Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Example ¶
package main import ( "" "fmt" "" ) type exampleListener struct { *rcs.BaseRCSListener } func (l *exampleListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) { fmt.Println(ctx.GetText()) } func main() { // Setup the input is := antlr.NewInputStream("...some text to parse...") // Create the Lexer lexer := rcs.NewRCSLexer(is) stream := antlr.NewCommonTokenStream(lexer, antlr.TokenDefaultChannel) // Create the Parser p := rcs.NewRCSParser(stream) p.BuildParseTrees = true p.AddErrorListener(antlr.NewDiagnosticErrorListener(true)) // Finally walk the tree tree := p.Rcstext() antlr.ParseTreeWalkerDefault.Walk(&exampleListener{}, tree) }
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AccessContext
- func (s *AccessContext) AllIDENT() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AccessContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AccessContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AccessContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *AccessContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *AccessContext) IDENT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*AccessContext) IsAccessContext()
- func (s *AccessContext) LITERAL_ACCESS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AccessContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AccessContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type AdminContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Access() IAccessContext
- func (s *AdminContext) AllNewphrase() []INewphraseContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Branch() IBranchContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Comment() ICommentContext
- func (s *AdminContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AdminContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AdminContext) Expand() IExpandContext
- func (s *AdminContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *AdminContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Head() IHeadContext
- func (*AdminContext) IsAdminContext()
- func (s *AdminContext) Locks() ILocksContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Newphrase(i int) INewphraseContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Strict() IStrictContext
- func (s *AdminContext) Symbols() ISymbolsContext
- func (s *AdminContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type BaseRCSListener
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterAccess(ctx *AccessContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterAdmin(ctx *AdminContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterBranch(ctx *BranchContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterComment(ctx *CommentContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta(ctx *DeltaContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_author(ctx *Delta_authorContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_branches(ctx *Delta_branchesContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_date(ctx *Delta_dateContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_next(ctx *Delta_nextContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_state(ctx *Delta_stateContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltalist(ctx *DeltalistContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext(ctx *DeltatextContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext_log(ctx *Deltatext_logContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext_text(ctx *Deltatext_textContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatextlist(ctx *DeltatextlistContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDesc(ctx *DescContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterExpand(ctx *ExpandContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterHead(ctx *HeadContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterLocks(ctx *LocksContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterNewphrase(ctx *NewphraseContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterRcsheader(ctx *RcsheaderContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterRcsrevisions(ctx *RcsrevisionsContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterRcstext(ctx *RcstextContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterStrict(ctx *StrictContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterSymbols(ctx *SymbolsContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterTags(ctx *TagsContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitAccess(ctx *AccessContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitAdmin(ctx *AdminContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitBranch(ctx *BranchContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitComment(ctx *CommentContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta(ctx *DeltaContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_author(ctx *Delta_authorContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_branches(ctx *Delta_branchesContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_date(ctx *Delta_dateContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_next(ctx *Delta_nextContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_state(ctx *Delta_stateContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltalist(ctx *DeltalistContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext(ctx *DeltatextContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext_log(ctx *Deltatext_logContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext_text(ctx *Deltatext_textContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatextlist(ctx *DeltatextlistContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDesc(ctx *DescContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitExpand(ctx *ExpandContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitHead(ctx *HeadContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitLocks(ctx *LocksContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitNewphrase(ctx *NewphraseContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitRcsheader(ctx *RcsheaderContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitRcsrevisions(ctx *RcsrevisionsContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitRcstext(ctx *RcstextContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitStrict(ctx *StrictContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitSymbols(ctx *SymbolsContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitTags(ctx *TagsContext)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
- func (s *BaseRCSListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
- type BranchContext
- func (s *BranchContext) BRANCH() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BranchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *BranchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *BranchContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *BranchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*BranchContext) IsBranchContext()
- func (s *BranchContext) LITERAL_BRANCH() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BranchContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BranchContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type CommentContext
- func (s *CommentContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CommentContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CommentContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *CommentContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*CommentContext) IsCommentContext()
- func (s *CommentContext) LITERAL_COMMENT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *CommentContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *CommentContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *CommentContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type DeltaContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) AllNewphrase() []INewphraseContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_author() IDelta_authorContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_branches() IDelta_branchesContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_date() IDelta_dateContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_next() IDelta_nextContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_state() IDelta_stateContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltaContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltaContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DeltaContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*DeltaContext) IsDeltaContext()
- func (s *DeltaContext) Newphrase(i int) INewphraseContext
- func (s *DeltaContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *DeltaContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Delta_authorContext
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) IDENT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*Delta_authorContext) IsDelta_authorContext()
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) LITERAL_AUTHOR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_authorContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Delta_branchesContext
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) AllREVISION() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*Delta_branchesContext) IsDelta_branchesContext()
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) LITERAL_BRANCHES() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) REVISION(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_branchesContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Delta_dateContext
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*Delta_dateContext) IsDelta_dateContext()
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) LITERAL_DATE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_dateContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Delta_nextContext
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*Delta_nextContext) IsDelta_nextContext()
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) LITERAL_NEXT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_nextContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Delta_stateContext
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) IDENT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*Delta_stateContext) IsDelta_stateContext()
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) LITERAL_STATE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Delta_stateContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type DeltalistContext
- func (s *DeltalistContext) AllDelta() []IDeltaContext
- func (s *DeltalistContext) Delta(i int) IDeltaContext
- func (s *DeltalistContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltalistContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltalistContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DeltalistContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*DeltalistContext) IsDeltalistContext()
