Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AutoMigrate(dbContext DbContext, ignoreWarnings bool)
- func BiContextFromAppServ(appserv *core.Appserv, dryrun, migrate bool) *appservBiContext
- func BiContextFromAppServChild(appservChild *core.AppservChild) *appservChildBiContext
- func BuildUserCacheKey(user IUser) string
- func DeleteEntityWithNewTransaction(biContext BiContext, toDelete IEntity, checkReferences bool) (Error, IEntity)
- func DeleteInCache(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity)
- func EntityFromCache(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity) (cachedEntity interface{}, found bool)
- func Exec(dbContext DbContext, dbOwner DbOwner, queryCtx *QueryExecContext) (sql.Result, error)
- func FetchStringColumn(dbContext DbContext, entityKind EntityKind, action QueryIDSuffix, query string, ...) (results []string)
- func FetchStringMap(dbContext DbContext, entityKind EntityKind, action QueryIDSuffix, query string, ...) (results map[string]string)
- func FlushEntityCache(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind)
- func GeenBatchFuncSet(funcName v.BatchFuncName, function GeenBatchFunction, ...)
- func GenericTestAllSchemas() (item string, required string, message string, ok bool)
- func GetAllOperations() map[string]*WebOperation
- func GetEntityKinds() map[EntityKind]IEntity
- func GetHash(entity IEntity) string
- func GetPrimaryReference(entity IEntity) string
- func GetSchemaURL(entityKind EntityKind) core.URL
- func GetSecondaryDB(dbOwner DbOwner, dbID string, check bool) (*sql.DB, error)
- func GetSecondaryDBx(dbOwner DbOwner, dbID string, check bool) (*sqlx.DB, error)
- func HandlePanic(biContext BiContext, err error)
- func InsertInCache(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity)
- func IsEntityExists(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity, minStatus EntityStatus) (bool, EntityID, Error)
- func IsExists(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, referenceOrID string, ...) (bool, EntityID, Error)
- func IsGenericQueryIDSuffix(queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix) bool
- func IsIdentical(sourceEntity IEntity, targetEntity IEntity, options *ComparisonOptions) bool
- func IsIdenticalLists(sourceEntities []IEntity, targetEntities []IEntity, options *ComparisonOptions) bool
- func IsNilEntity(entity IEntity) bool
- func IsReferenced(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity) (Error, bool, IEntity)
- func ListEntities(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, maxNbEntities int, ...) ([]IEntity, Error)
- func LogStep(logger ILogger, formatString string, params ...interface{})
- func LogSubstep(logger ILogger, formatString string, params ...interface{})
- func MakeINClause(nbElements int) string
- func Populate(biContext BiContext, kind EntityKind, nbEntities int, batchSize int, ...)
- func QuerySQL(dbContext DbContext, dbOwner DbOwner, queryCtx *QueryExecContext) (*sql.Rows, error)
- func RawExec(dbContext DbContext, dbOwner DbOwner, queryName string, queryString string, ...) (sql.Result, error)
- func RawQuerySQL(dbContext DbContext, dbOwner DbOwner, queryName string, queryString string, ...) (*sql.Rows, error)
- func ReadEntity(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity, minStatus EntityStatus, ...) (IEntity, Error)
- func ReadReference(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, referenceOrID string, ...) (IEntity, Error)
- func RefFromCache(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entityRefOrID string, ...) (cachedEntity interface{}, found bool)
- func RegisterWebOperations(appServ *core.Appserv)
- func RunJobOnDemand(childBiContext BiContext, dryrun bool, jobID string, async bool) (*Job, Error)
- func SQLGetCurrencyCode(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) core.CurrencyCode
- func SQLGetEmail(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) core.Email
- func SQLGetIEntity(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes, entityKind EntityKind) (IEntity, Error)
- func SQLGetString(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) string
- func SetAllCriteria(searchEntity ISimpleSearchEntity, criteria ...*SimpleSearchCriterion)
- func SetImplemKind(someInterface reflect.Type, kind EntityKind)
- func ToCamelName(entityKind EntityKind) string
- func ToString(entity IEntity, allowedLinkDepth int, compact bool) string
- func ToStringFull(entity IEntity, allowedLinkDepth int, compact bool) string
- func TypeForEntity(entity IEntity) reflect.Type
- func TypeForKind(entityKind EntityKind) reflect.Type
- type AppAdmin
- type AppBiContext
- type AppContext
- type AppOptions
- type AuthorizationBearer
- type BaseGeenConfig
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) GetExampleFilePath() string
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) GetMainDBNamesCasing() v.Casing
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) GetMaxListSize() int
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsMainDBFullGeen() bool
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsNonMailUsernamesAllowed() bool
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsTestSchemasAtLaunch() bool
- func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsValid() error
- type BaseResponse
- func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) ConcatErrors(title string, errors ...Error) IOperationResponse
- func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) GetMessages() []Message
- func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) GetStatus() int
- func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) Message(gravity Gravity, title string, contentFmt string, contentParams ...interface{}) IOperationResponse
- type BiContext
- type ComparisonOptions
- func (opt *ComparisonOptions) HideNil() *ComparisonOptions
- func (opt *ComparisonOptions) IgnoreLoadedLinks() *ComparisonOptions
- func (opt *ComparisonOptions) NoLabels() *ComparisonOptions
- func (opt *ComparisonOptions) NoTech() *ComparisonOptions
- func (opt *ComparisonOptions) RefreshLabels() *ComparisonOptions
- func (opt *ComparisonOptions) StopAtFirst() *ComparisonOptions
- type DbContext
- type DbOwner
- type Entity
- func (thisEntity *Entity) AllLinksOnDepth(loadingID LoadingID, depth int) ILoadingPlan
- func (thisEntity *Entity) BeforeJSON(loadingID LoadingID) IEntity
- func (thisEntity *Entity) BuildLabel() (label string, persisted bool)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) CanBeDeleted(biContext BiContext, instore IEntity) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) CanBeRead(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) CanBeUpdated(biContext BiContext, instore IEntity) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) ChangeAfterInsert(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) ChangeAfterUpdate(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) ChangeBeforeCaching(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) ChangeBeforeInsert(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) ChangeBeforeIsExists(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) ChangeBeforeUpdate(biContext BiContext, instore IEntity) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) DefineLoadingPlan(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
- func (thisEntity *Entity) DoAfterRead(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) DoAfterReadLinks(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) Equals(another IEntity) bool
- func (thisEntity *Entity) FromJSON() Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetCreatedBy() string
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetCreatedByID() EntityID
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetCreation() *time.Time
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetDeletedBy() string
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetDeletedByID() EntityID
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetDeletion() *time.Time
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetEntityStatus() EntityStatus
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetHashSource() string
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetID() EntityID
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetKind() EntityKind
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetLabel() string
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetLoadingID() LoadingID
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetLoadingIDForGenericAction(action GenericActionType)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetModification() *time.Time
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetModifiedBy() string
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetModifiedByID() EntityID
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetSharedCachePolicy(loadingID LoadingID) (duration time.Duration, flushBeforeUpdate bool)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) GetSpecificSQLQuery(queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix) *SQLQuery
- func (thisEntity *Entity) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
- func (thisEntity *Entity) IsDiffed() bool
- func (thisEntity *Entity) IsHashed() bool
- func (thisEntity *Entity) IsValid(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisEntity *Entity) Load(loadingID LoadingID, with ...ILoadingPlan) ILoadingPlan
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetCreatedBy(arg string)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetCreatedByID(arg EntityID)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetCreation(arg *time.Time)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetDeletedBy(arg string)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetDeletedByID(arg EntityID)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetDeletion(arg *time.Time)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetEntityStatus(status EntityStatus)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetID(ID EntityID)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetKind(kind EntityKind)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetLabel(label string)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetModification(arg *time.Time)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetModifiedBy(arg string)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) SetModifiedByID(arg EntityID)
- func (thisEntity *Entity) WithNoLink(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
- type EntityDifference
- type EntityField
- func (thisField *EntityField) GetMaskedSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
- func (thisField *EntityField) GetSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
- func (thisField *EntityField) GetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) string
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsAmount() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsBoolean() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsDate() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsEnum() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsEnumList() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsInt() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsKind() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsPersisted() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsReal() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsString() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsTransformed() bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) IsZeroValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) bool
- func (thisField *EntityField) NoEdit() *EntityField
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetConfidential() IEntityProperty
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetPrimaryReference() *EntityField
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetRandomValue(source rand.Source, sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value)
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetRequired() *EntityField
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueAsString string) Error
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetTransformed() *EntityField
- func (thisField *EntityField) SetUnique() *EntityField
- type EntityFullReference
- type EntityID
- type EntityKind
- type EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) AttachEntity(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, targetEntityAsValue reflect.Value)
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetBackrefLink() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkTableName(dbContext DbContext) string
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkTableSourceColumn(dbContext DbContext) string
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkTableTargetColumn(dbContext DbContext) string
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntities(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntitiesAsValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntity(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) IEntity
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntityAsValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetMaskedSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetSortedLinkedEntities(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) []IEntity
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) string
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetUnsortedLinkedEntities(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) []IEntity
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsChildToParent() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsDirectlyPersisted() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsMultipleDirectlyPersisted() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsMultipleIndirectlyPersisted() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsOneWay() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsParentFromChildren() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSingleDirectlyPersisted() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSingleIndirectlyPersisted() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSomehowPersisted() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSourceToTarget() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsTargetFromSource() bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsZeroValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) bool
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetChildToParent() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetConfidential() IEntityProperty
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetOneWay() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetParentFromChildren() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetRequired() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetSourceToTarget() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueAsString string) Error
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetTargetFromSource() *EntityLink
- func (thisLink *EntityLink) WithBackRef(propertyID EntityPropertyID) *EntityLink
- type EntityListDifference
- type EntityProperty
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) GetColumnName(dbContext DbContext) string
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) GetName() string
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) GetValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) HideInSwagger() *EntityProperty
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsConfidential() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsCoreProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsGenericProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsIdentificationProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsImmutable() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsInputProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsLink() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsMandatoryInput() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsPersistencyProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsPureTechnicalProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsRequiredInDB() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsTechnicalProperty() bool
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetImmutable() *EntityProperty
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetInSwaggerForAdmins() *EntityProperty
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetNotPersisted() *EntityProperty
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueToSet reflect.Value)
- func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) ShowInSwagger() *EntityProperty
- type EntityPropertyID
- type EntityReference
- type EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) AllowCustomTableName() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) CheckJSONNamesWith(checkerFunc func(string) string) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) EntityDesc(desc string) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Field(propertyID EntityPropertyID) *EntityField
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) FieldByName(fieldName string) *EntityField
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetImmutableProperties() []IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetLinkTablePersistedLinks() []*EntityLink
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetMaxPropertyLength() int
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetMultipleDirectlyPersistedLinks() []*EntityLink
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedFields() []IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedNonTechnicalFields() []IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedNonTechnicalProperties() []IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedProperties() []IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersonalInfos() []IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPrimaryReferenceField() *EntityField
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetRequiredFields() []*EntityField
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetSingleDirectlyPersistedLinks() []*EntityLink
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetSortedFields() []*EntityField
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetSortedLinks() []*EntityLink
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetTable(dbContext DbContext) string
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetUniqueFields() []*EntityField
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) HideInSwagger() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) IsAllPersonal() bool
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) IsPersisted() bool
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) IsPersonal(propertyID EntityPropertyID) bool
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Link(propertyID EntityPropertyID) *EntityLink
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) LinkByName(linkName string) *EntityLink
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) NoDeletionTracking() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) NoPersonalInfo() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) NoPrimaryReference() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Property(propertyID EntityPropertyID) IEntityProperty
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) RemoveLabel() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetAllPersonal() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetInSwaggerForAdmins() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetPersonal(propertyIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetUniqueCombination(iAcceptTheRisks bool, propertyIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetUniqueCombinationWithFields(propertyIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetViewOn(entityKind EntityKind) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) ShowInSwagger() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Table(tableName string) *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) TrackAll() *EntitySchema
- func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) TrackCreationOnly() *EntitySchema
- type EntityStatus
- type Error
- func BulkCreateEntitiesWithNoIDs(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entitiesAsInterface interface{}) (int64, Error)
- func CreateEntities1By1(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entitiesAsInterface interface{}) Error
- func CreateEntity(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity) Error
- func CreateEntityAndAllLinks(biContext BiContext, sourceEntity IEntity, isUpdate bool) Error
- func MapEntities(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, maxNbEntities int, ...) (map[string]IEntity, Error)
- func NewErr(errorString string, errorParams ...interface{}) Error
- func NewErrC(cause error, errorString string, errorParams ...interface{}) Error
- func NewErrWithCode(errorCode ErrorCode, errorString string, errorParams ...interface{}) Error
- func NewErrWithCodeC(cause error, errorCode ErrorCode, errorString string, ...) Error
- func ReadEntityLinks(biContext BiContext, minStatus EntityStatus, linksLoadingID LoadingID, ...) Error
- func RunPurgeEntities(biContext BiContext, params map[string]string, doRun bool) (string, Error)
- func RunSimpleSearch(biContext BiContext, simpleSearch ISimpleSearchEntity, loadingID LoadingID) Error
- func SQLGetBool(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) (bool, Error)
- func SQLGetInt(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) (int, Error)
- func SQLGetTime(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) (*time.Time, Error)
- func SQLGetUint64(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) (uint64, Error)
- func SaveEntities(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entitiesAsInterface interface{}, ...) Error
- func SaveEntity(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity, loadingBeforeUpdate LoadingID) Error
- func UpdateEntityWithNewTransaction(biContext BiContext, updated IEntity, loadingBeforeUpdate LoadingID) Error
- func UpdateEntityWithinTransaction(biContext BiContext, updated IEntity, loadingBeforeUpdate LoadingID) Error
- func UpdateInCache(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity) Error
