Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddOrReplaceEnvironment(env []string, newEnvName string, newEnvVal string) []string
- func AppGUID(appName string) string
- func BuildConfigurablePlugin(pluginType string, name string, version string, pluginCommands []PluginCommand) string
- func BuildpackWithStack(f func(buildpackArchive string), stackName string)
- func BuildpackWithoutStack(f func(buildpackArchive string))
- func BuildpacksOutputRegex(fields BuildpackFields) string
- func CF(args ...string) *Session
- func CFWithEnv(envVars map[string]string, args ...string) *Session
- func CFWithStdin(stdin io.Reader, args ...string) *Session
- func CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(targetedOrganizationRequired bool, targetedSpaceRequired bool, testOrg string, ...)
- func ClearTarget()
- func ConfirmStagingLogs(session *Session)
- func ConvertPathToRegularExpression(path string) string
- func CreateAndTargetOrg() string
- func CreateCCV2Client() (*ccv2.Client, error)
- func CreateOrg(org string)
- func CreateOrgAndSpace(org string, space string)
- func CreateSpace(space string)
- func CreateStack(names ...string) string
- func CreateUser() (string, string)
- func CreateUserInOrgRole(org, role string) (string, string)
- func CreateUserInSpaceRole(org, space, role string) (string, string)
- func Curl(obj interface{}, url string, props ...interface{})
- func CustomCF(cfEnv CFEnv, args ...string) *Session
- func DebugCustomCF(cfEnv CFEnv, args ...string) *Session
- func DefaultSharedDomain() string
- func DeleteBuildpackIfOnOldCCAPI(buildpackName string)
- func DeleteStack(name string)
- func DeleteUser(username string)
- func DestroyHomeDir(homeDir string)
- func DisableFeatureFlag(flagName string)
- func DomainName(prefix ...string) string
- func EnableFeatureFlag(flagName string)
- func EnsureMinimumNumberOfStacks(num int) []string
- func FetchStacks() []string
- func FindOrCreateTCPRouterGroup(node int) string
- func GenerateHigherName(randomNameGenerator func() string, names ...string) string
- func GenerateLowerName(randomNameGenerator func() string, names ...string) string
- func GetAPI() string
- func GetAPIVersionV2() string
- func GetCredentials() (string, string)
- func GetIsolationSegmentGUID(name string) string
- func GetOIDCCredentials() (string, string)
- func GetOrgGUID(orgName string) string
- func GetSpaceGUID(spaceName string) string
- func InstallConfigurablePlugin(name string, version string, pluginCommands []PluginCommand)
- func InstallConfigurablePluginFailsUninstall(name string, version string, pluginCommands []PluginCommand)
- func InvalidAccessToken() string
- func IsUAAVersionAtLeast(minVersion string) bool
- func IsVersionMet(minVersion string) bool
- func LoginAs(username, password string)
- func LoginCF() string
- func LoginCFWithClientCredentials() string
- func LogoutCF()
- func MakeBuildpackArchive(stackName string) string
- func ManagedServiceInstanceGUID(managedServiceInstanceName string) string
- func MapRouteToApplication(app string, domain string, host string, path string)
- func NewAppName() string
- func NewBuildpackName() string
- func NewDomainName(prefix ...string) string
- func NewIsolationSegmentName(infix ...string) string
- func NewOrgName() string
- func NewPassword() string
- func NewPlanName() string
- func NewPluginRepositoryServer(pluginRepo PluginRepository) *Server
- func NewPluginRepositoryTLSServer(pluginRepo PluginRepository) *Server
- func NewSecurityGroupName(infix ...string) string
- func NewServiceBrokerName() string
- func NewSpaceName() string
- func NewStackName() string
- func NewUsername() string
- func OSAgnosticPath(baseDir string, template string, args ...interface{}) string
- func PluginPlatform() string
- func PollLastOperationUntilSuccess(client *ccv2.Client, appName string, serviceInstanceName string)
- func PrefixedRandomName(namePrefix string) string
- func QuickDeleteOrg(orgName string)
- func QuickDeleteOrgIfExists(orgName string)
