Tool to test Decimal blockchain with randomized transactions
- Common flags for all commands:
--mnemonics_file path_to_file, default: mnemonics.cfg
--node <node url>, default: http://localhost
--tport <tendermint port>, default: 26657
--rport <cosmos REST port>, default: 1317
--debug, default: false
-- turn on requests/resposes for resty library to sendstorm.log
- Generate mnemonics for accounts
sendstorm generate [--count count_of_mnemonics]
- Refill account with coins from faucet
sendstorm faucet --faucet_mnemonic="..." [--only_empty]
--only_empty false
refill without balance checking
- Send bunch of transactions to blockchain
sendstorm run [--actions actions_definition] [--tps transactions_per_second]
Actions: action_name1=weight1,action_name2=weight2...
, ex: CreateCoin=1,SendCoin=99