- type ErrorCode
- type FieldDifference
- type FileExtension
- type FileResponseFunction
- type GeenBatchFunction
- type GeenTest
- type GenericActionType
- type Gravity
- type HTTPMethodType
- type IActionType
- type IAuthorizationBearer
- type IBaseScheduler
- type IEntity
- func BuildBareEntityCopy(entity IEntity) IEntity
- func BuildEntityExtract(entity IEntity) IEntity
- func BuildLevel1EntityCopy(entity IEntity) IEntity
- func CreateOrUpdateIfNeeded(biContext BiContext, loaded IEntity, newEntity IEntity) IEntity
- func CreateOrUpdateIfNeededWithOpt(biContext BiContext, loaded IEntity, newEntity IEntity, opt *ComparisonOptions) IEntity
- func GetJSONEntity(entity IEntity, loadingID LoadingID) IEntity
- func NewEntity(entityKind EntityKind) IEntity
- func NewEntityID(entityKind EntityKind, id uint64) IEntity
- func NewRandomEntity(source rand.Source, entityKind EntityKind, nbLayers int, params RandGenParams) IEntity
- func RandomizeEntity(source rand.Source, sourceEntity IEntity, nbLayers int, params RandGenParams) IEntity
- func RemoveTechnicalProperties(entity IEntity) IEntity
- func SaveIfNeeded(biContext BiContext, newEntity IEntity, loadingID LoadingID) IEntity
- func SaveIfNeededWithOpt(biContext BiContext, newEntity IEntity, loadingID LoadingID, ...) IEntity
- type IEntityProperty
- type IEnum
- type IGeenConfig
- type ILoadingPlan
- type ILogger
- type IOperationResponse
- type ISimpleSearchEntity
- type IUser
- type IWithName
- type IWithNameAndDescription
- type InputFile
- type Job
- type JobConfiguration
- func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) ChangeAfterInsert(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) ChangeAfterUpdate(biContext BiContext) Error
- func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) DefineLoadingPlan(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
- func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) DoAfterReadLinks(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error
- func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
- type JobParam
- type JobSearch
- func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) AppendResult(result IEntity)
- func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) GetOrderBy() (EntityPropertyID, OrderType)
- func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) GetResultLinkID() EntityPropertyID
- func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) InitAllCriteria()
- func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
- type LinkDifference
- type LoadingID
- type MIMEType
- type Message
- type Operand
- type OperationPluralResponse
- func GenericListHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
- func GenericSaveHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
- func GenericSearchHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
- func PluralResponse(wsContext WsContext, entitiesAsInterface interface{}, status int, ...) *OperationPluralResponse
- type OperationSingleResponse
- func GenericCreateHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
- func GenericDeleteHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
- func GenericReadHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
- func GenericUpdateHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
- func SingleResponse(wsContext WsContext, entity IEntity, status int, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
- type OrderType
- type PluralResponseFunction
- type PropertyType
- type QueryExecContext
- type QueryID
- type QueryIDSuffix
- type RandGenParams
- type Resource
- type RoutineBiContext
- type RoutineContextOrigin
- type SQLDynamicQuery
- func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) AsEntities() ([]IEntity, Error)
- func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) AsInt() (int, Error)
- func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) AsString() (string, Error)
- func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) NbRows() (int64, Error)
- func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) Where(criterion string, value interface{}) *SQLDynamicQuery
- func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) WhereAll(criterionValuePairs map[string]interface{}) *SQLDynamicQuery
- type SQLQuery
- type SimpleSearchCriterion
- func NewExistingFieldCriterion(searchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID, operand *Operand) *SimpleSearchCriterion
- func NewFieldCriterion(searchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID, operand *Operand, ...) *SimpleSearchCriterion
- func NewLinkCriterion(searchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID, operand *Operand, ...) *SimpleSearchCriterion
- type SimpleSearchEntity
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetDefaultMaxResults() int
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetDescription() string
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetMaxResults() int
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetMinStatus() EntityStatus
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetOrderBy() (EntityPropertyID, OrderType)
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetSignature() string
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetValuedCriteria() []*SimpleSearchCriterion
- func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
- type SingleResponseFunction
- type SwaggerDoc
- type WSFile
- type WSQueryParam
- type WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) CaptureHeaders(headers ...string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ForAction(actionType IActionType) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) GetOperationURL(context BiContext) core.URL
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InShort(label string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InputMany(entityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InputOne(entityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) IsAllowed(user IUser) bool
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) KeepTempLogIfCodeExceeds(status int) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) KeepTempLogIfTimeExceeds(maxDuration time.Duration) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) More(longDescription string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) On() *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) Open() *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) OutputExample(httpStatus int, outputExamples ...IEntity) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ProvideFileWith(handlerFunction FileResponseFunction, loadingID LoadingID, ...) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ProvideManyWith(handlerFunction PluralResponseFunction, loadingID LoadingID) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ProvideOneWith(handlerFunction SingleResponseFunction, loadingID LoadingID) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SearchWith(searchEntityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetAdminProtected(protected bool) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetNakedResponse() *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetNoIndent() *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetSuperUserProtected(protected bool) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithBoolQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithDoubleQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithFile(name string, mandatory bool, description string, maxSize int64, ...) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithForm() *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithIntQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithMaxUploadSize(maxSize int64) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithOptionalParam(firstParamLabel string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithParam(firstParamLabel string) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithResponse(code int, description string, emptyBody bool, exampleInputs ...IEntity) *WebOperation
- func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithStringQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
- type WebOperationResponse
- type WsContext
Constants ¶
const ( YES yesOrNo = "Y" NO yesOrNo = "N" )
for Y / N questions
const ( EntityFieldID = "ID" EntityFieldKIND = "Kind" EntityFieldENTITYSTATUS = "EntityStatus" EntityFieldCREATEDBYID = "CreatedByID" EntityFieldCREATEDBY = "CreatedBy" EntityFieldCREATION = "Creation" EntityFieldDELETEDBYID = "DeletedByID" EntityFieldDELETEDBY = "DeletedBy" EntityFieldDELETION = "Deletion" EntityFieldLABEL = "Label" EntityFieldMODIFIEDBYID = "ModifiedByID" EntityFieldMODIFIEDBY = "ModifiedBy" EntityFieldMODIFICATION = "Modification" EntityFieldLOADEDLINKS = "LoadedLinks" EntityFieldKEY = "Key" EntityFieldLOADINGID = "LoadingID" EntityFieldHASH = "Hash" )
Constants for the names of some generic entity fields
const ( FileExtensionAVIF = ".avif" FileExtensionCSS = ".css" FileExtensionGIF = ".gif" FileExtensionHTM = ".htm" FileExtensionHTML = ".html" FileExtensionJPEG = ".jpeg" FileExtensionJPG = ".jpg" FileExtensionJS = ".js" FileExtensionJSON = ".json" FileExtensionMJS = ".mjs" FileExtensionPDF = ".pdf" FileExtensionPNG = ".png" FileExtensionSVG = ".svg" FileExtensionWASM = ".wasm" FileExtensionWEBP = ".webp" FileExtensionXML = ".xml" )
const (
BatchFunctionGEENBULKINSERTS c.BatchFuncName = "bulkInsertEntities"
Variables ¶
var ( TypeAMOUNT = reflect.TypeOf((core.Amount)(0)) TypeDURATION = reflect.TypeOf((time.Duration)(0)) TypeEMAIL = reflect.TypeOf((core.Email)("")) TypeENTITY = reflect.TypeOf((*Entity)(nil)).Elem() TypeENTITYID = reflect.TypeOf((EntityID)(0)) TypeENTITYREFERENCE = reflect.TypeOf((EntityReference)("")) TypeIACTIONTYPE = reflect.TypeOf((*IActionType)(nil)).Elem() TypeIENTITY = reflect.TypeOf((*IEntity)(nil)).Elem() TypeIENUM = reflect.TypeOf((*IEnum)(nil)).Elem() TypeINT = reflect.TypeOf((int)(0)) TypeINT64 = reflect.TypeOf((int64)(0)) TypeIUSER = reflect.TypeOf((*IUser)(nil)).Elem() TypeRESOURCE = reflect.TypeOf((*Resource)(nil)).Elem() TypeTIME = reflect.TypeOf((*time.Time)(nil)) TypeURL = reflect.TypeOf((core.URL)("")) TypeWEBOPERATION = reflect.TypeOf((*WebOperation)(nil)).Elem() TypeJSONString = reflect.TypeOf((core.JSONString)("")) )
Some variables containing types to help us referring to them
var ( // OperandLESSTHAN : used to specify that a target entity property should be less than a given value OperandLESSTHAN = NewOperand("%s <= ?", "<=") // OperandMORETHAN : used to specify that a target entity property should be more than a given value OperandMORETHAN = NewOperand("%s >= ?", ">=") // OperandEQUAL : used to specify that a target entity property should be equal to a given value OperandEQUAL = NewOperand("%s = ?", "=") // OperandIN : used to specify that a target entity property should be in a list of values OperandIN = NewOperand("%s IN (%s)", "IN") // OperandISNULL : used to specify that a target entity property should be null OperandISNULL = NewOperand("%s IS NULL", "IS NULL") // OperandISNOTNULL : used to specify that a target entity property should not be null OperandISNOTNULL = NewOperand("%s IS NOT NULL", "IS NOT NULL") )
var KindAPPADMIN = RegisterKind(&AppAdmin{}, "")
KindAPPADMIN stores the entity kind associated with 'AppAdmin' entities
var KindENTITYDIFFERENCE = RegisterKind(&EntityDifference{}, "")
KindENTITYDIFFERENCE stores the entity kind associated with 'EntityDifference' entities
var KindENTITYLISTDIFFERENCE = RegisterKind(&EntityListDifference{}, "")
KindENTITYLISTDIFFERENCE stores the entity kind associated with 'EntityListDifference' entities
var KindENTITYSCHEMA = RegisterKind(&EntitySchema{}, "")
KindENTITYSCHEMA stores the entity kind associated with 'EntitySchema' entities
var KindFIELDDIFFERENCE = RegisterKind(&FieldDifference{}, "")
KindFIELDDIFFERENCE stores the entity kind associated with 'FieldDifference' entities
var KindJOB = RegisterKind(&Job{}, "")
KindJOB stores the entity kind associated with 'Job' entities
var KindJOBCONFIGURATION = RegisterKind(&JobConfiguration{}, "")
KindJOBCONFIGURATION stores the entity kind associated with 'JobConfiguration' entities
var KindJOBPARAM = RegisterKind(&JobParam{}, "")
KindJOBPARAM stores the entity kind associated with 'JobParam' entities
var KindJOBSEARCH = RegisterKind(&JobSearch{}, "")
KindJOBSEARCH stores the entity kind associated with 'JobSearch' entities
var KindLINKDIFFERENCE = RegisterKind(&LinkDifference{}, "")
KindLINKDIFFERENCE stores the entity kind associated with 'LinkDifference' entities
var KindRESOURCE = RegisterKind(&Resource{}, "")
KindRESOURCE stores the entity kind associated with 'Resource' entities
var KindSWAGGERDOC = RegisterKind(&SwaggerDoc{}, "")
KindSWAGGERDOC stores the entity kind associated with 'SwaggerDoc' entities
var KindWEBOPERATION = RegisterKind(&WebOperation{}, "")
KindWEBOPERATION stores the entity kind associated with 'WebOperation' entities
var KindWEBOPERATIONRESPONSE = RegisterKind(&WebOperationResponse{}, "")
KindWEBOPERATIONRESPONSE stores the entity kind associated with 'WebOperationResponse' entities
var KindWSFILE = RegisterKind(&WSFile{}, "")
KindWSFILE stores the entity kind associated with 'WSFile' entities
var KindWSQUERYPARAM = RegisterKind(&WSQueryParam{}, "")
KindWSQUERYPARAM stores the entity kind associated with 'WSQueryParam' entities
Functions ¶
func AutoMigrate ¶
AutoMigrate help us do less work in managing the DB migration scripts. It only performs HARMLESS operations, i.e. operations that cannot result in data loss. Amongst these operations: - creation of missing tables - creation of missing link tables - adding of missing columns
- checking that each property defines a column name (else panic)
- name consistency checking (this should prevent column renaming) -> the checking should be done by the schema testing
- creation of missing index - extension of column lengths
All the other needed DB operations must be handled by a migration script, that should be written so as to be able to play it anytime, for any version of the app, in order to be free of per-version migration scripts.
func BiContextFromAppServ ¶
BiContextFromAppServ initialises a new appservBiContext from a given Appserv instance
func BiContextFromAppServChild ¶ added in v6.4.0
func BiContextFromAppServChild(appservChild *core.AppservChild) *appservChildBiContext
BiContextFromAppServChild initialises a new appservBiContext from a given Appserv instance
func BuildUserCacheKey ¶
BuildUserCacheKey returns a cache key for a given user
func DeleteEntityWithNewTransaction ¶
func DeleteEntityWithNewTransaction(biContext BiContext, toDelete IEntity, checkReferences bool) (Error, IEntity)
DeleteEntityWithNewTransaction is used to delete a given entity in DB It uses a Business transaction to make sure everything goes fine, or fails altogether If checkReferences = true, then if the entity is linked to other entities, then we throw an error. May return an error, and a referencing entity, if there is one.
func DeleteInCache ¶
DeleteInCache puts the given entity into the local or global cache, depending on the cache policy set for the corresponding entity kind
func EntityFromCache ¶
EntityFromCache returns the entity found in cache, if any, based on an entity that should be another version of it, with less properties filled up
func FetchStringColumn ¶
func FetchStringColumn(dbContext DbContext, entityKind EntityKind, action QueryIDSuffix, query string, args ...interface{}) (results []string)
FetchStringColumn executes a query that should only return an array of string (1 column)
func FetchStringMap ¶
func FetchStringMap(dbContext DbContext, entityKind EntityKind, action QueryIDSuffix, query string, args ...interface{}) (results map[string]string)
FetchStringMap executes a query that should only return a map of string -> string
func FlushEntityCache ¶
func FlushEntityCache(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind)
FlushEntityCache deletes everything from an entity cache
func GeenBatchFuncSet ¶
func GeenBatchFuncSet(funcName v.BatchFuncName, function GeenBatchFunction, checkFn v.BatchCompartmentConfigCheckingFn)
GeenBatchFuncSet does the same as vostok.BatchFunctionSet, but with a GeenBatchFunction
func GenericTestAllSchemas ¶
GenericTestAllSchemas tests that all the entities registered through corresponding resources (cf. init function in WS files) have each a correct schema This allows to detect bad entity coding, i.e.: - using non-pointer references to other entities - using non-entity links - using fields of unknown kinds - unqualified entity links, i.e.
- with no link owner type,
- missing backref info (can be void, i.e. if no backref)
- bad backref (not pointing back to the right entity kind)
The returned object is made to be used with the light testing framework goblin:
g := goblin.Goblin(t) r := GenericTestAllSchemas() g.Describe(r.Item, func() { g.It(r.Required, func() { g.Assert(!r.Failed).IsTrue(r.Message) }) })
NB: in this function, we can observe the advantage of Go's capability to name returns, since it's way more compact this way
func GetAllOperations ¶
func GetAllOperations() map[string]*WebOperation
GetAllOperations returns the list of all the available operations
func GetEntityKinds ¶
func GetEntityKinds() map[EntityKind]IEntity
GetEntityKinds provides a map containing all the entity kinds involved in the app
func GetPrimaryReference ¶
GetPrimaryReference : returns the entity's primary (ie: functional) reference, which is it's technical ID by default Example: for a user, this can be her username; for a bank account, the banc account number...
func GetSchemaURL ¶
func GetSchemaURL(entityKind EntityKind) core.URL
GetSchemaURL returns the URL allowing to access the schema for the given entity kind
func GetSecondaryDB ¶
GetSecondaryDB : generic implementation
func GetSecondaryDBx ¶
GetSecondaryDBx : generic implementation
func HandlePanic ¶
HandlePanic : to handle the errors that should panic
func InsertInCache ¶
InsertInCache puts the given entity into the global cache, if this corresponds to the cache policy set for the corresponding entity kind
func IsEntityExists ¶
func IsEntityExists(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity, minStatus EntityStatus) (bool, EntityID, Error)
IsEntityExists tells us if a given entity already exists in the DB
func IsExists ¶
func IsExists(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, referenceOrID string, minStatus EntityStatus) (bool, EntityID, Error)
IsExists tells us if an entity with the given kind, and the given ID already exists in the DB
func IsGenericQueryIDSuffix ¶
func IsGenericQueryIDSuffix(queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix) bool
IsGenericQueryIDSuffix tells if we are dealing with a query ID suffix or not
func IsIdentical ¶
func IsIdentical(sourceEntity IEntity, targetEntity IEntity, options *ComparisonOptions) bool
IsIdentical tells us if two entities are identical
func IsIdenticalLists ¶
func IsIdenticalLists(sourceEntities []IEntity, targetEntities []IEntity, options *ComparisonOptions) bool
IsIdenticalLists tells us if two entity lists are identical
func IsNilEntity ¶
IsNilEntity return true if the given entity is nil
func IsReferenced ¶
IsReferenced tells if the provided entity is referenced by another May return a technical error Returns a bool to indicate if there's a referencing entity or not, and the referencing entity if it exists
func ListEntities ¶
func ListEntities(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, maxNbEntities int, minStatus EntityStatus, loadingID LoadingID) ([]IEntity, Error)
ListEntities retrieves a slice of entities from the DB minStatus defines the status below which the entities are discarded nbEntities defines the maximum number of entities that will be returned
func LogSubstep ¶
LogSubstep : used to log a sub-step, for example during data initialisation
func MakeINClause ¶
MakeINClause builds a "?,?,...?" string depending on a given number of elements
func Populate ¶
func Populate(biContext BiContext, kind EntityKind, nbEntities int, batchSize int, nbRoutines int, tickPct float64)
Populate randomly generates entities of the given kind, and batch-inserts them into the DB, through concurrent routines. tickPct indicates the interval in percentage between 2 logs of the progression (for instance: 0.1%, 1% or 10%).
func RawExec ¶
func RawExec(dbContext DbContext, dbOwner DbOwner, queryName string, queryString string, values ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
RawExec : generic implementation
func RawQuerySQL ¶
func RawQuerySQL(dbContext DbContext, dbOwner DbOwner, queryName string, queryString string, values ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
RawQuerySQL : generic implementation
func ReadEntity ¶
func ReadEntity(biContext BiContext, entity IEntity, minStatus EntityStatus, loadingID LoadingID) (IEntity, Error)
ReadEntity is a method to read an entity, when it's not loaded yet, having just its kind & ID If allowNil = true, then no error is raised if no entity was found
func ReadReference ¶
func ReadReference(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, referenceOrID string, forceUseID bool, minStatus EntityStatus, loadingID LoadingID) (IEntity, Error)
ReadReference retrieves an entity from the DB, given its ID or primary reference Through this, only a non-deleted entity can be retrieved If forceUseID = true, it means we want to retrieve an entity with its technical ID, even though it defines a primary reference
func RefFromCache ¶
func RefFromCache(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entityRefOrID string, loadingID LoadingID) (cachedEntity interface{}, found bool)
RefFromCache returns the entity found in cache, if any, based on an entity kind and an entity ref or ID
func RegisterWebOperations ¶
RegisterWebOperations allows to register all the web operations declared in init functions, so that they can be used to respond to requests received by a Vostok app
func RunJobOnDemand ¶
RunJobOnDemand is meant to be called when we want to run a job besides its scheduled periods, or if its scheduling has been inactivated. Here, the BI context is most probably associated with an app server child, i.e. originated from an HTTP request performed by an admin user. If dryrun = true, then the job may not update anything, depending on how it's implemented. If async = true, then the job is run asynchronously; else synchronously.