- func QuickDeleteSpace(spaceName string)
- func QuotaName(name ...string) string
- func RandomName() string
- func RandomPort() int
- func SetAPI() (string, string)
- func SetConfig(cb func(conf *configv3.Config))
- func SetConfigContent(dir string, rawConfig string)
- func SetHomeDir() string
- func SetupBuildpackWithStack(buildpackName, stack string)
- func SetupBuildpackWithoutStack(buildpackName string)
- func SetupCF(org string, space string)
- func SetupReadOnlyOrgAndSpace() (string, string)
- func SetupSynchronizedSuite(setup func())
- func Sha1Sum(path string) string
- func SkipIfClientCredentialsNotSet() (string, string)
- func SkipIfNoRoutingAPI()
- func SkipIfPrivateDockerInfoNotSet() (string, string, string)
- func SkipIfUAAVersionAtLeast(version string)
- func SkipIfUAAVersionLessThan(version string)
- func SkipIfVersionAtLeast(maxVersion string)
- func SkipIfVersionLessThan(minVersion string)
- func StartAndTargetServerWithAPIVersions(v2Version string, v3Version string) *Server
- func SwitchToNoRole() string
- func SwitchToOrgRole(org, role string) string
- func SwitchToSpaceRole(org, space, role string) string
- func TargetOrg(org string)
- func TargetOrgAndSpace(org string, space string)
- func TempFileWithContent(contents string) string
- func TurnOffColors()
- func TurnOffExperimental()
- func TurnOnExperimental()
- func UnmapRouteFromApplication(app string, domain string, host string, path string)
- func UnrefactoredCheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(targetedOrganizationRequired bool, targetedSpaceRequired bool, testOrg string, ...)
- func UnsetAPI()
- func UserProvidedServiceInstanceGUID(userProvidedServiceInstanceName string) string
- func VerifyAppPackageContentsV2(appName string, files ...string)
- func VerifyAppPackageContentsV3(appName string, files ...string)
- func WithBananaPantsApp(f func(dir string))
- func WithCrashingApp(f func(dir string))
- func WithHelloWorldApp(f func(dir string))
- func WithMultiBuildpackApp(f func(dir string))
- func WithNoResourceMatchedApp(f func(dir string))
- func WithProcfileApp(f func(dir string))
- func WriteCommand(env map[string]string, args []string)
- func WriteManifest(path string, manifest map[string]interface{})
- func Zipit(source, target, prefix string) error
- type AppInstanceRow
- type AppProcessTable
- type AppTable
- type Assets
- type Binary
- type BuildpackFields
- type CFEnv
- type Domain
- type Package
- type Plan
- type PlanSchemas
- type Plugin
- type PluginCommand
- type PluginRepository
- type PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin
- func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) Cleanup()
- func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) Init(pluginName string, version string, platform string, ...)
- func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) PluginSize() int64
- func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) URL() string
- type Route
- type SecurityGroup
- type ServiceBroker
- type ServiceInstanceGUID
- type UAAVersion
- type User
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( DebugCommandPrefix = "\nCMD>" DebugOutPrefix = "OUT: " DebugErrPrefix = "ERR: " )
const ( GUIDRegex = `[\da-f]{8}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{12}` ISO8601Regex = `\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{1,3}[+-]\d{4}` StaticfileBuildpackStartCommand = `\$HOME/|sh` ModernStaticfileBuildpackStartCommand = `$HOME/` ModernStaticfileBuildpackStartCommandRegex = `\$HOME/boot\.sh` UserFriendlyDateRegex = `[A-Z][a-z]{2} \d{2} [A-Z][a-z]{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [A-Z]+ \d{4}` )
const ( DefaultV2Version string = "2.100.0" DefaultV3Version string = "3.33.3" )
const ( DefaultMemoryLimit = "256M" DefaultDiskLimit = "1G" )
const MaxTestPort = 1034
MaxTestPort should be defined by the CF router group for integration tests.
const MinTestPort = 1024
MinTestPort should be defined by the CF router group for integration tests.
