Index ¶
- func NewxdrLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *xdrLexer
- func NewxdrParser(input antlr.TokenStream) *xdrParser
- type BasexdrListener
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterCaseSpec(ctx *CaseSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterConstantDef(ctx *ConstantDefContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterDeclaration(ctx *DeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterDefinition(ctx *DefinitionContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterEnumBody(ctx *EnumBodyContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterEnumTypeSpec(ctx *EnumTypeSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterStructBody(ctx *StructBodyContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterStructTypeSpec(ctx *StructTypeSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterTypeDef(ctx *TypeDefContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterTypeSpecifier(ctx *TypeSpecifierContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterUnionBody(ctx *UnionBodyContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterUnionTypeSpec(ctx *UnionTypeSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterValue(ctx *ValueContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterXdrSpecification(ctx *XdrSpecificationContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitCaseSpec(ctx *CaseSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitConstantDef(ctx *ConstantDefContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitDeclaration(ctx *DeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitDefinition(ctx *DefinitionContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitEnumBody(ctx *EnumBodyContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitEnumTypeSpec(ctx *EnumTypeSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitStructBody(ctx *StructBodyContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitStructTypeSpec(ctx *StructTypeSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitTypeDef(ctx *TypeDefContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitTypeSpecifier(ctx *TypeSpecifierContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitUnionBody(ctx *UnionBodyContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitUnionTypeSpec(ctx *UnionTypeSpecContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitValue(ctx *ValueContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitXdrSpecification(ctx *XdrSpecificationContext)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
- func (s *BasexdrListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
- type CaseSpecContext
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) AllValue() []IValueContext
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) Declaration() IDeclarationContext
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*CaseSpecContext) IsCaseSpecContext()
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *CaseSpecContext) Value(i int) IValueContext
- type ConstantContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) DECIMAL() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ConstantContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ConstantContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) HEXADECIMAL() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext()
- func (s *ConstantContext) OCTAL() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ConstantDefContext
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*ConstantDefContext) IsConstantDefContext()
- func (s *ConstantDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type DeclarationContext
- func (s *DeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeclarationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *DeclarationContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*DeclarationContext) IsDeclarationContext()
- func (s *DeclarationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *DeclarationContext) TypeSpecifier() ITypeSpecifierContext
- func (s *DeclarationContext) Value() IValueContext
- type DefinitionContext
- func (s *DefinitionContext) ConstantDef() IConstantDefContext
- func (s *DefinitionContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DefinitionContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DefinitionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DefinitionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*DefinitionContext) IsDefinitionContext()
- func (s *DefinitionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *DefinitionContext) TypeDef() ITypeDefContext
- type EnumBodyContext
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) AllIDENTIFIER() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) AllValue() []IValueContext
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) IDENTIFIER(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*EnumBodyContext) IsEnumBodyContext()
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) Value(i int) IValueContext
- type EnumTypeSpecContext
- func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext
- func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) IsEnumTypeSpecContext()
- func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ICaseSpecContext
- type IConstantContext
- type IConstantDefContext
- type IDeclarationContext
- type IDefinitionContext
- type IEnumBodyContext
- type IEnumTypeSpecContext
- type IStructBodyContext
- type IStructTypeSpecContext
- type ITypeDefContext
- type ITypeSpecifierContext
- type IUnionBodyContext
- type IUnionTypeSpecContext
- type IValueContext
- type IXdrSpecificationContext
- type StructBodyContext
- func (s *StructBodyContext) AllDeclaration() []IDeclarationContext
- func (s *StructBodyContext) Declaration(i int) IDeclarationContext
- func (s *StructBodyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StructBodyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StructBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StructBodyContext) IsStructBodyContext()
- func (s *StructBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StructTypeSpecContext
- func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StructTypeSpecContext) IsStructTypeSpecContext()
- func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) StructBody() IStructBodyContext
- func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type TypeDefContext
- func (s *TypeDefContext) Declaration() IDeclarationContext
- func (s *TypeDefContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TypeDefContext) EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext
- func (s *TypeDefContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TypeDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *TypeDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *TypeDefContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*TypeDefContext) IsTypeDefContext()
- func (s *TypeDefContext) StructBody() IStructBodyContext
- func (s *TypeDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *TypeDefContext) UnionBody() IUnionBodyContext
- type TypeSpecifierContext
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) EnumTypeSpec() IEnumTypeSpecContext
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*TypeSpecifierContext) IsTypeSpecifierContext()
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) StructTypeSpec() IStructTypeSpecContext
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) UnionTypeSpec() IUnionTypeSpecContext
- type UnionBodyContext
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) AllCaseSpec() []ICaseSpecContext
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) AllDeclaration() []IDeclarationContext
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) CaseSpec(i int) ICaseSpecContext
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) Declaration(i int) IDeclarationContext