func SQLGetCurrencyCode ¶
func SQLGetCurrencyCode(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes) core.CurrencyCode
SQLGetCurrencyCode : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SQLGetEmail ¶
SQLGetEmail : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SQLGetIEntity ¶
func SQLGetIEntity(rawBytes *sql.RawBytes, entityKind EntityKind) (IEntity, Error)
SQLGetIEntity : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SQLGetString ¶
SQLGetString : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SetAllCriteria ¶
func SetAllCriteria(searchEntity ISimpleSearchEntity, criteria ...*SimpleSearchCriterion)
SetAllCriteria sets a list of all the possible criteria out of this entity's fields / links It also initialises the simple search signature. i.e. if only the 1st and 3rd criteria are valued amongst 5 criteria, the signature is "10100"
func SetImplemKind ¶ added in v6.4.0
func SetImplemKind(someInterface reflect.Type, kind EntityKind)
SetImplemKind can be used to force an entity kind as the implementation for the given type
func ToCamelName ¶
func ToCamelName(entityKind EntityKind) string
ToCamelName returns a given entity kind as a lower-camel-case name
func ToString ¶
ToString returns a string that is used to pretty print an entity, without the technical properties allowedLinkDepth: the depth of links to display compact; if true, then entities do not appear twice in the result string, but as short references
func ToStringFull ¶
ToStringFull returns a string that is used to pretty print an entity, with all the properties allowedLinkDepth: the depth of links to display compact; if true, then entities do not appear twice in the result string, but as short references
func TypeForEntity ¶
TypeForEntity returns an entity's type
func TypeForKind ¶
func TypeForKind(entityKind EntityKind) reflect.Type
TypeForKind returns the entity type for a given kind
Types ¶
type AppAdmin ¶
type AppAdmin struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity AppName string `db:"-" json:"appName" o*:"the app's name"` Version string `db:"-" json:"version" o*:"the app's version"` }
AppAdmin defines the structure of a App Infos object, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewAppAdmin ¶
func NewAppAdmin() *AppAdmin
NewAppAdmin is a shortcut to instantiate a new AppAdmin
func (*AppAdmin) InitSchema ¶
func (thisAppAdmin *AppAdmin) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type AppBiContext ¶
type AppBiContext interface { BiContext // starts a scheduled batch function, that will run as configured in the "Batcher" part of the config, with the given function name StartBatchJob(batchJobUID core.BatchJobID) // access to the main server Server() *core.Appserv // has the app been launched in dry run mode ? IsDryrun() bool // has the data migration been requested at the app start ? IsMigrate() bool }
AppBiContext defines a particular BI context, the one created for the app, that wraps the vostok.Appserv instance
func InitApp ¶
func InitApp(opt *AppOptions) AppBiContext
InitApp is the typical and recommended way of starting a geen-based app without forgetting anything
type AppContext ¶
type AppContext interface { ILogger // we should be allowed to log anywhere //core.IBatcherOwner // we allow to push stuff for batch treatment from here GetAppName() string // returns the current app name GetAppPath() string // returns the current app path GetDescription() string // returns the current app description GetVersion() string // returns the current app version GetGeenConfig() IGeenConfig // returns the current custom config, i.e. the config belonging to a specific app GetMode() core.AppMode // tells is the current mode is: live, prelive, dev, etc... IsTestMode() bool // tells if we're in test mode or not GetCurrentUser() IUser // the user for whom we're doing stuff right now SetCurrentUser(user IUser) // puts the current user into the context WarnUser(formatString string, formatParameters ...interface{}) // piles up a warning message that's eventually shown to the user // contains filtered or unexported methods }
AppContext contains the info that may be needed across all the layers
type AppOptions ¶
type AppOptions struct { // an app's name for the first logs AppName string // your config file ConfigFile c.IConfigFile // should we automatically insert users ? AutoInsertUsers yesOrNo // should we schedule the generic jobs ? EnableGenericJobs yesOrNo // are we going to perform asynchronous batch treatments ? EnableBatcher yesOrNo // a hash function for the confidential data such as passwords HashingFunc func(pwd []byte, salt []byte) ([]byte, error) // a compare function for hashed data such as passwords CompareFunc func(hashedWord []byte, word []byte, salt []byte) error // a function that can expand the testing of the entity schemas CustomSchemaTestFunc func() (item string, required string, message string, ok bool) // if yes, then some errors about seemingly unuseful tables or columns are not logged anymore IgnoreMigrationWarnings yesOrNo // when not using Geen-managed users with at least 1 admin user, this can serve as the user for the processes handled by the server ServerUser IUser // options coming from args passed to the main function Ext *extAppOptions // options for custom authentication // TODO AM - what about people who use Vostok without geen ? (cf. Oscar) AuthCustomService c.IAuthCustomService }
AppOptions is used to specify an app's options
func (*AppOptions) IsValid ¶
func (thisOpt *AppOptions) IsValid() Error
IsValid allows to check for the validity of options passed to an app
type AuthorizationBearer ¶
type AuthorizationBearer struct {
AllowedOperations []*WebOperation `db:"allowedOperations" json:"allowedOperations,omitempty" in:"the operations that this entity has access to"`
AuthorizationBearer defines a common structure for all the entity types that are used to implement a complete authorization system
func (*AuthorizationBearer) AddToAllowedOperations ¶
func (thisBearer *AuthorizationBearer) AddToAllowedOperations(ws *WebOperation)
AddToAllowedOperations allows to add a WebOperation instance to those already here; it must check that we're not adding the same WebOperation twice
func (*AuthorizationBearer) GetAllowedOperations ¶
func (thisBearer *AuthorizationBearer) GetAllowedOperations() []*WebOperation
GetAllowedOperations returns the slice of the operations this bearer has access to
func (*AuthorizationBearer) IsOperationAllowed ¶
func (thisBearer *AuthorizationBearer) IsOperationAllowed(ws *WebOperation) bool
IsOperationAllowed tells if a given web operation is allowed for this bearer
type BaseGeenConfig ¶
type BaseGeenConfig struct { // the max size of a list of entities that are fetched from the DB with no particular criterion MaxListSize int `json:"MaxListSize"` // if true, then the schemas are verified at the starting of the app TestSchemasAtLaunch bool `json:"TestSchemasAtLaunch"` // the path to the file containing I/O examples to feed the swagger doc ExampleFilePath string `json:"ExampleFilePath"` // must be "YES"" if the main DB of the app did not exist before this app, and so is fully managed by Geen MainDBFullGeen yesOrNo `json:"MainDBFullGeen"` // the casing to apply to DB names, which are in camelCase by default; // if empty, then no transformation of the default camelCase names is done MainDBNamesCasing v.Casing `json:"MainDBNamesCasing"` // if true, each Geen user can have a username that is not an email address AllowNonMailUsernames bool `json:"AllowNonMailUsernames"` }
BaseGeenConfig is a struct that helps implement a part of what a custom config could be
func (*BaseGeenConfig) GetExampleFilePath ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) GetExampleFilePath() string
GetExampleFilePath return the path to the file containing I/O examples to feed the swagger doc
func (*BaseGeenConfig) GetMainDBNamesCasing ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) GetMainDBNamesCasing() v.Casing
CasingForDBNames returns the casing to apply to DB names, which are in camelCase by default; if empty, then no transformation of the default camelCase names is done
func (*BaseGeenConfig) GetMaxListSize ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) GetMaxListSize() int
GetMaxListSize returns the max size of a list of entities that are fetched from the DB with no particular criterion
func (*BaseGeenConfig) IsMainDBFullGeen ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsMainDBFullGeen() bool
IsMainDBFullGeen must return true if the main DB of the app did not exist before this app, and so is fully managed by Geen
func (*BaseGeenConfig) IsNonMailUsernamesAllowed ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsNonMailUsernamesAllowed() bool
IsNonMailUsernamesAllowed returns true if the usernames don't have to be emails
func (*BaseGeenConfig) IsTestSchemasAtLaunch ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsTestSchemasAtLaunch() bool
IsTestSchemasAtLaunch returns true when we want the schemas to be verified at the starting of the app
func (*BaseGeenConfig) IsValid ¶
func (thisBaseGeenConfig *BaseGeenConfig) IsValid() error
IsValid return nil if it's valid, or an error to indicate something's wrong or missing
type BaseResponse ¶
type BaseResponse struct { Version string `json:"version"` HTTPStatus int `json:"status"` Messages []Message `json:"messages"` }
BaseResponse is the common base for all the responses
func (*BaseResponse) ConcatErrors ¶
func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) ConcatErrors(title string, errors ...Error) IOperationResponse
ConcatErrors allows to pass several errors to be concatenated in a single message
func (*BaseResponse) GetMessages ¶
func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) GetMessages() []Message
GetMessages returns the messages of a operation plural response
func (*BaseResponse) GetStatus ¶
func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) GetStatus() int
GetStatus returns the HTTP status of the response
func (*BaseResponse) Message ¶
func (thisResponse *BaseResponse) Message(gravity Gravity, title string, contentFmt string, contentParams ...interface{}) IOperationResponse
Message allows to add a message to a operation response
type BiContext ¶
type BiContext interface { // a BI context, is a type of context AppContext // we allow to push stuff for batch treatment from here core.IBatcherOwner // returns a DB context with some info coming from this BI context GetDbContext() DbContext // allows to start a business transaction to handle several business operations that must remain consistent with each other BeginBiTransaction() Error // tells if a BI transaction is started IsBiTransactionStarted() bool // allows to end the current business transaction; uses the error that the operations performed during the transaction may have produced EndBiTransaction(opErr error) Error // GetVostokAppToken retrieves a token to access another Vostok-based app GetVostokAppToken(appName string, appURL string, user string, password string, timeout time.Duration) (string, bool, error) // NewRoutineBiContext build a new special BiContext around a new routine, for "go routine" calls NewRoutineBiContext(scopeID string) RoutineBiContext // GetRoutineStats provides a thread-safe access to the routine stats GetRoutineStats() (currentUse, maxParaUse, totalUse int) // starts a scheduled job function, that will run as configured in the "Scheduler" part of the config, // with the given job ID; each execution is tracked with a Job instance in DB StartTrackedJob(jobID string, jfunc scheduledAndTrackedJobFunc) Error // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BiContext is a context bearing the info required when we're in the WS layer It can allow to persist some stuff, like a current BI transaction
func TestBiContextWithConfig ¶
func TestBiContextWithConfig(configFilePath string, configFileObject core.IConfigFile, initDB bool, verbose bool) BiContext
TestBiContextWithConfig returns an initialised testserv instance Which helps testing the BI / DB code without having to start an HTTP server
type ComparisonOptions ¶
type ComparisonOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ComparisonOptions is a set of options for comparing two entities or lists of entities
func CompareDepth ¶
func CompareDepth(depth int) *ComparisonOptions
CompareDepth instantiates new comparison options, to compare on a certain depth of entity links
func CompareOnly ¶
func CompareOnly(linkIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *ComparisonOptions
CompareOnly instantiates new comparison options, to compare only the given links, identified by their property ID
func (*ComparisonOptions) HideNil ¶
func (opt *ComparisonOptions) HideNil() *ComparisonOptions
HideNil forces a nil entity to be displayed with an empty string ""
func (*ComparisonOptions) IgnoreLoadedLinks ¶
func (opt *ComparisonOptions) IgnoreLoadedLinks() *ComparisonOptions
IgnoreLoadedLinks allows to ignore the "Loaded Links" property
func (*ComparisonOptions) NoLabels ¶
func (opt *ComparisonOptions) NoLabels() *ComparisonOptions
NoLabels prevents the entity strings from being resumed with their label
func (*ComparisonOptions) NoTech ¶
func (opt *ComparisonOptions) NoTech() *ComparisonOptions
NoTech allows to exclude technical properties from the comparison
func (*ComparisonOptions) RefreshLabels ¶
func (opt *ComparisonOptions) RefreshLabels() *ComparisonOptions
RefreshLabels allows to refresh labels before a comparison
func (*ComparisonOptions) StopAtFirst ¶
func (opt *ComparisonOptions) StopAtFirst() *ComparisonOptions
StopAtFirst allows to stop at the first difference found
type DbContext ¶
type DbContext interface { AppContext // starts a new transaction, and return it BeginDbTransaction() (*sql.Tx, error) // the name of the current DB we're connected to GetDbName() string // IsDBOpen tells if the DB has been initialized, or not IsDBOpen() bool // GetUniqueID allows to get a unique value associated to the given counter name GetUniqueID(counterName string) (int, error) // GetSqlLogThreshold returns the duration above which SQL executions are logged GetSqlLogThreshold() time.Duration // QuerySQL should execute a query bringing back rows from the DB QuerySQL(execContext *QueryExecContext) (*sql.Rows, error) // Exec should allow to perform a query to update the DB Exec(execContext *QueryExecContext) (sql.Result, error) // RawQuerySQL should execute a query bringing back rows from the DB; // uses a SQL query given as a string, which should be avoided as much as possible RawQuerySQL(queryName string, queryString string, values ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) // RawExec should allow to perform a query to update the DB - uses a SQL query given as a string, which should be avoided as much as possible RawExec(queryName string, queryString string, values ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) // GetSecondaryDB returns a secondary DB, as a *sql.DB instance, if it exists, and has been initialised GetSecondaryDB(dbID string, check bool) (*sql.DB, error) // GetSecondaryDBx returns a secondary DB, as a *sqlx.DB instance, if it exists, and has been initialised GetSecondaryDBx(dbID string, check bool) (*sqlx.DB, error) // the name of the given secondary DB we're connected to GetSecondaryDbName(id string) string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DbContext defines the main high-level operations besides those of a low-level context This kind of context can be considered "statefull" applicatively speaking, managing transactions for example
type DbOwner ¶
type DbOwner interface { // QuerySQL should execute a query bringing back rows from the DB QuerySQL(queryAsString string, values ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) // Exec should allow to perform a query to update the DB Exec(queryAsString string, values ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) // GetSecondaryDB returns a secondary DB, as a *sql.DB instance, if it exists, and has been initialised GetSecondaryDB(dbID string, check bool) (*sql.DB, error) // GetSecondaryDBx returns a secondary DB, as a *sqlx.DB instance, if it exists, and has been initialised GetSecondaryDBx(dbID string, check bool) (*sqlx.DB, error) }
DbOwner defines an interface for objects that possess a handle to a main DB object, and possibly to secondary DBs
type Entity ¶
type Entity struct { Kind EntityKind `db:"-" json:"kind" io:"the entity's kind"` ID EntityID `db:"id" json:"id,omitempty" o*:"the entity's technical unique identifier"` Label string `db:"label,128" json:"label,omitempty" io:"a label for this entity, to quickly, functionally, identify it"` EntityStatus EntityStatus `db:"entityStatus,2" json:"_entityStatus,omitempty" o*:"the entity status"` CreatedByID EntityID `db:"createdByID" json:"_createdByID,omitempty" o*:"the ID of the user that created this entity"` CreatedBy string `db:"createdBy,128" json:"_createdBy,omitempty" o*:"the name of the user that created this entity"` Creation *time.Time `db:"creation,6" json:"_creation,omitempty" o*:"the creation date (Unix time)"` DeletedByID EntityID `db:"deletedByID" json:"_deletedByID,omitempty" o*:"the ID of the user that deleted this entity"` DeletedBy string `db:"deletedBy,128" json:"_deletedBy,omitempty" o*:"the name of the user that deleted this entity"` Deletion *time.Time `db:"deletion,6" json:"_deletion,omitempty" o*:"the deletion date (Unix time)"` ModifiedByID EntityID `db:"modifiedByID" json:"_modifiedByID,omitempty" o*:"the ID of the latest user that modified this entity"` ModifiedBy string `db:"modifiedBy,128" json:"_modifiedBy,omitempty" o*:"the name of the latest user that modified this entity"` Modification *time.Time `db:"modification,6" json:"_modification,omitempty" o*:"the latest modification date (Unix time)"` LoadedLinks []string `db:"-" json:"_loadedLinks,omitempty" o*:"if a link is tagged as 'loaded' then it can be updated"` Key technicalKey `db:"-" json:"-" o*:"a key that uniquely identifies an entity that exists in DB"` Hash string `db:"hash,40" json:"_hash,omitempty" o*:"the entity's hash"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Entity defines a generic implementation of the IEntity interface
func (*Entity) AllLinksOnDepth ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) AllLinksOnDepth(loadingID LoadingID, depth int) ILoadingPlan
AllLinksOnDepth is used to specify the number of layers in a data tree to load completely. Example: - AllLinksOnDepth(1) allows to load all the links of given entities. - AllLinksOnDepth(1) allows to load all the links of given entities, and their links etc.
func (*Entity) BeforeJSON ¶
BeforeJSON can arrange an entity that is going to be marshalled in JSON
func (*Entity) BuildLabel ¶
BuildLabel : has to be be used to refresh the entity's label if it depends on other properties
func (*Entity) CanBeDeleted ¶
CanBeDeleted tells us if the given entity can be updated, and if the changes are acceptable or not
func (*Entity) CanBeRead ¶
CanBeRead tells us if the given entity can be read (return is nil) or not (return is an error) Wether the entity can be read or not may depend on how it's loaded
func (*Entity) CanBeUpdated ¶
CanBeUpdated tells us if the given entity can be updated, and if the changes are acceptable or not
func (*Entity) ChangeAfterInsert ¶
ChangeAfterInsert allows to perform specific treatments on the entity after inserting it
func (*Entity) ChangeAfterUpdate ¶
ChangeAfterUpdate allows to perform specific treatments on the entity after updating it
func (*Entity) ChangeBeforeCaching ¶
ChangeBeforeCaching allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before caching it
func (*Entity) ChangeBeforeInsert ¶
ChangeBeforeInsert allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before inserting it
func (*Entity) ChangeBeforeIsExists ¶
ChangeBeforeIsExists allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before checking for its existence
func (*Entity) ChangeBeforeUpdate ¶
ChangeBeforeUpdate allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before updating it; The instore entity can help report information on the entity to be updated
func (*Entity) DefineLoadingPlan ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) DefineLoadingPlan(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
DefineLoadingPlan : build and returns a loading plan for this entity kind and a loading ID
func (*Entity) DoAfterRead ¶
DoAfterRead allows to perform some checks or changes right after reading an entity What is done to the entity after reading it may depend on how it's loaded
func (*Entity) DoAfterReadLinks ¶
DoAfterReadLinks allows to perform some checks or changes right after reading an entity's links What happens after reading the entity's links may depend on how it's loaded
func (*Entity) FromJSON ¶
FromJSON can transform a entity that has just been unmarshalled from JSONs and perform some controls
func (*Entity) GetCreatedBy ¶
GetCreatedBy : returns the name of the user that created this entity
func (*Entity) GetCreatedByID ¶
GetCreatedByID : returns the ID of the user that created this entity
func (*Entity) GetCreation ¶
GetCreation : returns the creation date (Unix time)
func (*Entity) GetDeletedBy ¶
GetDeletedBy : returns the name of the user that deleted this entity
func (*Entity) GetDeletedByID ¶
GetDeletedByID : returns the ID of the user that deleted this entity
func (*Entity) GetDeletion ¶
GetDeletion : returns the deletion date (Unix time)
func (*Entity) GetEntityStatus ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) GetEntityStatus() EntityStatus
GetEntityStatus returns returns this entity's status
func (*Entity) GetHashSource ¶
GetHashSource : provides the string made from some of the entities properties, that is then hashed by the framework
func (*Entity) GetKind ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) GetKind() EntityKind
GetKind returns returns the entity's kind
func (*Entity) GetLoadingID ¶
GetLoadingID : tells us if the entity has been loaded with a particular loading plan, if not empty
func (*Entity) GetLoadingIDForGenericAction ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) GetLoadingIDForGenericAction(action GenericActionType)
GetLoadingIDForGenericAction allows to specify how to load the data, when using a generic action handler, corresponding to the given action type
func (*Entity) GetModification ¶
GetModification : returns the latest modification date (Unix time)
func (*Entity) GetModifiedBy ¶
GetModifiedBy : returns the name of the latest user that modified this entity
func (*Entity) GetModifiedByID ¶
GetModifiedByID : returns the ID of the latest user that modified this entity
func (*Entity) GetSharedCachePolicy ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) GetSharedCachePolicy(loadingID LoadingID) (duration time.Duration, flushBeforeUpdate bool)
GetSharedCachePolicy allows to indicate, for all the entities of the same kind how to cache them, i.e. - for how long ? A given duration, or one of these values: SharedCacheDurationNEVER, SharedCacheDurationFOREVER, SharedCacheDurationDEFAULT - should a flush be performed before updating the partitioned cache ?
func (*Entity) GetSpecificSQLQuery ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) GetSpecificSQLQuery(queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix) *SQLQuery
GetSpecificSQLQuery : generic implementation which panics since it has to be implemented in each specific entity type
func (*Entity) InitSchema ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to initialize this Entity's schema
func (*Entity) IsDiffed ¶
IsDiffed indicates if the changes brought through updating the entity should be tracked
func (*Entity) Load ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) Load(loadingID LoadingID, with ...ILoadingPlan) ILoadingPlan
Load : allows to build a loading plan for this entity
func (*Entity) SetCreatedBy ¶
SetCreatedBy : sets the name of the user that created this entity
func (*Entity) SetCreatedByID ¶
SetCreatedByID : sets the ID of the user that created this entity
func (*Entity) SetCreation ¶
SetCreation : sets the creation date (Unix time)
func (*Entity) SetDeletedBy ¶
SetDeletedBy : sets the name of the user that deleted this entity
func (*Entity) SetDeletedByID ¶
SetDeletedByID : sets the ID of the user that deleted this entity
func (*Entity) SetDeletion ¶
SetDeletion : sets the deletion date (Unix time)
func (*Entity) SetEntityStatus ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) SetEntityStatus(status EntityStatus)
SetEntityStatus sets this entity's status
func (*Entity) SetKind ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) SetKind(kind EntityKind)
SetKind is implemented here once and for all
func (*Entity) SetModification ¶
SetModification : sets the latest modification date (Unix time)
func (*Entity) SetModifiedBy ¶
SetModifiedBy : sets the name of the latest user that modified this entity
func (*Entity) SetModifiedByID ¶
SetModifiedByID : sets the ID of the latest user that modified this entity
func (*Entity) WithNoLink ¶
func (thisEntity *Entity) WithNoLink(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
WithNoLink creates an empty loading plan, i.e. with no plan of loading links, but that can allow to specify how to select entities, e.g.: only fields and / or no technical properties etc. WARNING / NB: A loading plan should always be associated with a loading ID. If you do not intend to tweak the plan, with the modifier methods like FieldsOnly, NoTech, etc., then, instead of defining a new plan with this method, you should directly use the loading ID 'LoadingNOLINK'.