Variables ¶
var CcRootCache *ccRoot
Functions ¶
func AddOrReplaceEnvironment ¶
func BuildConfigurablePlugin ¶
func BuildConfigurablePlugin(pluginType string, name string, version string, pluginCommands []PluginCommand) string
func BuildpackWithStack ¶
func BuildpackWithoutStack ¶
func BuildpackWithoutStack(f func(buildpackArchive string))
func BuildpacksOutputRegex ¶
func BuildpacksOutputRegex(fields BuildpackFields) string
func CFWithStdin ¶
func CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly ¶
func CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(targetedOrganizationRequired bool, targetedSpaceRequired bool, testOrg string, command ...string)
CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly will confirm if the command requires an API to be targeted and logged in to run. It can optionally check if the command requires org and space to be targeted.
func ClearTarget ¶
func ClearTarget()
func ConfirmStagingLogs ¶
func ConfirmStagingLogs(session *Session)
func ConvertPathToRegularExpression ¶
ConvertPathToRegularExpression converts a windows file path into a string which may be embedded in a ginkgo-compatible regular expression.
func CreateAndTargetOrg ¶
func CreateAndTargetOrg() string
func CreateCCV2Client ¶
func CreateOrgAndSpace ¶
func CreateSpace ¶
func CreateSpace(space string)
func CreateStack ¶
func CreateUser ¶
func CreateUserInOrgRole ¶
func CreateUserInSpaceRole ¶
func DebugCustomCF ¶
func DefaultSharedDomain ¶
func DefaultSharedDomain() string
func DeleteBuildpackIfOnOldCCAPI ¶
func DeleteBuildpackIfOnOldCCAPI(buildpackName string)
DeleteBuildpackIfOnOldCCAPI deletes the buildpack if the CC API targeted by the current test run is <= 2.80.0. Before this version, some entities would receive and invalid next_url in paginated requests. Since our test run now generally creates more than 50 buildpacks, we need to delete test buildpacks after use if we are targeting and older CC API. see
func DeleteStack ¶
func DeleteStack(name string)
func DeleteUser ¶
func DeleteUser(username string)
func DestroyHomeDir ¶
func DestroyHomeDir(homeDir string)
func DisableFeatureFlag ¶
func DisableFeatureFlag(flagName string)
func DomainName ¶
func EnableFeatureFlag ¶
func EnableFeatureFlag(flagName string)
func FetchStacks ¶
func FetchStacks() []string
func GenerateHigherName ¶
TODO: Is this working???
func GenerateLowerName ¶
TODO: Is this working???
func GetAPIVersionV2 ¶
func GetAPIVersionV2() string
func GetCredentials ¶
GetCredentials returns back the username and the password.
func GetIsolationSegmentGUID ¶
func GetOIDCCredentials ¶
GetOIDCCredentials returns back the username and the password for OIDC origin.
func GetOrgGUID ¶
func GetSpaceGUID ¶
func InstallConfigurablePlugin ¶
func InstallConfigurablePlugin(name string, version string, pluginCommands []PluginCommand)
func InstallConfigurablePluginFailsUninstall ¶
func InstallConfigurablePluginFailsUninstall(name string, version string, pluginCommands []PluginCommand)
func InvalidAccessToken ¶
func InvalidAccessToken() string
func IsUAAVersionAtLeast ¶
func IsVersionMet ¶
func LoginCFWithClientCredentials ¶
func LoginCFWithClientCredentials() string
func MakeBuildpackArchive ¶
func ManagedServiceInstanceGUID ¶
ManagedServiceInstanceGUID returns the GUID for a managed service instance.
