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Published: Dec 31, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 5 Imported by: 0



Package csp implements "Hoare, C. A. R. (1978). Communicating sequential processes. Communications of the ACM, 21(8), 666–677. https://doi.org/10.1145/359576.359585".

The paper describes a program specification with several commands:

Program structure

<cmd>               ::= <simple cmd> | <structured cmd>
<simple cmd>        ::= <assignment cmd> | <input cmd> | <output cmd>
<structured cmd>    ::= <alternative cmd> | <repetitive cmd> | <parallel cmd>
<cmd list>          ::= {<declaration>; | <cmd>; } <cmd>

Parallel command

<parallel cmd>      ::= [<proc>{||<proc>}]
<proc>              ::= <proc label> <cmd list>
<proc label>        ::= <empty> | <identifier> :: | <identifier>(<label subscript>{,<label subscript>}) ::
<label subscript>   ::= <integer const> | <range>
<integer constant>  ::= <numeral> | <bound var>
<bound var>         ::= <identifier>
<range>             ::= <bound variable>:<lower bound>..<upper bound>
<lower bound>       ::= <integer const>
<upper bound>       ::= <integer const>

Assignment command

<assignment cmd>    ::= <target var> := <expr>
<expr>              ::= <simple expr> | <structured expr>
<structured expr>   ::= <constructor> ( <expr list> )
<constructor>       ::= <identifier> | <empty>
<expr list>         ::= <empty> | <expr> {, <expr> }
<target var>        ::= <simple var> | <structured target>
<structured target> ::= <constructor> ( <target var list> )
<target var list>   ::= <empty> | <target var> {, <target var> }

Input and output command

<input cmd>         ::= <source> ? <target var>
<output cmd>        ::= <destination> ! <expr>
<source>            ::= <proc name>
<destination>       ::= <proc name>
<proc name>         ::= <identifier> | <identifier> ( <subscripts> )
<subscripts>        ::= <integer expr> {, <integer expr> }

Repetitive and alternative command

<repetitive cmd>    ::= * <alternative cmd>
<alternative cmd>   ::= [<guarded cmd> { □ <guarded cmd> }]
<guarded cmd>       ::= <guard> → <cmd list> | ( <range> {, <range> }) <guard> → <cmd list>
<guard>             ::= <guard list> | <guard list>;<input cmd> | <input cmd>
<guard list>        ::= <guard elem> {; <guard elem>}
<guard elem>        ::= <boolean expr> | <declaration>

Subroutines and Data Representations

A coroutine acting as a subroutine is a process operating concurrently with its user process in a prallel command:


The SUBROUTINE will contain a repetitive command:

*[X?(value params) -> ...; X!(result params)]

where ... computes the results from the values input. The subroutine will terminate when its user does. The USER will call subroutine by a pair of commands:


Any commands between these two will be executed concurrently with the subroutine.

You can find the paper proposed solution in the comment of a function.

Monitors and Scheduling

A monitor is prepared to communicate with any of its user processes ( i.e. whichever of them calls first) it will use a guarded command with a range.

Author: Changkun Ou <hi@changkun.us>



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func S31_COPY

func S31_COPY(west, east chan rune)

S31_COPY implements Section 3.1 COPY problem: "Write a process X to copy characters output by process west to process, east."


X :: *[c:character; west?c -> east!c]

func S32_SQUASH

func S32_SQUASH(west, east chan rune)

S32_SQUASH implements Section 3.2 SQUASH problem: "Adapt the previous program to replace every pair of consecutive asterisks "**" by an upward arrow "↑". Assume that the final character input is not an asterisk."


X :: *[c:character; west?c ->
  [ c != asterisk -> east!c
   □ c = asterisk -> west?c;
         [ c != asterisk -> east!asterisk; east!c
          □ c = asterisk -> east!upward arrow
  ] ]    ]

func S32_SQUASH_EX

func S32_SQUASH_EX(west, east chan rune)

S32_SQUASH_EX implements Section 3.2 SQUASH exercise: "(2) As an exercise, adapt this process to deal sensibly with input which ends with an odd number of asterisks."


