Overview ¶
Package firestore provides a client for reading and writing to a Cloud Firestore database.
See for an introduction to Cloud Firestore and additional help on using the Firestore API.
See for authentication, timeouts, connection pooling and similar aspects of this package.
Note: you can't use both Cloud Firestore and Cloud Datastore in the same project.
Creating a Client ¶
To start working with this package, create a client with a project ID:
ctx := context.Background() client, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, "projectID") if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. }
CollectionRefs and DocumentRefs ¶
In Firestore, documents are sets of key-value pairs, and collections are groups of documents. A Firestore database consists of a hierarchy of alternating collections and documents, referred to by slash-separated paths like "States/California/Cities/SanFrancisco".
This client is built around references to collections and documents. CollectionRefs and DocumentRefs are lightweight values that refer to the corresponding database entities. Creating a ref does not involve any network traffic.
states := client.Collection("States") ny := states.Doc("NewYork") // Or, in a single call: ny = client.Doc("States/NewYork")
Reading ¶
Use DocumentRef.Get to read a document. The result is a DocumentSnapshot. Call its Data method to obtain the entire document contents as a map.
docsnap, err := ny.Get(ctx) if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } dataMap := docsnap.Data() fmt.Println(dataMap)
You can also obtain a single field with DataAt, or extract the data into a struct with DataTo. With the type definition
type State struct { Capital string `firestore:"capital"` Population float64 `firestore:"pop"` // in millions }
we can extract the document's data into a value of type State:
var nyData State if err := docsnap.DataTo(&nyData); err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. }
Note that this client supports struct tags beginning with "firestore:" that work like the tags of the encoding/json package, letting you rename fields, ignore them, or omit their values when empty.
To retrieve multiple documents from their references in a single call, use Client.GetAll.
docsnaps, err := client.GetAll(ctx, []*firestore.DocumentRef{ states.Doc("Wisconsin"), states.Doc("Ohio"), }) if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } for _, ds := range docsnaps { _ = ds // TODO: Use ds. }
Writing ¶
For writing individual documents, use the methods on DocumentReference. Create creates a new document.
wr, err := ny.Create(ctx, State{ Capital: "Albany", Population: 19.8, }) if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } fmt.Println(wr)
The first return value is a WriteResult, which contains the time at which the document was updated.
Create fails if the document exists. Another method, Set, either replaces an existing document or creates a new one.
ca := states.Doc("California") _, err = ca.Set(ctx, State{ Capital: "Sacramento", Population: 39.14, })
To update some fields of an existing document, use Update. It takes a list of paths to update and their corresponding values.
_, err = ca.Update(ctx, []firestore.Update{{Path: "capital", Value: "Sacramento"}})
Use DocumentRef.Delete to delete a document.
_, err = ny.Delete(ctx)
Preconditions ¶
You can condition Deletes or Updates on when a document was last changed. Specify these preconditions as an option to a Delete or Update method. The check and the write happen atomically with a single RPC.
docsnap, err = ca.Get(ctx) if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } _, err = ca.Update(ctx, []firestore.Update{{Path: "capital", Value: "Sacramento"}}, firestore.LastUpdateTime(docsnap.UpdateTime))
Here we update a doc only if it hasn't changed since we read it. You could also do this with a transaction.
To perform multiple writes at once, use a WriteBatch. Its methods chain for convenience.
WriteBatch.Commit sends the collected writes to the server, where they happen atomically.
writeResults, err := client.Batch(). Create(ny, State{Capital: "Albany"}). Update(ca, []firestore.Update{{Path: "capital", Value: "Sacramento"}}). Delete(client.Doc("States/WestDakota")). Commit(ctx)
Queries ¶
You can use SQL to select documents from a collection. Begin with the collection, and build up a query using Select, Where and other methods of Query.
q := states.Where("pop", ">", 10).OrderBy("pop", firestore.Desc)
Supported operators include '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', 'in', 'array-contains', and 'array-contains-any'.
Call the Query's Documents method to get an iterator, and use it like the other Google Cloud Client iterators.
iter := q.Documents(ctx) defer iter.Stop() for { doc, err := iter.Next() if err == iterator.Done { break } if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } fmt.Println(doc.Data()) }
To get all the documents in a collection, you can use the collection itself as a query.
iter = client.Collection("States").Documents(ctx)
Collection Group Partition Queries ¶
You can partition the documents of a Collection Group allowing for smaller subqueries.
collectionGroup = client.CollectionGroup("States") partitions, err = collectionGroup.GetPartitionedQueries(ctx, 20)
You can also Serialize/Deserialize queries making it possible to run/stream the queries elsewhere; another process or machine for instance.
queryProtos := make([][]byte, 0) for _, query := range partitions { protoBytes, err := query.Serialize() // handle err queryProtos = append(queryProtos, protoBytes) ... } for _, protoBytes := range queryProtos { query, err := client.CollectionGroup("").Deserialize(protoBytes) ... }
Transactions ¶
Use a transaction to execute reads and writes atomically. All reads must happen before any writes. Transaction creation, commit, rollback and retry are handled for you by the Client.RunTransaction method; just provide a function and use the read and write methods of the Transaction passed to it.
ny := client.Doc("States/NewYork") err := client.RunTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *firestore.Transaction) error { doc, err := tx.Get(ny) // tx.Get, NOT ny.Get! if err != nil { return err } pop, err := doc.DataAt("pop") if err != nil { return err } return tx.Update(ny, []firestore.Update{{Path: "pop", Value: pop.(float64) + 0.2}}) }) if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. }
Google Cloud Firestore Emulator ¶
This package supports the Cloud Firestore emulator, which is useful for testing and development. Environment variables are used to indicate that Firestore traffic should be directed to the emulator instead of the production Firestore service.
To install and run the emulator and its environment variables, see the documentation at Once the emulator is running, set FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST to the API endpoint.