- func (s *DeltalistContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type DeltatextContext
- func (s *DeltatextContext) AllNewphrase() []INewphraseContext
- func (s *DeltatextContext) Deltatext_log() IDeltatext_logContext
- func (s *DeltatextContext) Deltatext_text() IDeltatext_textContext
- func (s *DeltatextContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltatextContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltatextContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DeltatextContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*DeltatextContext) IsDeltatextContext()
- func (s *DeltatextContext) Newphrase(i int) INewphraseContext
- func (s *DeltatextContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *DeltatextContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Deltatext_logContext
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*Deltatext_logContext) IsDeltatext_logContext()
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) LITERAL_LOG() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Deltatext_logContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Deltatext_textContext
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*Deltatext_textContext) IsDeltatext_textContext()
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) LITERAL_TEXT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Deltatext_textContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type DeltatextlistContext
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) AllDeltatext() []IDeltatextContext
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) Deltatext(i int) IDeltatextContext
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*DeltatextlistContext) IsDeltatextlistContext()
- func (s *DeltatextlistContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type DescContext
- func (s *DescContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DescContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *DescContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *DescContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*DescContext) IsDescContext()
- func (s *DescContext) LITERAL_DESC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *DescContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *DescContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ExpandContext
- func (s *ExpandContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExpandContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExpandContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ExpandContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ExpandContext) IsExpandContext()
- func (s *ExpandContext) LITERAL_EXPAND() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpandContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpandContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExpandContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type HeadContext
- func (s *HeadContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *HeadContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *HeadContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *HeadContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*HeadContext) IsHeadContext()
- func (s *HeadContext) LITERAL_HEAD() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *HeadContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *HeadContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *HeadContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type IAccessContext
- type IAdminContext
- type IBranchContext
- type ICommentContext
- type IDeltaContext
- type IDelta_authorContext
- type IDelta_branchesContext
- type IDelta_dateContext
- type IDelta_nextContext
- type IDelta_stateContext
- type IDeltalistContext
- type IDeltatextContext
- type IDeltatext_logContext
- type IDeltatext_textContext
- type IDeltatextlistContext
- type IDescContext
- type IExpandContext
- type IHeadContext
- type ILocksContext
- type INewphraseContext
- type IRcsheaderContext
- type IRcsrevisionsContext
- type IRcstextContext
- type IStrictContext
- type ISymbolsContext
- type ITagsContext
- type LocksContext
- func (s *LocksContext) AllIDENT() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LocksContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LocksContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LocksContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *LocksContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *LocksContext) IDENT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*LocksContext) IsLocksContext()
- func (s *LocksContext) LITERAL_LOCKS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LocksContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LocksContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type NewphraseContext
- func (s *NewphraseContext) AllIDENT() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *NewphraseContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *NewphraseContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *NewphraseContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *NewphraseContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *NewphraseContext) IDENT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*NewphraseContext) IsNewphraseContext()
- func (s *NewphraseContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *NewphraseContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type RCSLexer
- type RCSListener
- type RCSParser
- func (p *RCSParser) Access() (localctx IAccessContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Admin() (localctx IAdminContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Branch() (localctx IBranchContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Comment() (localctx ICommentContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Delta() (localctx IDeltaContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Delta_author() (localctx IDelta_authorContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Delta_branches() (localctx IDelta_branchesContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Delta_date() (localctx IDelta_dateContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Delta_next() (localctx IDelta_nextContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Delta_state() (localctx IDelta_stateContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Deltalist() (localctx IDeltalistContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Deltatext() (localctx IDeltatextContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Deltatext_log() (localctx IDeltatext_logContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Deltatext_text() (localctx IDeltatext_textContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Deltatextlist() (localctx IDeltatextlistContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Desc() (localctx IDescContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Expand() (localctx IExpandContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Head() (localctx IHeadContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Locks() (localctx ILocksContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Newphrase() (localctx INewphraseContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Rcsheader() (localctx IRcsheaderContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Rcsrevisions() (localctx IRcsrevisionsContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Rcstext() (localctx IRcstextContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Strict() (localctx IStrictContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Symbols() (localctx ISymbolsContext)
- func (p *RCSParser) Tags() (localctx ITagsContext)
- type RcsheaderContext
- func (s *RcsheaderContext) Admin() IAdminContext
- func (s *RcsheaderContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RcsheaderContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RcsheaderContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *RcsheaderContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*RcsheaderContext) IsRcsheaderContext()
- func (s *RcsheaderContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type RcsrevisionsContext
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) Admin() IAdminContext
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) Deltalist() IDeltalistContext
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*RcsrevisionsContext) IsRcsrevisionsContext()
- func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type RcstextContext
- func (s *RcstextContext) Admin() IAdminContext
- func (s *RcstextContext) Deltalist() IDeltalistContext
- func (s *RcstextContext) Deltatextlist() IDeltatextlistContext
- func (s *RcstextContext) Desc() IDescContext
- func (s *RcstextContext) EOF() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *RcstextContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RcstextContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RcstextContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *RcstextContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*RcstextContext) IsRcstextContext()
- func (s *RcstextContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StrictContext
- func (s *StrictContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StrictContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StrictContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StrictContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StrictContext) IsStrictContext()
- func (s *StrictContext) LITERAL_STRICT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StrictContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StrictContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type SymbolsContext
- func (s *SymbolsContext) AllTags() []ITagsContext
- func (s *SymbolsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *SymbolsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *SymbolsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *SymbolsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*SymbolsContext) IsSymbolsContext()
- func (s *SymbolsContext) LITERAL_SYMBOLS() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SymbolsContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SymbolsContext) Tags(i int) ITagsContext
- func (s *SymbolsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type TagsContext
- func (s *TagsContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *TagsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TagsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TagsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *TagsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *TagsContext) IDENT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*TagsContext) IsTagsContext()
- func (s *TagsContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *TagsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
RCSLexer tokens.
