete"
	RoleDeleteOperation         = "role.delete"
View Source
const V3APIVersion = "3.117.0+cf-k8s"


This section is empty.


func JobURLForRedirects added in v0.2.0

func JobURLForRedirects(resourceGUID string, operation string, baseURL url.URL) string


type APILink struct {
	Meta APILinkMeta `json:"meta"`

type APILinkMeta

type APILinkMeta struct {
	Version string `json:"version"`

type AppEnvResponse

type AppEnvResponse struct {
	EnvironmentVariables map[string]string `json:"environment_variables"`
	StagingEnvJSON       map[string]string `json:"staging_env_json"`
	RunningEnvJSON       map[string]string `json:"running_env_json"`
	SystemEnvJSON        map[string]any    `json:"system_env_json"`
	ApplicationEnvJSON   map[string]any    `json:"application_env_json"`

func ForAppEnv

func ForAppEnv(envVarRecord repositories.AppEnvRecord) AppEnvResponse
type AppEnvVarsLinks struct {
	Self Link `json:"self"`
	App  Link `json:"app"`

type AppEnvVarsResponse

type AppEnvVarsResponse struct {
	Var   map[string]string `json:"var"`
	Links AppEnvVarsLinks   `json:"links"`

func ForAppEnvVars

func ForAppEnvVars(record repositories.AppEnvVarsRecord, baseURL url.URL) AppEnvVarsResponse
type AppLinks struct {
	Self                 Link `json:"self"`
	Space                Link `json:"space"`
	Processes            Link `json:"processes"`
	Packages             Link `json:"packages"`
	EnvironmentVariables Link `json:"environment_variables"`
	CurrentDroplet       Link `json:"current_droplet"`
	Droplets             Link `json:"droplets"`
	Tasks                Link `json:"tasks"`
	StartAction          Link `json:"start"`
	StopAction           Link `json:"stop"`
	Revisions            Link `json:"revisions"`
	DeployedRevisions    Link `json:"deployed_revisions"`
	Features             Link `json:"features"`

type AppResponse

type AppResponse struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	GUID  string `json:"guid"`
	State string `json:"state"`

	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`
	Lifecycle     Lifecycle     `json:"lifecycle"`
	Metadata      Metadata      `json:"metadata"`
	Links         AppLinks      `json:"links"`

func ForApp

func ForApp(responseApp repositories.AppRecord, baseURL url.URL) AppResponse

type AppSSHEnabled added in v0.8.0

type AppSSHEnabled struct {
	Enabled bool   `json:"enabled"`
	Reason  string `json:"reason"`

type BuildResponse

type BuildResponse struct {
	GUID            string                 `json:"guid"`
	CreatedAt       string                 `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt       string                 `json:"updated_at"`
	CreatedBy       map[string]interface{} `json:"created_by"`
	State           string                 `json:"state"`
	StagingMemoryMB int                    `json:"staging_memory_in_mb"`
	StagingDiskMB   int                    `json:"staging_disk_in_mb"`
	Error           *string                `json:"error"`
	Lifecycle       Lifecycle              `json:"lifecycle"`
	Package         RelationshipData       `json:"package"`
	Droplet         *RelationshipData      `json:"droplet"`
	Relationships   Relationships          `json:"relationships"`
	Metadata        Metadata               `json:"metadata"`
	Links           map[string]Link        `json:"links"`

func ForBuild

func ForBuild(buildRecord repositories.BuildRecord, baseURL url.URL) BuildResponse

type BuildpackData

type BuildpackData struct {
	Name          string `json:"name"`
	DetectOutput  string `json:"detect_output"`
	BuildpackName string `json:"buildpack_name"`
	Version       string `json:"version"`

type BuildpackResponse

type BuildpackResponse struct {
	GUID      string          `json:"guid"`
	CreatedAt string          `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string          `json:"updated_at"`
	Name      string          `json:"name"`
	Filename  string          `json:"filename"`
	Stack     string          `json:"stack"`
	Position  int             `json:"position"`
	Enabled   bool            `json:"enabled"`
	Locked    bool            `json:"locked"`
	Metadata  Metadata        `json:"metadata"`
	Links     map[string]Link `json:"links"`

