Overview ¶
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
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Package util $PF_IGNORE$ Code generated from files in client/src/svg. See for details. DO NOT EDIT.
Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
Content managed by Project Forge, see [] for details.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ArrayFromAny(dest any) []any
- func ArrayRemoveDuplicates[T comparable](x []T) []T
- func AsyncCollect[T any, R any](items []T, f func(item T) (R, error)) ([]R, []error)
- func CycleJSON(src any, tgt any) error
- func DecryptMessage(key []byte, message string, logger Logger) (string, error)
- func EncryptMessage(key []byte, message string, logger Logger) (string, error)
- func ErrorMerge(errs ...error) error
- func FromJSON(msg json.RawMessage, tgt any) error
- func FromJSONInterface(msg json.RawMessage) (any, error)
- func FromJSONReader(r io.Reader, tgt any) error
- func FromJSONStrict(msg json.RawMessage, tgt any) error
- func GetEnv(name string, defaultValue ...string) string
- func GetEnvBool(name string, defaultValue bool) bool
- func GetEnvDuration(name string, defaultValue time.Duration) time.Duration
- func GetEnvInt(name string, defaultValue int) int
- func HashFNV32(s string) uint32
- func HashSHA256(s string) string
- func InterfaceArrayFrom[T any](x ...T) []any
- func JSONToMap(i any) map[string]any
- func LengthAny(dest any) int
- func MicrosToMillis(i int) string
- func NowPointer() *time.Time
- func RandomBool() bool
- func RandomBytes(size int) []byte
- func RandomDate() time.Time
- func RandomFloat(maxExclusive int) float64
- func RandomInt(maxExclusive int) int
- func RandomString(length int) string
- func ReplaceEnvVars(s string, logger Logger) string
- func RunProcess(cmd string, path string, in io.Reader, out io.Writer, er io.Writer) (int, error)
- func RunProcessSimple(cmd string, path string) (int, string, error)
- func StringArrayFromInterfaces(a []any, maxLength int) []string
- func StringArrayMaxLength(a []string) int
- func StringArrayOxfordComma(names []string, separator string) string
- func StringArrayQuoted(a []string) []string
- func StringForms(s string) (string, string)
- func StringPad(s string, size int) string
- func StringPlural(count int, s string) string
- func StringPluralMaybe(s string, count int) string
- func StringRepeat(s string, n int) string
- func StringSplit(s string, sep byte, cutc bool) (string, string)
- func StringSplitAndTrim(s string, delim string) []string
- func StringSplitLast(s string, sep byte, cutc bool) (string, string)
- func StringToCamel(s string, extraAcronyms ...string) string
- func StringToLowerCamel(s string, extraAcronyms ...string) string
- func StringToPlural(s string) string
- func StringToSingular(s string) string
- func StringToSnake(s string, extraAcronyms ...string) string
- func StringToTitle(s string, extraAcronyms ...string) string
- func StringTruncate(s string, max int) string
- func TimeCurrentMillis() int64
- func TimeFromFull(s string) (*time.Time, error)
- func TimeFromHTML(s string) (*time.Time, error)
- func TimeFromJS(s string) (*time.Time, error)
- func TimeFromString(s string) (*time.Time, error)
- func TimeFromStringFmt(s string, fmt string) (*time.Time, error)
- func TimeFromYMD(s string) (*time.Time, error)
- func TimeRelative(t *time.Time) string
- func TimeToFull(d *time.Time) string
- func TimeToHTML(d *time.Time) string
- func TimeToJS(d *time.Time) string
- func TimeToString(d *time.Time, fmt string) string
- func TimeToYMD(d *time.Time) string
- func ToJSON(x any) string
- func ToJSONBytes(x any, indent bool) []byte
- func ToJSONCompact(x any) string
- func UUID() uuid.UUID
- func UUIDFromString(s string) *uuid.UUID
- func UUIDP() *uuid.UUID
- type DebugInfo
- type Diff
- type Diffs
- type ErrorDetail
- type ErrorFrame
- type KeyTypeDesc
- type KeyTypeDescs
- type KeyValInt
- type KeyValInts
- type Logger
- type OrderedMap
- func (o *OrderedMap[V]) Append(k string, v V)