// Set FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable. err := os.Setenv("FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST", "localhost:9000") if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } // Create client as usual. client, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, "my-project-id") if err != nil { // TODO: Handle error. } defer client.Close()
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ArrayRemove(elems ...interface{}) arrayRemove
- func ArrayUnion(elems ...interface{}) arrayUnion
- func FieldTransformIncrement(n interface{}) transform
- func FieldTransformMaximum(n interface{}) transform
- func FieldTransformMinimum(n interface{}) transform
- func Increment(n interface{}) transform
- func MaxAttempts(n int) maxAttempts
- type AggregationQuery
- func (a *AggregationQuery) Get(ctx context.Context) (AggregationResult, error)
- func (a *AggregationQuery) Transaction(tx *Transaction) *AggregationQuery
- func (a *AggregationQuery) WithAvg(path string, alias string) *AggregationQuery
- func (a *AggregationQuery) WithAvgPath(fp FieldPath, alias string) *AggregationQuery
- func (a *AggregationQuery) WithCount(alias string) *AggregationQuery
- func (a *AggregationQuery) WithSum(path string, alias string) *AggregationQuery
- func (a *AggregationQuery) WithSumPath(fp FieldPath, alias string) *AggregationQuery
- type AggregationResult
- type AndFilter
- type BulkWriter
- func (bw *BulkWriter) Create(doc *DocumentRef, datum interface{}) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
- func (bw *BulkWriter) Delete(doc *DocumentRef, preconds ...Precondition) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
- func (bw *BulkWriter) End()
- func (bw *BulkWriter) Flush()
- func (bw *BulkWriter) Set(doc *DocumentRef, datum interface{}, opts ...SetOption) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
- func (bw *BulkWriter) Update(doc *DocumentRef, updates []Update, preconds ...Precondition) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
- type BulkWriterJob
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Batch() *WriteBatchdeprecated
- func (c *Client) BulkWriter(ctx context.Context) *BulkWriter
- func (c *Client) Close() error
- func (c *Client) Collection(path string) *CollectionRef
- func (c *Client) CollectionGroup(collectionID string) *CollectionGroupRef
- func (c *Client) Collections(ctx context.Context) *CollectionIterator
- func (c *Client) Doc(path string) *DocumentRef
- func (c *Client) GetAll(ctx context.Context, docRefs []*DocumentRef) (_ []*DocumentSnapshot, err error)
- func (c *Client) RunTransaction(ctx context.Context, f func(context.Context, *Transaction) error, ...) (err error)
- func (c *Client) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *Client
- type CollectionGroupRef
- type CollectionIterator
- type CollectionRef
- func (c *CollectionRef) Add(ctx context.Context, data interface{}) (*DocumentRef, *WriteResult, error)
- func (c *CollectionRef) Doc(id string) *DocumentRef
- func (c *CollectionRef) DocumentRefs(ctx context.Context) *DocumentRefIterator
- func (c *CollectionRef) NewDoc() *DocumentRef
- func (c *CollectionRef) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *CollectionRef
- type CompositeFilter
- type Direction
- type DocumentChange
- type DocumentChangeKind
- type DocumentIterator
- type DocumentRef
- func (d *DocumentRef) Collection(id string) *CollectionRef
- func (d *DocumentRef) Collections(ctx context.Context) *CollectionIterator
- func (d *DocumentRef) Create(ctx context.Context, data interface{}) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
- func (d *DocumentRef) Delete(ctx context.Context, preconds ...Precondition) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
- func (d *DocumentRef) Get(ctx context.Context) (_ *DocumentSnapshot, err error)
- func (d *DocumentRef) Set(ctx context.Context, data interface{}, opts ...SetOption) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
- func (d *DocumentRef) Snapshots(ctx context.Context) *DocumentSnapshotIterator
- func (d *DocumentRef) Update(ctx context.Context, updates []Update, preconds ...Precondition) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
- func (d *DocumentRef) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *DocumentRef
- type DocumentRefIterator
- type DocumentSnapshot
- type DocumentSnapshotIterator
- type EntityFilter
- type FieldPath
- type OrFilter
- type Precondition
- type PropertyFilter
- type PropertyPathFilter
- type Query
- func (q Query) Deserialize(bytes []byte) (Query, error)
- func (q Query) Documents(ctx context.Context) *DocumentIterator
- func (q Query) EndAt(docSnapshotOrFieldValues ...interface{}) Query
- func (q Query) EndBefore(docSnapshotOrFieldValues ...interface{}) Query
- func (q Query) Limit(n int) Query
- func (q Query) LimitToLast(n int) Query
- func (q *Query) NewAggregationQuery() *AggregationQuery
- func (q Query) Offset(n int) Query
- func (q Query) OrderBy(path string, dir Direction) Query
- func (q Query) OrderByPath(fp FieldPath, dir Direction) Query
- func (q Query) Select(paths ...string) Query
- func (q Query) SelectPaths(fieldPaths ...FieldPath) Query
- func (q Query) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (q Query) Snapshots(ctx context.Context) *QuerySnapshotIterator
- func (q Query) StartAfter(docSnapshotOrFieldValues ...interface{}) Query
- func (q Query) StartAt(docSnapshotOrFieldValues ...interface{}) Query
- func (q Query) Where(path, op string, value interface{}) Query
- func (q Query) WhereEntity(ef EntityFilter) Query
- func (q Query) WherePath(fp FieldPath, op string, value interface{}) Query
- func (q *Query) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *Query
- type QuerySnapshot
- type QuerySnapshotIterator
- type Queryer
- type ReadOption
- type SetOption
- type SimpleFilter
- type Transaction
- func (t *Transaction) Create(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}) error
- func (t *Transaction) Delete(dr *DocumentRef, opts ...Precondition) error
- func (t *Transaction) DocumentRefs(cr *CollectionRef) *DocumentRefIterator
- func (t *Transaction) Documents(q Queryer) *DocumentIterator
- func (t *Transaction) Get(dr *DocumentRef) (*DocumentSnapshot, error)
- func (t *Transaction) GetAll(drs []*DocumentRef) ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error)
- func (t *Transaction) Set(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}, opts ...SetOption) error
- func (t *Transaction) Update(dr *DocumentRef, data []Update, opts ...Precondition) error
- func (t *Transaction) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *Transaction
- type TransactionOption
- type Update
- type WriteBatchdeprecated
- func (b *WriteBatch) Commit(ctx context.Context) (_ []*WriteResult, err error)
- func (b *WriteBatch) Create(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}) *WriteBatch
- func (b *WriteBatch) Delete(dr *DocumentRef, opts ...Precondition) *WriteBatch
- func (b *WriteBatch) Set(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}, opts ...SetOption) *WriteBatch
- func (b *WriteBatch) Update(dr *DocumentRef, data []Update, opts ...Precondition) *WriteBatch
- type WriteResult
Examples ¶
- ArrayRemove (Update)
- ArrayUnion (Create)
- ArrayUnion (Update)
- Client.Batch
- Client.Collection
- Client.CollectionGroup
- Client.Doc
- Client.GetAll
- Client.RunTransaction
- CollectionRef.Add
- CollectionRef.Doc
- CollectionRef.NewDoc
- DocumentIterator.GetAll
- DocumentIterator.Next
- DocumentRef.Collection
- DocumentRef.Create (Map)
- DocumentRef.Create (Struct)
- DocumentRef.Delete
- DocumentRef.Get
- DocumentRef.Set
- DocumentRef.Set (Merge)
- DocumentRef.Snapshots
- DocumentRef.Update
- DocumentSnapshot.Data
- DocumentSnapshot.DataAt
- DocumentSnapshot.DataAtPath
- DocumentSnapshot.DataTo
- Increment (Create)
- Increment (Update)
- NewClient
- Query.Documents
- Query.Documents (Path_methods)
- Query.Snapshots
- WriteBatch.Commit
Constants ¶
const ( // Delete is used as a value in a call to Update or Set with merge to indicate // that the corresponding key should be deleted. Delete sentinel = iota // ServerTimestamp is used as a value in a call to Update to indicate that the // key's value should be set to the time at which the server processed // the request. // // ServerTimestamp must be the value of a field directly; it cannot appear in // array or struct values, or in any value that is itself inside an array or // struct. ServerTimestamp )
const DefaultDatabaseID = "(default)"
DefaultDatabaseID is name of the default database
const DefaultTransactionMaxAttempts = 5
DefaultTransactionMaxAttempts is the default number of times to attempt a transaction.