RCSParser tokens.
const ( RCSParserRULE_rcstext = 0 RCSParserRULE_rcsheader = 1 RCSParserRULE_rcsrevisions = 2 RCSParserRULE_admin = 3 RCSParserRULE_head = 4 RCSParserRULE_branch = 5 RCSParserRULE_access = 6 RCSParserRULE_symbols = 7 RCSParserRULE_locks = 9 RCSParserRULE_strict = 10 RCSParserRULE_comment = 11 RCSParserRULE_expand = 12 RCSParserRULE_deltalist = 13 RCSParserRULE_delta = 14 RCSParserRULE_delta_date = 15 RCSParserRULE_delta_state = 17 RCSParserRULE_delta_branches = 18 RCSParserRULE_delta_next = 19 RCSParserRULE_desc = 20 RCSParserRULE_deltatextlist = 21 RCSParserRULE_deltatext = 22 RCSParserRULE_deltatext_log = 23 RCSParserRULE_deltatext_text = 24 RCSParserRULE_newphrase = 25 )
RCSParser rules.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccessContext ¶
type AccessContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAccessContext ¶
func NewAccessContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *AccessContext
func NewEmptyAccessContext ¶
func NewEmptyAccessContext() *AccessContext
func (*AccessContext) AllIDENT ¶
func (s *AccessContext) AllIDENT() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AccessContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *AccessContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AccessContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *AccessContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AccessContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *AccessContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*AccessContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *AccessContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*AccessContext) IDENT ¶
func (s *AccessContext) IDENT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AccessContext) IsAccessContext ¶
func (*AccessContext) IsAccessContext()
func (*AccessContext) LITERAL_ACCESS ¶
func (s *AccessContext) LITERAL_ACCESS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AccessContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *AccessContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AccessContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *AccessContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type AdminContext ¶
type AdminContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAdminContext ¶
func NewAdminContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *AdminContext
func NewEmptyAdminContext ¶
func NewEmptyAdminContext() *AdminContext
func (*AdminContext) Access ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Access() IAccessContext
func (*AdminContext) AllNewphrase ¶
func (s *AdminContext) AllNewphrase() []INewphraseContext
func (*AdminContext) Branch ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Branch() IBranchContext
func (*AdminContext) Comment ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Comment() ICommentContext
func (*AdminContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *AdminContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AdminContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *AdminContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AdminContext) Expand ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Expand() IExpandContext
func (*AdminContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *AdminContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*AdminContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *AdminContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*AdminContext) Head ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Head() IHeadContext
func (*AdminContext) IsAdminContext ¶
func (*AdminContext) IsAdminContext()
func (*AdminContext) Locks ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Locks() ILocksContext
func (*AdminContext) Newphrase ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Newphrase(i int) INewphraseContext
func (*AdminContext) Strict ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Strict() IStrictContext
func (*AdminContext) Symbols ¶
func (s *AdminContext) Symbols() ISymbolsContext
func (*AdminContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *AdminContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type BaseRCSListener ¶
type BaseRCSListener struct{}
BaseRCSListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by RCSParser.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterAccess ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterAccess(ctx *AccessContext)
EnterAccess is called when production access is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterAdmin ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterAdmin(ctx *AdminContext)
EnterAdmin is called when production admin is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterBranch ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterBranch(ctx *BranchContext)
EnterBranch is called when production branch is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterComment ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterComment(ctx *CommentContext)
EnterComment is called when production comment is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta(ctx *DeltaContext)
EnterDelta is called when production delta is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_author ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_author(ctx *Delta_authorContext)
EnterDelta_author is called when production delta_author is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_branches ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_branches(ctx *Delta_branchesContext)
EnterDelta_branches is called when production delta_branches is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_date ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_date(ctx *Delta_dateContext)
EnterDelta_date is called when production delta_date is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_next ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_next(ctx *Delta_nextContext)
EnterDelta_next is called when production delta_next is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_state ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDelta_state(ctx *Delta_stateContext)
EnterDelta_state is called when production delta_state is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltalist ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltalist(ctx *DeltalistContext)
EnterDeltalist is called when production deltalist is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext(ctx *DeltatextContext)
EnterDeltatext is called when production deltatext is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext_log ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext_log(ctx *Deltatext_logContext)
EnterDeltatext_log is called when production deltatext_log is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext_text ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatext_text(ctx *Deltatext_textContext)
EnterDeltatext_text is called when production deltatext_text is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatextlist ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDeltatextlist(ctx *DeltatextlistContext)
EnterDeltatextlist is called when production deltatextlist is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterDesc ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterDesc(ctx *DescContext)
EnterDesc is called when production desc is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterEveryRule ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
EnterEveryRule is called when any rule is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterExpand ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterExpand(ctx *ExpandContext)
EnterExpand is called when production expand is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterHead ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterHead(ctx *HeadContext)
EnterHead is called when production head is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterLocks ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterLocks(ctx *LocksContext)
EnterLocks is called when production locks is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterNewphrase ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterNewphrase(ctx *NewphraseContext)
EnterNewphrase is called when production newphrase is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterRcsheader ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterRcsheader(ctx *RcsheaderContext)
EnterRcsheader is called when production rcsheader is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterRcsrevisions ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterRcsrevisions(ctx *RcsrevisionsContext)
EnterRcsrevisions is called when production rcsrevisions is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterRcstext ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterRcstext(ctx *RcstextContext)
EnterRcstext is called when production rcstext is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterStrict ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterStrict(ctx *StrictContext)
EnterStrict is called when production strict is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterSymbols ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterSymbols(ctx *SymbolsContext)
EnterSymbols is called when production symbols is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) EnterTags ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) EnterTags(ctx *TagsContext)
EnterTags is called when production tags is entered.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitAccess ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitAccess(ctx *AccessContext)