- func (o *OrderedMap[V]) Get(k string) (V, bool)
- func (o *OrderedMap[V]) GetSimple(k string) V
- func (o OrderedMap[V]) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o OrderedMap[V]) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
- func (o OrderedMap[V]) MarshalYAML() (any, error)
- func (o *OrderedMap[V]) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type Pkg
- func (p Pkg) Drop(n int) Pkg
- func (p Pkg) Equals(other Pkg) bool
- func (p Pkg) Last() string
- func (p Pkg) Push(name string) Pkg
- func (p Pkg) Quoted(quote string) string
- func (p Pkg) Shift() Pkg
- func (p Pkg) StartsWith(t Pkg) bool
- func (p Pkg) String() string
- func (p Pkg) StringWith(extra ...string) string
- func (p Pkg) ToPath(extra ...string) string
- func (p Pkg) Trim(src Pkg) Pkg
- func (p Pkg) With(key string) Pkg
- type Timer
- type ValueMap
- func (m ValueMap) Add(kvs ...any)
- func (m ValueMap) AsChanges() (ValueMap, error)
- func (m ValueMap) Clone() ValueMap
- func (m ValueMap) GetArray(key string, allowEmpty bool) ([]any, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetBool(key string, allowEmpty bool) (bool, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetBoolOpt(key string) bool
- func (m ValueMap) GetFloat(key string, allowEmpty bool) (float64, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetInt(key string, allowEmpty bool) (int, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetInt64(key string, allowEmpty bool) (int64, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetMap(key string, allowEmpty bool) (ValueMap, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetPath(path string, allowMissing bool) (any, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetRequired(k string) (any, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetString(key string, allowEmpty bool) (string, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetStringArray(key string, allowEmpty bool) ([]string, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetStringOpt(key string) string
- func (m ValueMap) GetTime(key string, allowEmpty bool) (*time.Time, error)
- func (m ValueMap) GetType(key string, ret any) error
- func (m ValueMap) GetUUID(key string, allowEmpty bool) (*uuid.UUID, error)
- func (m ValueMap) Keys() []string
- func (m ValueMap) KeysAndValues() ([]string, []any)
- func (m ValueMap) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
- func (m ValueMap) Merge(args ...ValueMap) ValueMap
- func (m ValueMap) ParseArray(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) ([]any, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseArrayInt(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) ([]int, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseArrayString(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) ([]string, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseBool(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (bool, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseFloat(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (float64, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseInt(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (int, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseMap(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (ValueMap, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseString(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (string, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseTime(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (*time.Time, error)
- func (m ValueMap) ParseUUID(path string, allowMissing bool, allowEmpty bool) (*uuid.UUID, error)
- func (m ValueMap) SetPath(path string, val any) error
- func (m ValueMap) ToQueryString() string
Constants ¶
const ( BoolTrue = "true" AppKey = "admini" AppName = "Admini" AppSummary = "Use Admini to explore and manage your data as fast and easily as possible" AppPort = 14000 AppContact = "Kyle U <>" AppURL = "" AppSource = "" AppLegal = `Built by <a href="">Kyle U</a>, all rights reserved` )
