Create 1000 routes, then deploy RouteController and measure how long it takes
for all the VirtualServices and Services to be created?
Once there are 1000 routes (and their corresponding VirtualServices and
Services), if we add 100 more routes quickly, how long does it take to create
the VirtualService and Service?
Given I have 1100 routes, how long does it take to modify 100 of routes as
individual updates?
Given I have 1100 routes, how long does it take to modify 1000 in bulk?
Given I have 1100 routes, how long does it take to remove 100 routes ?
Given I have 1000 routes, how long does it take to remove all the routes?
For each of these 6 metrics, we measure the time that each change takes to fully
propagate by observing modifications to VirtualServices and Services, then the
avg propagation of 95% of the new routes is under a baseline. If we fall outside
of some tolerance range of the baseline, the test fails.
Architectural Details
runs on KIND
only deploy the Route CRD and the VirtualService CRD from Istio
No Istio
No deployment of cf-for-k8s
No AIs
deploys RouteController as part of each batch of tests
Run the tests
cd cf-k8s-networking/routecontroller/stress
ginkgo .