ExitAccess is called when production access is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitAdmin ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitAdmin(ctx *AdminContext)
ExitAdmin is called when production admin is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitBranch ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitBranch(ctx *BranchContext)
ExitBranch is called when production branch is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitComment ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitComment(ctx *CommentContext)
ExitComment is called when production comment is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta(ctx *DeltaContext)
ExitDelta is called when production delta is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_author ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_author(ctx *Delta_authorContext)
ExitDelta_author is called when production delta_author is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_branches ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_branches(ctx *Delta_branchesContext)
ExitDelta_branches is called when production delta_branches is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_date ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_date(ctx *Delta_dateContext)
ExitDelta_date is called when production delta_date is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_next ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_next(ctx *Delta_nextContext)
ExitDelta_next is called when production delta_next is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_state ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDelta_state(ctx *Delta_stateContext)
ExitDelta_state is called when production delta_state is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltalist ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltalist(ctx *DeltalistContext)
ExitDeltalist is called when production deltalist is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext(ctx *DeltatextContext)
ExitDeltatext is called when production deltatext is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext_log ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext_log(ctx *Deltatext_logContext)
ExitDeltatext_log is called when production deltatext_log is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext_text ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatext_text(ctx *Deltatext_textContext)
ExitDeltatext_text is called when production deltatext_text is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatextlist ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDeltatextlist(ctx *DeltatextlistContext)
ExitDeltatextlist is called when production deltatextlist is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitDesc ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitDesc(ctx *DescContext)
ExitDesc is called when production desc is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitEveryRule ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
ExitEveryRule is called when any rule is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitExpand ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitExpand(ctx *ExpandContext)
ExitExpand is called when production expand is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitHead ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitHead(ctx *HeadContext)
ExitHead is called when production head is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitLocks ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitLocks(ctx *LocksContext)
ExitLocks is called when production locks is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitNewphrase ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitNewphrase(ctx *NewphraseContext)
ExitNewphrase is called when production newphrase is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitRcsheader ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitRcsheader(ctx *RcsheaderContext)
ExitRcsheader is called when production rcsheader is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitRcsrevisions ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitRcsrevisions(ctx *RcsrevisionsContext)
ExitRcsrevisions is called when production rcsrevisions is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitRcstext ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitRcstext(ctx *RcstextContext)
ExitRcstext is called when production rcstext is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitStrict ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitStrict(ctx *StrictContext)
ExitStrict is called when production strict is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitSymbols ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitSymbols(ctx *SymbolsContext)
ExitSymbols is called when production symbols is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) ExitTags ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) ExitTags(ctx *TagsContext)
ExitTags is called when production tags is exited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) VisitErrorNode ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
VisitErrorNode is called when an error node is visited.
func (*BaseRCSListener) VisitTerminal ¶
func (s *BaseRCSListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
VisitTerminal is called when a terminal node is visited.
type BranchContext ¶
type BranchContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBranchContext ¶
func NewBranchContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *BranchContext
func NewEmptyBranchContext ¶
func NewEmptyBranchContext() *BranchContext
func (*BranchContext) BRANCH ¶
func (s *BranchContext) BRANCH() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BranchContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *BranchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*BranchContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *BranchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*BranchContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *BranchContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*BranchContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *BranchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*BranchContext) IsBranchContext ¶
func (*BranchContext) IsBranchContext()
func (*BranchContext) LITERAL_BRANCH ¶
func (s *BranchContext) LITERAL_BRANCH() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BranchContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *BranchContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BranchContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *BranchContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type CommentContext ¶
type CommentContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCommentContext ¶
func NewCommentContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *CommentContext
func NewEmptyCommentContext ¶
func NewEmptyCommentContext() *CommentContext
func (*CommentContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *CommentContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CommentContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *CommentContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CommentContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *CommentContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*CommentContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *CommentContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*CommentContext) IsCommentContext ¶
func (*CommentContext) IsCommentContext()
func (*CommentContext) LITERAL_COMMENT ¶
func (s *CommentContext) LITERAL_COMMENT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*CommentContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *CommentContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*CommentContext) STRING ¶
func (s *CommentContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*CommentContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *CommentContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type DeltaContext ¶
type DeltaContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeltaContext ¶
func NewDeltaContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DeltaContext
func NewEmptyDeltaContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeltaContext() *DeltaContext
func (*DeltaContext) AllNewphrase ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) AllNewphrase() []INewphraseContext
func (*DeltaContext) Delta_author ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_author() IDelta_authorContext
func (*DeltaContext) Delta_branches ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_branches() IDelta_branchesContext
func (*DeltaContext) Delta_date ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_date() IDelta_dateContext
func (*DeltaContext) Delta_next ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_next() IDelta_nextContext
func (*DeltaContext) Delta_state ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) Delta_state() IDelta_stateContext
func (*DeltaContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltaContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltaContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DeltaContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DeltaContext) IsDeltaContext ¶
func (*DeltaContext) IsDeltaContext()
func (*DeltaContext) Newphrase ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) Newphrase(i int) INewphraseContext
func (*DeltaContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*DeltaContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DeltaContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Delta_authorContext ¶