type EntityDifference ¶
type EntityDifference struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity SourceEntity EntityFullReference `db:"sourceEntity,224" json:"sourceEntity" o*:"the source entity for the comparison"` TargetEntity EntityFullReference `db:"targetEntity,224" json:"targetEntity" o*:"the target entity for the comparison"` BasicDifference string `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ FieldDifferences []*FieldDifference `db:"-" json:"fieldDifferences,omitEmpty" o*:"the field differences found between 2 compared entities"` LinkDifferences []*LinkDifference `db:"-" json:"linkDifferences,omitEmpty" o*:"the link differences found between 2 compared entities"` }
EntityDifference defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods NB: an entity reference - which has the form 'kind#primaryRefOrID (label)' should be no more than 224 length: (<= 60) + 1 + (<= 32) + 1 + 1 + (<= 128) + 1
func GetEntityDifference ¶
func GetEntityDifference(sourceEntity IEntity, targetEntity IEntity, options *ComparisonOptions) *EntityDifference
buildEntityDifference returns all the differences found between 2 entities
func (*EntityDifference) DefineLoadingPlan ¶
func (thisDiff *EntityDifference) DefineLoadingPlan(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
DefineLoadingPlan : build and returns a loading plan for this entity kind and a loading ID
func (*EntityDifference) HasDifference ¶
func (thisDiff *EntityDifference) HasDifference() bool
HasDifference tells if the given entity diff bears differences
func (*EntityDifference) InitSchema ¶
func (thisDiff *EntityDifference) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type EntityField ¶
type EntityField struct { EntityProperty // an EntityField is a particular kind of EntityProperty MaxLength int `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */ Precision int `json:"precision,omitempty" o*:"for real numbers, the number of decimals"` MinValue float64 `json:"minValue,omitempty" o*:"the minimal numeric value"` MaxValue float64 `json:"maxValue,omitempty" o*:"the maximal numeric value"` PossibleValues map[int]string `json:"possibleValues,omitempty" o*:"the values this field can have"` Unique bool `json:"unique,omitempty" o*:"if true, then it means this field's values in the DB must be unique"` PrimaryReference bool `` /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */ RawType reflect.Type `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ EnumValues []int `json:"-" o*:"the list of all the enum values, as integers"` Transformed bool `` /* 132-byte string literal not displayed */ }
EntityField is used to capture all the relevant info about an entity field: name, type, max value, required, etc.
func (*EntityField) GetMaskedSQLValue ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) GetMaskedSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
GetMaskedSQLValue returns, for a given entity, the property's value as suitable for a SQL column, if is not confidential; if it is, then the value is obfuscated; this serves for debbugging, logging purposes
func (*EntityField) GetSQLValue ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) GetSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
GetSQLValue retrieves the value associated with a given entity field, from a source entity, given as a Value (through reflect.ValueOf().Elem()) and returns a value that can fit in a SQL column
func (*EntityField) GetStringValue ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) GetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) string
GetStringValue retrieves the value associated with a given entity field, from a source entity, given as a string
func (*EntityField) IsAmount ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsAmount() bool
IsAmount tells if this field corresponds to an amount of money
func (*EntityField) IsBoolean ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsBoolean() bool
IsBoolean tells if this field is a boolean
func (*EntityField) IsDate ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsDate() bool
IsDate tells if this field corresponds to a date
func (*EntityField) IsEnum ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsEnum() bool
IsEnum tells if this field contains an enum or a list of enums
func (*EntityField) IsEnumList ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsEnumList() bool
IsEnumList tells if this field contains a list of enums
func (*EntityField) IsInt ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsInt() bool
IsInt tells if this field corresponds to a 32-bits int
func (*EntityField) IsKind ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsKind() bool
IsKind tells if this field corresponds to the "Kind" field
func (*EntityField) IsPersisted ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsPersisted() bool
IsPersisted returns true if the field is persisted, i.e. exists as a colum in the DB; else, it means the property is probably a technical one
func (*EntityField) IsReal ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsReal() bool
IsReal tells if this field corresponds to a real number
func (*EntityField) IsString ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsString() bool
IsString tells if the field correspond to a string kind
func (*EntityField) IsTransformed ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsTransformed() bool
IsTransformed tells if this field's value is transformed before being persisted
func (*EntityField) IsZeroValue ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) IsZeroValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) bool
IsZeroValue tells if the value associated with the given field is the zero value
func (*EntityField) NoEdit ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) NoEdit() *EntityField
NoEdit sets an entity field to being not editable
func (*EntityField) SetConfidential ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetConfidential() IEntityProperty
SetConfidential : sets the confidential mode
func (*EntityField) SetPrimaryReference ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetPrimaryReference() *EntityField
SetPrimaryReference makes this field's values unique, DB-wise
func (*EntityField) SetRandomValue ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetRandomValue(source rand.Source, sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value)
SetRandomValue sets a (pseudo-)randomly generated value into the receiver entity field This function should always use SetStringValue, as a way to test this latter function.
func (*EntityField) SetRequired ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetRequired() *EntityField
SetRequired makes this field unable to be empty, DB-wise
func (*EntityField) SetStringValue ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueAsString string) Error
SetStringValue allows to change a property's value, thanks to a value given as a string
func (*EntityField) SetTransformed ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetTransformed() *EntityField
SetTransformed tells if this field's value is transformed before being persisted
func (*EntityField) SetUnique ¶
func (thisField *EntityField) SetUnique() *EntityField
SetUnique makes this field's values unique, DB-wise
type EntityFullReference ¶
type EntityFullReference EntityReference
EntityFullReference is a special string that is an entity reference + an entity label Ex: user::admin (the admin user), usergroup::DEV (the developers), project::127 (project HAND)
func RandomEntityFullReference ¶
func RandomEntityFullReference(source rand.Source) EntityFullReference
RandomEntityFullReference returns a randomly built EntityFullReference as a string
func ToEntityFullReference ¶
func ToEntityFullReference(entity IEntity) EntityFullReference
ToEntityFullReference returns a string that is used to quickly print an entity
type EntityKind ¶
type EntityKind string
EntityKind : this is a string representation of an entity kind, that can be used in URLs for example
func GetImplemKind ¶
func GetImplemKind(someInterface reflect.Type) EntityKind
GetImplemKind returns the first entity kind that implements the given interface
func GetResultKind ¶
func GetResultKind(searchEntity ISimpleSearchEntity) EntityKind
GetResultKind returns the kind of the entities found with the given search
func RandomKind ¶
func RandomKind(source rand.Source) EntityKind
RandomKind randomly returns an entity kind, amongst those that are registred
func RegisterKind ¶
func RegisterKind(entity IEntity, customKindName string) EntityKind
RegisterKind initialises a Kind from a given entity instance, which we call "base entity". If customKindName != "", then this given custom kind name is used in place of a name automatically built from the entity's struct name
func (EntityKind) PartitionName ¶
func (thisKind EntityKind) PartitionName() string
PartitionName : Implementing ICachePartition
type EntityLink ¶
type EntityLink struct { EntityProperty // an EntityLink is a particular kind of EntityProperty TargetKind EntityKind `json:"targetKind" o*:"the entity kind (as a string) pointed by this link"` BackRef EntityPropertyID `json:"backref" o*:"the name of the link on the target entity that points back to this entity"` BackRefLink *EntityLink `json:"-" o*:"the entity link corresponding to backref given by its ID"` LinkDirection linkDirection `json:"-" o*:"the direction of the link"` LinkDirectionString string `json:"linkDirection" o*:"the direction of the link"` TargetKindSchemaURL core.URL `json:"schemaURL" o*:"the URL to the schema for the entity kind pointed by this link"` LinkTableName string `json:"-" o*:"the name of the table that persist this link if it is multiple"` SourceColumnName string `json:"-" o*:"the name of the column in the link table that holds the ID of the source entity"` TargetColumnName string `json:"-" o*:"the name of the column in the link table that holds the ID of the target entity"` PersistencyMode persistencyMode `json:"-" o*:"0 = undefined, 1 = not persisted, 2 = directly, 3 = indirectly (i.e. the backref IS persisted)"` }
EntityLink is used to capture all the relevant info about an entity link: the associated entity kind, the cardinality, the path to the corresponding schema, etc.
func GetResultLink ¶
func GetResultLink(searchEntity ISimpleSearchEntity) *EntityLink
GetResultLink returns the link corresponding to the result link ID
func (*EntityLink) AttachEntity ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) AttachEntity(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, targetEntityAsValue reflect.Value)
AttachEntity adds the given target entity to the given source entity through this link
func (*EntityLink) GetBackrefLink ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetBackrefLink() *EntityLink
GetBackrefLink returns the entity link corresponding to the given
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkTableName ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkTableName(dbContext DbContext) string
GetLinkTableName returns the name of the table that persist this link, if it is multiple and if it is DIRECTLY persisted, i.e. if the entity associated with the current schema is at the SOURCE END of the link, not the TARGET one.
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkTableSourceColumn ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkTableSourceColumn(dbContext DbContext) string
GetLinkTableSourceColumn returns the name of the column in the link table that holds the ID of the source entity
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkTableTargetColumn ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkTableTargetColumn(dbContext DbContext) string
GetLinkTableTargetColumn returns the name of the column in the link table that holds the ID of the target entity
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkedEntities ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntities(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
GetLinkedEntities retrieves the entities pointed by a given entity link, from a source entity, given as a Value (through reflect.ValueOf().Elem()) NB: the result is an interface{}
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkedEntitiesAsValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntitiesAsValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value
GetLinkedEntitiesAsValue retrieves the entities pointed by a given entity link, from a source entity, given as a Value (through reflect.ValueOf().Elem()) NB: the result is a reflect.Value, ready to be manipulated with reflection
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkedEntity ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntity(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) IEntity
GetLinkedEntity retrieves the entity pointed by a given entity link
func (*EntityLink) GetLinkedEntityAsValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetLinkedEntityAsValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value
GetLinkedEntityAsValue retrieves the entity pointed by a given entity link, from a source entity, given as a Value (through reflect.ValueOf().Elem())
func (*EntityLink) GetMaskedSQLValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetMaskedSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
GetMaskedSQLValue returns, for a given entity, the property's value as suitable for a SQL column, if is not confidential; if it is, then the value is obfuscated; this serves for debbugging, logging purposes
func (*EntityLink) GetSQLValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{}
GetSQLValue retrieves the ID of the entity
func (*EntityLink) GetSortedLinkedEntities ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetSortedLinkedEntities(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) []IEntity
GetSortedLinkedEntities retrieves the entities pointed by a given entity link, from a source entity, and returns them as a slice, with the entities sorted by their entity reference
func (*EntityLink) GetStringValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) string
GetStringValue retrieves the value associated with a given entity link, from a source entity, given as a string
func (*EntityLink) GetUnsortedLinkedEntities ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) GetUnsortedLinkedEntities(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) []IEntity
GetUnsortedLinkedEntities retrieves the entities pointed by a given entity link, from a source entity, and returns them as a slice NB: it's only useful when we cannot use reflection. For performance, it's better not to use this function.
func (*EntityLink) IsChildToParent ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsChildToParent() bool
IsChildToParent tells if that this link goes from a child entity to its parent
func (*EntityLink) IsDirectlyPersisted ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsDirectlyPersisted() bool
IsDirectlyPersisted : when the link is directly persisted, single or multiple
func (*EntityLink) IsMultipleDirectlyPersisted ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsMultipleDirectlyPersisted() bool
IsMultipleDirectlyPersisted : when there's a link table, and the entity persisting this link has its ID in the first (source) column Example: a user group's members (user) => column userGroup_id in table "link_userGroup_members"
func (*EntityLink) IsMultipleIndirectlyPersisted ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsMultipleIndirectlyPersisted() bool
IsMultipleIndirectlyPersisted : when there's a link table, and the entity persisting this link has its ID in the second (target) column Example: a user's groups () => column user_id in table "link_userGroup_members"
func (*EntityLink) IsOneWay ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsOneWay() bool
IsOneWay tells if that this link is a one directional one
func (*EntityLink) IsParentFromChildren ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsParentFromChildren() bool
IsParentFromChildren tells if that this link goes from a parent entity back to its children
func (*EntityLink) IsSingleDirectlyPersisted ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSingleDirectlyPersisted() bool
IsSingleDirectlyPersisted : when an entity holds a column for ths link Example: a user group's main contact (user) => column mainContact_id in table "userGroup"
func (*EntityLink) IsSingleIndirectlyPersisted ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSingleIndirectlyPersisted() bool
IsSingleIndirectlyPersisted : when the entity's ID is held by another entity in one of its column. Example: a user's responsible-for-groups => column mainContact_id in table "userGroup"
func (*EntityLink) IsSomehowPersisted ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSomehowPersisted() bool
IsSomehowPersisted : this link is somehow persisted in the DB
func (*EntityLink) IsSourceToTarget ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsSourceToTarget() bool
IsSourceToTarget tells if that this link goes from a source entity to its target
func (*EntityLink) IsTargetFromSource ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsTargetFromSource() bool
IsTargetFromSource tells if that this link goes from a target back to its source
func (*EntityLink) IsZeroValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) IsZeroValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) bool
IsZeroValue tells if the value associated with the given link is the zero value
func (*EntityLink) SetChildToParent ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetChildToParent() *EntityLink
SetChildToParent is used to tell that this link goes from a child entity to its parent
func (*EntityLink) SetConfidential ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetConfidential() IEntityProperty
SetConfidential : sets the confidential mode
func (*EntityLink) SetOneWay ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetOneWay() *EntityLink
SetOneWay is used to tell that this link is a one directional one
func (*EntityLink) SetParentFromChildren ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetParentFromChildren() *EntityLink
SetParentFromChildren is used to tell that this link goes from a parent entity back to its children
func (*EntityLink) SetRequired ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetRequired() *EntityLink
SetRequired makes this link unable to be empty, DB-wise
func (*EntityLink) SetSourceToTarget ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetSourceToTarget() *EntityLink
SetSourceToTarget is used to tell that this link goes from a source entity to its target
func (*EntityLink) SetStringValue ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueAsString string) Error
SetStringValue allows to change a property's value, thanks to a value given as a string
func (*EntityLink) SetTargetFromSource ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) SetTargetFromSource() *EntityLink
SetTargetFromSource is used to tell that this link goes from a target back to its source
func (*EntityLink) WithBackRef ¶
func (thisLink *EntityLink) WithBackRef(propertyID EntityPropertyID) *EntityLink
WithBackRef allows to set the backref for this link
type EntityListDifference ¶
type EntityListDifference struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Added []*EntityDifference `json:"added" o*:"the references of the entities added into the examined entity list"` Removed []*EntityDifference `json:"removed" o*:"the references of the entities removed from the examined entity list"` EntityChanges []*EntityDifference `json:"-" o*:"the differences for the entities before / after the changes performed on the examined entity list"` }
EntityListDifference defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func GetListDifference ¶
func GetListDifference(sourceEntities []IEntity, targetEntities []IEntity, options *ComparisonOptions) *EntityListDifference
GetListDifference builds an entity list difference by comparing 2 lists of entities
func NewEntityListDifference ¶
func NewEntityListDifference() *EntityListDifference
NewEntityListDifference is a shortcut to instantiate a new EntityListDifference
func (*EntityListDifference) HasDifference ¶
func (thisDiff *EntityListDifference) HasDifference() bool
HasDifference tells if an entity list difference show some difference
func (*EntityListDifference) InitSchema ¶
func (thisEntityListDifference *EntityListDifference) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type EntityProperty ¶
type EntityProperty struct { OwnerSchema *EntitySchema `json:"-" o*:"the schema this property belongs to"` PropertyID EntityPropertyID `json:"-" o*:"the (normally) unique entity property ID"` PropertyType PropertyType `json:"-" o*:"the type of the property"` PropertyTypeString string `json:"propertyType,omitempty" o*:"the type of the property (as a string)"` Multiple bool `json:"multiple" o*:"true when this is a link to several target entities"` JSONName string `json:"jsonName" o*:"the JSON name of the property"` Name string `json:"-" o*:"the name of the entity's property"` Description string `json:"description" o*:"the description of the entity's property"` IOType ioType `json:"ioType" o*:"the field type: is it an input or output field ?"` Required bool `` /* 217-byte string literal not displayed */ Editable bool `json:"editable" o*:"indicates if this property can be changed by a user or not"` OmitEmpty bool `json:"omitEmpty" o*:"if true, then the property is not put into any JSON output if null/0/void"` Immutable bool `json:"immutable" o*:"if true, then once set, the value cannot be changed"` Confidential bool `json:"-" o*:"if true, then a column name different from the lower case field name is allowed"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EntityProperty is used to capture the generic meta info about an entity property, whereas it is a an entity field, or an entity link
func (*EntityProperty) GetColumnName ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) GetColumnName(dbContext DbContext) string
GetColumnName is the name of the column in which the property is persisted, if it's persisted directly on the entity
func (*EntityProperty) GetName ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) GetName() string
GetName returns the name of the property
func (*EntityProperty) GetValue ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) GetValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value
GetValue retrieves the value associated with a given entity property, from a source entity, given as a Value (through reflect.ValueOf().Elem())
func (*EntityProperty) HideInSwagger ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) HideInSwagger() *EntityProperty
func (*EntityProperty) IsConfidential ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsConfidential() bool
IsConfidential : if true then the property should be fetched from the DB with extra care
func (*EntityProperty) IsCoreProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsCoreProperty() bool
IsCoreProperty tells us if this property is technical
func (*EntityProperty) IsGenericProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsGenericProperty() bool
IsGenericProperty tells us if this property is generic
func (*EntityProperty) IsIdentificationProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsIdentificationProperty() bool
IsIdentificationProperty tells us if this property is used to identify an entity
func (*EntityProperty) IsImmutable ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsImmutable() bool
IsImmutable tells us if this property is immutable, i.e. cannot be changed once set
func (*EntityProperty) IsInputProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsInputProperty() bool
IsInputProperty : can this property be expected as a user input ?
func (*EntityProperty) IsLink ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsLink() bool
IsLink tells us if this property is a link; if not, it's a field
func (*EntityProperty) IsMandatoryInput ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsMandatoryInput() bool
IsMandatoryInput : must the user fill this property ?
