Eirini Loggregator Bridge
This project is a tool that reads logs from pods in a Kubernetes cluster namespace and streams them to a specified Loggregator endpoint. The main purpose of this project is to be used as a logging solution for Eirini
will vet, lint, test and build the project. There are separate Make targets for
these tasks so check in the Makefile for details.
You need to create a config yaml file to be able to use this tool. The needed options are:
- loggregator-ca-path
This is the path to the CA that signs the Loggregator certificate
- loggregator-cert-path
This is the SSL certificate to talk to the loggregator over TLS
- loggregator-key-path
This is the private key for the TLS communication
- loggregator-endpoint
This is the endpoint to your Loggregator instance. E.g.
- namespace
This is the namespace where Eirini deploys applications
Example config.yaml:
loggregator-ca-path: /certs/ca
loggregator-cert-path: /certs/cert
loggregator-key-path: /certs/key
loggregator-endpoint: doppler-doppler.scf.svc.cluster.local:8082
namespace: eirini
Then run this tool:
./eirini-loggregator-bridge --config config.yaml
if you are running it from outside the Kubernetes cluster you can specify the path
to your kubeconfig like:
./eirini-loggregator-bridge --config config.yaml --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
In that case though you have to make sure your loggregator endpoint is accessible
from outside the cluster.
Building docker image with local dependencies
The docker image can be built with:
make build-image
To use local dependencies (e.g. to use a locally modified eirinix
for testing),
update the go module dependencies as normal:
go mod edit -replace code.cloudfoundry.org/eirinix=../eirinix
Then, to build the docker image:
VENDOR=on make build-image
You can increase the log level of the tool by setting the EIRINI_LOGGREGATOR_BRIDGE_LOGLEVEL
environment variable. Allowed values are: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" (Default is "WARN")