const DetectProjectID = "*detect-project-id*"
DetectProjectID is a sentinel value that instructs NewClient to detect the project ID. It is given in place of the projectID argument. NewClient will use the project ID from the given credentials or the default credentials ( if no credentials were provided. When providing credentials, not all options will allow NewClient to extract the project ID. Specifically a JWT does not have the project ID encoded.
const DocumentID = "__name__"
DocumentID is the special field name representing the ID of a document in queries.
Variables ¶
var LogWatchStreams = false
LogWatchStreams controls whether watch stream status changes are logged. This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and may disappear at any time.
var ReadOnly = ro{}
ReadOnly is a TransactionOption that makes the transaction read-only. Read-only transactions cannot issue write operations, but are more efficient.
Functions ¶
func ArrayRemove ¶
func ArrayRemove(elems ...interface{}) arrayRemove
ArrayRemove specifies elements to be removed from whatever array already exists in the server.
If a value exists and it's an array, values are removed from it. All duplicate values are removed. If a value exists and it's not an array, the value is replaced by an empty array. If a value does not exist, an empty array is created.
ArrayRemove must be the value of a field directly; it cannot appear in array or struct values, or in any value that is itself inside an array or struct.
func ArrayUnion ¶
func ArrayUnion(elems ...interface{}) arrayUnion
ArrayUnion specifies elements to be added to whatever array already exists in the server, or to create an array if no value exists.
If a value exists and it's an array, values are appended to it. Any duplicate value is ignored. If a value exists and it's not an array, the value is replaced by an array of the values in the ArrayUnion. If a value does not exist, an array of the values in the ArrayUnion is created.
ArrayUnion must be the value of a field directly; it cannot appear in array or struct values, or in any value that is itself inside an array or struct.
func FieldTransformIncrement ¶ added in v1.3.0
func FieldTransformIncrement(n interface{}) transform
FieldTransformIncrement returns a special value that can be used with Set, Create, or Update that tells the server to transform the field's current value by the given value.
The supported values are:
int, int8, int16, int32, int64 uint8, uint16, uint32 float32, float64
If the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value.
func FieldTransformMaximum ¶ added in v1.3.0
func FieldTransformMaximum(n interface{}) transform
FieldTransformMaximum returns a special value that can be used with Set, Create, or Update that tells the server to set the field to the maximum of the field's current value and the given value.
The supported values are:
int, int8, int16, int32, int64 uint8, uint16, uint32 float32, float64
If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a maximum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the larger operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The maximum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The maximum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
func FieldTransformMinimum ¶ added in v1.3.0
func FieldTransformMinimum(n interface{}) transform
FieldTransformMinimum returns a special value that can be used with Set, Create, or Update that tells the server to set the field to the minimum of the field's current value and the given value.
The supported values are:
int, int8, int16, int32, int64 uint8, uint16, uint32 float32, float64
If the field is not an integer or double, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation will set the field to the given value. If a minimum operation is applied where the field and the input value are of mixed types (that is - one is an integer and one is a double) the field takes on the type of the smaller operand. If the operands are equivalent (e.g. 3 and 3.0), the field does not change. 0, 0.0, and -0.0 are all zero. The minimum of a zero stored value and zero input value is always the stored value. The minimum of any numeric value x and NaN is NaN.
func Increment ¶
func Increment(n interface{}) transform
Increment is an alias for FieldTransformIncrement.
func MaxAttempts ¶
func MaxAttempts(n int) maxAttempts
MaxAttempts is a TransactionOption that configures the maximum number of times to try a transaction. In defaults to DefaultTransactionMaxAttempts.
Types ¶
type AggregationQuery ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AggregationQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AggregationQuery allows for generating aggregation results of an underlying basic query. A single AggregationQuery can contain multiple aggregations.
func (*AggregationQuery) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) Get(ctx context.Context) (AggregationResult, error)
Get retrieves the aggregation query results from the service.
func (*AggregationQuery) Transaction ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) Transaction(tx *Transaction) *AggregationQuery
Transaction specifies that aggregation query should run within provided transaction
func (*AggregationQuery) WithAvg ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) WithAvg(path string, alias string) *AggregationQuery
WithAvg specifies that the aggregation query should provide an average of the values of the provided field in the results returned by the underlying Query. The alias argument can be empty or a valid Firestore document field name. It can be used as key in the AggregationResult to get the average value. If alias is empty, Firestore will autogenerate a key.
func (*AggregationQuery) WithAvgPath ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) WithAvgPath(fp FieldPath, alias string) *AggregationQuery
WithAvgPath specifies that the aggregation query should provide an average of the values of the provided field in the results returned by the underlying Query. The path argument can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]". The alias argument can be empty or a valid Firestore document field name. It can be used as key in the AggregationResult to get the average value. If alias is empty, Firestore will autogenerate a key.
func (*AggregationQuery) WithCount ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) WithCount(alias string) *AggregationQuery
WithCount specifies that the aggregation query provide a count of results returned by the underlying Query.
func (*AggregationQuery) WithSum ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) WithSum(path string, alias string) *AggregationQuery
WithSum specifies that the aggregation query should provide a sum of the values of the provided field in the results returned by the underlying Query. The alias argument can be empty or a valid Firestore document field name. It can be used as key in the AggregationResult to get the sum value. If alias is empty, Firestore will autogenerate a key.
func (*AggregationQuery) WithSumPath ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (a *AggregationQuery) WithSumPath(fp FieldPath, alias string) *AggregationQuery
WithSumPath specifies that the aggregation query should provide a sum of the values of the provided field in the results returned by the underlying Query. The path argument can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]". The alias argument can be empty or a valid Firestore document field name. It can be used as key in the AggregationResult to get the sum value. If alias is empty, Firestore will autogenerate a key.
type AggregationResult ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AggregationResult map[string]interface{}
AggregationResult contains the results of an aggregation query.
type AndFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AndFilter struct {
Filters []EntityFilter
AndFilter represents the intersection of two or more filters.
type BulkWriter ¶ added in v1.7.0
type BulkWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A BulkWriter supports concurrent writes to multiple documents. The BulkWriter submits document writes in maximum batches of 20 writes per request. Each request can contain many different document writes: create, delete, update, and set are all supported.