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*UnionBodyContext) IsUnionBodyContext()
- func (s *UnionBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type UnionTypeSpecContext
- func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) IsUnionTypeSpecContext()
- func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) UnionBody() IUnionBodyContext
- type ValueContext
- func (s *ValueContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *ValueContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ValueContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ValueContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*ValueContext) IsValueContext()
- func (s *ValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type XdrSpecificationContext
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) AllDefinition() []IDefinitionContext
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) Definition(i int) IDefinitionContext
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*XdrSpecificationContext) IsXdrSpecificationContext()
- func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewxdrLexer ¶
func NewxdrLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *xdrLexer
func NewxdrParser ¶
func NewxdrParser(input antlr.TokenStream) *xdrParser
Types ¶
type BasexdrListener ¶
type BasexdrListener struct{}
BasexdrListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by xdrParser.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterCaseSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterCaseSpec(ctx *CaseSpecContext)
EnterCaseSpec is called when production caseSpec is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterConstant ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
EnterConstant is called when production constant is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterConstantDef ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterConstantDef(ctx *ConstantDefContext)
EnterConstantDef is called when production constantDef is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterDeclaration(ctx *DeclarationContext)
EnterDeclaration is called when production declaration is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterDefinition ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterDefinition(ctx *DefinitionContext)
EnterDefinition is called when production definition is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterEnumBody ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterEnumBody(ctx *EnumBodyContext)
EnterEnumBody is called when production enumBody is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterEnumTypeSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterEnumTypeSpec(ctx *EnumTypeSpecContext)
EnterEnumTypeSpec is called when production enumTypeSpec is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterEveryRule ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
EnterEveryRule is called when any rule is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterStructBody ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterStructBody(ctx *StructBodyContext)
EnterStructBody is called when production structBody is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterStructTypeSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterStructTypeSpec(ctx *StructTypeSpecContext)
EnterStructTypeSpec is called when production structTypeSpec is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterTypeDef ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterTypeDef(ctx *TypeDefContext)
EnterTypeDef is called when production typeDef is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterTypeSpecifier ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterTypeSpecifier(ctx *TypeSpecifierContext)
EnterTypeSpecifier is called when production typeSpecifier is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterUnionBody ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterUnionBody(ctx *UnionBodyContext)
EnterUnionBody is called when production unionBody is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterUnionTypeSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterUnionTypeSpec(ctx *UnionTypeSpecContext)
EnterUnionTypeSpec is called when production unionTypeSpec is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterValue ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterValue(ctx *ValueContext)
EnterValue is called when production value is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) EnterXdrSpecification ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) EnterXdrSpecification(ctx *XdrSpecificationContext)
EnterXdrSpecification is called when production xdrSpecification is entered.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitCaseSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitCaseSpec(ctx *CaseSpecContext)
ExitCaseSpec is called when production caseSpec is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitConstant ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
ExitConstant is called when production constant is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitConstantDef ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitConstantDef(ctx *ConstantDefContext)
ExitConstantDef is called when production constantDef is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitDeclaration(ctx *DeclarationContext)
ExitDeclaration is called when production declaration is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitDefinition ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitDefinition(ctx *DefinitionContext)
ExitDefinition is called when production definition is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitEnumBody ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitEnumBody(ctx *EnumBodyContext)
ExitEnumBody is called when production enumBody is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitEnumTypeSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitEnumTypeSpec(ctx *EnumTypeSpecContext)
ExitEnumTypeSpec is called when production enumTypeSpec is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitEveryRule ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
ExitEveryRule is called when any rule is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitStructBody ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitStructBody(ctx *StructBodyContext)
ExitStructBody is called when production structBody is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitStructTypeSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitStructTypeSpec(ctx *StructTypeSpecContext)
ExitStructTypeSpec is called when production structTypeSpec is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitTypeDef ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitTypeDef(ctx *TypeDefContext)
ExitTypeDef is called when production typeDef is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitTypeSpecifier ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitTypeSpecifier(ctx *TypeSpecifierContext)
ExitTypeSpecifier is called when production typeSpecifier is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitUnionBody ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitUnionBody(ctx *UnionBodyContext)
ExitUnionBody is called when production unionBody is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitUnionTypeSpec ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitUnionTypeSpec(ctx *UnionTypeSpecContext)
ExitUnionTypeSpec is called when production unionTypeSpec is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitValue ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitValue(ctx *ValueContext)
ExitValue is called when production value is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) ExitXdrSpecification ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) ExitXdrSpecification(ctx *XdrSpecificationContext)
ExitXdrSpecification is called when production xdrSpecification is exited.
