Print environment variables for specific container inside the particular pod. Extract needed data from secrets, configmaps, fieldRef and resourceFieldRef.
go install aerf.io/podenvs@main
Usage of podenvs:
This binary connects to the current-context from the kubeconfig to read referenced secrets/configmaps, even if the pod is supplied by stdin.
Available flags:
-c, --container string Container inside that pod from which to extract envs. Unused if there's only 1 container
-e, --exportable Prints envs in a format ready to copy and paste into terminal to export them
-h, --help print help msg
--name string Name of the pod. Ignored if the input is set to stdin.
--namespace string Namespace of the pod. Ignored if the input is set to stdin. (default "default")
-y, --yaml yaml output instead of json
"--exportable" flag takes precedence before "--yaml" flag.
"--container" flag is only required if the targeted pod has more than 1 container, otherwise it's ignored.
You can pass the yaml/json representation of pod to stdin of podenvs using "-" as last argument, example:
$ kubectl get pod -n $NAMESPACE $POD_NAME -oyaml | podenvs -
The "--name" flag is not required in this case and is ignored, along with "--namespace" flag.