Only one operation (create, set, update, delete) per document is allowed. BulkWriter cannot promise atomicity: individual writes can fail or succeed independent of each other. Bulkwriter does not apply writes in any set order; thus a document can't have set on it immediately after creation.
func (*BulkWriter) Create ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (bw *BulkWriter) Create(doc *DocumentRef, datum interface{}) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
Create adds a document creation write to the queue of writes to send. Note: You cannot write to (Create, Update, Set, or Delete) the same document more than once.
func (*BulkWriter) Delete ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (bw *BulkWriter) Delete(doc *DocumentRef, preconds ...Precondition) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
Delete adds a document deletion write to the queue of writes to send. Note: You cannot write to (Create, Update, Set, or Delete) the same document more than once.
func (*BulkWriter) End ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (bw *BulkWriter) End()
End sends all enqueued writes in parallel and closes the BulkWriter to new requests. After calling End(), calling any additional method automatically returns with an error. This method completes when there are no more pending writes in the queue.
func (*BulkWriter) Flush ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (bw *BulkWriter) Flush()
Flush commits all writes that have been enqueued up to this point in parallel. This method blocks execution.
func (*BulkWriter) Set ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (bw *BulkWriter) Set(doc *DocumentRef, datum interface{}, opts ...SetOption) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
Set adds a document set write to the queue of writes to send. Note: You cannot write to (Create, Update, Set, or Delete) the same document more than once.
func (*BulkWriter) Update ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (bw *BulkWriter) Update(doc *DocumentRef, updates []Update, preconds ...Precondition) (*BulkWriterJob, error)
Update adds a document update write to the queue of writes to send. Note: You cannot write to (Create, Update, Set, or Delete) the same document more than once.
type BulkWriterJob ¶ added in v1.7.0
type BulkWriterJob struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BulkWriterJob provides read-only access to the results of a BulkWriter write attempt.
func (*BulkWriterJob) Results ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (j *BulkWriterJob) Results() (*WriteResult, error)
Results gets the results of the BulkWriter write attempt. This method blocks if the results for this BulkWriterJob haven't been received.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Client provides access to the Firestore service.
func NewClientWithDatabase ¶ added in v1.13.0
func NewClientWithDatabase(ctx context.Context, projectID string, databaseID string, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*Client, error)
NewClientWithDatabase creates a new Firestore client that accesses the specified database.
func (*Client) Batch
func (c *Client) Batch() *WriteBatch
Batch returns a WriteBatch.
Deprecated: The WriteBatch API has been replaced with the transaction and the bulk writer API. For atomic transaction operations, use `Transaction`. For bulk read and write operations, use `BulkWriter`.
func (*Client) BulkWriter ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (c *Client) BulkWriter(ctx context.Context) *BulkWriter
BulkWriter returns a BulkWriter instance. The context passed to the BulkWriter remains stored through the lifecycle of the object. This context allows callers to cancel BulkWriter operations.
func (*Client) Close ¶
Close closes any resources held by the client.
Close need not be called at program exit.
func (*Client) Collection ¶
func (c *Client) Collection(path string) *CollectionRef
Collection creates a reference to a collection with the given path. A path is a sequence of IDs separated by slashes.
Collection returns nil if path contains an even number of IDs or any ID is empty.
func (*Client) CollectionGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CollectionGroup(collectionID string) *CollectionGroupRef
CollectionGroup creates a reference to a group of collections that include the given ID, regardless of parent document.
For example, consider: France/Cities/Paris = {population: 100} Canada/Cities/Montreal = {population: 90}
CollectionGroup can be used to query across all "Cities" regardless of its parent "Countries". See ExampleCollectionGroup for a complete example.
func (*Client) Collections ¶
func (c *Client) Collections(ctx context.Context) *CollectionIterator
Collections returns an iterator over the top-level collections.
func (*Client) Doc ¶
func (c *Client) Doc(path string) *DocumentRef
Doc creates a reference to a document with the given path. A path is a sequence of IDs separated by slashes.
Doc returns nil if path contains an odd number of IDs or any ID is empty.
func (*Client) GetAll ¶
func (c *Client) GetAll(ctx context.Context, docRefs []*DocumentRef) (_ []*DocumentSnapshot, err error)
GetAll retrieves multiple documents with a single call. The DocumentSnapshots are returned in the order of the given DocumentRefs. The return value will always contain the same number of DocumentSnapshots as the number of DocumentRefs in the input.
If the same DocumentRef is specified multiple times in the input, the return value will contain the same number of DocumentSnapshots referencing the same document.
If a document is not present, the corresponding DocumentSnapshot's Exists method will return false.
func (*Client) RunTransaction ¶
func (c *Client) RunTransaction(ctx context.Context, f func(context.Context, *Transaction) error, opts ...TransactionOption) (err error)
RunTransaction runs f in a transaction. f should use the transaction it is given for all Firestore operations. For any operation requiring a context, f should use the context it is passed, not the first argument to RunTransaction.
f must not call Commit or Rollback on the provided Transaction.
If f returns nil, RunTransaction commits the transaction. If the commit fails due to a conflicting transaction, RunTransaction retries f. It gives up and returns an error after a number of attempts that can be configured with the MaxAttempts option. If the commit succeeds, RunTransaction returns a nil error.
If f returns non-nil, then the transaction will be rolled back and this method will return the same error. The function f is not retried.
Note that when f returns, the transaction is not committed. Calling code must not assume that any of f's changes have been committed until RunTransaction returns nil.
Since f may be called more than once, f should usually be idempotent – that is, it should have the same result when called multiple times.
func (*Client) WithReadOptions ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (c *Client) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *Client
WithReadOptions specifies constraints for accessing documents from the database, e.g. at what time snapshot to read the documents.
type CollectionGroupRef ¶
type CollectionGroupRef struct { // Use the methods of Query on a CollectionGroupRef to create and run queries. Query // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A CollectionGroupRef is a reference to a group of collections sharing the same ID.
func (CollectionGroupRef) GetPartitionedQueries ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (cgr CollectionGroupRef) GetPartitionedQueries(ctx context.Context, partitionCount int) ([]Query, error)
GetPartitionedQueries returns a slice of Query objects, each containing a partition of a collection group. partitionCount must be a positive value and the number of returned partitions may be less than the requested number if providing the desired number would result in partitions with very few documents.