func MapRouteToApplication ¶
func NewAppName ¶
func NewAppName() string
func NewBuildpackName ¶
func NewBuildpackName() string
func NewDomainName ¶
func NewIsolationSegmentName ¶
func NewOrgName ¶
func NewOrgName() string
func NewPassword ¶
func NewPassword() string
func NewPlanName ¶
func NewPlanName() string
func NewPluginRepositoryServer ¶
func NewPluginRepositoryServer(pluginRepo PluginRepository) *Server
func NewPluginRepositoryTLSServer ¶
func NewPluginRepositoryTLSServer(pluginRepo PluginRepository) *Server
func NewSecurityGroupName ¶
func NewServiceBrokerName ¶
func NewServiceBrokerName() string
func NewSpaceName ¶
func NewSpaceName() string
func NewStackName ¶
func NewStackName() string
func NewUsername ¶
func NewUsername() string
func OSAgnosticPath ¶
func PluginPlatform ¶
func PluginPlatform() string
func PrefixedRandomName ¶
func QuickDeleteOrg ¶
func QuickDeleteOrg(orgName string)
func QuickDeleteOrgIfExists ¶
func QuickDeleteOrgIfExists(orgName string)
func QuickDeleteSpace ¶
func QuickDeleteSpace(spaceName string)
func RandomName ¶
func RandomName() string
func RandomPort ¶
func RandomPort() int
func SetConfigContent ¶
func SetHomeDir ¶
func SetHomeDir() string
func SetupBuildpackWithStack ¶
func SetupBuildpackWithStack(buildpackName, stack string)
func SetupBuildpackWithoutStack ¶
func SetupBuildpackWithoutStack(buildpackName string)
func SetupSynchronizedSuite ¶
func SetupSynchronizedSuite(setup func())
func SkipIfNoRoutingAPI ¶
func SkipIfNoRoutingAPI()
func SkipIfUAAVersionAtLeast ¶
func SkipIfUAAVersionAtLeast(version string)
func SkipIfUAAVersionLessThan ¶
func SkipIfUAAVersionLessThan(version string)
func SkipIfVersionAtLeast ¶
func SkipIfVersionAtLeast(maxVersion string)
func SkipIfVersionLessThan ¶
func SkipIfVersionLessThan(minVersion string)
func SwitchToNoRole ¶
func SwitchToNoRole() string
func SwitchToOrgRole ¶
func SwitchToSpaceRole ¶
func TargetOrgAndSpace ¶
func TempFileWithContent ¶
func TurnOffColors ¶
func TurnOffColors()
func TurnOffExperimental ¶
func TurnOffExperimental()
func TurnOnExperimental ¶
func TurnOnExperimental()
func UserProvidedServiceInstanceGUID ¶
UserProvidedServiceInstanceGUID returns the GUID for a user provided service instance.
func WithBananaPantsApp ¶
func WithBananaPantsApp(f func(dir string))
WithBananaPantsApp creates a simple application to use with your CLI command (typically CF Push). When pushing, be aware of specifying '-b staticfile_buildpack" so that your app will correctly start up with the proper buildpack.
func WithCrashingApp ¶
func WithCrashingApp(f func(dir string))
WithCrashingApp creates an application to use with your CLI command that will not successfully start its `web` process
func WithHelloWorldApp ¶
func WithHelloWorldApp(f func(dir string))
WithHelloWorldApp creates a simple application to use with your CLI command (typically CF Push). When pushing, be aware of specifying '-b staticfile_buildpack" so that your app will correctly start up with the proper buildpack.
Example ¶
func WithMultiBuildpackApp ¶
func WithMultiBuildpackApp(f func(dir string))
WithMultiBuildpackApp creates a multi-buildpack application to use with the CF push command.
func WithNoResourceMatchedApp ¶
func WithNoResourceMatchedApp(f func(dir string))
WithNoResourceMatchedApp creates a simple application to use with your CLI command (typically CF Push). When pushing, be aware of specifying '-b staticfile_buildpack" so that your app will correctly start up with the proper buildpack.
func WithProcfileApp ¶
func WithProcfileApp(f func(dir string))
WithProcfileApp creates an application to use with your CLI command that contains Procfile defining web and worker processes.
func WriteCommand ¶
func WriteManifest ¶
WriteManifest will write out a YAML manifest file at the specified path.