func ForBuildpack

func ForBuildpack(buildpackRecord repositories.BuildpackRecord, _ url.URL) BuildpackResponse

type ChecksumData

type ChecksumData struct {
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Value string `json:"value"`
type CurrentDropletLinks struct {
	Self    Link `json:"self"`
	Related Link `json:"related"`

type CurrentDropletResponse

type CurrentDropletResponse struct {
	Relationship `json:",inline"`
	Links        CurrentDropletLinks `json:"links"`

func ForCurrentDroplet

func ForCurrentDroplet(record repositories.CurrentDropletRecord, baseURL url.URL) CurrentDropletResponse
type DeploymentLinks struct {
	Self Link `json:"self"`
	App  Link `json:"app"`

type DeploymentResponse added in v0.8.0

type DeploymentResponse struct {
	GUID          string           `json:"guid"`
	Status        DeploymentStatus `json:"status"`
	Droplet       DropletGUID      `json:"droplet"`
	Relationships Relationships    `json:"relationships"`
	Links         DeploymentLinks  `json:"links"`

func ForDeployment added in v0.8.0

func ForDeployment(responseDeployment repositories.DeploymentRecord, baseURL url.URL) DeploymentResponse

type DeploymentStatus added in v0.8.0

type DeploymentStatus struct {
	Value  string `json:"value"`
	Reason string `json:"reason"`
type DomainLinks struct {
	Self              Link  `json:"self"`
	RouteReservations Link  `json:"route_reservations"`
	RouterGroup       *Link `json:"router_group"`

type DomainRelationships

type DomainRelationships struct {
	Organization        `json:"organization"`
	SharedOrganizations `json:"shared_organizations"`

type DomainResponse

type DomainResponse struct {
	Name               string   `json:"name"`
	GUID               string   `json:"guid"`
	Internal           bool     `json:"internal"`
	RouterGroup        *string  `json:"router_group"`
	SupportedProtocols []string `json:"supported_protocols"`

	CreatedAt     string              `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string              `json:"updated_at"`
	Metadata      Metadata            `json:"metadata"`
	Relationships DomainRelationships `json:"relationships"`
	Links         DomainLinks         `json:"links"`

func ForDomain

func ForDomain(responseDomain repositories.DomainRecord, baseURL url.URL) DomainResponse

type DropletGUID added in v0.8.0

type DropletGUID struct {
	Guid string `json:"guid"`

type DropletResponse

type DropletResponse struct {
	GUID              string            `json:"guid"`
	CreatedAt         string            `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt         string            `json:"updated_at"`
	State             string            `json:"state"`
	Error             *string           `json:"error"`
	Lifecycle         Lifecycle         `json:"lifecycle"`
	ExecutionMetadata string            `json:"execution_metadata"`
	Checksum          *ChecksumData     `json:"checksum"`
	Buildpacks        []BuildpackData   `json:"buildpacks"`
	ProcessTypes      map[string]string `json:"process_types"`
	Stack             string            `json:"stack"`
	Image             *string           `json:"image"`
	Relationships     Relationships     `json:"relationships"`
	Metadata          Metadata          `json:"metadata"`
	Links             map[string]*Link  `json:"links"`

func ForDroplet

func ForDroplet(dropletRecord repositories.DropletRecord, baseURL url.URL) DropletResponse

type ErrorsResponse

type ErrorsResponse struct {
	Errors []PresentedError `json:"errors"`

type IdentityResponse

type IdentityResponse struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Kind string `json:"kind"`

func ForWhoAmI

func ForWhoAmI(identity authorization.Identity) IdentityResponse

type IncludedData

type IncludedData struct {
	Apps []interface{} `json:"apps"`

type InfoCLIVersion added in v0.12.0

type InfoCLIVersion struct {
	Minimum     string `json:"minimum"`
	Recommended string `json:"recommended"`

type InfoV3Response added in v0.12.0

type InfoV3Response struct {
	Build       string                 `json:"build"`
	CLIVersion  InfoCLIVersion         `json:"cli_version"`
	Description string                 `json:"description"`
	Name        string                 `json:"name"`
	Version     string                 `json:"version"`
	Custom      map[string]interface{} `json:"custom"`