func (*BasexdrListener) VisitErrorNode ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
VisitErrorNode is called when an error node is visited.
func (*BasexdrListener) VisitTerminal ¶
func (s *BasexdrListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
VisitTerminal is called when a terminal node is visited.
type CaseSpecContext ¶
type CaseSpecContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCaseSpecContext ¶
func NewCaseSpecContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *CaseSpecContext
func NewEmptyCaseSpecContext ¶
func NewEmptyCaseSpecContext() *CaseSpecContext
func (*CaseSpecContext) AllValue ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) AllValue() []IValueContext
func (*CaseSpecContext) Declaration ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) Declaration() IDeclarationContext
func (*CaseSpecContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CaseSpecContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CaseSpecContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*CaseSpecContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*CaseSpecContext) IsCaseSpecContext ¶
func (*CaseSpecContext) IsCaseSpecContext()
func (*CaseSpecContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*CaseSpecContext) Value ¶
func (s *CaseSpecContext) Value(i int) IValueContext
type ConstantContext ¶
type ConstantContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConstantContext ¶
func NewConstantContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ConstantContext
func NewEmptyConstantContext ¶
func NewEmptyConstantContext() *ConstantContext
func (*ConstantContext) DECIMAL ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) DECIMAL() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ConstantContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ConstantContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ConstantContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ConstantContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ConstantContext) HEXADECIMAL ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) HEXADECIMAL() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext ¶
func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext()
func (*ConstantContext) OCTAL ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) OCTAL() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ConstantContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ConstantDefContext ¶
type ConstantDefContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConstantDefContext ¶
func NewConstantDefContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ConstantDefContext
func NewEmptyConstantDefContext ¶
func NewEmptyConstantDefContext() *ConstantDefContext
func (*ConstantDefContext) Constant ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*ConstantDefContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ConstantDefContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ConstantDefContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ConstantDefContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ConstantDefContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ConstantDefContext) IsConstantDefContext ¶
func (*ConstantDefContext) IsConstantDefContext()
func (*ConstantDefContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ConstantDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type DeclarationContext ¶
type DeclarationContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeclarationContext ¶
func NewDeclarationContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DeclarationContext
func NewEmptyDeclarationContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeclarationContext() *DeclarationContext
func (*DeclarationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeclarationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeclarationContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DeclarationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DeclarationContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*DeclarationContext) IsDeclarationContext ¶
func (*DeclarationContext) IsDeclarationContext()
func (*DeclarationContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*DeclarationContext) TypeSpecifier ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) TypeSpecifier() ITypeSpecifierContext
func (*DeclarationContext) Value ¶
func (s *DeclarationContext) Value() IValueContext
type DefinitionContext ¶
type DefinitionContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDefinitionContext ¶
func NewDefinitionContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DefinitionContext
func NewEmptyDefinitionContext ¶
func NewEmptyDefinitionContext() *DefinitionContext
func (*DefinitionContext) ConstantDef ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) ConstantDef() IConstantDefContext
func (*DefinitionContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DefinitionContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DefinitionContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DefinitionContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DefinitionContext) IsDefinitionContext ¶
func (*DefinitionContext) IsDefinitionContext()
func (*DefinitionContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*DefinitionContext) TypeDef ¶
func (s *DefinitionContext) TypeDef() ITypeDefContext
type EnumBodyContext ¶
type EnumBodyContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumBodyContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumBodyContext() *EnumBodyContext
func NewEnumBodyContext ¶
func NewEnumBodyContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumBodyContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) AllIDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) AllIDENTIFIER() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumBodyContext) AllValue ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) AllValue() []IValueContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EnumBodyContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EnumBodyContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumBodyContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) IDENTIFIER(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumBodyContext) IsEnumBodyContext ¶