func (*EntityProperty) IsPersistencyProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsPersistencyProperty() bool
IsPersistencyProperty tells us if this property is related to persistency management
func (*EntityProperty) IsPureTechnicalProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsPureTechnicalProperty() bool
IsPureTechnicalProperty tells us if this property is purely technical, i.e. a technical property that cannot really be used for identification
func (*EntityProperty) IsRequiredInDB ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsRequiredInDB() bool
IsRequiredInDB tells us if this property is required, for the owner entity to be persisted
func (*EntityProperty) IsTechnicalProperty ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) IsTechnicalProperty() bool
IsTechnicalProperty tells us if this property is technical
func (*EntityProperty) SetImmutable ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetImmutable() *EntityProperty
SetImmutable sets immutable to true
func (*EntityProperty) SetInSwaggerForAdmins ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetInSwaggerForAdmins() *EntityProperty
func (*EntityProperty) SetNotPersisted ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetNotPersisted() *EntityProperty
SetNotPersisted makes the current property actually not persisted
func (*EntityProperty) SetValue ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) SetValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueToSet reflect.Value)
SetValue allows to change a link's value (given as a Value) for an entity given as a value
func (*EntityProperty) ShowInSwagger ¶
func (thisProperty *EntityProperty) ShowInSwagger() *EntityProperty
type EntityPropertyID ¶
type EntityPropertyID string
EntityPropertyID : an entity property ID has this form: entityKind$propertyName. e.g. "user$Description"
const ( FieldEntityDifferenceSOURCEENTITY EntityPropertyID = "entitydifference$SourceEntity" FieldEntityDifferenceTARGETENTITY EntityPropertyID = "entitydifference$TargetEntity" LinkEntityDifferenceFIELDDIFFERENCES EntityPropertyID = "entitydifference$FieldDifferences" LinkEntityDifferenceLINKDIFFERENCES EntityPropertyID = "entitydifference$LinkDifferences" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldEntityDiffSearchENTITYREF EntityPropertyID = "entitydiffsearch$EntityRef" LinkEntityDiffSearchDIFFERENCES EntityPropertyID = "entitydiffsearch$Differences" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldDifferenceOWNER EntityPropertyID = "fielddifference$Owner" FieldDifferenceVALUEBEFORE EntityPropertyID = "fielddifference$ValueBefore" FieldDifferenceVALUEAFTER EntityPropertyID = "fielddifference$ValueAfter" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldJobUID EntityPropertyID = "job$UID" FieldJobSTARTED EntityPropertyID = "job$Started" LinkJobJOBCONFIG EntityPropertyID = "job$JobConfig" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldJobConfigurationUID EntityPropertyID = "jobconfiguration$UID" LinkJobConfigurationPARAMS EntityPropertyID = "jobconfiguration$Params" LinkJobConfigurationPASTJOBS EntityPropertyID = "jobconfiguration$PastJobs" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldJobParamNAME EntityPropertyID = "jobparam$Name" LinkJobParamJOBCONFIG EntityPropertyID = "jobparam$JobConfig" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldJobSearchJOBUID EntityPropertyID = "jobsearch$JobUID" LinkJobSearchJOBS EntityPropertyID = "jobsearch$Jobs" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( LinkDifferenceOWNER EntityPropertyID = "linkdifference$Owner" LinkDifferenceINDEPTHFIELDDIFFERENCES EntityPropertyID = "linkdifference$InDepthFieldDifferences" LinkDifferenceINDEPTHLINKDIFFERENCES EntityPropertyID = "linkdifference$InDepthLinkDifferences" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity type from another entity type
const ( FieldResourceRESOURCEKIND EntityPropertyID = "resource$ResourceKind" LinkResourceOPERATIONS EntityPropertyID = "resource$Operations" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity kind from another entity kind
const ( FieldWebOperationNAME EntityPropertyID = "weboperation$Name" LinkWebOperationRESOURCE EntityPropertyID = "weboperation$Resource" )
Entity property IDs, allowing referencing properties of a given entity kind from another entity kind
type EntityReference ¶
type EntityReference string
EntityReference is a special string that contain a minimalist representation of an entity Ex: user::admin, usergroup::DEV, project::127
func ToEntityReference ¶
func ToEntityReference(entity IEntity) EntityReference
ToEntityReference returns a string that is used to VERY quickly print out an entity
type EntitySchema ¶
type EntitySchema struct { Entity // a schema is a particular kind of Entity - it cannot be persisted in DB, but can be JSONified and sent to a web client EntityKind EntityKind `json:"entityKind" o*:"the kind of entity this schema is associated with"` Fields map[EntityPropertyID]*EntityField `json:"fields" o*:"the properties of the associated entity kind"` Links map[EntityPropertyID]*EntityLink `json:"links" o*:"the links of the associated entity kind"` Description string `json:"description" o*:"this entity kind's description'"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EntitySchema allows to capture and share all the meta info about an Entity type
func GetPublishedSchema ¶
func GetPublishedSchema(entityKind EntityKind) (publishedSchema *EntitySchema)
GetPublishedSchema returns a version of a schema that can be shown through an API call. It strips off the properties that are not JSONified. It also strips off the non-core generic properties is the entity kind is not persisted, since they're useless in that case.
func GetSchema ¶
func GetSchema(entityKind EntityKind) (schema *EntitySchema)
GetSchema returns a schema for a given entity kind It consists in retrieving the schema from the cache, or initializing it with InitSchema
func NewSchema ¶
func NewSchema(entityKind EntityKind) *EntitySchema
NewSchema browses an entity's properties to automatically initialise a schema
func (*EntitySchema) AllowCustomTableName ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) AllowCustomTableName() *EntitySchema
AllowCustomTableName allows to set a custom table name
func (*EntitySchema) CheckJSONNamesWith ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) CheckJSONNamesWith(checkerFunc func(string) string) *EntitySchema
CheckJSONNamesWith allows to change the default JSON name checker, which is vostok.PascalToCamel
func (*EntitySchema) EntityDesc ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) EntityDesc(desc string) *EntitySchema
EntityDesc allows to provide a description for this entity kind
func (*EntitySchema) Field ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Field(propertyID EntityPropertyID) *EntityField
Field returns a schema's entity field, given its property ID
func (*EntitySchema) FieldByName ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) FieldByName(fieldName string) *EntityField
FieldByName returns a schema's entity field, given its case-sentitive name
func (*EntitySchema) GetImmutableProperties ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetImmutableProperties() []IEntityProperty
GetImmutableProperties returns the sorted list of the immutable properties, which is a subset of the persisted properties
func (*EntitySchema) GetLinkTablePersistedLinks ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetLinkTablePersistedLinks() []*EntityLink
GetLinkTablePersistedLinks returns the sorted list of the fields that are persisted
func (*EntitySchema) GetMaxPropertyLength ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetMaxPropertyLength() int
GetMaxPropertyLength returns the maximum length the property names associated with this schema
func (*EntitySchema) GetMultipleDirectlyPersistedLinks ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetMultipleDirectlyPersistedLinks() []*EntityLink
GetMultipleDirectlyPersistedLinks returns the sorted list of the fields that are persisted
func (*EntitySchema) GetPersistedFields ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedFields() []IEntityProperty
GetPersistedFields returns the sorted list of the fields that are persisted
func (*EntitySchema) GetPersistedNonTechnicalFields ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedNonTechnicalFields() []IEntityProperty
GetPersistedNonTechnicalFields returns the non technical properties
func (*EntitySchema) GetPersistedNonTechnicalProperties ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedNonTechnicalProperties() []IEntityProperty
GetPersistedNonTechnicalProperties returns the non technical properties
func (*EntitySchema) GetPersistedProperties ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersistedProperties() []IEntityProperty
GetPersistedProperties returns the sorted list of the properties persisted within the entity table, i.e. the persisted single links + the persisted fields
func (*EntitySchema) GetPersonalInfos ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPersonalInfos() []IEntityProperty
GetPersonalInfos returns the personal infos
func (*EntitySchema) GetPrimaryReferenceField ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetPrimaryReferenceField() *EntityField
GetPrimaryReferenceField returns the field used as a primary reference If NoPrimaryReference() has been used on the schema, then the primary reference is the technical ID
func (*EntitySchema) GetRequiredFields ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetRequiredFields() []*EntityField
GetRequiredFields returns the required fields, i.e. the fields that cannot lead to duplicate values in their corresponding columns initialising it, the first time we need it
func (*EntitySchema) GetSingleDirectlyPersistedLinks ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetSingleDirectlyPersistedLinks() []*EntityLink
GetSingleDirectlyPersistedLinks returns the sorted list of the fields that are persisted
func (*EntitySchema) GetSortedFields ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetSortedFields() []*EntityField
GetSortedFields returns the sorted list of the fields
func (*EntitySchema) GetSortedLinks ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetSortedLinks() []*EntityLink
GetSortedLinks returns the sorted list of the links
func (*EntitySchema) GetTable ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetTable(dbContext DbContext) string
GetTable returns the name of the table associated with this schema
func (*EntitySchema) GetUniqueFields ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) GetUniqueFields() []*EntityField
GetUniqueFields returns the unique fields, i.e. the fields that cannot lead to duplicate values in their corresponding columns initialising it, the first time we need it
func (*EntitySchema) HideInSwagger ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) HideInSwagger() *EntitySchema
func (*EntitySchema) InitSchema ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to initialize this Entity's schema
func (*EntitySchema) IsAllPersonal ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) IsAllPersonal() bool
IsAllPersonal indicates if the whole entity is personal info
func (*EntitySchema) IsPersisted ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) IsPersisted() bool
IsPersisted returns true if the entity is persisted, i.e. exists as a colum in the DB; else, it means the property is probably a technical one
func (*EntitySchema) IsPersonal ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) IsPersonal(propertyID EntityPropertyID) bool
IsPersonal tells us if a property is personal info
func (*EntitySchema) Link ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Link(propertyID EntityPropertyID) *EntityLink
Link returns a schema's entity link, given its property ID
func (*EntitySchema) LinkByName ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) LinkByName(linkName string) *EntityLink
LinkByName returns a schema's entity link, given its case-sentitive name
func (*EntitySchema) NoDeletionTracking ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) NoDeletionTracking() *EntitySchema
TrackOnlyCreation indicates that we want to know only who created and last updated these entities, and when
func (*EntitySchema) NoPersonalInfo ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) NoPersonalInfo() *EntitySchema
NoPersonalInfo allows to indicate that the current entity type does not contain any personal info
func (*EntitySchema) NoPrimaryReference ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) NoPrimaryReference() *EntitySchema
NoPrimaryReference indicates that the entities will not be fetched thanks to a functional reference (like an order reference, a username...), but only through the technical ID
func (*EntitySchema) Property ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Property(propertyID EntityPropertyID) IEntityProperty
Property returns a property, given it's ID. It can be a field or a link. Panics if not found.
func (*EntitySchema) RemoveLabel ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) RemoveLabel() *EntitySchema
RemoveLabel allows to remove the 'label' column from the DB, if no label is needed
func (*EntitySchema) SetAllPersonal ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetAllPersonal() *EntitySchema
SetAllPersonal sets the whole entity type as a personal info
func (*EntitySchema) SetInSwaggerForAdmins ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetInSwaggerForAdmins() *EntitySchema
func (*EntitySchema) SetPersonal ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetPersonal(propertyIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *EntitySchema
SetPersonal allows to tag the personal infos
func (*EntitySchema) SetUniqueCombination ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetUniqueCombination(iAcceptTheRisks bool, propertyIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *EntitySchema
SetUniqueCombination allows to specify a UNIQUE constraints on several properties, including links
func (*EntitySchema) SetUniqueCombinationWithFields ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetUniqueCombinationWithFields(propertyIDs ...EntityPropertyID) *EntitySchema
SetUniqueCombinationWithFields allows to specify a UNIQUE constraints on several fields
func (*EntitySchema) SetViewOn ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) SetViewOn(entityKind EntityKind) *EntitySchema
SetViewOn indicates that the associated entities are just 'views' on another entity
func (*EntitySchema) ShowInSwagger ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) ShowInSwagger() *EntitySchema
func (*EntitySchema) Table ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) Table(tableName string) *EntitySchema
Table allows to set the table name for entities associated with this schema
func (*EntitySchema) TrackAll ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) TrackAll() *EntitySchema
TrackAll indicates that we want to know who created, deleted updated last the entities of this kind, and when
func (*EntitySchema) TrackCreationOnly ¶
func (thisSchema *EntitySchema) TrackCreationOnly() *EntitySchema
TrackOnlyCreation indicates that we want to know only who created these entities, and when
type EntityStatus ¶
type EntityStatus int
EntityStatus defines a status for every entity: created, modified, deleted, etc...
const ( // EntityStatusDELETED : entities with this status should not be used; they should be physically removed after a while EntityStatusDELETED EntityStatus = -1 // EntityStatusCREATED : entities with this status have just been created EntityStatusCREATED EntityStatus = 1 // EntityStatusUPDATED : entities with this status have been modified only once. // An entity status > 0 tells how many times an entity has been updated EntityStatusUPDATED EntityStatus = 2 )
func (EntityStatus) String ¶
func (thisStatus EntityStatus) String() string
func (EntityStatus) Val ¶
func (thisStatus EntityStatus) Val() int
Val helps implement the IEnum interface
func (EntityStatus) Values ¶
func (thisStatus EntityStatus) Values() map[int]string
Values helps implement the IEnum interface
type Error ¶
Error is Vostok's own interface for errors type Error error
func BulkCreateEntitiesWithNoIDs ¶
func BulkCreateEntitiesWithNoIDs(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entitiesAsInterface interface{}) (int64, Error)
BulkCreateEntitiesWithNoIDs is used to bulk insert the given entities into the DB, while performing generic operations before / after the insertion; It uses a Business transaction to make sure everything goes fine, or fails altogether The interface{} here stores a pointer to a slice of pointers to the actual entities. Returns the ID (as an int64) of the first inserted entities. BIG WARNING: INSERTING ENTITIES LIKE THIS DOES NOT ALLOW TO HAVE THEIR IDS KNOWN. SO THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY SUBSEQUENT PROCESS RELYING ON THESE IDS.
func CreateEntities1By1 ¶
func CreateEntities1By1(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entitiesAsInterface interface{}) Error
CreateEntities1By1 is used to insert given entities into the DB, and performing generic operations before / after the insertion; It uses a Business transaction to make sure everything goes fine, or fails altogether The interface{} here stores a pointer to a slice of pointers to actual entities. WARNING: this function allows to have the IDs of the inserted entities known, but if performance is key, and these IDs not important, then it might be better to use BulkCreateEntitiesWithNoIDs.
func CreateEntity ¶
CreateEntity is used to insert a given entity into the DB, and performing generic operations before / after the insertion; It uses a Business transaction to make sure everything goes fine, or fails altogether
func CreateEntityAndAllLinks ¶
CreateEntityAndAllLinks is a method to create an entity and all the linked entities that are not persisted yet
func MapEntities ¶
func MapEntities(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, maxNbEntities int, minStatus EntityStatus, loadingID LoadingID) (map[string]IEntity, Error)
MapEntities does the same as ListEntities, but the entities are returned mapped by their primary reference; This function should not be used when performance is expected.
func NewErr ¶
NewErr replaces fmt.Errorf; it should help remove all occurrences of Go native function fmt.Errorf mostly to encourage calling NewErrC, which allow to keep a whole chain of error causes
func NewErrWithCode ¶ added in v6.1.0
NewErrWithCode is the same as NewErr but takes an erroCode
func NewErrWithCodeC ¶ added in v6.1.0
func NewErrWithCodeC(cause error, errorCode ErrorCode, errorString string, errorParams ...interface{}) Error
NewErrWithCodeC extends NewErrC also taking an errorCode as a parameter
func ReadEntityLinks ¶
func ReadEntityLinks(biContext BiContext, minStatus EntityStatus, linksLoadingID LoadingID, entities ...IEntity) Error
ReadEntityLinks loads entity links for given entities, according to a loading plan
func RunPurgeEntities ¶
RunPurgeEntities is the function responsible
func RunSimpleSearch ¶
func RunSimpleSearch(biContext BiContext, simpleSearch ISimpleSearchEntity, loadingID LoadingID) Error
RunSimpleSearch performs a simple search, based on a simple search entity
func SQLGetBool ¶
SQLGetBool : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SQLGetTime ¶
SQLGetTime : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SQLGetUint64 ¶
SQLGetUint64 : mapping SQL -> Go or Vostok type
func SaveEntities ¶
func SaveEntities(biContext BiContext, entityKind EntityKind, entitiesAsInterface interface{}, loadingBeforeUpdate LoadingID) Error
SaveEntities is used to save given entities into the DB, and performing generic operations before / after the insertion; It uses a Business transaction to make sure everything goes fine, or fails altogether The interface{} here stores a pointer to a slice of pointers to actual entities.
func SaveEntity ¶
SaveEntity is a method to save an entity, i.e. inserting it if it does not exist in DB yet, or updating it doing this in a transaction
func UpdateEntityWithNewTransaction ¶
func UpdateEntityWithNewTransaction(biContext BiContext, updated IEntity, loadingBeforeUpdate LoadingID) Error
UpdateEntityWithNewTransaction is used to update a given entity in DB, and performing generic operations before / after the update; It uses a Business transaction to make sure everything goes fine, or fails altogether
func UpdateEntityWithinTransaction ¶
func UpdateEntityWithinTransaction(biContext BiContext, updated IEntity, loadingBeforeUpdate LoadingID) Error
UpdateEntityWithinTransaction allows to update a given entity TODO _JW$1: prevent updating an entity that is not completely loaded loadingBeforeUpdate : how we should load the entity to be updated, for comparison purposes
func UpdateInCache ¶
UpdateInCache updates the given entity into the global cache, if this corresponds to the cache policy set for the corresponding entity kind; For now, because we do now want to handle the hassle of precisely determining all the linked entities that should be updated too, we may first flush the cache, then insert the entity into it; <----------------> This is not a problem since globally cached entities mostly corresponds to configuration data, so it does not happen very often, and it's normal in this case to perform this kind of light "restart" of the app by cleaning its global cache; <----------------> Wether or not the global cache is flushed depends on the entity kind, through its GetSharedCachePolicy implementation.
type ErrorCode ¶ added in v6.1.0
type ErrorCode string
ErrorCode is a type for declaring custom error codes
type FieldDifference ¶
type FieldDifference struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Owner *EntityDifference `db:"owner_id" json:"owner" o*:"the entity difference this field difference is attached to"` FieldName string `db:"fieldName,60" json:"fieldName" o*:"the name of the field this difference is about"` ValueBefore string `db:"valueBefore,255" json:"valueBefore" o*:"the value of a field before a change"` ValueAfter string `db:"valueAfter,255" json:"valueAfter" o*:"the value of a field after a change"` }
FieldDifference defines the structure of a field difference, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func (*FieldDifference) InitSchema ¶
func (thisFieldDifference *FieldDifference) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type FileExtension ¶
type FileExtension string
FileExtension represents the file extension for multipart
type FileResponseFunction ¶ added in v6.3.0
FileResponseFunction is the kind of operation function that returns the name of a file to serve
type GeenBatchFunction ¶
type GeenBatchFunction func(biContext BiContext, compartment *v.BatchCompartment, units []v.IBatchUnit) Error
GeenBatchFunction defines the signature of a function in Geen that knows what to do of a set of units coming from a given batch compartment
func (GeenBatchFunction) AsBatchFunction ¶
func (thisGeenBatchFn GeenBatchFunction) AsBatchFunction() v.BatchFunction
AsBatchFunction allows to see a GeenBatchFunction as a vostok.BatchFunction
type GeenTest ¶
type GeenTest struct { Item string // the tested item Required string // the description of what's expected for the current item Failed bool // has the test failed ? Message string // a message explaining why the test is not OK }
GeenTest allows to capture what's going on during a test
func GenericTestAllPersistency ¶
func GenericTestAllPersistency(biContext BiContext, iterations int, cleanAfter bool) (test *GeenTest)
GenericTestAllPersistency generically test creating / reading / updating / deleting for all the entity types, by randomly generating corresponding entity instances. If cleanAfter = true, then all the entities created during the persistency tests à removed from the DB.