Variables ¶
var SVGIconKeys = []string{"app", "apple", "archive", "backward", "bell", "bolt", "bookmark", "calendar", "camera", "cart", "check", "clock", "code", "cog", "comment", "compass", "database", "dna", "dot", "down", "download", "edit", "export", "file", "file-text", "filter", "fingerprint", "fire", "flag", "folder", "folder-open", "forward", "github", "graph", "grid", "handle", "happy", "hashtag", "heart", "image", "import", "info", "left", "link", "linux", "list", "location", "lock", "mail", "mail-open", "medal", "meh", "microphone", "minus", "pencil", "play", "plus", "poo", "print", "profile", "question", "refresh", "reply", "right", "robot", "sad", "searchbox", "server", "settings", "share", "social", "sort", "star", "struct", "tag", "thumbs-down", "thumbs-up", "tools", "trash", "trophy", "unlock", "up", "upload", "users", "warning", "windows", "world", "wrench"}
var SVGLibrary = map[string]string{
"app": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-app" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 16 4 C 9.382813 4 4 9.382813 4 16 C 4 22.617188 9.382813 28 16 28 C 22.617188 28 28 22.617188 28 16 C 28 9.382813 22.617188 4 16 4 Z M 14.96875 6.0625 C 14.980469 6.0625 14.988281 6.0625 15 6.0625 L 15 7 L 17 7 L 17 6.0625 C 21.738281 6.527344 25.472656 10.261719 25.9375 15 L 25 15 L 25 17 L 25.9375 17 C 25.472656 21.738281 21.738281 25.472656 17 25.9375 L 17 25 L 15 25 L 15 25.9375 C 10.261719 25.472656 6.527344 21.738281 6.0625 17 L 7 17 L 7 15 L 6.0625 15 C 6.527344 10.269531 10.246094 6.539063 14.96875 6.0625 Z M 22.5 9.5 L 14.15625 14.15625 L 9.5 22.5 L 17.84375 17.84375 Z M 16 14.5 C 16.828125 14.5 17.5 15.171875 17.5 16 C 17.5 16.828125 16.828125 17.5 16 17.5 C 15.171875 17.5 14.5 16.828125 14.5 16 C 14.5 15.171875 15.171875 14.5 16 14.5 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-app" /></svg>`,
"apple": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-apple" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 20.84375 2 C 19.203125 2 17.546875 2.851563 16.4375 4.15625 L 16.4375 4.1875 C 15.648438 5.167969 14.792969 6.714844 15.0625 8.5 C 14.933594 8.449219 14.925781 8.464844 14.78125 8.40625 C 14.089844 8.125 13.234375 7.8125 12.21875 7.8125 C 8.238281 7.8125 5.21875 11.417969 5.21875 16.15625 C 5.21875 19.222656 6.25 22.097656 7.625 24.25 C 8.3125 25.328125 9.09375 26.214844 9.90625 26.875 C 10.71875 27.535156 11.570313 28 12.53125 28 C 13.492188 28 14.210938 27.675781 14.75 27.4375 C 15.289063 27.199219 15.707031 27 16.5 27 C 17.214844 27 17.578125 27.195313 18.125 27.4375 C 18.671875 27.679688 19.417969 28 20.40625 28 C 21.476563 28 22.386719 27.476563 23.125 26.8125 C 23.863281 26.148438 24.484375 25.292969 25 24.46875 C 25.515625 23.644531 25.921875 22.835938 26.21875 22.1875 C 26.367188 21.863281 26.476563 21.59375 26.5625 21.375 C 26.648438 21.15625 26.691406 21.09375 26.75 20.84375 L 26.9375 20.03125 L 26.1875 19.6875 C 26.011719 19.609375 25.3125 19.261719 24.6875 18.625 C 24.0625 17.988281 23.53125 17.117188 23.53125 15.78125 C 23.53125 14.488281 24.027344 13.621094 24.5625 13 C 24.828125 12.691406 25.105469 12.4375 25.3125 12.28125 C 25.417969 12.203125 25.5 12.164063 25.5625 12.125 C 25.625 12.085938 25.613281 12.097656 25.71875 12.03125 L 26.5625 11.5 L 26 10.65625 C 24.367188 8.144531 21.753906 7.8125 20.71875 7.8125 C 20.238281 7.8125 19.898438 7.980469 19.46875 8.0625 C 19.710938 7.835938 20.023438 7.695313 20.21875 7.4375 C 20.222656 7.433594 20.214844 7.410156 20.21875 7.40625 C 20.230469 7.394531 20.242188 7.386719 20.25 7.375 L 20.28125 7.375 C 21.347656 6.183594 21.9375 4.582031 21.84375 2.9375 L 21.78125 2 Z M 19.65625 4.3125 C 19.484375 4.972656 19.203125 5.601563 18.75 6.09375 L 18.6875 6.15625 C 18.304688 6.671875 17.714844 7.054688 17.125 7.28125 C 17.289063 6.628906 17.574219 5.96875 17.96875 5.46875 C 17.976563 5.457031 17.992188 5.449219 18 5.4375 C 18.4375 4.9375 19.042969 4.5625 19.65625 4.3125 Z M 12.21875 9.8125 C 12.777344 9.8125 