func (*EnumBodyContext) IsEnumBodyContext()
func (*EnumBodyContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*EnumBodyContext) Value ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) Value(i int) IValueContext
type EnumTypeSpecContext ¶
type EnumTypeSpecContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumTypeSpecContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumTypeSpecContext() *EnumTypeSpecContext
func NewEnumTypeSpecContext ¶
func NewEnumTypeSpecContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumTypeSpecContext
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) EnumBody ¶
func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) IsEnumTypeSpecContext ¶
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) IsEnumTypeSpecContext()
func (*EnumTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ICaseSpecContext ¶
type ICaseSpecContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsCaseSpecContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsCaseSpecContext() }
ICaseSpecContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IConstantContext ¶
type IConstantContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsConstantContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsConstantContext() }
IConstantContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IConstantDefContext ¶
type IConstantDefContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsConstantDefContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsConstantDefContext() }
IConstantDefContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeclarationContext ¶
type IDeclarationContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeclarationContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeclarationContext() }
IDeclarationContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDefinitionContext ¶
type IDefinitionContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDefinitionContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDefinitionContext() }
IDefinitionContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumBodyContext ¶
type IEnumBodyContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsEnumBodyContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumBodyContext() }
IEnumBodyContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumTypeSpecContext ¶
type IEnumTypeSpecContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsEnumTypeSpecContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumTypeSpecContext() }
IEnumTypeSpecContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructBodyContext ¶
type IStructBodyContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsStructBodyContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructBodyContext() }
IStructBodyContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructTypeSpecContext ¶
type IStructTypeSpecContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsStructTypeSpecContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructTypeSpecContext() }
IStructTypeSpecContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ITypeDefContext ¶
type ITypeDefContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsTypeDefContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsTypeDefContext() }
ITypeDefContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ITypeSpecifierContext ¶
type ITypeSpecifierContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsTypeSpecifierContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsTypeSpecifierContext() }
ITypeSpecifierContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IUnionBodyContext ¶
type IUnionBodyContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsUnionBodyContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsUnionBodyContext() }
IUnionBodyContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IUnionTypeSpecContext ¶
type IUnionTypeSpecContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsUnionTypeSpecContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsUnionTypeSpecContext() }
IUnionTypeSpecContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IValueContext ¶
type IValueContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsValueContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsValueContext() }
IValueContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IXdrSpecificationContext ¶
type IXdrSpecificationContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsXdrSpecificationContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsXdrSpecificationContext() }
IXdrSpecificationContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type StructBodyContext ¶
type StructBodyContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructBodyContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructBodyContext() *StructBodyContext
func NewStructBodyContext ¶
func NewStructBodyContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructBodyContext
func (*StructBodyContext) AllDeclaration ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) AllDeclaration() []IDeclarationContext
func (*StructBodyContext) Declaration ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) Declaration(i int) IDeclarationContext
func (*StructBodyContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StructBodyContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StructBodyContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructBodyContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructBodyContext) IsStructBodyContext ¶
func (*StructBodyContext) IsStructBodyContext()
func (*StructBodyContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StructTypeSpecContext ¶
type StructTypeSpecContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructTypeSpecContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructTypeSpecContext() *StructTypeSpecContext
func NewStructTypeSpecContext ¶
func NewStructTypeSpecContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructTypeSpecContext
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) IsStructTypeSpecContext ¶
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) IsStructTypeSpecContext()
