The payment-forwarder service creates a BTC or ETH alias for a specific address.
This allows the creation of individual contribution addresses for each user in an ICO
while centralising the contributions in a common treasury.
Run command with -h to check the usage:
./bin/payment-forwarder -h
The program requires path to the contract schema directory (generated by truffle).
usage: ./bin/payment-forwarder <parameters> :
-bcy-key string BlockCypher API Token [required]
-bcy-net string BlockCypher network (main or test) [required]
-contracts string path to contract schemas directory [required]
-eth-network string blockchain network name, must be specified in eth-network-file file [required]
-eth-network-file string path to the file with network configuration [required]
-pk-file pk-hex path to the private key json file [required if pk-hex not specified]