13.390625 10.023438 14.03125 10.28125 C 14.671875 10.539063 15.269531 10.875 16.125 10.875 C 16.976563 10.875 17.621094 10.539063 18.375 10.28125 C 19.128906 10.023438 19.933594 9.8125 20.71875 9.8125 C 21.242188 9.8125 22.535156 10.144531 23.625 11.15625 C 23.433594 11.328125 23.265625 11.453125 23.0625 11.6875 C 22.300781 12.570313 21.53125 13.945313 21.53125 15.78125 C 21.53125 17.6875 22.363281 19.121094 23.25 20.03125 C 23.800781 20.59375 24.140625 20.726563 24.5625 20.96875 C 24.507813 21.09375 24.476563 21.191406 24.40625 21.34375 C 24.136719 21.929688 23.765625 22.679688 23.3125 23.40625 C 22.859375 24.132813 22.308594 24.839844 21.78125 25.3125 C 21.253906 25.785156 20.78125 26 20.40625 26 C 19.839844 26 19.507813 25.84375 18.9375 25.59375 C 18.367188 25.34375 17.582031 25 16.5 25 C 15.363281 25 14.523438 25.335938 13.9375 25.59375 C 13.351563 25.851563 13.046875 26 12.53125 26 C 12.285156 26 11.753906 25.800781 11.15625 25.3125 C 10.558594 24.824219 9.902344 24.082031 9.3125 23.15625 C 8.128906 21.304688 7.21875 18.761719 7.21875 16.15625 C 7.21875 12.214844 9.417969 9.8125 12.21875 9.8125 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-apple" /></svg>`,
"archive": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-archive" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 4 5 L 4 11 L 5 11 L 5 27 L 27 27 L 27 11 L 28 11 L 28 5 Z M 6 7 L 26 7 L 26 9 L 6 9 Z M 7 11 L 25 11 L 25 25 L 7 25 Z M 12.8125 13 C 12.261719 13.050781 11.855469 13.542969 11.90625 14.09375 C 11.957031 14.644531 12.449219 15.050781 13 15 L 19 15 C 19.359375 15.003906 19.695313 14.816406 19.878906 14.503906 C 20.058594 14.191406 20.058594 13.808594 19.878906 13.496094 C 19.695313 13.183594 19.359375 12.996094 19 13 L 13 13 C 12.96875 13 12.9375 13 12.90625 13 C 12.875 13 12.84375 13 12.8125 13 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-archive" /></svg>`,
"backward": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-backward" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 17 5 L 15.40625 6.1875 L 3.40625 15.1875 L 2.34375 16 L 3.40625 16.8125 L 15.40625 25.8125 L 17 27 L 17 19.625 L 25.40625 25.8125 L 27 26.96875 L 27 5.03125 L 25.40625 6.1875 L 17 12.375 Z M 25 8.96875 L 25 23.03125 L 16.59375 16.84375 L 15.46875 16 L 16.59375 15.15625 Z M 15 9 L 15 23 L 5.6875 16 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-backward" /></svg>`,
"bell": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-bell" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 16 3 C 14.894531 3 14 3.894531 14 5 C 14 5.085938 14.019531 5.167969 14.03125 5.25 C 10.574219 6.132813 8 9.273438 8 13 L 8 22 C 8 22.566406 7.566406 23 7 23 L 6 23 L 6 25 L 13.1875 25 C 13.074219 25.316406 13 25.648438 13 26 C 13 27.644531 14.355469 29 16 29 C 17.644531 29 19 27.644531 19 26 C 19 25.648438 18.925781 25.316406 18.8125 25 L 26 25 L 26 23 L 25 23 C 24.433594 23 24 22.566406 24 22 L 24 13.28125 C 24 9.523438 21.488281 6.171875 17.96875 5.25 C 17.980469 5.167969 18 5.085938 18 5 C 18 3.894531 17.105469 3 16 3 Z M 15.5625 7 C 15.707031 6.988281 15.851563 7 16 7 C 16.0625 7 16.125 7 16.1875 7 C 19.453125 7.097656 22 9.960938 22 13.28125 L 22 22 C 22 22.351563 22.074219 22.683594 22.1875 23 L 9.8125 23 C 9.925781 22.683594 10 22.351563 10 22 L 10 13 C 10 9.824219 12.445313 7.226563 15.5625 7 Z M 16 25 C 16.5625 25 17 25.4375 17 26 C 17 26.5625 16.5625 27 16 27 C 15.4375 27 15 26.5625 15 26 C 15 25.4375 15.4375 25 16 25 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-bell" /></svg>`,
"bolt": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-bolt" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 16 6 L 16 15 L 20 16 L 16.101563 26 L 16 26 L 16 17.96875 L 12 16.96875 L 15.898438 6 L 16 6 M 18 4 L 14.488281 4 L 14.015625 5.328125 L 10.113281 16.300781 L 9.378906 18.375 L 11.515625 18.910156 L 14 19.53125 L 14 28 L 17.46875 28 L 17.964844 26.726563 L 21.863281 16.726563 L 22.6875 14.609375 L 18 13.4375 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-bolt" /></svg>`,