	Links map[string]Link `json:"links"`

func ForInfoV3 added in v0.12.0

func ForInfoV3(baseURL url.URL, infoConfig config.InfoConfig) InfoV3Response

type Job added in v0.8.0

type Job struct {
	GUID         string
	Type         string
	ResourceGUID string
	ResourceType string

func JobFromGUID added in v0.8.0

func JobFromGUID(guid string) (Job, bool)
type JobLinks struct {
	Self  Link  `json:"self"`
	Space *Link `json:"space,omitempty"`

type JobResponse

type JobResponse struct {
	GUID      string             `json:"guid"`
	Errors    []JobResponseError `json:"errors"`
	Warnings  *string            `json:"warnings"`
	Operation string             `json:"operation"`
	State     string             `json:"state"`
	CreatedAt string             `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string             `json:"updated_at"`
	Links     JobLinks           `json:"links"`

func ForJob added in v0.8.0

func ForJob(job Job, errors []JobResponseError, state string, baseURL url.URL) JobResponse

func ForManifestApplyJob

func ForManifestApplyJob(job Job, baseURL url.URL) JobResponse

type JobResponseError added in v0.8.0

type JobResponseError struct {
	Detail string `json:"detail"`
	Title  string `json:"title"`
	Code   int    `json:"code"`

type Lifecycle

type Lifecycle struct {
	Type string        `json:"type"`
	Data LifecycleData `json:"data"`

type LifecycleData

type LifecycleData struct {
	Buildpacks []string `json:"buildpacks,omitempty"`
	Stack      string   `json:"stack,omitempty"`
type Link struct {
	HRef   string `json:"href,omitempty"`
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`

type ListResponse

type ListResponse[T any] struct {
	PaginationData PaginationData `json:"pagination"`
	Resources      []T            `json:"resources"`
	Included       *IncludedData  `json:"included,omitempty"`

func ForList

func ForList[T, S any](itemPresenter itemPresenter[T, S], resources []T, baseURL, requestURL url.URL) ListResponse[S]

func ForProcessList

func ForProcessList(processRecordList []repositories.ProcessRecord, baseURL, requestURL url.URL) ListResponse[ProcessResponse]

func ForServiceBindingList

func ForServiceBindingList(serviceBindingRecords []repositories.ServiceBindingRecord, appRecords []repositories.AppRecord, baseURL, requestURL url.URL) ListResponse[ServiceBindingResponse]

func ForServiceRouteBindingsList

func ForServiceRouteBindingsList(baseURL, requestURL url.URL) ListResponse[any]

type LogCacheReadResponse

type LogCacheReadResponse struct {
	Envelopes LogCacheReadResponseEnvelopes `json:"envelopes"`

func ForLogs

func ForLogs(logRecords []repositories.LogRecord) LogCacheReadResponse

type LogCacheReadResponseBatch

type LogCacheReadResponseBatch struct {
	Timestamp int64                   `json:"timestamp"`
	Log       LogCacheReadResponseLog `json:"log"`
	Tags      map[string]string       `json:"tags,omitempty"`

type LogCacheReadResponseEnvelopes

type LogCacheReadResponseEnvelopes struct {
	Batch []LogCacheReadResponseBatch `json:"batch"`

type LogCacheReadResponseLog

type LogCacheReadResponseLog struct {
	Payload []byte                  `json:"payload"`
	Type    loggregator_v2.Log_Type `json:"type"`

type Metadata

type Metadata struct {
	Labels      map[string]string `json:"labels"`
	Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"`
type OrgLinks struct {
	Self          *Link `json:"self"`
	Domains       *Link `json:"domains,omitempty"`
	DefaultDomain *Link `json:"default_domain,omitempty"`
	Quota         *Link `json:"quota,omitempty"`

type OrgResponse

type OrgResponse struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	GUID string `json:"guid"`