type GenericActionType ¶
type GenericActionType int
GenericActionType is used to define the framework's generic actions on entities
const ( // ActionCREATE : Action used to create a new entity ActionCREATE GenericActionType = iota // ActionREAD : Action used to read an existing entity ActionREAD // ActionUPDATE : Action used to update an existing entity ActionUPDATE // ActionDELETE : Action used to delete an existing entity ActionDELETE // ActionLIST : Action used to provide a (most of the time limited) list of entities ActionLIST // ActionSEARCH : Action used to search for entities ActionSEARCH // ActionFIND : Action used to quick-search for entities ActionFIND // ActionSAVE : Action used to save an entity, i.e. create or update it ActionSAVE // ActionLAST : This action is not used as one, but allows specific actions to be defined starting from this one ActionLAST )
func (GenericActionType) GetActionName ¶
func (thisActionType GenericActionType) GetActionName() string
GetActionName returns a label for a given action type (which is coded as an int) This makes a 'GenericActionType' be a 'IActionType'
func (GenericActionType) String ¶
func (thisActionType GenericActionType) String() string
func (GenericActionType) Val ¶
func (thisActionType GenericActionType) Val() int
Val helps implement the IEnum interface
func (GenericActionType) Values ¶
func (thisActionType GenericActionType) Values() map[int]string
Values helps implement the IEnum interface
type Gravity ¶
type Gravity int
Gravity defines an enum allowing to put a gravity level on a message sent within an API call response
type HTTPMethodType ¶
type HTTPMethodType int
HTTPMethodType defines an enum for all the HTTP methods handled by the framework
const ( // HTTPGET : the GET method HTTPGET HTTPMethodType = iota // HTTPPOST : the POST method HTTPPOST // HTTPPUT : the PUT method HTTPPUT // HTTPDELETE : the DELETE method HTTPDELETE // HTTPOPTIONS : the OPTIONS method HTTPOPTIONS // HTTPHEAD : the HEAD method HTTPHEAD // HTTPPATCH : the PATCH method HTTPPATCH )
func (HTTPMethodType) String ¶
func (thisMethodType HTTPMethodType) String() string
func (HTTPMethodType) Val ¶
func (thisMethodType HTTPMethodType) Val() int
Val helps implement the IEnum interface
func (HTTPMethodType) Values ¶
func (thisMethodType HTTPMethodType) Values() map[int]string
Values helps implement the IEnum interface
type IActionType ¶
IActionType allows to define actions, like: "create", "update", "read", "delete", "list", etc.
type IAuthorizationBearer ¶
type IAuthorizationBearer interface { // GetAllowedOperations returns the slice of the operations this bearer has access to GetAllowedOperations() []*WebOperation // AddToAllowedOperations allows to add a WebOperation instance to those already here; // it must check that we're not adding the same WebOperation twice AddToAllowedOperations(ws *WebOperation) // IsOperationAllowed tells if a given web operation is allowed for this bearer IsOperationAllowed(ws *WebOperation) bool }
IAuthorizationBearer allows to manipulate entities that link to web operations, like User and UserGroup
type IBaseScheduler ¶
type IBaseScheduler interface { // GetOriginalJobConfig returns a jobConfig instance if it exists GetOriginalJobConfig(jobID string, doPanicIfNotFound bool) *c.JobConfig // ScheduleFunction puts a named function into the scheduler, with a given schedule, and the function's arguments. // This is a low level method that do not use the app server's job configurations. ScheduleFunction(name string, schedule string, fn interface{}, args ...interface{}) error // RemoveFunction removes a function that has been put into the scheduler RemoveFunction(name string) // BindOriginalFunction allows to keep in memory that we use a certain name, for a given function BindOriginalFunction(name string, jfunc interface{}) }
IBaseScheduler is the type for the scheduler we use in geen
type IEntity ¶
type IEntity interface { // InitSchema is used to initialize this Entity's schema InitSchema() *EntitySchema // GetID returns returns the entity's ID GetID() EntityID // GetKind returns returns the entity's kind GetKind() EntityKind // GetLabel returns returns the entity's label GetLabel() string // GetEntityStatus returns returns this entity's status GetEntityStatus() EntityStatus // GetCreatedByID : returns the ID of the user that created this entity GetCreatedByID() EntityID // GetCreatedBy : returns the name of the user that created this entity GetCreatedBy() string // GetCreation : returns the creation date (Unix time) GetCreation() *time.Time // GetDeletedByID : returns the ID of the user that deleted this entity GetDeletedByID() EntityID // GetDeletedBy : returns the name of the user that deleted this entity GetDeletedBy() string // GetDeletion : returns the deletion date (Unix time) GetDeletion() *time.Time // GetModifiedByID : returns the ID of the latest user that modified this entity GetModifiedByID() EntityID // GetModifiedBy : returns the name of the latest user that modified this entity GetModifiedBy() string // GetModification : returns the latest modification date (Unix time) GetModification() *time.Time // SetID allows to set the entity's ID SetID(ID EntityID) // SetKind is implemented here once and for all SetKind(kind EntityKind) // SetLabel allows to set the entity's label SetLabel(label string) // SetEntityStatus sets this entity's status SetEntityStatus(status EntityStatus) // SetCreatedByID : sets the ID of the user that created this entity SetCreatedByID(arg EntityID) // SetCreatedBy : sets the name of the user that created this entity SetCreatedBy(arg string) // SetCreation : sets the creation date (Unix time) SetCreation(arg *time.Time) // SetDeletedByID : sets the ID of the user that deleted this entity SetDeletedByID(arg EntityID) // SetDeletedBy : sets the name of the user that deleted this entity SetDeletedBy(arg string) // SetDeletion : sets the deletion date (Unix time) SetDeletion(arg *time.Time) // SetModifiedByID : sets the ID of the latest user that modified this entity SetModifiedByID(arg EntityID) // SetModifiedBy : sets the name of the latest user that modified this entity SetModifiedBy(arg string) // SetModification : sets the latest modification date (Unix time) SetModification(arg *time.Time) // GetLoadingID : tells us if the entity has been loaded with a particular loading plan, if not empty GetLoadingID() LoadingID // Equals : tells if this entity is the same as the given one Equals(entity IEntity) bool // BuildLabel : has to be be used to refresh the entity's label if it depends on other properties, and indicates if a label should be persisted BuildLabel() (label string, persisted bool) // IsHashed : indicates if the entity is to be hashed before being saved IsHashed() bool // GetHashSource : provides the string made from some of the entities properties, that is then hashed by the framework GetHashSource() string // - for how long ? A given duration, or one of these values: SharedCacheDurationNEVER, SharedCacheDurationFOREVER, SharedCacheDurationDEFAULT // - should a flush be performed before updating the partitioned cache ? // The caching of an entity may depend on the use for it, which is linked to how it is loaded, // hence the loading ID as an argument here, which is part of the cache key. GetSharedCachePolicy(loadingID LoadingID) (duration time.Duration, flushBeforeUpdate bool) // IsValid is the method through which an entity checks its own validity IsValid(biContext BiContext) Error // ChangeBeforeIsExists allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before checking for its existence ChangeBeforeIsExists(biContext BiContext) Error // ChangeBeforeInsert allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before inserting it ChangeBeforeInsert(biContext BiContext) Error // ChangeAfterInsert allows to perform specific treatments on the entity after inserting it ChangeAfterInsert(biContext BiContext) Error // CanBeRead tells us if the given entity can be read (return is nil) or not (return is an error) // Whether the entity can be read or not may depend on how it's loaded CanBeRead(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error // DoAfterRead allows to perform some checks or changes right after reading an entity // What is done to the entity after reading it may depend on how it's loaded DoAfterRead(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error // DoAfterReadLinks allows to perform some checks or changes right after reading an entity's links // What happens after reading the entity's links may depend on how it's loaded DoAfterReadLinks(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error // CanBeUpdated tells us if the given entity can be updated, and if the changes are acceptable or not CanBeUpdated(biContext BiContext, instore IEntity) Error // ChangeBeforeUpdate allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before updating it; // The instore entity can help report information on the entity to be updated ChangeBeforeUpdate(biContext BiContext, instore IEntity) Error // ChangeAfterUpdate allows to perform specific treatments on the entity after updating it ChangeAfterUpdate(biContext BiContext) Error // ChangeBeforeCaching allows to perform specific treatments on the entity before caching it ChangeBeforeCaching(biContext BiContext) Error // CanBeDeleted tells us if the given entity can be updated, and if the changes are acceptable or not CanBeDeleted(biContext BiContext, instore IEntity) Error // IsDiffed indicates if the changes brought through updating the entity should be tracked IsDiffed() bool // Load : allows to build a loading plan for this entity Load(loadingID LoadingID, with ...ILoadingPlan) ILoadingPlan // AllLinksOnDepth : builds a loading plan of a given depth AllLinksOnDepth(loadingID LoadingID, depth int) ILoadingPlan // WithNoLink : returns an empty loading plan, i.e. that loads no link WithNoLink(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan // DefineLoadingPlan : build and returns a loading plan for this entity kind and a loading ID DefineLoadingPlan(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan // GetSpecificSQLQuery should return a SQL query , for this entity, and the given query ID suffix // WARNING : since each query built is cached, it MUST NOT have dynamic parts GetSpecificSQLQuery(queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix) *SQLQuery // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The methods here belong to the WS (web operations) layer // i.e. the code must be implemented in a "entityname_ws.go" file // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FromJSON can transform and control an entity that has just been unmarshalled from JSON FromJSON() Error // BeforeJSON can arrange an entity that is going to be marshalled in JSON. // This arrangement can vary, depending on how the entity has been loaded. BeforeJSON(loadingID LoadingID) IEntity // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IEntity defines the generic methods that any Entity type should provide
func BuildBareEntityCopy ¶
BuildBareEntityCopy returns a "bare" version of a given entity, i.e. a copy of the entity with just its fields, no link
func BuildEntityExtract ¶
BuildEntityExtract returns an "extract" of an entity, i.e. a copy of an entity with just its kind, ID and label
func BuildLevel1EntityCopy ¶
BuildLevel1EntityCopy returns a copy of the given entity, with bare entity copies in place of all its links, instead of a full data tree; this can help preventing JSON cycling issues for instance; WARNING: this method should not be used whenever performance is required, but only for debugging / debugging purposes.
func CreateOrUpdateIfNeeded ¶
CreateOrUpdateIfNeeded : creates the given "new entity", if it did not exist yet, or updates it, if changes have been brought, regarding the existing instance coming from the DB; uses CompareDepth(1).NoTech() as the default comparison options; WARNING: this should not be used outside data initialisation code.
func CreateOrUpdateIfNeededWithOpt ¶
func CreateOrUpdateIfNeededWithOpt(biContext BiContext, loaded IEntity, newEntity IEntity, opt *ComparisonOptions) IEntity
CreateOrUpdateIfNeededWithOpt : creates the given "new entity", if it did not exist yet, or updates it, if changes have been brought, regarding the existing instance coming from the DB; allows to set comparision options; WARNING: this should not be used outside data initialisation code.
func GetJSONEntity ¶
GetJSONEntity applies a JSON policy on a give entity, either to lighten it up, or prevent JSON cycling issues
func NewEntity ¶
func NewEntity(entityKind EntityKind) IEntity
NewEntity instantiates a new entity, given its kind
func NewEntityID ¶
func NewEntityID(entityKind EntityKind, id uint64) IEntity
NewEntityID instantates a new entity, given its kind and an ID
func NewRandomEntity ¶
func NewRandomEntity(source rand.Source, entityKind EntityKind, nbLayers int, params RandGenParams) IEntity
NewRandomEntity returns an entity of the given kind with its fields' values randomly generated, and also its links randomly generated, if nbLayers > 0 If nbLayers = 1, then links are generated, if nbLayers = 2, links, and their links, are If OnlyPersisted = true, then only persisted fields are filled If WithID = true, then the ID of the entity and its linked entities is randomly generated If MakeInsertable = true, then the required links is filled, even though withLinks = false If linkBackRefs = true, then all the target entities also link the source entities through the back ref links NB: for now, the random link generation is not implemented
func RandomizeEntity ¶
func RandomizeEntity(source rand.Source, sourceEntity IEntity, nbLayers int, params RandGenParams) IEntity
RandomizeEntity sets random values in the given entity's properties
func SaveIfNeeded ¶
SaveIfNeeded : looks at a given new entity, tries to load a version of it with a given loading plan, then creates or updates it if needed; uses CompareDepth(1).NoTech() as the default comparison options;
func SaveIfNeededWithOpt ¶
func SaveIfNeededWithOpt(biContext BiContext, newEntity IEntity, loadingID LoadingID, opt *ComparisonOptions) IEntity
SaveIfNeeded : looks at a given new entity, tries to load a version of it with a given loading plan, then creates or updates it if needed; allows to set ComparisonOptions;
type IEntityProperty ¶
type IEntityProperty interface { // GetName returns the name of the property GetName() string // GetColumnName is the name of the column in which the property is persisted, if it's persisted directly on the entity GetColumnName(dbContext DbContext) string // IsLink tells us if this property is a link; if not, it's a field IsLink() bool // IsRequiredInDB tells us if this property is required in DB, i.e. a value must be given IsRequiredInDB() bool // IsImmutable tells us if this property is immutable, i.e. cannot be changed once set IsImmutable() bool // IsPureTechnicalProperty tells us if this property is purely technical, i.e. a technical property that cannot really be used for identification IsPureTechnicalProperty() bool // GetValue retrieves the value associated with a given entity property, // from a source entity, given as a Value (through reflect.ValueOf().Elem()) GetValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value // GetStringValue retrieves the value associated with a given entity link, // from a source entity, given as a string GetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) string // SetValue allows to change a link's value for an entity given as a value SetValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueToSet reflect.Value) // SetStringValue allows to change a property's value, thanks to a value given as a string SetStringValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value, valueAsString string) Error // GetSQLValue returns, for a given entity, the property's value as suitable for a SQL column GetSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{} // GetMaskedSQLValue returns, for a given entity, the property's value as suitable for a SQL column, // if is not confidential; if it is, then the value is obfuscated; this serves for debbugging, logging purposes GetMaskedSQLValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) interface{} // IsZeroValue tells if the value associated with the given property is the zero value IsZeroValue(sourceEntityAsElemValue reflect.Value) bool // IsConfidential : if true then the property should be fetched from the DB with extra care IsConfidential() bool // SetConfidential : sets the confidential mode SetConfidential() IEntityProperty // IsInputProperty : can this property be expected as a user input ? IsInputProperty() bool // IsMandatoryInput : must the user fill this property ? IsMandatoryInput() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IEntityProperty defines common methods for entity properties, whereas they are links or fields
type IEnum ¶
type IEnum interface { fmt.Stringer // each enum value has a label Val() int Values() map[int]string }
IEnum helps define enums
type IGeenConfig ¶
type IGeenConfig interface { // A Geen config is a particular case of custom config from Vostok's perspective v.ICustomConfig // GetMaxListSize returns the max size of a list of entities that are fetched from the DB with no particular criterion GetMaxListSize() int // GetUsers returns the users that should be inserted/modified at the app startup; useful for having at least 1 admin user GetUsers() []IUser // IsTestSchemasAtLaunch : do we check the entities' consistency at startup ? IsTestSchemasAtLaunch() bool // GetExampleFilePath return the path to the file containing I/O examples to feed the swagger doc GetExampleFilePath() string // IsMainDBFullGeen must return true if the main DB of the app did not exist before this app, and so is fully managed by Geen IsMainDBFullGeen() bool // MainDBNamesCasing returns the casing to apply to DB names, which are in camelCase by default; // if empty, then no transformation of the default camelCase names is done GetMainDBNamesCasing() v.Casing // IsNonMailUsernamesAllowed returns true if the usernames don't have to be emails IsNonMailUsernamesAllowed() bool }
IGeenConfig is the interface that the custom part of a config should implement in a geen-based application
type ILoadingPlan ¶
type ILoadingPlan interface { fmt.Stringer // GetAssociatedKind : the entity kind associated with this loading plan GetAssociatedKind() EntityKind // GetChildren : the loading plans that have this loading plan as a parent, representing the sub-links to load GetChildren() map[EntityPropertyID]ILoadingPlan // OneWay : sets the OneWay mode, cf. isOneWay() for signification. // If propagate = true, then this is also applied to the sub-loading plans OneWay(propagate bool) ILoadingPlan // NoTechnical : sets this loading plan to the "without technical data" mode; cf. isNoTechnical() // If propagate = true, then this is also applied to the sub-loading plans NoTechnical(propagate bool) ILoadingPlan // FieldsOnly : sets this loading plan to the "only fields" mode; cf. isFieldsOnly() // If propagate = true, then this is also applied to the sub-loading plans FieldsOnly(propagate bool) ILoadingPlan // AllowConfidential : allows the confidential data to be loaded // If propagate = true, then this is also applied to the sub-loading plans AllowConfidential(propagate bool) ILoadingPlan // SetMinStatus : sets the min status for the entities we want to load with this loading plan SetMinStatus(minStatus EntityStatus, propagate bool) ILoadingPlan // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ILoadingPlan is used to define which public operations a loading plan should expose
func With ¶
func With(linkID EntityPropertyID, with ...ILoadingPlan) ILoadingPlan
With allows to define a sub-loading plan
type ILogger ¶
type ILogger interface { IsVerbose() bool // tells if we're in verbose mode; a logger can tell since it has to know to chose what to log core.LoggingScope // now we want that all the logging to be done within a LoggingScope }
ILogger defines an interface for an object able to log at the dev level
type IOperationResponse ¶
IOperationResponse is the type of the functions that handle all the web operations
type ISimpleSearchEntity ¶
type ISimpleSearchEntity interface { IEntity // GetResultLinkID returns the ID of the link associated with the search results - MUST be a multiple link GetResultLinkID() EntityPropertyID // InitAllCriteria allows to list all the fields / links that can be used as criteria; and also the list of results MUST be initialised InitAllCriteria() // AppendResult is the method through which an entity found by the search is added to the search results AppendResult(result IEntity) // GetDescription returns a readable description of what this search is about GetDescription() string // GetValuedCriteria returns a list of the criteria that will effectively be of use in a search GetValuedCriteria() []*SimpleSearchCriterion // GetSignature returs a "binary" (ex. "01011") signature for the list of criteria GetSignature() string // GetOrderBy returns the ID of the property which should be used to order the results; if "", then no sorting is done GetOrderBy() (EntityPropertyID, OrderType) // GetDefaultMaxResults returns the default max number of entities returned; if <= 0: no limit GetDefaultMaxResults() int // GetMaxResults returns the max number of entities returned; if <= 0: no limit GetMaxResults() int // GetMinStatus returns the mininam status for the entities to be retrieved by the search GetMinStatus() EntityStatus // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ISimpleSearchEntity defines what a list of criteria should look like
type IUser ¶
type IUser interface { IEntity // a user is a particular kind of entity GetUsername() string GetPassword() string IsPhysical() bool IsAdmin() bool IsSuperUser() bool IsActive() bool }
IUser defines the operations provided by user instances
type IWithName ¶
type IWithName interface {
GetName() string
IWithName helps recognize entities that bear a name
type IWithNameAndDescription ¶
IWithNameAndDescription helps recognize entities that bear a name and a description
type InputFile ¶ added in v6.2.0
type InputFile struct { FileBytes []byte OriginalFileName string OriginalFileExtension FileExtension }
type Job ¶
type Job struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity JobConfig *JobConfiguration `db:"jobConfig_id" json:"jobConfig,omitempty" o*:"the configuration for this job"` UID string `db:"uid,32" json:"uid,omitempty" o*:"the job ID"` Schedule string `db:"schedule,32" json:"schedule,omitempty" o*:"the job schedule, as a cron task, example: '* * * * *'"` Started *time.Time `db:"started,0" json:"started,omitempty" o*:"when the job was started, if it has been started"` Finished *time.Time `db:"finished,0" json:"finished,omitempty" o*:"when the job has finished, if it has"` Duration int64 `db:"duration" json:"duration,omitempty" o*:"the job duration, in milliseconds"` WorkerWait time.Duration `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ Status jobStatus `db:"status,1" json:"status,omitempty" o*:"the job status"` StatusString string `db:"-" json:"statusString,omitempty" o*:"the job status (as a string)"` Comment string `db:"comment,255" json:"comment,omitempty" o*:"a comment, as additional info to the status"` WorkerID int `db:"workerID" json:"workerID,omitempty" o*:"the ID of the worker running this job"` WorkerUses int `db:"workerUses" json:"workerUses,omitempty" o*:"the number of jobs run by the worker so far"` }
Job defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func (*Job) BeforeJSON ¶
BeforeJSON can arrange an entity that is going to be marshalled in JSON
func (*Job) InitSchema ¶
func (thisJob *Job) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type JobConfiguration ¶
type JobConfiguration struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity UID string `db:"uid,32" json:"uid,omitempty" i*:"the job ID"` Description string `db:"description,255" json:"description,omitempty" i*:"the job description"` Schedule string `db:"schedule,32" json:"schedule,omitempty" i*:"the job schedule"` Active bool `` /* 144-byte string literal not displayed */ Params []*JobParam `db:"-" json:"params,omitempty" in:"the job params"` PastJobs []*Job `db:"-" json:"pastJobs,omitempty" o*:"the jobs that have run with this config"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
JobConfiguration defines the structure of a Job Configuration, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods. This is different from vostok.JobConfig since the parameters here are also entities, not just key-value pairs.