"bookmark": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-bookmark" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 7 5 L 7 28 L 8.59375 26.8125 L 16 21.25 L 23.40625 26.8125 L 25 28 L 25 5 Z M 9 7 L 23 7 L 23 24 L 16.59375 19.1875 L 16 18.75 L 15.40625 19.1875 L 9 24 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-bookmark" /></svg>`,
"calendar": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-calendar" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 9 4 L 9 5 L 5 5 L 5 27 L 27 27 L 27 5 L 23 5 L 23 4 L 21 4 L 21 5 L 11 5 L 11 4 Z M 7 7 L 9 7 L 9 8 L 11 8 L 11 7 L 21 7 L 21 8 L 23 8 L 23 7 L 25 7 L 25 9 L 7 9 Z M 7 11 L 25 11 L 25 25 L 7 25 Z M 13 13 L 13 15 L 15 15 L 15 13 Z M 17 13 L 17 15 L 19 15 L 19 13 Z M 21 13 L 21 15 L 23 15 L 23 13 Z M 9 17 L 9 19 L 11 19 L 11 17 Z M 13 17 L 13 19 L 15 19 L 15 17 Z M 17 17 L 17 19 L 19 19 L 19 17 Z M 21 17 L 21 19 L 23 19 L 23 17 Z M 9 21 L 9 23 L 11 23 L 11 21 Z M 13 21 L 13 23 L 15 23 L 15 21 Z M 17 21 L 17 23 L 19 23 L 19 21 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-calendar" /></svg>`,
"camera": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-camera" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 11.5 6 L 11.1875 6.40625 L 10 8 L 3 8 L 3 26 L 29 26 L 29 8 L 22 8 L 20.8125 6.40625 L 20.5 6 Z M 12.5 8 L 19.5 8 L 20.6875 9.59375 L 21 10 L 27 10 L 27 24 L 5 24 L 5 10 L 11 10 L 11.3125 9.59375 Z M 8 11 C 7.449219 11 7 11.449219 7 12 C 7 12.550781 7.449219 13 8 13 C 8.550781 13 9 12.550781 9 12 C 9 11.449219 8.550781 11 8 11 Z M 16 11 C 12.699219 11 10 13.699219 10 17 C 10 20.300781 12.699219 23 16 23 C 19.300781 23 22 20.300781 22 17 C 22 13.699219 19.300781 11 16 11 Z M 16 13 C 18.222656 13 20 14.777344 20 17 C 20 19.222656 18.222656 21 16 21 C 13.777344 21 12 19.222656 12 17 C 12 14.777344 13.777344 13 16 13 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-camera" /></svg>`,
"cart": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-cart" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 5 7 C 4.449219 7 4 7.449219 4 8 C 4 8.550781 4.449219 9 5 9 L 7.21875 9 L 9.84375 19.5 C 10.066406 20.390625 10.863281 21 11.78125 21 L 23.25 21 C 24.152344 21 24.917969 20.402344 25.15625 19.53125 L 27.75 10 L 11 10 L 11.5 12 L 25.15625 12 L 23.25 19 L 11.78125 19 L 9.15625 8.5 C 8.933594 7.609375 8.136719 7 7.21875 7 Z M 22 21 C 20.355469 21 19 22.355469 19 24 C 19 25.644531 20.355469 27 22 27 C 23.644531 27 25 25.644531 25 24 C 25 22.355469 23.644531 21 22 21 Z M 13 21 C 11.355469 21 10 22.355469 10 24 C 10 25.644531 11.355469 27 13 27 C 14.644531 27 16 25.644531 16 24 C 16 22.355469 14.644531 21 13 21 Z M 13 23 C 13.5625 23 14 23.4375 14 24 C 14 24.5625 13.5625 25 13 25 C 12.4375 25 12 24.5625 12 24 C 12 23.4375 12.4375 23 13 23 Z M 22 23 C 22.5625 23 23 23.4375 23 24 C 23 24.5625 22.5625 25 22 25 C 21.4375 25 21 24.5625 21 24 C 21 23.4375 21.4375 23 22 23 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-cart" /></svg>`,
"check": `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><symbol id="svg-check" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path class="svg-fill" d="M 28.28125 6.28125 L 11 23.5625 L 3.71875 16.28125 L 2.28125 17.71875 L 10.28125 25.71875 L 11 26.40625 L 11.71875 25.71875 L 29.71875 7.71875 Z" /></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-check" /></svg>`,
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Functions ¶
func ArrayFromAny ¶ added in v0.2.3
func ArrayRemoveDuplicates ¶ added in v0.2.4
func ArrayRemoveDuplicates[T comparable](x []T) []T
func AsyncCollect ¶ added in v0.2.1
func DecryptMessage ¶
func EncryptMessage ¶
func ErrorMerge ¶ added in v0.2.5
func FromJSONInterface ¶
func FromJSONInterface(msg json.RawMessage) (any, error)
func FromJSONStrict ¶
func FromJSONStrict(msg json.RawMessage, tgt any) error
func GetEnvBool ¶ added in v0.2.1
func GetEnvDuration ¶ added in v0.2.5
func HashSHA256 ¶
HashSHA256 returns a Base64-encoded string representing the SHA-256 hash of the argument.