If a Collection Group Query would return a large number of documents, this can help to subdivide the query to smaller working units that can be distributed.
If the goal is to run the queries across processes or workers, it may be useful to use `Query.Serialize` and `Query.Deserialize` to serialize the query.
type CollectionIterator ¶
type CollectionIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CollectionIterator is an iterator over sub-collections of a document.
func (*CollectionIterator) GetAll ¶
func (it *CollectionIterator) GetAll() ([]*CollectionRef, error)
GetAll returns all the collections remaining from the iterator.
func (*CollectionIterator) Next ¶
func (it *CollectionIterator) Next() (*CollectionRef, error)
Next returns the next result. Its second return value is iterator.Done if there are no more results. Once Next returns Done, all subsequent calls will return Done.
func (*CollectionIterator) PageInfo ¶
func (it *CollectionIterator) PageInfo() *iterator.PageInfo
PageInfo supports pagination. See the package for details.
type CollectionRef ¶
type CollectionRef struct { // Parent is the document of which this collection is a part. It is // nil for top-level collections. Parent *DocumentRef // The full resource path of the collection: "projects/P/databases/D/documents..." Path string // ID is the collection identifier. ID string // Use the methods of Query on a CollectionRef to create and run queries. Query // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A CollectionRef is a reference to Firestore collection.
func (*CollectionRef) Add ¶
func (c *CollectionRef) Add(ctx context.Context, data interface{}) (*DocumentRef, *WriteResult, error)
Add generates a DocumentRef with a unique ID. It then creates the document with the given data, which can be a map[string]interface{}, a struct or a pointer to a struct.
Add returns an error in the unlikely event that a document with the same ID already exists.
func (*CollectionRef) Doc ¶
func (c *CollectionRef) Doc(id string) *DocumentRef
Doc returns a DocumentRef that refers to the document in the collection with the given identifier.
func (*CollectionRef) DocumentRefs ¶
func (c *CollectionRef) DocumentRefs(ctx context.Context) *DocumentRefIterator
DocumentRefs returns references to all the documents in the collection, including missing documents. A missing document is a document that does not exist but has sub-documents.
func (*CollectionRef) NewDoc ¶
func (c *CollectionRef) NewDoc() *DocumentRef
NewDoc returns a DocumentRef with a uniquely generated ID.
NewDoc will panic if crypto/rand cannot generate enough bytes to make a new doc ID.
func (*CollectionRef) WithReadOptions ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (c *CollectionRef) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *CollectionRef
WithReadOptions specifies constraints for accessing documents from the database, e.g. at what time snapshot to read the documents.
type CompositeFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type CompositeFilter interface { EntityFilter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
CompositeFilter represents a composite Firestore filter.
type Direction ¶
type Direction int32
Direction is the sort direction for result ordering.
const ( // Asc sorts results from smallest to largest. Asc Direction = Direction(pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING) // Desc sorts results from largest to smallest. Desc Direction = Direction(pb.StructuredQuery_DESCENDING) )
type DocumentChange ¶
type DocumentChange struct { Kind DocumentChangeKind Doc *DocumentSnapshot // The zero-based index of the document in the sequence of query results prior to this change, // or -1 if the document was not present. OldIndex int // The zero-based index of the document in the sequence of query results after this change, // or -1 if the document is no longer present. NewIndex int }
A DocumentChange describes the change to a document from one query snapshot to the next.
type DocumentChangeKind ¶
type DocumentChangeKind int
DocumentChangeKind describes the kind of change to a document between query snapshots.
const ( // DocumentAdded indicates that the document was added for the first time. DocumentAdded DocumentChangeKind = iota // DocumentRemoved indicates that the document was removed. DocumentRemoved // DocumentModified indicates that the document was modified. DocumentModified )
type DocumentIterator ¶
type DocumentIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DocumentIterator is an iterator over documents returned by a query.
func (*DocumentIterator) GetAll ¶
func (it *DocumentIterator) GetAll() ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error)
GetAll returns all the documents remaining from the iterator. It is not necessary to call Stop on the iterator after calling GetAll.
func (*DocumentIterator) Next ¶
func (it *DocumentIterator) Next() (*DocumentSnapshot, error)
Next returns the next result. Its second return value is iterator.Done if there are no more results. Once Next returns Done, all subsequent calls will return Done.
func (*DocumentIterator) Stop ¶
func (it *DocumentIterator) Stop()
Stop stops the iterator, freeing its resources. Always call Stop when you are done with a DocumentIterator. It is not safe to call Stop concurrently with Next.
type DocumentRef ¶
type DocumentRef struct { // The CollectionRef that this document is a part of. Never nil. Parent *CollectionRef // The full resource path of the document. A document "doc-1" in collection // "coll-1" would be: "projects/P/databases/D/documents/coll-1/doc-1". Path string // The ID of the document: the last component of the resource path. ID string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A DocumentRef is a reference to a Firestore document.
func (*DocumentRef) Collection ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Collection(id string) *CollectionRef
Collection returns a reference to sub-collection of this document.
func (*DocumentRef) Collections ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Collections(ctx context.Context) *CollectionIterator
Collections returns an iterator over the immediate sub-collections of the document.
func (*DocumentRef) Create ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Create(ctx context.Context, data interface{}) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
Create creates the document with the given data. It returns an error if a document with the same ID already exists.
The data argument can be a map with string keys, a struct, or a pointer to a struct. The map keys or exported struct fields become the fields of the firestore document. The values of data are converted to Firestore values as follows:
- bool converts to Bool.
- string converts to String.
- int, int8, int16, int32 and int64 convert to Integer.
- uint8, uint16 and uint32 convert to Integer. uint, uint64 and uintptr are disallowed, because they may be able to represent values that cannot be represented in an int64, which is the underlying type of a Integer.
- float32 and float64 convert to Double.
- []byte converts to Bytes.
- time.Time and *ts.Timestamp convert to Timestamp. ts is the package "".
- *latlng.LatLng converts to GeoPoint. latlng is the package "". You should always use a pointer to a LatLng.
- Slices convert to Array.
- *firestore.DocumentRef converts to Reference.
- Maps and structs convert to Map.
- nils of any type convert to Null.
Pointers and interface{} are also permitted, and their elements processed recursively.
Struct fields can have tags like those used by the encoding/json package. Tags begin with "firestore:" and are followed by "-", meaning "ignore this field," or an alternative name for the field. Following the name, these comma-separated options may be provided:
- omitempty: Do not encode this field if it is empty. A value is empty if it is a zero value, or an array, slice or map of length zero.