	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`
	Suspended     bool          `json:"suspended"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`
	Metadata      Metadata      `json:"metadata"`
	Links         OrgLinks      `json:"links"`

func ForOrg added in v0.3.0

func ForOrg(org repositories.OrgRecord, apiBaseURL url.URL) OrgResponse

type Organization

type Organization struct {
	Data *string `json:"data"`

type PackageData

type PackageData struct {
	Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
type PackageLinks struct {
	Self     Link `json:"self"`
	Upload   Link `json:"upload"`
	Download Link `json:"download"`
	App      Link `json:"app"`

type PackageResponse

type PackageResponse struct {
	GUID          string        `json:"guid"`
	Type          string        `json:"type"`
	Data          PackageData   `json:"data"`
	State         string        `json:"state"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`
	Links         PackageLinks  `json:"links"`
	Metadata      Metadata      `json:"metadata"`
	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`

func ForPackage

func ForPackage(record repositories.PackageRecord, baseURL url.URL) PackageResponse

type PageRef

type PageRef struct {
	HREF string `json:"href"`

type PaginationData

type PaginationData struct {
	TotalResults int     `json:"total_results"`
	TotalPages   int     `json:"total_pages"`
	First        PageRef `json:"first"`
	Last         PageRef `json:"last"`
	Next         *int    `json:"next"`
	Previous     *int    `json:"previous"`

type PresentedError

type PresentedError struct {
	Detail string `json:"detail"`
	Title  string `json:"title"`
	Code   int    `json:"code"`

type ProcessDetails

type ProcessDetails struct{}

type ProcessInstancePort

type ProcessInstancePort struct {
	External             int `json:"external"`
	Internal             int `json:"internal"`
	ExternalTLSProxyPort int `json:"external_tls_proxy_port"`
	InternalTLSProxyPort int `json:"internal_tls_proxy_port"`
type ProcessLinks struct {
	Self  Link `json:"self"`
	Scale Link `json:"scale"`
	App   Link `json:"app"`
	Space Link `json:"space"`
	Stats Link `json:"stats"`

type ProcessResponse

type ProcessResponse struct {
	GUID          string                     `json:"guid"`
	Type          string                     `json:"type"`
	Command       string                     `json:"command"`
	Instances     int                        `json:"instances"`
	MemoryMB      int64                      `json:"memory_in_mb"`
	DiskQuotaMB   int64                      `json:"disk_in_mb"`
	HealthCheck   ProcessResponseHealthCheck `json:"health_check"`
	Relationships Relationships              `json:"relationships"`
	Metadata      Metadata                   `json:"metadata"`
	CreatedAt     string                     `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string                     `json:"updated_at"`
	Links         ProcessLinks               `json:"links"`

func ForProcess

func ForProcess(responseProcess repositories.ProcessRecord, baseURL url.URL) ProcessResponse

type ProcessResponseHTTPHealthCheckData

type ProcessResponseHTTPHealthCheckData struct {
	Timeout           *int64 `json:"timeout"`
	InvocationTimeout *int64 `json:"invocation_timeout"`
	HTTPEndpoint      string `json:"endpoint"`

type ProcessResponseHealthCheck

type ProcessResponseHealthCheck struct {
	Type string                         `json:"type"`
	Data ProcessResponseHealthCheckData `json:"data"`

type ProcessResponseHealthCheckData

type ProcessResponseHealthCheckData struct {
	Type              string `json:"-"`
	Timeout           int64  `json:"timeout"`
	InvocationTimeout int64  `json:"invocation_timeout"`
	HTTPEndpoint      string `json:"endpoint"`