X :: *[c:character; west?c ->
  [ c != asterisk -> east!c
   □ c = asterisk -> west?c;
         [ c != asterisk -> east!asterisk; east!c
          □ c = asterisk -> east!upward arrow
         ] □ east!asterisk
  ]   ]


func S33_DISASSEMBLE(cardfile chan []rune, X chan rune)

S33_DISASSEMBLE implements Section 3.3 DISASSEMBLE problem: "to read cards from a cardfile and output to process X the stream of characters they contain. An extra space should be inserted at the end of each card."


*[cardimage:(1..80)characters; cardfile?cardimage ->
    i:integer; i := 1;
    *[i <= 80 -> X!cardimage(i); i := i+1 ]


func S34_ASSEMBLE(X chan rune, lineprinter chan string)

S34_ASSEMBLE implements Section 3.4 ASSEMBLE problem: "To read a stream of characters from process X and print them in lines of 125 characters on a lineprinter. The last line should be completed with spaces if necessary."


i:integer, i:=1;
*[c:character; X?c ->
    lineimage(i) := c;
    [i <= 124 -> i := i+1
    □ i = 125 -> lineprinter!lineimage; i:=1
]   ];
[ i = 1 -> skip
□ i > 1 -> *[i <= 125 -> lineimage(i) := space; i := i+1];

func S35_Reformat

func S35_Reformat(cardfile chan []rune, lineprinter chan string)

S35_Reformat implements Section 3.5 Reformat problem: "Read a sequence of cards of 80 characters each, and print the characters on a lineprinter at 125 characters per line. Every card should be followed by an extra space, and the last line should be complete with spaces if necessary."



func S36_ConwayProblem

func S36_ConwayProblem(cardfile chan []rune, lineprinter chan string)

S36_ConwayProblem implements Section 3.6 Conway's Problem: "Adapt the above program to replace every pair of consecutive asterisk by an upward arrow."



func S41_DivisionWithRemainder

func S41_DivisionWithRemainder(in chan S41_In, out chan S41_Out)

S41_DivisionWithRemainder implements Section 4.1 Division With Remainer. "Construct a process to represent a function type subroutine, which accepts a positive dividend and divisor, and returns their integer quotient and remainder. Efficiency is of no concern."


[DIV::*[x,y:integer; X?(x,y)->
      quot,rem:integer; quot := 0; rem := x;
      *[rem >= y -> rem := rem - y; quot := quot + 1;]

func S42_Factorial

func S42_Factorial(fac []chan int, limit int)

S42_Factorial implements Section 4.2 Factorial "Compute a factorial by the recursive method, to a given limit."


*[n:integer;fac(i-1)?n ->
  [n=0 -> fac(i-1)!1
  □ n>0 -> fac(i+1)!n-1;
    r:integer; fac(i+1)?r; fac(i-1)!(n*r)
]] || fac(0)::USER ]

Note that the solution above from original paper is wrong. Check the code below for some fixes.

func S45_S46_NewRecursiveSmallSetOfIntegers

func S45_S46_NewRecursiveSmallSetOfIntegers() (chan S45_Has, chan int, chan chan S46_Least)

S45_RecursiveSmallSetOfIntegers implements Section 4.5 Recursive Data Representation: Small Set of Integers. "Same as above, but an array of processes is to be used to achieve a high degree of parallelism. Each process should contain at most one number. When it contains no number, it should answer 'false' to all inquiries about membership. On the first insertion, it changes to a second phase of behavior, in which it deals with instructions from its predecessor, passing some of them on to its successor. The calling process will be named S(0). For efficiency, the set should be sorted, i.e. the i-th process should contain the i-th largest number."


