Gaussian mixture model
Inferring Gaussian mixture components; both component parameters
and probabilities of data points to belong to each component are
inferred. First, a MLE estimate of the parameters is computed,
then, a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo variant is used to infer the
posterior, and empirical means of the full posterior are shown.
The default prior on component membership is improper uniform,
and HMC or NUTS are unlikely to converge with these settings.
Change to '-alpha 0.1 -tau 1' to see the inference converging.
git clone
- Change the current directory to
Running the inference
- Run
. Make will build the executable and run the
inference on a small embedded data set, for self-check.
- Run
./gmm -niter 1000 -ncomp data-3.csv
for a bigger data
Subfolder gen
contains a program for generating datasets. Run
go build -o generate ./gen
to build the program, and
./generate -ncomp 3 -nobs 1000 > my-dataset.csv
to generate a dataset with 3 components and 1000 observations.
Pre-generated data
Four data sets, for 2 and 3 components:
- data-2-broad.csv - -ncomp 2 -dist 3
- data-2-dense.csv - -ncomp 2 -dist 1
- data-3-broad.csv - -ncomp 3 -dist 3
- data-3-dense.csv - -ncomp 3 -dist 1
Dense data sets are more challenging for inference, and have greater
discrepancy between the mode and the mean.
Example run
$ ./gmm -alpha 0.1 -tau 1.
MLE (after 18 iterations):
* Log-likelihood: -112.259 => -88.787
* Components:
0: mean=-0.834, stddev=0.402
1: mean=1.182, stddev=0.458
* Observations:
# value label p0 p1
0 1.899 1 0.187 0.813
1 -1.110 0 0.841 0.159
2 -0.907 0 0.847 0.153
3 1.291 1 0.163 0.837
4 -0.755 0 0.851 0.149
5 -0.442 0 0.855 0.145
6 -0.144 0 0.809 0.191
7 1.214 1 0.159 0.841
8 -0.818 0 0.849 0.151
9 -0.339 0 0.851 0.149
10 0.386 1 0.149 0.851
11 -1.036 0 0.843 0.157
12 -0.625 0 0.854 0.146
13 1.014 1 0.152 0.848
14 1.336 1 0.164 0.836
15 -1.487 0 0.827 0.173
16 0.822 1 0.146 0.854
17 -0.427 0 0.855 0.145
18 0.675 1 0.143 0.857
19 0.621 1 0.143 0.857
Posterior means:
* HMC:
accepted: 1427
rejected: 574
rate: 0.7131
* Components:
0: mean=-0.731, stddev=0.392
1: mean=1.021, stddev=0.476
* Observations:
# value label p0 p1
0 1.899 1 0.167 0.833
1 -1.110 0 0.941 0.059
2 -0.907 0 0.759 0.241
3 1.291 1 0.136 0.864
4 -0.755 0 0.795 0.205
5 -0.442 0 0.842 0.158
6 -0.144 0 0.871 0.129
7 1.214 1 0.419 0.581
8 -0.818 0 0.891 0.109
9 -0.339 0 0.821 0.179
10 0.386 1 0.243 0.757
11 -1.036 0 0.426 0.574
12 -0.625 0 0.616 0.384
13 1.014 1 0.224 0.776
14 1.336 1 0.331 0.669
15 -1.487 0 0.737 0.263
16 0.822 1 0.192 0.808
17 -0.427 0 0.602 0.398
18 0.675 1 0.276 0.724
19 0.621 1 0.182 0.818