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) StructBody ¶
func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) StructBody() IStructBodyContext
func (*StructTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type TypeDefContext ¶
type TypeDefContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyTypeDefContext ¶
func NewEmptyTypeDefContext() *TypeDefContext
func NewTypeDefContext ¶
func NewTypeDefContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *TypeDefContext
func (*TypeDefContext) Declaration ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) Declaration() IDeclarationContext
func (*TypeDefContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TypeDefContext) EnumBody ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext
func (*TypeDefContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TypeDefContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*TypeDefContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*TypeDefContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*TypeDefContext) IsTypeDefContext ¶
func (*TypeDefContext) IsTypeDefContext()
func (*TypeDefContext) StructBody ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) StructBody() IStructBodyContext
func (*TypeDefContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*TypeDefContext) UnionBody ¶
func (s *TypeDefContext) UnionBody() IUnionBodyContext
type TypeSpecifierContext ¶
type TypeSpecifierContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyTypeSpecifierContext ¶
func NewEmptyTypeSpecifierContext() *TypeSpecifierContext
func NewTypeSpecifierContext ¶
func NewTypeSpecifierContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *TypeSpecifierContext
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) EnumTypeSpec ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) EnumTypeSpec() IEnumTypeSpecContext
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) IsTypeSpecifierContext ¶
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) IsTypeSpecifierContext()
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) StructTypeSpec ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) StructTypeSpec() IStructTypeSpecContext
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*TypeSpecifierContext) UnionTypeSpec ¶
func (s *TypeSpecifierContext) UnionTypeSpec() IUnionTypeSpecContext
type UnionBodyContext ¶
type UnionBodyContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyUnionBodyContext ¶
func NewEmptyUnionBodyContext() *UnionBodyContext
func NewUnionBodyContext ¶
func NewUnionBodyContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *UnionBodyContext
func (*UnionBodyContext) AllCaseSpec ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) AllCaseSpec() []ICaseSpecContext
func (*UnionBodyContext) AllDeclaration ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) AllDeclaration() []IDeclarationContext
func (*UnionBodyContext) CaseSpec ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) CaseSpec(i int) ICaseSpecContext
func (*UnionBodyContext) Declaration ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) Declaration(i int) IDeclarationContext
func (*UnionBodyContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*UnionBodyContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*UnionBodyContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*UnionBodyContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*UnionBodyContext) IsUnionBodyContext ¶
func (*UnionBodyContext) IsUnionBodyContext()
func (*UnionBodyContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *UnionBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type UnionTypeSpecContext ¶
type UnionTypeSpecContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyUnionTypeSpecContext ¶
func NewEmptyUnionTypeSpecContext() *UnionTypeSpecContext
func NewUnionTypeSpecContext ¶
func NewUnionTypeSpecContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *UnionTypeSpecContext
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) IsUnionTypeSpecContext ¶
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) IsUnionTypeSpecContext()
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*UnionTypeSpecContext) UnionBody ¶
func (s *UnionTypeSpecContext) UnionBody() IUnionBodyContext
type ValueContext ¶
type ValueContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyValueContext ¶
func NewEmptyValueContext() *ValueContext
func NewValueContext ¶
func NewValueContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ValueContext
func (*ValueContext) Constant ¶
func (s *ValueContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*ValueContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ValueContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ValueContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ValueContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ValueContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ValueContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ValueContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *ValueContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ValueContext) IsValueContext ¶
func (*ValueContext) IsValueContext()
func (*ValueContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type XdrSpecificationContext ¶
type XdrSpecificationContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyXdrSpecificationContext ¶
func NewEmptyXdrSpecificationContext() *XdrSpecificationContext
func NewXdrSpecificationContext ¶
func NewXdrSpecificationContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *XdrSpecificationContext
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) AllDefinition ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) AllDefinition() []IDefinitionContext
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) Definition ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) Definition(i int) IDefinitionContext
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) IsXdrSpecificationContext ¶
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) IsXdrSpecificationContext()
func (*XdrSpecificationContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *XdrSpecificationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string