func InterfaceArrayFrom ¶ added in v0.1.43
func MicrosToMillis ¶
func NowPointer ¶
func RandomBool ¶
func RandomBool() bool
func RandomBytes ¶
func RandomDate ¶
func RandomFloat ¶ added in v0.2.9
func RandomString ¶
func ReplaceEnvVars ¶
func RunProcess ¶
func StringArrayMaxLength ¶
func StringArrayOxfordComma ¶
func StringArrayQuoted ¶
func StringForms ¶
func StringPlural ¶
func StringPluralMaybe ¶
func StringRepeat ¶
func StringSplitAndTrim ¶
func StringToCamel ¶
func StringToLowerCamel ¶
func StringToPlural ¶
func StringToSingular ¶
func StringToSnake ¶ added in v0.2.5
func StringToTitle ¶
func StringTruncate ¶
func TimeCurrentMillis ¶
func TimeCurrentMillis() int64
func TimeRelative ¶
func TimeToFull ¶
func TimeToHTML ¶
func ToJSONBytes ¶
func ToJSONCompact ¶
func UUIDFromString ¶
Types ¶
type DebugInfo ¶
type DebugInfo struct { Tags *OrderedMap[string] Mods []*debug.Module }
func GetDebugInfo ¶
type Diff ¶
type ErrorDetail ¶
type ErrorDetail struct { Message string `json:"message"` StackTrace errors.StackTrace `json:"-"` Cause *ErrorDetail `json:"cause,omitempty"` }
func GetErrorDetail ¶
func GetErrorDetail(e error) *ErrorDetail
type ErrorFrame ¶
func TraceDetail ¶
func TraceDetail(trace errors.StackTrace) []ErrorFrame
type KeyTypeDesc ¶ added in v0.1.42
type KeyTypeDesc struct { Key string `json:"key"` Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` }
func (*KeyTypeDesc) Array ¶ added in v0.1.42
func (k *KeyTypeDesc) Array(key string) []string
type KeyTypeDescs ¶ added in v0.1.42
type KeyTypeDescs []*KeyTypeDesc
func (KeyTypeDescs) Array ¶ added in v0.1.42
func (k KeyTypeDescs) Array(key string) [][]string
func (KeyTypeDescs) Sort ¶ added in v0.1.42
func (k KeyTypeDescs) Sort()
type KeyValInts ¶ added in v0.2.1
type KeyValInts []*KeyValInt
func (KeyValInts) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (k KeyValInts) String() string
func (KeyValInts) ToMap ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (k KeyValInts) ToMap() map[string]int
type Logger ¶ added in v0.2.4
type Logger = *zap.SugaredLogger
type OrderedMap ¶
func NewOrderedMap ¶
func NewOrderedMap[V any](lexical bool, capacity int) *OrderedMap[V]
func (*OrderedMap[V]) Append ¶
func (o *OrderedMap[V]) Append(k string, v V)
func (*OrderedMap[V]) Get ¶
func (o *OrderedMap[V]) Get(k string) (V, bool)
func (*OrderedMap[V]) GetSimple ¶
func (o *OrderedMap[V]) GetSimple(k string) V
func (OrderedMap[V]) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o OrderedMap[V]) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (OrderedMap[V]) MarshalXML ¶
func (o OrderedMap[V]) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (OrderedMap[V]) MarshalYAML ¶
func (o OrderedMap[V]) MarshalYAML() (any, error)
func (*OrderedMap[V]) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *OrderedMap[V]) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Timer ¶ added in v0.1.43
func TimerStart ¶
func TimerStart() *Timer