*[n:integer; S(i-1)?has(n)->S(0)!false
□ n:integer; S(i-1)?insert(n)->
   *[m:integer; S(i-1)?has(m)->
   □m:integer; S(i-1)?insert(m)->
    [m<n->S(i-1)!insert(m); n:=m

S46_RemoveTheLeastMember implements Section 4.6 Multiple Exits: Remove the Least Member. "Exercise: Extend the above solution to respond to a command to yield the least member of the set and to remove it from the set. The user program will invoke the facility by a pair of commands:

S(1)!least();[x:integer;S(1)?x-> ... deal with x ...
             □S(1)?nonleft()-> ... ]

or if he wishes to scan and empty the set, he may write:

             *[more;xinteger;S(1)?x-> ...deal with x...; S(1)!least())
              □ more;S(1)?noneleft()->more:=false]


func S51_BoundedBuffer

func S51_BoundedBuffer() (chan int, chan int)

S51_BoundedBuffer implements Section 5.1 Bounded Buffer "Construct a buffering process X to smooth variations in the speed of output of portions by a producer process and input by a consumer process. The consumer contains pairs of commands X!more();X?p, and the producer contains commands of the form X!p. The buffer should contain up to ten portions."


in,out:integer; in:=0; out := 0;
comment 0 <= out <= in <= out+10;
  *[in < out + 10; producer?buffer(in mod 10) -> in := in + 1
  □ out < in; consumer?more() -> consumer!buffer(out mod 10);
     out := out + 1 ]

func S53_DiningPhilosophers

func S53_DiningPhilosophers()

S53_DiningPhilosophers implements Section 5.3 Dining Philosophers "Five philosophers spend their lives thinking and eating. The philosophers share a common dining room where there is a curcular table surrounded by five chairs, each belonging to one philosopher. In the center of the table there is a large bowl of spaghetti, and the table is laid with five forks. On feeling hungry, a philosopher enters the dinning room, sits in his own chair, and picks up the fork on the left of his place. Unfortunately, the spaghetti is so tangled that he needs to pick up and use the fork on his right as well. When he has finished, the puts down both forks, and leaves the room. The room should keep a count of the number of philosophers in it."


The behavior of the i-th philosopher may be described as follows:

PHIL = *[...during ith lifetime ... ->

The fate of i-th fork is to be picked up and put down by a philosopher sitting on either side of it

FORK = *[phil(i)?pickup()->phil(i)?putdown()
       □ phil((i-1)mod5)?pickup()->phil((i-1)mod5)?putdown()]

The story of the room may be simply told:

ROOM = occupancy:integer; occupancy := 0;
       □ (i:0..4)phil(i)?exit()->occupancy:=occupancy-1]

All these components operate in parallel:


func S61_TheSieveOfEratosthenes

func S61_TheSieveOfEratosthenes(np int)

S61_TheSieveOfEratosthenes implements Section 6.1 Prime Numbers: The Sieve of Eratosthenes. "To print in ascending order all primes less than 10000. Use an array of processes, SIEVE, in which each process inputs a prime from its predecessor and prints it. The process then inputs an ascending stream of numbers from its predecessor and passes them on to its successor, suppressing any that are multiples of the original prime."


 mp:=p; comment mp is a multiple of p;
*[m:integer; SIEVE(i-1)?m->
    [m=mp->skip □ m<mp->SIEVE(i+1)!m ]
|| SIEVE(0)::print!2; n:integer; n:=3;
|| SIEVE(101)::*[n:integer;SIEVE(100)?n->print!n]
|| print::*[(i:0..101)n:integer;SIEVE(i)?n->...]


type S41_In

type S41_In struct {
	X, Y int

type S41_Out

type S41_Out struct {
	Quot, Rem int

type S43_SmallSetOfIntegers

type S43_SmallSetOfIntegers struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

S43_SmallSetOfIntegers implements Section 4.3 Small Set Of Integers. "To represent a set of not more than 100 integers as a process, S, which accepts two kinds of instruction from its calling process X: (1) S!insert(n), insert the integer n in the set and (2) S!has(n); ...; S?b, b is set true if n is in the set, and false otherwise. The initial value of the set is empty"


content(0..99)integer; size:integer; size := 0;
*[n:integer; X?has(n) -> SEARCH; X!(i<size)
□ n:integer; X?insert(n) -> SEARCH;
      [i<size -> skip
      □i = size; size<100 ->
         content(size) := n; size := size+1

where SEARCH is an abbreviation for:

i:integer; i := 0;
*[i<size; conent(i) != n -> i:=i+1]

func NewS43_SmallSetOfIntegers

func NewS43_SmallSetOfIntegers() S43_SmallSetOfIntegers

NewS43_SmallSetOfIntegers returns a S43_SmallSetOfIntegers

func (*S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) Has

func (s *S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) Has(n int, has chan bool)