func (ProcessResponseHealthCheckData) MarshalJSON

func (h ProcessResponseHealthCheckData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

type ProcessResponsePortHealthCheckData

type ProcessResponsePortHealthCheckData struct {
	Timeout           *int64 `json:"timeout"`
	InvocationTimeout *int64 `json:"invocation_timeout"`

type ProcessResponseProcessHealthCheckData

type ProcessResponseProcessHealthCheckData struct {
	Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout"`

type ProcessStatsResource

type ProcessStatsResource struct {
	Type             string                 `json:"type"`
	Index            int                    `json:"index"`
	State            string                 `json:"state"`
	Usage            ProcessUsage           `json:"usage"`
	Host             *string                `json:"host"`
	InstancePorts    *[]ProcessInstancePort `json:"instance_ports,omitempty"`
	Uptime           *int                   `json:"uptime"`
	MemQuota         *int64                 `json:"mem_quota"`
	DiskQuota        *int64                 `json:"disk_quota"`
	FDSQuota         *int                   `json:"fds_quota"`
	IsolationSegment *string                `json:"isolation_segment"`
	Details          *ProcessDetails        `json:"details"`

type ProcessStatsResponse

type ProcessStatsResponse struct {
	Resources []ProcessStatsResource `json:"resources"`

func ForProcessStats

func ForProcessStats(records []actions.PodStatsRecord) ProcessStatsResponse

type ProcessUsage

type ProcessUsage struct {
	Time *string  `json:"time,omitempty"`
	CPU  *float64 `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
	Mem  *int64   `json:"mem,omitempty"`
	Disk *int64   `json:"disk,omitempty"`

type Relationship

type Relationship struct {
	Data *RelationshipData `json:"data"`

type RelationshipData

type RelationshipData struct {
	GUID string `json:"guid"`

type Relationships

type Relationships map[string]Relationship
type RoleLinks struct {
	Self         *Link `json:"self"`
	User         *Link `json:"user"`
	Space        *Link `json:"space,omitempty"`
	Organization *Link `json:"organization,omitempty"`

type RoleResponse

type RoleResponse struct {
	GUID          string        `json:"guid"`
	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`
	Type          string        `json:"type"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`
	Links         RoleLinks     `json:"links"`

func ForRole added in v0.7.1

func ForRole(role repositories.RoleRecord, apiBaseURL url.URL) RoleResponse

type RootResponse

type RootResponse struct {
	Links   map[string]*APILink `json:"links"`
	CFOnK8s bool                `json:"cf_on_k8s"`

func ForRoot added in v0.8.0

func ForRoot(baseURL url.URL) RootResponse

type RootV3Response added in v0.8.0

type RootV3Response struct {
	Links map[string]Link `json:"links"`

func ForRootV3 added in v0.8.0

func ForRootV3(baseURL url.URL) RootV3Response

type RouteDestinationsResponse

type RouteDestinationsResponse struct {
	Destinations []routeDestination     `json:"destinations"`
	Links        routeDestinationsLinks `json:"links"`

func ForRouteDestinations

func ForRouteDestinations(route repositories.RouteRecord, baseURL url.URL) RouteDestinationsResponse

type RouteResponse

type RouteResponse struct {
	GUID         string             `json:"guid"`
	Protocol     string             `json:"protocol"`
	Port         *int               `json:"port"`
	Host         string             `json:"host"`
	Path         string             `json:"path"`
	URL          string             `json:"url"`
	Destinations []routeDestination `json:"destinations"`