Types ¶
type AppInstanceRow ¶
type AppProcessTable ¶
type AppProcessTable struct { Type string InstanceCount string MemUsage string Instances []AppInstanceRow }
type BuildpackFields ¶
type Domain ¶
func (Domain) CreateInternal ¶
func (d Domain) CreateInternal()
func (Domain) CreateShared ¶
func (d Domain) CreateShared()
func (Domain) CreateWithRouterGroup ¶
func (Domain) DeleteShared ¶
func (d Domain) DeleteShared()
type Plan ¶
type Plan struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` Schemas PlanSchemas `json:"schemas"` }
type PlanSchemas ¶
type PlanSchemas struct { ServiceInstance struct { Create struct { Parameters map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters"` } `json:"create"` Update struct { Parameters map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters"` } `json:"update"` } `json:"service_instance"` ServiceBinding struct { Create struct { Parameters map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters"` } `json:"create"` } `json:"service_binding"` }
type PluginCommand ¶
type PluginRepository ¶
type PluginRepository struct {
Plugins []Plugin `json:"plugins"`
type PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin ¶
type PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin ¶
func NewPluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin(pluginName string, version string, platform string, shouldCalculateChecksum bool) *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin
func (*PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) Cleanup ¶
func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) Cleanup()
func (*PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) Init ¶
func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) Init(pluginName string, version string, platform string, shouldCalculateChecksum bool)
func (*PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) PluginSize ¶
func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) PluginSize() int64
func (*PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) URL ¶
func (pluginRepoServer *PluginRepositoryServerWithPlugin) URL() string
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { Name string `json:"-"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Ports string `json:"ports"` Description string `json:"description"` }
func NewSecurityGroup ¶
func (SecurityGroup) Create ¶
func (s SecurityGroup) Create()
type ServiceBroker ¶
type ServiceBroker struct { Name string Path string AppsDomain string Service struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` Bindable bool `json:"bindable"` DashboardClient struct { ID string `json:"id"` Secret string `json:"secret"` RedirectUri string `json:"redirect_uri"` } } SyncPlans []Plan AsyncPlans []Plan }
func CreateBroker ¶
func CreateBroker(domain, serviceName, planName string) ServiceBroker
func NewAsynchServiceBroker ¶
func NewServiceBroker ¶
func (ServiceBroker) Configure ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) Configure(shareable bool)
func (ServiceBroker) Create ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) Create()
func (ServiceBroker) Delete ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) Delete()
func (ServiceBroker) Destroy ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) Destroy()
func (ServiceBroker) Push ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) Push()
func (ServiceBroker) ToJSON ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) ToJSON(shareable bool) string
func (ServiceBroker) Update ¶
func (b ServiceBroker) Update()
type ServiceInstanceGUID ¶
type ServiceInstanceGUID struct { Resources []struct { Metadata struct { GUID string `json:"guid"` } `json:"metadata"` } `json:"resources"` }
type UAAVersion ¶
type UAAVersion struct { App struct { Version string `json:"version"` } `json:"app"` }
func (UAAVersion) Version ¶
func (v UAAVersion) Version() string
Source Files
- app.go
- app_instance_table.go
- buildpack.go
- client.go
- client_credentials.go
- command.go
- config.go
- constants.go
- curl.go
- docker.go
- domains.go
- environment.go
- fake_server.go
- feature_flags.go
- file.go
- isolation_segment.go
- login.go
- name_generator.go
- org_and_space.go
- package.go
- plugin.go
- plugin_repo.go
- plugin_repo_platform_unix.go
- quota.go
- random_port.go
- route.go
- route_mapping.go
- security_group.go
- service_binding.go
- service_broker.go
- service_instance.go
- sha.go
- skip_experimental.go
- stack.go
- user.go
- version.go