customer-grpc is a gRPC server with Postgres project.
Directory structure
├── cmd # Main applications for this project
| ├── cli # Command Line code directory
| ├── grpc # The entry point of gRPC application (grpc mode)
| ├── main.go # The entry point of web application
├── conf # The configuration directory
├── deployments # The deployment file directory
├── examples # The example for gRPC call
├── grpc # Contains the gRPC client and proto file (grpc mode)
├── internal # Private application and library code
| ├── domain # Business logic code directory
| ├── webapi # WebAPI code directory (webapi mode)
| ├── grpc # gRPC Stub implementation code directory (grpc mode)
├── schema # The database schema directory
├── test # The web api integration test code directory
├── .air.toml # Live loading config file
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
├── CHANGELOG # Change log
├── # The entry point shell script for the application running in container
├── Dockerfile # Docker build file
├── go.mod # Golang module package dependencies file
├── go.sum # Golang module package dependencies sum file
├── LICENSE # License file
├── Makefile # Make file
└── # The top level README for developers using this project
go install
Protocol Buffer Compiler Installation
brew install protobuf
Go plugins for the protocol compiler Installation
go install
go install
Generate gRPC code
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative *.proto
Kubectl Config
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context <CONTEXT_NAME>
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<dev|prod|staging>
Scripts of Development
make help # Print help
make test # Unit test
make run # Runs the app in development mode on local
make live # Live reloading
make compile # Compile TypesScript to JavaScript