func NewJobConfiguration ¶
func NewJobConfiguration() *JobConfiguration
NewJobConfiguration is a shortcut to instantiate a new JobConfiguration
func (*JobConfiguration) ChangeAfterInsert ¶
func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) ChangeAfterInsert(biContext BiContext) Error
ChangeAfterInsert allows to perform specific treatments on the entity after inserting it
func (*JobConfiguration) ChangeAfterUpdate ¶
func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) ChangeAfterUpdate(biContext BiContext) Error
ChangeAfterUpdate allows to perform specific treatments on the entity after updating it
func (*JobConfiguration) DefineLoadingPlan ¶
func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) DefineLoadingPlan(loadingID LoadingID) ILoadingPlan
DefineLoadingPlan : build and returns a loading plan for this entity kind and a loading ID
func (*JobConfiguration) DoAfterReadLinks ¶
func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) DoAfterReadLinks(biContext BiContext, loadingID LoadingID) Error
DoAfterReadLinks allows to perform some checks or change right after reading an entity's links What happens after reading the entity's links may depend on how it's loaded
func (*JobConfiguration) InitSchema ¶
func (thisConf *JobConfiguration) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type JobParam ¶
type JobParam struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity JobConfig *JobConfiguration `db:"jobConfig_id" json:"jobConfig,omitempty" i*:"the job config this parameter belongs to"` Name string `db:"name,32" json:"name,omitempty" i*:"the parameter key"` StringValue string `db:"stringValue,64" json:"stringValue,omitempty" i*:"the parameter string value"` }
JobParam defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewJobParam ¶
func NewJobParam() *JobParam
NewJobParam is a shortcut to instantiate a new JobParam
func (*JobParam) InitSchema ¶
func (thisJobParam *JobParam) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type JobSearch ¶
type JobSearch struct { SimpleSearchEntity // is a particular kind of SEARCH entity JobUID string `db:"-" json:"jobUID" in:"the UID of the job of which to find the occurrences"` Jobs []*Job `db:"-" json:"jobs" o*:"the jobs found through this search"` }
JobSearch defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewJobSearch ¶
func NewJobSearch() *JobSearch
NewJobSearch is a shortcut to instantiate a new JobSearch
func (*JobSearch) AppendResult ¶
AppendResult is the method through which an entity found by the search is added to the search results
func (*JobSearch) GetOrderBy ¶
func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) GetOrderBy() (EntityPropertyID, OrderType)
GetOrderBy returns the ID of the property which should be used to order the results; if "", then no sorting is done
func (*JobSearch) GetResultLinkID ¶
func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) GetResultLinkID() EntityPropertyID
GetResultLinkID : implementing ISimpleSearchEntity
func (*JobSearch) InitAllCriteria ¶
func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) InitAllCriteria()
InitAllCriteria : implementing ISimpleSearchEntity
func (*JobSearch) InitSchema ¶
func (thisJobSearch *JobSearch) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type LinkDifference ¶
type LinkDifference struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Owner *EntityDifference `db:"owner_id" json:"owner" o*:"the entity difference this field difference is attached to"` LinkName string `db:"linkName,60" json:"linkName" o*:"the value of a field before a change"` Added EntityFullReference `db:"added,224" json:"added" o*:"the reference of a newly associated entity through this link"` Removed EntityFullReference `db:"removed,224" json:"removed" o*:"the reference of the entity de-associated through this link"` InDepthFieldDifferences []*FieldDifference `db:"-" json:"-" o*:"the field differences found inside 2 versions of the same associated entity"` InDepthLinkDifferences []*LinkDifference `db:"-" json:"-" o*:"the link differences found inside 2 versions of the same associated entity"` }
LinkDifference defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewLinkDifference ¶
func NewLinkDifference(owner *EntityDifference, link *EntityLink, added EntityFullReference, removed EntityFullReference) *LinkDifference
NewLinkDifference is a "constructor"
func (*LinkDifference) InitSchema ¶
func (thisLinkDifference *LinkDifference) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
func (*LinkDifference) WithNum ¶
func (thisLinkDiff *LinkDifference) WithNum(nbDiffsSoFar int) *LinkDifference
WithNum : can be used to refresh the entity's label if it depends on other properties
type LoadingID ¶
type LoadingID string
LoadingID is a string to identify a loading plan, for a given entity kind; For a given entity kind, it should be unique
const LoadingCURRENTUSER LoadingID = "current"
LoadingCURRENTUSER allows to identify the kind of loading we use for the current user
const (
LoadingENTITYDIFFFORVIEW LoadingID = "diffs_view"
Loading IDs
const (
LoadingJOBCONFIGWITHPARAMS LoadingID = "with_params"
Loading IDs
const LoadingUSERINIT LoadingID = "user_init"
LoadingUSERINIT is the loading method used for initialising users in the DB
type MIMEType ¶
type MIMEType int
MIMEType represents the MIME type of multipart
type Message ¶
type Message struct { Title string `json:"title"` // the message title Gravity Gravity `json:"gravity"` // the message Gravity GravityString string `json:"gravityString"` // the message Gravity (string form) Content string `json:"content"` // the message content }
Message allows to put messages in rest responses
type Operand ¶
type Operand struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Operand help us defines where clause operations
func NewOperand ¶
NewOperand to create a new operand
type OperationPluralResponse ¶
type OperationPluralResponse struct { BaseResponse Entities interface{} `json:"entities"` NbEntities int `json:"nbEntities"` }
OperationPluralResponse must be used for PLURAL-type response, i.e. when the body should contain several entities
func GenericListHandler ¶
func GenericListHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
GenericListHandler returns the 100 first instances for the current entity kind
func GenericSaveHandler ¶
func GenericSaveHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
GenericSaveHandler allows to simply update an entity passed as a JSON object
func GenericSearchHandler ¶
func GenericSearchHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
GenericSearchHandler returns results from a simple search, i.e. a search performed with a simple search entity containing criteria about the entity fields of the targeted entities
func PluralResponse ¶
func PluralResponse(wsContext WsContext, entitiesAsInterface interface{}, status int, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
PluralResponse initialises a *OperationPluralResponse with a given set of entities
func (*OperationPluralResponse) ConcatErrors ¶
func (thisResponse *OperationPluralResponse) ConcatErrors(title string, errors ...Error) *OperationPluralResponse
ConcatErrors allows to pass several errors to be concatenated in a single message
func (*OperationPluralResponse) Message ¶
func (thisResponse *OperationPluralResponse) Message(gravity Gravity, title string, contentFmt string, contentParams ...interface{}) *OperationPluralResponse
Message allows to add a message to a *OperationPluralResponse
type OperationSingleResponse ¶
type OperationSingleResponse struct { BaseResponse Entity IEntity `json:"entity"` NoIndent bool `json:"-"` }
OperationSingleResponse must be used for SINGLE-type response, i.e. when the body should contain at most 1 entity
func GenericCreateHandler ¶
func GenericCreateHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
GenericCreateHandler allows to simply create an entity passed as a JSON object
func GenericDeleteHandler ¶
func GenericDeleteHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
GenericDeleteHandler allows to delete an entity, given its primary reference (which can be its ID)
func GenericReadHandler ¶
func GenericReadHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
GenericReadHandler allows to simply read an entity, given its primary reference (which can be its ID)
func GenericUpdateHandler ¶
func GenericUpdateHandler(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
GenericUpdateHandler allows to simply update an entity passed as a JSON object
func SingleResponse ¶
func SingleResponse(wsContext WsContext, entity IEntity, status int, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
SingleResponse initialises a *OperationSingleResponse with a given entity. An http status must be provided, and the loading ID of the entity should be passed, since the preparation before the JSON marshalling depends on it.
func (*OperationSingleResponse) ConcatErrors ¶
func (thisResponse *OperationSingleResponse) ConcatErrors(title string, errors ...Error) *OperationSingleResponse
ConcatErrors allows to pass several errors to be concatenated in a single message
func (*OperationSingleResponse) Message ¶
func (thisResponse *OperationSingleResponse) Message(gravity Gravity, title string, contentFmt string, contentParams ...interface{}) *OperationSingleResponse
Message allows to add a message to a *OperationSingleResponse
type PluralResponseFunction ¶
type PluralResponseFunction func(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationPluralResponse
PluralResponseFunction is the kind of operation function that returns a OperationPluralResponse
type PropertyType ¶
type PropertyType int
PropertyType represents the type of an entity's property
const ( // PropertyTypeUNKNOWN : when the property type is not recognized PropertyTypeUNKNOWN PropertyType = iota - 1 // PropertyTypeBOOL : for boolean properties PropertyTypeBOOL // PropertyTypeSTRING : for string properties PropertyTypeSTRING // PropertyTypeURL : for URL string properties PropertyTypeURL // PropertyTypeEMAIL : for email properties PropertyTypeEMAIL // PropertyTypeENTITYID : for entity IDs PropertyTypeENTITYID // PropertyTypeENTITYREFERENCE : for entity references PropertyTypeENTITYREFERENCE // PropertyTypeINT : for integer properties PropertyTypeINT // PropertyTypeREAL32 : for 32-bits real number properties PropertyTypeREAL32 // PropertyTypeREAL64 : for 64-bits real number properties PropertyTypeREAL64 // PropertyTypeAMOUNT : for amount of money (which is a float64) PropertyTypeAMOUNT // PropertyTypeDATE : for date properties PropertyTypeDATE // PropertyTypeENUM : for enum properties PropertyTypeENUM // PropertyTypeLINK : for links to other entities PropertyTypeLINK // PropertyTypeJSON : for JSON strings PropertyTypeJSON )
func (PropertyType) String ¶
func (thisProperty PropertyType) String() string
func (PropertyType) Val ¶
func (thisProperty PropertyType) Val() int
Val helps implement the IEnum interface
func (PropertyType) Values ¶
func (thisProperty PropertyType) Values() map[int]string
Values helps implement the IEnum interface
type QueryExecContext ¶
type QueryExecContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
QueryExecContext wraps a query as well as the values to be used to fill this query, and maybe a debug string, to help check the query execution in the logs
func (*QueryExecContext) DebugWith ¶
func (queryCtx *QueryExecContext) DebugWith(debugValues ...interface{}) *QueryExecContext
DebugWith helps create a context from a query, with values passed to fill it before execution
func (*QueryExecContext) ForceLogWithLevel ¶
func (queryCtx *QueryExecContext) ForceLogWithLevel(level logrus.Level) *QueryExecContext
func (*QueryExecContext) GetDebugQuery ¶
func (queryCtx *QueryExecContext) GetDebugQuery(withValues bool) string
GetDebugQuery returns, depending on the log mode, a string of the given SQL query, and, if the mode is verbose, with the params replacing the '?'. Some values passed here may be masked for confidentiality.
type QueryIDSuffix ¶
type QueryIDSuffix string
QueryIDSuffix is a type of string that is used to build a Query ID
const ( QueryIDSuffixEXISTS QueryIDSuffix = "_exists" QueryIDSuffixINSERT QueryIDSuffix = "_insert" QueryIDSuffixINSERTLINK QueryIDSuffix = "_insert_link" QueryIDSuffixREMOVELINK QueryIDSuffix = "_remove_link" QueryIDSuffixUPDATE QueryIDSuffix = "_update" QueryIDSuffixSELECT QueryIDSuffix = "_select" QueryIDSuffixSELECTREF QueryIDSuffix = "_select_ref" QueryIDSuffixSELECTLINK QueryIDSuffix = "_select_link" QueryIDSuffixSIMPLESEARCH QueryIDSuffix = "_simple_search" QueryIDSuffixLIST QueryIDSuffix = "_list" QueryIDSuffixQUICKSEARCH QueryIDSuffix = "_quick_search" QueryIDSuffixDYNAMICCOUNT QueryIDSuffix = "_dyn_count" QueryIDSuffixDYNAMICDELETE QueryIDSuffix = "_dyn_delete" QueryIDSuffixDYNAMICSELECT QueryIDSuffix = "_dyn_select" QueryIDSuffixREMOVE QueryIDSuffix = "_remove" QueryIDSuffixBULKINSERT QueryIDSuffix = "_bulk_insert" )
We define here some generic query ID suffices
type RandGenParams ¶
type RandGenParams struct { OnlyPersisted bool // to generate only the properties that are persisted WithID bool // to generate an ID, instead of having it generated by the DB MakeInsertable bool // forces the generation of entities in required links, even if no linked entity should be generated at first LinkBackRefs bool // performs the backward entity linking Regenerate bool // if true, then it means we're regenerating an existing entity, to simulate user changes NoKind bool // if true, then the entity kind is removed NoLabel bool // if true, then the entity label is removed }
RandGenParams gathers some of the parameters involved in random entity generation
type Resource ¶
type Resource struct { Entity // a Resource is a particular kind of entity ResourceKind EntityKind `json:"resourceKind" o*:"the entity kind this resource is associated with"` Group functionalGroup `json:"group" o*:"the group - i.e. - functionality package, this resource belongs to"` EntitySchemaURL core.URL `json:"entitySchemaURL" o*:"path to the schema for the entities associated with this resource"` Operations []*WebOperation `json:"operations,omitempty" o*:"the operations associated with an entity kind"` OperationNames map[string]protectionLabel `json:"operationNames" o*:"a map containing the names of the operations attached to the resource"` }
Resource defines the structure of a resource, i.e. the set of web operations associated to an entity kind The role of a 'Resource' is to describe the structure of the associated entity kind, i.e. the set of fields, the type of each of them, various constraints on them, etc.
func (*Resource) InitSchema ¶
func (thisResource *Resource) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity kind
func (*Resource) IsVisible ¶
func (thisResource *Resource) IsVisible(appContext AppContext) bool
IsVisible tells is the given user can access this operation
type RoutineBiContext ¶
type RoutineBiContext interface { BiContext // a Routine Context has to offer the same operations as any BI Context Release() // Release frees the inner Routine back into the routine pool }
RoutineBiContext is an interface for a routine that can be used as a BI Context, and can also be released once the go routine job is finished.