	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`
	Metadata      Metadata      `json:"metadata"`
	Links         routeLinks    `json:"links"`

func ForRoute

func ForRoute(route repositories.RouteRecord, baseURL url.URL) RouteResponse

type ServiceBindingLastOperationResponse

type ServiceBindingLastOperationResponse struct {
	Type        string  `json:"type"`
	State       string  `json:"state"`
	Description *string `json:"description"`
	CreatedAt   string  `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   string  `json:"updated_at"`
type ServiceBindingLinks struct {
	App             Link `json:"app"`
	ServiceInstance Link `json:"service_instance"`
	Self            Link `json:"self"`
	Details         Link `json:"details"`

type ServiceBindingResponse

type ServiceBindingResponse struct {
	GUID          string                              `json:"guid"`
	Type          string                              `json:"type"`
	Name          *string                             `json:"name"`
	CreatedAt     string                              `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string                              `json:"updated_at"`
	LastOperation ServiceBindingLastOperationResponse `json:"last_operation"`
	Relationships Relationships                       `json:"relationships"`
	Links         ServiceBindingLinks                 `json:"links"`
	Metadata      Metadata                            `json:"metadata"`

func ForServiceBinding

func ForServiceBinding(record repositories.ServiceBindingRecord, baseURL url.URL) ServiceBindingResponse
type ServiceInstanceLinks struct {
	Self                      Link `json:"self"`
	Space                     Link `json:"space"`
	Credentials               Link `json:"credentials"`
	ServiceCredentialBindings Link `json:"service_credential_bindings"`
	ServiceRouteBindings      Link `json:"service_route_bindings"`

type ServiceInstanceResponse

type ServiceInstanceResponse struct {
	Name            string        `json:"name"`
	GUID            string        `json:"guid"`
	Type            string        `json:"type"`
	Tags            []string      `json:"tags"`
	LastOperation   lastOperation `json:"last_operation"`
	RouteServiceURL *string       `json:"route_service_url"`
	SyslogDrainURL  *string       `json:"syslog_drain_url"`

	CreatedAt     string               `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string               `json:"updated_at"`
	Relationships Relationships        `json:"relationships"`
	Metadata      Metadata             `json:"metadata"`
	Links         ServiceInstanceLinks `json:"links"`

func ForServiceInstance

func ForServiceInstance(serviceInstanceRecord repositories.ServiceInstanceRecord, baseURL url.URL) ServiceInstanceResponse

type ServiceRouteBinding

type ServiceRouteBinding struct{}

type SharedOrganizations

type SharedOrganizations struct {
	Data []string `json:"data"`
type SpaceLinks struct {
	Self         *Link `json:"self"`
	Organization *Link `json:"organization"`

type SpaceResponse

type SpaceResponse struct {
	Name          string        `json:"name"`
	GUID          string        `json:"guid"`
	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`
	Links         SpaceLinks    `json:"links"`
	Metadata      Metadata      `json:"metadata"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`

func ForSpace added in v0.3.0

func ForSpace(space repositories.SpaceRecord, apiBaseURL url.URL) SpaceResponse
type TaskLinks struct {
	Self    Link `json:"self"`
	App     Link `json:"app"`
	Droplet Link `json:"droplet"`
	Cancel  Link `json:"cancel"`

type TaskResponse added in v0.2.0

type TaskResponse struct {
	Name          string        `json:"name"`
	GUID          string        `json:"guid"`
	Command       string        `json:"command,omitempty"`
	DropletGUID   string        `json:"droplet_guid"`
	Metadata      Metadata      `json:"metadata"`
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`
	Links         TaskLinks     `json:"links"`
	SequenceID    int64         `json:"sequence_id"`
	CreatedAt     string        `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updated_at"`
	MemoryMB      int64         `json:"memory_in_mb"`
	DiskMB        int64         `json:"disk_in_mb"`
	State         string        `json:"state"`
	Result        TaskResult    `json:"result"`

func ForTask added in v0.2.0

func ForTask(responseTask repositories.TaskRecord, baseURL url.URL) TaskResponse

type TaskResult added in v0.2.0

type TaskResult struct {
	FailureReason *string `json:"failure_reason"`

type UserResponse added in v0.7.0

type UserResponse struct {
	Name string `json:"username"`
	GUID string `json:"guid"`

func ForUser added in v0.7.0

func ForUser(name string, _ url.URL) UserResponse

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