type Delta_authorContext struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDelta_authorContext ¶
func NewDelta_authorContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Delta_authorContext
func NewEmptyDelta_authorContext ¶
func NewEmptyDelta_authorContext() *Delta_authorContext
func (*Delta_authorContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_authorContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_authorContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Delta_authorContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Delta_authorContext) IDENT ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) IDENT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_authorContext) IsDelta_authorContext ¶
func (*Delta_authorContext) IsDelta_authorContext()
func (*Delta_authorContext) LITERAL_AUTHOR ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) LITERAL_AUTHOR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_authorContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_authorContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Delta_authorContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Delta_branchesContext ¶
type Delta_branchesContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDelta_branchesContext ¶
func NewDelta_branchesContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Delta_branchesContext
func NewEmptyDelta_branchesContext ¶
func NewEmptyDelta_branchesContext() *Delta_branchesContext
func (*Delta_branchesContext) AllREVISION ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) AllREVISION() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_branchesContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_branchesContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_branchesContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Delta_branchesContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Delta_branchesContext) IsDelta_branchesContext ¶
func (*Delta_branchesContext) IsDelta_branchesContext()
func (*Delta_branchesContext) LITERAL_BRANCHES ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) LITERAL_BRANCHES() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_branchesContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) REVISION(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_branchesContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_branchesContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Delta_branchesContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Delta_dateContext ¶
type Delta_dateContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDelta_dateContext ¶
func NewDelta_dateContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Delta_dateContext
func NewEmptyDelta_dateContext ¶
func NewEmptyDelta_dateContext() *Delta_dateContext
func (*Delta_dateContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_dateContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_dateContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Delta_dateContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Delta_dateContext) IsDelta_dateContext ¶
func (*Delta_dateContext) IsDelta_dateContext()
func (*Delta_dateContext) LITERAL_DATE ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) LITERAL_DATE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_dateContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_dateContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_dateContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Delta_dateContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Delta_nextContext ¶
type Delta_nextContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDelta_nextContext ¶
func NewDelta_nextContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Delta_nextContext
func NewEmptyDelta_nextContext ¶
func NewEmptyDelta_nextContext() *Delta_nextContext
func (*Delta_nextContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_nextContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_nextContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Delta_nextContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Delta_nextContext) IsDelta_nextContext ¶
func (*Delta_nextContext) IsDelta_nextContext()
func (*Delta_nextContext) LITERAL_NEXT ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) LITERAL_NEXT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_nextContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_nextContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_nextContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Delta_nextContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Delta_stateContext ¶
type Delta_stateContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDelta_stateContext ¶
func NewDelta_stateContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Delta_stateContext
func NewEmptyDelta_stateContext ¶
func NewEmptyDelta_stateContext() *Delta_stateContext
func (*Delta_stateContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_stateContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Delta_stateContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Delta_stateContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Delta_stateContext) IDENT ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) IDENT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_stateContext) IsDelta_stateContext ¶
func (*Delta_stateContext) IsDelta_stateContext()
func (*Delta_stateContext) LITERAL_STATE ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) LITERAL_STATE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_stateContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Delta_stateContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Delta_stateContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type DeltalistContext ¶
type DeltalistContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeltalistContext ¶
func NewDeltalistContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DeltalistContext
func NewEmptyDeltalistContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeltalistContext() *DeltalistContext
func (*DeltalistContext) AllDelta ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) AllDelta() []IDeltaContext
func (*DeltalistContext) Delta ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) Delta(i int) IDeltaContext
func (*DeltalistContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltalistContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltalistContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DeltalistContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DeltalistContext) IsDeltalistContext ¶
func (*DeltalistContext) IsDeltalistContext()
func (*DeltalistContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DeltalistContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type DeltatextContext ¶
type DeltatextContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeltatextContext ¶
func NewDeltatextContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DeltatextContext
func NewEmptyDeltatextContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeltatextContext() *DeltatextContext
func (*DeltatextContext) AllNewphrase ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) AllNewphrase() []INewphraseContext
func (*DeltatextContext) Deltatext_log ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) Deltatext_log() IDeltatext_logContext
func (*DeltatextContext) Deltatext_text ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) Deltatext_text() IDeltatext_textContext
func (*DeltatextContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltatextContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltatextContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DeltatextContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DeltatextContext) IsDeltatextContext ¶
func (*DeltatextContext) IsDeltatextContext()
func (*DeltatextContext) Newphrase ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) Newphrase(i int) INewphraseContext
func (*DeltatextContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*DeltatextContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DeltatextContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Deltatext_logContext ¶
type Deltatext_logContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeltatext_logContext ¶
func NewDeltatext_logContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Deltatext_logContext
func NewEmptyDeltatext_logContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeltatext_logContext() *Deltatext_logContext
func (*Deltatext_logContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Deltatext_logContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Deltatext_logContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Deltatext_logContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Deltatext_logContext) IsDeltatext_logContext ¶
func (*Deltatext_logContext) IsDeltatext_logContext()
func (*Deltatext_logContext) LITERAL_LOG ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) LITERAL_LOG() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Deltatext_logContext) STRING ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Deltatext_logContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Deltatext_logContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Deltatext_textContext ¶
type Deltatext_textContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeltatext_textContext ¶
func NewDeltatext_textContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Deltatext_textContext
func NewEmptyDeltatext_textContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeltatext_textContext() *Deltatext_textContext