- serverTimestamp: The field must be of type time.Time. serverTimestamp is a sentinel token that tells Firestore to substitute the server time into that field. When writing, if the field has the zero value, the server will populate the stored document with the time that the request is processed. However, if the field value is non-zero it won't be saved.
func (*DocumentRef) Delete ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Delete(ctx context.Context, preconds ...Precondition) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
Delete deletes the document. If the document doesn't exist, it does nothing and returns no error.
func (*DocumentRef) Get ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Get(ctx context.Context) (_ *DocumentSnapshot, err error)
Get retrieves the document. If the document does not exist, Get return a NotFound error, which can be checked with
status.Code(err) == codes.NotFound
In that case, Get returns a non-nil DocumentSnapshot whose Exists method return false and whose ReadTime is the time of the failed read operation.
func (*DocumentRef) Set ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Set(ctx context.Context, data interface{}, opts ...SetOption) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
Set creates or overwrites the document with the given data. See DocumentRef.Create for the acceptable values of data. Without options, Set overwrites the document completely. Specify one of the Merge options to preserve an existing document's fields. To delete some fields, use a Merge option with firestore.Delete as the field value.
func (*DocumentRef) Snapshots ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Snapshots(ctx context.Context) *DocumentSnapshotIterator
Snapshots returns an iterator over snapshots of the document. Each time the document changes or is added or deleted, a new snapshot will be generated.
func (*DocumentRef) Update ¶
func (d *DocumentRef) Update(ctx context.Context, updates []Update, preconds ...Precondition) (_ *WriteResult, err error)
Update updates the document. The values at the given field paths are replaced, but other fields of the stored document are untouched.
func (*DocumentRef) WithReadOptions ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (d *DocumentRef) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *DocumentRef
WithReadOptions specifies constraints for accessing documents from the database, e.g. at what time snapshot to read the documents.
type DocumentRefIterator ¶
type DocumentRefIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DocumentRefIterator is an iterator over DocumentRefs.
func (*DocumentRefIterator) GetAll ¶
func (it *DocumentRefIterator) GetAll() ([]*DocumentRef, error)
GetAll returns all the DocumentRefs remaining from the iterator.
func (*DocumentRefIterator) Next ¶
func (it *DocumentRefIterator) Next() (*DocumentRef, error)
Next returns the next result. Its second return value is iterator.Done if there are no more results. Once Next returns Done, all subsequent calls will return Done.
func (*DocumentRefIterator) PageInfo ¶
func (it *DocumentRefIterator) PageInfo() *iterator.PageInfo
PageInfo supports pagination. See the package for details.
type DocumentSnapshot ¶
type DocumentSnapshot struct { // The DocumentRef for this document. Ref *DocumentRef // Read-only. The time at which the document was created. // Increases monotonically when a document is deleted then // recreated. It can also be compared to values from other documents and // the read time of a query. CreateTime time.Time // Read-only. The time at which the document was last changed. This value // is initially set to CreateTime then increases monotonically with each // change to the document. It can also be compared to values from other // documents and the read time of a query. UpdateTime time.Time // Read-only. The time at which the document was read. ReadTime time.Time // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A DocumentSnapshot contains document data and metadata.
func (*DocumentSnapshot) Data ¶
func (d *DocumentSnapshot) Data() map[string]interface{}
Data returns the DocumentSnapshot's fields as a map. It is equivalent to
var m map[string]interface{} d.DataTo(&m)
except that it returns nil if the document does not exist.
func (*DocumentSnapshot) DataAt ¶
func (d *DocumentSnapshot) DataAt(path string) (interface{}, error)
DataAt returns the data value denoted by path.
The path argument can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]". Use DataAtPath instead for such a path.
See DocumentSnapshot.DataTo for how Firestore values are converted to Go values.
If the document does not exist, DataAt returns a NotFound error.
func (*DocumentSnapshot) DataAtPath ¶
func (d *DocumentSnapshot) DataAtPath(fp FieldPath) (interface{}, error)
DataAtPath returns the data value denoted by the FieldPath fp. If the document does not exist, DataAtPath returns a NotFound error.
func (*DocumentSnapshot) DataTo ¶
func (d *DocumentSnapshot) DataTo(p interface{}) error
DataTo uses the document's fields to populate p, which can be a pointer to a map[string]interface{} or a pointer to a struct.
Firestore field values are converted to Go values as follows:
- Null converts to nil.
- Bool converts to bool.
- String converts to string.
- Integer converts int64. When setting a struct field, any signed or unsigned integer type is permitted except uint, uint64 or uintptr. Overflow is detected and results in an error.
- Double converts to float64. When setting a struct field, float32 is permitted. Overflow is detected and results in an error.
- Bytes is converted to []byte.
- Timestamp converts to time.Time.
- GeoPoint converts to *latlng.LatLng, where latlng is the package "".
- Arrays convert to []interface{}. When setting a struct field, the field may be a slice or array of any type and is populated recursively. Slices are resized to the incoming value's size, while arrays that are too long have excess elements filled with zero values. If the array is too short, excess incoming values will be dropped.
- Maps convert to map[string]interface{}. When setting a struct field, maps of key type string and any value type are permitted, and are populated recursively.
- References are converted to *firestore.DocumentRefs.
Field names given by struct field tags are observed, as described in DocumentRef.Create.
Only the fields actually present in the document are used to populate p. Other fields of p are left unchanged.
If the document does not exist, DataTo returns a NotFound error.
func (*DocumentSnapshot) Exists ¶
func (d *DocumentSnapshot) Exists() bool
Exists reports whether the DocumentSnapshot represents an existing document. Even if Exists returns false, the Ref and ReadTime fields of the DocumentSnapshot are valid.
type DocumentSnapshotIterator ¶
type DocumentSnapshotIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DocumentSnapshotIterator is an iterator over snapshots of a document. Call Next on the iterator to get a snapshot of the document each time it changes. Call Stop on the iterator when done.
For an example, see DocumentRef.Snapshots.
func (*DocumentSnapshotIterator) Next ¶
func (it *DocumentSnapshotIterator) Next() (*DocumentSnapshot, error)
Next blocks until the document changes, then returns the DocumentSnapshot for the current state of the document. If the document has been deleted, Next returns a DocumentSnapshot whose Exists method returns false.