Typical use case is: routineCtx := mainBiContext.NewRoutineBiContext() defer routineCtx.Release() routineCtx.Log().Infof( "Starting doing stuff from this context")
type RoutineContextOrigin ¶
type RoutineContextOrigin interface { BiContext // it is a full-fledge BI Context DbOwner // but also a DB owner }
RoutineGenerator is the type for the object in Geen that can create a RoutineBiContext
type SQLDynamicQuery ¶
type SQLDynamicQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SQLDynamicQuery is an extension of SQLQuery that adds methods for the dynamic aspects
func Count ¶
func Count(biContext BiContext, kind EntityKind) *SQLDynamicQuery
Count builds a dynamic SELECT COUNT query
func Select ¶
func Select(biContext BiContext, kind EntityKind, defMinStatus EntityStatus, loadingID LoadingID) *SQLDynamicQuery
Count builds a dynamic SELECT query
func (*SQLDynamicQuery) AsEntities ¶
func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) AsEntities() ([]IEntity, Error)
AsEntities actually runs the query, and returns the entities found in the list
func (*SQLDynamicQuery) AsInt ¶
func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) AsInt() (int, Error)
AsInt actually runs the query, and returns the unique result of the execution of the dynamic query as an int
func (*SQLDynamicQuery) AsString ¶
func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) AsString() (string, Error)
AsString actually runs the query, and returns the unique result of the execution of the dynamic query as a string
func (*SQLDynamicQuery) NbRows ¶
func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) NbRows() (int64, Error)
NbRows actually runs the query, and returns the number of rows affected by the execution of the dynamic query
func (*SQLDynamicQuery) Where ¶
func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) Where(criterion string, value interface{}) *SQLDynamicQuery
Where allows to add a new criterion to the query; e.g. Where("EntityStatus>", -2), Where("Name=", "Dupond")
func (*SQLDynamicQuery) WhereAll ¶
func (dynQuery *SQLDynamicQuery) WhereAll(criterionValuePairs map[string]interface{}) *SQLDynamicQuery
WhereAll allows to add several pairs of criterion / value at once
type SQLQuery ¶
type SQLQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SQLQuery is our own type for SQL queries. It shall allow us to better control how we manipulate SQL queries, and how to build tools around that. For now, it's just a string, but that should evolve.
func GetSQLQuery ¶
func GetSQLQuery(dbContext DbContext, entityKind EntityKind, queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix) *SQLQuery
GetSQLQuery returns a SQL query as a string, for a given entity kind, and a given QueryIDSuffix
func GetSQLQueryWithConfig ¶
func GetSQLQueryWithConfig(dbContext DbContext, entityKind EntityKind, queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix, queryConfiguration *queryConfiguration) *SQLQuery
GetSQLQueryWithConfig returns a SQL query as a string, for a given entity kind, and a given QueryIDSuffix It can take an additionnal object, like an entity link, or a search entity
func SQLQueryf ¶
func SQLQueryf(entityKind EntityKind, queryIDSuffix QueryIDSuffix, qConfig *queryConfiguration, formatStringQuery string, formatStringArgs ...interface{}) *SQLQuery
SQLQueryf builds a SQLQuery from a format string and format arguments
func (*SQLQuery) SetIsRead ¶
SetIsRead allows to indicate that a query is of READ type (i.e. not a query for writing stuff)
func (*SQLQuery) ToContext ¶
func (sqlQuery *SQLQuery) ToContext() *QueryExecContext
ToContext helps create a context from a query, when no value are needed to fill it before execution
func (*SQLQuery) With ¶
func (sqlQuery *SQLQuery) With(values ...interface{}) *QueryExecContext
With helps create a context from a query, with values passed to fill it before execution
type SimpleSearchCriterion ¶
type SimpleSearchCriterion struct { SearchedEntityFieldProperty EntityPropertyID SearchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID Operand *Operand SearchObjectValueField EntityPropertyID }
SimpleSearchCriterion defines what a simple search criterion should look like
func NewExistingFieldCriterion ¶
func NewExistingFieldCriterion(searchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID, operand *Operand) *SimpleSearchCriterion
NewExistingFieldCriterion builds a new criterion based on a field of the entity type that the existence is tested
func NewFieldCriterion ¶
func NewFieldCriterion(searchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID, operand *Operand, searchObjectValueField EntityPropertyID) *SimpleSearchCriterion
NewFieldCriterion builds a new criterion based on a field of the entity type that is searched in DB
func NewLinkCriterion ¶
func NewLinkCriterion(searchedEntityLinkProperty EntityPropertyID, operand *Operand, searchObjectValueField EntityPropertyID) *SimpleSearchCriterion
NewLinkCriterion builds a new criterion based on a link of the entity type that is searched in DB
type SimpleSearchEntity ¶
type SimpleSearchEntity struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Signature string `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */ MinStatus EntityStatus `json:"minStatus,omitempty" in:"the entity status from which to consider the entities to be found"` MaxResults int `json:"maxResults,omitempty" in:"the max number of entities returned"` NbResults int `json:"nbResults,omitempty" o*:"the number of results found; if absent, this is equivalent to 0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SimpleSearchEntity defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewSimpleSearch ¶
func NewSimpleSearch(kind EntityKind) SimpleSearchEntity
NewSimpleSearch helps us instantiate a new simple search entity
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetDefaultMaxResults ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetDefaultMaxResults() int
GetDefaultMaxResults returns the default max number of entities returned; if <= 0: no limit
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetDescription ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetDescription() string
GetDescription : implementing ISimpleSearchEntity
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetMaxResults ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetMaxResults() int
GetMaxResults returns the max number of entities returned; if <= 0: no limit
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetMinStatus ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetMinStatus() EntityStatus
GetMinStatus returns the mininam status for the entities to be retrieved by the search
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetOrderBy ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetOrderBy() (EntityPropertyID, OrderType)
GetOrderBy returns the ID of the property which should be used to order the results; if "", then no sorting is done
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetSignature ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetSignature() string
GetSignature returs a "binary" (ex. "01011") signature for the list of criteria
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) GetValuedCriteria ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) GetValuedCriteria() []*SimpleSearchCriterion
GetValuedCriteria returns a list of the criteria that will effectively be of use in a search
func (*SimpleSearchEntity) InitSchema ¶
func (thisSearch *SimpleSearchEntity) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type SingleResponseFunction ¶
type SingleResponseFunction func(wsContext WsContext, loadingID LoadingID) *OperationSingleResponse
SingleResponseFunction is the kind of operation function that returns a OperationSingleResponse
type SwaggerDoc ¶
type SwaggerDoc struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity, so that we can easily handle it through a rest web operation oas.Swagger // .. but also a Swagger struct, that can contain all the needed info for a Swagger documentation of an app's API // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SwaggerDoc defines the structure of a ????, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewSwaggerDoc ¶
func NewSwaggerDoc() *SwaggerDoc
NewSwaggerDoc is a shortcut to instantiate a new SwaggerDoc
func (*SwaggerDoc) InitSchema ¶
func (thisDoc *SwaggerDoc) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type WSFile ¶
type WSFile struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Name string `json:"name" o*:"the multipart's name"` Mandatory bool `json:"mandatory" o*:"if true, then this multipart is expected"` Description string `json:"description" o*:"the multipart's description"` MaxSize int64 `json:"maxSize" o*:"the multipart's max size in MB'"` AllowedTypes []MIMEType `json:"allowedTypes" o*:"the multipart's expected MIME types"` }
WSFile defines the structure of a web operation multipart file, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewWSFile ¶
func NewWSFile(name string, mandatory bool, description string, maxSize int64, mimeTypes ...MIMEType) *WSFile
NewWSFile is a shortcut to instantiate a new WSFile
func (*WSFile) InitSchema ¶
func (thisWSFile *WSFile) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type WSQueryParam ¶
type WSQueryParam struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Name string `json:"name" o*:"the query parameter's name"` Mandatory bool `json:"mandatory" o*:"if true, then this parameter is expected"` Description string `json:"description" o*:"the parameter's description"` ParamType PropertyType `json:"paramType" o*:"the parameter's type"` }
WSQueryParam defines the structure of a web operation query param, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewWSQueryParam ¶
func NewWSQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string, paramType PropertyType) *WSQueryParam
NewWSQueryParam is a shortcut to instantiate a new WSQueryParam
func (*WSQueryParam) InitSchema ¶
func (thisWSQueryParam *WSQueryParam) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type WebOperation ¶
type WebOperation struct { Entity // a Resource is a particular kind of entity Name string `json:"name" o*:"the name of a operation has this form: 'action-resourceName'"` Action string `json:"action" o*:"the label for the associated action type"` ActionType IActionType `json:"-" o*:"the action called (read ? delete ? create ? list ? etc.)"` LongDescription string `json:"longDescription" o*:"further details about the operation"` FirstParamLabel string `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */ FirstParamOptional bool `json:"firstParamOptional" o*:"if true, then the first URL parameter can be empty without causing an error"` InputKind EntityKind `json:"inputKind,omitempty" o*:"contains the kind of the expected input in the body"` InputMultiple bool `json:"inputMultiple" o*:"tells if it's a set of entities that is expected, or juste one entity"` InputDesc string `json:"inputDesc" o*:"contains a description of the input"` InputSchema core.URL `json:"inputSchema,omitempty" o*:"tells if it's a set of entities that is expected, or juste one entity"` IsOn bool `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */ Method string `json:"method" o*:"the label for the associated HTTP method type"` MethodType HTTPMethodType `json:"-" o*:"which HTTP method (as an int code) does it responds to"` Protected bool `json:"protected" o*:"tells if a user must be logged to reach this operation or not"` Resource *Resource `json:"-" o*:"the resource to which this operation is attached"` ResourcePath core.URL `json:"resourcePath" o*:"the path for the resource that this operation is associated with"` OutputMultiple bool `json:"outputMultiple" o*:"if true, then an array of instances of the resource is returned; else, a single entity"` OperationURL core.URL `json:"operationURL" o*:"the URL = the path + the action"` IsSuperUserProtected bool `json:"isSuperUserProtected" o*:"if true, then the operation is not visible nor usable for non-super users"` IsAdminProtected bool `json:"isAdminProtected" o*:"if true, then the operation is not visible nor usable for non-admin users"` QueryParams []*WSQueryParam `json:"queryParams" o*:"the expected URL query parameters"` Files []*WSFile `json:"files" o*:"the expected files."` Responses []*WebOperationResponse `json:"responses" o*:"the possible responses, documented"` IsForm bool `json:"isForm" o*:"if true, then web operation will work with form content type."` MaxUploadSize int64 `json:"maxUploadSize" o*:"the multipart max upload size in Mb"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WebOperation defines the structure of a web operation
func OnGET ¶
func OnGET(entityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
OnGET initialises a web operation for a given resource, for the HTTP method GET
func OnPOST ¶
func OnPOST(entityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
OnPOST initialises a web operation for a given resource, for the HTTP method POST
func RandomWebOperation ¶
func RandomWebOperation(source rand.Source) *WebOperation
RandomWebOperation returns a randomly chosen WebOperation instance, given a random generation source
func UseGenericHandlerFor ¶
func UseGenericHandlerFor(entityKind EntityKind, action GenericActionType, loadingID LoadingID, isAdminProtected bool) *WebOperation
UseGenericHandlerFor allows to easily deploy, for a particular entity kind, generic web operations, as provided by this framework
func (*WebOperation) CaptureHeaders ¶ added in v6.4.0
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) CaptureHeaders(headers ...string) *WebOperation
func (*WebOperation) ForAction ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ForAction(actionType IActionType) *WebOperation
ForAction sets on a operation an action, which can be generic or custom, but should always be an IActionType instance
func (*WebOperation) GetOperationURL ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) GetOperationURL(context BiContext) core.URL
Returning the "contextual" operation's URL
func (*WebOperation) InShort ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InShort(label string) *WebOperation
InShort allows to set the SHORTEST POSSIBLE description for this operation
func (*WebOperation) InitSchema ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity kind
func (*WebOperation) InputMany ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InputMany(entityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
InputMany allows to indicate the type of the entities expected as an input in the request body
func (*WebOperation) InputOne ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) InputOne(entityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
InputOne allows to indicate the type of the single entity expected as an input in the request body
func (*WebOperation) IsAllowed ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) IsAllowed(user IUser) bool
IsAllowed tells is the given user can access this operation
func (*WebOperation) KeepTempLogIfCodeExceeds ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) KeepTempLogIfCodeExceeds(status int) *WebOperation
KeepTempLogIfCodeExceeds : use this to force a temporary log to be kept, if the response HTTP status is strictly higher than the given status
func (*WebOperation) KeepTempLogIfTimeExceeds ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) KeepTempLogIfTimeExceeds(maxDuration time.Duration) *WebOperation
func (*WebOperation) More ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) More(longDescription string) *WebOperation
More allows to add a longer description
func (*WebOperation) On ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) On() *WebOperation
On sets a web operation on "On" mode, i.e. allows it to be registered and active
func (*WebOperation) Open ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) Open() *WebOperation
Open enables an "open mode" for a web operation, i.e. allows clients to reach it without authentication
func (*WebOperation) OutputExample ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) OutputExample(httpStatus int, outputExamples ...IEntity) *WebOperation
OutputExample allows to provide an example for a response associated with an HTTP status code
func (*WebOperation) ProvideFileWith ¶ added in v6.3.0
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ProvideFileWith(handlerFunction FileResponseFunction, loadingID LoadingID, removeFile, inlineFile bool) *WebOperation
func (*WebOperation) ProvideManyWith ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ProvideManyWith(handlerFunction PluralResponseFunction, loadingID LoadingID) *WebOperation
ProvideManyWith allows to set a handler for a operation that should return a set of entities
func (*WebOperation) ProvideOneWith ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) ProvideOneWith(handlerFunction SingleResponseFunction, loadingID LoadingID) *WebOperation
ProvideOneWith allows to set a handler for a operation that should return 1 entity
func (*WebOperation) SearchWith ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SearchWith(searchEntityKind EntityKind) *WebOperation
SearchWith allows to indicate the type of the simple search entity expected as an input in the request body
func (*WebOperation) SetAdminProtected ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetAdminProtected(protected bool) *WebOperation
SetAdminProtected allows to tell if a operation should be accessible for admin users only
func (*WebOperation) SetNakedResponse ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetNakedResponse() *WebOperation
SetNakedResponse makes the operation return an entity or entities, without the "meta" info (version, status & messages)
func (*WebOperation) SetNoIndent ¶ added in v6.3.2
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetNoIndent() *WebOperation
SetNoIndent makes the JSON response not indented
func (*WebOperation) SetSuperUserProtected ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) SetSuperUserProtected(protected bool) *WebOperation
SetSuperUserProtected allows to tell if a operation should be accessible for admin users only
func (*WebOperation) WithBoolQueryParam ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithBoolQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
WithBoolQueryParam allows to tell that a boolean URL query parameter can be expected by the operation
func (*WebOperation) WithDoubleQueryParam ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithDoubleQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
WithDoubleQueryParam allows to tell that a double URL query parameter can be expected by the operation
func (*WebOperation) WithFile ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithFile(name string, mandatory bool, description string, maxSize int64, mimeTypes ...MIMEType) *WebOperation
WithFile allows to tell that a file can be expected by the operation
func (*WebOperation) WithForm ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithForm() *WebOperation
WithForm sets the max upload size expected
func (*WebOperation) WithIntQueryParam ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithIntQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
WithIntQueryParam allows to tell that an int URL query parameter can be expected by the operation
func (*WebOperation) WithMaxUploadSize ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithMaxUploadSize(maxSize int64) *WebOperation
WithMaxUploadSize sets the max upload size expected
func (*WebOperation) WithOptionalParam ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithOptionalParam(firstParamLabel string) *WebOperation
WithOptionalParam does the same as WithParam but sets the parameter as optional
func (*WebOperation) WithParam ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithParam(firstParamLabel string) *WebOperation
WithParam is used to indicate that the web operation needs to retrieve the targeted resource with the primary reference or ID set in the URL. The given argument here should explain what this parameter is, like 'orderReference', 'userID', 'maxSearchResults'. For optimal readability, the parameter should be labeled_this_way.
func (*WebOperation) WithResponse ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithResponse(code int, description string, emptyBody bool, exampleInputs ...IEntity) *WebOperation
WithResponse allows to describe a potential response for this operation
func (*WebOperation) WithStringQueryParam ¶
func (thisOperation *WebOperation) WithStringQueryParam(name string, mandatory bool, description string) *WebOperation
WithStringQueryParam allows to tell that a string URL query parameter can be expected by the operation
type WebOperationResponse ¶
type WebOperationResponse struct { Entity // is a particular kind of geen entity Code int `json:"code" o*:"this response's HTTP code'"` Description string `json:"description" o*:"this response's description"` EmptyBody bool `json:"emptyBody" o*:"if true, then the operation returns nothing"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WebOperationResponse defines the structure of a web operation response, i.e. properties & links, plus basic methods
func NewWebOperationResponse ¶
func NewWebOperationResponse() *WebOperationResponse
NewWebOperationResponse is a shortcut to instantiate a new WebOperationResponse
func (*WebOperationResponse) InitSchema ¶
func (thisWebOperationResponse *WebOperationResponse) InitSchema() *EntitySchema
InitSchema is used to create a schema, to bear all the meta information about this entity type
type WsContext ¶
type WsContext interface { AppContext // returns the first URL parameter, as in: rest/resource_name/action_name/first_param GetFirstURLParameter() string // returns the currently targeted entity kind GetTargetEntityKind() EntityKind // returns a pointer the entity that has been passed through the current request's body, e.g. *MyEntity GetInputEntity() IEntity // returns the entities that has to passed through the current request's body; has to be cast as ([]*MyEntity) GetInputEntitySlice() interface{} // returns a BI context with some info coming from this WS context GetBiContext() BiContext // returns a query parameter value as a boolean GetBoolQueryParam(name string) bool // returns a query parameter value as an int GetIntQueryParam(name string) int // returns a query parameter value as a float64 GetFloatQueryParam(name string) float64 // returns a query parameter value as a string GetStringQueryParam(name string) string // gets the body from the context GetBody() []byte // what's the current web operation the user has called ? GetCurrentOperation() *WebOperation // returns all files from request GetFiles() map[string]*InputFile // gets form GetForm() map[string][]string // returns a captured header's value GetCapturedHeader(key string) string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
WsContext is a context bearing the info required when we're in the WS layer
Source Files
- app__init_.go
- app__init_automigrate.go
- app_admin_.go
- app_admin_ws.go
- authorization.go
- config.go
- context_.go
- context_bi.go
- context_db.go
- context_ws.go
- entity__.go
- entity__bi_cache.go
- entity__bi_impl.go
- entity__bi_links_create.go
- entity__bi_links_delete.go
- entity__bi_multi.go
- entity__bi_single.go
- entity__bi_utils.go
- entity__db_impl.go
- entity__db_links.go
- entity__db_multi.go
- entity__db_single.go
- entity__db_utils.go
- entity__ws.go
- entity_difference_.go
- entity_difference_bi.go
- entity_difference_ws.go
- entity_list_difference_.go
- entity_list_difference_bi.go
- entity_property_.go
- entity_property_field.go
- entity_property_link.go
- entity_random.go
- entity_schema_.go
- entity_schema_bi_.go
- entity_schema_bi_build.go
- entity_schema_bi_prop__.go
- entity_schema_bi_prop__value.go
- entity_schema_bi_prop_field_.go
- entity_schema_bi_prop_field_value.go
- entity_schema_bi_prop_link_.go
- entity_schema_bi_prop_link_value.go
- entity_schema_db_utils.go
- entity_schema_ws.go
- entity_utils.go
- entity_validation.go
- enums.go
- error.go
- field_difference_.go
- field_difference_bi.go
- geen_batcher_func.go
- geen_batcher_inserts.go
- geen_batcher_serv.go
- geen_routine_.go
- geen_scheduler.go
- geen_worker.go
- generic_jobs_.go
- i_entity.go
- job__.go
- job__bi.go
- job__ws.go
- job_configuration__.go
- job_configuration__bi.go
- job_configuration__ws.go
- job_param__.go
- job_search__.go
- job_search__bi.go
- link_difference_.go
- link_difference_bi.go
- loading_plan.go
- purge.go
- query_build_.go
- query_build_dynamic.go
- query_build_links.go
- query_build_multi.go
- query_build_single.go
- query_configuration.go
- query_exec_context.go
- query_fetch.go
- query_id.go
- quick_search_db.go
- resource_.go
- resource_bi.go
- resource_ws.go
- rest_file_.go
- rest_file_bi.go
- rest_handler.go
- rest_query_param.go
- rest_responses.go
- schema_test_utils.go
- simple_search_.go
- simple_search_bi.go
- simple_search_db.go
- sql_utils.go
- swagger_doc_.go
- swagger_doc_bi.go
- swagger_doc_utils.go
- swagger_doc_ws.go
- testing_persistency.go
- testing_persistency_utils.go
- testing_server.go
- users.go
- utils.go
- weboperation__.go
- weboperation__bi.go
- weboperation__ws.go
- weboperation_response_.go