Has searches in the set given n, has receives true if n is found.

func (*S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) Insert

func (s *S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) Insert(n int, done chan bool)

Insert inserts given n, done recieves true if n is inserted.

func (*S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) S44_Scan

func (s *S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) S44_Scan(recv chan int)

S44_Scan implements Section 4.4 Scanning a Set "Extend the solution to 4.3 by providing a fast method for scanning all members of the set without changing the value of the set. The user program will contain a repetitive command of the form."


S!scan(); more:boolean; more:=true;
*[more;x:integer;S?next(x)->...deal with x ... .
□ more;S?noneleft()->more:=false]

func (*S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) SEARCH

func (s *S43_SmallSetOfIntegers) SEARCH(n int) int

SEARCH returns the index of n if it is found in the set, otherwise returns the size of the set.

type S45_Has

type S45_Has struct {
	V        int
	Response chan bool

type S46_Least

type S46_Least struct {
	Least    int
	NoneLeft bool

type S52_IntegerSemaphore

type S52_IntegerSemaphore struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

S52_IntegerSemaphore implements Section 5.2 Integer Semaphore. "To implement an integer semaphore, S, shared among an array X(i:1..100) of client processes. Each process many increment the semaphore by S!V() or delayed if the value of the semaphore is not positive."


S::val:integer; val:=0;
□ (i:1..100)val>0;X(i)?P()->val:=val-1]

func NewS52_IntegerSemaphore

func NewS52_IntegerSemaphore() S52_IntegerSemaphore

func (*S52_IntegerSemaphore) Close

func (s *S52_IntegerSemaphore) Close()

Close closes the semaphore

func (*S52_IntegerSemaphore) P

func (s *S52_IntegerSemaphore) P()

P operator decreases semaphore

func (*S52_IntegerSemaphore) V

func (s *S52_IntegerSemaphore) V()

V operator increases semaphore

type S62_Matrix

type S62_Matrix struct {
	WEST  []chan int // for input
	SOUTH []chan int // for output

	A [][]int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

S62_MatrixMultiplication implements Section 6.2 An interative Array: Matrix Multiplication. "A square matrix A of order 3 is given. Three streams are to be input, each stream representing a column of an array IN. There streams are to be output, each representing a column of the product matrix IN x A. After an initial delay, the results are to be produced at the same rate as the input is consumed. Consequently, a high degree of parallelism is required. Each of the nine nonborder nodes inputs a vector components from the west and a partial sum from the north. Each node outputs the vector component to its east, and an updated partial sum to the south. The input data is produced by the west border nodes, and the desired results are consumed by south border nodes. The north border is a constant source of zeros and the east border is just a sink. No provision need be made for termination nor for changing the values of the array A."

Solution: There are twenty-one nodes, in five groups, comparising the central square and the four borders:


The WEST and SOUTH borders are processes of the user program; the remaining processes are:

NORTH = *[true -> M(1,j)!0]
EAST = *[x:real; M(i,3)?x->skip]
CENTER = *[x:real;M(i,j-1)?x->

func S62_NewMatrix

func S62_NewMatrix(A [][]int) S62_Matrix

func (*S62_Matrix) CENTER

func (m *S62_Matrix) CENTER(i, j int)

func (*S62_Matrix) EAST

func (m *S62_Matrix) EAST(i int)

func (*S62_Matrix) NORTH

func (m *S62_Matrix) NORTH(j int)

func (*S62_Matrix) S62_Multiply

func (m *S62_Matrix) S62_Multiply(IN [][]int) (OUT [][]int)

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