Next is not expected to return iterator.Done unless it is called after Stop. Rarely, networking issues may also cause iterator.Done to be returned.
func (*DocumentSnapshotIterator) Stop ¶
func (it *DocumentSnapshotIterator) Stop()
Stop stops receiving snapshots. You should always call Stop when you are done with a DocumentSnapshotIterator, to free up resources. It is not safe to call Stop concurrently with Next.
type EntityFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EntityFilter interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
EntityFilter represents a Firestore filter.
type FieldPath ¶
type FieldPath []string
A FieldPath is a non-empty sequence of non-empty fields that reference a value.
A FieldPath value should only be necessary if one of the field names contains one of the runes ".˜*/[]". Most methods accept a simpler form of field path as a string in which the individual fields are separated by dots. For example,
[]string{"a", "b"}
is equivalent to the string form
has no equivalent string form.
type OrFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type OrFilter struct {
Filters []EntityFilter
OrFilter represents a union of two or more filters.
type Precondition ¶
type Precondition interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A Precondition modifies a Firestore update or delete operation.
var Exists Precondition
Exists is a Precondition that checks for the existence of a resource before writing to it. If the check fails, the write does not occur.
func LastUpdateTime ¶
func LastUpdateTime(t time.Time) Precondition
LastUpdateTime returns a Precondition that checks that a resource must exist and must have last been updated at the given time. If the check fails, the write does not occur.
type PropertyFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
PropertyFilter represents a filter on single property.
Path can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields denoting property path, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]". Operator must be one of "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "array-contains", "array-contains-any", "in" or "not-in".
type PropertyPathFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
PropertyPathFilter represents a filter on single property.
Path can be an array of fields denoting property path. Operator must be one of "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "array-contains", "array-contains-any", "in" or "not-in".
type Query ¶
type Query struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Query represents a Firestore query.
Query values are immutable. Each Query method creates a new Query; it does not modify the old.
func (Query) Deserialize ¶ added in v1.6.0
Deserialize takes a slice of bytes holding the wire-format message of RunQueryRequest, the underlying proto message used by Queries. It then populates and returns a Query object that can be used to execut that Query.
func (Query) Documents ¶
func (q Query) Documents(ctx context.Context) *DocumentIterator
Documents returns an iterator over the query's resulting documents.
Example (Path_methods) ¶
This example is just like the one above, but illustrates how to use the XXXPath methods of Query for field paths that can't be expressed as a dot-separated string.
func (Query) EndAt ¶
EndAt returns a new Query that specifies that results should end at the document with the given field values. See Query.StartAt for more information.
Calling EndAt overrides a previous call to EndAt or EndBefore.
func (Query) EndBefore ¶
EndBefore returns a new Query that specifies that results should end just before the document with the given field values. See Query.StartAt for more information.
Calling EndBefore overrides a previous call to EndAt or EndBefore.
func (Query) Limit ¶
Limit returns a new Query that specifies the maximum number of first results to return. It must not be negative.
func (Query) LimitToLast ¶ added in v1.3.0
LimitToLast returns a new Query that specifies the maximum number of last results to return. It must not be negative.
func (*Query) NewAggregationQuery ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (q *Query) NewAggregationQuery() *AggregationQuery
NewAggregationQuery returns an AggregationQuery with this query as its base query.
func (Query) Offset ¶
Offset returns a new Query that specifies the number of initial results to skip. It must not be negative.
func (Query) OrderBy ¶
OrderBy returns a new Query that specifies the order in which results are returned. A Query can have multiple OrderBy/OrderByPath specifications. OrderBy appends the specification to the list of existing ones.
The path argument can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]".
To order by document name, use the special field path DocumentID.
func (Query) OrderByPath ¶
OrderByPath returns a new Query that specifies the order in which results are returned. A Query can have multiple OrderBy/OrderByPath specifications. OrderByPath appends the specification to the list of existing ones.
func (Query) Select ¶
Select returns a new Query that specifies the paths to return from the result documents. Each path argument can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]".
An empty Select call will produce a query that returns only document IDs.
func (Query) SelectPaths ¶
SelectPaths returns a new Query that specifies the field paths to return from the result documents.
An empty SelectPaths call will produce a query that returns only document IDs.
func (Query) Serialize ¶ added in v1.6.0
Serialize creates a RunQueryRequest wire-format byte slice from a Query object. This can be used in combination with Deserialize to marshal Query objects. This could be useful, for instance, if executing a query formed in one process in another.
func (Query) Snapshots ¶
func (q Query) Snapshots(ctx context.Context) *QuerySnapshotIterator
Snapshots returns an iterator over snapshots of the query. Each time the query results change, a new snapshot will be generated.
func (Query) StartAfter ¶
StartAfter returns a new Query that specifies that results should start just after the document with the given field values. See Query.StartAt for more information.
Calling StartAfter overrides a previous call to StartAt or StartAfter.
func (Query) StartAt ¶
StartAt returns a new Query that specifies that results should start at the document with the given field values.
StartAt may be called with a single DocumentSnapshot, representing an existing document within the query. The document must be a direct child of the location being queried (not a parent document, or document in a different collection, or a grandchild document, for example).
Otherwise, StartAt should be called with one field value for each OrderBy clause, in the order that they appear. For example, in
q.OrderBy("X", Asc).OrderBy("Y", Desc).StartAt(1, 2)
results will begin at the first document where X = 1 and Y = 2.
If an OrderBy call uses the special DocumentID field path, the corresponding value should be the document ID relative to the query's collection. For example, to start at the document "NewYork" in the "States" collection, write
client.Collection("States").OrderBy(DocumentID, firestore.Asc).StartAt("NewYork")
Calling StartAt overrides a previous call to StartAt or StartAfter.
func (Query) Where ¶
Where returns a new Query that filters the set of results. A Query can have multiple filters. The path argument can be a single field or a dot-separated sequence of fields, and must not contain any of the runes "˜*/[]". The op argument must be one of "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "array-contains", "array-contains-any", "in" or "not-in". WARNING: Using WhereEntity with Simple and Composite filters is recommended.
func (Query) WhereEntity ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (q Query) WhereEntity(ef EntityFilter) Query
WhereEntity returns a query with provided filter.
EntityFilter can be a simple filter or a composite filter PropertyFilter and PropertyPathFilter are supported simple filters AndFilter and OrFilter are supported composite filters Entity filters in multiple calls are joined together by AND
func (Query) WherePath ¶
WherePath returns a new Query that filters the set of results. A Query can have multiple filters. The op argument must be one of "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "array-contains", "array-contains-any", "in" or "not-in". WARNING: Using WhereEntity with Simple and Composite filters is recommended.
func (*Query) WithReadOptions ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (q *Query) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *Query
WithReadOptions specifies constraints for accessing documents from the database, e.g. at what time snapshot to read the documents.
type QuerySnapshot ¶
type QuerySnapshot struct { // An iterator over the query results. // It is not necessary to call Stop on this iterator. Documents *DocumentIterator // The number of results in this snapshot. Size int // The changes since the previous snapshot. Changes []DocumentChange // The time at which this snapshot was obtained from Firestore. ReadTime time.Time }
A QuerySnapshot is a snapshot of query results. It is returned by QuerySnapshotIterator.Next whenever the results of a query change.
type QuerySnapshotIterator ¶
type QuerySnapshotIterator struct { // The Query used to construct this iterator. Query Query // contains filtered or unexported fields }
QuerySnapshotIterator is an iterator over snapshots of a query. Call Next on the iterator to get a snapshot of the query's results each time they change. Call Stop on the iterator when done.