func (*Deltatext_textContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Deltatext_textContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*Deltatext_textContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Deltatext_textContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Deltatext_textContext) IsDeltatext_textContext ¶
func (*Deltatext_textContext) IsDeltatext_textContext()
func (*Deltatext_textContext) LITERAL_TEXT ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) LITERAL_TEXT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Deltatext_textContext) STRING ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Deltatext_textContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Deltatext_textContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type DeltatextlistContext ¶
type DeltatextlistContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeltatextlistContext ¶
func NewDeltatextlistContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DeltatextlistContext
func NewEmptyDeltatextlistContext ¶
func NewEmptyDeltatextlistContext() *DeltatextlistContext
func (*DeltatextlistContext) AllDeltatext ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) AllDeltatext() []IDeltatextContext
func (*DeltatextlistContext) Deltatext ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) Deltatext(i int) IDeltatextContext
func (*DeltatextlistContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltatextlistContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DeltatextlistContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DeltatextlistContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DeltatextlistContext) IsDeltatextlistContext ¶
func (*DeltatextlistContext) IsDeltatextlistContext()
func (*DeltatextlistContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DeltatextlistContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type DescContext ¶
type DescContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDescContext ¶
func NewDescContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *DescContext
func NewEmptyDescContext ¶
func NewEmptyDescContext() *DescContext
func (*DescContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *DescContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DescContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *DescContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*DescContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *DescContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*DescContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *DescContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*DescContext) IsDescContext ¶
func (*DescContext) IsDescContext()
func (*DescContext) LITERAL_DESC ¶
func (s *DescContext) LITERAL_DESC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*DescContext) STRING ¶
func (s *DescContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*DescContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *DescContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExpandContext ¶
type ExpandContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExpandContext ¶
func NewEmptyExpandContext() *ExpandContext
func NewExpandContext ¶
func NewExpandContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExpandContext
func (*ExpandContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExpandContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExpandContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExpandContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExpandContext) IsExpandContext ¶
func (*ExpandContext) IsExpandContext()
func (*ExpandContext) LITERAL_EXPAND ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) LITERAL_EXPAND() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpandContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpandContext) STRING ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExpandContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExpandContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type HeadContext ¶
type HeadContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyHeadContext ¶
func NewEmptyHeadContext() *HeadContext
func NewHeadContext ¶
func NewHeadContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *HeadContext
func (*HeadContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *HeadContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*HeadContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *HeadContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*HeadContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *HeadContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*HeadContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *HeadContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*HeadContext) IsHeadContext ¶
func (*HeadContext) IsHeadContext()
func (*HeadContext) LITERAL_HEAD ¶
func (s *HeadContext) LITERAL_HEAD() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*HeadContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *HeadContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*HeadContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *HeadContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*HeadContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *HeadContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type IAccessContext ¶
type IAccessContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsAccessContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsAccessContext() }
IAccessContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IAdminContext ¶
type IAdminContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsAdminContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsAdminContext() }
IAdminContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IBranchContext ¶
type IBranchContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsBranchContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsBranchContext() }
IBranchContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ICommentContext ¶
type ICommentContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsCommentContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsCommentContext() }
ICommentContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeltaContext ¶
type IDeltaContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeltaContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeltaContext() }
IDeltaContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDelta_authorContext ¶
type IDelta_authorContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext GetParser() antlr.Parser IsDelta_authorContext() }
IDelta_authorContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDelta_branchesContext ¶
type IDelta_branchesContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDelta_branchesContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDelta_branchesContext() }
IDelta_branchesContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDelta_dateContext ¶
type IDelta_dateContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDelta_dateContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDelta_dateContext() }
IDelta_dateContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDelta_nextContext ¶
type IDelta_nextContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDelta_nextContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDelta_nextContext() }
IDelta_nextContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDelta_stateContext ¶
type IDelta_stateContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDelta_stateContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDelta_stateContext() }
IDelta_stateContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeltalistContext ¶
type IDeltalistContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeltalistContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeltalistContext() }
IDeltalistContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeltatextContext ¶
type IDeltatextContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeltatextContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeltatextContext() }
IDeltatextContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeltatext_logContext ¶
type IDeltatext_logContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeltatext_logContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeltatext_logContext() }
IDeltatext_logContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeltatext_textContext ¶
type IDeltatext_textContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeltatext_textContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeltatext_textContext() }
IDeltatext_textContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDeltatextlistContext ¶
type IDeltatextlistContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDeltatextlistContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDeltatextlistContext() }
IDeltatextlistContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IDescContext ¶
type IDescContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsDescContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsDescContext() }
IDescContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExpandContext ¶
type IExpandContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsExpandContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExpandContext() }
IExpandContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IHeadContext ¶
type IHeadContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsHeadContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsHeadContext() }
IHeadContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ILocksContext ¶
type ILocksContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsLocksContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsLocksContext() }
ILocksContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type INewphraseContext ¶
type INewphraseContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsNewphraseContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsNewphraseContext() }
INewphraseContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IRcsheaderContext ¶
type IRcsheaderContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsRcsheaderContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsRcsheaderContext() }
IRcsheaderContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IRcsrevisionsContext ¶
type IRcsrevisionsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsRcsrevisionsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsRcsrevisionsContext() }
IRcsrevisionsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IRcstextContext ¶
type IRcstextContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsRcstextContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsRcstextContext() }
IRcstextContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStrictContext ¶
type IStrictContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsStrictContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStrictContext() }
IStrictContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ISymbolsContext ¶
type ISymbolsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsSymbolsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsSymbolsContext() }
ISymbolsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ITagsContext ¶
type ITagsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsTagsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsTagsContext() }
ITagsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type LocksContext ¶
type LocksContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyLocksContext ¶
func NewEmptyLocksContext() *LocksContext
func NewLocksContext ¶
func NewLocksContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *LocksContext
func (*LocksContext) AllIDENT ¶
func (s *LocksContext) AllIDENT() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LocksContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *LocksContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LocksContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *LocksContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LocksContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *LocksContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*LocksContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *LocksContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*LocksContext) IDENT ¶
func (s *LocksContext) IDENT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LocksContext) IsLocksContext ¶
func (*LocksContext) IsLocksContext()
func (*LocksContext) LITERAL_LOCKS ¶
func (s *LocksContext) LITERAL_LOCKS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LocksContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *LocksContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LocksContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *LocksContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type NewphraseContext ¶
type NewphraseContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyNewphraseContext ¶
func NewEmptyNewphraseContext() *NewphraseContext
func NewNewphraseContext ¶
func NewNewphraseContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *NewphraseContext
func (*NewphraseContext) AllIDENT ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) AllIDENT() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*NewphraseContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*NewphraseContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*NewphraseContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*NewphraseContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*NewphraseContext) IDENT ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) IDENT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*NewphraseContext) IsNewphraseContext ¶
func (*NewphraseContext) IsNewphraseContext()
func (*NewphraseContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*NewphraseContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *NewphraseContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type RCSLexer ¶
func NewRCSLexer ¶
func NewRCSLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *RCSLexer
type RCSListener ¶
type RCSListener interface { antlr.ParseTreeListener // EnterRcstext is called when entering the rcstext production. EnterRcstext(c *RcstextContext) // EnterRcsheader is called when entering the rcsheader production. EnterRcsheader(c *RcsheaderContext) // EnterRcsrevisions is called when entering the rcsrevisions production. EnterRcsrevisions(c *RcsrevisionsContext) // EnterAdmin is called when entering the admin production. EnterAdmin(c *AdminContext) // EnterHead is called when entering the head production. EnterHead(c *HeadContext) // EnterBranch is called when entering the branch production. EnterBranch(c *BranchContext) // EnterAccess is called when entering the access production. EnterAccess(c *AccessContext) // EnterSymbols is called when entering the symbols production. EnterSymbols(c *SymbolsContext) // EnterTags is called when entering the tags production. EnterTags(c *TagsContext) // EnterLocks is called when entering the locks production. EnterLocks(c *LocksContext) // EnterStrict is called when entering the strict production. EnterStrict(c *StrictContext) // EnterComment is called when entering the comment production. EnterComment(c *CommentContext) // EnterExpand is called when entering the expand production. EnterExpand(c *ExpandContext) // EnterDeltalist is called when entering the deltalist production. EnterDeltalist(c *DeltalistContext) // EnterDelta is called when entering the delta production. EnterDelta(c *DeltaContext) // EnterDelta_date is called when entering the delta_date production. EnterDelta_date(c *Delta_dateContext) EnterDelta_author(c *Delta_authorContext) // EnterDelta_state is called when entering the delta_state production. EnterDelta_state(c *Delta_stateContext) // EnterDelta_branches is called when entering the delta_branches production. EnterDelta_branches(c *Delta_branchesContext) // EnterDelta_next is called when entering the delta_next production. EnterDelta_next(c *Delta_nextContext) // EnterDesc is called when entering the desc production. EnterDesc(c *DescContext) // EnterDeltatextlist is called when entering the deltatextlist production. EnterDeltatextlist(c *DeltatextlistContext) // EnterDeltatext is called when entering the deltatext production. EnterDeltatext(c *DeltatextContext) // EnterDeltatext_log is called when entering the deltatext_log production. EnterDeltatext_log(c *Deltatext_logContext) // EnterDeltatext_text is called when entering the deltatext_text production. EnterDeltatext_text(c *Deltatext_textContext) // EnterNewphrase is called when entering the newphrase production. EnterNewphrase(c *NewphraseContext) // ExitRcstext is called when exiting the rcstext production. ExitRcstext(c *RcstextContext) // ExitRcsheader is called when exiting the rcsheader production. ExitRcsheader(c *RcsheaderContext) // ExitRcsrevisions is called when exiting the rcsrevisions production. ExitRcsrevisions(c *RcsrevisionsContext) // ExitAdmin is called when exiting the admin production. ExitAdmin(c *AdminContext) // ExitHead is called when exiting the head production. ExitHead(c *HeadContext) // ExitBranch is called when exiting the branch production. ExitBranch(c *BranchContext) // ExitAccess is called when exiting the access production. ExitAccess(c *AccessContext) // ExitSymbols is called when exiting the symbols production. ExitSymbols(c *SymbolsContext) // ExitTags is called when exiting the tags production. ExitTags(c *TagsContext) // ExitLocks is called when exiting the locks production. ExitLocks(c *LocksContext) // ExitStrict is called when exiting the strict production. ExitStrict(c *StrictContext) // ExitComment is called when exiting the comment production. ExitComment(c *CommentContext) // ExitExpand is called when exiting the expand production. ExitExpand(c *ExpandContext) // ExitDeltalist is called when exiting the deltalist production. ExitDeltalist(c *DeltalistContext) // ExitDelta is called when exiting the delta production. ExitDelta(c *DeltaContext) // ExitDelta_date is called when exiting the delta_date production. ExitDelta_date(c *Delta_dateContext) ExitDelta_author(c *Delta_authorContext) // ExitDelta_state is called when exiting the delta_state production. ExitDelta_state(c *Delta_stateContext) // ExitDelta_branches is called when exiting the delta_branches production. ExitDelta_branches(c *Delta_branchesContext) // ExitDelta_next is called when exiting the delta_next production. ExitDelta_next(c *Delta_nextContext) // ExitDesc is called when exiting the desc production. ExitDesc(c *DescContext) // ExitDeltatextlist is called when exiting the deltatextlist production. ExitDeltatextlist(c *DeltatextlistContext) // ExitDeltatext is called when exiting the deltatext production. ExitDeltatext(c *DeltatextContext) // ExitDeltatext_log is called when exiting the deltatext_log production. ExitDeltatext_log(c *Deltatext_logContext) // ExitDeltatext_text is called when exiting the deltatext_text production. ExitDeltatext_text(c *Deltatext_textContext) // ExitNewphrase is called when exiting the newphrase production. ExitNewphrase(c *NewphraseContext) }
RCSListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by RCSParser.