For an example, see Query.Snapshots.
func (*QuerySnapshotIterator) Next ¶
func (it *QuerySnapshotIterator) Next() (*QuerySnapshot, error)
Next blocks until the query's results change, then returns a QuerySnapshot for the current results.
Next is not expected to return iterator.Done unless it is called after Stop. Rarely, networking issues may also cause iterator.Done to be returned.
func (*QuerySnapshotIterator) Stop ¶
func (it *QuerySnapshotIterator) Stop()
Stop stops receiving snapshots. You should always call Stop when you are done with a QuerySnapshotIterator, to free up resources. It is not safe to call Stop concurrently with Next.
type Queryer ¶
type Queryer interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A Queryer is a Query or a CollectionRef. CollectionRefs act as queries whose results are all the documents in the collection.
type ReadOption ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ReadOption interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
ReadOption interface allows for abstraction of computing read time settings.
func ReadTime ¶ added in v1.8.0
func ReadTime(t time.Time) ReadOption
ReadTime specifies a time-specific snapshot of the database to read.
type SetOption ¶
type SetOption interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A SetOption modifies a Firestore set operation.
var MergeAll SetOption = merge{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
MergeAll is a SetOption that causes all the field paths given in the data argument to Set to be overwritten. It is not supported for struct data.
type SimpleFilter ¶ added in v1.10.0
type SimpleFilter interface { EntityFilter // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SimpleFilter represents a simple Firestore filter.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Transaction represents a Firestore transaction.
func (*Transaction) Create ¶
func (t *Transaction) Create(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}) error
Create adds a Create operation to the Transaction. See DocumentRef.Create for details.
func (*Transaction) Delete ¶
func (t *Transaction) Delete(dr *DocumentRef, opts ...Precondition) error
Delete adds a Delete operation to the Transaction. See DocumentRef.Delete for details.
func (*Transaction) DocumentRefs ¶
func (t *Transaction) DocumentRefs(cr *CollectionRef) *DocumentRefIterator
DocumentRefs returns references to all the documents in the collection, including missing documents. A missing document is a document that does not exist but has sub-documents.
func (*Transaction) Documents ¶
func (t *Transaction) Documents(q Queryer) *DocumentIterator
Documents returns a DocumentIterator based on given Query or CollectionRef. The results will be in the context of the transaction.
func (*Transaction) Get ¶
func (t *Transaction) Get(dr *DocumentRef) (*DocumentSnapshot, error)
Get gets the document in the context of the transaction. The transaction holds a pessimistic lock on the returned document. If the document does not exist, Get returns a NotFound error, which can be checked with
status.Code(err) == codes.NotFound
func (*Transaction) GetAll ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetAll(drs []*DocumentRef) ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error)
GetAll retrieves multiple documents with a single call. The DocumentSnapshots are returned in the order of the given DocumentRefs. If a document is not present, the corresponding DocumentSnapshot's Exists method will return false. The transaction holds a pessimistic lock on all of the returned documents.
func (*Transaction) Set ¶
func (t *Transaction) Set(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}, opts ...SetOption) error
Set adds a Set operation to the Transaction. See DocumentRef.Set for details.
func (*Transaction) Update ¶
func (t *Transaction) Update(dr *DocumentRef, data []Update, opts ...Precondition) error
Update adds a new Update operation to the Transaction. See DocumentRef.Update for details.
func (*Transaction) WithReadOptions ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (t *Transaction) WithReadOptions(opts ...ReadOption) *Transaction
WithReadOptions specifies constraints for accessing documents from the database, e.g. at what time snapshot to read the documents.
type TransactionOption ¶
type TransactionOption interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A TransactionOption is an option passed to Client.Transaction.
type Update ¶
type Update struct { Path string // Will be split on dots, and must not contain any of "˜*/[]". FieldPath FieldPath Value interface{} }
An Update describes an update to a value referred to by a path. An Update should have either a non-empty Path or a non-empty FieldPath, but not both.
See DocumentRef.Create for acceptable values. To delete a field, specify firestore.Delete as the value.
type WriteBatch
type WriteBatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A WriteBatch holds multiple database updates. Build a batch with the Create, Set, Update and Delete methods, then run it with the Commit method. Errors in Create, Set, Update or Delete are recorded instead of being returned immediately. The first such error is returned by Commit.
Deprecated: The WriteBatch API has been replaced with the transaction and the bulk writer API. For atomic transaction operations, use `Transaction`. For bulk read and write operations, use `BulkWriter`.
func (*WriteBatch) Commit ¶
func (b *WriteBatch) Commit(ctx context.Context) (_ []*WriteResult, err error)
Commit applies all the writes in the batch to the database atomically. Commit returns an error if there are no writes in the batch, if any errors occurred in constructing the writes, or if the Commmit operation fails.
func (*WriteBatch) Create ¶
func (b *WriteBatch) Create(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}) *WriteBatch
Create adds a Create operation to the batch. See DocumentRef.Create for details.
func (*WriteBatch) Delete ¶
func (b *WriteBatch) Delete(dr *DocumentRef, opts ...Precondition) *WriteBatch
Delete adds a Delete operation to the batch. See DocumentRef.Delete for details.
func (*WriteBatch) Set ¶
func (b *WriteBatch) Set(dr *DocumentRef, data interface{}, opts ...SetOption) *WriteBatch
Set adds a Set operation to the batch. See DocumentRef.Set for details.
func (*WriteBatch) Update ¶
func (b *WriteBatch) Update(dr *DocumentRef, data []Update, opts ...Precondition) *WriteBatch
Update adds an Update operation to the batch. See DocumentRef.Update for details.
type WriteResult ¶
type WriteResult struct { // The time at which the document was updated, or created if it did not // previously exist. Writes that do not actually change the document do // not change the update time. UpdateTime time.Time }
A WriteResult is returned by methods that write documents.
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package firestore is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Firestore API.
Package firestore is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Firestore API. |
Package apiv1 is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Firestore API.
Package apiv1 is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Firestore API. |