type RCSParser ¶
type RCSParser struct {
func NewRCSParser ¶
func NewRCSParser(input antlr.TokenStream) *RCSParser
func (*RCSParser) Access ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Access() (localctx IAccessContext)
func (*RCSParser) Admin ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Admin() (localctx IAdminContext)
func (*RCSParser) Branch ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Branch() (localctx IBranchContext)
func (*RCSParser) Comment ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Comment() (localctx ICommentContext)
func (*RCSParser) Delta ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Delta() (localctx IDeltaContext)
func (*RCSParser) Delta_author ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Delta_author() (localctx IDelta_authorContext)
func (*RCSParser) Delta_branches ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Delta_branches() (localctx IDelta_branchesContext)
func (*RCSParser) Delta_date ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Delta_date() (localctx IDelta_dateContext)
func (*RCSParser) Delta_next ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Delta_next() (localctx IDelta_nextContext)
func (*RCSParser) Delta_state ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Delta_state() (localctx IDelta_stateContext)
func (*RCSParser) Deltalist ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Deltalist() (localctx IDeltalistContext)
func (*RCSParser) Deltatext ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Deltatext() (localctx IDeltatextContext)
func (*RCSParser) Deltatext_log ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Deltatext_log() (localctx IDeltatext_logContext)
func (*RCSParser) Deltatext_text ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Deltatext_text() (localctx IDeltatext_textContext)
func (*RCSParser) Deltatextlist ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Deltatextlist() (localctx IDeltatextlistContext)
func (*RCSParser) Desc ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Desc() (localctx IDescContext)
func (*RCSParser) Expand ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Expand() (localctx IExpandContext)
func (*RCSParser) Head ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Head() (localctx IHeadContext)
func (*RCSParser) Locks ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Locks() (localctx ILocksContext)
func (*RCSParser) Newphrase ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Newphrase() (localctx INewphraseContext)
func (*RCSParser) Rcsheader ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Rcsheader() (localctx IRcsheaderContext)
func (*RCSParser) Rcsrevisions ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Rcsrevisions() (localctx IRcsrevisionsContext)
func (*RCSParser) Rcstext ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Rcstext() (localctx IRcstextContext)
func (*RCSParser) Strict ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Strict() (localctx IStrictContext)
func (*RCSParser) Symbols ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Symbols() (localctx ISymbolsContext)
func (*RCSParser) Tags ¶
func (p *RCSParser) Tags() (localctx ITagsContext)
type RcsheaderContext ¶
type RcsheaderContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyRcsheaderContext ¶
func NewEmptyRcsheaderContext() *RcsheaderContext
func NewRcsheaderContext ¶
func NewRcsheaderContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *RcsheaderContext
func (*RcsheaderContext) Admin ¶
func (s *RcsheaderContext) Admin() IAdminContext
func (*RcsheaderContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *RcsheaderContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RcsheaderContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *RcsheaderContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RcsheaderContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *RcsheaderContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*RcsheaderContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *RcsheaderContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*RcsheaderContext) IsRcsheaderContext ¶
func (*RcsheaderContext) IsRcsheaderContext()
func (*RcsheaderContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *RcsheaderContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type RcsrevisionsContext ¶
type RcsrevisionsContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyRcsrevisionsContext ¶
func NewEmptyRcsrevisionsContext() *RcsrevisionsContext
func NewRcsrevisionsContext ¶
func NewRcsrevisionsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *RcsrevisionsContext
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) Admin ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) Admin() IAdminContext
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) Deltalist ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) Deltalist() IDeltalistContext
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) IsRcsrevisionsContext ¶
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) IsRcsrevisionsContext()
func (*RcsrevisionsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *RcsrevisionsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type RcstextContext ¶
type RcstextContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyRcstextContext ¶
func NewEmptyRcstextContext() *RcstextContext
func NewRcstextContext ¶
func NewRcstextContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *RcstextContext
func (*RcstextContext) Admin ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) Admin() IAdminContext
func (*RcstextContext) Deltalist ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) Deltalist() IDeltalistContext
func (*RcstextContext) Deltatextlist ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) Deltatextlist() IDeltatextlistContext
func (*RcstextContext) Desc ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) Desc() IDescContext
func (*RcstextContext) EOF ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) EOF() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*RcstextContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RcstextContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RcstextContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*RcstextContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*RcstextContext) IsRcstextContext ¶
func (*RcstextContext) IsRcstextContext()
func (*RcstextContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *RcstextContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StrictContext ¶
type StrictContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStrictContext ¶
func NewEmptyStrictContext() *StrictContext
func NewStrictContext ¶
func NewStrictContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StrictContext
func (*StrictContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StrictContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StrictContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StrictContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StrictContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StrictContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StrictContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StrictContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StrictContext) IsStrictContext ¶
func (*StrictContext) IsStrictContext()
func (*StrictContext) LITERAL_STRICT ¶
func (s *StrictContext) LITERAL_STRICT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StrictContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *StrictContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StrictContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StrictContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type SymbolsContext ¶
type SymbolsContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptySymbolsContext ¶
func NewEmptySymbolsContext() *SymbolsContext
func NewSymbolsContext ¶
func NewSymbolsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *SymbolsContext
func (*SymbolsContext) AllTags ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) AllTags() []ITagsContext
func (*SymbolsContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*SymbolsContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*SymbolsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*SymbolsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*SymbolsContext) IsSymbolsContext ¶
func (*SymbolsContext) IsSymbolsContext()
func (*SymbolsContext) LITERAL_SYMBOLS ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) LITERAL_SYMBOLS() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SymbolsContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SymbolsContext) Tags ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) Tags(i int) ITagsContext
func (*SymbolsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *SymbolsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type TagsContext ¶
type TagsContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyTagsContext ¶
func NewEmptyTagsContext() *TagsContext
func NewTagsContext ¶
func NewTagsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *TagsContext
func (*TagsContext) COLON ¶
func (s *TagsContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*TagsContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *TagsContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TagsContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *TagsContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TagsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *TagsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*TagsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *TagsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*TagsContext) IDENT ¶
func (s *TagsContext) IDENT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*TagsContext) IsTagsContext ¶
func (*TagsContext) IsTagsContext()
func (*TagsContext) REVISION ¶
func (s *TagsContext) REVISION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*TagsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *TagsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string